Displaying publications 61 - 78 of 78 in total

  1. Dayaghi E, Bakhsheshi-Rad HR, Hamzah E, Akhavan-Farid A, Ismail AF, Aziz M, et al.
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2019 Sep;102:53-65.
    PMID: 31147024 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2019.04.010
    Recently, porous magnesium and its alloys are receiving great consideration as biocompatible and biodegradable scaffolds for bone tissue engineering application. However, they presented poor antibacterial performance and corrosion resistance which limited their clinical applications. In this study, Mg-Zn (MZ) scaffold containing different concentrations of tetracycline (MZ-xTC, x = 1, 5 and 10%) were fabricated by space holder technique to meet the desirable antibacterial activity and corrosion resistance properties. The MZ-TC contains total porosity of 63-65% with pore sizes in the range of 600-800 μm in order to accommodate bone cells. The MZ scaffold presented higher compressive strength and corrosion resistance compared to pure Mg scaffold. However, tetracycline incorporation has less significant effect on the mechanical and corrosion properties of the scaffolds. Moreover, MZ-xTC scaffolds drug release profiles show an initial immediate release which is followed by more stable release patterns. The bioactivity test reveals that the MZ-xTC scaffolds are capable of developing the formation of HA layers in simulated body fluid (SBF). Next, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria were utilized to assess the antimicrobial activity of the MZ-xTC scaffolds. The findings indicate that those scaffolds that incorporate a high level concentration of tetracycline are tougher against bacterial organization than MZ scaffolds. However, the MTT assay demonstrates that the MZ scaffolds containing 1 to 5% tetracycline are more effective to sustain cell viability, whereas MZ-10TC shows some toxicity. The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity of the MZ-(1-5)TC was considerably higher than that of MZ-10TC on the 3 and 7 days, implying higher osteoblastic differentiation. All the findings suggest that the MZ-xTC scaffolds containing 1 to 5% tetracycline is a promising candidate for bone tissue healing due to excellent antibacterial activity and biocompatibility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  2. Vigneswari S, Murugaiyah V, Kaur G, Abdul Khalil HP, Amirul AA
    Biomed Mater, 2016 10 06;11(5):055009.
    PMID: 27710927
    Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a microbial polymer that has been at the forefront of many attempts at tissue engineering. However, the surface of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) (P(3HB-co-4HB)) is hydrophobic with few recognition sites for cell attachment. Various concentrations of fish-scale collagen peptides (FSCPs) were incorporated into P(3HB-co-4HB) copolymer by aminolysis. Later, FSCPs were introduced onto the aminolyzed P(3HB-co-4HB) scaffolds. Introduction of the FSCP groups was verified using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and the ninhydrin method. The effect of the incorporation of FSCPs on hydrophilicity was investigated using the water contact angle. As the concentration of FSCPs increased, the water contact angle decreased. In vitro study demonstrated that P(3HB-co-4HB)/FSCP scaffolds provided better cell attachment and growth of L929 mouse fibroblast cells and better cell proliferation. In vivo study showed that P(3HB-co-4HB)/1.5 wt% FSCPs had a significant effect on wound contractions, with the highest percentage of wound closure (61%) in 7 d.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  3. Ren X, Evangelista-Leite D, Wu T, Rajab TK, Moser PT, Kitano K, et al.
    Biomaterials, 2018 11;182:127-134.
    PMID: 30118980 DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2018.08.012
    Decellularized native extracellular matrix (ECM) biomaterials are widely used in tissue engineering and have reached clinical application as biomesh implants. To enhance their regenerative properties and postimplantation performance, ECM biomaterials could be functionalized via immobilization of bioactive molecules. To facilitate ECM functionalization, we developed a metabolic glycan labeling approach using physiologic pathways to covalently incorporate click-reactive azide ligands into the native ECM of a wide variety of rodent tissues and organs in vivo, and into the ECM of isolated rodent and porcine lungs cultured ex vivo. The incorporated azides within the ECM were preserved after decellularization and served as chemoselective ligands for subsequent bioconjugation via click chemistry. As proof of principle, we generated alkyne-modified heparin, immobilized it onto azide-incorporated acellular lungs, and demonstrated its bioactivity by Antithrombin III immobilization and Factor Xa inhibition. The herein reported metabolic glycan labeling approach represents a novel platform technology for manufacturing click-reactive native ECM biomaterials, thereby enabling efficient and chemoselective functionalization of these materials to facilitate tissue regeneration and repair.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  4. Xi Loh EY, Fauzi MB, Ng MH, Ng PY, Ng SF, Ariffin H, et al.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2018 Nov 21;10(46):39532-39543.
    PMID: 30372014 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b16645
    The evaluation of the interaction of cells with biomaterials is fundamental to establish the suitability of the biomaterial for a specific application. In this study, the properties of bacterial nanocellulose/acrylic acid (BNC/AA) hydrogels fabricated with varying BNC to AA ratios and electron-beam irradiation doses were determined. The manner these hydrogel properties influence the behavior of human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs) at the cellular and molecular levels was also investigated, relating it to its application both as a cell carrier and wound dressing material. Swelling, hardness, adhesive force (wet), porosity, and hydrophilicity (dry) of the hydrogels were dependent on the degree of cross-linking and the amount of AA incorporated in the hydrogels. However, water vapor transmission rate, pore size, hydrophilicity (semidry), and topography were similar between all formulations, leading to a similar cell attachment and proliferation profile. At the cellular level, the hydrogel demonstrated rapid cell adhesion, maintained HDFs viability and morphology, restricted cellular migration, and facilitated fast transfer of cells. At the molecular level, the hydrogel affected nine wound-healing genes (IL6, IL10, MMP2, CTSK, FGF7, GM-CSF, TGFB1, COX2, and F3). The findings indicate that the BNC/AA hydrogel is a potential biomaterial that can be employed as a wound-dressing material to incorporate HDFs for the acceleration of wound healing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  5. Ramli K, Gasim AI, Ahmad AA, Htwe O, Mohamed Haflah NH, Law ZK, et al.
    Tissue Eng Part A, 2019 10;25(19-20):1438-1455.
    PMID: 30848172 DOI: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2018.0279
    We investigated the efficacy of a muscle-stuffed vein (MSV) seeded with neural-transdifferentiated human mesenchymal stem cells as an alternative nerve conduit to repair a 15-mm sciatic nerve defect in athymic rats. Other rats received MSV conduit alone, commercial polyglycolic acid conduit (Neurotube®), reverse autograft, or were left untreated. Motor and sensory functions as well as nerve conductivity were evaluated for 12 weeks, after which the grafts were harvested for histological analyses. All rats in the treatment groups demonstrated a progressive increase in the mean Sciatic Functional Index (motor function) and nerve conduction amplitude (electrophysiological function) and showed positive withdrawal reflex (sensory function) by the 10th week of postimplantation. Autotomy, which is associated with neuropathic pain, was severe in rats treated with conduit without cells; there was mild or no autotomy in the rats of other groups. Histologically, harvested grafts from all except the untreated groups exhibited axonal regeneration with the presence of mature myelinated axons. In conclusion, treatment with MSV conduit is comparable to that of other treatment groups in supporting functional recovery following sciatic nerve injury; and the addition of cells in the conduit alleviates neuropathic pain. Impact Statement It is shown that pretreated muscle-stuffed vein conduit is comparable to that of commercial nerve conduit and autograft in supporting functional recovery following peripheral nerve injury. The addition of neural-differentiated mesenchymal stem cells in the conduit is shown to alleviate neuropathic pain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  6. Pourshahrestani S, Zeimaran E, Kadri NA, Gargiulo N, Jindal HM, Hasikin K, et al.
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2019 May;98:1022-1033.
    PMID: 30812986 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2019.01.022
    A novel series of silver-doped mesoporous bioactive glass/poly(1,8-octanediol citrate) (AgMBG/POC) elastomeric biocomposite scaffolds were successfully constructed by a salt-leaching technique for the first time and the effect of inclusion of different AgMBG contents (5, 10, and 20 wt%) on physicochemical and biological properties of pure POC elastomer was evaluated. Results indicated that AgMBG particles were uniformly dispersed in the POC matrix and increasing the AgMBG concentration into POC matrix up to 20 wt% enhanced thermal behaviour, mechanical properties and water uptake ability of the composite scaffolds compared to those from POC. The 20%AgMBG/POC additionally showed higher degradation rate in Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane-HCl (Tris-HCl) compared with pure POC and lost about 26% of its initial weight after soaking for 28 days. The AgMBG phase incorporation also significantly endowed the resulting composite scaffolds with efficient antibacterial properties against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria while preserving their favorable biocompatibility with soft tissue cells (i.e., human dermal fibroblast cells). Taken together, our results suggest that the synergistic effect of both AgMBG and POC make these newly designed AgMBG/POC composite scaffold an attractive candidate for soft tissue engineering applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  7. Rizwan M, Yahya R, Hassan A, Yar M, Abd Halim AA, Rageh Al-Maleki A, et al.
    J Mater Sci Mater Med, 2019 Jun 11;30(6):72.
    PMID: 31187295 DOI: 10.1007/s10856-019-6273-3
    The success of wound healing depends upon the proper growth of vascular system in time in the damaged tissues. Poor blood supply to wounded tissues or tissue engineered grafts leads to the failure of wound healing or rejection of grafts. In present paper, we report the synthesis of novel organosoluble and pro-angiogenic chitosan derivative (CSD) by the reaction of chitosan with 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid and triethylorthoformate (TEOF). The synthesized material was characterized by FTIR and 13C-NMR to confirm the incorporated functional groups and new covalent connectivities. Biodegradability of the synthesized chitosan derivative was tested in the presence of lysozyme and was found to be comparable with CS. The cytotoxicity and apoptosis effect of new derivative was determined against gastric adenocarcinoma (AGS) cells and was found to be non-toxic. The CSD was found to be soluble in majority of organic solvents. It was blended with polycaprolactone (PCL) to form composite scaffolds. From an ex ovo CAM assay, it was noted that CSD stimulated the angiogenesis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  8. Ebrahimi S, Hanim YU, Sipaut CS, Jan NBA, Arshad SE, How SE
    Int J Mol Sci, 2021 Sep 06;22(17).
    PMID: 34502544 DOI: 10.3390/ijms22179637
    Recently, composite scaffolding has found many applications in hard tissue engineering due to a number of desirable features. In this present study, hydroxyapatite/bioglass (HAp/BG) nanocomposite scaffolds were prepared in different ratios using a hydrothermal approach. The aim of this research was to evaluate the adhesion, growth, viability, and osteoblast differentiation behavior of human Wharton's-jelly-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hWJMSCs) on HAp/BG in vitro as a scaffold for application in bone tissue engineering. Particle size and morphology were investigated by TEM and bioactivity was assessed and proven using SEM analysis with hWJMSCs in contact with the HAp/BG nanocomposite. Viability was evaluated using PrestoBlueTM assay and early osteoblast differentiation and mineralization behaviors were investigated by ALP activity and EDX analysis simultaneously. TEM results showed that the prepared HAp/BG nanocomposite had dimensions of less than 40 nm. The morphology of hWJMSCs showed a fibroblast-like shape, with a clear filopodia structure. The viability of hWJMSCs was highest for the HAp/BG nanocomposite with a 70:30 ratio of HAp to BG (HAp70/BG30). The in vitro biological results confirmed that HAp/BG composite was not cytotoxic. It was also observed that the biological performance of HAp70/BG30 was higher than HAp scaffold alone. In summary, HAp/BG scaffold combined with mesenchymal stem cells showed significant potential for bone repair applications in tissue engineering.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  9. Aslam Khan MU, Haider A, Abd Razak SI, Abdul Kadir MR, Haider S, Shah SA, et al.
    J Tissue Eng Regen Med, 2021 04;15(4):322-335.
    PMID: 33432773 DOI: 10.1002/term.3168
    The importance of bone scaffolds has increased many folds in the last few years; however, during bone implantation, bacterial infections compromise the implantation and tissue regeneration. This work is focused on this issue while not compromising on the properties of a scaffold for bone regeneration. Biocomposite scaffolds (BS) were fabricated via the freeze-drying technique. The samples were characterized for structural changes, surface morphology, porosity, and mechanical properties through spectroscopic (Fourier transform-infrared [FT-IR]), microscopic (scanning electron microscope [SEM]), X-ray (powder X-ray diffraction and energy-dispersive X-ray), and other analytical (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller, universal testing machine Instron) techniques. Antibacterial, cellular, and hemocompatibility assays were performed using standard protocols. FT-IR confirmed the interactions of all the components. SEM illustrated porous and interconnected porous morphology. The percentage porosity was in the range of 49.75%-67.28%, and the pore size was 215.65-470.87 µm. The pore size was perfect for cellular penetration. Thus, cells showed significant proliferation onto these scaffolds. X-ray studies confirmed the presence of nanohydroxyapatite and graphene oxide (GO). The cell viability was 85%-98% (BS1-BS3), which shows no significant toxicity of the biocomposite. Furthermore, the biocomposites exhibited better antibacterial activity, no effect on the blood clotting (normal in vitro blood clotting), and less than 5% hemolysis. The ultimate compression strength for the biocomposites increased from 4.05 to 7.94 with an increase in the GO content. These exciting results revealed that this material has the potential for possible application in bone tissue engineering.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  10. Touri M, Moztarzadeh F, Osman NAA, Dehghan MM, Mozafari M
    Mater Sci Eng C Mater Biol Appl, 2018 Mar 01;84:236-242.
    PMID: 29519434 DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2017.11.037
    Tissue engineering scaffolds with oxygen generating elements have shown to be able to increase the level of oxygen and cell survivability in specific conditions. In this study, biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP) scaffolds with the composition of 60% hydroxyapatite (HA) and 40% beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP), which have shown a great potential for bone tissue engineering applications, were fabricated by a direct-write assembly (robocasting) technique. Then, the three-dimensional (3D)-printed scaffolds were coated with different ratios of an oxygen releasing agent, calcium peroxide (CPO), which encapsulated within a polycaprolactone (PCL) matrix through dip-coating, and used for in situ production of oxygen in the implanted sites. The structure, composition and morphology of the prepared scaffolds were characterized by different techniques. The oxygen release kinetics and biological investigations of the scaffolds were also studied in vitro. The results showed that oxygen release behaviour was sustained and dependant on the concentration of CPO encapsulated in the PCL coating matrix. It was also demonstrated that the coated scaffolds, having 3% CPO in the coating system, could provide a great potential for promoting bone ingrowth with improving osteoblast cells viability and proliferation under hypoxic conditions. The findings indicated that the prepared scaffolds could play a significant role in engineering of large bone tissue implants with limitations in oxygen diffusion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  11. Asiri A, Saidin S, Sani MH, Al-Ashwal RH
    Sci Rep, 2021 Mar 11;11(1):5634.
    PMID: 33707606 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-85149-x
    In this study, single, mix, multilayer Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) electrospun nanofibers with epidermal growth factor (EGF) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) were fabricated and characterized as a biological wound dressing scaffolds. The biological activities of the synthesized scaffolds have been verified by in vitro and in vivo studies. The chemical composition finding showed that the identified functional units within the produced nanofibers (O-H and N-H bonds) are attributed to both growth factors (GFs) in the PVA nanofiber membranes. Electrospun nanofibers' morphological features showed long protrusion and smooth morphology without beads and sprayed with an average range of 198-286 nm fiber diameter. The fiber diameters decrement and the improvement in wettability and surface roughness were recorded after GFs incorporated within the PVA Nanofibers, which indicated potential good adoption as biological dressing scaffolds due to the identified mechanical properties (Young's modulus) in between 18 and 20 MPa. The MTT assay indicated that the growth factor release from the PVA nanofibers has stimulated cell proliferation and promoted cell viability. In the cell attachment study, the GFs incorporated PVA nanofibers stimulated cell proliferation and adhered better than the PVA control sample and presented no cytotoxic effect. The in vivo studies showed that compared to the control and single PVA-GFs nanofiber, the mix and multilayer scaffolds gave a much more wound reduction at day 7 with better wound repair at day 14-21, which indicated to enhancing tissue regeneration, thus, could be a projected as a suitable burn wound dressing scaffold.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  12. Sulaiman SB, Keong TK, Cheng CH, Saim AB, Idrus RB
    Indian J Med Res, 2013 Jun;137(6):1093-101.
    PMID: 23852290
    Various materials have been used as scaffolds to suit different demands in tissue engineering. One of the most important criteria is that the scaffold must be biocompatible. This study was carried out to investigate the potential of HA or TCP/HA scaffold seeded with osteogenic induced sheep marrow cells (SMCs) for bone tissue engineering.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  13. Jiang H, Mani MP, Jaganathan SK
    Int J Nanomedicine, 2019;14:8149-8159.
    PMID: 31632024 DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S214646
    INTRODUCTION: Recently several new approaches were emerging in bone tissue engineering to develop a substitute for remodelling the damaged tissue. In order to resemble the native extracellular matrix (ECM) of the human tissue, the bone scaffolds must possess necessary requirements like large surface area, interconnected pores and sufficient mechanical strength.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A novel bone scaffold has been developed using polyurethane (PE) added with wintergreen (WG) and titanium dioxide (TiO2). The developed nanocomposites were characterized through field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), Fourier transform and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), contact angle measurement, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and tensile testing. Furthermore, anticoagulant assays, cell viability analysis and calcium deposition were used to investigate the biological properties of the prepared hybrid nanocomposites.

    RESULTS: FESEM depicted the reduced fibre diameter for the electrospun PE/WG and PE/WG/TiO2 than the pristine PE. The addition of WG and TiO2 resulted in the alteration in peak intensity of PE as revealed in the FTIR. Wettability measurements showed the PE/WG showed decreased wettability and the PE/WG/TiO2 exhibited improved wettability than the pristine PE. TGA measurements showed the improved thermal behaviour for the PE with the addition of WG and TiO2. Surface analysis indicated that the composite has a smoother surface rather than the pristine PE. Further, the incorporation of WG and TiO2 improved the anticoagulant nature of the pristine PE. In vitro cytotoxicity assay has been performed using fibroblast cells which revealed that the electrospun composites showed good cell attachment and proliferation after 5 days. Moreover, the bone apatite formation study revealed the enhanced deposition of calcium content in the fabricated composites than the pristine PE.

    CONCLUSION: Fabricated nanocomposites rendered improved physico-chemical properties, biocompatibility and calcium deposition which are conducive for bone tissue engineering.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  14. Kamarul T, Krishnamurithy G, Salih ND, Ibrahim NS, Raghavendran HR, Suhaeb AR, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:905103.
    PMID: 25298970 DOI: 10.1155/2014/905103
    The in vivo biocompatibility and toxicity of PVA/NOCC scaffold were tested by comparing them with those of a biocompatible inert material HAM in a rat model. On Day 5, changes in the blood parameters of the PVA/NOCC-implanted rats were significantly higher than those of the control. The levels of potassium, creatinine, total protein, A/G, hemoglobulin, erythrocytes, WBC, and platelets were not significantly altered in the HAM-implanted rats, when compared with those in the control. On Day 10, an increase in potassium, urea, and GGT levels and a decrease in ALP, platelet, and eosinophil levels were noted in the PVA/NOCC-implanted rats, when compared with control. These changes were almost similar to those noted in the HAM-implanted rats, except for the unaltered potassium and increased neutrophil levels. On Day 15, the total protein, A/G, lymphocyte, monocyte, and eosinophil levels remained unaltered in the PVA/NOCC-implanted rats, whereas urea, A/G, WBC, lymphocyte, and monocyte levels remained unchanged in the HAM-implanted rats. Histology and immunohistochemistry analyses revealed inflammatory infiltration in the PVA/NOCC-implanted rats, but not in the HAM-implanted rats. Although a low toxic tissue response was observed in the PVA/NOCC-implanted rats, further studies are necessary to justify the use of this material in tissue engineering applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  15. Amin Yavari S, van der Stok J, Chai YC, Wauthle R, Tahmasebi Birgani Z, Habibovic P, et al.
    Biomaterials, 2014 Aug;35(24):6172-81.
    PMID: 24811260 DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2014.04.054
    The large surface area of highly porous titanium structures produced by additive manufacturing can be modified using biofunctionalizing surface treatments to improve the bone regeneration performance of these otherwise bioinert biomaterials. In this longitudinal study, we applied and compared three types of biofunctionalizing surface treatments, namely acid-alkali (AcAl), alkali-acid-heat treatment (AlAcH), and anodizing-heat treatment (AnH). The effects of treatments on apatite forming ability, cell attachment, cell proliferation, osteogenic gene expression, bone regeneration, biomechanical stability, and bone-biomaterial contact were evaluated using apatite forming ability test, cell culture assays, and animal experiments. It was found that AcAl and AnH work through completely different routes. While AcAl improved the apatite forming ability of as-manufactured (AsM) specimens, it did not have any positive effect on cell attachment, cell proliferation, and osteogenic gene expression. In contrast, AnH did not improve the apatite forming ability of AsM specimens but showed significantly better cell attachment, cell proliferation, and expression of osteogenic markers. The performance of AlAcH in terms of apatite forming ability and cell response was in between both extremes of AnH and AsM. AcAl resulted in significantly larger volumes of newly formed bone within the pores of the scaffold as compared to AnH. Interestingly, larger volumes of regenerated bone did not translate into improved biomechanical stability as AnH exhibited significantly better biomechanical stability as compared to AcAl suggesting that the beneficial effects of cell-nanotopography modulations somehow surpassed the benefits of improved apatite forming ability. In conclusion, the applied surface treatments have considerable effects on apatite forming ability, cell attachment, cell proliferation, and bone ingrowth of the studied biomaterials. The relationship between these properties and the bone-implant biomechanics is, however, not trivial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  16. Shafiu Kamba A, Zakaria ZA
    Biomed Res Int, 2014;2014:215097.
    PMID: 24734228 DOI: 10.1155/2014/215097
    Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) nanocrystals derived from cockle shells emerge to present a good concert in bone tissue engineering because of their potential to mimic the composition, structure, and properties of native bone. The aim of this study was to evaluate the biological response of CaCO3 nanocrystals on hFOB 1.19 and MC3T3 E-1 osteoblast cells in vitro. Cell viability and proliferation were assessed by MTT and BrdU assays, and LDH was measured to determine the effect of CaCO3 nanocrystals on cell membrane integrity. Cellular morphology was examined by SEM and fluorescence microscopy. The results showed that CaCO3 nanocrystals had no toxic effects to some extent. Cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase activity, and protein synthesis were enhanced by the nanocrystals when compared to the control. Cellular interactions were improved, as indicated by SEM and fluorescent microscopy. The production of VEGF and TGF-1 was also affected by the CaCO3 nanocrystals. Therefore, bio-based CaCO3 nanocrystals were shown to stimulate osteoblast differentiation and improve the osteointegration process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry
  17. Dhand C, Balakrishnan Y, Ong ST, Dwivedi N, Venugopal JR, Harini S, et al.
    Int J Nanomedicine, 2018;13:4473-4492.
    PMID: 30122921 DOI: 10.2147/IJN.S159770
    Introduction: In search for cross-linkers with multifunctional characteristics, the present work investigated the utility of quaternary ammonium organosilane (QOS) as a potential cross-linker for electrospun collagen nanofibers. We hypothesized that the quaternary ammonium ions improve the electrospinnability by reducing the surface tension and confer antimicrobial properties, while the formation of siloxane after alkaline hydrolysis could cross-link collagen and stimulate cell proliferation.

    Materials and methods: QOS collagen nanofibers were electrospun by incorporating various concentrations of QOS (0.1%-10% w/w) and were cross-linked in situ after exposure to ammonium carbonate. The QOS cross-linked scaffolds were characterized and their biological properties were evaluated in terms of their biocompatibility, cellular adhesion and metabolic activity for primary human dermal fibroblasts and human fetal osteoblasts.

    Results and discussion: The study revealed that 1) QOS cross-linking increased the flexibility of otherwise rigid collagen nanofibers and improved the thermal stability; 2) QOS cross-linked mats displayed potent antibacterial activity and 3) the biocompatibility of the composite mats depended on the amount of QOS present in dope solution - at low QOS concentrations (0.1% w/w), the mats promoted mammalian cell proliferation and growth, whereas at higher QOS concentrations, cytotoxic effect was observed.

    Conclusion: This study demonstrates that QOS cross-linked mats possess anti-infective properties and confer niches for cellular growth and proliferation, thus offering a useful approach, which is important for hard and soft tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
  18. Boukari Y, Qutachi O, Scurr DJ, Morris AP, Doughty SW, Billa N
    J Biomater Sci Polym Ed, 2017 Nov;28(16):1966-1983.
    PMID: 28777694 DOI: 10.1080/09205063.2017.1364100
    The development of patient-friendly alternatives to bone-graft procedures is the driving force for new frontiers in bone tissue engineering. Poly (dl-lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and chitosan are well-studied and easy-to-process polymers from which scaffolds can be fabricated. In this study, a novel dual-application scaffold system was formulated from porous PLGA and protein-loaded PLGA/chitosan microspheres. Physicochemical and in vitro protein release attributes were established. The therapeutic relevance, cytocompatibility with primary human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and osteogenic properties were tested. There was a significant reduction in burst release from the composite PLGA/chitosan microspheres compared with PLGA alone. Scaffolds sintered from porous microspheres at 37 °C were significantly stronger than the PLGA control, with compressive strengths of 0.846 ± 0.272 MPa and 0.406 ± 0.265 MPa, respectively (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Tissue Scaffolds/chemistry*
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