Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 124 in total

  1. Sharifah Sulaiha Syed Aznal, Chee Yoong Wong, Pamela Lee Ling Tan, Vee Vee See, Chui King Wong
    Background: Increased maternal anxiety level has been reported to have detrimental effects on the physical outcome of pregnancies such as not achieving vaginal births. This study thus aims to determine the level and factors affecting mental preparedness among mothers with normal pregnancies and its correlation with birth outcomes.

    Methods: Three hundred healthy mothers above 37 weeks of gestation in the early stage of labour were assessed for their level of mental preparation before birth process and outcomes after births which include general feeling (euphoria), ability to withstand labour pain and bonding with the new born. The successfulness of vaginal birth and other data on factors affecting mental preparation were also collected.

    Results: The level of mental preparedness was found good in 78% of the mothers, mainly determined by their socioeconomic status, family support and personal ability to adjust to changes. Age (p= 0.048), parity (0.00) and income (0.01) were found to influence mental preparedness significantly. Race, occupation, education level and marital status are however not significantly related. Poor mental preparedness is associated with greater pain during labour. A correlation analysis also found a positive relationship between the level of mental preparation and mental outcomes following birth in these mothers but it did not significantly influence the mode of delivery.

    Conclusion: Mental preparation before birth seems to have an effect on mental outcomes of mothers following birth process. It is vital that mothers of the younger age group with no previous obstetric experience be given more attention in preparing them mentally before they face the painful birth process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  2. Tan PC, Alzergany MM, Adlan AS, Noor Azmi MA, Omar SZ
    BJOG, 2017 Jan;124(1):123-131.
    PMID: 27418179 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.14211
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate immediate compared with on-demand full maternal oral feeding after caesarean delivery STUDY DESIGN: A randomised trial.

    SETTING: Obstetric unit of a university hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    POPULATION: Women admitted for a planned caesarean under spinal anaesthesia.

    METHODS: Participants were randomised to a sandwich meal served immediately on return to the ward or on-demand.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcomes were patient satisfaction VAS (visual analog scale of 100 mm) on the feeding regimen and vomiting at 24 hours.

    RESULTS: 453 women were initially enrolled, 395 were randomised and available for analysis. Median (full range) patient satisfaction VAS scores were 82 (15-100) versus 84 (0-100) mm, P = 0.88 and vomiting rates were 1/197 (0.5%) versus 2/198 (1.0%), P > 0.99 for immediate compared with on-demand feeding, respectively. The immediate versus on-demand arms first ate at a median of 105 (35-210) versus 165 (45-385) minutes, P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  3. Teoh SK, Wong WP
    Med J Malaysia, 1977 Sep;32(1):90-5.
    PMID: 609353
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  4. Mohd Faizal, A., Vijayan, V., Sandhya, M.M., Noor Shahieddah, F., Vinod, S., Tan, L.K., et al.
    The EXIT (Ex utero intrapartum treatment) procedures have been, with a high degree of success, employed to treat a myriad types of fetal airway obstruction most commonly neck masses such as cystic hygroma and lymphangioma with ample plan including prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound scan or MRI. Before the advent of EXIT, formal documentations had been published with descriptions of intubation during intrapartum period and fetal airway protection either during normal or operative delivery. We report a 28-year-old gravida 2 para 1 who was referred to our Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) unit at 26 weeks and 3 days gestation with a foetal neck mass. We present a case of an successful EXIT procedure performed in the Lloyd Davies position with the hips abducted and flexed at 15 degrees as is employed during gynecologic laparoscopy surgery minus the Trendelenburg tilt. Both mother and baby are well. The benefits of this position are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  5. Naseem, Rashid, Nalliah, Sivalingam
    Avoiding the adverse neonatal effects of perinatal asphyxia has been one of the common indications for cesarean deliveries in current obstetric practice. Expeditious delivery is dependent on decision to perform cesarean delivery and time lines achieved. A decision-delivery interval of 30 minutes, a concept initiated by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has open to debate as controversy reins about neonatal outcome when this time interval is considered in isolation. Time lines alone are probably not the only criteria to be employed, and may contribute to errors in interpretation by professional regulatory bodies and the society at large. Procedures prior to decision making like trial of labour, fetal scalp sampling and readily available resources for instituting emergent cesarean delivery invariably need to be considered. Though decision to delivery time is an integral component of critical conduct intervals in the acutely compromised fetus, a more pragmatic approach needs to be taken considering potential and known logistical and obstetric factors in line with good obstetric practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  6. Tan KL
    This was a cross-sectional study which attempt; tu determine the prevalence of breastfeeding practice among mothers in Klcmg district, Malaysia and the association between lyrcastfceding practice with place of delivery and knowledge 011 breastfeeding. Dam collection was conducted by face·t0·face interview using a premuded structured questionnaire amung mothers with fum month old infants only who attended che government clinics in Klang, A total of 508 mothers were recruited ima the study. The study showed 92.9% ever breastfed, 55.1% exclusively lareastfed fur one month and 20.5% exclusively bremtfcd for four months. Malays brcastfed the most, while
    Chinese the least. Breastfeeding was more common among mothers with lower education, delivered in government hospitals and with good knowledge on breastfeeding. A high proportion uf mothers in Klang wouki initiate breastfeeding and the [neualence of exclusive breastfeeding was comparable nationally. Breastfeeding was associated with mothers delivered in government hospitals and with good knowledge on breastfeeding. Continued promotional efforts targeted at private hospitals with information on breastfeeding should result in further increase in breastfeeding prevalence.
    Study site: Klinik Kesihatan, Kelang district, Selangor, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  7. Mohd Sham Kasim, Siti Norjinah Moin
    Cross-sectional studies on infant feeding practices in Malaysia have shown that even though there is a high percentage of initial breastfeeding, there is also a very rapid fall-off of full breastfeeding to be replaced by mixed feeding or full formula feeding. This paper gives the findings of a study conducted on 148 mothers who had just delivered their babies at the Maternity Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. 56 of these mothers were followed up to identify the feeding practices up to 6 months of the infant's life. Just after delivery, 83 .1% of the 148 motftrs had indicated interest to breasffeed either fully or partially. However, in the 56 mothers followed up later, 15 (26.7%) babies were not breasffed or breasffed for less than 1 week and only 15 (26.5%) were breasffed at least 6 months. Several factors affect breastfeeding rate amongst these mothers. Breastfeeding rate was significantly higher and longer amongst the Malays and least and shortest amongst the Chinese. The number of Malay mothers breastfeeding less than 1 week was 2 out of 24 (8.3%) whereas the number of Chinese mothers was 10 out of 19 (52.6%). Similarly, the number of Malay mothers breastfeeding beyond 3 months was 16 out of 24 (67.7%) and Chinese mothers only 4 out of 19 (21.0%). Other important factors are the type of initial feeding and the onset of initial formula feeding. Out of 26 babies initiated on breastmilk as the first feed, 12 were breasffed for at least 6 months whereas 8 of the 18 started on formulas were not breasffed at all or for less than 7 days and only one breastfed for at least 6 months. Similarly, out of 27 babies given formula feeding in the first 2 days, 15 were not breasffed at all or for less than 1 week and only 3 breasffed at least 6 months. This suggests the importance of early mixed feeding in the rapid decline of breastfeeding. The employment status of the mother and the family income do not seem to affect the breastfeeding rate and its duration for the baby.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  8. George, Mitchel Constance, Murthy, Krishna Dilip, Zainal Arifin Mustapha
    Prenatal exposure to chronic stress during critical periods of foetal development produces depression, attention and learning deficits, hormonal imbalances and affects the brain. The effect of prenatal restraint-stress on the postnatal developmental milestones, anthropometric measurements, and the body, brain and adrenal gland weights of the pups were examined and compared with the unrestrained control and the restrained group under the pyramid at postnatal day 10 and 21. Pregnant rats were restrained (9h/day) from gestation day 7 until parturition. Results showed significant delay in the milestones by one day in the restraint control (RC) compared to the unrestrained normal control (NC), while pups of the restrained pyramid (RP) group did not show the delay. Significant decreases in the anthropometric measurements, body and brain weights in RC group were observed at both postnatal days, while the RP group results matched with the NC group. Significant increase in the adrenal weights was found in the RC group compared to NC group and not the RP group. Results suggest prenatal restraint-stress definitely hampers the developmental milestones, anthropometric measurements, and body and brain weights of the young offspring. Results suggest, pyramid environment counteracts and protects the deleterious effects of chronic prenatal stress.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  9. Dwekat IMM, Ismail TAT, Ibrahim MI, Ghrayeb F, Abbas E
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 13;19(20).
    PMID: 36293759 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192013180
    Mistreatment of women during childbirth is a clear breach of women's rights during childbirth. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of mistreatment of women during childbirth in the north of West Bank, Palestine. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 269 women within the first 16 weeks of their last vaginal childbirth to understand the childbirth events by using proportionate stratified random sampling. An Arabic valid questionnaire was used as a study instrument. Simple and multiple logistic regression analyses were conducted to determine the factors associated with each type of mistreatment. The mean age of the women was 26.5 (SD 4.77) years. The overall prevalence of mistreatment was 97.8%. There were six types of mistreatment. Nine factors were significantly associated with the occurrence of one or more types of mistreatment. Delivery at a public childbirth facility was associated with all of the six types (aAdjOR: 2.17-16.77; p-values < 0.001-0.013). Women who lived in villages (aAdjOR 2.33; p-value = 0.047), had low education (aAdjOR 5.09; p-value = 0.004), underwent induction of labour (aAdjOR 3.03; p-value = 0.001), had a long duration of labour (aAdjOR 1.10; p-value = 0.011), did not receive pain killers (aAdjOR: 2.18-3.63; p-values = 0.010-0.020), or had an episiotomy or tear (aAdjOR 5.98; p-value < 0.001) were more likely to experience one or more types of mistreatment. With every one-hour increase in the duration of labor, women were 1.099 times more likely to experience a failure to meet the professional standard of care. Women were less likely to experience mistreatment with increasing age. Women with increasing age (aAdjOR: 0.91-0.92; p-values = 0.003-0.014) and parity (aAdjOR 0.72; p-value = 0.010) were less likely to experience mistreatment. Awareness of women's fundamental rights during childbirth, making the childbirth process as normal as possible, and improving the childbirth facilities' conditions, policies, practices and working environment may decrease mistreatment occurrence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  10. Moradi F, Aryankhesal A, Heidari M, Soroush A, Sadr SR
    Malays J Med Sci, 2019 Sep;26(5):21-37.
    PMID: 31728116 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2019.26.5.3
    Caesarean section without medical indication imposes many problems to families, personnel and medical equipment causing some side effects to pregnant woman and foetus, compared to natural childbirth. The present study aimed to evaluate the interventions in reducing caesarean section in the world. This study was a systematic review using Embase, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct, Magiran and SID databases and grey literature. All studies conducted during 2000-2018 were reviewed and finally the studies with inclusion and exclusion criteria were selected. A total of 19 studies were selected among 5,559 studies. The interventions conducted for reducing caesarean section included training the specialists and women by using Six Sigma method, changing the guidelines, reviewing the definition of natural childbirth various stages, encouraging the natural childbirth and expanding painless childbirth. All interventions were divided into educational strategy and managerial strategy. The interventions can be implemented to change the behaviour of physicians and attitude of pregnant women in order to reduce caesarean section. In this regard, the authorities are recommended to make more efforts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric
  11. Matinnia N, Faisal I, Hanafiah Juni M, Herjar AR, Moeini B, Osman ZJ
    Matern Child Health J, 2015 May;19(5):1121-30.
    PMID: 25269852 DOI: 10.1007/s10995-014-1610-0
    Pregnancy- and childbirth-related fears are common psychological concerns and the primary reasons for requesting caesarean section (CS). We aimed to examine the content of maternal fear and the associated demographic factors in a sample of Iranian primigravidae. A randomly selected sample of primigravidae (n = 342) was recruited in four health care centres in Iran. Data were collected using a 30-item questionnaire. Principal components factor analysis was applied to identify the main factors of pregnancy- and childbirth-related fears. All primigravidae reported some degree of fear, 48.2 % presented severe fear, and 62.6 % requested a CS because of childbirth-related fear. Most of the employed primigravidae with higher education level, higher family income, and unplanned pregnancy requested CS. The items constructed to measure maternal fear were subjected to exploratory factor analysis. Six categories were identified, including 'process of labour and childbirth', 'life and well-being of the baby', 'competence and behaviour of maternity ward personnel', 'own capabilities and reactions', 'becoming a parent and family life after delivery' and 'general fear in pregnancy' that cumulatively explained 55.3 % of the variance. The most common factor was 'life and well-being of the baby'. Severe fear was found in 70.6 % of those who chose CS, while 10.9 % of those who chose vaginal delivery reported severe fear. The between-group differences for mean scores and levels of fear were statistically significant. Pregnancy- and childbirth-related fears were frequently experienced by all low-risk primigravidae. Better strategies to address women's psychological needs during pregnancy are necessary.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/psychology*
  12. Lim SS, Tan PC, Sockalingam JK, Omar SZ
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2008 Feb;48(1):71-7.
    PMID: 18275575 DOI: 10.1111/j.1479-828X.2007.00808.x
    To compare oral celecoxib with oral diclofenac as pain reliever after perineal repair following normal vaginal birth.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/adverse effects*
  13. Lim JH, Tan BC, Jammal AE, Symonds EM
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2002 Jul;22(4):370-4.
    PMID: 12521456
    This study reviews the deliveries of macrosomic babies and their outcomes. A total of 330 macrosomic (birth weight > or =4 kg) cases were studied retrospectively from July 1999 to December 1999 in the Maternity Hospital of Kuala Lumpur. The variables studied included induction of labour, mode of delivery and the incidence of maternal and perinatal complications. Three hundred and thirty macrosomic infants were delivered during the period of study. Vaginal delivery was achived in 56% of the study cases. The percentage of vaginal delivery was higher among those who had induction of labour (63%) compared to the group without induction of labour (50%). Vaginal delivery was planned in 267 mothers and of these 69% achieved vaginal delivery. Twelve per cent of the macrosomic infants were delivered by elective caesarean section. Shoulder dystocia occurred in 4.9% of vaginal deliveries. Eighty-eight neonates were admitted to the special care nursery unit and 57% of these infants were delivered by elective caesarean section. Perineal trauma occurred in 26% of vaginal deliveries. Post-partum haemorrhage occurred in 32% of caesarean deliveries compared to 4% in vaginal deliveries. Two cases of stillbirths were documented but no maternal death occurred during the period of study. Vaginal delivery is the most frequent mode of delivery for a fetus weighing in excess of 4 kg and vaginal delivery should be attempted in the absence of contraindications, because vaginal delivery has less maternal morbidity compared to caesarean delivery. However, shoulder dystocia remains a significant complication of vaginal delivery for macrosomic fetuses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/statistics & numerical data*
  14. Safe Mother, 1994 Jul-Oct;?(15):10.
    PMID: 12345820
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric*
  15. Krause HG, Wong V, Ng SK, Tan GI, Goh JTW
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2019 08;59(4):585-589.
    PMID: 31146301 DOI: 10.1111/ajo.12990
    BACKGROUND: While pelvic floor ultrasound is commonly utilised in high-resource locations, our understanding of pelvic floor characteristics in women suffering with obstetric fistula and unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears in low-resource areas is limited.

    AIMS: This study aimed to assess the pelvic floor ultrasound characteristics of Ugandan women suffering with obstetric fistula, unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears and pelvic organ prolapse, and determine whether obstructed labour resulting in obstetric fistula causes more levator muscle defects compared to parous women without a history of obstructed labour.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective study in western Uganda assessing 82 women with obstetric fistula, unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears and pelvic organ prolapse with a pelvic floor ultrasound scan.

    RESULTS: Demographic characteristics were significantly different, with women suffering pelvic organ prolapse being older and more parous. Hiatal area on Valsalva was significantly smaller in the obstetric fistula group (mean 21.45 cm2 ) compared to non-obstetric fistula group (unrepaired fourth degree obstetric tears and pelvic organ prolapse; mean 30.44 cm2 ); a mean difference of 9.0 cm2 (95% CI: 5.4-12.6 cm2 , P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/adverse effects
  16. Yusof J, Mahdy ZA, Noor RM
    Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2016 Nov;25:155-163.
    PMID: 27863606 DOI: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2016.09.005
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in a Malaysian antenatal population and its impact on obstetric outcome.

    DESIGN: Cross sectional study.

    SETTING: Obstetric Unit, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, Kedah.

    MATERIAL AND METHOD: Women attending antenatal clinic and Patient Admission Centre (PAC) above 30 weeks gestation were given structured questionnaires to fill. Pregnancy outcome measures were documented and analyzed in relation to the information gathered through the questionnaire. SPSS Version 21 was used to analyze all data obtained.

    RESULTS: Out of 447 women, the overall prevalence of CAM usage in pregnancy was 85.2%. It was popular among pregnant mothers aged between 26 and 35 years old and most commonly used in the third trimester (p = 0.0.010) to facilitate labour. Other sociodemographic factors such as race, parity, education, occupation and residence were not significantly important. Traditional herbs was the commonest type of CAM used in pregnancy (58.3%) followed by selusuh (24.3%). About 78.5% of the CAM users delivered vaginally (p = 0.020) but a significant proportion (14.3%) had fetal distress (p = 0.035) compared to non CAM users. The most common type of herbs used was akar kayu bunga Fatimah (37.7%) and gamat (13.4%). In our study, usage of selusuh product and akar kayu bunga Fatimah had a significant impact in achieving vaginal delivery and shortened the duration of labour particularly in multiparae. The usage of Kacip Fatimah and Salindah was associated with preterm labour (p = 0.04)Tongkat Ali herbal coffee had a significant association with hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (p = 0.011) and fetal distress (p = 0.04) Meanwhile, the usage of Jamu Mustika Ratu was significantly associated with low birth weight in grandmultiparae (p = 0.026)and spirulina was significantly associated with oligohydramnios (p = 0.04).

    CONCLUSION: Usage of CAM in pregnancy in the Malaysian population is of high prevalence CAM in pregnancy has beneficial and adverse obstetric outcomes. More research is needed to establish the safety of usage of various forms of CAM in pregnancy.

    Study site: Obstetric Unit, Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Setar, Kedah.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/statistics & numerical data*
  17. Lin S, Atan IK, Dietz HP, Herbison P, Wilson PD
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2019 08;59(4):590-596.
    PMID: 30793279 DOI: 10.1111/ajo.12948
    BACKGROUND: Levator ani muscle (LAM) and anal sphincter injuries are common after vaginal birth and are associated with pelvic organ prolapse and anal incontinence.

    AIMS: Our objective was to investigate long-term association between delivery mode, LAM avulsion and obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASIS) in women at least 20 years after their first birth.

    METHODS: All women recruited at 'index birth' of the Dunedin (New Zealand) arm of ProLong (PROlapse and incontinence LONG-term research) Study, were invited to have translabial and transperineal ultrasound assessment of LAM and anal sphincters. Post-processing analysis of imaging data was performed blinded against delivery data. Statistical analysis was performed using the χ2 test and results are expressed as odds ratios (OR).

    RESULTS: Of the initial 1250 participants, 196 women returned for examination. Mean age was 50.8 years with a mean body mass index of 27.6 and median parity was three. They were seen on average 23 years after their first delivery. Four data sets were unavailable and one declined ultrasound assessment, leaving 191 for analysis. LAM avulsion was diagnosed in 29 (15.2%), and 24 women (12.6%) had significant anal sphincter defect. LAM avulsion was associated with forceps delivery (OR 2.45, 95% CI 1.04-5.80, P = 0.041). Forceps conveyed a greater risk of OASIS (21%) compared to a spontaneous vaginal delivery (11%) but did not reach statistical significance.

    CONCLUSIONS: Forceps delivery is associated with long-term injurious effect on pelvic floor structures. Discussions of the long-term negative impact of pelvic floor structures and their functions are necessary to achieve an informed consent toward an operative vaginal delivery.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/adverse effects*
  18. Kalok A, Zabil SA, Jamil MA, Lim PS, Shafiee MN, Kampan N, et al.
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2018 Apr;38(3):339-343.
    PMID: 29017359 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2017.1355896
    This was a prospective observational study to determine the predictive factors for a successful vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) and to develop a relevant antenatal scoring system. Patients with one previous caesarean section were included in this study. All data including maternal demographics, obstetric history, pregnancy progress and outcomes were collected and analysed. A total of 142 out of the 186 women (76.3%) had successful VBAC. History of previous vaginal delivery and non-recurrent indications for previous caesarean section were the significant predictive factors for a successful VBAC. Five variables for our scoring tool were selected. By using a proposed mean score of 4 out of 7, the scoring system had a sensitivity of 81.0%, specificity of 52.3% and a positive predictive value of 84.6%. VBAC antenatal scoring system was potentially a useful predictive tool in antenatal counselling. Impact statement What is already known on this subject: Planned vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) is an important strategy to limit the overall caesarean section rate, which is related to maternal morbidities. However, trial of vaginal delivery does involve potential complications including scar dehiscence, postpartum haemorrhage and emergency hysterectomy. What the results of this study add: Clinical predictors of a successful VBAC include non-recurrent indications for the previous caesarean section, previous vaginal delivery, spontaneous onset of labour and birthweight less than 4kg. There were multiple screening tools developed to predict the likelihood of successful VBAC. These scoring systems involved various variables such as age, ethnicity, Bishop's score and previous caesarean indication. We had prospectively developed an antenatal scoring system based on five variables. Our result showed that patient with a score of four and above will have around 85% chance of successful VBAC. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research: We have also found that, estimated foetal weight based on ultrasound scan is a potential predictor for successful VBAC. This simple scoring method will be useful in-patient counselling regarding mode of delivery after one previous caesarean section. A multicentre study involving large cohort of patients is ideal to validate our scoring system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/statistics & numerical data
  19. Tan PC, Suguna S, Vallikkannu N, Hassan J
    Singapore Med J, 2008 Mar;49(3):193-8.
    PMID: 18362999
    Following labour induction at term, 12 percent of neonates can expected to be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. We aimed to evaluate the Bishop score, pre-induction ultrasonography (US) assessment of amniotic fluid, foetal weight and cervical length, and pre-induction and intrapartum risk factors as predictors of neonatal admission.
    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric*
  20. Nijagal MA, Wissig S, Stowell C, Olson E, Amer-Wahlin I, Bonsel G, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2018 Dec 11;18(1):953.
    PMID: 30537958 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-018-3732-3
    BACKGROUND: Value-based health care aims to optimize the balance of patient outcomes and health care costs. To improve value in perinatal care using this strategy, standard outcomes must first be defined. The objective of this work was to define a minimum, internationally appropriate set of outcome measures for evaluating and improving perinatal care with a focus on outcomes that matter to women and their families.

    METHODS: An interdisciplinary and international Working Group was assembled. Existing literature and current measurement initiatives were reviewed. Serial guided discussions and validation surveys provided consumer input. A series of nine teleconferences, incorporating a modified Delphi process, were held to reach consensus on the proposed Standard Set.

    RESULTS: The Working Group selected 24 outcome measures to evaluate care during pregnancy and up to 6 months postpartum. These include clinical outcomes such as maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity, stillbirth, preterm birth, birth injury and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) that assess health-related quality of life (HRQoL), mental health, mother-infant bonding, confidence and success with breastfeeding, incontinence, and satisfaction with care and birth experience. To support analysis of these outcome measures, pertinent baseline characteristics and risk factor metrics were also defined.

    CONCLUSIONS: We propose a set of outcome measures for evaluating the care that women and infants receive during pregnancy and the postpartum period. While validation and refinement via pilot implementation projects are needed, we view this as an important initial step towards value-based improvements in care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Delivery, Obstetric/standards
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