MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 170 blood donors were recruited into the study. Blood donors were classified into three groups: normal, latent iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia based on their Hb, serum ferritin and transferrin saturation (TSAT) levels. The diagnostic performance of %Hypo-He was evaluated with a validation group comprising 160 blood donors.
RESULTS: Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis showed that %Hypo-He is an excellent parameter for detecting iron deficiency, with an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.906, a confidence interval (CI) of 0.854-0.957 at a cut-off of 0.6%, and 74.51% sensitivity and 88.24% specificity. A moderate negative correlation between %Hypo-He and TSAT (ρ = -0.576 [P
CASE REPORT: We reported a rare case of Ewing Sarcoma in a 62-year-old woman who had an unusual clinical presentation. She had right painless buttock swelling only for a month. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed soft tissue sarcoma originated from right gluteal muscle. The diagnosis of Ewing sarcoma (ES) was made in a limited diagnostic material in an initial tru-cut biopsy, followed by an excision supported by immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization (FISH).
DISCUSSION: The purpose of this study is to document ES in an adult woman and its diagnostic challenges in histopathologic perspective.
METHODOLOGY: We conducted a cross-sectional study using a validated self-administered questionnaire among tuberculosis patients attending primary care clinics in Johor Bahru district. A total of 208 tuberculosis patients were enrolled in this study through convenience sampling. We assessed the general knowledge, transmission, causes, and prevention of tuberculosis, where higher scores indicated better knowledge. For the perception of treatment, a higher mean score indicated a more negative perception.
RESULTS: The mean score for knowledge on tuberculosis was 54.33 ± 12.78, ranging from 25 to 88.9%. The mean score for perception was 2.75±0.52, ranging from 2.15-3.39. We found that although 88.9% of respondents knew a person could be infected with TB through inhalation of tuberculosis bacilli, a majority believed that smoking (68.2%), sharing food (69.2%), and eating from the same plate (66.8%) are causes of tuberculosis. Moreover, there was still a negative perception regarding the treatment of tuberculosis with the highest mean score for the statement 'I am afraid if I am told I am tuberculosis positive'.
CONCLUSIONS: We found that there were gaps in knowledge among tuberculosis patients. Intermittent counseling during the treatment re-enforces the knowledge of tuberculosis. An updated standardized counseling sheet of tuberculosis Health Education should be included along with staff training to update their knowledge as part of their important role in health education in tuberculosis prevention.
OBJECTIVE: This study presents a qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional study using netnography to examine how Malaysian online news articles responded to the SSBs tax after the announcement and postimplementation.
METHODS: Online news articles published on popular online news platforms from November 2018 to August 2019 were downloaded using NCapture and imported into NVivo for analysis using the inductive approach and thematic content analysis following the initial SSBs implementation announcement.
RESULTS: A total of 62 news articles were analyzed. Most of the articles positively portrayed the SSBs tax (46.8%) and highlighted its health impacts (76%). There were 7 key framing arguments identified in the articles. The positive arguments revolved around incentivizing manufacturers to introduce healthier products voluntarily, positive health consequences, the tax's impact on government revenue, and the use of the generated revenue toward beneficial social programs. The opposing arguments included increased operating costs to the manufacturer, the increased retail price of drinks, and how the SSBs tax is not a robust solution to obesity. The top priority sector considered in introducing the tax was the health perspective, followed by economic purposes and creating policies such as regulating the food and drinks industry.
CONCLUSIONS: The majority of online news articles positively reported the implementation of the SSBs tax in Malaysia. This suggests media played a role in garnering support for the health policy. As such, relevant bodies can use negative findings to anticipate and reframe counteracting arguments opposing the SSBs tax.