Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 165 in total

  1. Feng M, Tan K, Zhang H, Duan X, Li S, Ma H, et al.
    Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2023 Oct;141:109059.
    PMID: 37678479 DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2023.109059
    High stocking density has been regarded as an adverse factor in bivalve aquaculture. However, its subsequent molecular response to pathogenic bacteria has been little studied. In order to study the question, a novel MyD88 was first cloned using adult noble scallops Chlamys nobilis (CnMyD88), and its tissue distribution was investigated. Then, 1860 juvenile scallops were divided into two groups with two initial densities of high density (200 individuals/layer, HD) and normal density (110 individuals/layer, ND) and in-situ cultured for three months, in which their growth, survival, and the differential expression of CnMyD88 were examined, respectively. Finally, scallops were injected with the Vibrio parahaemolyticus to assess the temporal expression of CnMyD88. As the results show, CnMyD88 cDNA has a full length of 2241 bp and contains an 1107 bp ORF that encodes a 368-derived protein. It was widely expressed in examined tissues with a significantly higher level in hemolymph, intestine, mantle, and gonad than others. Besides, the HD group showed lower growth (0.39 ± 0.05 mm/day) and survival (37.00 ± 8.49%) than the ND group (0.55 ± 0.02 mm/day and 76.82 ± 5.78%). More importantly, the HD group exhibited significantly lower expression levels of CnMyD88 in their examined tissues than the ND group. After V. parahaemolyticus challenging, CnMyD88 had significantly lower expression levels in the scallops from the HD group than that of the scallops from the ND group at 6th, 24th, and 36th. The present results indicated that high stocking density not only made adverse impacts on growth and survival but also may induce immunosuppression in the noble scallop. Therefore, appropriate low stocking density may be worth considering to adopt in scallop aquaculture.
  2. Zhang Y, Miao G, Fazhan H, Waiho K, Zheng H, Li S, et al.
    Physiol Genomics, 2018 05 01;50(5):393-405.
    PMID: 29570432 DOI: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00016.2018
    The crucifix crab, Charybdis feriatus, which mainly inhabits Indo-Pacific region, is regarded as one of the most high-potential species for domestication and incorporation into the aquaculture sector. However, the regulatory mechanisms of sex determination and differentiation of this species remain unclear. To identify candidate genes involved in sex determination and differentiation, high throughput sequencing of transcriptome from the testis and ovary of C. feriatus was performed by the Illumina platform. After removing adaptor primers, low-quality sequences and very short (<50 nt) reads, we obtained 80.9 million and 66.2 million clean reads from testis and ovary, respectively. A total of 86,433 unigenes were assembled, and ~43% (37,500 unigenes) were successfully annotated to the NR, NT, Swiss-Prot, KEGG, COG, GO databases. By comparing the testis and ovary libraries, we obtained 27,636 differentially expressed genes. Some candidate genes involved in the sex determination and differentiation of C. feriatus were identified, such as vasa, pgds, vgr, hsp90, dsx-f, fem-1, and gpr. In addition, 88,608 simple sequence repeats were obtained, and 61,929 and 77,473 single nucleotide polymorphisms from testis and ovary were detected, respectively. The transcriptome profiling was validated by quantitative real-time PCR in 30 selected genes, which showed a good consistency. The present study is the first high-throughput transcriptome sequencing of C. feriatus. These findings will be useful for future functional analysis of sex-associated genes and molecular marker-assisted selections in C. feriatus.
  3. Li S, Zhu P, Xue Y, Wang L, Wong TW, Yang X, et al.
    Research (Wash D C), 2023;6:0190.
    PMID: 37426472 DOI: 10.34133/research.0190
    Heterogeneous nucleation plays a critical role in the phase transition of water, which can cause damage in various systems. Here, we report that heterogeneous nucleation can be inhibited by utilizing hydrogel coatings to isolate solid surfaces and water. Hydrogels, which contain over 90% water when fully swelled, exhibit a high degree of similarity to water. Due to this similarity, there is a great energy barrier for heterogeneous nucleation along the water-hydrogel interface. Additionally, hydrogel coatings, which possess polymer networks, exhibit higher fracture energy and more robust adhesion to solid surfaces compared to water. This high fracture and adhesion energy acts as a deterrent for fracture nucleation within the hydrogel or along the hydrogel-solid interface. With a hydrogel layer approximately 100 μm thick, the boiling temperature of water under atmospheric pressure can be raised from 100 to 108 °C. Notably, hydrogel coatings also result in remarkable reductions in cavitation pressure on multiple solid surfaces. We have demonstrated the efficacy of hydrogel coatings in preventing damages resulting from acceleration-induced cavitation. Hydrogel coatings have the potential to alter the energy landscape of heterogeneous nucleation on the water-solid interface, making them an exciting avenue for innovation in heat transfer and fluidic systems.
  4. Budhathoki M, Campbell D, Belton B, Newton R, Li S, Zhang W, et al.
    Foods, 2022 Dec 14;11(24).
    PMID: 36553785 DOI: 10.3390/foods11244043
    Asia accounts for over 70% of total global aquatic food consumption, but aquatic food consumption behaviours and attitudes among Asian consumers are poorly documented and understood. This paper synthesises literature on factors influencing aquatic food consumption behaviour in Asia and the potential to support transitions toward more sustainable food consumption patterns. We identified 113 studies for inclusion in a scoping review, and identified five clusters of publications: (1) product attributes, availability, and accessibility (24% of publications); (2) willingness to pay for aquatic foods (25%); (3) psychosocial factors (e.g., attitudes and subjective norms) (17%); (4) sociodemographic and lifestyle factors (21%); and (5) miscellaneous factors, including food safety and social status (13%). This study indicates that multiple interacting factors influence aquatic food consumption behaviours among Asian consumers, among which price is central. Knowledge of, and attitudes toward, the perceived quality and safety of aquatic foods were identified as important but were mediated by household characteristics. Sustainable production practices, country of origin, and ecolabels were found to be less influential on consumption behaviour. We found that improving consumers' knowledge and attitudes about the quality and safety of aquatic foods might positively influence aquatic food consumption behaviour. Future multidisciplinary research is required to better understand interactions among the multiple factors that influence Asian consumers' aquatic food consumption behaviour.
  5. Shi Y, Li S, Li Y, Jiang L, Khan FU, Waiho K, et al.
    Mar Environ Res, 2024 Jan;193:106282.
    PMID: 38042633 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106282
    Despite being widely distributed in Asia, Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda is often overlooked and, its population status remains unclear. Moreover, it is threatened by illegal harvesting and degradation of mangrove ecosystems. Protecting its habitat is essential for population and biodiversity conservation, as mangroves provide nursery grounds and food supply for C. rotundicauda. This review discusses the biological characteristics of C. rotundicauda, including ecology, nutrition, life history, toxicology, and immunology. It also presents information about its distribution and population status. The review emphasizes the challenges faced by C. rotundicauda and proposes a conservation framework that involves the participation of local residents to facilitate conservation efforts. Collaboration between local residents and communities is proposed to protect and monitor the mangrove ecosystem. Additionally, this framework can support field research, protect C. rotundicauda juveniles and other species, and ensure the livelihood of local residents through participation in carbon trading markets and eco-industries such as eco-farming and eco-tourism.
  6. Li W, Wang F, Wang X, Xu W, Liu F, Hu R, et al.
    J Biochem Mol Toxicol, 2024 Feb;38(2):e23645.
    PMID: 38348716 DOI: 10.1002/jbt.23645
    Prostate cancer (PCa) is an extremely common genitourinary malignancy among elderly men. Many evidence have shown the efficacy of curcumin (CUR) in inhibiting the progression of PCa. However, the pharmacological function of CUR in PCa is still not quite clear. In this research, CUR was found to suppress the proliferation and enhance the apoptotic rate in in vitro PCa cell models in a dose- and time-dependent manner. In a xenograft animal model, the administration of CUR contributed to a significant decrease in the growth of the xenograft tumor induced by the transplanted PC-3 cells. Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 C is implicated in the modulation of multiple types of cancers. In humans, the expression levels of UBE2C are significantly higher in PCa versus benign prostatic hyperplasia. Treatment with CUR decreased the expression of UBE2C, whereas it increased miR-483-3p expression. In contrast with the control mice, the CUR-treated mice showed a significant reduction in UBE2C and Ki-67 in PCa cells. The capability of proliferation, migration, and invasion of PCa cells was inhibited by the knockdown of UBE2C mediated by siRNA. Furthermore, dual luciferase reporter gene assay indicated the binding of miR-483-3p to UBE2C. In summary, CUR exerts its antitumor effects through regulation of the miR-483-3p/UBE2C axis by decreasing UBE2C and increasing miR-483-3p. The findings may also provide new molecular markers for PCa diagnosis and treatment.
  7. Khoo YW, Hui Teng T, Khaw YS, Li S, Chong KP
    Plant Dis, 2022 Apr 12.
    PMID: 35412330 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2779-PDN
    Crinum asiaticum (family Amaryllidaceae), locally known as 'Pokok Bakung', is an ornamental medicinal plant grown in Malaysia. It contains chemical compounds used for antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor, antiemetic and wound healing (Patel, 2017). In July 2021, 'Pokok Bakung' leaves with anthracnose symptoms were collected from a park of Universiti Malaysia Sabah in the Sabah province. The disease severity was about 100% with 20% incidence. Red spots were primarily found on the leaf surfaces. Anthracnose developed as the disease progressed, and acervuli were observed in the spots. Small pieces of infected leaves (5 x 5 mm) were excised from spot margins, surface sterilized based on Khoo et al. (2022a), placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA) in Petri dishes, which were incubated for 5 days at 25°C in the dark. The colonies formed on the PDA plates were abundant with gray-white fluffy mycelia after 5 days, and the reverse view revealed brown. UMS01, a representative isolate, was used to morphologically and molecularly characterize the fungus. Conidia were one-celled, cylindrical, hyaline, smooth, and blunt at the ends, measuring 13.8 to 16.5 x 3.6 to 6.7 µm (n = 20). Appressoria ranged in size from 7.6 to 9.3 x 5.5 to 6.9 µm (n= 20) and were ovoid to clavate, spherical to irregular in shape and dark brown in color. Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh mycelia of isolate UMS01 based on Khoo et al. (2021) with the addition of mechanical disruption using a micro pestle before heating at 95°C. PCR amplification was performed based on Khoo et al. (2022a) using ITS1/ITS4, CL1C/CL2C, ACT-512F/ACT-783R, CHS-79F/CHS-354R, and GDF1/GDR1 primer pairs to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, calmodulin (CAL), actin (ACT), chitin synthase (CHS-1), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) (Weir et al. 2012). PCR products with positive amplicons were sent to Apical Scientific Sdn. Bhd. for sequencing. The sequences were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers OK458683 (ITS), OL953033 (CAL), OL953030 (ACT), OL953036 (CHS-1), and OL953039 (GAPDH). Before BLAST, the search set were adjusted to exclude model sequences (XM/XP) and the uncultured/environmental sample sequences, and limit to sequences from type material. They were 99-100% similar to the Colletotrichum siamense ITS (JX010171), CAL (JX009714), ACT (FJ907423) and CHS-1 (JX009865), and Colletotrichum changpingense GAPDH (MZ664048) type sequences. The GAPDH marker did not reliably resolve the relationships within the C. gloeosporioides complex (Vieira et al. 2020). Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood based on the combined ITS, CAL, ACT, CHS-1 and GAPDH indicated that the isolate formed a supported clade (100% bootstrap value) to the most related C. siamense. Morphological and molecular characterization matched the description of C. siamense (Huang et al. 2021). Pathogenicity tests were performed to fulfil Koch's postulates by spraying a spore suspension (106 spores/ml) on the leaves of three healthy four-month-old 'Pokok Bakung' plants, while three additional plants were sprayed with water as a control. The inoculated plants were covered with plastics for 48 h at 25°C in the dark. Incubation was performed based on Iftikhar et al. (2022). Symptoms similar to those of the field collection occurred after 6 days post inoculation. No symptoms occurred on the control plants. The experiment was repeated two more times. The reisolated fungal isolates were identical to C. siamense morphologically and molecularly. Previously, C. siamense has been reported to cause anthracnose on Allamanda cathartica (Huang et al. 2021) and avocado (Li et al. 2022) in China, and 'Purple Dream' eggplant in Malaysia (Khoo et al. 2022b). Colletotrichum fructicola has been reported to cause anthracnose on C. asiaticum in China (Qing et al. 2020). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. siamense causing anthracnose on C. asiaticum in Malaysia. Our findings expand the geographic range of C. siamense and indicate that it could be a potential threat limiting the growth and production of C. asiaticum in Malaysia.
  8. Khoo YW, Hui Teng T, Khaw YS, Li S, Chong KP
    Plant Dis, 2022 Mar 22.
    PMID: 35316084 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-02-22-0277-PDN
    Ixora chinensis (family Rubiaceae), locally known as 'Bunga Jejarum', is widely grown as an ornamental shrub and as sources for phytochemicals with medicinal properties in Malaysia. In May 2021, irregular brown spots were found on the leaves of some 'Bunga Jejarum' in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (6°02'01.0"N 116°07'20.2"E) located in Sabah province. As the disease progressed, the spots enlarged and coalesced into large necrotic areas giving rise to drying of infected leaves. The disease severity was about 70% with 20% incidence. Five symptomatic leaves (5 x 5 mm) from five plants were excised and sterilized based on Khoo et al. (2022) before plated on five potato dextrose agar (PDA) and cultured at 25°C. After 5 days, white to pale honey and dense mycelia with lobate edge were observed on all PDA plates. Globose, black conidiomata semi-immersed on PDA were observed after a week. Two to four hyaline filamentous appendages 7.7 to 17.6 μm long attached to fusoid conidia (11.8 to 20.9 x 5.7 to 7.6 μm, n = 20), which consisted of a hyaline apical cell, basal cell, and three versicolored median cells. The upper two median cells were dark brown, while the lowest median cell was pale brown. The isolate of the causal pathogen was characterized molecularly. Genomic DNA of isolate UMS01 was extracted based on Khoo et al. (2021) and Khoo et al. (2022). Amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), tubulin (TUB) and translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF) region was performed based on Khoo et al. (2022) using primers ITS1/ITS4 (White et al. 1990), T1/Bt2b (Glass and Donaldson, 1995; O'Donnell and Cigelnik, 1997) and EF1-728/EF2 (O'Donnell et al. 1998; Carbone and Kohn, 1999), respectively. PCR products with positive amplicons were sent to Apical Scientific Sdn. Bhd. for sequencing. The isolate's sequences were deposited in GenBank as OM320626 (ITS), OM339539 (TUB) and OM339540 (TEF). They were 99% to 100% identical to ITS(KM199347) (545 out of 545 bp), TUB (KM199438) (768 out of 769 bp) and TEF (KM199521) (480 out of 481 bp) of the type sequences (CBS 600.96). Phylogenetic analysis using the maximum likelihood method based on the combined ITS, TEF and TUB sequences placed the isolate UMS01 in the same clade as the isolate CBS 600.96 of Neopestalotiopsis cubana. Thus, the pathogen was identified as N. cubanabased on the morphological description from Pornsuriya et al. (2020), molecular data in Genbank database and multigene sequence analysis. To further confirm its pathogenicity, the first and second leaves of three 'Bunga Jejarum' plants were inoculated by pipetting 1 ml aliquots of a 1 × 106 conidia/ml spore suspension. Three additional 'Bunga Jejarum' plants were mock inoculated by pipetting 1 ml of sterile distilled water on similar age leaves. The plants were covered with plastic bags after inoculation for 48 h before placing them in a glasshouse under room temperature. The leaves were sprayed with water to keep the leaf surfaces moist along the experiment. The incubation and disease observation were performed based on Chai et al. (2017) and Iftikhar et al. (2022). After 7 days post-inoculation, all infected leaves exhibited the symptoms observed in the field, whereas the controls showed no symptoms. The same fungus was isolated from the diseased leaves and, thus confirmed Koch's postulates. The experiment was repeated two more times. The reisolated fungi were visually and genetically identical to the original isolate obtained from the field samples. To our knowledge, this is the first report of N. cubana causing leaf blight on 'Bunga Jejarum' in Malaysia, as well as the world. Our finding has broadened the distribution and host range of N. cubana, indicating that it poses potential damage to the medicinal plant Bunga Jejarum in Malaysia.
  9. Khoo YW, Hui Teng T, Khaw YS, Li S, Chong KP
    Plant Dis, 2022 Jan 31.
    PMID: 35100032 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2646-PDN
    Aloe vera L. var. chinensis (Haw.) Berg. (family Asphodelaceae), locally known as 'Lidah Buaya', is an economically important plant as the gel from the leaves possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, antibacterial, and hypoglycemic properties and is used for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and healing purpose in Malaysia. In July 2021, irregular black sunken spots (3- to 10-mm in diameter) were observed on the leaves of 'Lidah Buaya' plants under leaf development stage in the field located in the district Penampang of Sabah province (N5°56'37.1" E116°04'21.5"). The disease severity was about 30% with 10% incidence. The tissues surrounding the black spots became brown and dry when the plants grew older. No gel contained in the sunken zones. Symptomatic leaf tissues (5 x 5 mm) were cut from the infected margin, surface sterilised with 75% ethanol for 1 minute, washed with 2% sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 minute, rinsed, and air dried before plating on five potato dextrose agar (PDA) plates (pH 7). Plates were incubated at 25°C for 3 days in the dark. Greyish-white fluffy mycelia were observed, and then became dark grey with age. Dark pigmentation in each plate was produced after a week of incubation at 25°C. A representative isolate Penampang was further characterized morphologically and molecularly. Immature conidia were single-celled, aseptate, ellipsoid and hyaline, measuring 19.4 × 24.5 µm (n = 30). Mature conidia were brown, thick-walled and one-septate with longitudinal striations, 22.5 × 28.3 µm (n = 30). Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh mycelia of isolate Penampang based on the extraction method described by Khoo et al. (2021) with additional of mechanical disruption using micro pestle before heating. KOD One PCR master mix (Toyobo, Japan) containing hot-start modified KOD DNA polymerase was used for PCR amplification. The PCR condition were 94°C for 10 s, 55°C for 5 s and 72°C for 2 s, for 30 cycles, and initial denaturation of 94°C for 3 min and a final extension step of 72°C for 5 min. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA and tubulin (TUB) genes were amplified using ITS1/ITS4 and T10/Bt2b primer sets, respectively (O'Donnell et al. 1997; White et al. 1990). The products were then sent to Apical Scientific Sdn. Bhd. for sequencing. The generated ITS (OK209451) and TUB (OL660667) were 100% identical to L. theobromae isolate MRR-161 and CPC:27690 (GenBank MW282884 and MT592639, respectively) in BLASTn analysis. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood based on the combined ITS and TUB sequences indicated that the isolates formed a supported clade (91% bootstrap value) to the related L. theobromae. The morphological and molecular characterization of the fungus matched L. theobromae described by Pečenka et al. (2021). Mycelial agar plugs (5-mm-diameter) from 7-day-old PDA culture of Penampang isolate were placed onto pinpricked leaves of three 2-month-old 'Lidah Buaya' plants. Pinpricked leaves of three 2-month-old 'Lidah Buaya' plants received sterile 5-mm-diameter PDA agar plugs to serve as controls. The inoculated 'Lidah Buaya' plants were covered with plastics for 48 h, and were incubated at 25°C. All inoculated leaves developed symptoms as described above 6 to 7 days post-inoculation, whereas no symptoms occurred on controls, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates. The experiments were repeated twice. The reisolated fungus was identical to representative isolate Penampang morphologically and molecularly. L. theobromae was reported previously on A. vera in Cuba (Urtiaga 1986) and India (Mathur 1979). To our knowledge, this is the first report of L. theobromae causing leaf spot on A. vera in Malaysia. The occurrence of this disease emphasizes the importance of disease surveillance in the region. Plant disease management strategies need to be established to reduce the losses.
  10. Khoo YW, Rosina B, Amiruddin S, Tan HT, Khaw YS, Li S, et al.
    Plant Dis, 2022 Dec 21.
    PMID: 36541883 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-08-22-1939-PDN
    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) has been farmed in Malaysia since ancient times and is one of the most important commercial crops (Ma'arup et al. 2020). Throughout January to August 2022, chlorotic spots with brown halos ranging 2 to 10 mm wide were found on upper leaves of rice variety Mahsuri in the vegetative stage with a severity and incidence of approximately 60% and 100%, respectively in Kampung Tagas, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (06°09'41.8"N, 116°13'45.1"E). As the disease developed, the spots coalesced into larger chlorotic spots. Three leaf pieces (5 x 5 mm) were excised from lesion margins, surface sterilized based on Khoo et al. (2022a), before plating on water agar (WA) at 25°C. Purification of fungi was conducted on WA using hyphal tip isolation. When three pure cultures were obtained, the fungi were cultured on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and WA for 7 days in 12 h light and 12 h dark at 25°C for the macro- and micro-morphological characterization, respectively. The colonies of the three isolates on PDA were initially gray, later becoming dark. Conidia (n=30) were fusiform, smooth-walled, dark-brown, and melanized with three transverse septa, measuring 7.3 to 11.4 × 16.2 to 27.2 µm. The isolates were named Tagas01, Tagas02, Tagas03. Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh mycelia of the pathogens based on the extraction method described by Khoo et al. (2022b). The primers ITS1/ITS4 (White et al. 1990), GPD1/GPD2 (Berbee et al. 1991), and EF1-983F/EF1-2218R (Schochet al. 2009) were used to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA, partial fragments of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and translation elongation factor (EF-1α) region, respectively based on PCR conditions as described previously (Khoo et al. 2022a). The sequences were deposited in GenBank under accession numbers OP268402, OP271304, OP271305 (677/677 bp) (ITS), OP270699, OP270703, OP270704 (609/613 bp) (GAPDH), OP270700-OP270702 (928/930 bp) (EF-1α). They were 99.35-100% similar to the Curvularia lunata ITS (HF934911), GAPDH (LT715821), and Curvularia dactyloctenicola EF-1α (MF490858) type sequences. Although C. dactyloctenicolais related to C. lunata, the conidia of the former are much wider making them easier to differentiate (Marin-Felix et al. 2017). Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood based on the combined ITS, GAPDH and EF-1α sequences indicated that the isolate formed a supported clade to C. lunata. The pathogens were identified as C. lunata based on morphological and molecular characterization. Koch's postulates were performed. Three replicate healthy rice at the vegetative stage were sprayed with a spore suspension of 1 × 106 spore/ml in distilled sterilized water, prepared from 1-week-old fungal culture, grown in the dark on WA. Three replicate rice plants were sprayed with distilled sterilized water as control. Plants were covered with transparent polyethylene bags to keep moisture, and kept in a greenhouse at ~27°C. Bags were removed after 4 days of incubation. Monitoring and incubation were performed in greenhouse based on Iftikhar et al. (2022). The pathogenicity test was also performed using isolate Tagas02 and Tagas03. All inoculated leaves developed symptoms as described after 6 days post-inoculation, whereas no symptoms occurred on controls. The experiments were repeated twice. The reisolated fungi were identical to the pathogen morphologically and molecularly, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates. C. lunata has been reported in Peninsular Malaysia (Lee et al. 2012). This is the first report of C. lunata causing leaf spot on Oryza sativa in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. This illness not only reduces yields and lowers milling quality, but it may also be mistaken for rice blast, necessitating needless fungicide spraying.
  11. Khoo YW, Baadu R, Hui Teng T, Khaw YS, Li S, Chong KP
    Plant Dis, 2022 Dec 12.
    PMID: 36510434 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-10-21-2266-PDN
    Basella alba is an evergreen perennial vine that grows as an edible leafy vegetable in Malaysia (Nordin et al. 2007). During January 2021, a cottony white hypha associated with aggregates of white to brown sclerotia and symptoms of damping-off were visualized on the stem base of B. alba at the soil surface in an isolated field (~0.03 ha) located in the district of Penampang, Sabah province, Malaysia (5°56'51.0"N 116°04'31.8"E). Yellowing and wilting of leaves, and defoliation were observed after four days of the development of damping-off. Survey was conducted on 100 plants which 30 were found infected. The disease severity (90%) on stems was estimated using IMAGEJ. Symptomatic stem tissues were surface sterilized with 75% of ethanol for 1 min, washed with 2% of sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 min, rinsed thrice with sterile distilled water, air dried and plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Plates were incubated for 7 days at 25°C in the dark. After 7 days, fungi were isolated; colony color was white and had a cottony appearance. On day 14, white to brown sclerotia 1.0 to 2.2 mm in diameter were produced. Hyaline septate hyphae with clamp connections and multiple nuclei were seen. Conidia and conidiophores were absent from the colony on PDA. Genomic DNA of fungi was extracted based on Khoo et al. (2022a and 2022b). PCR amplification (Khoo et al. 2022b) was performed using primer set ITS1/ITS4, EF983/EF2218 and LR0R/LR05 to amplify the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rDNA, partial translation elongation factor 1 alpha (TEF-1α) gene and partial large subunit ribosomal RNA (LSU rRNA) gene, respectively (Vilgalys and Hester 1990; White et al. 1990; Carbone and Kohn, 1999; Rehner 2001). Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolates formed a supported clade to the related Athelia rolfsii sequences. The sequencing result (GenBank Accession Nos. OK465460, OP809607, OP857217) had a 99% identity over 625 bp, 941 bp, and 1,101 bp with the corresponding gene sequence of A. rolfsii (GenBank Accession Nos. MN622806, AY635773, MW322687) after analysis in BLASTn program. Pathogenicity test was performed based on Le (2011). Three 8-week-old B. alba plants cultivated on sterilized soil were inoculated with 5-mm mycelia plugs from 7-day-old culture. A plug was put on the upper soil surface layer 2 cm away from the base of the stem of B. alba plant before fully covered with a layer of sterilized soil. Plants that were inoculated with sterile PDA plugs served as the control treatment. Plastic bags were used to cover the plants after inoculation for 24 h before keeping them in a glasshouse under ambient conditions. Water-soaked and brown lesions were visualized on the stem base of all inoculated plants after four days of inoculation. Symptom of damping-off and leaf blight was observed after another 3 days. No symptoms developed on the mock controls. The pathogenicity test was repeated twice. Re-isolation was performed from the symptomatic tissues of inoculated plants and mock controls. The isolates reisolated from the symptomatic tissues were verified as A. rolfsii based on morphology and molecular characterization, thus fulfilling Koch's postulates. No pathogens were isolated from the mock controls. To our knowledge, this is the first report of A. rolfsii causing damping-off and leaf blight on B. alba in Malaysia, as well as worldwide. Our findings documented the wider geographical and host range of A. rolfsii and indicate its potential threat to B. alba production in Malaysia.
  12. Khoo YW, Hui Teng T, Khaw YS, Li S, Chong KP
    Plant Dis, 2022 Aug 08.
    PMID: 35939750 DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2787-PDN
    Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae), commonly known as camphor tree, is widely grown as an ornamental and is used as a source of camphor in Malaysia. In June 2021, leaves of three camphor trees with anthracnose symptoms were collected from a park (6°02'00.8"N, 116°07'18.5"E) at the Universiti Malaysia Sabah in Sabah province. The average disease severity across diseased plants was about 60% with 30% incidence on 10 surveyed plants. The disease severity on disease area of 10 leaves from each three diseased plants was estimated using ImageJ software. The disease incidence was determined based on Sharma et al. (2017). Gray spots were observed primarily on the surface of the leaves. After a week, the spots coalesced into larger patches, and anthracnose developed. Small pieces (5 x 5 mm) of symptomatic leaf tissue from three camphor trees were excised from the margin between healthy and symptomatic tissue. The pieces were surface-sterilized with 75% ethanol for 1 minute, washed with 2% sodium hypochlorite solution for 1 minute, rinsed, and air dried before plating in three Petri dishes with Potato dextrose agar, and incubated for 7 days at 25°C in the dark. After 7 days, all the PDA plates had abundant gray-white fluffy hyphae. Mycelium was dark brown when observed from the underside of the plate. The isolates UMS02, UMS04 and UMS05 were characterized morphologically and molecularly. The conidia were one-celled, cylindrical, hyaline, and smooth, with blunt ends, and ranged in size from 13.9 to 16.3 x 3.8 to 6.1 μm (n = 20). Appressoria were round to irregular in shape and dark brown in color, with size ranging from 7.8 to 9.8 μm x 5.3 to 6.8 μm (n= 20). Genomic DNA was extracted from fresh mycelium of the isolates based on Khoo et al. (2022a). Amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, calmodulin (CAL), actin (ACT), chitin synthase (CHS-1), and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) genes of the isolate was performed using primer pairs ITS1/ITS4, CL1C/CL2C, ACT-512F/ACT-783R, CHS-79F/CHS-354R, and GDF1/GDR1 (Weir et al. 2012). PCR products with positive amplicons were sent to Apical Scientific Sdn. Bhd. for sequencing. Sequences of the isolates were deposited in GenBank as OK448747, OM501094, OM501095 (ITS), OL953034, OM513908, OM513909 (CAL), OL953031, OM513910, OM513911 (ACT), OL953037, OM513912, OM513913 (CHS-1), and OL953040, OM513914, OM513915 (GAPDH). They were 100% identical to ITS (MN296082), CAL (MN525840), ACT (MW341257, MN525819), CHS-1 (MT210318), and GAPDH (MT682399, MN525882) sequences of Colletotrichum siamense. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood on the concatenated ITS, CAL, ACT, CHS-1 and GAPDH sequences indicated that the isolates formed a clade (82% bootstrap support) to C. siamense. Morphological and molecular characterization matched the description of C. siamense (Huang et al. 2022). Koch's postulates were performed by spraying a spore suspension (106 spores/ml) on leaves of three healthy two-month-old camphor trees, while water was sprayed on three additional camphor trees which served as control. The inoculated camphor trees were covered with plastics for 48 h at 25°C in the dark, and then placed in the greenhouse. Monitoring and incubation were performed based on Chai et al. (2017) and Iftikhar et al. (2022). Symptoms similar to those observed in the field occurred 8 days post-inoculation. No symptoms occurred on controls. The experiment was repeated two more times. C. siamense has been reported causing anthracnose on camphor tree in China (Liu et al. 2022), Citrus spp. in Mexico (Pérez-Mora et al. 2021), and Crinum asiaticum and eggplant in Malaysia (Khoo et al. 2022b, 2022c). To our knowledge, this is the first report of C. siamense causing anthracnose on C. camphora in Malaysia. Our findings expand the geographic range of C. siamense and indicate it could be a potential threat limiting the camphor production of C. camphora in Malaysia.
  13. Fu X, Zhang M, Zhu K, Li S, Fu R, Zhang M, et al.
    Acta Psychol (Amst), 2024 Aug;248:104335.
    PMID: 38878470 DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104335
    This research investigated the relationships between school climates and bullying behaviors in Chinese adolescents, and tested the mediating effect of prosocial tendency according to the seesaw effect. School climates were operationalized using three constructs: subjective diversity of student development goals, teacher support, and peer trust. Bullying behaviors included traditional (i.e., physical, nonphysical, and relational) and cyber bullying behaviors. We recruited 538 adolescents from three schools in Beijing, China (286 girls, 252 boys; average age = 12.47) and asked them to fill out the surveys measuring school climates and prosocial tendency at the outset and to report school bullying behaviors three months later. The results showed that subjective diversity of student development goals and peer trust were directly associated with less cyber bullying behavior. Moreover, teacher support and peer trust were indirectly associated with less traditional bullying behaviors via prosocial tendency. Our findings extend the existing literature on the relationships between school climates and bullying behaviors by incorporating different types of bullying behaviors, concentrating on Chinese adolescents from a cultural viewpoint, and tapping into the underlying mechanism via revealing prosocial tendency as a mediator. Theoretical and empirical contributions of this study, as well as practical implications are discussed.
  14. Fu X, Fu R, Li S, Du X, Zhang M, Duan J, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(9):e0305995.
    PMID: 39236055 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0305995
    In this study, health risk attitude and health locus of control were included as dispositional factors in the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to explain people's protective behavior in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Empirical data involved two waves of data with a sample of 526 adults with full-time jobs from Beijing, China, and structural equation model results confirmed a partial successful extension of the PMT. Specifically, health risk attitude had a direct effect on citizens' protective behavior, but without an indirect effect mediated by threat appraisal toward the COVID-19 pandemic; health locus of control did not directly associate with citizens' protective behavior, but had an indirect effect on it fully via coping appraisal toward the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the PMT has been extended by adding a distal dispositional factor on the impact of coping appraisal on protective behavior. Implications for advancing the government's anti-epidemic strategy are discussed.
  15. Ogawa S, Ng KW, Xue X, Ramadasan PN, Sivalingam M, Li S, et al.
    PMID: 24324459 DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2013.00184
    Kisspeptin has recently been recognized as a critical regulator of reproductive function in vertebrates. During the sexual development, kisspeptin neurons receive sex steroids feedback to trigger gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. In teleosts, a positive correlation has been found between the thyroid status and the reproductive status. However, the role of thyroid hormone in the regulation of kisspeptin system remains unknown. We cloned and characterized a gene encoding kisspeptin (kiss2) in a cichlid fish, the Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Expression of kiss2 mRNA in the brain was analyzed by in situ hybridization. The effect of thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine, T3) and hypothyroidism with methimazole (MMI) on kiss2 and the three GnRH types (gnrh1, gnrh2, and gnrh3) mRNA expression was analyzed by real-time PCR. Expression of thyroid hormone receptor mRNAs were analyzed in laser-captured kisspeptin and GnRH neurons by RT-PCR. The kiss2 mRNA expressing cells were seen in the nucleus of the lateral recess in the hypothalamus. Intraperitoneal administration of T3 (5 μg/g body weight) to sexually mature male tilapia significantly increased kiss2 and gnrh1 mRNA levels at 24 h post injection (P 
  16. Fang S, Zhang Y, Shi X, Zheng H, Li S, Zhang Y, et al.
    Genomics, 2020 01;112(1):404-411.
    PMID: 30851358 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2019.03.003
    In this study, we first identified male-specific SNP markers using restriction site-associated DNA sequencing, and further developed a PCR-based sex identification technique for Charybdis feriatus. A total of 296.96 million clean reads were obtained, with 114.95 and 182.01 million from females and males. After assembly and alignment, 10 SNP markers were identified being heterozygous in males but homozygous in females. Five markers were further confirmed to be male-specific in a large number of individuals. Moreover, two male-specific sense primers and a common antisense primer were designed, using which, a PCR-based genetic sex identification method was successfully developed and used to identify the sex of 103 individuals, with a result of 49 females and 54 males. The presence of male-specific SNP markers suggests an XX/XY sex determination system for C. feriatus. These findings should be helpful for better understanding sex determination mechanism, and drafting artificial breeding program in crustaceans.
  17. Waiho K, Shi X, Fazhan H, Li S, Zhang Y, Zheng H, et al.
    Front Genet, 2019;10:298.
    PMID: 31024620 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2019.00298
    Mud crab, Scylla paramamosain is one of the most important crustacean species in global aquaculture. To determine the genetic basis of sex and growth-related traits in S. paramamosain, a high-density genetic linkage map with 16,701 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was constructed using SLAF-seq and a full-sib family. The consensus map has 49 linkage groups, spanning 5,996.66 cM with an average marker-interval of 0.81 cM. A total of 516 SNP markers, including 8 female-specific SNPs segregated in two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for phenotypic sex were located on LG32. The presence of female-specific SNP markers only on female linkage map, their segregation patterns and lower female: male recombination rate strongly suggest the conformation of a ZW/ZZ sex determination system in S. paramamosain. The QTLs of most (90%) growth-related traits were found within a small interval (25.18-33.74 cM) on LG46, highlighting the potential involvement of LG46 in growth. Four markers on LG46 were significantly associated with 10-16 growth-related traits. BW was only associated with marker 3846. Based on the annotation of transcriptome data, 11 and 2 candidate genes were identified within the QTL regions of sex and growth-related traits, respectively. The newly constructed high-density genetic linkage map with sex-specific SNPs, and the identified QTLs of sex- and growth-related traits serve as a valuable genetic resource and solid foundation for marker-assisted selection and genetic improvement of crustaceans.
  18. Cui W, Fang S, Lv L, Huang Z, Lin F, Wu Q, et al.
    Front Vet Sci, 2021;8:712942.
    PMID: 34395579 DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2021.712942
    In order to uncover the sexual difference in morphology and how early they appear during the development stage of mud crab Scylla paramamosain, we measured, observed, and biostatistically analyzed morphological traits related to sex. For unveiling the morphological differences between sexes, morphological traits involving abdomen width (AW), carapace length (CL), and carapace width (CW) were first measured during the crablet development stage of S. paramamosain in the present study. The correlation analyses and path analyses exhibited that sexual dimorphism in the third abdomen width (AW3) and fourth abdomen width (AW4) could be used for sex identification from stage C VI (stage VI of crablet). Based on the stepwise discriminant analysis and standardized traits, a sex discriminant equation was constructed, which is capable for sex identification in crablets from stage C VI. Observations for secondary sexual traits and abdomen morphology (shape and pleopods) using a dissecting microscope or scanning electron microscope indicated that sexes are easily identified at stage C VIII according to the abdomen shape; meanwhile, at stage C II based on pleopod difference, and at stage C I by the presence or absence of gonopores. The findings in this study contribute greatly to the accuracy of sex identification of S. paramamosain during the early development stage, which promotes the understanding of the morphological differentiation mechanism of sex.
  19. Yang J, Cánovas-Márquez JT, Li P, Li S, Niu J, Wang X, et al.
    J Agric Food Chem, 2021 Aug 25;69(33):9632-9641.
    PMID: 34428900 DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c03307
    Malate as an important intermediate metabolite, its subcellular location, and concentration have a significant impact on fungal lipid metabolism. Previous studies showed that the mitochondrial malate transporter plays an important role in lipid accumulation in Mucor circinelloides by manipulating intracellular malate concentration. However, the role of plasma membrane malate transporters in oleaginous fungi remains unexplored. Therefore, in this work, two plasma membrane malate transporters "2-oxoglutarate:malate antiporters" (named SoDIT-a and SoDIT-b) of M. circinelloides WJ11 were deleted, and the consequences in growth capacity, lipid accumulation, and metabolism were analyzed. The results showed that deletion of sodit-a or/and sodit-b reduced the extracellular malate, confirming that the products of both genes participate in malate transportation. In parallel, the lipid contents in mutants increased approximately 10-40% higher than that in the control strain, suggesting that the defect in plasma membrane malate transport results in an increase of malate available for lipid biosynthesis. Furthermore, transcriptional analysis showed that the expression levels of multiple key genes involved in the lipid biosynthesis were also increased in the knockout mutants. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report that demonstrated the association between plasma membrane malate transporters and lipid accumulation in M. circinelloides.
  20. Bui DT, Panahi M, Shahabi H, Singh VP, Shirzadi A, Chapi K, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2021 Jul 20;11(1):15152.
    PMID: 34285263 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93957-4
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