Methods: A total of 3843 participants (7,020 healthy eyes) were enrolled from the Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Diseases (SEED) study, a population-based study composing of three major ethnic groups-Malay, Indian, and Chinese-in Singapore. Ocular examinations were performed, and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) was used to measure circumpapillary RNFL thickness. We selected 35 independent glaucoma-associated genetic loci for analysis. An linear regression model was conducted to determine the association of these variants with circumpapillary RNFL, assuming an additive genetic model. We conducted association analysis in each of the three ethnic groups, followed by a meta-analysis of them.
Results: The mean age of the included participants was 59.4 ± 8.9 years, and the mean RFNL thickesss is 92.3 ± 11.2 µm. In the meta-analyses, of the 35 glacuoma loci, we found that only SIX6 was significantly associated with reduction in global RNFL thickness (rs33912345; β = -1.116 um per risk allele, P = 1.64E-05), and the effect size was larger in the inferior RNFL quadrant (β = -2.015 µm, P = 2.9E-6), and superior RNFL quadrant (β = -1.646 µm, P = 6.54E-5). The SIX6 association were consistently observed across all three ethnic groups. Other than RNFL, we also found several genetic varaints associated with vertical cuo-to-disc ratio (ATOH7, CDKN2B-AS1, and TGFBR3-CDC7), rim area (SIX6 and CDKN2B-AS1), and disc area (SIX6, ATOH7, and TGFBR3-CDC7). The association of SIX6 rs33912345 with NRFL thickness remained similar after further adjusting for disc area and 3 other disc parameter associated SNPs (ATOH7, CDKN2B-AS1, and TGFBR3-CDC7).
Conclusions: Of the 35 glaucoma identified risk loci, only SIX6 is significantly and independently associated with thinner RNFL. Our study further supports the involvement of SIX6 with RNFL thickness and pathogensis of glaucoma.
METHODS: We analysed data from 4101 adults (Malay, n = 1901 and Indian, n = 2200) who participated in the baseline (2004-2009) and 6-year follow-up (2011-2015) of two independent population-based studies with similar methodology in Singapore. BMI was categorised into normal (<25 kg/m2), overweight (25-29.9 kg/m2) and obese (≥30 kg/m2). DM was diagnosed as random plasma glucose ≥200 mg/dL, HbA1c ≥6.5% or self-reported physician diagnosed DM. DR was assessed from retinal photographs graded using a standard protocol. The associations of baseline BMI with incident DM and DR was examined using multivariable poisson regression models adjusting for potential confounders including duration of DM, family history of DM and HbA1c.
RESULTS: The incidence of DM was 12.8% and among 1586 participants with DM, the incidence of DR was 17.6% over a median follow-up period of 6.2 years. Compared to those with BMI Asian populations.
RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the association between chitinase activity, airway fungi and clinical outcomes in bronchiectasis and bronchiectasis-COPD overlap?
STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A prospective cohort of 463 individuals were recruited across five hospital sites in three countries (Singapore, Malaysia, and Scotland) including individuals who were not diseased (n = 35) and who had severe asthma (n = 54), COPD (n = 90), bronchiectasis (n = 241) and BCO (n = 43). Systemic chitinase levels were assessed for bronchiectasis and BCO and related to clinical outcomes, airway Aspergillus status, and underlying pulmonary mycobiome profiles.
RESULTS: Systemic chitinase activity is elevated significantly in bronchiectasis and BCO and exceed the activity in other airway diseases. CHIT1 activity strongly predicts bronchiectasis exacerbations and is associated with the presence of at least one Aspergillus species in the airway and frequent exacerbations (≥3 exacerbations/y). Subgroup analysis reveals an association between CHIT1 activity and the "frequent exacerbator" phenotype in South-East Asian patients whose airway mycobiome profiles indicate the presence of novel fungal taxa that include Macroventuria, Curvularia and Sarocladium. These taxa, enriched in frequently exacerbating South-East Asian patients with high CHIT1 may have potential roles in bronchiectasis exacerbations.
INTERPRETATION: Systemic CHIT1 activity may represent a useful clinical tool for the identification of fungal-driven "frequent exacerbators" with bronchiectasis in South-East Asian populations.
METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study on T2DM patients. Modest alcohol intake was defined as alcohol intake ≤ 21 units/week in men and ≤ 14 units/week in women. Significant hepatic steatosis was diagnosed on the basis of controlled attenuation parameter > 263 dB/m, while advanced fibrosis was diagnosed on the basis of liver stiffness measurement ≥ 9.6 kPa using M probe or ≥ 9.3 kPa using XL probe. Patients with liver stiffness measurement ≥ 8.0 kPa were offered liver biopsy.
RESULTS: Five hundred fifty-seven patients underwent transient elastography, and 71 patients underwent liver biopsy. The prevalence of modest drinking was 16.5%. Modest drinking was equally prevalent among ethnic Indians and Chinese at 22.9% and 23.3%, respectively, but uncommon among ethnic Malays at 1.7%. Modest drinkers were more likely to be male, smoked, and had significantly lower glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, and platelet count. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of significant hepatic steatosis or advanced fibrosis based on transient elastography and steatohepatitis or advanced fibrosis between modest drinkers and nondrinkers. The prevalence of significant hepatic steatosis was higher among ethnic Malays and Indians compared with ethnic Chinese, but the Chinese did not have a lower prevalence of more severe liver disease.
CONCLUSION: Modest alcohol intake is not associated with higher prevalence of significant hepatic steatosis or more severe liver disease among patients with T2DM.
METHODS: This was a nationwide tertiary hospital-based retrospective cross-sectional study using the capture-recapture method. It looked at the estimated crude prevalence of confirmed MS and NMOSD and annual incidence on 29 December 2017. Recapture of data was done between February and March 2018 on 1 March 2018. Public and referring private institutions were accessed.
RESULTS: The survey identified 767 MS and 545 NMOSD subjects, with crude prevalence rates of 2.73 per 100,000 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.53; 2.92 per 100,000 population) and 1.94 per 100,000 (95% CI: 1.77; 2.10 per 100,000 population) with observed crude annual incidence of 0.55 (95% CI: 0.43; 0.58) for MS and 0.39 per 100,000 (95% CI: 0.35; 0.47) for NMOSD. The MS:NMOSD ratios were 1.4:1.0. The capture-recapture method revealed 913 MS (95% CI: 910; 915.9) and 580 (95% CI: 578.8; 581.2) NMOSD with prevalence per 100,000 of 3.26 (95% CI: 3.05; 3.47) and 2.07 (95% CI: 1.90; 2.24), respectively. In the MS group, 59.4% were Malay, 16.6% Chinese, 20.5% Indian, and 3.5% were from indigenous groups. In the NMOSD group, 47.3% were Malay, 46.9% Chinese, 3.5% Indian, and 2.3% were from other indigenous groups. The ratio of NMOSD to MS among the Chinese was 2:1, but the ratio of MS to NMOSD among the Malays was 1.8:1, and that in Indians was 8.3:1.
CONCLUSION: There is a modest increase in the prevalence of MS and NMOSD in Malaysia with inter-ethnic differences for MS/NMOSD.
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the genetic predisposition of co-trimoxazole-induced SCAR.
METHODS: We conducted a multicountry case-control association study that included 151 patients with of co-trimoxazole-induced SCAR and 4631 population controls from Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia, as well as 138 tolerant controls from Taiwan. Whole-genome sequencing was performed for the patients and population controls from Taiwan; it further validated the results from Thailand and Malaysia.
RESULTS: The whole-genome sequencing study (43 case patients vs 507 controls) discovered that the single-nucleotide polymorphism rs41554616, which is located between the HLA-B and MICA loci, had the strongest association with co-trimoxazole-induced SCAR (P = 8.2 × 10-9; odds ratio [OR] = 7.7). There were weak associations of variants in co-trimoxazole-related metabolizing enzymes (CYP2D6, GSTP1, GCLC, N-acetyltransferase [NAT2], and CYP2C8). A replication study using HLA genotyping revealed that HLA-B∗13:01 was strongly associated with co-trimoxazole-induced SCAR (the combined sample comprised 91 case patients vs 2545 controls [P = 7.2 × 10-21; OR = 8.7]). A strong HLA association was also observed in the case patients from Thailand (P = 3.2 × 10-5; OR = 3.6) and Malaysia (P = .002; OR = 12.8), respectively. A meta-analysis and phenotype stratification study further indicated a strong association between HLA-B∗13:01 and co-trimoxazole-induced drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (P = 4.2 × 10-23; OR = 40.1).
CONCLUSION: This study identified HLA-B∗13:01 as an important genetic factor associated with co-trimoxazole-induced SCAR in Asians.
DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We used PCR to determine the size of CTG repeats in 377 individuals not known to be affected by DM and 11 DM1 suspected patients, recruited from a tertiary hospital in Kuala Lumpur. TP-PCR was performed on selected samples, followed by Southern blot hybridisation of PCR amplified fragments to confirm and estimate the size of CTG expansion.
OUTCOME MEASURES: The number of individuals not known to be affected by DM with (CTG)>18 was determined according to ethnic group and as a whole population. The χ2 test was performed to compare the distribution of (CTG)>18 with 12 other populations. Additionally, the accuracy of TP-PCR in detecting CTG expansion in 11 patients with DM1 was determined by comparing the results with that from Southern blot hybridisation.
RESULTS: Of the 754 chromosomes studied, (CTG)>18 frequency of 3.60%, 1.57% and 4.00% in the Malay, Chinese and Indian subpopulations, respectively, was detected, showing similarities to data from Thai, Taiwanese and Kuwaiti populations. We also successfully detected CTG expansions in 9 patients using the TP-PCR method followed by the estimation of CTG expansion size via Southern blot hybridisation.
CONCLUSIONS: The results show a low DM1 prevalence in Malaysia with the possibility of underdiagnosis and demonstrates the feasibility of using a clinical and TP-PCR-based approach for rapid and cost-effective DM1 diagnosis in developing countries.