Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 836 in total

  1. Razali NSM, Ikhwanuddin M, Maulidiani M, Gooderham NJ, Alam M, Kadir NHA
    Sci Total Environ, 2024 Oct 10;946:174210.
    PMID: 38914323 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.174210
    Mud crab, one of the aquatic organisms found in estuary areas, has become a significant economic source of seafood for communities due to its delectable taste. However, they face the threat of heavy metal contamination, which may adversely affect their biological traits. This study explored the comparison of the mud crabs collected from Setiu Wetland as a reference site, while Kuala Sepetang is an area that contains a higher concentration of heavy metals than Setiu Wetlands. Heavy metal levels were quantified using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), while proteomes were assessed using sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics, respectively. Heavy metal contamination affects the proteome, metabolome, and putative molecular targets in mud crabs (Scylla olivacea), leading to oxidative stress. Mud crabs collected from the metal-polluted area of Kuala Sepetang in Perak had considerably elevated concentrations of nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and cadmium (Cd) in comparison to the reference site of Setiu Wetlands in Terengganu. The proteome analysis revealed an upregulation of the stress-response protein Hsp70, which triggered superoxide dismutase (SOD) and increased arginine kinase expression (5.47 fold) in the muscle tissue, results in the alteration of metabolite regulation in the mud crab from Kuala Sepetang. Additionally, in the muscle tissues of mud crabs obtained from Kuala Sepetang, uncharacterized myosin-tail 1 domain proteins and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins were downregulated. The metabolomic investigation identified changes in metabolites associated with energy metabolism and osmoregulation. Exploration of docking analysis suggests potential connections between methylarsonic acid and essential proteins in mud crabs. These findings suggest that the presence of heavy metals disrupts physiological processes and highlights potential molecular targets that warrant further investigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  2. Khan MJ, Chelliah S, Haron MS
    Iran J Public Health, 2016 Feb;45(2):134-45.
    PMID: 27114978
    BACKGROUND: Role of information source, perceived benefits and risks, and destination image has significantly been examined in travel and tourism literature; however, in medical tourism it is yet to be examined thoroughly. The concept discussed in this article is drawn form well established models in tourism literature.

    METHODS: The purpose of this research was to identify the source of information, travel benefits and perceived risks related to movement of international patients and develop a conceptual model based on well-established theory. Thorough database search (Science Direct, utmj.org, nih.gov, nchu.edu.tw, palgrave-journals, medretreat, Biomedcentral) was performed to fulfill the objectives of the study.

    RESULTS: International patients always concern about benefits and risks related to travel. These benefits and risks form images of destination in the minds of international patients. Different sources of information make international patients acquaint about the associated benefits and risks, which later leads to development of intention to visit. This conceptual paper helps in establishing model for decision-making process of international patients in developing visit intention.

    CONCLUSION: Ample amount of literature is available detailing different factors involved in travel decision making of international patients; however literature explaining relationship between these factors is scarce.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  3. Ossai IC, Hamid FS, Aboudi-Mana SC, Hassan A
    Environ Geochem Health, 2024 Sep 06;46(10):416.
    PMID: 39240425 DOI: 10.1007/s10653-024-02198-7
    Waste engine oils are hazardous waste oils originating from the transportation sector and industrial heavy-duty machinery operations. Improper handling, disposal, and miscellaneous misuses cause significant air, soil, sediments, surface water, and groundwater pollution. Occupational exposure by prolonged and repeated contact poses direct or indirect health risks, resulting in short-term (acute) or long-term (chronic) toxicities. Soil pollution causes geotoxicity by disrupting the biocenosis and physicochemical properties of the soil, and phytotoxicity by impairing plant growth, physiology and metabolism. Surface water pollution impacts aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity. Air pollution from incineration causes the release of greenhouse gases creating global warming, noxious gases and particulate matter eliciting pulmonary disorders. The toxicity of waste engine oil is due to the total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) composition, including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) congeners, organometallic compounds, and toxic chemical additives. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the ecotoxicological effects, human and animal health toxicology and exposure to waste engine oils. It highlights the properties and functions of engine oil and describes waste engine oil generation, disposal and recycling. It provides intensive evaluations and descriptions of the toxicokinetics, metabolism, routes of exposure and toxicosis in human and animal studies based on toxicological, epidemiological and experimental studies. It emphasises the preventive measures in occupational exposure and recommends risk-based remediation techniques to mitigate environmental pollution. The review will assist in understanding the potential risks of waste engine oil with significant consideration of the public health benefits and importance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  4. Luo XS, Imai N, Dorigatti I
    Travel Med Infect Dis, 2020 01 26;33:101562.
    PMID: 31996323 DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2020.101562
    BACKGROUND: No large-scale Zika epidemic has been observed to date in Southeast Asia following the 2015-16 Latin American and the Caribbean epidemic. One hypothesis is Southeast Asian populations' partial immunity to Zika.

    METHOD: We estimated the two conditions for a Zika outbreak emergence in Southeast Asia: (i) the risk of Zika introduction from Latin America and the Caribbean and, (ii) the risk of autochthonous transmission under varying assumptions on population immunity. We also validated the model used to estimate the risk of introduction by comparing the estimated number of Zika seeds introduced into the United States with case counts reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

    RESULTS: There was good agreement between our estimates and case counts reported by the CDC. We thus applied the model to Southeast Asia and estimated that, on average, 1-10 seeds were introduced into Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. We also found increasing population immunity levels from 0 to 90% reduced probability of autochthonous transmission by 40% and increasing individual variation in transmission further reduced the outbreak probability.

    CONCLUSIONS: Population immunity, combined with heterogeneity in transmission, can explain why no large-scale outbreak was observed in Southeast Asia during the 2015-16 epidemic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment/methods; Risk Assessment/standards
  5. Shafiee MN, Razak N, Ahmad MF, Abd Aziz N, Adeeb N
    J Obstet Gynaecol, 2021 Feb;41(2):285-289.
    PMID: 33258710 DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2020.1819210
    Endometrial cancer (EC) has been found to have a strong association with overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the link between metabolic syndrome and EC among patients. A total of 119 patients with histologically confirmed EC were recruited. About 102 cases of endometrioid carcinoma (Type I) and serous (n = 7), clear cell (n = 3) and carcinosarcoma (n = 7) were the Type II. Metabolic syndrome was significantly associated with increased risk of Type I EC (OR = 3.43, 95% CI = 1.12-10.46, p risk revealed as the main factor in Type I EC (OR = 3.88, 95% CI = 1.27-11.85, p  .05). Metabolic syndrome was positively associated with an increased risk of Type I EC with obesity being the most influential risk factor.Impact statementWhat already known on this subject? Endometrial cancer (EC) is one of the most prevalent cancers worldwide and have a strong association with overweight and obesity of at least 40%, but there is conflicting evidence of an association of EC with metabolic syndrome (MS).What result of this study add? This study evaluated the link between EC and MS, such as high blood pressure, BMI, fasting blood sugar, triglyceride, Hyper Density Lipoprotein (HDL).What implications are of these findings for clinical practice & further research? Type I EC had and association with MS with obesity is the most potent risk factor. As the prevalence of metabolic syndrome is alarmingly high among adult Malaysians, the incidence of EC is projected to increase in the coming years. Proactive preventative measures and intervention essential for reducing the incidence of endometrial cancers. Future research to clarify the association between metabolic syndrome and endometrial cancer survival and to investigate other lifestyle factors that may affect the prognosis is needed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment/methods; Risk Assessment/statistics & numerical data
  6. Singh DKA, Shahar S, Vanoh D, Kamaruzzaman SB, Tan MP
    Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2019 Aug;19(8):798-803.
    PMID: 31237103 DOI: 10.1111/ggi.13717
    AIM: The identification of risk factors associated with comorbidities and physical fitness might provide pathways for planning therapeutic targets for future falls prevention. Results from large datasets that examined falls risk factors in Asia have been limited. The aim of the present study was to identify the risk factors for falls by pooling data consisting of medical history, physical performance and self-rated health from two large Malaysian epidemiological studies.

    METHODS: Matching variables from the Towards Useful Aging and Malaysian Elders Longitudinal Research datasets related to falls, physical performance and determinants of falls were identified and pooled for analysis. The Timed Up and Go test and dominant handgrip strength tests were used as physical performance measures. Falls were self-reported, and functional status was assessed using activities of daily living.

    RESULTS: Data of 3935 participants, mean age 68.9 ± 6.8 years, 2127 (54.0%) women and 1807 (46.0%) men were extracted for analyses. In an adjusted model, independent risk factors for falls from this cohort studies were diabetes (OR 1.258), arthritis (OR 1.366), urinary incontinence (OR 1.346), poor self-rated health (OR 1.293), higher body mass index (OR 1.029) and lower handgrip strength (OR 1.234).

    CONCLUSIONS: Although the risk factors that emerged from our analyses were similar to available studies among older adults, the Timed Up and Go test did not appear as one of the risk factors in the present study that included middle-aged adults. Our findings will require confirmation in a prospective study. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2019; 19: 798-803.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment/methods; Risk Assessment/statistics & numerical data
  7. Cameron NA, Molsberry R, Pierce JB, Perak AM, Grobman WA, Allen NB, et al.
    J Am Coll Cardiol, 2020 Dec 01;76(22):2611-2619.
    PMID: 33183896 DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2020.09.601
    BACKGROUND: Rates of maternal mortality are increasing in the United States with significant rural-urban disparities. Pre-pregnancy hypertension is a well-established risk factor for adverse maternal and offspring outcomes.

    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to describe trends in maternal pre-pregnancy hypertension among women in rural and urban areas in 2007 to 2018 in order to inform community-engaged prevention and policy strategies.

    METHODS: We performed a nationwide, serial cross-sectional study using maternal data from all live births in women age 15 to 44 years between 2007 and 2018 (CDC Natality Database). Rates of pre-pregnancy hypertension were calculated per 1,000 live births overall and by urbanization status. Subgroup analysis in standard 5-year age categories was performed. We quantified average annual percentage change using Joinpoint Regression and rate ratios (95% confidence intervals [CIs]) to compare yearly rates between rural and urban areas.

    RESULTS: Among 47,949,381 live births to women between 2007 and 2018, rates of pre-pregnancy hypertension per 1,000 live births increased among both rural (13.7 to 23.7) and urban women (10.5 to 20.0). Two significant inflection points were identified in 2010 and 2016, with highest annual percentage changes between 2016 and 2018 in rural and urban areas. Although absolute rates were lower in younger compared with older women in both rural and urban areas, all age groups experienced similar increases. The rate ratios of pre-pregnancy hypertension in rural compared with urban women ranged from 1.18 (95% CI: 1.04 to 1.35) for ages 15 to 19 years to 1.51 (95% CI: 1.39 to 1.64) for ages 40 to 44 years in 2018.

    CONCLUSIONS: Maternal burden of pre-pregnancy hypertension has nearly doubled in the past decade and the rural-urban gap has persisted.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment/methods; Risk Assessment/statistics & numerical data
  8. Chong WW, Aslani P, Chen TF
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2013;7:813-25.
    PMID: 23986631 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S48486
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that pharmacists have a role in addressing antidepressant nonadherence. However, few studies have explored community pharmacists' actual counseling practices in response to antidepressant adherence-related issues at various phases of treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate counseling practices of community pharmacists in response to antidepressant adherence-related issues.

    METHODS: A simulated patient method was used to evaluate pharmacist counseling practices in Sydney, Australia. Twenty community pharmacists received three simulated patient visits concerning antidepressant adherence-related scenarios at different phases of treatment: 1) patient receiving a first-time antidepressant prescription and hesitant to begin treatment; 2) patient perceiving lack of treatment efficacy for antidepressant after starting treatment for 2 weeks; and 3) patient wanting to discontinue antidepressant treatment after 3 months due to perceived symptom improvement. The interactions were recorded and analyzed to evaluate the content of consultations in terms of information gathering, information provision including key educational messages, and treatment recommendations.

    RESULTS: There was variability among community pharmacists in terms of the extent and content of information gathered and provided. In scenario 1, while some key educational messages such as possible side effects and expected benefits from antidepressants were mentioned frequently, others such as the recommended length of treatment and adherence-related messages were rarely addressed. In all scenarios, about two thirds of pharmacists explored patients' concerns about antidepressant treatment. In scenarios 2 and 3, only half of all pharmacists' consultations involved questions to assess the patient's medication use. The pharmacists' main recommendation in response to the patient query was to refer the patient back to the prescribing physician.

    CONCLUSION: The majority of pharmacists provided information about the risks and benefits of antidepressant treatment. However, there remains scope for improvement in community pharmacists' counseling practice for patients on antidepressant treatment, particularly in providing key educational messages including adherence-related messages, exploring patients' concerns, and monitoring medication adherence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  9. Wetzel FT, Kissling WD, Beissmann H, Penn DJ
    Glob Chang Biol, 2012 Sep;18(9):2707-19.
    PMID: 24501050 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02736.x
    Sea-level rise (SLR) due to global warming will result in the loss of many coastal areas. The direct or primary effects due to inundation and erosion from SLR are currently being assessed; however, the indirect or secondary ecological effects, such as changes caused by the displacement of human populations, have not been previously evaluated. We examined the potential ecological consequences of future SLR on >1,200 islands in the Southeast Asian and the Pacific region. Using three SLR scenarios (1, 3, and 6 m elevation, where 1 m approximates most predictions by the end of this century), we assessed the consequences of primary and secondary SLR effects from human displacement on habitat availability and distributions of selected mammal species. We estimate that between 3-32% of the coastal zone of these islands could be lost from primary effects, and consequently 8-52 million people would become SLR refugees. Assuming that inundated urban and intensive agricultural areas will be relocated with an equal area of habitat loss in the hinterland, we project that secondary SLR effects can lead to an equal or even higher percent range loss than primary effects for at least 10-18% of the sample mammals in a moderate range loss scenario and for 22-46% in a maximum range loss scenario. In addition, we found some species to be more vulnerable to secondary than primary effects. Finally, we found high spatial variation in vulnerability: species on islands in Oceania are more vulnerable to primary SLR effects, whereas species on islands in Indo-Malaysia, with potentially 7-48 million SLR refugees, are more vulnerable to secondary effects. Our findings show that primary and secondary SLR effects can have enormous consequences for human inhabitants and island biodiversity, and that both need to be incorporated into ecological risk assessment, conservation, and regional planning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  10. Flaherty G, Md Nor MN
    J Travel Med, 2016 Jan;23(1).
    PMID: 26782127 DOI: 10.1093/jtm/tav010
    Risk assessment relies on the accuracy of the information provided by the traveller. A questionnaire was administered to 83 consecutive travellers attending a travel medicine clinic. The majority of travellers was uncertain about destinations within countries, transportation or type of accommodation. Most travellers were uncertain if they would be visiting malaria regions. The degree of uncertainty about itinerary potentially impacts on the ability of the travel medicine specialist to perform an adequate risk assessment, select appropriate vaccinations and prescribe malaria prophylaxis. This study reveals high levels of traveller uncertainty about their itinerary which may potentially reduce the effectiveness of their pre-travel consultation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  11. Boakes EH, Fuller RA, McGowan PJ, Mace GM
    Biol Lett, 2016 Mar;12(3).
    PMID: 26961894 DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0824
    Identifying local extinctions is integral to estimating species richness and geographic range changes and informing extinction risk assessments. However, the species occurrence records underpinning these estimates are frequently compromised by a lack of recorded species absences making it impossible to distinguish between local extinction and lack of survey effort-for a rigorously compiled database of European and Asian Galliformes, approximately 40% of half-degree cells contain records from before but not after 1980. We investigate the distribution of these cells, finding differences between the Palaearctic (forests, low mean human influence index (HII), outside protected areas (PAs)) and Indo-Malaya (grassland, high mean HII, outside PAs). Such cells also occur more in less peaceful countries. We show that different interpretations of these cells can lead to large over/under-estimations of species richness and extent of occurrences, potentially misleading prioritization and extinction risk assessment schemes. To avoid mistakes, local extinctions inferred from sightings records need to account for the history of survey effort in a locality.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  12. Palermo V, Hernandez Y
    Ecol Econ, 2020 Nov;177:106791.
    PMID: 33144752 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106791
    The frequency and intensity of extreme climate events are increasing all around the world, due to climate change. Climate adaptation strategies are therefore needed, since mitigation strategies alone are not sufficient to avoid serious impacts of climate change. However, adaptation to climate change is not straightforward, as it is highly influenced by diverse and conflicting interests as well as epistemological (or scientific) uncertainties. Therefore, a minimum requirement for its success is the active participation of stakeholders and citizens in the adaptation policy cycle. This paper presents a case study on a participatory process involving civil servants from different municipalities in Malaysia, in Southeast Asia, with a view to considering the optimal level of engagement that is required for climate adaptation planning. The exercise consisted of a Focus Group session, where participants were asked to discuss the level of stakeholder and citizen participation that should be adopted within the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy initiative. Contrary to authors' expectations, the participants tended to suggest medium to high levels of participation in the planning process. During the dialogues, a walking activity through the city, aimed at identifying hotspots of climate risks and defined as "safety walks", was one of the ideas proposed as a high-potential participatory method, spreading in the adaptation framework. Safety walks could complement climate modelling and enhance the robustness of climate risk assessments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  13. Norlen Mohame, Lokman Hakim, S., Thahirahtul Asma Zakaria, Anis Salwa Kamarudin, Ahmad Riadz Mazeli, Sirajuddin Hashim
    Int J Public Health Res, 2017;7(2):814-828.
    Introduction: Most health advisories related to outdoor physical activity during haze are general in nature. The advisories normally advise everyone to reduce or limit prolonged exertion or heavy exertion without mentioning the acceptable duration for performing outdoor physical activity causing difficulty for public to decide to stop or cancel a particular outdoor or sport event. The aim of this paper is to determine the acceptable duration for performing outdoor physical activity pattern during haze based on API level.

    Methods: Health risk assessment approach that comprises of hazard identification, exposure assessment, dose-response, and risk characterization steps was used to determine the potential inhaled dose and risk associated with performing the physical activity during haze. We have considered many factors that include time spent for physical activity patterns for Malaysian adult, age and physical intensity-specific inhalation rate (m3/min), and the indoor/outdoor ratio of PM10. A hypothetical exposure scenario of PM10 was created using the breakpoints of PM10 concentration for the calculation of respective API levels during haze.

    Results: The association between physical activity pattern, API level and risk quotient were presented in the form of risk radar diagram. Based on the 50th percentile inhalation rate, all prolonged exertion and heavy exertion should be avoided when API reach >201 (very unhealthy) and >175 (unhealthy) respectively. Below the said API, the duration for performing prolonged exertion and heavy exertion should be reduced according to the API level. When API reaches 140, high intensity physical activity should be limited to < 90 minutes. A football match which requires 90 minutes, should be postponed of cancelled if API > 140. Whereas, for the same API level, prolonged exertion (moderate intensity physical activity) should be limited to 4 hours.

    Conclusions: Reducing the physical activity is an effective strategy to lower the dose of inhaled pollutants and reduce the health risk during poor air quality. Based on the assessment, taking into account the uncertainty of risk assessment methodology, we proposed all prolonged exertion should be avoided when API reach very unhealthy status (>201). Below the said API level, outdoor physical activity should be reduced according to the level of API respectively. The recommendation is not applicable for the sensitive groups. The computed risk radar provide a valuable guide for the public to organize or considering postponing an outdoor event during haze.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  14. Tavana M, Khosrojerdi G, Mina H, Rahman A
    Eval Program Plann, 2019 12;77:101703.
    PMID: 31442587 DOI: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2019.101703
    The primary goal in project portfolio management is to select and manage the optimal set of projects that contribute the maximum in business value. However, selecting Information Technology (IT) projects is a difficult task due to the complexities and uncertainties inherent in the strategic-operational nature of the process, and the existence of both quantitative and qualitative criteria. We propose a two-stage process to select an optimal project portfolio with the aim of maximizing project benefits and minimizing project risks. We construct a two-stage hybrid mathematical programming model by integrating Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) with Fuzzy Inference System (FIS). This hybrid framework provides the ability to consider both the quantitative and qualitative criteria while considering budget constraints and project risks. We also present a real-world case study in the cybersecurity industry to exhibit the applicability and demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  15. Sasnila Pakpahan, Bambang Wispriyono, Budi Hartono, Juliana Jalaludin
    Introduction: School environment represents an important microenvironment for students who spend 6-8 hours in classrooms. Indoor air quality is linked to several respiratory diseases in the school age group. This research aims to study indoor air quality of schools at different environmental characteristic and assess its health risks to students. Methods: This research measured air quality (PM2.5, PM10, CO2 , and HCHO) in three junior high schools and followed by health risk assessment. Results: This research found that the mean or median level of indoor PM2.5 and PM10 in all three schools exceeded the standard value with health risks (HQ> 1) for PM2.5 in all three schools and PM10 in two schools. Whereas carbon dioxide and formaldehyde concentrations were still safe and did not inflict health risks (HQ < 1). The scenario for managing the health risk of PM2.5 and PM10 exposure was to control the exposure at a safe threshold of PM2.5 0.035 mg/m3 ; 0.043 mg/m3 and PM10 0.144 mg/m3 for most of the population at normal school time. Conclusion: It was concluded that the level of indoor particulate matters indicates poor indoor air quality in all three schools at different environmental characteristic and inflicts health risk on students so that the health risk management is required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  16. Alipour M, Sarafraz M, Chavoshi H, Bay A, Nematollahi A, Sadani M, et al.
    J Environ Sci (China), 2021 Feb;100:167-180.
    PMID: 33279029 DOI: 10.1016/j.jes.2020.07.014
    The contamination of fish type products such as silver pomfret fish fillets by potentially toxic elements (PTEs) has raised global health concerns. Related studies regarding the concentration of PTEs in fillets of silver pomfret fish were retrieved among some international databases such as Scopus, PubMed and Embase between 1 January 1983 and 10 March 2020. The pooled (mean) concentration of PTEs in fillets of silver pomfret fish was meta-analyzed with the aid of a random-effect model (REM). Also, the non-carcinogenic risk was estimated via calculating the 95th percentile of the total target hazard quotient (TTHQ). The meta-analysis of 21 articles (containing 25 studies or data reports) indicated that the ranking of PTEs in fillets of silver pomfret fish was Fe (11,414.81 µg/kg wet weight, ww) > Zn (6055.72 µg/kg ww) > Cr (1825.79 µg/kg ww) > Pb (1486.44 µg/kg ww) > Se (1053.47 µg/kg ww) > Cd (992.50 µg/kg ww) > Ni (745.23 µg/kg ww) > Cu (669.71 µg/kg ww) > total As (408.24 µg/kg ww) > Co (87.03 µg/kg ww) > methyl Hg (46.58 µg/kg ww). The rank order of health risk assessment by country based on the TTHQ for adult consumers was Malaysia (2.500) > Bangladesh (0.886) > Iran (0.144) > China (0.045) > Pakistan (0.020) > India (0.015), while the corresponding values for child consumers was Malaysia (11.790) > Bangladesh (4.146) > Iran (0.675) > China (0.206) > Pakistan (0.096) > India (0.077). The adult consumers in Malaysia and children in Malaysia and Bangladesh were at considerable non-carcinogenic risk. Therefore, following the recommended control plans in order to reduce the health risk associated with the ingestion of PTEs via consumption of silver pomfret fish fillets is crucial.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  17. Salvaraji L, Jeffree MS, Avoi R, Atil A, Mohd Akhir H, Shamsudin SBB, et al.
    J Public Health Res, 2020 Oct 14;9(4):1994.
    PMID: 33312989 DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2020.1994
    An increasing amount of waste concurrently further extends the risk of exposure to hazardous material among waste collectors. In light of the COVID-19 crisis, municipal waste collectors are one of the most at-risk groups of SARS-Cov-2 exposure. Risk assessment included hazard identification, evaluation of existing control level at the workplace, estimation of likelihood and severity of hazard, risk determination, and control measure recommendations. Five waste collection activities were identified and reviewed. High-risk exposure includes collection of garbage, mechanical manipulation of compactor lorries and unloading of garbage at the disposal site. There is poor practice of personal hygiene and unestablished continuous monitoring of personal protective equipment supplies. The preventive measures in the waste collection industry are influenced by several factors. Until the preventive measures are adopted into practice and adapted according to each company's requirements, biological agents continue to be risk factor to the health workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  18. Ludin, S.M., Ruslan, R., Mat Nor, M.B.
    The presence of nurses and junior doctors in the ward environment are crucial, especially in detecting
    deteriorating patients. However, there is consistent evidence that warning signs may not always be
    identified or acted upon. This paper aimed to analyse the incidence of deteriorating patients, and the
    concept of risk assessment of these patients by nurses and junior doctors in general ward, through a review
    on relevant literature. An extensive literature search was conducted through online research databases, i.e. CINAHL, MEDLINE (Ovid), Science Direct and ProQuest. Professional journals were hand searched for relevant literature based on reference lists and citations made in key publications, and attempts were also made to obtain any relevant grey literature (unpublished materials). A total of eleven papers which focused on patient’s assessment, response to deteriorating patients and knowledge in medication, and a guideline were reviewed. Most of the studies were carried out in the United Kingdom (n=4), followed by Australia (n=2), Sweden (n=2), the Netherlands (n=1) and Taiwan (n=1). Meanwhile, among these studies, the chosen research designs include, qualitative (n=6), quantitative (n=3) and systematic review (n=1). This review concluded that nurses and junior doctors in general ward have a lack of knowledge in risk assessment of deteriorating patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  19. Al-Mutairi KA, Yap CK
    PMID: 33801910 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18062798
    The heavy metal (HM) pollution in sediment is of serious concern, particularly in the Red Sea environment. This study aimed to review and compile data on the concentrations of four HMs (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in the coastal surface sediments from the Red Sea, mainly from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Yemen, published in the literature from 1992 to 2021. The coastal sediments included those from mangrove, estuaries, and intertidal ecosystems. It was found that the mean values of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in coastal Red Sea sediments were elevated and localized in high human activity sites in comparison to the earth upper continental crust and to reference values for marine sediments. From the potential ecological risk index (PERI) aspect, 32 reports (47.1%) were categorized as 'considerable ecological risk' and 23 reports (33.8%) as 'very high ecological risk'. From the human health risk assessment (HHRA) aspect, the non-carcinogenic risk (NCR) values (HI values < 1.0) of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn represented no NCR for the ingestion and the dermal contact routes for sediments from the Red Sea countries. The reassessment of the HM data cited in the literature allowed integrative and accurate comparisons of the PERI and HHRA data, which would be useful in the management and sustainable development of the Red Sea area, besides being a helpful database for future use. This warrants extensive and continuous monitoring studies to understand the current and the projected HM pollution situation and to propose possible protective and conservative measures in the future for the resource-rich Red Sea ecosystem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
  20. Wong MCS, Rerknimitr R, Lee Goh K, Matsuda T, Kim HS, Wu DC, et al.
    Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2021 01;19(1):119-127.e1.
    PMID: 31923642 DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2019.12.031
    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Patients found to be at high risk of advanced proximal neoplasia (APN) after flexible sigmoidoscopy screening should be considered for colonoscopy examination. We developed and validated a scoring system to identify persons at risk for APN.

    METHODS: We collected data from 7954 asymptomatic subjects (age, 50-75 y) who received screening colonoscopy examinations at 14 sites in Asia. We randomly assigned 5303 subjects to the derivation cohort and the remaining 2651 to the validation cohort. We collected data from the derivation cohort on age, sex, family history of colorectal cancer, smoking, drinking, body mass index, medical conditions, and use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin. Associations between the colonoscopic findings of APN and each risk factor were examined using the Pearson χ2 test, and we assigned each participant a risk score (0-15), with scores of 0 to 3 as average risk and scores of 4 or higher as high risk. The scoring system was tested in the validation cohort. We used the Cochran-Armitage test of trend to compare the prevalence of APN among subjects in each group.

    RESULTS: In the validation cohort, 79.5% of patients were classified as average risk and 20.5% were classified as high risk. The prevalence of APN in the average-risk group was 1.9% and in the high-risk group was 9.4% (adjusted relative risk, 5.08; 95% CI, 3.38-7.62; P < .001). The score included age (61-70 y, 3; ≥70 y, 4), smoking habits (current/past, 2), family history of colorectal cancer (present in a first-degree relative, 2), and the presence of neoplasia in the distal colorectum (nonadvanced adenoma 5-9 mm, 2; advanced neoplasia, 7). The c-statistic of the score was 0.74 (95% CI, 0.68-0.79), and for distal findings alone was 0.67 (95% CI, 0.60-0.74). The Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test statistic was greater than 0.05, indicating the reliability of the validation set. The number needed to refer was 11 (95% CI, 10-13), and the number needed to screen was 15 (95% CI, 12-17).

    CONCLUSIONS: We developed and validated a scoring system to identify persons at risk for APN. Screening participants who undergo flexible sigmoidoscopy screening with a score of 4 points or higher should undergo colonoscopy evaluation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Assessment
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