METHODS: Data came from a large sample of 11,412 Chinese undergraduate students. A bifactor-IRT model, specifying one general strain factor and four specific strains factors, was examined for fit to the sample data. A detailed item analysis, with analysis of the differential item functioning (DIF) of the items across gender, was undertaken to evaluate the dimensionality of the PSS. The associations among the PSS scale scores with scores on the concurrent measures, assessing psychache and suicidal behaviors, were examined.
RESULTS: IRT-derived specific bifactor indices showed that the PSS was unidimensional, and thus the PSS total scores should be reported. Unidimensional subset of 5 items identified (Item 9, Item 12, Item 14, Item 16, and Item 20), using bifactor-IRT modeling and incremental validation, were selected to construct a potential short form of the PSS (PSS-SF). The PSS-SF scale scores demonstrated strong psychometric properties and associations with scores on the concurrent measures assessing relevant constructs.
LIMITATIONS: This study used cross-sectional data from a non-clinical sample of Chinese undergraduate students.
CONCLUSIONS: The PSS-SF should be considered as a unidimensional instrument with potential in enhancing our understanding and measurement of psychological strains with reduced response burden.
Methods: This project designed a safety vest incorporated with metal detectors which can provide immediate warning to the field workers when there is metal hazard around. This product has greater freedom of design via smart manufacturing as it involves the assembly of few commercially available parts into a single entity. Briefly, the metal detector is a do it yourself (DIY) kit, and the safety vest is purchasable from any local market. The DIY kit was connected to a copper coil and being sewed into the safety vest.
Results: The metal detector induces beeping sound when there is metal hazard around. A total of 121 engineering students were introduced to the prototype before being requested to answer a survey associated with the design. Respondents have rated >3.00/5.00 for the design simplicity, ease of usage, and light weight. Meanwhile, respondents suggested that the design should be further improved by increasing the metal detection range.
Conclusion: It is envisaged that the introduction of this smart safety vest will allow the workers to carry out their duties securely by reducing the accident rates. Particularly, such design is expected to reduce workplace accident especially during night time at construction sites where the visibility is low.
Materials and method: The cross-cultural adaptation was conducted based on standard guidelines to produce the Malay version of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI-M) questionnaire. The reliability and validity testing were then performed among one hundred and twenty-three physically active University of Malaya students. Among them, twenty-two students also participated in the second return of the questionnaire over a two-week interval, which was then evaluated for test-retest reliability testing.
Results: The content validity for item-level (I-CVI) and Kappa values for all items were more than 0.7, respectively and the all scales-level (S-CVI) values were 0.983 (consistency), 0.967 (representativeness), 1.00 (relevance) and 0.983 (clarity). The questionnaire also demonstrated excellent reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2.1) above 0.850 for all items. It was observed that outer loading of most items were more than the minimum acceptable value (0.7). Fornell-Larcker criterion demonstrate all values for each reflective construct was larger than the correlations with other constructs, indicating discriminant. The cross-loading values of each item has shown a weak correlation with all other constructs, except for the one to which it was theoretically associated.
Conclusions: The Malay version of the IdFAI (IdFAI-M) is a reliable and valid instrument that can be readily utilised to subjectively assess ankle instability.