Displaying publications 961 - 980 of 1933 in total

  1. Mohd Ardzi R, Shariff N, Omar NZ, Ramli N, Md Isa KA
    This study sought to investigate understanding of obesity among registered nurse e-PJJ student semester 9 UiTM in Puncak Alam, in Selangor, Malaysia. A survey research design was used for the study. 100 nurses were randomly selected from 130 nurses in e-PJJ student semester 9. Study of this population was done by systematic sampling. The target groups for this study are matrons, sisters and staff nurses. 100% nurses showed understanding of obesity. Eating habits of the nurses contributed to this obesity. It was recommended among others, that nurses should practice theoretical knowledge base and the need to more opportunities for physical activities at hospital sites was emphasized.
    Keywords: Obesity, Registered Nurses, Knowledge and attitude
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  2. Tamrin SBM, Ai LP, Hamzah R, Abdullah MY, Hanafi SS
    Objective: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine and evaluate the effects of schoolbag load on electromyography (EMG) activity of the erector spinae muscle.
    Methods: Eighty-four primary schoolchildren were selected from two national medium primary schools in Seri Kembangan, 42 from Primary Two (P2) and 42 from Primary Five (PS), aged 8 and 11 respectively. Data were collected through interviews, anthropometries measurements, the weight of schoolbag load and surface electromyography (SEMG) of the erector spinae using Muscle Tester ME3000f'®. SurfaceAg-AgCl electrodes were used to measure: unloaded standing and walking, and loaded standing and walking.
    Results: The study revealed that the erector spinae was found to be more efficient in loaded standing probably due to other trunk muscle co-activity compared to unloaded standing (p<0.05). However, the erector spinae was less efficient when loads were carried on the back while walking, compared to unloaded walking. When the schoolbag was carried over both shoulders, forces generated by the erector spinae were reduced and resulted in a more efficient use of the erector spinae compared to other asymmetrical carrying methods (p<0.05).
    Conclusions: Bending slightly forward when carrying schoolbag was found to reduce the forces generated by the erector spinae compared to normal sagittal posture (p<0.05), however no significant difference was found between the different frontal postures. A significant inverse relationship (p<0.01) between the weight of schoolbag load and the average electromyography (AEMG), showed that the signifieance of the erector spinae muscle was reduced when a heavier schoolbag load was carried, owing to other trunk muscles co-activity. The study also revealed that apart from age of schoolchildren, family history of back pain, exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), weight of the schoolbag and method of carrying schoolbag also play important role as risk factors for back pain.
    Keywords: Electromyography, schoolbag, primary school, back pain
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Fatimahwati H
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2016;30:114-126.
    This study aims to examine the interrelationship of self-determination, the big five, achievement motivation and academic achievement among students. This questionnaire survey study involving 150 students from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The National University of Malaysia. The data obtained in this study were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Instrument that has been used was Learning Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-L), Big Five Inventory (BFI), and achievement motivation scale (CLAMS). The results showed that the autonomous regulation (r =.40) and controlled regulation (r =.43) were significantly related to achievement motivation. Results also showed that the autonomous regulation (r =.45) and controlled regulation (r =.29) were significantly related to academic achievement. Correlation results also show that the big five personalities, that openness (r =.62), conscientiousness (r =.56), extraversion (r =.61), agreeableness (r =.43) and neuroticism (r =1.58) were significantly related to achievement motivation. The results showed openness (r =.31), conscientiousness (r =.44), extraversion (r =.30), agreeableness (r =.22) and neuroticism (r = -.23) were significantly related to academic achievement. In general, this study explains that self-determination and big five personalities can be used to predict the relationship with achievement motivation and academic achievement.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Khairul AM, Hassan Z, Kasan H, Idris F, Mohamad Mohsin MS, Fatin HS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:83-93.
    The indigenous personality dimensions of the Malaysian people were investigated by examining: (a) the trait adjective nouns provided by the cultural informants; (b) factor analyses of the items and factors capturing the personality trait adjectives. University undergraduate students of different racial background (N= 250) completed an open ended questionnaire about common personality trait adjectives and their associated behavioral exemplars. More than 20 desirable and non-desirable personality trait adjectives were identified through the open-ended questionnaire After selecting and refining the most frequently cited personality trait adjectives, items were developed based on the given behavioral and situational examples. In the following study, 1087 other university students completed the personality questionnaire. We combined the items of desirable and undesirable traits and factor analyze the 419 items in a series of incremental factor rotations. Congruence indices suggest the existence 4 factors of personality dimension. Good reliability and interpretable factors provide sufficient support for the indigenous dimensions of personality traits among Malaysians. Further comprehensive study involving relating the dimensions to the universal model of personality is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Ayiesah Ramli, Aida Safra Ruslan, Noor Shahida Sukiman
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:787-793.
    Clinical education provides students with opportunities to integrate knowledge and skills at progressively higher levels of performance. This study determined the significant events that undergraduate physiotherapy student reflects on during their clinical experiences as they learn to become a physiotherapist. A qualitative study using reflective instruments of structured debriefing sessions and diary writing was carried out. This involves 25 fourth-year students from the Faculty
    of Health Sciences, UKM during their 12 weeks of clinical placements in 3 different modules (first semester). They were required to describe an event, its value and their reaction to it, and to discuss the effect of the new learning experience and how it would influence their respond in the future. Our findings confirmed that the process of writing a diary makes a considerable impact to the student experience during clinical placement. The subjects begin to construct a personal identity of becoming a physiotherapist through the process of developing confidence, confirmation of practices and assimilating of knowledge. In conclusion, the main themes generated from a reflective diary included their reflection of personal growth, on how they learnt in a clinical setting, and on the ethical and professional behaviors of themselves and colleagues. This provides the clinical educators with valuable information to design meaningful clinical learning experiences that would assist students to become a good physiotherapist for the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  6. Nazri Mohd Yusof
    Integration and islamisation (INI) programmes for undergraduate medical students have been practiced, reviewed and published in many journals. However, there is only a dearth of study on the implementation of such a programme for postgraduate clinical students. Hence, there is a need to examine such a programme because of the different learning environment and characteristic of the students. The aim of this paper is to examine the existing clinical postgraduate programme at IIUM and attempts to improve the INI curriculum. Method: The study employs an analytical method and important factors for the development of the curriculum are analysed to come out with the objective, content, teaching methodology and assessment method suitable for the program. Result: The study identified the important factors that determine the curriculum to be the needs of National Health Service, the mission of the university, the requirement of the professional body and characteristic of the students. The study proposes that the objective of the program is to produce holistic orthopaedic surgeons who understand the belief of Muslim patients and is able to facilitate them in their ibadah and daily life as a Muslims. This is achieved through offering a course which consists of 4 main subjects on the principles of shariah which include the element of Islamic worldview, fiqh ibadah, fiqh muamalah and Islamic moral values with emphasis on issues related to medicine. The teaching method proposed is having regular seminars which consist of presentations and discussion of important concept in Islamic fiqh and followed by case study on fiqh issues related to Medicine. Finally, the students should be assessed from the case write up which they are required to submit before they can sit for the final professional exam. Conclusion: This improved program enables students to complete their study without compromising their duties to provide services at their respective hospitals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  7. Nordin NM, Mansor AT
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2009;olume 23:13-21.
    This study addresses lhe association between loneliness and psychological well-being among university students in Malaysia. The study used a multistage cluster sample consisting of 1,467 students who came from five Malaysian universities. Psychological well-being variables in this study were measured through the 12-item General Health Questionnaire scale (GHQ-12) by Golberg (1978). The loneliness variables were measured by using the 14- item Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale by Russell, Peplau and Cutrona (1980). The'cut-off point 5/6' for the GHQ-12 was used to determine the level of psychological well-being among the respondents. Correlation and one-way ANOVA analyses were also done. Generally, the main results showe that about 65.6% of university students in Malaysia indicated a good level of psychological well-being and about 34.4% of university students reported having some psychological problems. In addition, about 59.6% of university students reported having a moderate level of loneliness. Based on the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale scale, a moderate level of loneliness means these students had a moderate level of satisfaction in interpersonal relationships. Other results of significant tests were obtained. Implications of results are also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Desa A, Yusooff F
    1Malaysia concept was introduced by Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak on April 3, 2009 with the theme, "People First, Achievement Is Priority", 1Malaysia seen as an attempt to foster unity among the various races in Malaysia with 8 important values as the catalyst for social transformation that leads to the growth and well-being of people. This descriptive study was conducted to investigate the source and extent of the understanding of 1Malaysia concept among the three groups of primary school (n = 100), secondary school (n = 100) and university students (n = 98). Data were collected through a survey method with the use of a set of questionnaires and were then analysed with SPSS software. The results showed that the main source of this concept for all three groups of students is through television, followed by the newspaper. For the understanding of the concept, it was found that almost 70% of the respondents do understand some basic aspects related to it. However, there are still aspects which respondents still do not know about. Thus there is a need for the educators to play an important role to explain in detail to the students so that the concept can be understood and appreciated, and that it is not misinterpreted to cause negative impact on race relations in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Hamdan A, Nasir R, Khairudin R, Wan Shahrazad WS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2015;olume 29:39-51.
    The purpose of this study was to examine and identify whether factors such as previous academic result (SPM), gender and time management could determine differences among students, based on academic performance or grade point average (GPA). A total of 551 undergraduate students from four universities participated in the study. Students with a GPA of 3.50 or greater significantly differed in their level of time management than those with a GPA of less than 2.50. In terms of gender, female students were found to have higher GPA than male students. However, students enrolled with excellent SPM result did not differ significantly in term of their GPA from students enrolled with low SPM result. Results from ANOVA and t-test showed that time management and gender, not previous academic result, were the important factors to distinguish students with low or high academic performance. The implication of this study showed that academic excellence among undergraduates did not rely solely on previous academic result, but the role of time management and gender did play significant factors in distinguishing high achievers vs low achievers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Lailawati Madlan E, Abdul Adib A, Chua BS, Ferlis Bullare B, Jasmine Adela M, Rosnah I
    Social emotional intelligence, a combination between emotion and social intelligence, is a very important aspect of one's self. It is divided into five components which is intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adaptation and general mood. Social emotional intelligence directly affects the behavior, emotion and decision making of an individual. Secondary school students are a group of early teenager and still in the process of identity formation. Therefore, it is important to know the social emotional intelligence of adaptability skills especially among school students as it has long-term impact on their performance. The main objective of this study is to examine the social emotional intelligence scores among high school students in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The sample in this study consisted of Form One to Form Six students from various schools around Kota Kinabalu. A set of questionnaire used in this study is The Emotional Quotient Inventory Youth Version (EQ-i: YV) designed by Bar-On and Parker (2000) contains 60 questions with four likert scale. The data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS version 24.0. The results of this study showed that the social emotional intelligence as a whole is at a moderate level. Meanwhile, there are differences in adaptability skills between male and female students, where the mean score for male students is higher than female students. As for the implication, related parties such as ministries of education, parents and the community can obtain relevant information for the purpose of implementation of programs and activities to enhance emotional intelligence and adaptability skills that are appropriate to the current generation Z.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Ghannad SZ, Chegeni SA, Mohammad G, Allipour S
    The present study investigates the role of parenting styles on effort perseverance with mediating roles of conscientiousness and mindfulness as moderators. For this purpose, 272 Iranian high school girl students were chosen by stratified random sampling. Data were analyzed by Path Analysis and Hierarchical Regression methods. The results showed that maternal control, parental control and maternal responsibility predict effort perseverance through conscientiousness; and paternal responsibility indicates positive and significant relationship with effort perseverance. Furthermore, findings showed that the relationship between conscientiousness and effort perseverance was moderated by mindfulness. Parenting style is an important factor in predicting effort perseverance through conscientiousness. In addition, being mindfulness has an effective role in relation to conscientiousness and effort perseverance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Anna F, Sabariah S, Wong WK, Mariappan M
    The purpose of this study is to verify the constructs found in the technological problem solving instrument. The instrument used to measure the technological problem solving is the Technology Problem Solving Inventory (PSI-TECH), derived from the original instrument PSI-PSYCH which consists of three constructs. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA); KaiserMeyer-Olkin (KMO) and Barlett's analysis were applied for factor analysis in the validity and reliability of the PSI-TECH instrument. The minimum weighting factor is 0.60, used as the cut off value for factor loading. Meanwhile, the Cronbach alpha value 0.70 and above is considered reliable in this study. A total of 102 primary school students, 12 years old were randomly selected among Miri district primary school students in Sarawak. After the survey was carried out, the results of the analysis confirmed that there were three constructs that had been successfully extracted as described in the original PSI-TECH. However, 4 items were dropped from the list. The results of the analysis can provide guidance to researchers in developing this technological problem solving questionnaire, since demographics and geographies tested were diverse. As a result, the findings provide guidance to local researchers in using these instruments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Nor Ba’yah AK, AbRahman RM, Desa A
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2013;olume 27:41-53.
    ocial appearance is common among university students in Malaysia. In this study, we examine the reliability and validity of the SAAS in a sample of university students in Malaysia. This study aims to examine internal consistency and to validate the social appearance anxiety scale for Malaysian university students. Using a systematic random sampling, a set of questions was distributed to 400 academic college residents of a public university in Malaysia with a response rate of 86%. The student participants completed the social appearance anxiety scale, the social interaction anxiety scale, the brief fear of negative evaluation scale, and the general health questionnaire. The internal consistency of questions within the social appearance anxiety scale was 0.92. The social appearance anxiety scale had good convergent validity with the social interaction anxiety scale (r=0.55), the brief fear of negative evaluation (r=0.69, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Ibrahim A, Haruna JA
    The study investigated the effects of flipped and conventional classroom teaching approach on performance and retention ability of advance financial accounting students in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Bauchi, Nigeria. The study had three specific objectives and three null hypotheses. Quasiexperimental design of pre-test, post-test I and post-test II was used for the study. The study used an intact class of 76 students that offered advance financial accounting in 2015/2016 academic session in the institution. Three instruments were used for data collection. The instruments were Advance financial accounting Achievement Test (AFAAT), Advance financial accounting Diagnostic Achievement Test I (AFADAT I) and Advance financial accounting Diagnostic Achievement Test II (AFADAT II). The validations of instruments were determined by board of examiners in department of vocational and technology education in Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. The reliability of the instruments was established using pilot study. The result of the pilot study gave reliability coefficient of 0.79. Data collected from the study were coded into Statistical Package of Social Sciences. The package was used to run t-test statistics for the test of the three null hypotheses at significance level of 0.05. The results shows improvement in the performance and retention ability of students when flipped teaching technique was adopted. It was recommended among others that financial accounting lecturers in Nigerian universities should adopt the use of flipped classroom approach in teaching students by providing students with pre-class materials and assignments prior their classroom activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Ahmad Fuad Abdul Rahim, Abdul Aziz Baba, Shaiful Bahari Ismail, Hatta Sidi, Ab Rahman Esa
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:423-428.
    The study of medicine is often regarded by students as a stressful environment particularly during examination period. Studies found a high percentage of medical students experience significant psychological distress during the examination period. This study compared percentage and level of psychological distress between two batches of first year medical students who underwent different selection admission processes during a stressful examination period. A comparative
    cross-sectional study was done on two batches of first year medical students; one group selected based on academic merit (2008/2009 batch) and the other selected based on academic merit, psychometric tests and interview (2009/2010 batch). The psychological distress was measured by the 12-item general health questionnaire (GHQ-12). The data were collected right after the final examinations. A total of 99 (46.05%) medical students of the 2008/2009 batch and 196 (100%) medical students of the 2009/2010 batch participated. The percentage of medical students who had psychological distress of the 2008/2009 and the 2009/2010 batches were 58.59% and 42.3%, respectively. The mean GHQ-12 score and percentage of psychological distress were significantly different between the two batches (p< 0.01). The older batch had 2.01 times higher risk for developing psychological distress compared with the newer batch (p< 0.01). The newer batch
    of medical students had better psychological health status and was less likely to develop psychological distress during the stressful period compared with older batch.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  16. Ramachandra SS, Western J S, Muttalib KA
    J Oral Biol Craniofac Res, 2020 02 03;10(2):54-58.
    PMID: 32095425 DOI: 10.1016/j.jobcr.2020.01.009
    Introduction: Integrated curricula are being increasingly adopted in health professions, owing to their advantages including patient-centred training and development of critical thinking. Similarly, the majority of dental Universities have either moved away from discipline-specific towards integrated curricula or have incorporated elements of integration. Despite several advantages offered by the integrated curriculum, one disadvantage is failure to assess depth of knowledge. Assessing the depth of knowledge is a characteristic of discipline-specific curriculum. This commentary describes the inclusion of both discipline-based and integrated assessments at Faculty of Dentistry, SEGi University, Malaysia.

    Material and methods: Module tests (discipline-based assessments) comprising of discipline specific questions are conducted at the end of every term, mimicking the traditional discipline-specific assessment. Questions in the module tests are intended to assess the depth of knowledge of students. Mid semester examinations are conducted at the end of the semester, mimicking the integrated assessment. Integrated questions are intended to test the breadth of knowledge of students.

    Results: Lecturers and students felt introduction of module tests, helped them to prepare for topics in a phased manner and better answer questions posed by lecturers during case discussions and clinical presentations. The 'borderline distinction' students felt that studying for module tests provided them with the depth of knowledge essential to answer questions during viva voce.

    Discussion: Including both the traditional and integrated methods of assessments would engage students in a learning experience developing their breadth and depth of knowledge. Further prospective research is essential to assess the impact of this assessment strategy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Dzulkarnain AAA, Sani MKA, Rahmat S, Jusoh M
    J Audiol Otol, 2019 Jul;23(3):121-128.
    PMID: 30857383 DOI: 10.7874/jao.2018.00381
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There is a scant evidence on the use of simulations in audiology (especially in Malaysia) for case-history taking, although this technique is widely used for training medical and nursing students. Feedback is one of the important components in simulations training; however, it is unknown if feedback by instructors could influence the simulated patient (SP) training outcome for case-history taking among audiology students. Aim of the present study is to determine whether the SP training with feedback in addition to the standard role-play and seminar training is an effective learning tool for audiology case-history taking.

    SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-six second-year undergraduate audiology students participated. A cross-over study design was used. All students initially attended two hours of seminar and role-play sessions. They were then divided into three types of training, 1) SP training (Group A), 2) SP with feedback (Group B), and 3) a non-additional training group (Group C). After two training sessions, the students changed their types of training to, 1) Group A and C: SP training with feedback, and 2) Group B: non-additional training. All the groups were assessed at three points: 1) pre-test, 2) intermediate, and 3) post-test. The normalized median score differences between and within the respective groups were analysed using non-parametric tests at 95% confidence intervals.

    RESULTS: Groups with additional SP trainings (with and without feedback) showed a significantly higher normalized gain score than no training group (p<0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: The SP training (with/ without feedback) is a beneficial learning tool for history taking to students in audiology major.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  18. Jamal F, George J, Aziz AA, Ahmad D
    Family Practitioner, 1986;9(1):38-39.
    Pharyngeal carriage of group A streptococcus was determined in 432 primary school children between the ages of 6 and 8 years. Beta-haemolytic streptococci were isolated from throat swab culture of 71 pupils, with a carrier rate of 16.4% (71/432) of which 9.4% (39/432) belonged to Lancefield's group A. Serogrouping of the isolates was determined by the coagglutination method and Lancefield's hot acid extraction method. 54.9% (39/71) of the total beta-hemolytic streptococci isolated belonged to group A , 25.3% (18/71) to group G, 15.4% (11/71) to group C and 1.4%(1/71) to group F. T typing pattern of group A streptococcus was determined by the standard agglutination method. Sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by the disc diffusion technique (comparative method). All group A streptococcal isolates were sensitive to penicillin and erythromycin, 6 strains (15.4%) were resistant to tetracycline and 1 strain (2.5%) was resistant to cephaloridine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  19. Nurulhuda, M. H., Norwati, D., Sit Norazlina, J., Husbani, M. A. R.
    Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among women in
    Malaysia, accounting to 32.1% of all cancer among women. Preventive activities of breast health especially
    mammogram screening was found to be effective in reducing the mortality and morbidities related to breast cancer. .
    However, the number of people who come for screening is still unsatisfactory. Many patients come in advanced stage
    of breast cancer attributed by lack of awareness and knowledge of the disease. The aim of this study was to introduce
    a multimodality online course on breast cancer and its screening; and to measure its effectiveness in providing the
    awareness and knowledge in breast cancer. Methodology: An online course was designed incorporating essential
    knowledge regarding breast cancer and its screening. Group sampling was done to sample 30 undergraduate students.
    Knowledge and awareness on breast cancer and its screening was measured using a validated questionnaire pre and
    post exposure to the online course. Results: There was significant difference in Pre- &Post-exposure test knowledge
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Abdulla MA, Khairul Anuar A, Khalifa S, Salmah I, Suzainur KAR, Mohamad Nazmul HM, et al.
    JUMMEC, 2002;7:118-121.
    A comparative study was carried out to identify the prevalence of intestinal parasitic infestation among students in 3 different types of primary school localed in Ampang area, Kuala Lumpur. A survey of infection rate was done from April 10 June 2001. Stool samples were randomly collected from one·hundred and eleven schoolchildren aged 9-12 years were examined for intestinal parasites, using a light microscope (or direct smear and after concentration for formol-either method. It was found that an overall prevalence of intestinal parasite infection of schoolchildren was 51%. The infection rate of males and females was (60.3%) and (29.2%) respectively. Prevalence seems to be higher in the younger age groups. Also, the usual intestinal parasites were found more commonly in local and foreign schools than international schooL The local school had the highest prevalence (62%), followed by the foreign school (52%) and international school (38.9%). The prevalence in the international school was much lower compared to the local and foreign schools. KEYWORDS: Intestinal parasites, faecal samples, prevalence, schoolchildren
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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