Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 566 in total

  1. Poyarkov NA, Geissler P, Gorin VA, Dunayev EA, Hartmann T, Suwannapoom C
    Zool Res, 2019 Sep 18;40(5):358-393.
    PMID: 31502426 DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2019.052
    We provide an integrative taxonomic analysis of the Lipinia vittigera species complex from mainland Southeast Asia. Based on examination of external morphology, color pattern, and 681 base pairs of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene, we demonstrate the presence of four morphologically distinct lineages of Lipinia in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Malaysia, showing a sequence divergence ranging 15.5%-20.4%. All discovered lineages are discretely diagnosable from one another by a combination of scalation traits and color patterns. A review of the published distribution data and a re-examination of available type material revealed the following results:(1) distribution of L. vittigera (Boulenger, 1894) sensu stricto is restricted to Sundaland and the Thai-Malay Peninsula south of the Isthmus of Kra; (2) L. microcercus (Boettger, 1901) stat. nov. is elevated to full species rank; the species has a wide distribution from central and southern Vietnam across Cambodia to eastern Thailand; we regard Lygosoma vittigerum kronfanum Smith, 1922 and Leiolopisma pranensis Cochran, 1930 as its junior synonyms; (3) Lipinia trivittatasp. nov. occurs in hilly areas of southern Vietnam, Cambodia, and eastern Thailand; and (4) Lipinia vassilievisp. nov. is currently known only from a narrow area along the Vietnamese-Cambodian border in the foothills of the central Annamite Mountain Range. We further provide an identification key for Lipinia occurring in mainland Southeast Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
    Studies on fungal taxonomy and fungal diversity are crucial for a better understanding of the interactions between fungi and their habitats. To date, there is no published record on macrofungal diversity in Pulau Bidong, Terengganu. Therefore, this study aimed to identify macrofungi species found with their respective substrates and to determine the macrofungal diversity in the island. The study was conducted at two different occasions and comprised of two trails near Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Research Station in Pulau Bidong, Terengganu. Collectionof fresh macrofungi was made and additional data including host information, distinctive features of each fungal sample and several environmental parameters was also recorded. Fresh specimens were later observed and identified before being dried prior to storage. Overall, 65 macrofungal species with 2 unidentified species belonging to 21 families and 34 genera were recorded. Trail A and trail B recorded diversity index of2.67 and 3.14 for Shannon Index while Simpson index recorded 0.90 and 0.94 respectively. The macrofungal diversity was dominated by family Polyporaceae while rare species discovered were from family of Tricholomataceae, Hericiaceae, Stereaceae, Schizophyllaceae, Sclerodermataceae, Dacrymycetaceae, Tremellaceae, Russulaceae and Clavulinaceae. The most common macrofungal substrates was decayed branches while other macrofungal substrates found were decayed trunks and leaves, soil,termite mounds, and living tree. In conclusion, the macrofungal species were randomlydistributed with high diversity in both trails. Therefore, it is recommended that anincrease in sampling trips, sampling efforts and areas covered be provided to increase the number of macrofungal species discovered and accuracy of diversity studies in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  3. Tan NH, Choy SK, Chin KM, Ponnudurai G
    Toxicon, 1994 Jul;32(7):849-53.
    PMID: 7940592
    Trimeresurus bite is a serious medical problem in Asia. However, at present only a few monospecific Trimeresurus antivenoms are available. Investigation of the cross-neutralization capacity of three Trimeresurus antivenoms indicates that the antivenoms exhibit broad cross-reactivity. A polyvalent Trimeresurus antivenom was also found to be effective in neutralization of the haemorrhagic, necrotizing and thrombin-like activities of heterologous Trimeresurus venoms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  4. Jeffery J, Lee RM, Tan SY, Liew C, Ng LC, Lam-Phua SG
    Trop Biomed, 2010 Apr;27(1):138-42.
    PMID: 20562825
    Nine species of mosquitoes in eight genera are recorded for the first time in Singapore. An additional two species were overlooked in a 1986 checklist for mosquitoes in Singapore, and one was described after 1986. Location and habitat data are provided for the nine new records. With the inclusion of these new records the number of species reported from Singapore is 137.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  5. Tan MK, Kamaruddin KN
    Zootaxa, 2016 Sep 12;4162(3):559-70.
    PMID: 27615991 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4162.3.9
    Here, taxonomic notes on species from three genera of bark crickets are presented.  A new locality is recorded for Duolandrevus (Bejorama) parvulus Gorochov, 2016: Singapore. Two new species of Landrevinae are described: one species of Endodrelanva Gorochov, 1999 from Singapore: Endodrelanva jimini sp. nov.; one species of Odontogryllodes Chopard, 1969 from Fraser's Hill, Peninsular Malaysia: Odontogryllodes gratus sp. nov. The male of Odontogryllodes latus Chopard, 1969 is also described for the first time and female is redescribed. Keys to all known species of Endodrelanva and Odontogryllodes is provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  6. Zvonareva S, Kantor Y
    Zootaxa, 2016 Sep 12;4162(3):401-37.
    PMID: 27615983 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4162.3.1
    Gastropod molluscs are one of the most important components of mangrove ecosystem. Mangroves in Central Vietnam have a rather limited distribution due to peculiarities of the coastline morphology and presently their fauna remains understudied. Extensive surveys were conducted in both natural vegetation and artificial mangrove plantations in several localities in Nha Trang Bay from 2005 to 2015. In total 65 species of gastropod molluscs were found alive, 17 of which can be considered as predominantly mangrove-associated. An illustrated guide is provided, with short synonymies and data on ecology and distribution. The recorded molluscan diversity is compared with published data on mangrove gastropods in different regions of the Indo-Pacific. Total species number and the proportion of mangrove-associated species are similar to studied faunas in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Thailand, but the diversity is much lower than that of the mangal fauna of the Philippines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  7. Seltmann A, Czirják GÁ, Courtiol A, Bernard H, Struebig MJ, Voigt CC
    Conserv Physiol, 2017;5(1):cox020.
    PMID: 28421138 DOI: 10.1093/conphys/cox020
    Anthropogenic habitat disturbance is a major threat to biodiversity worldwide. Yet, before population declines are detectable, individuals may suffer from chronic stress and impaired immunity in disturbed habitats, making them more susceptible to pathogens and adverse weather conditions. Here, we tested in a paleotropical forest with ongoing logging and fragmentation, whether habitat disturbance influences the body mass and immunity of bats. We measured and compared body mass, chronic stress (indicated by neutrophil to lymphocyte ratios) and the number of circulating immune cells between several bat species with different roost types living in recovering areas, actively logged forests, and fragmented forests in Sabah, Malaysia. In a cave-roosting species, chronic stress levels were higher in individuals from fragmented habitats compared with conspecifics from actively logged areas. Foliage-roosting species showed a reduced body mass and decrease in total white blood cell counts in actively logged areas and fragmented forests compared with conspecifics living in recovering habitats. Our study highlights that habitat disturbance may have species-specific effects on chronic stress and immunity in bats that are potentially related to the roost type. We identified foliage-roosting species as particularly sensitive to forest habitat deterioration. These species may face a heightened extinction risk in the near future if anthropogenic habitat alterations continue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  8. Ithnin M, Teh CK, Ratnam W
    BMC Genet, 2017 04 19;18(1):37.
    PMID: 28420332 DOI: 10.1186/s12863-017-0505-7
    BACKGROUND: The Elaeis oleifera genetic materials were assembled from its center of diversity in South and Central America. These materials are currently being preserved in Malaysia as ex situ living collections. Maintaining such collections is expensive and requires sizable land. Information on the genetic diversity of these collections can help achieve efficient conservation via maintenance of core collection. For this purpose, we have applied fourteen unlinked microsatellite markers to evaluate 532 E. oleifera palms representing 19 populations distributed across Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia.

    RESULTS: In general, the genetic diversity decreased from Costa Rica towards the north (Honduras) and south-east (Colombia). Principle coordinate analysis (PCoA) showed a single cluster indicating low divergence among palms. The phylogenetic tree and STRUCTURE analysis revealed clusters based on country of origin, indicating considerable gene flow among populations within countries. Based on the values of the genetic diversity parameters, some genetically diverse populations could be identified. Further, a total of 34 individual palms that collectively captured maximum allelic diversity with reduced redundancy were also identified. High pairwise genetic differentiation (Fst > 0.250) among populations was evident, particularly between the Colombian populations and those from Honduras, Panama and Costa Rica. Crossing selected palms from highly differentiated populations could generate off-springs that retain more genetic diversity.

    CONCLUSION: The results attained are useful for selecting palms and populations for core collection. The selected materials can also be included into crossing scheme to generate offsprings that capture greater genetic diversity for selection gain in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  9. Joshi R, Kirti JS, Singh N
    Zootaxa, 2016 Oct 28;4179(1):128-132.
    PMID: 27811698 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4179.1.10
    Genus Nishada Moore (1878) was proposed as a monotypic genus, under subfamily Lithosiinae, family Lithosiidae (now Lithosiini), including only Nishada flabrifera Moore (1878) from Calcutta (now as Kolkata), India. The genus is distributed from China to India, Thailand, Malaysia and up to Australia. The Indian fauna of Nishada is reported from North-East Himalayas, West Bengal (Kolkata) and South India. Members of this genus are unmarked, yellow to brown with short and broad wings. Genus Nishada has been taxonomically dealt by many authors but awaits thorough revision.

    HISTORY: Hampson (1900) included a total of ten species: Nishada niveola Hampson, 1900, Nishada syntomioides (Walker, 1862), Nishada impervia (Walker, 1865), Nishada marginalis (Felder 1875), Nishada tula Swinhoe, 1900, Nishada nodicornis (Walker 1862), Nishada rotundipennis (Walker 1862), Nishada flabrifera Moore, 1878, Nishada sambara (Moore 1859) and Nishada xantholoma (Snellen 1879). Swinhoe (1902) and Hampson (1911) then described two new species, Nishada melanistis and Nishada brunneipennis, respectively, followed by Rothschild (1912, 1913) who described a further seven new species, Nishada brunnea, Nishada flavens, Nishada testacea, Nishada griseoflava, Nishada fuscofascia, Nishada louisiadensis and Nishada aurantiaca, bringing the total to 19 species. Strand (1922) catalogued only 13 of these species in Nishada, transferring N. brunnea and N. fuscofascia to genus Scoliacma Meyrick (1886); N. testacea, N.griseoflava and N. louisiadensis Rothschild to Eilema Hübner (1819) and synonymising N. flavens with N. sambara. Next, Matsumura (1927) described N. formosibia, followed by two more species, N. aureocincta Debauche, 1938 and N. benjaminea Roepke, 1946. Holloway (2001) synonymised N. nodicornis with N. rotundipennis and added the description of a new subspecies, Nishada chilomorpha adunca Holloway, 2001 from Borneo, indicating a distributional range as far as North East India. The nominotypical subspecies, N. c. chilomorpha was suggested to be restricted to its type locality of Java. Bucsek (2012) added Nishada cameronensis, Dubatolov & Bucsek (2013) described Nishada schintlmeisteri and Bucsek (2016) described Nishada temenggora. So, at present, Nishada comprises19 species, of which three are known from India (Singh et al. 2014). Herein, we describe one further species, Nishada pseudochilomorpha Joshi & Singh sp. nov., from Jatinga (Assam, India). In addition, new distributional records are reported for N. flabrifera.

    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  10. Lee CF, Bezdĕk J
    Zootaxa, 2016 Oct 28;4179(1):1-41.
    PMID: 27811689 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4179.1.1
    The genus Morphosphaera Baly, 1861 is revised. Eleven species are considered as valid, including, M. takizawai sp. nov. (Mt. Basor, 90 km N of Gua Musang, Malaysia, W. Kelantan), described from Malaysia and Indonesia. Color photos of habitus and drawings of diagnostic characters from eleven species are presented. The following synonymies are proposed: M. sodalis Chen, 1935 and M. brunnea Maulik, 1936 are junior synonyms of M. albipennis Allard, 1889; M. margaritacea Laboissière, 1930, M. viridipennis Laboissière, 1930, and M. prava Maulik, 1936 are junior synonyms of M. coomani Laboissière, 1930; M. gracilicornis Chen, 1963 is a junior synonym of M. maculicollis Baly, 1861; M. cavaleriei Laboissière, 1930, M. cincticollis Laboissière, 1930, M. marginata Laboissière, 1930, M. purpurea Laboissière, 1930, M. gingkoae Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963, and M. metallescens Gressitt & Kimoto, 1963 are junior synonyms of M. sumatrana Jacoby, 1886. The type material of M. impunctata Allard, 1890 from the Philippines was not found and its taxonomic status remains uncertain. Morphosphaera peregrina Weise, 1913 is transferred to the genus Borneola Mohamedsaid, 1998 nov. comb. A neotype is designated for Chrysomela japonica Hornstedt, 1788. Lectotypes are designated for the following species: Adorium chrysomeloides Bates, 1866, A. japonicum Baly, 1874, Morphosphaera albipennis Allard, 1889, M. bimaculata Chûjô, 1938, M. caerulea Jacoby, 1896, M. cavaleriei Laboissière, 1930, M. collaris Laboissière, 1930, M. formosa Laboissière, 1930, M. marginata Laboissière, 1930, M. montivaga Maulik, 1936, M. prava Maulik, 1936, M. purpurea Laboissière, 1930, M. sumatrana Jacoby, 1886, M. viridipennis Laboissière, 1930, and Galerucida simplex Weise, 1922.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  11. Chua, B. H., Rajinder, S., Tan, S. G., Faridah, Q. Z., Cheah, S. C.
    Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are tandem repeats of DNA of 1-6 bp long. They ubiquitously occur in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes. Because of their abundance,
    they have widespread applications in both animal and plant sciences; such as varietal identification, genetic mapping, QTL mapping, phylogenetic and diversity studies. Thus, SSRs have become valuable DNA markers for molecular biologists and geneticists. Microsatellites are markers
    of choice for many molecular geneticists because of their hypervariability, codominant
    inheritance, multi-allelism and PCR-based assaying of variations that are amenable to automation and high throughput assay. However, the utilization of microsatellite markers in the past was
    hampered by its laborious de novo isolations and species-specific nature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  12. Jendek E
    Zootaxa, 2018 Jun 13;4433(3):478-490.
    PMID: 30313214 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4433.3.5
    The newly defined Agrilus gratiosus species-group comprising ten species from the Oriental region is revised. A key to species is provided and complemented with illustrations of habitus, genitalia and type specimens. The following seven new species are described: Agrilus cultus sp. nov. (Laos); A. oudomxai sp. nov. (Laos); A. pergratus sp. nov. (Malaysia); A. pluridens sp. nov. (Laos, Thailand); A. pubinotus sp. nov. (Indonesia: Sumba Island); A. siberuticola sp. nov. (Indonesia: Siberut Island) and A. signipes sp. nov. (Vietnam). Agrilus makiharai Tôyama, 1987 is considered conspecific with A. bacchus Kerremans, 1913 and therefore the name makiharai syn. nov. is a junior subjective synonym of the name bacchus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  13. Palm HW, Morales-Ávila JR, Galván-Magaña F, Haseli M
    Syst Parasitol, 2020 04;97(2):133-142.
    PMID: 32065375 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-020-09904-w
    Two new tentaculariid species were found infecting carcharhiniform sharks from off the coasts of Malaysian Borneo and the southwestern coast of the Baja California Sur, Mexico. Both new species exhibit a homeoacanthous heteromorphous basal and a homeoacanthous homeomorphous metabasal armature. Since this hook arrangement is unique within the tentaculariids and the taxonomy in this group deeply depends on the tentacular armature, Reimeriella n. g. is erected to accommodate R. varioacantha n. sp. ex Carcharhinus sorrah (Müller & Henle) and R. mexicoensis n. sp. ex Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith). Unlike R. mexicoensis n. sp., R. varioacantha n. sp. has a pars bothrialis not overlapping the pars bulbosa and the number of testes is higher. Reimeriella mexicoensis n. sp. possesses very large uncinate to falcate hooks in the basal armature, while in R. varioacantha n. sp. these hooks are almost the same in size as the remaining hooks in both the basal and metabasal armature. The latter species is the first tentaculariid species where the metabasal armature very closely resembles an eutetrarhynchid with a heteroacanthous typical homeomorphous metabasal armature and a high number of spiniform hooks per half spiral row (10-11 vs 6-7 in R. mexicoensis n. sp.) in the metabasal and apical armature. This pattern provides further morphological evidence for the close relationship of the Eutetrarhynchoidea and the Tentacularioidea. Reimeriella varioacantha n. sp. enriches the trypanorhynch fauna from off the coast of Malaysian Borneo while R. mexicoensis n. sp. is a novel record of a tentaculariid trypanorhynch from the Mexican Pacific.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  14. Pavitra SP, Ya'cob Z, Tan TK, Lim YAL, Low VL
    Acta Trop, 2020 May;205:105415.
    PMID: 32088275 DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2020.105415
    The population genetic structures of S. vanluni, S. cheongi and S. jeffreyi were determined from mitochondria-encoded sequences of cytochrome c oxidase subunits I (COI) across different states in Peninsular Malaysia. High levels of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation were observed among three species. All three species revealed an intermediate level of gene flow among the populations. Negative values of Fu's Fs and low values of Raggedness index supported the hypothesis of population expansion in S. vanluni, S. cheongi and S. jeffreyi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  15. Flury JM, Haas A, Brown RM, Das I, Pui YM, Boon-Hee K, et al.
    Mol Phylogenet Evol, 2021 10;163:107210.
    PMID: 34029720 DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2021.107210
    One of the most urgent contemporary tasks for taxonomists and evolutionary biologists is to estimate the number of species on earth. Recording alpha diversity is crucial for protecting biodiversity, especially in areas of elevated species richness, which coincide geographically with increased anthropogenic environmental pressures - the world's so-called biodiversity hotspots. Although the distribution of Puddle frogs of the genus Occidozyga in South and Southeast Asia includes five biodiversity hotspots, the available data on phylogeny, species diversity, and biogeography are surprisingly patchy. Samples analyzed in this study were collected throughout Southeast Asia, with a primary focus on Sundaland and the Philippines. A mitochondrial gene region comprising ~ 2000 bp of 12S and 16S rRNA with intervening tRNA Valine and three nuclear loci (BDNF, NTF3, POMC) were analyzed to obtain a robust, time-calibrated phylogenetic hypothesis. We found a surprisingly high level of genetic diversity within Occidozyga, based on uncorrected p-distance values corroborated by species delimitation analyses. This extensive genetic diversity revealed 29 evolutionary lineages, defined by the > 5% uncorrected p-distance criterion for the 16S rRNA gene, suggesting that species diversity in this clade of phenotypically homogeneous forms probably has been underestimated. The comparison with results of other anuran groups leads to the assumption that anuran species diversity could still be substantially underestimated in Southeast Asia in general. Many genetically divergent lineages of frogs are phenotypically similar, indicating a tendency towards extensive morphological conservatism. We present a biogeographic reconstruction of the colonization of Sundaland and nearby islands which, together with our temporal framework, suggests that lineage diversification centered on the landmasses of the northern Sunda Shelf. This remarkably genetically structured group of amphibians could represent an exceptional case for future studies of geographical structure and diversification in a widespread anuran clade spanning some of the most pronounced geographical barriers on the planet (e.g., Wallace's Line). Studies considering gene flow, morphology, ecological and bioacoustic data are needed to answer these questions and to test whether observed diversity of Puddle frog lineages warrants taxonomic recognition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  16. Tyagi K, Mound LA, Kumar V
    Zootaxa, 2016 Nov 29;4200(2):zootaxa.4200.2.8.
    PMID: 27988624 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4200.2.8
    Chirothripoides brahmaputrai sp.n. is described based on a holotype female from Assam State, India, and a paratype female from Peninsular Malaysia. A key to the six species of Chirothripoides is provided, and partial sequence data of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (mtCOI) from the holotype of the new species is generated and submitted to Barcode of Life Database.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  17. Mansor MS, Ramli R
    PLoS One, 2017;12(3):e0172836.
    PMID: 28253284 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172836
    Tropical rainforests are considered as hotspots for bird diversity, yet little is known about the system that upholds the coexistence of species. Differences in body size that are associated with foraging strategies and spatial distribution are believed to promote the coexistence of closely related species by reducing competition. However, the fact that many babbler species do not differ significantly in their morphology has challenged this view. We studied the foraging ecology of nine sympatric babbler species (i.e., Pellorneum capistratum, P. bicolor, P. malaccense, Malacopteron cinereum, M. magnum, Stachyris nigriceps, S. nigricollis, S. maculata, and Cyanoderma erythropterum) in the Krau Wildlife Reserve in Peninsular Malaysia. We investigated; i) how these babblers forage in the wild and use vegetation to obtain food, and ii) how these trophically similar species differ in spatial distribution and foraging tactics. Results indicated that most babblers foraged predominantly on aerial leaf litter and used gleaning manoeuvre in intermediate-density foliage but exhibited wide ranges of vertical strata usage, thus reducing interspecific competition. The principal component analysis indicated that two components, i.e., foraging height and substrate are important as mechanisms to allow the coexistence of sympatric babblers. The present findings revealed that these bird species have unique foraging niches that are distinct from each other, and this may apply to other insectivorous birds inhabiting tropical forests. This suggests that niche separation does occur among coexisting birds, thus following Gause' law of competitive exclusion, which states two species occupying the same niche will not stably coexist.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  18. Amici F, Widdig A, MacIntosh AJJ, Francés VB, Castellano-Navarro A, Caicoya AL, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 Dec 16;10(1):22069.
    PMID: 33328593 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-79246-6
    Primates live in complex social systems with social structures ranging from more to less despotic. In less despotic species, dominance might impose fewer constraints on social choices, tolerance is greater than in despotic species and subordinates may have little need to include novel food items in the diet (i.e. neophilia), as contest food competition is lower and resources more equally distributed across group members. Here, we used macaques as a model to assess whether different dominance styles predict differences in neophilia and social tolerance over food. We provided familiar and novel food to 4 groups of wild macaques (N = 131) with different dominance styles (Macaca fuscata, M. fascicularis, M. sylvanus, M. maura). Our study revealed inter- and intra-specific differences in individuals' access to food, which only partially reflected the dominance styles of the study subjects. Contrary to our prediction, social tolerance over food was higher in more despotic species than in less despotic species. Individuals with a higher dominance rank and being better socially integrated (i.e. higher Eigenvector centrality) were more likely to retrieve food in all species, regardless of their dominance style. Partially in line with our predictions, less integrated individuals more likely overcame neophobia (as compared to more integrated ones), but only in species with more tolerance over food. Our study suggests that individual characteristics (e.g. social integration or personality) other than dominance rank may have a stronger effect on an individual's access to resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  19. Lam WN, Huang J, Tay AHT, Sim HJ, Chan PJ, Lim KE, et al.
    New Phytol, 2024 Aug;243(3):881-893.
    PMID: 38840520 DOI: 10.1111/nph.19876
    Differences in demographic and environmental niches facilitate plant species coexistence in tropical forests. However, the adaptations that enable species to achieve higher demographic rates (e.g. growth or survival) or occupy unique environmental niches (e.g. waterlogged conditions) remain poorly understood. Anatomical traits may better predict plant environmental and demographic strategies because they are direct measurements of structures involved in these adaptations. We collected 18 leaf and twig traits from 29 tree species in a tropical freshwater swamp forest in Singapore. We estimated demographic parameters of the 29 species from growth and survival models, and degree of association toward swamp habitats. We examined pairwise trait-trait, trait-demography and trait-environment links while controlling for phylogeny. Leaf and twig anatomical traits were better predictors of all demographic parameters than other commonly measured leaf and wood traits. Plants with wider vessels had faster growth rates but lower survival rates. Leaf and spongy mesophyll thickness predicted swamp association. These findings demonstrate the utility of anatomical traits as indicators of plant hydraulic strategies and their links to growth-mortality trade-offs and waterlogging stress tolerance that underlie species coexistence mechanisms in tropical forest trees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity
  20. Fung SY, Tan NH
    Indian J Exp Biol, 2013 Dec;51(12):1063-9.
    PMID: 24579371
    The major hemorrhagin from C. purpureomaculatus (mangrove pit viper) venom was purified to homogeneity and termed Maculatoxin. Maculatoxin has a molecular weight of 38 kDa as determined by SDS-PAGE. It is an acidic protein (pI= 4.2) and exhibited proteolytic and hemorrhagic activities (MHD10 = 0.84 microg in mice) but was not lethal to mice at a dose of 1 microg/g. The hemorrhagic activity of Maculatoxin was completely inactivated by EDTA and partially inhibited by ATP and citrate. The N-terminal sequence of Maculatoxin (TPEQQRFPPTYIDLGIFVDHGMYAT) shares a significant degree of homology with the metalloprotease domain of other venom hemorrhagins. Indirect ELISA showed anti-Maculatoxin cross reacted with protein components of many snake venoms. In the double-sandwich ELISA, however, anti-Maculatoxin cross-reacted only with venoms of certain species of the Trimeresurus (Asia lance-head viper) complex, and the results support the recent proposed taxonomy changes concerning the Trimeresurus complex.
    Matched MeSH terms: Species Specificity*
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