Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 650 in total

  1. Kuan YC, Tan CH, Hong CM, How SH
    Introduction: Various initiatives and medications have been introduced to achieve better control of bronchial asthma. However total control according to Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) remains elusive even at tertiary referral hospitals. Our study is to determine the level of asthma control (according to GINA 2009), Asthma Control Test (ACT) scores and the types of medications used among patients with bronchial asthma in a large tertiary hospital.
    Methods: A cross-sectional study of all patients with bronchial asthma who attended the Chest Clinic at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) from 2009 to 2011. Patient demographics, self-administered ACT scores, GINA-defined level of asthma control and medications were documented.
    Results: 208 patients were recruited. There were 23.2%, 46.3% and 30.5% of patients with controlled, partly controlled and uncontrolled asthma respectively. The median ACT scores was 19 [inter quartile range (IQR) 6]. The most frequently used preventer therapy was inhaled long-acting β-agonist/corticosteroids (LABA/ICS) fixed-dose combination (61.7%), and 9.6% were not on preventer therapy. 75% of patients with controlled asthma were on LABA/ICS compared to 58.5% of the partly controlled and uncontrolled groups (p=0.039).
    Conclusion: The majority of the asthmatic patients attending the Chest Clinic at HTAA did not have GINA-defined controlled asthma. Patients with higher ACT scores had better control of asthma. There were more patients with controlled asthma who were on LABA/ICS combination.
    KEYWORDS: Bronchial asthma, level of control, Asthma Control Test
    Study site: Chest Clinic, Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA), Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
    Device, Questionnaire & Scale: Asthma Control Test (ACT)
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  2. Mohammed KI, Zaidan AA, Zaidan BB, Albahri OS, Albahri AS, Alsalem MA, et al.
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2020 Mar;185:105151.
    PMID: 31710981 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105151
    CONTEXT: Telemedicine has been increasingly used in healthcare to provide services to patients remotely. However, prioritising patients with multiple chronic diseases (MCDs) in telemedicine environment is challenging because it includes decision-making (DM) with regard to the emergency degree of each chronic disease for every patient.

    OBJECTIVE: This paper proposes a novel technique for reorganisation of opinion order to interval levels (TROOIL) to prioritise the patients with MCDs in real-time remote health-monitoring system.

    METHODS: The proposed TROOIL technique comprises six steps for prioritisation of patients with MCDs: (1) conversion of actual data into intervals; (2) rule generation; (3) rule ordering; (4) expert rule validation; (5) data reorganisation; and (6) criteria weighting and ranking alternatives within each rule. The secondary dataset of 500 patients from the most relevant study in a remote prioritisation area was adopted. The dataset contains three diseases, namely, chronic heart disease, high blood pressure (BP) and low BP.

    RESULTS: The proposed TROOIL is an effective technique for prioritising patients with MCDs. In the objective validation, remarkable differences were recognised among the groups' scores, indicating identical ranking results. In the evaluation of issues within all scenarios, the proposed framework has an advantage of 22.95% over the benchmark framework.

    DISCUSSION: Patients with the most severe MCD were treated first on the basis of their highest priority levels. The treatment for patients with less severe cases was delayed more than that for other patients.

    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed TROOIL technique can deal with multiple DM problems in prioritisation of patients with MCDs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  3. Verboon C, Doets AY, Galassi G, Davidson A, Waheed W, Péréon Y, et al.
    Neurology, 2019 07 02;93(1):e59-e76.
    PMID: 31175208 DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000007719
    OBJECTIVE: To define the current treatment practice of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS).

    METHODS: The study was based on prospective observational data from the first 1,300 patients included in the International GBS Outcome Study. We described the treatment practice of GBS in general, and for (1) severe forms (unable to walk independently), (2) no recovery after initial treatment, (3) treatment-related fluctuations, (4) mild forms (able to walk independently), and (5) variant forms including Miller Fisher syndrome, taking patient characteristics and hospital type into account.

    RESULTS: We excluded 88 (7%) patients because of missing data, protocol violation, or alternative diagnosis. Patients from Bangladesh (n = 189, 15%) were described separately because 83% were not treated. IV immunoglobulin (IVIg), plasma exchange (PE), or other immunotherapy was provided in 941 (92%) of the remaining 1,023 patients, including patients with severe GBS (724/743, 97%), mild GBS (126/168, 75%), Miller Fisher syndrome (53/70, 76%), and other variants (33/40, 83%). Of 235 (32%) patients who did not improve after their initial treatment, 82 (35%) received a second immune modulatory treatment. A treatment-related fluctuation was observed in 53 (5%) of 1,023 patients, of whom 36 (68%) were re-treated with IVIg or PE.

    CONCLUSIONS: In current practice, patients with mild and variant forms of GBS, or with treatment-related fluctuations and treatment failures, are frequently treated, even in absence of trial data to support this choice. The variability in treatment practice can be explained in part by the lack of evidence and guidelines for effective treatment in these situations.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  4. Ismiarto YD, Agradi P, Helmi ZN
    Malays Orthop J, 2019 Nov;13(3):60-65.
    PMID: 31890112 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1911.010
    Introduction: The radiographic classification for developmental dysplasia of hip to quantify the severity of disease consist of Tonnis and International Hip Dysplasia Institute (IHDI) classification. The Ossification center of the femoral head in DDH patient more than six months is still vague or eccentric, so the reliability of both classifications is still in question and especially is influenced by the experience of the observer. This study aims to test and compare interobserver reliability in evaluation of DDH patients using IHDI and Tonnis classification assessed by senior and junior orthopaedic residents which had different degree of experience. Materials and Methods: This study used retrospective analysis of pelvic supine AP view radiograph of DDH patients from 2014 to 2017. All three observer groups analysed the pelvis radiographs using Tonnis and IHDI classification. Inter and intra-observer reliability was measured by Cohen's and Fleiss Kappa method, respectively. Results: The Fleiss Kappa value for 15 radiographs of DDH patients assessed by senior residents using Tonnis and IHDI classification are 0.715 and 0.832 and result of Fleiss Kappa value assessed by junior residents are 0.577 and 0.845, respectively. Intra-observer reliability for Tonnis classification was lower in junior group compared to other two groups but showed almost perfect value in all groups for IHDI classification. Conclusion: Significantly different results were noted between junior and senior residents in assessing DDH severity, with higher diagnostic reliability in senior residents compared to junior residents. In general, junior resident has less clinical experiences in many aspects in comparison with the seniors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  5. Subramaniam S, Yee A, Bin Amer Nordin AS, Bin Khalib AQ
    J Dual Diagn, 2020 12 12;17(1):4-12.
    PMID: 33308058 DOI: 10.1080/15504263.2020.1854410
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of alcohol or non-alcohol substance use dual diagnosis among inpatients with severe mental illness in a psychiatric institution in Malaysia. In addition, this study aimed to determine adverse outcomes between dual diagnosis versus single diagnosis. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the inpatient ward using the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) to establish the diagnosis of severe mental illness and to screen for alcohol or non-alcohol substance use disorder comorbidity. Outcomes and severity of different domains among severe mental illness patients were assessed using the Addiction Severity Index (ASI). Results: Out of 152 patients who participated in this study, 51.3% (n = 78) had comorbid alcohol use disorder, and 29.6% (n = 45) had non-alcohol substance use disorder. Males with Kadazan ethnicity with severe mental illness and alcohol use disorder had a higher risk of having comorbid non-alcohol substance use disorder. Similarly, male Kadazan patients with severe mental illness and non-alcohol substance use disorder had a higher risk of having a comorbid alcohol use disorder. Dual diagnosis patients with alcohol and non-alcohol substance use disorder had higher rates of hospitalizations (p < .001 and p = .001). Family and social relationships were affected among the alcohol use disorder group as shown by the higher composite score for family status (FCOMP; p < .001). This group also showed more severe psychiatric status, as the composite score for psychiatric status (PCOMP) was high (p = .004). Suicidality was higher among patients with alcohol use disorder and severe mental illness (p < .001). Conclusions: The prevalence of severe mental illness dual diagnosis was high in this study with poorer outcomes, higher rates of admissions, and risk of suicidality. This highlights the importance of provisions for a more holistic treatment approach among patients with dual diagnosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  6. Burden AD, Choon SE, Gottlieb AB, Navarini AA, Warren RB
    Am J Clin Dermatol, 2022 Jan;23(Suppl 1):39-50.
    PMID: 35061231 DOI: 10.1007/s40257-021-00653-0
    Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare neutrophilic skin condition characterized by episodes of widespread eruption of sterile macroscopic pustules that can be associated with systemic inflammation. The rarity of GPP and its heterogeneous cutaneous and extracutaneous symptoms pose considerable challenges to the development and adoption of comprehensive accurate disease measures for the routine clinical assessment of disease severity and the evaluation of new treatments in clinical trials. Psoriasis disease measures remain among the most commonly used methods for evaluating patients with GPP, despite their limitations owing to a lack of assessment of pustules (a hallmark of GPP), systemic inflammation, and disease symptoms. The adaptation of psoriasis disease measures and the development of assessment tools specific for GPP severity will enable more effective and accurate monitoring of patients with GPP and enhance the clinical development of new therapies. Further clinical validation of recently developed modified assessment tools, such as the Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Physician Global Assessment and the Generalized Pustular Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, and international consensus on using quantitative tools and patient-reported outcome measures in the development of new treatments are needed to advance patient care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  7. Adam BA, Liam CK, Abdul Wahab AS
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Jun;44(2):134-9.
    PMID: 2626120
    A scoring system based on therapeutic intervention on critically ill patients called the therapeutic intervention scoring system (TISS) was used to assess the quantity of care provided in a medical intensive care unit. Besides observing the unit census, the severity of illness and the work load were studied. The survival rate was 77 percent. The non-survivors had admission TISS points higher than the survivors and their mean daily TISS was more than 20 points. The survivors at discharge had a mean TISS of five points. The work load showed that a nurse can effectively manage two patients who together may accumulate 24 TISS points per day. TISS points per patient rather than bed occupancy is a better indicator of the nurse's work load. Admission criteria and procedures before death certification are outlined.
    Comment in: Delilkan AE. Therapeutic intervention scoring system in medical intensive care. Med J Malaysia. 1989 Dec;44(4):361-2
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  8. Lee GW, Chew KS, Wong SY, Chong SY, Ong SY, Lee WS
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2022 Nov;58(11):1972-1979.
    PMID: 35880617 DOI: 10.1111/jpc.16130
    AIM: Quality of life (QoL) in children with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is often impaired by underlying disease. We evaluated factors affecting health-related QoL (HRQoL) in Malaysian children with IBD.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study using IMPACT-III questionnaires evaluating HRQoL in children aged 8-17 years with duration of IBD of ≥6 months was conducted. IMPACT-III, a validated instrument designed to measure HRQoL in children with IBD, was used. Higher IMPACT-III (maximum = 100) score indicates better HRQoL. Impact of socio-demographic and clinical factors of IBD on the HRQoL was evaluated. Paediatric Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) activity indices were used to classify disease severity.

    RESULTS: A total of 75 children (UC = 44, CD = 41; mean (SD) age at diagnosis 8.2 (3.5) years) were interviewed at mean age of 12.8 (2.7) years. Mean IMPACT-III score was significantly lower in children with more severe disease (mild: 71.8 (13.6) vs. moderate: 65.5 (10.9) vs. severe: 46.3 (14.5); P index-for-age z-score (r = 0.235, P = 0.042) was correlated with a better body image domain score, respectively.

    CONCLUSIONS: In Malaysian children with IBD, HRQoL was adversely affected by a more severe disease. Better control of disease activity and maintaining long-term remission are important to improve the HRQoL in childhood IBD.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  9. Yap KH, Azmin S, Abdul Manan H, Yahya N, Ahmad N, Tajurudin FW, et al.
    Parkinsonism Relat Disord, 2024 Jul;124:107013.
    PMID: 38843619 DOI: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2024.107013
    INTRODUCTION: Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by increasingly worsening ataxia and non-ataxia features, negatively impacting patients' quality of life. This study was designed to test formally evaluate whether oral trehalose was effective in SCA3 patients.

    METHODS: In this double-blind, randomized controlled trial, SCA3 patients received either 100 g oral trehalose or 30 g maltose to improve ataxia severity over six months. We also measured other clinical (non-ataxia), patient-reported (quality of life, motivations), and safety endpoints. An unscheduled interim analysis was conducted using two-way ANOVAs to analyze the interaction between time (baseline, 3-months, 6-months) and intervention (Trehalose vs. Placebo).

    RESULTS: Fifteen participants (Trehalose = 7 vs. Placebo = 8) completed the study at the time of interim analysis. There was no interaction effect on the ataxia severity, and available data suggested an estimated sample size of 132 (66 per arm) SCA3 patients required to demonstrate changes in a 6-month trial. There were significant interaction effects for executive function (ƞ2 = 0.28-0.43). Safety data indicated that 100 g oral trehalose was well-tolerated.

    CONCLUSION: We performed an unplanned interim analysis due to a slow recruitment rate. The new estimated sample size was deemed unfeasible, leading to premature termination of the clinical trial. In this small, current sample of SCA3 patients, 100 g oral trehalose did not differentially impact on ataxia severity compared to placebo. Interestingly, our findings may suggest an improvement in executive function. Future efforts will require a large multi-country, multi-center study to investigate the potential effect of trehalose.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  10. Ling WY, Loo CH, Nurul Shafaril Niza MA, Tan JL, Norazlima MA, Tan WC
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 May;78(3):263-269.
    PMID: 37271834
    INTRODUCTION: Acne vulgaris (AV) is a common inflammatory skin disease affecting adolescents and young adults. It affects one's self-esteem and social relationship. In addition, poor adherence to treatment can cause poor treatment response and disease recurrence. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of medical education and counselling on treatment adherence and disease severity.

    METHODS: This is a non-randomised interventional study with age- and treatment- matched control conducted in a tertiary dermatology clinic from July 2021 to June 2022. Patients in the intervention group received a 10 min video presentation on acne, followed by treatment counselling. The adherence rate was determined objectively (pill counting and tube weighing) and subjectively (ECOB questionnaire). The disease severity was assessed using the Comprehensive Acne Severity Scale (CASS) and Global Acne Grading System (GAGS).

    RESULTS: A total of 100 patients completed the 12-week study. With intervention, patients have better adherence to topical medication (5% benzoyl peroxide gel: 71% vs 57.9%, p= 0.031; 0.05% tretinoin cream: 58.7% vs 45.4%, p= 0.044) at week 12. However, the intervention program did not improve adherence to oral medication. Overall, with intervention, a significantly higher percentage of improvement in disease severity was noted (47.3% vs. 39.1%, p=0.044). Nonadherence to treatment was attributed mostly to forgetfulness in 54% of the patients, followed by a busy lifestyle (41%) and little knowledge of acne (26%).

    CONCLUSION: Patients have significantly better adherence to topical medication with education and counselling. Better adherence to treatment leads to more remarkable disease improvement.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  11. Ahmad Pouzi NA, Shaharir SS, Mohd Tamil A, Mustafar R, Ahmad Maulana S, Mageswaren E, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0285461.
    PMID: 37186611 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285461
    OBJECTIVES: To assess the reliability and validity of two disease-specific questionnaires that assess the quality of life (QoL) among patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE); SLEQoL and LupusQoL in Malay language. This study also identified the factors affecting each domain of the questionnaires.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2021 until April 2022, and SLE patients were recruited to complete the SLEQoL, LupusQoL and Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) in Malay language. Disease activity were recorded using the modified SLE Disease Activity Index (M- SLEDAI) and British Isles Lupus Assessment Group 2004 (BILAG-2004) index. Presence of organ damage was determined using the SLICC Damage index. Cronbach's alpha was calculated to determine internal consistency while exploratory factor analysis was done to determine the construct validity. Concurrent validity was evaluated using correlation with SF-36. Multiple linear regression analysis was deployed to determine the factors affecting each domain of SLEQoL and LupusQoL.

    RESULTS: A total of 125 subjects were recruited. The Cronbach's α value for the Malay-SLEQoL (M-SLEQoL) and Malay-LupusQOL (M-LupusQoL) was 0.890 and 0.944 respectively. Exploratory factor analysis found formation of similar number of components with the original version of questionnaires and all items have good factor loading of >0.4. Both instruments also had good concurrent validity with SF-36. M-SLEQoL had good correlations with BILAG-2004 and M-SLEDAI scores. Musculoskeletal (MSK) involvement was independently associated with lower M-SLEQoL in physical function, activity and symptom domains. Meanwhile, MSK and NPSLE were associated with fatigue in M-LupusQoL.

    CONCLUSION: Both M-SLEQoL and M-LupusQoL are reliable and valid as disease -specific QoL instruments for Malaysian patients. The M-Lupus QoL has better discriminative validity compared to the M-SLEQoL. SLE patients with MSK involvement are at risk of poor QoL in multiple domains including physical function, activity, symptoms and fatigue.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  12. Pennisi G, Enea M, Falco V, Aithal GP, Palaniyappan N, Yilmaz Y, et al.
    Hepatology, 2023 Jul 01;78(1):195-211.
    PMID: 36924031 DOI: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000351
    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of simple, noninvasive tests (NITs) in NAFLD patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).

    METHODS AND RESULTS: This was an individual patient data meta-analysis of 1780 patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD and T2D. The index tests of interest were FIB-4, NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS), aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index, liver stiffness measurement (LSM) by vibration-controlled transient elastography, and AGILE 3+. The target conditions were advanced fibrosis, NASH, and fibrotic NASH(NASH plus F2-F4 fibrosis). The diagnostic performance of noninvasive tests. individually or in sequential combination, was assessed by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and by decision curve analysis. Comparison with 2278 NAFLD patients without T2D was also made. In NAFLD with T2D LSM and AGILE 3+ outperformed, both NFS and FIB-4 for advanced fibrosis (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve:LSM 0.82, AGILE 3+ 0.82, NFS 0.72, FIB-4 0.75, aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index 0.68; p < 0.001 of LSM-based versus simple serum tests), with an uncertainty area of 12%-20%. The combination of serum-based with LSM-based tests for advanced fibrosis led to a reduction of 40%-60% in necessary LSM tests. Decision curve analysis showed that all scores had a modest net benefit for ruling out advanced fibrosis at the risk threshold of 5%-10% of missing advanced fibrosis. LSM and AGILE 3+ outperformed both NFS and FIB-4 for fibrotic NASH (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve:LSM 0.79, AGILE 3+ 0.77, NFS 0.71, FIB-4 0.71; p < 0.001 of LSM-based versus simple serum tests). All noninvasive scores were suboptimal for diagnosing NASH.

    CONCLUSIONS: LSM and AGILE 3+ individually or in low availability settings in sequential combination after FIB-4 or NFS have a similar good diagnostic accuracy for advanced fibrosis and an acceptable diagnostic accuracy for fibrotic NASH in NAFLD patients with T2D.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  13. Bäckryd E, Themistocleous A, Larsson A, Gordh T, Rice ASC, Tesfaye S, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2024 Jul 24;14(1):17068.
    PMID: 39048581 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-66471-6
    About 20% of patients with diabetes suffer from chronic pain with neuropathic characteristics. We investigated the multivariate associations between 92 neurology-related proteins measured in serum from 190 patients with painful and painless diabetic neuropathy. Participants were recruited from the Pain in Neuropathy Study, an observational cross-sectional multicentre study in which participants underwent deep phenotyping. In the exploration cohort, two groups were defined by hierarchical cluster analyses of protein data. The proportion of painless vs painful neuropathy did not differ between the two groups, but one group had a significantly higher grade of neuropathy as measured by the Toronto Clinical Scoring System (TCSS). This finding was replicated in the replication cohort. Analyzing both groups together, we found that a group of 11 inter-correlated proteins (TNFRSF12A, SCARB2, N2DL-2, SKR3, EFNA4, LAYN, CLM-1, CD38, UNC5C, GFR-alpha-1, and JAM-B) were positively associated with TCSS values. Notably, EFNA4 and UNC5C are known to be part of axon guidance pathways. To conclude, although cluster analysis of 92 neurology-related proteins did not distinguish painful from painless diabetic neuropathy, we identified 11 proteins which positively correlated to neuropathy severity and warrant further investigation as potential biomarkers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  14. Suan MAM, Chan HK, Sem X, Shilton S, Hassan MRA
    Sci Rep, 2022 Nov 23;12(1):20153.
    PMID: 36418369 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-24612-9
    This cross-sectional study evaluated the performance of the Aspartate Aminotransferase-to-Platelet Ratio Index (APRI) and the Fibrosis-4 (FIB-4) Index when they were used individually and in sequential combination to diagnose cirrhosis associated with hepatitis C virus infection. The final evaluation involved 906 people living with hepatitis C. The diagnostic performance of individual biomarkers at cut-off scores of 1.5 and 2.0 for the APRI and at 3.25 for the FIB-4 index was assessed. For the sequential combination method, the cirrhosis status of individuals with an APRI score between 1.0 and 1.5 were reassessed using the FIB-4. Transient elastography (TE) was used as the reference standard for diagnosing cirrhosis. The APRI, at a cut-off score of 1.5, showed a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 44.9%, 97.6%, 91.1% and 76.3%, respectively. Increasing the cut-off score to 2.0 produced a much lower sensitivity (29.6%) and NPV (71.9%). The FIB-4, at a cut-off score of 3.25, yielded a sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of 40.8%, 97.3%, 89.1% and 75.0%, respectively. The sequential combination method demonstrated a much more optimal diagnostic performance (50.2% sensitivity, 96.6% specificity, 89.0% PPV and 77.9% NPV). Overall, the APRI and FIB-4 Index performed better in diagnosing cirrhosis associated with hepatitis C when they were used in sequential combination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  15. Wong YP, Tan GC, Omar SZ, Mustangin M, Singh Y, Salker MS, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Aug 03;19(15).
    PMID: 35954874 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19159517
    The association between maternal COVID-19 infection, placental histomorphology and perinatal outcomes is uncertain. The published studies on how placental structure is affected after SARS-CoV-2 virus in COVID-19-infected pregnant women are lacking. We investigated the effects of maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection on placental histomorphology and pregnancy outcomes. A retrospective cohort study on 47 pregnant women with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, matched with non-infected controls, was conducted. Relevant clinicopathological data and primary birth outcomes were recorded. Histomorphology and SARS-CoV-2 immunohistochemistry analyses of placental tissues were performed. Only 1 of 47 cases showed SARS-CoV-2 immunoreactivity in the syncytiotrophoblasts. Histologically, decidual vasculopathy (n = 22/47, p = 0.004), maternal vascular thrombosis (n = 9/47, p = 0.015) and chronic histiocytic intervillositis (n = 10/47, p = 0.027) were significantly higher in the COVID-19-infected placentas when compared to the control group. Maternal vascular thrombosis was a significant feature in the active COVID-19 group. A significant lower gestational age (p < 0.001)) at delivery and a higher caesarean section rate (p = 0.007) were observed in the active SARS-CoV-2-infected cases, resulting in a significant lower fetal-placental weight ratio (p = 0.022) and poorer Apgar score (p < 0.001). Notably, active (p = 0.027), symptomatic (p = 0.039), severe-critical (p = 0.002) maternal COVID-19 infection and placental inflammation (p = 0.011) were associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery. Altered placental villous maturation and severe-critical maternal COVID-19 infection were associated with an elevated risk of poor Apgar scores at birth (p = 0.018) and maternal mortality (p = 0.023), respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  16. Mohd-Alif WH, Tengku Norina TJ, Shatriah I
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Jul;79(4):375-379.
    PMID: 39086332
    INTRODUCTION: Vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC) is a chronic allergic disease characterised by intense ocular surface symptoms and corneal involvement. There is limited data about the corneal changes in children with VKC based on severity of the disease. We aimed to compare the central corneal thickness (CCT) and corneal topographic indices in Malaysian children with VKC, as well as among the varying grades of VKC severity.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is a comparative, crosssectional and hospital-based study. We recruited 83 children with VKC and 83 healthy children as controls. All children underwent complete ocular examinations, CCT measurement using an ultrasound pachymeter and corneal topography using a Placido disc corneal analyser.

    RESULTS: There was a statistically significant difference of means CCT and topographic indices in children with VKC compared to controls (p<0.05). The probability keratoconus reached 18% in children with VKC. The mean CCT was observed to be thinnest in the severe-to-very severe groups of VKC compared to the mild-to-moderate (p<0.05). The means simulated-K1 and -K2, apical keratometry, apical gradient curvature, superior-inferior index and keratoconus prediction index were significantly different in severe-tovery severe VKC compared to mild-to-moderate VKC and controls (p<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in mean cylinder value and percent probability keratoconus when comparing different groups of severity of VKC (p=0.912 and 0.070 respectively).

    CONCLUSION: Children with VKC have thinner CCT and topographic indices changes compared to healthy children. Similar pattern was observed between groups with VKC. Degree of astigmatism and probability of keratoconus were similar in mild-to-moderate and severe-to-very severe groups.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  17. Teoh XY, Suganthy R, Voo SYM, Tang MM, Malaysian Psoriasis Registry Working Group
    Exp Dermatol, 2023 Aug;32(8):1253-1262.
    PMID: 36794833 DOI: 10.1111/exd.14770
    Pustular psoriasis (PP) is an uncommon subtype of psoriasis with distinct genetic features and clinical phenotypes. Patients with PP tend to experience frequent flares and significant morbidity. This study aims to determine the clinical characteristics, co-morbidities and treatment of PP patients in Malaysia. This was a cross-sectional study of patients with PP notified to the Malaysian Psoriasis Registry (MPR) between January 2007 and December 2018. Of 21 735 psoriasis patients, 148 (0.7%) had pustular psoriasis. Of these, 93 (62.8%) were diagnosed with generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) and 55 (37.2%) with localized PP (LPP). The mean age for pustular psoriasis onset was 31.71 ± 18.33 years with a male to female ratio of 1:2.1. Patients with PP were more likely to have dyslipidaemia (23.6% vs. 16.5%, p = 0.022), severe disease (Body surface area >10 and/or Dermatology Life Quality Index [DLQI] >10) (64.8% vs. 50%, p = 0.003) and require systemic therapy (51.4% vs. 13.9%, p 10, 48.9% vs. 40.3%, p = 0.046), had more days off school/work (2.06 ± 6.09 vs. 0.5 ± 4.91, p = 0.004) and a higher mean number of hospitalizations (0.31 ± 0.95 vs. 0.05 ± 1.22, p = 0.001) in 6 months compared to non-PP patients. Overall, 0.7% of psoriasis patients in the MPR had pustular psoriasis. Patients with PP had a higher rate of dyslipidaemia, severe disease, greater impairment of quality of life and systemic therapy usage compared to other psoriasis subtypes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
  18. Mohamed Rouse MH, Aziz A, Abdullah B, Abdul Kadir A, Wan Mohammad WMZ, Abd Mutalib NS
    Med J Malaysia, 2023 Dec;78(7):857-864.
    PMID: 38159918
    INTRODUCTION: Allergic rhinitis (AR) is an inflammatory disease of the nasal mucosa. It is among the most common diseases globally and usually persists throughout life. Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) is a wellestablished guideline applicable to AR and was updated regularly since 2001, aiming to improve the care for AR patients. We proposed a new questionnaire that addresses the severity of allergic rhinitis symptoms, specifically nasal symptoms, and its impact on quality of life in terms of specific vital activities such as sleeping, working, school performance, leisure, or sport, based on the ARIA guideline. The objective was to develop, validate and evaluate Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms and Impact Assessment (ARSIA) questionnaire among allergic rhinitis patients in Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sungai Petani (HSAH), and Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a prospective observational study to develop, validate and evaluate the ARSIA questionnaire based on ARIA guidelines. The sample will be obtained from the list of patients under follow-up in the ORL clinic HSAH and HUSM with ages of 18 to 60 years, patients clinically diagnosed with allergic rhinitis, and with positive skin prick test.

    RESULTS: A total of 150 patients with a positive skin prick test participated in this study. In the 'nasal symptom' and 'impact on daily activities' domains, calculated Cronbach's alpha shows a value of 0.878 and 0.811 respectively. The inter-item correlation was calculated to analyse internal consistency reliability. Items B3 and B4 were dropped from the questionnaire as both showed a low correlation with other items. New Cronbach's alpha for the daily activities domain was 0.830, which showed better internal consistency reliability. All of the items were analysed for sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). Clinician diagnosis from the proforma was used as a comparison to the participant's responses. In the analysis, a cut-off points of 12 was used to classify the patient's nasal symptoms into intermittent or persistent, with a sensitivity of 75%, specificity of 86%, PPV of 95%, and NPV of 51%. Whereas, a cut-off point of 15 was used to classify the rhinitis impact on daily activities into mild or moderate/severe, with a sensitivity of 58%, specificity of 100%, PPV of 100%, and NPV of 42%. The only item in the 'control' domain has been dropped out following a consensus of experts and judgement as it has not been used in the clinician diagnosis and thus, is unable to test for sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV.

    CONCLUSION: This newly developed, validated, and evaluated questionnaire is a good tool for the evaluation of allergic rhinitis symptoms and their impact on daily activities. It is important to understand that AR symptoms could have a significant impact on daily activities. Although further study and testing are needed, it provides an initial means for evaluating the patient condition and control level, as well as patients' perception of their rhinitis control.

    Matched MeSH terms: Severity of Illness Index
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