Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 146 in total

  1. Yusoff MSB
    J Taibah Univ Med Sci, 2018 Dec;13(6):503-511.
    PMID: 31435370 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2018.09.003
    Objectives: This study investigated the outcomes that an interview-based medical school admission process has on academic performance, psychological health, personality traits, and emotional intelligence.

    Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on the interviewed and non-interviewed cohorts. Their examination marks were obtained from the academic office, psychological health was measured by DASS-21, personality traits were measured by USMaP-15, and emotional intelligence was measured by USMEQ-17.

    Results: The interviewed cohort performed significantly better in the clinical examination than the non-interviewed cohort. Conversely, the non-interviewed cohort performed significantly better in the theoretical examination. Depression, anxiety, and stress level between the two cohorts showed no difference. The interviewed cohort demonstrated more desirable personality traits, higher emotional intelligence, and social competence than the non-interviewed cohort.

    Discussion: This study provides evidence to support the claim that the interview-based admission process has favourable outcomes on clinical performance, emotional intelligence, and personality traits. Several insights gained as a result of this study are discussed.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  2. Puthiaparampil T, Rahman MM
    BMC Med Educ, 2020 May 06;20(1):141.
    PMID: 32375739 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02057-w
    BACKGROUND: Multiple choice questions, used in medical school assessments for decades, have many drawbacks such as hard to construct, allow guessing, encourage test-wiseness, promote rote learning, provide no opportunity for examinees to express ideas, and do not provide information about strengths and weakness of candidates. Directly asked, directly answered questions like Very Short Answer Questions (VSAQ) are considered a better alternative with several advantages.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aims to compare student performance in MCQ and VSAQ and obtain feedback. from the stakeholders.

    METHODS: Conduct multiple true-false, one best answer, and VSAQ tests in two batches of medical students, compare their scores and psychometric indices of the tests and seek opinion from students and academics regarding these assessment methods.

    RESULTS: Multiple true-false and best answer test scores showed skewed results and low psychometric performance compared to better psychometrics and more balanced student performance in VSAQ tests. The stakeholders' opinions were significantly in favour of VSAQ.

    CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION: This study concludes that VSAQ is a viable alternative to multiple-choice question tests, and it is widely accepted by medical students and academics in the medical faculty.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  3. Rafidah B, Muhammad Najib MA
    Medical professionalism is now more crucial than ever. Recently, more and more misconduct among doctors widely portrayed and unashamedly publicized by the popular press. Medical Schools in Malaysia are working hard to rectify their weaknesses so that their products are competent and professional doctors. Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences (CUCMS) certainly views this matter seriously and has incorporated professionalism training or as we call it Affective Domain Training into the curriculum implemented in all phases of the medical education. An example is the innovative inclusion of Community Project in the curriculum of undergraduate psychiatry. Although it started off with wanting to get students involved in creating awareness amongst the public about mental illness, but through it, students attained exposure in leadership, team-working and communication skills as well as what it means to be altruistic, to work under stress, to be empathic and many more. The students themselves enjoyed it. Although the down side include extra time, money and manpower, it can be safely concluded that having a community project in psychiatry undergraduate curriculum or other specialties for that matter could be an innovative and enjoyable way to nurture medical professionalism.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  4. Mohan, Jai
    The importance of incorporating medical (or health) informatics into the education of medical students and medical practitioners is being increasingly recognised. The advances in information and communication technology and the pervasion of the Internet into everyday life have important implications for healthcare services and medical education. Students and practitioners should learn to utilise biomedical information for problem solving and decision making based on evidence. The extensive introduction of electronic health information systems into hospitals and clinics and at the enterprise level in Malaysia and elsewhere is driving a demand for health professionals who have at least basic skills in and appreciation of the use of these technologies. The essential clinical informatics skills have been identified and should be incorporated into the undergraduate medical curriculum. It is recommended that these be introduced in stages and integrated into existing programmes rather than taught as a separate module. At the same time, medical schools should support the integration of e-learning in the educational process in view of the numerous potential benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  5. Anisa Ahmad, Nurhanis Syazni Roslan, Jamilah Al-Muhammady Mohammad, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: Clinical educators around the globe agreed that an optimal educational climate is a vital aspect for effective learning to take place. This study was conducted to evaluate the perceptions of graduates toward the quality of clinical education climate in USM medical school. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a cohort of USM medical graduates. Questionnaires were administered to the graduates to measure their perception on four aspects of clinical education climate that include structure of clinical rotation, clinical teaching and learning activities, quality of lecturers and end clinical rotation assessment across 13 clinical rotations. The graduates were requested to respond to seven-Likert scale ranging from 1(poor) to 7(excellent). Scores of equal to or more than 5 was considered as positive areas, scores of between 4 and 5 were considered as areas for improvement, and scores less than 4 were considered as areas of concern. Data analysis was performed using SPSS version 20. Results: A total of 105 (96.3%) graduates responded to the questionnaire. Results showed only the paediatric rotation obtained positive ratings on all areas of the clinical rotation structure. With regards to teaching and learning activities, the graduates scored most of the clinical rotations between 4 and 5. With regards to the quality of lecturers, most of the clinical rotations obtained score more than 5. Most of the areas related to the end-of-assessment of clinical rotation obtained score more than 5 except for the feedback adequacy, indicating inadequacy of feedback they received. Conclusion: USM medical graduates positively perceived the quality of lecturers during clinical training, however several areas of clinical education related to clinical rotation structure, clinical teaching and learning activities, and feedback practice were perceived by them as areas for improvement. Medical schools should introduce strategic measures to address the concerns raised by the graduates to ensure the best clinical learning experience are provided to the current and future medical students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  6. Cheah, Whye Lian, Helmy Hazmi, Kiu, Ling Hui, Lee, Sze Ee, Ling, Wei Nii, Wong, Veronica Huey Shin
    Introduction: Mentoring medical students is one of the essential responsibilities or missions of a medical school faculty. Objective: This study aimed to determine the perceptions of mentorship and mentoring practices among mentors using a convergent parallel method. Method: Quantitative data was collected by using an adopted validated self- administered questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS version 20. Qualitative data was done using one-to-one interview based on semi structured interview guide and analyzed using thematic analysis. Result: A total of 61 respondents participated in the quantitative survey. Approximately 75% of the respondents had 5 to 10 mentees, with majority rated themselves as satisfactory mentor. More than 60% of them met their mentees at least once every six months. Most respondents were friendly (86.9%) and frank to their mentees (68.9%) and were interested in their mentees’ professional development (95.1%). Phone calling (93.4%) and E-mail (95.1%) were preferred as modes of contact. Mentees were allowed to call their mentors anytime of the day (74.1%). Respondents preferred to counsel their mentees (80.3%) and would refer them for professional help whenever necessary (70.5%). For qualitative data, a total of 5 participants participated with themes emerged: concepts of mentoring, factors contributing to ineffective mentoring and ways to improve mentoring practices. Conclusion: The respondents had positive perceptions regarding their mentorship and practices. A more structured approach with clear mentoring guideline and proper training should be in place.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  7. Myint, Y.Y., Tun, Y.
    Background: Historically, more men enrolled in medical schools than women. However, during the last few decades, there has been an increase in the number of women attending medical schools worldwide. Although a similar trend is seen, there is no documentation found in Malaysia. In this present study, we investigated if such gender enrolment differences occurred at our medical school. Methods: Information was obtained from Kulliyyah of Medicine student statistic for 2006/2007 section and graduates from 2001/2002 (1st batch) to 2006/2007. Results: Our study showed that more than half (60%)of our students are female and all students who received distinction in final year exam from 2002 till now are females although the number of males who needed to sit for the supplementary examination outnumbered the females during that period. Discussion: The feminization of medicine in International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) was similar to other studies worldwide. Further research should be aimed on comparison of the academic performance of male and female medical students and also choice of specialty chosen by men and women in our university.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  8. Lai NM
    Malays Fam Physician, 2013;8(2):7-12.
    PMID: 25606275 MyJurnal
    Evidence-based medicine (EBM) was introduced to provide an organised approach to clinicians and other health care providers in using research to care for their patients[1]. By highlighting the importance of research in patient care, EBM has also provided many researchers a strong sense of purpose, with increased awareness that their everyday activities are being recognised as relevant to patient care. Most medical schools have some form of the EBM training programme at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and many researchers, clinical epidemiologists, and biostatisticians together with clinicians are actively engaged in teaching EBM to students of medicine and other health sciences. However, the flourishing activities of EBM education bring along
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  9. Hassan S
    Background: The weekly held clinical pathologic case conference popularly known as CPC provides an effective and regular educational media of collaborative learning for inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge among the faculty members of an institution. CPC has been routinely practiced for the last two decades in School of medical Sciences (SMS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). An hour session primarily involves a case presentation hiding the diagnosis followed by discussion on differential diagnosis and floor interaction on interesting clinical cases. It also gives an opportunity to new teaching staff in the institution to experience an in-house practice of presenting the clinical cases; witch can readily be reproduced as a case report for publication. An effort to follow the original format of CPC is comprehended as an essential outcome of this study to keep up the sanctity of CPC as a case method of learning medicine in future. Methodology: A questionnaire-based survey was recently conducted to evaluate the weekly held CPC in SMS. It was a cross sectional survey in which a questionnaire comprising of 23 items was administered to a targeted population of faculty members of School of Medical Sciences. The items in questionnaire were grouped into 5 clusters. All respondents were adequately briefed through a letter addressing the objectives and importance of survey and its appraisal aiming to revamp the CPC guided by the out-come of study. Questionnaires were administered to 240 academic staff, covering > 80% of the target population of 294 faculty members. 159 (66.2%) members of sample population completed the questionnaires. Total non-responses were 81 (33.7%) and item non-responses were 320 (8.7%) Result: All the items in questionnaire were found significant (p 0.016) except those two items related to, observing a difference in preparing for a case presentation verses a formal CPC presentation and its promotion (p 0.556 and 0.197 respectively). It was also established that the major respondents were unaware of the original format of CPC (p 0.003) in which a presenter select and prepares a case, which is discussed with participating faculty members for its differential diagnoses. 51.6% faculty members did not follow the formal CPC format (p 0.016) in their presentations. A lack of awareness about the format of CPC was shown by (61.0%) faculty members (p 0.003). Conclusion : It was concluded that emphasis to discuss the differential diagnosis by a competent discussant was lacking, as presenters did not follow the formal CPC format. It was critically observed that a number of presentations made in this weekly program deviate from the original format adapted by SMS in USM. However, the out-come appraisal of this survey was the pledge shown by the majority faculty members to adapt the guidelines as a reverence to the formal CPC format.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  10. Shahid Hassan, Zafar Ahmed, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim
    Background: Faculty’s role as educators is over looked in clinical education, even though the teaching has a direct reflection of performance of clinical competence and professional development of graduating doctors. Two major problems of clinical education are the lack of uniform teaching and learning strategies in postgraduate as well as later years of undergraduate clinical teaching and the professional development of faculty in teaching in medical institutions. Objective: The survey has two major objectives. First objective was to know about the faculty response to a survey on teaching while trying to create awareness for teaching and research in teaching. The second objective was to know the faculty members’ understanding with principles of learning and teaching with strengths and weaknesses of respondents’ performance in clinical teaching on completing The Educator’s Self-Reflective Inventory (ESRI). Method: The ESRI was administered to approach 214 faculty members in SMS at USM. Appraisal of self-reflection inventory as medical teacher and personal development with respect to challenges, opportunities, innovations and need assessment of teaching were explored in response to 35 items grouped in 5 clusters through a questionnaire-based survey utilizing ESRI. Result: Statistical analysis of respondent’s data indicates a mixed response with lab-based disciplines 54.54% followed by surgical-based disciplines 50% and medical-based disciplines 30%. Individual discipline best response is received from Plastic Surgery and ORL-HNS (100%) and Hematology (77.77%). A result of individual item response in each cluster WAS also analyzed. Conclusion: The survey evaluated the faculty’s response to ESRI and concern shown to develop their abilities as teachers and researchers in clinical teaching. However, the initial response suggested the need for more survey to continue creating the awareness for faculty development and research in teaching. Conclusion drawn from analysis of each items in inventory is encouraging for teaching in medical education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  11. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Abdul Rahman Noor, Nor Azwany Yaacob, Zabidi Azhar Mohd Hussin
    Objective: BigSib Students' Peer-Group Mentoring Programme was implemented as an innovative, interactive and integrated instructional method in the Universiti Sains Malaysia medical school curriculum designed to enhance and strengthen medical students training in soft skills and professional development. This study was conducted to evaluate first- and second-year medical students’ perceptions of and attitudes towards the Programme.

    Methodology: A cross sectional study was carried on 314 medical students. Questionnaires assessing medical students' perceptions and attitudes towards the Programme were administered. Data were analysed by using SPSS version 12.

    Results: 45.9 % of the students perceived the BigSib Students' Peer-Group Mentoring Programme as successful. More than 50% of the students are willing to participate in the Programme. About 60% of the students perceived it as an effective Programme in developing their soft skills and professionalism.

    Conclusion: Medical students have positive attitudes toward the Programme and it is perceived as a successful and effective Programme in developing students' personal attributes. Similar peer-group mentoring programme may be considered relevant to be incorporated into the medical curriculum in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  12. Poovaneswaran, Sangeetha, Khajotia, Rumi, Subramaniam, Thiruselvi
    The incidence of cancer in Malaysia is rising alarmingly and newly qualified doctors will be expected
    to be competent in the basic management of cancer patients. However, the opportunity to gain experience in oncology management will remain limited unless these students are stationed in an oncology unit which is solely dedicated to the treatment of such patients. Therefore, it is essential that undergraduate medical school training equips students with a sound knowledgebase, so that they can confidently manage basic oncological conditions appropriately. With the many private and local medical universities across the country, it is important that oncology training be standardized
    and reflective of the local resources available, and government health policies. As a result, having a
    standardized curriculum would help create a framework whereby competencies in cancer management would be accurately assessed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  13. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: There is lacking of evidence available in literatures on faking good in personality and emotional intelligent (EI) tests among medical school applicants. Thus more research is required to address the faking good issues in medical context specifically related to student admission. Objective: This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of faking good in personality and EI tests during a high stake situation which was during student selection process. Method: A one-year prospective study was carried out on a cohort of medical school applicants. Data collection was carried out at five different intervals; one measurement at pre-selection (Time 1) and four measurements at post-selection (Time 2 to Time 5). The USMaP-i and USMEQ-i were used to measure personality and EI. Faking good was positive if the scores at Time 1 beyond the 95% CI of average scores of Time 2 to Time 5.Result: The highest prevalence of faking good among personality traits was in conscientiousness (83.1%) and the lowest was in openness (74.1%). The highest prevalence of faking good among EI constructs was in emotional conscientiousness (77%) and the lowest was in emotional awareness (51.7%). About 1.7% of applicants were not faking good at any of the personality dimensions while 11.5% of them were not faking good at any of the EI constructs. About 47.4% faked good at all the personality dimensions and 33.9% faked good at all the EI constructs. Conclusion: The prevalence of faking good in the self-reporting personality and EI tests was high. Certain personality traits and EI constructs were more susceptible to faking good. The personality test was more susceptible to faking good than the EI test. Considering the potential positive impacts of personality and EI on individual performance, alternative ways should be designed to address the faking good issues.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  14. Shahid Hassan, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Mohamad Najib Mat Pa, Mohd Nor Gohar Rahman, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: A clear concept and understanding about the measure and the measuring tools is essential for good practice of assessment. Assessors need to have information about the full range of assessment tools inclusive of psychometric validity and purpose of its use. Subjective inferences drawn from the readily available data as numbers of summative scores over the years and statistical evidences of reliability and validity of assessment tools used to measure student’s performance are good sources of feedback for competent assessment program. It also provides meaningful evaluation of learning and teaching in medical education. Method: A retrospective study of 119 candidates was carried out to analyze the summative assessment scores of their certifying examination of Masters of Surgery in School of Medical Sciences (SMS) at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Subjective judgment of raw data followed by internal consistency as reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity as constructs of individual assessment tool was analyzed. Finally each assessment tool as a measure of written or clinical construct was evaluated against six aspects of Messick’s criteria for quality control. Result: The correlation coefficient for validity and Cronbach’s alpha for reliability was evaluated for clinical measures. However, the test of internal reliability was not possible for essay being the only measure in written construct of summative assessment in surgery. All measures of clinical construct were found highly reliable with Cronbach’s alpha between 0.962-0.979. Long case and the short cases have shown excellent correlations (r=0.959 at p
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  15. Ismail Mohd Saiboon, Noraliza Mohd Ariffin, Teodoro Javier Herbosa, Ahmad Khaldun Ismail, Nariman Singmamae, Shamsuriani Md Jamal, et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2007;2(2):110-116.
    Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is important and should be mastered by House Officers (HO). House officers who have just completed their studies are assigned to acute medical and surgical wards. If a patient in the ward has a cardiac arrest (CA), these doctors are usually the first to attend.  Therefore an HO must be confident with CPR skills. They must be competent in performing CPR. The authors assessed 26 new HOs from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Hospital (HUKM) with respect to their self-perception about CPR skills, confidence level in performing CPR and knowledge in performing CPR. Knowledge was assessed by a questionnaire. We found that 16 of 26 (61.5%) assessed themselves to have inadequate knowledge and 46.2% had no confidence in performing CPR. The mean score of the written test was 5.7 ± 1.8. Seven out of 26 (27.0%) HOs had incorrect hand placement position for CPR. Only 4 and 9 out of 26 HOs had their sternal paddle and cardiac apex paddle positions correctly placed respectively. In conclusion, knowledge, perception of skills and confidence levels of HOs on CPR are inadequate and need further assessment and improvement. Medical schools need to review their CPR curriculum in order to prepare HOs adequately to work in emergency situations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  16. Koh, Kwee Choy, Shanmugan Goonasakaren, Ng, Lam Kean, Chua, Yi Lin, Lee, Jia Ying, Alaric Ding Tian Ang
    Background: Medical schools are escalating changes
    to meet the need for doctors competent to work in the
    era of precision medicine. Information on the current
    level of awareness of precision medicine among medical
    students can help effect the necessary changes in the
    medical curriculum. A cross-sectional comparative
    study was done to assess the knowledge, attitude and
    perception toward the practice of precision medicine
    among junior and senior medical students in a medical
    school in Malaysia.

    Materials and Method: A survey instrument measuring
    attitude toward precision medicine, perceived
    knowledge of genomic testing concepts, and perception
    toward ethical consideration related to precision
    medicine, was distributed to junior and senior medical
    students. Comparisons were made between senior and
    junior medical students.

    Results: Only about one-third of the 356 respondents
    had heard of precision medicine although 92.7%
    expressed interest to learn more about precision
    medicine. Overall, junior and senior medical students
    had positive attitude toward the adoption of genomeguided
    prescribing and precision medicine but were
    uncomfortable with their knowledge of genomic testing
    concepts. Both junior and senior students were largely
    well grounded in their understanding of ethical issues
    related to precision medicine.

    Conclusions: Knowledge of precision medicine was low
    among junior and senior medical students. Although
    the students supported the use of precision medicine,
    they did not feel adequately prepared to apply genomics
    to clinical practice. Their perceptions on ethical issues
    related to precision medicine were sound. Seniority did
    not appear to influence the perceptions of the students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  17. Akram A, Rizwan F, Sattar K, Hadi JIS, Meo SA
    Pak J Med Sci, 2018 9 8;34(4):804-810.
    PMID: 30190732 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.344.14565
    Background and Objectives: Medical schools are to develop integrated medical curricula because the term 'integrated curriculum' has grown up and flourished globally and it has become mandatory to align the medical education with the global concept in Pakistan. This paper aims to present a guideline to design an undergraduate integrated medical curriculum.

    Methods: Various themes are used to develop integrated curriculum which are basic medical science, simulation skills, clinical science, personality development, research, entrepreneurship and pre specialization. Each theme is subdivided, termed a module and its contents primarily focus on particular aspect.

    Results: Knowledge, skill and attitude, embodied in themes or modules, are planted in specific way that they have horizontal as well as vertical integration. There is no boundary of various traditional disciplines in template of five years curriculum. For example, diagnosis is a theme which carries contents from medicine, surgery, orthopedics etc.

    Conclusion: The blueprint introduced in this paper would help medical educators to draft integrated medical curricula for those institutions which intend to switch their medical programs from traditional to integrated one.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  18. Sallehuddin H, Tan MP, Blundell A, Gordon A, Masud T
    Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 2021 04 26;43(4):456-467.
    PMID: 33899702 DOI: 10.1080/02701960.2021.1914027
    Malaysia is becoming an aging nation, with 32 medical schools providing 5,000 graduates every year. The extent these graduates have been trained in core concepts in geriatric medicine remains unclear. This work aims to describe the current state of teaching provision on aging and geriatric medicine to the medical undergraduates in Malaysia. A survey was developed by geriatric medicine experts from the Malaysian Society of Geriatric Medicine (MSGM) to review the teaching provision based on the recommended MSGM Undergraduate Geriatric Medicine Curriculum and was sent to all medical schools across the country. The response rate was 50% (16 out of 32 medical schools). Among 16 medical schools, 10 (62.5%) delivered the learning outcomes as part of an integrated curriculum, and five via a mixed geriatric and integrated curriculum at varying degrees of completeness, ranging from 19% to 94%. One particular medical school did not deliver any of the core topics as part of its undergraduate curriculum. It has been identified that the strongest barrier to delivery was lack of expertise, followed by the fact that the topics were not included in the current curriculum. Improvement in teaching provision should be implemented through a concerted effort to adopt a geriatric medical curriculum nationwide, while future research should aim at the interventions taken to address the barriers in its provision.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  19. Chew KS
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Nov;78(6):845-846.
    PMID: 38031229
    Clinical toxinology is an essential subject that should be included in undergraduate medical curricula. By equipping students with the knowledge and skills to identify and treat venomous animals and use antivenom appropriately reduces the risk of medical negligence and delays in treating and transporting these patients. Unfortunately, given the packed curriculum of undergraduate medical programs, it is important to focus on providing students with essential knowledge and skills to function as competent house officers. Student-centered learning approaches, such as gamification and community service projects, can be effective in enhancing learning and promoting awareness of appropriate toxin-related public measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
  20. Mustika R, Soemantri D
    Malays J Med Sci, 2020 May;27(3):117-124.
    PMID: 32684812 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2020.27.3.12
    Background: The importance of cultivating a humanistic physician has gained attention in medical education. Humanistic values are established in early education and medical schools should provide a suitable environment to nurture and grow these values into professional identity. The clinical setting has a significant impact due to its direct involvement of students in real-life situations.

    Objectives: The present study aims to explore the hurdles in cultivating humanistic physicians in the clinical setting.

    Methods: We conducted a qualitative study involving medical students in the clinical phase, as well as residents, clinical teachers, and module administrators in the clinical setting under study.

    Results: Respondents from different groups of stakeholders shared the same definition for 'humanistic physician': a physician who provides patient-centred care while demonstrating empathy, respect, compassion, integrity, knowledge, competence and a collaborative spirit. Despite changes in the healthcare system and technological advancements, humanistic physicians are still needed.

    Conclusion: Cultivating humanistic physicians is a complex process, requiring various methods and assessments. Role models play a significant role in this process, which included not only clinical teachers but also peers. Feedback from peers was perceived as an important factor. The key hurdles identified were negative role models, and a less humanistic learning environment and the students' personal backgrounds.

    Matched MeSH terms: Schools, Medical
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