Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 134 in total

  1. Yasin NH, Mumtaz T, Hassan MA, Abd Rahman N
    J Environ Manage, 2013 Nov 30;130:375-85.
    PMID: 24121591 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.09.009
    Food waste and food processing wastes which are abundant in nature and rich in carbon content can be attractive renewable substrates for sustainable biohydrogen production due to wide economic prospects in industries. Many studies utilizing common food wastes such as dining hall or restaurant waste and wastes generated from food processing industries have shown good percentages of hydrogen in gas composition, production yield and rate. The carbon composition in food waste also plays a crucial role in determining high biohydrogen yield. Physicochemical factors such as pre-treatment to seed culture, pH, temperature (mesophilic/thermophilic) and etc. are also important to ensure the dominance of hydrogen-producing bacteria in dark fermentation. This review demonstrates the potential of food waste and food processing waste for biohydrogen production and provides a brief overview of several physicochemical factors that affect biohydrogen production in dark fermentation. The economic viability of biohydrogen production from food waste is also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  2. Thatcher A, Yeow PH
    Appl Ergon, 2016 May 24.
    PMID: 27234806 DOI: 10.1016/j.apergo.2016.05.007
    Current human activities are seriously eroding the ability of natural and social systems to cope. Clearly we cannot continue along our current path without seriously damaging our own ability to survive as a species. This problem is usually framed as one of sustainability. As concerned professionals, citizens, and humans there is a strong collective will to address what we see as a failure to protect the natural and social environments that supports us. While acknowledging that we cannot do this alone, human factors and ergonomics needs to apply its relevant skills and knowledge to assist where it can in addressing the commonly identified problem areas. These problems include pollution, climate change, renewable energy, land transformation, and social unrest amongst numerous other emerging global problems. The issue of sustainability raises two fundamental questions for human factors and ergonomics: which system requires sustaining and what length of time is considered sustainable? In this paper we apply Wilson (2014) parent-sibling-child model to understanding what is required of an HFE sustainability response. This model is used to frame the papers that appear in this Special Issue.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  3. Basir Khan MR, Jidin R, Pasupuleti J
    Data Brief, 2016 Mar;6:489-91.
    PMID: 26900590 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2015.12.033
    The data consists of actual generation-side auditing including the distribution of loads, seasonal load profiles, and types of loads as well as an analysis of local development planning of a resort island in the South China Sea. The data has been used to propose an optimal combination of hybrid renewable energy systems that able to mitigate the diesel fuel dependency on the island. The resort island selected is Tioman, as it represents the typical energy requirements of many resort islands in the South China Sea. The data presented are related to the research article "Optimal Combination of Solar, Wind, Micro-Hydro and Diesel Systems based on Actual Seasonal Load Profiles for a Resort Island in the South China Sea" [1].
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  4. Bundhoo MA, Mohee R, Hassan MA
    J Environ Manage, 2015 Jul 1;157:20-48.
    PMID: 25881150 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.04.006
    Biohydrogen production from dark fermentation of lignocellulosic materials represents a huge potential in terms of renewable energy exploitation. However, the low hydrogen yield is currently hindering its development on industrial scale. This study reviewed various technologies that have been investigated for enhancing dark fermentative biohydrogen production. The pre-treatment technologies can be classified based on their applications as inoculum or substrates pre-treatment or they can be categorised into physical, chemical, physicochemical and biological based on the techniques used. From the different technologies reviewed, heat and acid pre-treatments are the most commonly studied technologies for both substrates and inoculum pre-treatment. Nevertheless, these two technologies need not necessarily be the most suitable since across different studies, a wide array of other emerging techniques as well as combined technologies have yielded positive findings. To date, there exists no perfect technology for either inoculum or substrate pre-treatment. Although the aim of inoculum pre-treatment is to suppress H2-consumers and enrich H2-producers, many sporulating H2-consumers survive the pre-treatment while some non-spore H2-producers are inhibited. Besides, several inoculum pre-treatment techniques are not effective in the long run and repeated pre-treatment may be required for continuous suppression of H2-consumers and sustained biohydrogen production. Furthermore, many technologies employed for substrates pre-treatment may yield inhibitory compounds that can eventually decrease biohydrogen production. Consequently, much research needs to be done to find out the best technology for both substrates and inoculum pre-treatment while also taking into consideration the energetic, economic and technical feasibility of implementing such a process on an industrial scale.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  5. Iqbal MZ, Khan A, Numan A, Haider SS, Iqbal J
    Ultrason Sonochem, 2019 Dec;59:104736.
    PMID: 31473424 DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2019.104736
    An upsurge in sustainable energy demands has ultimately made supercapattery one of the important choice for energy storage, owing to highly advantageous energy density and long life span. In this work, novel strontium based mixed phased nanostructures were synthesized by using probe sonicator with sonication power 500 W at frequency of 20 kHz. The synthesized material was subsequently calcined at different temperature ranging from 200 to 800 °C. Structural and morphological analysis of the synthesized materials reveals the formation of mixed particle and rod like nanostructures with multiple crystal phases of strontium oxides and carbonates. Crystallinity, grain size and morphology of grown nanomaterials significantly improved with the increase of calcination temperature due to sufficient particle growth and low agglomeration. The electrochemical performance analysis confirms the redox activeness of the Sr-based electrode materials. Material calcined at 600 °C show high specific capacitance of 350 F g-1 and specific capacity of 175 C g-1 at current density of 0.3 A g-1 due to less particle agglomeration, good charge transfer and more contribution of electrochemical active sites for redox reactions. In addition, the developed supercapattery of Sr-based nanomaterials//activated carbon demonstrated high performance with maximum energy density of 21.8 Wh kg-1 and an excellent power density of 2400 W kg-1 for the lower and higher current densities. Furthermore, the supercapattery retain 87% of its capacity after continuous 3000 charge/discharge cycles. The device characteristics were further investigated by analyzing the capacitive and diffusion controlled contributions. The versatile strategy of developing mixed phased nanomaterials pave the way to synthesize other transition metal based nanomaterials with superior electrochemical performance for hybrid energy storage devices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  6. Vaka M, Walvekar R, Rasheed AK, Khalid M
    J Clean Prod, 2020 Nov 10;273:122834.
    PMID: 32834565 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122834
    COVID'19 pandemic has devastated several industries and solar energy is no exception. In its economic relief package, Malaysia has announced approximately US$ 2.9 billion in expenditure for the installation of new grids, LED street lights and rooftop solar panels. The Government will also open the tender for a 1400 MW solar power project in the year 2020, which is expected to generate 5 billion ringgit (US$1.1 billion) in investments. As these measures are intended to sustain the existing growth of solar energy potential in the country, it is vital to assess its status quo. Hence, this paper aims to review the current status of renewable energy in Malaysia as well as the initiatives taken before the pandemic to promote solar photovoltaic (PV) technology to meet the energy demands through the low-carbon pathway.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  7. Bukar AL, Tan CW, Yiew LK, Ayop R, Tan WS
    Energy Convers Manag, 2020 Oct 01;221:113161.
    PMID: 32834297 DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2020.113161
    Off-grid electrification of remote communities using sustainable energy systems (SESs) is a requisite for realizing sustainable development goals. Nonetheless, the capacity planning of the SESs is challenging as it needs to fulfil the fluctuating demand from a long-term perspective, in addition to the intermittency and unpredictable nature of renewable energy sources (RESs). Owing to the nonlinear and non-convex nature of the capacity planning problem, an efficient technique must be employed to achieve a cost-effective system. Existing techniques are, subject to some constraints on the derivability and continuity of the objective function, prone to premature convergence, computationally demanding, follows rigorous procedures to fine-tune the algorithm parameters in different applications, and often do not offer a fair balance during the exploitation and exploration phase of the optimization process. Furthermore, the literature review indicates that researchers often do not implement and examine the energy management scheme (EMS) of a microgrid while computing for the capacity planning problem of microgrids. This paper proposes a rule-based EMS (REMS) optimized by a nature-inspired grasshopper optimization algorithm (GOA) for long-term capacity planning of a grid-independent microgrid incorporating a wind turbine, a photovoltaic, a battery (BT) bank and a diesel generator (



    ). In which, a rule-based algorithm is used to implement an EMS to prioritize the usage of RES and coordinate the power flow of the proposed microgrid components. Subsequently, an attempt is made to explore and confirm the efficiency of the proposed REMS incorporated with GOA. The ultimate goal of the objective function is to minimize the cost of energy (COE) and the deficiency of power supply probability (DPSP). The performance of the REMS is examined via a long-term simulation study to ascertain the REMS resiliency and to ensure the operating limit of the BT storage is not violated. The result of the GOA is compared with particle swarm optimization (PSO) and a cuckoo search algorithm (CSA). The simulation results indicate that the proposed technique's superiority is confirmed in terms of convergence to the optimal solution. The simulation results confirm that the proposed REMS has contributed to better adoption of a cleaner energy production system, as the scheme significantly reduces fuel consumption,



    emission and COE by 92.4%, 92.3% and 79.8%, respectively as compared to the conventional



    . The comparative evaluation of the algorithms shows that REMS-GOA yields a better result as it offers the least COE (objective function), at $0.3656/kW h, as compared to the REMS-CSA at $0.3662/kW h and REMS-PSO at $0.3674/kW h, for the desired DPSP of 0%. Finally, sensitivity analysis is performed to highlight the effect of uncertainties on the system inputs that may arise in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  8. Muhammad Ashraff Aiman Roslan, Nik Aziz Nik Ali
    This experiment was conducted to study the potential of solid electrolyte from the fish waste of Clarias gariepinus for battery application. The battery was one of the important components that supplies electrical energy to users throughout the world, and it strongly contributed to technology development in the economic sector, transportation, residential as well as agriculture. The presence of ammonia in organic fish waste could produce renewable energy and helped to reduce the use of lithium-ion batteries in modern industries. Two different parameters were being observed in this study, which was the quantity of fish and the number of the cell layer. The process of collecting the fish waste was carried out in the hatchery at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu using two methods, which were filtering and soaking. The result showed that the highest value of energy output was 0.430V from waste filtering of 50 fish and 0.207V from soaking in waste of 50 fish. Meanwhile, the lowest energy output was from the tank that contained ten fish with an energy output of 0.177V for filtering and 0.101V for soaking. Besides, for a different number of the cell layer, the highest value of energy output was 0.414V at 25 layers, and the lowest voltage was 0.175V at five layers. Thus, from the study was observed that the produced voltage was dependent on the quantity of fish and the number of the cell layer, when the quantity of fish and number of cell layer increases, the output energy was also increased.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  9. Muniandy Sivasambu, Nik Aziz Bin Nik Ali
    Nowadays, the world is confronting the increasing energy demand, reduction of emissions and security of energy supply. The high energy demand leads to a severe problem, and we need to reduce the usage of non-renewable energy to avoid adverse climate change. Thus, renewable energy is an important role obtained from the natural environment and can be replenished naturally from those sources without environmental degradation. Water energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources today, especially in the aquaculture industry. Hydropower played a vital role in producing large scale power and electricity. This study was set up to determine the electrical energy output depending on the different sizes and shapes of tanks. It is also to measure the water flow rate based on different size and shape tanks. Besides, the Pelton type of water turbine generator micro-hydroelectric DC 12V output was used in this experiment. Two types of tanks (rectangular and circular) with three different sizes (0.5 ton, 1.0 ton and 2.0 ton) were tested to measure high value of output energy (V) and flow rate (m3/s) by using clear water and wastewater. The result significantly shows that the circular tank had a higher water flow rate and output energy than the rectangular tank due to higher gravitational force, where the outlet placed in the middle and edge of the tank, respectively. The finding of this study benefits the aquaculture industry, where it introduced an alternative and cheaper method of reusing wastewater, reducing the cost maintenances and enhancing the profit of the business.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
    This study focused on feasibility analysis of hybrid electrification system for an aqua-tourism resort located remotely from the grid connection in Terengganu. There were four standalone systems used in this study: diesel/PV/biomass/battery, diesel/PV/battery, biomass/diesel/battery, and diesel only. The design and analysis of these systems were done using Hybrid Optimization of MultipleEnergy Resources (HOMER) software. The results showed that the diesel/PV/battery system was the optimum solution in terms of net present cost (NPC) and cost of energy (COE). This system comprises 20 % of PV penetration with NPC and COE of USD 57,823 (RM 241, 729.90) and 0.428 USD/kWh (1.79 RM/kWh), respectively. Meanwhile, the diesel/PV/biomass/battery system with NPC of USD 65,388 (RM 273, 355.49) and COE of 0.484 USD/kWh (2.02 RM/kWh) was found to be the best among all systems in terms of greenhouse emissions. This system was able to reduce almost 70 % of carbon dioxide if compared with diesel only system and about 15 % lower than the diesel/PV/battery system with a renewable energy fraction of 44 %.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  11. Norha Abdul Hadi, Mawar Hasyikin Abu Seman, Madhiyah Yahaya Bermakai
    Derivation of activated carbon from biomass wastes for energy storage applications such as fuel cells and supercapacitors are attracting wide attractions as the world is now demand for other sustainable energy that can help to explore new technologies especially for energy conversion and storage. This is important because the world now is facing a rapid depletion of fossil energy. In this review, an outline of recent trends towards biomass-derived specifically from fruit-based biomass wastes is explained in a holistic manner. Thanks to their high carbon content, high specific surface area and developed porous structure, biomass-derived chars can be treated and converted into carbon. The performance of activated carbon in terms of Brunette Emmet Teller (BET) surface area, micropore volume, total pore volume and specific capacitance has been reported. This review showed that higher BET surface will contribute to higher pore volume in the activated carbon that makes them good candidates for the fabrication of electrodes in supercapacitor applications. This study was focused on providing a detailed comparison of published studies that utilized different physical and chemical routes and their effect of modification such as various activation temperatures and the ratio of activating agents towards the performance of the activated carbon under different parameters. Implementing chemical routes with an ideal 600°C – 850°C and inclusion ratio might be effective to produce high performance activated carbon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  12. Koondhar MA, Tan Z, Alam GM, Khan ZA, Wang L, Kong R
    J Environ Manage, 2021 Oct 15;296:113242.
    PMID: 34271346 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113242
    China is the world's largest fossil fuel consumer and carbon emitter country. In September 2020, China pledged to reduce carbon emissions, and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. Therefore, this study aimed to contribute to the literature and show the pictorial nexus of bioenergy and fossil fuel consumption, carbon emission, and agricultural bioeconomic growth, a new pathway towards carbon neutrality. For this study, time-series data from 1971 to 2019 were used to analyze the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bound testing and novel dynamic autoregressive distributed lag (DYNARDL) simulation models. Initially, the unit root tests results showed that all variables were stationarity at the level and first difference. The presence of cointegration between selected variables was confirmed by the results from ARDL bound test. In addition, the results of long-run and short-run nexus show an increase in bioenergy consumption that caused an increase in agricultural bioeconomic growth both in the long and short-run nexus. A decrease in fossil fuel consumption was shown to result in increased agricultural bioeconomic growth with respect to both long- and short-term effects. Furthermore, the results of the novel dynamic ARDL simulation model demonstrated that a 10% positive shock from bioenergy consumption caused an increase in agricultural bioeconomic growth, while at the same time, a 10% negative shock in bioenergy consumption led to a decrease. A 10% negative shock from fossil fuels caused an increase in agricultural bioeconomic growth, whereas a 10% positive shock from fossil fuels led to a decrease. Therefore, this study suggests that China needs to switch from fossil fuel and other non-renewable energy consumption to sources of bioenergy and other renewable energy consumption to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  13. Robin Chang YH, Jiang J, Khong HY, Saad I, Chai SS, Mahat MM, et al.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021 Jun 02;13(21):25121-25136.
    PMID: 34008948 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c04759
    Transition metal chalcogenides (TMCs) have gained worldwide interest owing to their outstanding renewable energy conversion capability. However, the poor mechanical flexibility of most existing TMCs limits their practical commercial applications. Herein, triggered by the recent and imperative synthesis of highly ductile α-Ag2S, an effective approach based on evolutionary algorithm and ab initio total-energy calculations for determining stable, ductile phases of bulk and two-dimensional Ag
    Se1-x and Ag
    Te1-x compounds was implemented. The calculations correctly reproduced the global minimum bulk stoichiometric P212121-Ag8Se4 and P21/c-Ag8Te4 structures. Recently reported metastable AgTe3 was also revealed but it lacks dynamical stability. Further single-layered screening unveiled two new monolayer P4/nmm-Ag4Se2 and C2-Ag8Te4 phases. Orthorhombic Ag8Se4 crystalline has a narrow, direct band gap of 0.26 eV that increases to 2.68 eV when transforms to tetragonal Ag4Se2 monolayer. Interestingly, metallic P21/c-Ag8Te4 changes to semiconductor when thinned down to monolayer, exhibiting a band gap of 1.60 eV. Present findings confirm their strong stability from mechanical and thermodynamic aspects, with reasonable Vickers hardness, bone-like Young's modulus (E) and high machinability observed in bulk phases. Detailed analysis of the dielectric functions ε(ω), absorption coefficient α(ω), power conversion efficiency (PCE) and refractive index n(ω) of monolayers are reported for the first time. Fine theoretical PCE (SLME method ∼11-28%), relatively high n(0) (1.59-1.93), and sizable α(ω) (104-105 cm-1) that spans the infrared to visible regions indicate their prospects in optoelectronics and photoluminescence applications. Effective strategies to improve the temperature dependent power factor (PF) and figure of merit (ZT) are illustrated, including optimizing the carrier concentration. With decreasing thickness, ZT of p-doped Ag-Se was found to rise from approximately 0.15-0.90 at 300 K, leading to a record high theoretical conversion efficiency of ∼12.0%. The results presented foreshadow their potential application in a hybrid device that combines the photovoltaic and thermoelectric technologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  14. Chien F, Sadiq M, Nawaz MA, Hussain MS, Tran TD, Le Thanh T
    J Environ Manage, 2021 Nov 01;297:113420.
    PMID: 34333309 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113420
    Environmental degradation is significantly studied both in the past and the current literature; however, steps towards reducing the environmental pollution in carbon emission and haze pollution like PM2.5 are not under rational attention. This study tries to cover this gap while considering the carbon emission and PM2.5 through observing the role of renewable energy, non-renewable energy, environmental taxes, and ecological innovation for the top Asian economies from 1990 to 2017. For analysis purposes, this research considers cross-sectional dependence analysis, unit root test with and without structural break (Pesaran, 2007), slope heterogeneity analysis, Westerlund and Edgerton (2008) panel cointegration analysis, Banerjee and Carrion-i-Silvestre (2017) cointegration analysis, long-short run CS-ARDL results, as well as AMG and CCEMG for robustness check. The empirical evidence in both the short- and long-run has confirmed the negative and significant effect of renewable energy sources, ecological innovation, and environmental taxes on carbon emissions and PM2.5. Whereas, non-renewable energy sources are causing environmental degradation in the targeted economies. Finally, various policy implications related to carbon emission and haze pollution like PM2.5 are also provided to control their harmful effect on the natural environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  15. Ang WL, Mohammad AW, Johnson D, Hilal N
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Mar 01;706:136047.
    PMID: 31864996 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136047
    Study of forward osmosis (FO) has been increasing steadily over recent years with applications mainly focusing on desalination and wastewater treatment processes. The working mechanism of FO lies in the natural movement of water between two streams with different osmotic pressure, which makes it useful in concentrating or diluting solutions. FO has rarely been operated as a stand-alone process. Instead, FO processes often appear in a hybrid or integrated form where FO is combined with other treatment technologies to achieve better overall process performance and cost savings. This article aims to provide a comprehensive review on the need for hybridization/integration for FO membrane processes, with emphasis given to process enhancement, draw solution regeneration, and pretreatment for FO fouling mitigation. In general, integrated/hybrid FO processes can reduce the membrane fouling propensity; prepare the solution suitable for subsequent value-added uses and production of renewable energy; lower the costs associated with energy consumption; enhance the quality of treated water; and enable the continuous operation of FO through the regeneration of draw solution. The future potential of FO lies in the success of how it can be hybridized or integrated with other technologies to minimize its own shortcomings, while enhancing the overall performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  16. Hamouda RA, Yeheia DS, Hamzah HA, Hussein MH
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:467-476.
    Algae have recently received a lot of attention as a new biomass source for the production of renewable energy and an important bioremediation agent. This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of green algae Scenedesmus obliquus grow in different concentrations of wastewater and the improvement of cultivation conditions to produce biomass rich in sugar to produce bioethanol by fermentation processes. The highest sugar content of S. obliquus biomass was recorded for algae cultivated with 40 and 85% wastewater after 9 days under aeration condition with dark and light duration (44.5%). It was found that the highest removal efficiency of BOD and COD were 18% for S. obliquus grown under aeration condition. The highest ethanol efficiency of S. obliquus biomass hydrolysate was 20.33% at 4th day. The best condition of S. obliquus to grow efficiently was under aeration with light and dark durations, where it has high efficiency to remove heavy metals from wastewater in this condition.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  17. Nawaz MA, Hussain MS, Kamran HW, Ehsanullah S, Maheen R, Shair F
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Apr;28(13):16014-16028.
    PMID: 33245544 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11823-8
    Recent research has shown a huge impact of non-renewable energy (NRE) production on environmental health. In this context, this work analyzes the effects of GDP growth and long- and short-term consumption of renewable and non-renewable energy (RE and NRE, respectively) on carbon emission in BRICS and OECD economies. The quantile autoregressive distributed lag (QARDL) model was employed on the panel data from 1980 to 2016. Findings suggest a negative GDP-carbon emission correlation and a positive NRE-carbon emission correlation in the considered economies. Furthermore, carbon emission decreases with increase in gross capital formation, whereas trade openness does not have any significant effect on carbon emission. It has been determined that the application of the error correction method (ECM) has less effect on energy consumption as compared to the past levels and changes in energy consumption. In the long-term, a positive correlation of carbon emission and energy consumption is observed, whereas limited short-term effects of energy consumption on carbon emission are observed. Therefore, an RE-based energy production approach is recommended in the selected region for the future projects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  18. Arain H, Sharif A, Akbar B, Younis MY
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Nov;27(32):40456-40474.
    PMID: 32666445 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08836-8
    This paper presents a fresh understanding of the vigorous connection between inward FDI, renewable energy consumption, economic growth and carbon emission in the Chinese economy employing novel Morlet wavelet analysis. Wavelet correlation, continuous wavelet transform and partial and the multiple wavelet coherence analyses are applied on variables under study for data acquired during the period 1979 to 2017. The outcome of these analyses reveals that the connections among the variables progress over frequency and time. From the frequency domain point of view, the current study discovers noteworthy wavelet coherence and robust lead and lag linkages, although time domain reveals inconsistent associations among the considered variables. The wavelet analysis according to economic point of view supports that inward foreign direct investment (FDI) and renewable energy consumption help to enhance economic condition in Chinese economy. The results also suggested that inward FDI enhances the environmental degradation in medium and long run in China. The results emphasize the significance of having organized strategies by the policymakers to cope with huge environmental degradation occurred for a couple of decades in China.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  19. Aziz N, Sharif A, Raza A, Rong K
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Mar;27(9):10115-10128.
    PMID: 31989501 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-07798-1
    This paper assesses the Environmental Kuznets curve based on quantile behavior of the relationship between economic growth, forest area, agriculture production, renewable energy, and environmental degradation. The current literature generally used a single indicator to address environmental issues; however single indicator neither measures overall environmental conditions nor does specify that the environment issue is generally diminishing. Our study is the first one that used ecological footprint (EF) as an indicator to test environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis for Pakistan by employing recent approach of quantile autoregressive distributed lag (QARDL) initiated by Cho et al. (J Econ 188(1):281-300, 2015). The result of this study validates the EKC hypothesis for Pakistan and shows quantile-dependent relationship, and in that case, using the conventional methods may somewhat lead to biased results. Moreover, the rejection of the null hypothesis of parameter constancy is also confirmed by Wald test. In the long run, the findings of renewable energy consumption and forest area show significant negative effects on ecological footprints, which indicates that by increasing renewable energy usage and forest area, ecological footprints can be minimized. Interestingly, the short-term effects of agricultural production findings on EF show statistically negative results. This illustrates that EF can also be reduced in the agriculture sector by adopting environment-friendly technologies. In order to create efficient policies for environment deterioration, the empirical findings of the current analysis can be used as a guideline for policy implications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
  20. Bello MO, Solarin SA, Yen YY
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 May;27(14):17162-17174.
    PMID: 32146676 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-08251-z
    The main objective of this paper is to estimate the interfuel substitution elasticities between hydropower and the fossil fuels of coal and natural gas used in the generation of electricity for Malaysia. Due to the violation of the assumption behind the ordinary least squares (OLS) method on account of the correlated error terms in the system of equations, the econometrics techniques of seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) was adopted to obtain the parameter estimates using dataset that covers the period 1988 to 2016. The main finding is that there exists substantial substitution possibility between hydropower and fossil fuels in the generation of electricity for Malaysia. CO2 emissions mitigation scenarios were also conducted to explore the possible effects of substituting fossil fuels for hydropower to generate electricity. The results show that switching from high carbon-emitting fuels to renewable energy such as hydropower will substantially reduce CO2 emission and assist the country towards achieving the carbon emissions reduction targets. Policy recommendations are offered in the body of the manuscript.
    Matched MeSH terms: Renewable Energy
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