AIM: To evaluate the clinical performance of restoring class III cavities in anterior teeth of permanent dentition using the ART approach.
METHODS: A longitudinal interventional field study was carried out at two rural primary health centers, Tumkur district, India. A total of 54 teeth in 39 patients were evaluated for the survival rate of class III restorations in permanent anterior teeth using the ART approach in children and adult populations. Evaluation of ART restoration was carried out using Frencken J criteria, the mean procedure time, patient acceptance and reported pain severity during the ART approach were evaluated using a visual analog scale. Calculation of the cost of ART was also performed.
RESULTS: The mean time taken to perform the ART procedure was 14.79 ± 5.8 min with the majority of patients reporting only mild pain. At 6 mo follow-up, 72.2% remained in a good state, but this reduced to 27% at 12 mo. The cumulative survival rate of the restorations was 94.4% at 6 mo and 80.9% at 12 mo follow-up. Estimation of the direct cost for a single class III restoration was 186.50 INR (2.64 USD).
CONCLUSION: ART may be a good comprehensive option for basic oral health care for underserved or inaccessible populations, and preventive care for patients.
METHOD: A historical cohort of 986 premenopausal, and 1123 postmenopausal, parous breast cancer patients diagnosed from 2001 to 2012 in University Malaya Medical Centre were included in the analyses. Time since LCB was categorized into quintiles. Multivariable Cox regression was used to determine whether time since LCB was associated with survival following breast cancer, adjusting for demographic, tumor, and treatment characteristics.
RESULTS: Premenopausal breast cancer patients with the most recent childbirth (LCB quintile 1) were younger, more likely to present with unfavorable prognostic profiles and had the lowest 5-year overall survival (OS) (66.9; 95% CI 60.2-73.6%), compared to women with longer duration since LCB (quintile 2 thru 5). In univariable analysis, time since LCB was inversely associated with risk of mortality and the hazard ratio for LCB quintile 2, 3, 4, and 5 versus quintile 1 were 0.53 (95% CI 0.36-0.77), 0.49 (95% CI 0.33-0.75), 0.61 (95% CI 0.43-0.85), and 0.64 (95% CI 0.44-0.93), respectively; P trend = 0.016. However, this association was attenuated substantially following adjustment for age at diagnosis and other prognostic factors. Similarly, postmenopausal breast cancer patients with the most recent childbirth were also more likely to present with unfavorable disease profiles. Compared to postmenopausal breast cancer patients in LCB quintile 1, patients in quintile 5 had a higher risk of mortality. This association was not significant following multivariable adjustment.
CONCLUSION: Time since LCB is not independently associated with survival in premenopausal or postmenopausal breast cancers. The apparent increase in risks of mortality in premenopausal breast cancer patients with a recent childbirth, and postmenopausal patients with longer duration since LCB, appear to be largely explained by their age at diagnosis.
METHODS: We retrieved the records of 25,323 women diagnosed with primary stage IV breast cancer in the surveillance, epidemiology, and end results 18 registries database from 1990 to 2012. For each case, we extracted information on age at diagnosis, tumour size, nodal status, oestrogen receptor status, progesterone receptor status, ethnicity, cause of death and date of death. The Cox proportional hazards model was used to estimate the unadjusted and adjusted hazard ratio (HR) of death due to stage IV breast cancer, according to age group.
RESULTS: Among 25,323 women with stage IV breast cancer, 2542 (10.0 %) were diagnosed at age 40 or below, 5562 (22.0 %) were diagnosed between ages 41 and 50 and 17,219 (68.0 %) were diagnosed between ages 51 and 70. After a mean follow-up of 2.2 years, 16,387 (64.7 %) women died of breast cancer (median survival 2.3 years). The ten-year actuarial breast cancer-specific survival rate was 15.7 % for women ages 40 and below, 14.9 % for women ages 41-50 and 11.7 % for women ages 51 to 70 (p
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate CRR and 2-year post-discharge mortality rate (2YMR) in NSTE-ACS.
METHODS: CRR and 2YMR were analyzed by hospital rate of CRR (in deciles), by country, and by world region in 11,931 patients with NSTE-ACS who survived to discharge and were enrolled in the EPICOR (long-tErm follow uP of antithrombotic management patterns In acute CORonary syndrome patients) and EPICOR Asia: twin multinational, observational, prospective cohort studies.
RESULTS: Significant differences in patient baseline characteristics, medical therapies, CRR, and 2YMR were found. Mean CRR ranged from 0.0% to 96.8% in the first and tenth decile, respectively (p
METHODS: We studied the patterns and effect of practice variations (ie, treatments used and access to services) among participants in the INTERSTROKE study, an international observational study that enrolled 13 447 stroke patients from 142 clinical sites in 32 countries between Jan 11, 2007, and Aug 8, 2015. We supplemented patient data with a questionnaire about health-care and stroke service facilities at all participating hospitals. Using univariate and multivariate regression analyses to account for patient casemix and service clustering, we estimated the association between services available, treatments given, and patient outcomes (death or dependency) at 1 month.
FINDINGS: We obtained full information for 12 342 (92%) of 13 447 INTERSTROKE patients, from 108 hospitals in 28 countries; 2576 from 38 hospitals in ten high-income countries and 9766 from 70 hospitals in 18 low and middle-income countries. Patients in low-income and middle-income countries more often had severe strokes, intracerebral haemorrhage, poorer access to services, and used fewer investigations and treatments (p<0·0001) than those in high-income countries, although only differences in patient characteristics explained the poorer clinical outcomes in low and middle-income countries. However across all countries, irrespective of economic level, access to a stroke unit was associated with improved use of investigations and treatments, access to other rehabilitation services, and improved survival without severe dependency (odds ratio [OR] 1·29; 95% CI 1·14-1·44; all p<0·0001), which was independent of patient casemix characteristics and other measures of care. Use of acute antiplatelet treatment was associated with improved survival (1·39; 1·12-1·72) irrespective of other patient and service characteristics.
INTERPRETATION: Evidence-based treatments, diagnostics, and stroke units were less commonly available or used in low and middle-income countries. Access to stroke units and appropriate use of antiplatelet treatment were associated with improved recovery. Improved care and facilities in low-income and middle-income countries are essential to improve outcomes.
FUNDING: Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland.