Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 377 in total

  1. Abdul,Halim,R,, Mohamad,H,A,, Zulkiflee,A,S,, Noor,E.
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2021;8(1):22-28.
    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of hypnosis 1) to reduce dental anxiety in periodontal patients, and
    2) to increase periodontal patients’ compliance through the reduction of dental anxiety. Methods: This was a
    randomized control trial of 22 patients (13 males, 9 females; 40.14 ± 19.59 years) who underwent non-surgical
    periodontal therapy in the Postgraduate and Undergraduate Clinics. Patients were divided into the case, H,
    (hypnosis; n=11) and controlled, N, (no hypnosis; n=11) groups, where patients’ dental anxiety level was assessed
    twice for both groups using IDAF-4C+ during the first visit and the second visit. The compliance was evaluated
    during the follow-up visit. Results: The result showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in the H
    group during the second visit indicating a reduction in dental anxiety as compared to N group. However, there
    were no statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) in the pattern of reduction of blood pressure between both
    case and control groups. Based on the heart rate, patients were found to be more relaxed with hypnotherapy
    at the beginning of the treatment but halfway through, patients without hypnotherapy had a more significant
    reduction in heart rate level. Conclusion: Hypnotic suggestions were found to help reduce patient’s fear and
    anxiety. However, the compliance of the patients with or without hypnotherapy proved to have a similar outcome.
  2. Karimi-Googhari, Shahram, Huang, Yuk Feng, Abdul Halim B. Ghazali, Lee, Teang Shui
    Proper integrated management of a dam reservoir requires that all components of the water resource system be known. One of these components is the daily reservoir inflow which is the subject matter of this study, i.e. to establish predictions of what is coming in the next rainfall-runoff process over a catchment. The transformation of rainfall into runoff is an extremely complex, dynamic, and more of a non-linear process. The available six-year average daily rainfall data across the Sembrong dam catchment were computed using the well-known Theissen’s polygon method. Daily reservoir inflow data were extracted by applying the water balance model to the Sembrong dam reservoir. Modelling of relationship between rainfall and reservoir inflow data was done using feed-forward back-propagation neural networks. The final selected model has one hidden layer with 11 neurons in the hidden layer. The selected model was applied for an independent data series testing. Results in relation to specific climatic and hydrologic properties of a small tropical catchment suggested that the model is suitable to be used in forecasting the next day’s reservoir inflow. The efficiencies of the model Abtained indicated the validity of using the neural network for modelling reservoir inflow series.
  3. Alomari. Nashwan K., Badronnisa Yusuf, Thamer Ahmed Mohammed Ali, Abdul Halim Ghazali
    Branching channel flow refers to any side water withdrawals from rivers or main channels.
    Branching channels have wide application in many practical projects, such as irrigation and drainage
    network systems, water and waste water treatment plants, and many water resources projects. In the
    last decades, extensive theoretical and experimental investigations of the branching open channels
    have been carried out to understand the characteristics of this branching flow, varying from case
    studies to theoretical and experimental investigations. The objectives of this paper are to review and
    summarise the relevant literatures regarding branching channel flow. These literatures were reviewed
    based on flow characteristics, physical characteristics, and modeling of the branching flow.
    Investigations of the flow into branching channel show that the branching discharge depends on many
    interlinked parameters. It increases with the decreasing of the main channel flow velocity and Froude
    number at the upstream of the branch channel junction. Also it increases with the increasing of the
    branch channel bed slope. In subcritical flow, water depth in the branch channel is always lower than
    the main channel water depth. The flow diversion to the branch channel leads to an increase of water
    depth at the downstream of the main channel. From the review, it is important to highlight that most
    of the study concentrated on flow characteristics in a right angle branch channel with a rigid boundary.
    Investigations on different branching angles with movable bed have still to be explored.
  4. Abdul Halim Mansar, Muhammad Aadeel T., Khairul Osman, Sharin Iskandar, A.W.
    The abdominal pelvic cavity has always been regarded as one of the most vulnerable regions of the body. Injuries to this part have been known to be very serious. Based on this a retrospective study was performed on postmortem cases with abdominal and pelvic trauma from 1 October 2002 to 31 January 2003 at the Forensic Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur to determine the common pattern of abdomino-pelvic injuries, the injury’s relationship to epidemiological and socio-economic factors, risk organ within the abdominopelvic region and relationship between injuries and survival period. A total of 122 cases abdomino-pelvic were obtained stemming from medico legal postmortems procedures. Results indicated that those aged between 21 to 30 years (38.5%) had the highest incidence of this type of injury. Categorization based on gender showed that males (90.2%) dominated most of the cases. Prevalence based on socio-economic status showed that lower socioeconomy class (52.5%) had the highest incident. This was followed by the middle income (39.3%) and finally the higher income group. The most numerous type of trauma was non-penetrating trauma (94.3%). It was also found that victims with low injury severity score (ISS) had a longer survival period as compared to those with high ISS. It was also noted that victims with two or more region injuries either were spot dead or brought dead. The most common combination of injuries was abdomen, pelvic, chest and limb. In most blunt trauma cases majority of victims had one or two organ involvement while penetrating injuries were difficult to asses. The most common organ involved in this type of trauma was liver (72.1%), pelvic bone (47.5%) and spleen (43.4%). In conclusion, abdomino-pelvic injury is a serious condition and should not be overlooked. Proper attention towards their diagnosis and management is important and so any patient of head injury with coma must be considered as having intra-abdominal injury until proven otherwise.
  5. Juliena Muhammed, Sanihah Abdul Halim, Wan Hazabbah Wan Hitam, Tharakan, John
    Neurology Asia, 2014;19(3):323-326.
    Migraine with aura is one of the major subtypes of migraine, and can be associated with ischaemic brain infarction. Use of oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) increases the risk of infarction in this type of migraine. Seizures and migraine also have a complex relationship, one element of which is migraine- triggered seizures. We report a case of bilateral occipital lobe infarction and migraine-triggered seizures, most likely precipitated by oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) in a patient with migraine with visual aura. OCPs, triptans and ergotamines should be used cautiously in these patients. Methods of birth control other than OCPs should be considered.
  6. Ezlan Elias, Khairul Osman, Sharifa Abdul Aziz, Abdul Halim Mansar, Siti Fatimah Ibrahim, Jamaludin Mohamed
    Establishing time of death has been extensively studied for the last 30 years. Parameters that have been studied included body temperature, biochemistry of rigor mortis, putrefactive changes and entomology. Despite an extensive study in these parameters it was found that all of the parameters were very much dependent on external factors like changes in surrounding temperature and activities done prior to death. To solve this problem, we decided to monitor the mechanism that occurs during death. Until now, various researches have found that during the early stage of death, heart and perfusion to the cells will stop. This will cause the cells to start the death process. The death of the cell will occurs either through apoptosis or necrosis. During apoptosis the cells will switch on and off a few proteins in a sequence. Based on this understanding, a study was conducted to determine if area ratio of apoptosis: necrosis and apoptotic p53 and Bcl-2 markers can be used as a reliable postmortem interval marker (PMI). Sampling of the study had involved 100 dead human skins with a known PMI. All samples were obtained from forensic unit of Hospital Kuala Lumpur (UFHKL). Ratio of apoptosis: necrosis areas were determined using hematoxilin and eosin staining while apoptosis p53 and Bcl-2 markers were done using an apoptosis kit. All staining were then indexed and plotted against PMI data obtained from UFHKL. Results indicated that there were no significant correlations between ratio of apoptosis: necrosis area against PMI (p = 0.144). Whereas for both apoptotic markers p53 and Bcl-2 PMI had shown a significant correlation (p < 0.000 for both results). In conclusion, we suggest that p53 and Bcl-2 parameters should be studied further since it is very likely that it could be a good indicator for PMI.
  7. Abdul Halim Shibghatullah, Wan Shah Jihan Wan Din, Ramiza Ramza Ramli
    Follicular adenoma defined as a well encapsulated benign neoplastic condition of thyroid follicles. We describe this interesting case of a boy presented with right sided neck swelling that was diagnosed as a branchial cyst but later after excision, the histopathology revealed follicular adenoma of the thyroid with hemorrhage and degenerative changes in the centre. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of follicular thyroid adenoma presented as branchial cyst.
  8. Shalimar, A., Jamari, S., Abdul Halim, A.R., Roohi, S.A., Naicker, A.S., Sharaf, I.
    Malays Orthop J, 2007;1(1):34-38.
    Domestic paediatric hand injuries make up the bulk of overall paediatric hand injuries. This is a retrospective study of domestic paediatric hand injuries admitted into an urban hospital that required surgical intervention. The most common injuries sustained were tendon injuries (24%), total amputations (20%) and lacerations wounds (16%). Accordingly the most common surgical interventions were tendon repairs (28%), toilet suturing (24%) and refashioning (20%). Parents and care providers need to be more vigilant and careful when supervising children including ensuring the safe storage of dangerous items. Sharp items may require additional safety features and warning labels.
  9. Mazni Mustafa, W. Mohamad Daud W. Yusoff, Zainal Abidin Talib, Abdul Halim Shaari, Primus, Walter Charles
    Ca0.5Sr0.5Cu3Ti4O12 (CSCTO) ceramic oxide was prepared using solid state reaction technique. Impedance measurement was done using High Dielectric Resolution Analyzer (Novocontrol Novotherm) from 30 oC to 250 oC, in the frequency range of 10-2 to 106 Hz. X-ray diffraction pattern showed a single phase with a cubic structure. In the complex impedance plot, three semi-circles were observed; these represented the grain, grain boundary and electrode effect responses. The semi-circles were fitted using a series network of three parallel RC circuits. The resistance was found to increase with the decreasing temperature. The activation energies, Ea, obtained from the Arrhenius plots of CSCTO, were 0.31 eV and 0.73 eV for grain and grain boundary conductivity, respectively. The value of the grain energy was revealed as smaller than the grain boundary energy, due to the semi-conducting grain and the insulating grain boundary characteristic (Sinclair et al., 2002).
  10. Ariffin Abas, Abdul Halim Shaari, Zainal Abidin Talib, Zaidan Abdul Wahab
    The computer, together with Lab View software, can be used as an automatic data acquisition system. This project deals with the development of a computer interfacing technique for the study of Hall Effect and converting the existing automation system into a Web-based automation system. The drive board RS 217-3611 with PCI 6025E card and stepper motor RS191-8340 with a resolution of 0.1mm, was used to move a pair of permanent magnets backward and forward against the sample. The General Interface Bus (GPIB) card interfaces, together with digital nano voltmeter and Tesla meter using serial port RS232 interface, are used for measuring the potential difference and magnetic field strength respectively. Hall Effect measurement on copper (Cu) and tantalum (Ta) showed negative and positive sign Hall coefficient. Therefore, the system has electron and hole charge carriers respectively at room temperature. The parameters such as drift velocity, conductivity, mobility, Hall Coefficient and charge carrier concentration were also automatically displayed on the front panel of Lab View programming and compared with standard value. The Web-based automation system can be remotely controlled and monitored by users in remote locations using only their web browsers. In addition, video conferencing through Net Meeting has been used to provide audio and video feedback to the client.
  11. Azlini Ismail, Zurainie Abllah, Nur Aishah Muhammad Radhi, Syazalina Musa, Mohd Firdaus Akbar Abdul Halim
    Introduction: This cross-sectional study aimed to determine association of age and gender with dental treatment need among first-visit patients at Dental Outpatient Clinic, IIUM Kuantan in 2016.
    Materials and Methods: Ethical approval (IREC 762) was obtained from IIUM Human Ethics Committee. List of first-visit patients who attended clinic from 1st January to 31st December 2016 was retrieved to assess patient's age and gender. Dental treatment need was determined according to the normative need which was professionally defined by dental-officer-in-charge. All first-visit patients were included, except those attended Orthodontic department or with old Malaysian identification card or foreign passport. Included patients were classified into six age groups (≤14, 15-19, 20-34, 35-44, 45-64 and ≥ 65). Pearson's chi square test was used for statistical analysis using SPSS Version 20 software.
    Results: From a total number of 2,713 patients (age range of 2 to 87), 1,210 (44.6%) were males and 1,503 (55.4%) were females. Age (p<0.001) and gender (p<0.001) were significantly associated with dental treatment need. Paediatric patients (≤14) majorly received paedodontic care (97.5%). Young-age patients (15-19, 20-34 and 35-44) mostly required conservative care (39.5%, 31.2% & 30.6%, respectively) while elder-age patients (45-64 and ≥ 65) have major need for prosthodontics (30.0% & 40.2%, respectively). Females outnumbered males in all age groups, except for the age group of ≥ 65 whereby the situation was the opposite. Females also outnumbered males in all types of treatment need, except for periodontics which was predominated by males.
    Conclusion(s): Age and gender have significant associations with treatment need for dental care.
    KEYWORDS: treatment need, dental, association, age, gender
  12. Azdiya Suhada Abdul Rahim Arifin, Ismayadi Ismail, Abdul Halim Abdullah, Farah Nabilah Shafiee, Idza Riati Ibrahim
    Clean water is very important for health and well-being of humans and ecosystem. However, over the year, a billion tons of industrial waste, fertilizers and chemical waste were dumped untreated into water bodies, such as rivers, lake and oceans contributing towards water pollution, then threatening human health and ecosystem. Hence, the need for clean water has urged scientists to research and find solutions for improving water quality. Application of nanoparticles in wastewater treatment improves the environmental quality by elimination of harmful pollutants in wastewater. Magnetite is one of the nanoparticles used in wastewater treatment because of its specific large surface area, high reactivity in adsorption and recoverable from treated water via magnetic separation technology. Preparation method of magnetite nanoparticles is the important key to its adsorption efficiency.
  13. Syaidah Athirah Dzolin, Yusairie Mohd, Hadariah Bahron, Nurul Huda Abdul Halim
    The syntheses of salicylideneaniline (L1a) and 4-hydroxybenzalaniline (L1b) was carried out via condensation reaction giving yields of 80.74% and 81.65% respectively. The compounds were characterised by physical and spectroscopic techniques, namely melting point, micro elemental analysis (C, H and N), 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The characteristic n(C=N) peaks were observed at 1615 cm-1 and 1575 cm-1 respectively. Chronoamperometry (CA) was employed to electrodeposit both compounds on mild steel at 0.1 M inhibitor concentration in 0.3 M NaOH at three different potentials, +0.8 V, +1.05 V and +1.7 V. Formation of yellow imine films was observed on the mild steel. The corrosion behaviour of coated and uncoated mild steel was studied using Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR) in 0.5 M NaCl. Coated mild steel showed better corrosion resistance and with the highest inhibition efficiency of 90.34%, L1a provides a better protection against corrosion for mild steel than L1b.
  14. Soo KC, Abdul Halim Shaari, Kean PL, Mohd Faisal Mohd Aris
    This paper reports on the effect of oxide particle Dy2O3 additions on the superconducting properties of MgB2. The polycrystalline samples were prepared by well mixing magnesium and boron elemental powders, followed by heat treatment for in situ reaction in inert gas environment. All the samples showed MgB2 as the main phase with MgO and DyB4 as impurities. Magnetization measurements showed that the superconducting transition temperature, Tc remained largely unchanged (37.5 – 38K) even for Dy2O3 additions up to 15.0 wt.%. However, the transition curve was broadened in samples with larger amount of additions. The best sample with only 0.5 wt.% Dy2O3 additions had a Jc of around a factor of 4 higher compared to the pure sample at 6K(1T). Tem imaging showed the distribution of nano precipitates of DyB4 and MgO within the grain which may improve the pinning leading to enhancement in critical current density, Jc.
  15. Azhar Abdul Halim, Muhammad Ikram A Wahab, Nor Hasleda Mamat @ Alias
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1271-1276.
    Penyingkiran boron dalam larutan akuas secara penjerapan telah dikaji dengan menggunakan penjerap komposit yang menggabungkan zeolit, batu kapur, karbon teraktif dan buangan arang sekam padi. Parameter optimum seperti pH, masa sentuhan optimum dan dos bahan penjerap dikaji. Kajian isoterma penjerapan dan kinetik penjerapan turut dijalankan. Hasil penyelidikan menunjukkan penyingkiran boron paling optimum berlaku pada pH5 dan masa sentuhan optimum ialah pada minit ke 120. Dos optimum bagi penyingkiran boron dalam larutan akuas ialah pada dos 280 g/L dan penyingkiran yang dapat dilakukan ialah sebanyak 50.49%. Dalam kajian isoterma, model isoterma Langmuir dan Freundlich telah diaplikasikan dan hasil kajian membuktikan bahawa kajian isoterma penjerapan adalah mematuhi model isoterma Langmuir (R2 = 0.8792). Nilai kapasiti penjerapan maksimum (qm) yang diperoleh daripada model isoterma Langmuir adalah 1.8985 mg/g. Kajian kinetik penjerapan dijalankan untuk mengetahui mekanisme proses penjerapan dan hasil kajian menunjukkan kadar kinetik bagi penjerapan boron ini adalah mematuhi model kinetik tertib kedua. Pekali korelasi yang diperoleh untuk model kinetik tertib kedua ini adalah 0.9929. Ini mencadangkan bahawa kinetik penjerapan boron adalah dipengaruhi oleh proses kimia.
  16. Azhar Abdul Halim, Nor Alia Roslan, Nor Shamsiah Yaacub, Mohd. Talib Latif
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1293-1300.
    This study was conducted to investigate the batch and fixed-bed adsorption properties of boron on curcumin-impregnated activated carbon (Cur-AC). The maximum boron removal was obtained at pH5.5 and 120 min of contact time. Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models were applied and it was determined that the experimental data conformed to both models. The Langmuir maximum adsorption capacities for Cur-AC (5.00 mg/g) and regenerated Cur-AC (3.61 mg/g) were obviously higher than the capacity for bare activated carbon (0.59 mg/g). Kinetic studies indicated the adsorption of boron conformed to the intra-particle model. The highest boron removal in fixed-bed column adsorption was achieved up to 99% for the first 5 min at an inlet concentration of 890 mg/L and a flow rate of 8.0 mL/min. Thomas and the Yoon-Nelson models gave better fit to the experimental data. Cur-AC can be reused after elution processes with slightly lower adsorption capacity.
  17. Lee KM, Abdul Halim Abdullah, Mohd Zobir Hussein, Zulkarnain Zainal
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:437-441.
    ZnO/γ-Fe2O3 catalysts were fabricated via a simple precipitation route using zinc acetate and iron acetate as the precursors and ammonia as the precipitant. The resulted nanocatalysts were subjected to heat treatment at 450°C for 2 h. The characteristics of the nanocomposite were investigated by various characterization techniques. The synthesized nanocomposite has an average particle size of 13 nm and a surface area of 17 m2/g. The photocatalytic activity of ZnO/γ- Fe2O3 nanocomposite was evaluated by photodegrading 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) under UV irradiation. The results showed that ZnO/γ-Fe2O3 nanocomposite exhibited enhanced photoactivity compared to pure ZnO with almost 20% increment within 4 h of reaction time. The result indicated the applicability of ZnO/γ-Fe2O3 nanocomposite to be used as photocatalyst in removing organic pollutants in wastewater.
  18. Nur Hazimah Abdul Halim, Norfazrin Mohd Hanif, Mohamed Rozali Othman, Mohd Talib Latif
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39:175-179.
    Surfactants in the atmosphere may act as cloud condensation nuclei, with a potentially negative impact on the global climate. Therefore, accurate determination of surfactants is crucial in order to investigate the possible effects of surfactants on the atmosphere. The aim of this study was to identify the optimum sampling method for measuring the maximum quantity of surfactants present in ambient air. Air samples were collected using a range of air sampling pumps that were made to vary in terms of flow rate, storage period, type of absorbing solution and the characteristics of the impinger tube. Samples obtained were analysed by colourimetry for anionic and cationic surfactants as methylene blue-active substances (MBAS) and disulphine blue-active substances (DBAS), respectively. Absorbance was measured at 650 nm for MBAS and 628 nm for DBAS using UV-visible spectrophotometer. We found that the optimum sampling method consisted of an absorbent solution (deionised water, buffer solution and methylene blue/disulphine blue solution) with the flow rate of 1.0 L/min. The concentration of surfactants in all sampling methods remained constant regardless of the storage period (1 day and 4 days), indicating that surfactants in the absorbing solution are quite stable. Covering the impinger tube was shown to influence the amount of both anionic and cationic surfactants detected.
  19. Mazlina Mahdzar, Muhammad Anwar Haziq Mohd Yunus, Nurfarah Idayu Abdul Halim, Shamirra Zhulliana Zainal Abidin
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2018;1(2):83-92.
    Tourism industry is constantly changing. A strong and positive destination image is always desired especially from potential market segments. The disability market is the next big consumer market that is often overlooked. In sports tourism, most of the facilities developed for the disabled are limited, preventing them from experiencing the industry as a normal person would. People with disability have the rights to travel and live an active and healthy lifestyle. Promoting sports tourism and making it accessible to the disabled is seen as a problem as there is currently no easy access to information that is available for them. Verve App is an innovation to assist the disabled to navigate their ways to sport facilities such as the stadiums and many other disabled-friendly sporting facilities near them. This innovation is also designed to offer a wide-range of information to people with disabilities, to provide exposure to the disabled on disabled-friendly facilities, to provide a convenient and easy way to search for sport facilities within close proximity, to navigate the disabled, as well as to provide on facility accessibility.
  20. El Aswad, Nadia Ahmed, Mohammad, Thamer Ahmad, Abdul Halim Ghazali, Zainuddin Md Yusoff
    Tripoli coastal aquifer, Libya, which is located in a densely urbanised area, is the primary source of water supply in Tripoli city. In the last few decades and due to population growth, more than 100 wells have been drilled in Tripoli aquifer for the purpose of increasing pumping to meet demand on groundwater. The urbanisation at the Tripoli upper aquifer system has reduced the recharge rates and affected the groundwater storage. In this study, changes in groundwater dynamics in Tripoli’s unconfined aquifers were simulated using MODFLOW-2005 code. The model was calibrated and validated using measured and simulated values. Statistical tests such as coefficient of determination, R2 mean error, mean absolute error, and the root mean square error were computed and found to be 0.97, 0.31, 1.70 and 2.32 respectively. The simulation will assist in the assessment of the long term saline water intrusion. Calibrated transient groundwater flow models for the years 2020 – 2100 indicated that this case is likely to occur along pumping profiles with high pumping rates. Simulation results show that the groundwater levels will decline and exceed 12 m in the Southern area while in the Northern area near the coastal line, depletion is continuous and more than 70 wells will face saline water intrusion by the year 2100. Doubling the pumping rate from the wells will accelerate the drop in the groundwater levels and about 98% of the wells will be subjected to high salinity level by 2100. The salinity levels in these wells will make the groundwater unfit for human consumption.
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