Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 662 in total

  1. Wan Hassan WE, Phipps RH, Owen E
    Trop Anim Health Prod, 1989 Aug;21(3):175-82.
    PMID: 2799944
    In experiments conducted over a four-year period the effect of pasture type (Setaria sphacelata and a Brachiaria decumbens/Leucaena leucocephala mixture), management system (rotational grazing and cut and carry) and level of concentrate supplement (0, 4 and 6 kg fresh weight/cow per day) on milk production in smallholder dairy units was examined. All units were 1 ha in size and stocked with five Sahiwal X Friesian cows. Milk yields/ha were higher from rotational grazing and the brachiaria/leucaena pasture when compared with the cut and carry system and the setaria pasture respectively. In subsequent experiments smallholder units were based on brachiaria/leucaena and rotational grazing. A supplement of 4 kg fresh weight of concentrate (11 MJ/kg DM and 150 g/kg DM CP) increased milk yield/ha from 7,760 to 13,045 kg while in a third trial milk yield/ha was further increased from 14,148 to 16,760 kg when concentrate level was raised from 4 to 6 kg fresh weight/day. The results indicate that smallholder dairy units in Malaysia could be economically viable and competitive with other agricultural enterprises such as rubber and oil palm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle/physiology*
  2. Kuan YH, Nafchi AM, Huda N, Ariffin F, Karim AA
    J Sci Food Agric, 2017 Mar;97(5):1663-1671.
    PMID: 27465360 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.7970
    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have indicated that duck feet are a rich source of gelatin extractable from avian sources. In this study, the physicochemical and functional properties of avian gelatin extracted from duck feet (DFG) with acetic acid were compared with those of commercial bovine gelatin (BG).

    RESULTS: The yield of DFG obtained in this study was 7.01 ± 0.31%. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis indicated that the imino acid content was slightly lower for DFG compared with BG (P < 0.05). Differences in molecular size and amino acids between DFG and BG were also observed. The isoelectric points of DFG and BG were at pH 8 and 5 respectively, and the overall protein solubility of BG was higher than that of DFG. Gels prepared from BG exhibited higher bloom strength, viscosity and clarity and were darker in colour compared with DFG gels (P < 0.05). The gelling and melting points of BG were 21.8 and 29.47 °C respectively, while those of DFG were 20.5 and 27.8 °C respectively. BG exhibited slightly better emulsifying and foaming properties compared with DFG.

    CONCLUSION: Although some differences between DFG and BG were observed, the disparities were small, which indicates that DFG could be exploited commercially as an alternative source of gelatin. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle*
  3. Bänziger H
    Rev. Suisse Zool., 1972;79(4):1381-469.
    PMID: 4671232
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases
  4. Bongso TA, Hilmi M, Sopian M, Zulkifli S
    Res Vet Sci, 1988 Mar;44(2):251-4.
    PMID: 3387680
    The chromosomes of five gaur (Bos gaurus hubbacki) domestic cattle (B indicus cross B taurus) hybrids (three females, two males) were studied using the leucocyte culture method and centromeric (C) banding technique. All the hybrids had a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 58, made up of two submetacentric autosomes (different in size) and 54 acrocentric autosomes, most of which could be arranged in pairs in descending order of size. The sex (X) chromosomes in females were a pair of submetacentric chromosomes smaller than the submetacentric autosomes. The Y chromosome in males was a small submetacentric chromosome. The C banding patterns were useful in identifying the X and Y chromosomes and the inherited submetacentric autosomes from the gaur sire. Phenotypically, the hybrids resembled normal B indicus cross B taurus calves except for the presence of a distinct hump-like dorsal ridge containing the spinous processes of the third to 11th thoracic vertebrae, upright 'deer-like' ears and long lean legs. The potential of these hybrids as important genetic resources for meat production is stressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle/genetics*
  5. Beausoleil NJ, Farouk MM, Webster J, Johnson CB, Dowling S, Sazili AQ, et al.
    N Z Vet J, 2024 Sep;72(5):288-299.
    PMID: 38946044 DOI: 10.1080/00480169.2024.2367532
    AIMS: To compare the recovery of lambs, goats, and calves from head-only (HO) or high-frequency head-to-body stunning and evaluate the complementary use of behaviour and electroencephalography (EEG) to assess return to consciousness after electrical stunning in these species.

    METHODS: Six-month-old lambs, adult goats and calves (< 7 days old) were subjected to reversible head-only stunning (50 Hz, 1 A, 2 seconds) or reversible high-frequency head-to-body stunning (RHTB: HO followed by 2,000 Hz, 2 A, 4-second stun to body). Following stunning, behavioural recovery was assessed in 21 lambs, 22 goats, and 20 calves. Latencies to first perform behaviours (end of convulsions, head lift, attempt to right, successful righting, attempt to stand, successful standing) after stunning were scored from video recordings. Recovery of electrical brain activity indicative of consciousness was assessed using EEG in a separate cohort of minimally-anaesthetised lambs, goats and calves (n = 20 per species). EEG traces collected before and after stunning were classified as normal, epileptiform, isoelectric, or transitional activity. Following stunning, the duration of epileptiform and isoelectric activity combined (states of brain activity incompatible with conscious awareness) was calculated, as was latency to return of normal (pre-stun) EEG.

    RESULTS: The RHTB stun was reversible in all three species, although one sheep failed to recover and was euthanised. Both methods caused tonic and clonic convulsions in all species. Behavioural recovery of sheep and calves was similar for both methods while goats took longer to recover from RHTB than HO stunning. There was no evidence of differences between methods in the duration of EEG incompatible with consciousness or the latency to recovery of normal EEG.

    CONCLUSIONS: Head-to-body stunning as applied here produced a reversible electrical stun in lambs, adult goats and young calves, although the benefits in terms of meat quality and operator safety are uncertain. Goats took longer to recover behaviourally from head-to-body stunning, possibly due to disrupted motor function, but there was no indication that post-stun unconsciousness lasted longer than following head-only stunning in any species. The normal behaviour for the animals' developmental age should be considered when deciding on behavioural indicators of recovery. The minimal anaesthesia model provided excellent quality EEG data that was valuable for interpretation of the behavioural responses.

    CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For the purposes of pre-slaughter stunning of sheep, goats and young calves, recovery appears comparable between the two methods, with all but 1/63 animals in the behaviour study recovering normal function.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle/physiology
  6. Urech R, Muharsini S, Tozer RS, Sumartono, Green PE, Brown GW, et al.
    Aust. Vet. J., 2014 Jan;92(1-2):28-32.
    PMID: 24471879 DOI: 10.1111/avj.12142
    To compare the sensitivity of inspections of cattle herds and adult fly trapping for detection of the Old World screw-worm fly (OWS).
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/epidemiology; Cattle Diseases/parasitology*
  7. Urech R, Green PE, Brown GW, Spradbery JP, Tozer RS, Mayer DG, et al.
    Vet Parasitol, 2012 Jul 6;187(3-4):486-90.
    PMID: 22575279 DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.03.046
    The performance of newly developed trapping systems for the Old World screw-worm fly, Chrysomya bezziana has been determined in field trials on cattle farms in Malaysia. The efficacy of non-sticky traps and new attractants to trap C. bezziana and non-target flies was compared with the standard sticky trap and Swormlure. The optimal trap was a modified LuciTrap(®) with a new attractant mixture, Bezzilure-2. The LuciTrap/Bezzilure-2 caught on average 3.1 times more C. bezziana than the sticky trap with Swormlure (P<0.05) and provided selectivity for C. bezziana against Chrysomya megacephala and Chrysomya rufifacies with factors of 5.9 and 6.4, respectively. The LuciTrap also discriminates with factors of 90 and 3.6 against Hemipyrellia sp. and sarcophagid flesh flies respectively, compared to the sticky trap. The LuciTrap/Bezzilure-2 system is recommended for screwworm fly surveillance as it is more attractive and selective towards C. bezziana and provides flies of better quality for identification than the sticky trap.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/parasitology; Cattle Diseases/prevention & control
  8. Mohamad NA, Mustafa S, El Sheikha AF, Khairil Mokhtar NF, Ismail A, Ali ME
    J Sci Food Agric, 2016 May;96(7):2344-51.
    PMID: 26441285 DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.7482
    Poor quality and quantity of DNA extracted from gelatin and gelatin capsules often causes failure in the determination of animal species using PCR. Gelatin, which is mainly derived from porcine and bovine, has been a matter of concern among customers in order to fulfill religious obligation and safety precaution against several transmissible infectious diseases associated with bovine species. Thus, optimised DNA extraction from gelatin is very important for successful real-time PCR detection of gelatin species. In this work, the DNA extraction method was optimised in terms of lysis incubation period and inclusion of pre-treatment pH modification of samples.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle
  9. Yap NJ, Koehler AV, Ebner J, Tan TK, Lim YA, Gasser RB
    Mol Cell Probes, 2016 Feb;30(1):39-43.
    PMID: 26775614 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcp.2016.01.002
    Despite the importance of the cattle industry in Malaysia, there are very few studies of the diversity and public health significance of bovine cryptosporidiosis in this country. In the present study, we used a PCR-based approach to detect and genetically characterize Cryptosporidium DNA in faecal samples from a cohort of 215 asymptomatic cattle (of different ages) from six farms from five states of Peninsular Malaysia. Cattle on four of the six farms were test-positive for Cryptosporidium, with an overall prevalence of 3.2%. Cryptosporidium bovis and Cryptosporidium ryanae were detected in two (0.9%) and five (2.3%) samples tested; this low prevalence likely relates to the age of the cattle tested, as most (73%) of the samples tested originated from cattle that were ≥2 years of age. Future studies should investigate the zoonotic potential of Cryptosporidium in pre-weaned and weaned calves in rural communities of Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/diagnosis; Cattle Diseases/parasitology*
  10. Cheah TS, Sani RA, Chandrawathani P, Bahri S, Dahlan I
    Trop Anim Health Prod, 1999 Feb;31(1):25-31.
    PMID: 10399814
    An investigation into the epidemiology of Trypansoma evansi infection in crossbred dairy cattle was conducted for a period of 12 months on a dairy cattle farm in Penninsular Malaysia. The prevalence of parasitaemia was highest in lactating animals (13.4%), followed by those in the dry herd (8.8%), late pregnant animals (8.1%), early pregnant animals (4.7%), calves (0.3%) and heifers (0.2%). The prevalence of antigenaemia was highest in the lactating animals (54.7%), followed by that in dry animals (53.7%), heifers (51.1%), late pregnant animals (47.7%), early pregnant animals (46.5%) and calves (24.2%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/epidemiology*; Cattle Diseases/parasitology
  11. Chandrawathani P, Tsuji N, Kawazu S, Ishikawa M, Fujisaki K
    J Vet Med Sci, 1994 Oct;56(5):929-32.
    PMID: 7865596
    Cattle in Peninsular Malaysia were examined for evidence of infection with Babesia ovata, B. bigemina and B. bovis by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of antibody to the three Babesia species. All of the test samples when assayed with B. ovata antigen, resulted in low value indicating low probability of cattle infected with B. bigemina, 74.4% were positive for B. bovis and 72.6% were positive for both Babesia species. In addition, a serological survey with regard to age difference was carried out on a milk production farm. High reactivity antibody to B. bigemina and B. bovis was detected in calves less than 1 month of the age. The reactivity decreased in calves 1-3 months of the age. Then, the reactivity increased for both Babesia species in 6 months old calves. These results suggested that cattle infected with B. bigemina and B. bovis were widespread throughout Peninsular Malaysia and that both parasites might exist as an enzootical parasite.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/epidemiology; Cattle Diseases/parasitology*
  12. Hoo PY, Hashim H, Ho WS, Yunus NA
    J Environ Manage, 2019 Jul 01;241:603-611.
    PMID: 30616893 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.11.092
    Energy is widely used in industry for heating and cooling, with natural gas (NG) being the largest primary energy source in Malaysia, closely followed by coal. Renewable energy, such as biogas upgrading to biomethane, could cut the use of fossil fuels by supplementing NG usage due to their similar physicochemical and thermochemical characteristics. Biogas production plants in Malaysia are more commonly seen in waste-to-energy scenarios, with the technology anaerobic digestion, and their deployment is supported via feed-in tariffs (FiT) for power generation. Other potential applications such as the conversion of biogas into biomethane, injection into the natural gas grid or transportation through a virtual pipeline may still need further technical development. This paper presents spatial techno economic optimisation modelling using BeWhere to determine decentralised biomethane production plants using feedstock from multiple sources of biogas, including palm oil mill effluent (POME), food waste, cattle manure and chicken manure. This model considered potential configurations and sizes of the biomethane plants, the transportation of biomethane using a virtual pipeline (at 250 psig) and demand in one of the states in Malaysia, namely Johor. It was found that two to four biomethane plants with capacities ranging between 125 and 700 m3/h were located in densely populated areas or heavier industrial consumers when the carbon tax was implemented at 167.71 EUR/tCO2 (800 MYR/tCO2). Sensitivity analysis suggested that biomethane production increases with the increasing country renewable energy share target to beyond 2080 MW. It is recommended that specific policy regulations and Feed-in Tariff (FiT) mechanisms are used to expand the biomethane market share in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle
  13. Puspitasari Y, Annas S, Adza-Rina MN, Zamri-Saad M
    Microb Pathog, 2019 Jun;131:170-174.
    PMID: 30978429 DOI: 10.1016/j.micpath.2019.04.012
    Pasteurella multocida B:2 is a Gram-negative organism causing haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS) in buffaloes. It causes severe pulmonary infection, leading to infiltration of numerous macrophages and neutrophils. Despite the inflammatory response, buffaloes succumb to HS. This study aims to evaluate the in-vitro efficacy of macrophages and neutrophils of buffalo following exposure to P. multocida B:2. In-vitro infections were done using 107 cfu/ml of P. multocida B:2 for Group 1, Escherichia coli for Group 2 and Mannhaemia haemolytica A:2 for Group 3 cells. The inoculated cell cultures were harvested at 0, 30, 60 and 120 min post-exposure and the phagocytic, killing and cell death rates were determined. Both phagocytosis and killing rates of all bacteria increased over time. Phagocytosis involved between 71% and 73% neutrophils and between 60% and 64% macrophages at 120 min. Killing rate of all bacteria involved between 76% and 79% for neutrophils and between 70% and 74% for macrophages at 120 min. Death rate of neutrophils ranged between 67% in Group 3, and 88% in Group 1 at 120 min, significantly (p  0.05) than Group 2. Similar pattern was observed for death rate of macrophages. The phagocytosis and killing rates of P. multocida B:2 were similar to other bacterial species used in this study but more neutrophils and macrophages were dead following infection by P. multocida B:2 than M. haemolytica A:2.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/immunology*; Cattle Diseases/microbiology
  14. Megahed AA, Hiew MWH, Ragland D, Constable PD
    J Dairy Sci, 2019 Jun;102(6):5550-5565.
    PMID: 30954258 DOI: 10.3168/jds.2018-15063
    High-producing dairy cows experience a state of negative energy balance in the periparturient period that is partially addressed by increasing the rate of fat and protein mobilization. Previous studies have focused on the rate of fat mobilization, and consequently the rate of protein mobilization has not been well characterized. The objective of this study was therefore to determine the change in indicators of muscle mass during early lactation using ultrasonographic measurement of muscle thickness and changes in plasma creatinine concentration. The maximum thickness of the gluteus medius and longissimus dorsi muscles of 106 Holstein cows (34 primiparous, 72 multiparous) was determined ultrasonographically on d -3, 0, 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 relative to the day of parturition. Plasma creatinine concentration was measured periodically during the same period. Mixed models analysis and Passing-Bablok regression were used to analyze the data. Gluteus medius thickness, longissimus dorsi loin thickness (LDLT), and longissimus dorsi thoracic thickness (LDTT) were decreased at 28 d postpartum compared with d 3 antepartum. Plasma creatinine concentration was weakly associated with gluteus medius thickness, LDLT, and LDTT (Spearman's rho = 0.31, 0.39, and 0.32, respectively). Plasma creatinine concentration in primiparous and multiparous cows at 28 d postpartum decreased by 0.24 and 0.30 mg/dL, respectively, compared with values 3 d antepartum. We concluded that ultrasonographic measurement of LDLT and LDTT and change in plasma creatinine concentration may provide practical methods for monitoring the rate of protein mobilization in periparturient dairy cows. Ultrasonographic examination of LDLT and LDTT therefore complements ultrasonographic measurement of backfat thickness and may be useful in the evaluation of energy reserve mobilization in periparturient dairy cows.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle/blood*; Cattle/growth & development; Cattle/physiology
  15. Bongso TA, Hassan MD, Nordin W
    Theriogenology, 1984 Aug;22(2):127-34.
    PMID: 16725943
    Scrotal circumference (SC) and testicular volume (TV) were measured in 65 swamp buffalo bulls ranging in age from 7 to 60 months and weighing 130 kg to 560 kg. Ages and body weight (BW) were recorded for each male at the time of measurement to find out if they correlated with SC and TV. SC and TV increased linearly and correlated significantly with age and BW (SC vs age: r=0.74, p<0.01; SC vs BW: r=0.88, p<0.01; TV vs BW: r=0.82, p<0.01). SC measurements ranged from 15.1+/-1.1 cm to 24.0+/-0.4 cm for ages ranging from 10.0+/-0.6 to 48.5+/-6.3 months, revealing that testicular size in swamp buffaloes was very much smaller than domestic cattle. The SC norms distributed with age would be useful in the evaluation of swamp buffalo males for breeding soundness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle
  16. Bongso TA, Jainudeen MR, Dass S
    Theriogenology, 1981 Apr;15(4):415-25.
    PMID: 16725600
    Forty Droughtmaster bulls were evaluated for breeding soundness, using the method of examination and criteria for classifying bulls of the Society for Theriogenelogy. Eighty three percent of the bulls were classified as satisfactory, 14 percent as questionable and 3 percent as unsatisfactory breeders. Scrotal circumference for 2 to 8-year-old bulls were smaller in questionable and unsatisfactory bulls, as compared to satisfactory bulls. For bulls rated as satisfactory breeders, the scrotal circumference of 37 to 43 cms was higher than for other beef breeds. Three related bulls (2 questionable, 1 satisfactory) carried sperm defects classified as 'knobbed' (38 +/- 3%), 'Dag' (40 +/- 4%) and 'pseudo-droplets' (41 +/- 5%), which may adversely affect fertility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle
  17. Nurfarhana Syed Malik, Mohd. Nizam Lani, Fauziah Tufail Ahmad
    This study was done to determine the effect of pasteurization on the stability of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and its enzyme in raw and pasteurized cow’s and goat’s milk. The total viable count for plate count of the bacterial growth concentration was higher in both pasteurized cow’s and goat’s milk at 2.48 log CFU/ml. This is followed by raw cow’s milk (1.59 log CFU/ml) and raw goat’s milk (0.65 log CFU/ml). Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was found to be similar in both raw cow’s and goat’s milk (p>0.05), and pasteurized milk of both animals also contained the same amount of LAB (p>0.05). LAB was still detected in pasteurized milk (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle
  18. Hishamnuri WNAD, Nakagun S, Maezawa M, Sakaguchi K, Akiyama N, Watanabe KI, et al.
    J Vet Diagn Invest, 2019 Nov;31(6):852-855.
    PMID: 31551023 DOI: 10.1177/1040638719875501
    A 19-mo-old Holstein heifer was inactive and dyspneic. Physical examination revealed wheezing, exophthalmos, a cervical mass, and lymphadenopathy. Cytology of the cervical mass and lymph nodes showed predominantly large atypical lymphocytes. Lactate dehydrogenase and thymidine kinase activities were elevated. Although nested PCR for bovine leukemia virus (BLV) using blood was positive, quantitative PCR showed a low number of provirus copies. Autopsy revealed enlargement of most lymph nodes examined, as well as white masses of various sizes in muscles of the left hindlimb and thoracic and abdominal organs. Histopathology revealed severe infiltration with neoplastic lymphocytes in these organs. The cervical mass was immune-positive for B-cell markers. The final diagnosis was thymic B-cell lymphoma with BLV infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cattle; Cattle Diseases/diagnosis*; Cattle Diseases/pathology
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