Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 81 in total

  1. Teng CL, Achike FI, Phua KL, Norhayati Y, Nurjahan MI, Nor AH, et al.
    Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2004 Nov;24(5):496-501.
    PMID: 15519484 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2004.06.015
    Antibiotic prescribing by primary care doctors has received renewed interest due to the continuing emergence of antibiotic resistance and the attendant cost to healthcare. We examined the antibiotic prescribing rate in relation to selected socio-demographic characteristics of the prescribers at the Seremban Health Clinic, a large public primary care clinic, designated for teaching, in the state of Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Data were obtained from: (1) retrospective review of prescriptions for the month of June 2002 and (2) a questionnaire survey of prescribers. A total of 10667 prescriptions were reviewed. The overall antibiotic prescribing rate was 15%; the rate (16%) was higher for the general Outpatient Department (OPD) than the 3% for the Maternal & Child Health Clinic (MCH). The antibiotic prescription rates for upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) were 26% and 16%, respectively, for the OPD and MCH. Half of all the antibiotic prescriptions were for URTI making prescribing for URTI an appropriate target for educational intervention. The URTI-specific antibiotic prescription rate did not correlate with the prescribers' intention to specialise, patient load, perceived patient's expectation for an antibiotic, or the score for knowledge of streptococcal tonsillitis. Prescribing behaviours and record-keeping practices requiring correction were identified.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  2. Chan CW, Wang J, Bouniu JJ, Singh P, Teng CL
    Poor adherence to anti-hypertensive agents may be a major contributor for suboptimal blood pressure control among patients with hypertension. This study was conducted to assess the adherence to antihypertensive agents using Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8) among primary care patients, and to determine whether the blood pressure control is associated with the level of adherence.
  3. Chia YC, Beh HC, Ng CJ, Teng CL, Hanafi NS, Choo WY, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2016 12 01;6(12):e011925.
    PMID: 27909033 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011925
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of knee pain among 3 major ethnic groups in Malaysia. By identifying high-risk groups, preventive measures can be targeted at these populations.

    DESIGN AND SETTING: A cross-sectional survey was carried out in rural and urban areas in a state in Malaysia. Secondary schools were randomly selected and used as sampling units.

    PARTICIPANTS: Adults aged ≥18 years old were invited to answer a self-administered questionnaire on pain experienced over the previous 6 months. Out of 9300 questionnaires distributed, 5206 were returned and 150 participants who did not fall into the 3 ethnic groups were excluded, yielding a total of 5056 questionnaires for analysis. 58.2% (n=2926) were women. 50% (n=2512) were Malays, 41.4% (n=2079) were Chinese and 8.6% (n=434) were Indians.

    RESULTS: 21.1% (n=1069) had knee pain during the previous 6 months. More Indians (31.8%) experienced knee pain compared with Malays (24.3%) and Chinese (15%) (p<0.001). The odds of Indian women reporting knee pain was twofold higher compared with Malay women. There was a rising trend in the prevalence of knee pain with increasing age (p<0.001). The association between age and knee pain appeared to be stronger in women than men. 68.1% of Indians used analgesia for knee pain while 75.4% of Malays and 52.1% of Chinese did so (p<0.001). The most common analgesic used for knee pain across all groups was topical medicated oil (43.7%).

    CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of knee pain in adults was more common in Indian women and older women age groups and Chinese men had the lowest prevalence of knee pain. Further studies should investigate the reasons for these differences.

  4. Wong CH, Sultan Shah ZU, Teng CL, Lin TQ, Majeed ZA, Chan CW
    Asian J Psychiatr, 2016 Dec;24:110-117.
    PMID: 27931891 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2016.08.020
    BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorders are common mental health disorders with significant impact on the individual as well as burden on the country as a whole.
    METHODS: A systematic review of databases, reference lists, internet sources, and input from content experts revealed 42 studies that documented the prevalence of anxiety symptoms or disorders. 12 of these studies specifically evaluated anxiety disorders.
    RESULTS: 4 studies looked at the prevalence of anxiety disorders in the general population, whilst the remainder focused on selected population groups: university students (4 studies); substance abuse (3 studies); and victims of abuse (1 study). Studies in the general population showed that the prevalence of generalised anxiety disorder was 0.4-5.6%, mixed anxiety and depression were 3-5%, panic without agoraphobia 0.4%, phobia unspecified 0.5-%, and anxiety not-otherwise-specified 0.3-6.5%. We found significant variability in anxiety disorders in the studies in selected population groups. The variability could also have been affected by methodological factors within each study.
    CONCLUSION: This study provides a broad overview of the prevalence of anxiety disorders in Malaysia. More research is required to develop diagnostic instruments that are validated for local use and comparable with international standards. Reliable prevalence estimates are lacking within certain groups, e.g. those in rural, indigenous, migrant population groups and those exposed to natural disasters.
  5. Ismail M, Teng CL, Teng CL, Omar M, Ho BK, Kusiar Z, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 2013 Jul;54(7):391-5.
    PMID: 23900469
    INTRODUCTION: Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) has been underutilised. We conducted an open-label, randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility of introducing SMBG in primary care clinics in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This was an open-label, randomised controlled trial conducted in five public primary care clinics in Malaysia. Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (age range 35-65 years) not performing SMBG at the time of the study were randomised to receive either a glucometer for SMBG or usual care. Both groups of patients received similar diabetes care from the clinics.

    RESULTS: A total of 105 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were enrolled. Of these, 58 and 47 were randomised to intervention and control groups, respectively. After six months, the glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level in the intervention group showed a statistically significant improvement of 1.3% (p = 0.001; 95% confidence interval 0.6-2.0), relative to the control group that underwent usual care. The percentages of patients that reached the HbA1c treatment target of ≤ 7% were 14.0% and 32.1% in the control and intervention groups (p = 0.036), respectively.

    CONCLUSION: The usage of a glucometer improved glycaemic control, possibly due to the encouragement of greater self-care in the intervention group.
  6. Liew SM, Tong SF, Lee VK, Ng CJ, Leong KC, Teng CL
    Br J Gen Pract, 2009 Dec;59(569):916-20.
    PMID: 19712544 DOI: 10.3399/bjgp09X472250
    BACKGROUND: Non-attendance results in administrative problems and disruption in patient care. Several interventions have been used to reduce non-attendance, with varying degree of success. A relatively new intervention, text messaging, has been shown to be as effective as telephone reminders in reducing non-attendance. However, no study has looked specifically at using text messaging reminders to reduce non-attendance in chronic disease care.

    AIM: To determine if text messaging would be effective in reducing non-attendance in patients on long-term followup, compared with telephone reminders and no reminder.

    DESIGN OF STUDY: A randomised controlled trial with three arms: text messaging reminder, telephone reminder, and control.

    SETTING: Two primary care clinics in Malaysia.

    METHOD: A total of 931 subjects who had been on at least 6 months of follow-up were randomised into the three groups. Demographic variables were recorded at the first visit. In the intervention arms, a reminder was sent 24–48 hours prior to the appointment. Non-attendance rate was documented at the second visit. Non-attenders were defined as those who did not attend, attended early, or attended late without rescheduling their appointment. Attenders were defined as participants who had turned up for their scheduled appointment and those who had changed or cancelled their appointment with notification.

    RESULTS: The non-attendance rates in the text messaging group (odds ratio [OR] = 0.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.41 to 0.93, P = 0.020) and the telephone reminder group (OR = 0.53, 95% CI = 0.35 to 0.81), P = 0.003) were significantly lower than the control group. The absolute non-attendance rate for telephone reminders was lower by 2% compared to the text messaging group. This difference was not found to be statistically significant (P = 0.505).

    CONCLUSION: Text messaging was found to be as effective as telephone reminder in reducing non-attendance in patients who required long-term follow-up for their chronic illnesses in this study. It could be used as an alternative to conventional reminder systems.

  7. Teng CL, Lee VKM, Malanashita G, Sulaiman LH, Bujang MA
    Malays J Med Sci, 2023 Feb;30(1):162-171.
    PMID: 36875195 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2023.30.1.14
    BACKGROUND: Many published studies in Malaysia have examined and assessed self care among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients using the Summary of Diabetes Self Care Activities (SDSCA) scale. The current paper is a meta-analysis of related studies that also examines how gender and ethnicity influence and shape T2DM self care practices in Malaysia.

    METHODS: We undertook a bibliographic search for studies conducted and published in Malaysia on T2DM adults using the SDSCA scale. This is a two-stage individual participant meta-analysis of SDSCA which synthesised the overall and subscale score based on gender and ethnic groups as well as the correlation between SDSCA and HbA1c.

    RESULTS: We examined 11 studies that utilised SDSCA to analyse 3,720 T2DM patients. The overall SDSCA score was 33.46 (47.8% of the 7-day week). The subscale score for general diet, specific diet, exercise, blood glucose self-monitoring and foot care were 4.80, 4.09, 2.87, 1.80 and 3.21, respectively. A small but statistically significant better self care in some gender or ethnic groups was noted. The SDSCA diet subscale and HbA1c showed statistically significant correlation.

    CONCLUSION: The finding suggested Malaysian T2DM patients were deficient in exercise and blood glucose self-monitoring. In fact, overall self care among Malaysian adult T2DM patients appears to be suboptimal across gender and the three main ethnic groups. Greater efforts are therefore needed to educate Malaysian adult T2DM patients to improve their self care practices.

  8. Vijan K, Ali A, Mohamed Idrus NA, Lourdesamy P, Margammuthu S, Perumal S, et al.
    PMID: 39220239 DOI: 10.51866/oa.629
    INTRODUCTION: Metabolic-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD) is the liver manifestation of metabolic syndrome, which is commonly seen in primary care settings. This study aimed to determine the knowledge and practice of primary care physicians regarding MAFLD in Seremban District, Negeri Sembilan.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among medical officers in 14 health clinics in Seremban District, using a validated, self-administered online questionnaire.

    RESULTS: A total of 240 medical officers from 14 health clinics in Seremban District, participated in this study. Most participants (85.4%) passed the knowledge test. Their practice was acceptable, but only a minority were familiar with non-invasive testing of liver fibrosis (e.g. APRI or FIB-4), medication and specific diet for the treatment of MAFLD.

    CONCLUSION: Most primary care physicians in Seremban District are knowledgeable in identifying risk factors and managing patients with MAFLD. However, there are still areas to improve in terms of management, particularly regarding the use of silymarin, vitamin E and pioglitazone.

  9. Teng CL, Tong SF, Khoo EM, Lee V, Zailinawati AH, Mimi O, et al.
    Aust Fam Physician, 2011 May;40(5):325-9.
    PMID: 21597554
    Background: Overprescription of antibiotics is a continuing problem in primary care. This study aims to assess the antibiotic prescribing rates and antibiotic choices for upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and urinary tract infections (UTI) in Malaysian primary care.
    Method: Antibiotic prescribing data for URTI and UTI was extracted from a morbidity survey of randomly selected primary care clinics in Malaysia.
    Results: Analysis was performed of 1163 URTI and 105 UTI encounters. Antibiotic prescribing rates for URTI and UTI were 33.8% and 57.1% respectively. Antibiotic prescribing rates were higher in private clinics compared to public clinics for URTI, but not for UTI. In URTI encounters, the majority of antibiotics prescribed were penicillins and macrolides, but penicillin V was notably underused. In UTI encounters, the antibiotics prescribed were predominantly penicillins or cotrimoxazole.
    Discussion: Greater effort is needed to bring about evidence based antibiotic prescribing in Malaysian primary care, especially for URTIs in private clinics.
    Keywords: general practice, prescriptions, drug; upper respiratory tract infection; urinary tract infection; antibiotics, guideline; evidence based medicine
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Malaysia
  10. Tong SF, Khoo EM, Nordin S, Teng CL, Lee VK, Zailinawati AH, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2012 Sep;24(5):764-75.
    PMID: 21659332 DOI: 10.1177/1010539511402190
    This study aimed to compare the process of care and the choice of antihypertensive medications used in both public and private primary care clinics in Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey was completed in 2008 on randomly selected 100 public health clinics and 114 private primary care clinics in Malaysia. A total of 4076 patient records, 3753 (92.1%) from public clinics and 323 (7.9%) from private clinics were analyzed. Less than 80% of the records documented the recommended clinical and laboratory assessments. The rates of documentation for smoking status, family history of premature death, retinal assessment, and urine albumin tests were lower in public clinics. Overall, 21% of the prescription practices were less than optimal. The process of care and the use of antihypertensive medications were not satisfactory in both settings.
  11. Das Gupta E, Zailinawati AH, Lim AW, Chan JB, Yap SH, Hla YY, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Jun;64(2):111-3.
    PMID: 20058568 MyJurnal
    In Malaysia, it is a common belief among health care workers that females and Indians have lower pain threshold. This experience, although based on anecdotal experience in the healthcare setting, does not allow differentiation between pain tolerance, and pain expression. To determine whether there is a difference in the tolerance to pain between the three main ethnic groups, namely the Malays, Chinese and Indians as well as between males and females. This was a prospective study, using a laboratory pain model (ischaemic pain tolerance) to determine the pain tolerance of 152 IMU medical students. The mean age of the students was 21.8 years (range 18-29 years). All of them were unmarried. The median of ischaemic pain tolerance for Malays, Chinese and Indians were 639s, 695s and 613s respectively (p = 0.779). However, statistically significant difference in ischaemic pain tolerance for males and females Indian students were observed. Possible ethnic difference in pain tolerance in casual observation is not verified by this laboratory pain model. Difference in pain tolerance between genders is shown only for Indians.
  12. Lai PS, Sim SM, Chua SS, Tan CH, Ng CJ, Achike FI, et al.
    BMC Med Educ, 2015;15:153.
    PMID: 26391883 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0433-z
    BACKGROUND: Prescribing incompetence is an important factor that contributes to prescribing error, and this is often due to inadequate training during medical schools. We therefore aimed to develop and validate an instrument to assess the prescribing readiness of medical students (PROMS) in Malaysia.
    METHODS: The PROMS comprised of 26 items with four domains: undergraduate learning opportunities; hands-on clinical skills practice; information gathering behaviour; and factors affecting the learning of prescribing skills. The first three domains were adapted from an existing questionnaire, while items from the last domain were formulated based on findings from a nominal group discussion. Face and content validity was determined by an expert panel, pilot tested in a class of final year (Year 5) medical students, and assessed using the Flesch reading ease. To assess the reliability of the PROMS, the internal consistency and test-retest (at baseline and 2 weeks later) were assessed using the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and Spearman's rho. The discriminative validity of the PROMS was assessed using the Mann-Whitney U-test (to assess if the PROMS could discriminate between final year medical students from a public and a private university).
    RESULTS: A total of 119 medical students were recruited. Flesch reading ease was 46.9, indicating that the instrument was suitable for use in participants undergoing tertiary education. The overall Cronbach alpha value of the PROMS was 0.695, which was satisfactory. Test-retest showed no difference for 25/26 items, indicating that our instrument was reliable. Responses from the public and private university final year medical students were significantly different in 10/26 items, indicating that the PROMS was able to discriminate between these two groups. Medical students from the private university reported fewer learning opportunities and hands-on practice compared to those from the public university. On the other hand, medical students from the private university reported more frequent use of both web based and non-web-based resources compared to their public university counterparts.
    CONCLUSIONS: The PROMS instrument was found to be a reliable and valid tool for assessing medical students' readiness to prescribe in Malaysia. It may also inform on the adequacy of medical programmes in training prescribing skills.
  13. Voon K, Tan YF, Leong PP, Teng CL, Gunnasekaran R, Ujang K, et al.
    J Med Virol, 2015 Dec;87(12):2149-53.
    PMID: 26106066 DOI: 10.1002/jmv.24304
    This study aims to assess the incidence rate of Pteropine orthreovirus (PRV) infection in patients with acute upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) in a suburban setting in Malaysia, where bats are known to be present in the neighborhood. Using molecular detection of PRVs directly from oropharyngeal swabs, our study demonstrates that PRV is among one of the common causative agents of acute URTI with cough and sore throat as the commonest presenting clinical features. Phylogenetic analysis on partial major outer and inner capsid proteins shows that these PRV strains are closely related to Melaka and Kampar viruses previously isolated in Malaysia. Further study is required to determine the public health significance of PRV infection in Southeast Asia, especially in cases where co-infection with other pathogens may potentially lead to different clinical outcomes.
  14. Teng CL, Tey KK, Lim PH, Cheng SF, Nordin MS, Ng CM, et al.
    This is a questionnaire survey of dietary supplement usage among students in the International Medical University. Just over two-fifths of these students reported using dietary supplements daily. This high usage of dietary supplements is in contrast their expressed ambivalence about these products.
  15. Wong CH, Tan TR, Heng HY, Ramesh T, Ting PW, Lee WS, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 Aug;71(4):186-192.
    PMID: 27770117
    Open disclosure is poorly understood in Malaysia but is an ethical and professional responsibility. The objectives of this study were to determine: (1) the perception of parents regarding the severity of medical error in relation to medication use or diagnosis; (2) the preference of parents for information following the medical error and its relation to severity; and (3) the preference of parents with regards to disciplinary action, reporting, and legal action.
  16. Teng CL, Chia KM, D'Cruz J, Gomez CA, Muthusamy N, Saadon NS, et al.
    Fam Pract, 2020 10 19;37(5):637-640.
    PMID: 32417893 DOI: 10.1093/fampra/cmaa048
    BACKGROUND: It is uncertain whether peak flow measurement is best done in the standing or sitting position.

    METHODS: In this cross-over study, study participants were randomized to perform the initial peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurement in either standing or sitting position. The highest of three readings in each position were compared using paired t-test. A mean difference of

  17. Hawa A, Teng CL, Devaraj NK, Saadatun A, Rawaida AL, Chong FY, et al.
    PMID: 37449277 DOI: 10.51866/oa.100
    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of lipohypertrophy in insulin-injecting patients with diabetes at selected primary care clinics in Malaysia.

    METHOD: This cross-sectional study was conducted among adults aged ≥18 years with type 1 or 2 diabetes treated with insulin for at least 6 months at six selected public primary care clinics in Malaysia. The Injection Technique Questionnaire was used, and physical examination was conducted to detect the presence of lipohypertrophy. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted using IBM SPSS version 26.

    RESULTS: A total of 506 patients with type 2 diabetes were included in this study; of them, 60.47% were women, and 48.42% were Malays. The prevalence of lipohypertrophy was 39.6% (95% Confidence Interval, CI =35%-44%). The univariate analysis revealed that a larger number of injections per day, longer needle length, repeated use of needles, incorrect rotation of the injection site, longer insulin use duration, higher total insulin dose and higher HbA1c level were significantly associated with lipohypertrophy. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, incorrect rotation of the injection site was the only independent associated factor of lipohypertrophy.

    CONCLUSION: The prevalence of lipohypertrophy in this study is comparable with that in other studies. The identified associated factors of lipohypertrophy must be addressed in ongoing health education for insulin-injecting patients at Malaysian primary care clinics. Educating healthcare professionals and increasing awareness among patients with diabetes are important steps in preventing this complication.

  18. Mimi O, Tong SF, Nordin S, Teng CL, Khoo EM, Abdul-Rahman A, et al.
    Malays Fam Physician, 2011;6(1):19-25.
    PMID: 25606215 MyJurnal
    OBJECTIVES: To compare the morbidity patterns in public and private primary care clinics; determine patients' reasons for encounter (RFE) and diagnoses using the ICPC-2, and compare ten commonest diagnoses and RFEs.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study on randomly selected clinics was conducted nationwide. Doctors completed the Patient Encounter Record (PER) for systematically selected encounters for a week.
    RESULTS: Response rate was 82.0% (public clinic) and 33% (private clinic) with 4262 encounters and 7280 RFE. Overall, the three commonest disease categories encountered were respiratory (37.2%), general and unspecified (29.5%), and cardiovascular diseases (22.2%). Public and private clinics handled 27% versus 50% acute cases and 20.0% versus 3.1% chronic cases i.e. 33.7 and 5.6 chronic diseases per 100 RFE respectively.
    CONCLUSION: Doctors in public clinics saw more chronic and complex diseases as well as pregnancy related complaints and follow-up cases while in private clinics more acute and minor illnesses were seen. Health services should be integrated and support given to co-manage chronic diseases in both sectors.
    KEYWORDS: Malaysia; Primary practice; delivery of health care; morbidity pattern; reasons for encounter
  19. Teng CL, Achike FI, Phua KL, Nurjahan MI, Mastura I, Asiah HN, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Aug;61(3):323-31.
    PMID: 17240584
    We assessed the effectiveness of an educational intervention in reducing antibiotic prescribing in public primary care clinics in Malaysia. Twenty-nine medical officers in nine clinics received an educational intervention consisting of academic detailing from the resident Family Medicine Specialist, as well as an information leaflet. The antibiotic prescribing rates were assessed for six months - three months before and three months after the intervention. A total of 28,562 prescriptions were analyzed. Among participating doctors, general antibiotic prescribing rates for pre- and post-intervention phases were 14.3% and 11.0% (post-intervention vs pre-intervention RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.72 to 0.83). The URTI-specific antibiotic prescribing rates for pre- and post-intervention phases were 27.7% and 16.6%, respectively (post-intervention vs pre-intervention RR 0.60, 95% CI 0.54 to 0.66). No significant change in antibiotic prescribing rates was observed among primary care practitioners who did not participate in the study. This low cost educational intervention using both active and passive strategies focusing on URTI produced a statistically significant (and clinically important) reduction in antibiotic prescribing.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  20. Leong KC, Chen WS, Leong KW, Mastura I, Mimi O, Sheikh MA, et al.
    Fam Pract, 2006 Dec;23(6):699-705.
    PMID: 16916871
    BACKGROUND: Non-attendance is common in primary care and previous studies have reported that reminders were useful in reducing broken appointments.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of a text messaging reminder in improving attendance in primary care.
    Multicentre three-arm randomized controlled trial.
    SETTING: Seven primary care clinics in Malaysia. Participants. Patients (or their caregivers) who required follow-up at the clinics between 48 hours and 3 months from the recruitment date. Interventions. Two intervention arms consisted of text messaging and mobile phone reminders 24-48 hours prior to scheduled appointments. Control group did not receive any intervention. Outcome measures. Attendance rates and costs of interventions.
    RESULTS: A total of 993 participants were eligible for analysis. Attendance rates of control, text messaging and mobile phone reminder groups were 48.1, 59.0 and 59.6%, respectively. The attendance rate of the text messaging reminder group was significantly higher compared with that of the control group (odds ratio 1.59, 95% confidence interval 1.17 to 2.17, P = 0.005). There was no statistically significant difference in attendance rates between text messaging and mobile phone reminder groups. The cost of text messaging reminder (RM 0.45 per attendance) was lower than mobile phone reminder (RM 0.82 per attendance).
    CONCLUSIONS: Text messaging reminder system was effective in improving attendance rate in primary care. It was more cost-effective compared with the mobile phone reminder.
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