OBJECTIVE: To explore the feasibility of using cyclin D1 as a prognostic marker in tongue and cheek SCC by the fluorescent-in-situ hybridization (FISH) method.
METHODS: Fifty paraffin-embedded samples (25 each of cheek and tongue SCCs) were obtained from the archives of the Oral Pathology Diagnostic Laboratory. Sociodemographic data, histopathologic diagnoses, lymph node status and survival data were obtained from the Malaysian Oral Cancer Database and Tissue Bank System (MOCDTBS)coordinated by the Oral Cancer Research and Coordinating Centre (OCRCC), University of Malaya. The FISH technique was used to detect the amplification of cyclin D1 using the Vysis protocol. Statistical correlations of cyclin D1 with site and lymph node status were analyzed using the Fisher exact test. Kaplan-Meier and Log Rank (Mantel-Cox) test were used to analyze cyclin D1 amplification and median survival time.
RESULTS: Positive amplification of cyclin D1 was detected in 72% (36) of OSCCs. Detection of positive amplification for cyclin D1 was observed in 88% (22) and 56% (14) of the tongue and cheek tumors, respectively, where the difference was statistically significant (P=0.012). Lymph node metastasis of cheek SCCs showed a trend towards a significant association (P= 0.098) with cyclin D1 amplification whereas the lymph node metastasis of tongue SCC was clearly not significant (P=0.593).There was a statistically significant correlation between cyclin D1 positivity and survival rate (P=0.009) for overall SCC cases and (P<0.001) for cheek SCC cases.
CONCLUSION: The present study found that cyclin D1 amplification may differ in different subsites of OSCC (tongue vs cheek) and its positive amplification implies an overall poor survival in OSCCs, particularly those arising in cheeks.
METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 232 reconfirmed lymphoma cases in Malaysian patients were retrieved from the archives in the Department of Pathology, University Hospital, Kuala Lumpur. There were 24 (10%) Hodgkin's and 208 (90%) non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, 173 of the latter were in adult group (aged > or = 15 years). The ethnic composition were 41 Malays, 107 Chinese, 21 Indians and four none of the above. A male : female ratio of 2.4 : 1 was observed. Complete immunohistochemical studies in 158 cases revealed 36 (23%) T-cell, 121 (76%) B-cell and one (1%) null-cell phenotype. Seventy-five percent of the T-cell lymphomas were peripheral T/NK-cell types. Among the classifiable lesions, low-grade/indolent lymphomas constituted 17%: 2% were the lymphocytic subtype and 10% were follicular lymphomas. Approximately one-third of the follicular lymphomas occurred in Indian patients. The largest group of high-grade lymphoma was diffuse large B-cell type (46%), followed by peripheral T/NK-cell (18%). A predominance of NK/T-cell lymphomas occurred in Chinese (5/7), and all were EBV associated. Burkitt's lymphoma accounted for 5% (eight cases), all were Chinese males, with a 38% EBV-association rate. The frequency of EBV-associated B-cell lymphoma is three times more common in Chinese than Malays. The EBV positivity rate among lymphomas in ethnic Malay, Chinese and Indian patients was 5%, 15% and 22%, respectively, and in T- and B-cell lymphomas was 36% and 7%, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: This Malaysian series reveals differences in the subtype frequencies of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and EBV association rate amongst patients of various ethnic groups residing in the same environment.
METHODS: Using a panel of antibodies to CD10, Bcl-6, MUM1 and CD138, consecutive cases of primary UAT DLBCL were stratified into subgroups of germinal centre B-cell-like (GCB) and non-GCB, phenotype profile patterns A, B and C, as proposed by Hans et al. and Chang et al., respectively. EBER in situ hybridisation technique was applied for the detection of EBV in the tumours.
RESULTS: In this series of 32 cases of UAT DLBCL, 34% (11/32) were GCB, and 66% (21/32) were non-GCB types; 59% (19/32) had combined patterns A and B, and 41% (13/32) had pattern C. Statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in the occurrence of these prognostic subgroups in the UAT when compared with series of de novo DLBCL from all sites. There was also no site difference in phenotype protein expressions, with the exception of MUM1. EBER in situ hybridisation stain demonstrated only one EBV infected case.
CONCLUSIONS: Prognostic subgroup distribution of UAT DLBCL is similar to de novo DLBCL from all sites, and EBV association is very infrequent.