Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 4412 in total

  1. Abdullah S, Haflah NH, Sapuan J, Das S
    Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove), 2010;53(4):243-6.
    PMID: 21400985
    We present a 20-year-old Malay male whom we believe has Proteus syndrome, a rare congenital disorder of asymmetrical overgrowth of body tissues. There are fewer than 100 confirmed cases reported worldwide thus the clinical presentation and histopathological findings are of significance. Our patient presented with an overgrown right small finger and subcutaneous purplish pigmentation over his left upper arm and chest since birth. His small finger gradually increased in size. He had no abnormalities in sensation or power. Radiographs revealed a delta shaped middle phalanx of the small finger. His activities of daily living were uninterrupted but he requested debulking surgery for cosmetic reasons. Histopathological examination reported hypertrophic fatty tissue composed of well formed lobules of mature adipocytes interspersed with fibrous elements.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  2. Robert SD, Ismail AA
    PMID: 19771140
    AIM: To determine the glycemic index (GI) of Malaysian wild honey and Australian honey.

    METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers (5 men and 3 women, aged 24-44 y, with normal BMI) were served 50 g carbohydrate portions of two varieties of honey or the reference food (glucose, tested 3 times), on separate occasions. Capillary blood glucose was measured fasting and at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after the start of the test meals. The GI was calculated by expressing each subject's incremental area under the blood glucose curve (AUC) after honey as a percentage of his or her mean AUC after glucose.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the mean AUC of the Malaysian and Australian honeys, 174+/-19 and 158+/-16 mmolxmin/l, respectively, did not differ from each other but were significantly less than that after glucose, 259+/-15 mmolxmin/l (P<0.001). The mean GI of Malaysian wild honey, 65+/-7, did not differ from that of Australian honey, 59+/-5, but both were significantly less than the GI of glucose, 100 (P<0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that both Malaysian wild honey (GI=65+/-7) and Australian honey (GI=59+/-5) are intermediate GI foods.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  3. Ngiu CS, Ibrahim NM, Yahya WN, Tan HJ, Mustafa N, Basri H, et al.
    BMJ Case Rep, 2009;2009.
    PMID: 21709844 DOI: 10.1136/bcr.01.2009.1501
    Hashimoto encephalopathy (HE) is a poorly recognised steroid-responsive encephalopathy, with prominent neuropsychiatric features. Diagnosis is often difficult due to its heterogeneous clinical presentation, especially since the thyroid status or anti-thyroid antibody titres may not be related to the disease state. Here, the case of a 23-year-old Malay woman with Graves disease who presented with progressive encephalopathy diagnosed as HE is presented. She responded dramatically to high dose intravenous and then oral corticosteroid. A month after the initiation of treatment, she regained full independency.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  4. Bourée P
    Med Sante Trop, 2012 Jul-Sep;22(3):263.
    PMID: 23387009
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  5. Itagi AB, Arora D, Patil NA, Bailwad SA, Yunus GY, Goel A
    Int J Appl Basic Med Res, 2016 Jan-Mar;6(1):45-9.
    PMID: 26958522 DOI: 10.4103/2229-516X.174008
    An increase in the consumption of smokeless tobacco has been noticed among high school, college students, and adults. Despite the antiquity and popularity of chewing tobacco in India, its effects have not been investigated systematically in humans. The aim of this study was to investigate acute effects of gutkha chewing on heart rate variability (HRV) among healthy young adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  6. Bhullar A, Shamsudin N
    N Engl J Med, 2015 Jun 25;372(26):2541.
    PMID: 26107054 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMicm1406555
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  7. Tan W, Lim CTS
    Neurol India, 2019 9 13;67(4):1116-1117.
    PMID: 31512649 DOI: 10.4103/0028-3886.266296
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  8. Seed Hon Fei, Thong Kai Shin
    Dextromethorphan, an over the counter cough suppressant is gaining
    popularity among teenagers and young adults because of its easy availability,
    relatively low price and most importantly the feeling good effects that it
    brought when used in megadoses. We are reporting three cases of
    dextromethorphan abuse and its clinical presentations. We discussed about
    the factors that contribute to the current situation of uncontrolled usage of
    dextromethorphan in our population especially in Sarawak. We also looked
    into some of the steps that we can take in order to prevent the situation from
    becoming worse.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  9. Karabay O, Güçlü E, Şimşek A, Okan HD, Öğütlü A, Coşgun Y, et al.
    Mikrobiyol Bul, 2019 Jul;53(3):348-353.
    PMID: 31414637 DOI: 10.5578/mb.68050
    The frequency of travel-related infections in the world has increased due to the easily and widespread use of travel facilities in the 21st century. Vector-borne diseases are an important part of infectious diseases. Dengue fever is one of the travel-related infections that has been reported increasingly in recent years through the development of diagnostic methods. The aim of this report was to present two Dengue fever cases originating from travel. There was a story of mosquito bite during a trip to Sri Lanka travel in our first case. The patient was 30 years old and maculopapular rash appeared on the fifth day of contact. Three days after the onset of the rash, she has admitted to our clinic, complaining with fever and chills. Increased leukopenia and muscle enzymes were detected in the laboratory analysis. Real-time reverse transcriptase polimerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was positive in the serum sample. The patient was followed up with supportive care and discharged by improvement. The second case, a 24-year-old male, had a story of mosquito bite during his trip to Malaysia. After the patient complained of fever, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting and muscle pain, the Dengue virus (DENV) NS1 antigen test performed in this country was found to be positive. In the second case, there was no maculopapular rash and laboratory analysis showed an increase in leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and muscle enzymes. RT-PCR positivity was detected in the serum sample. The patient was followed up with supportive treatment and discharged with cure. DENV infections are caused by DENV which is common in the tropical areas of the world. There are four DENV-1, DENV-2, DENV-3 and DENV-4 serotypes. DENV infections can present different clinical manifestations such as asymptomatic disease, viral syndrome, Dengue haemorrhagic fever, and Dengue shock syndrome. Dengue fever is often accompanied by arthritis, maculopapular rash and high fever. Our cases were defined as Dengue fever according to this definition. In the diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary first to be suspicious of the disease and the travel history must be questioned. In the definitive diagnosis, virus isolation, antigen, nucleic acid detection and serological tests are used. The virus can be isolated from blood, serum, urine and tissues. In the first five days after beginning of the symptoms associated with DENV infections, serum RT-PCR and Dengue NS1 antigen test may be positive.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  10. Goh SW, Adawiyah J, Md Nor N, Yap F, Ch'ng P, Chang CC
    Malays Fam Physician, 2019;14(1):42-46.
    PMID: 31289632
    Prurigo pigmentosa is an inflammatory dermatosis characterized by a pruritic, symmetrically distributed erythematous papular or papulo-vesicular eruption on the trunk arranged in a reticulated pattern that resolves with hyperpigmentation. It is typically non-responsive to topical or systemic steroid therapy. The exact etiology is unknown, but it is more commonly described in the Far East countries. Dietary change is one of the predisposing factors. We report on nine young adult patients with prurigo pigmentosa, among whom five were on ketogenic diets prior to the onset of the eruptions. All cases resolved with oral doxycycline with no recurrence. We hope to improve the awareness of this uncommon skin condition among general practitioners and physicians so that disfiguring hyperpigmentation due to delayed diagnosis and treatment can be avoided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  11. Sayfaldeen Kashmoola, Tengku Fazrina Tengku Mohd Ariff, Hazmyr Abdul Wahab
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2020;16(1):27-37.
    Anthropometry is defined as the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body. To date, the most used methods for the acquisition of facial anthropometric parameters are direct method employing calipers and protractors tools, which are time-consuming, or indirect methods employing three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems, which are expensive. Despite the possible advantages of two-dimensional (2D) photography, it is not widely explored due to complications such as resolution and distortion of digital photos. The objective of this study is to
    assess the accuracy of the Digital Single-Lens Reflector (DSLR) camera as an indirect method against direct method at different aperture and distance to subject. Adults aged 20-45 years were voluntarily recruited in this study (n=24). Twelve facial anthropometric parameters were measured for each participant using direct anthropometry (sliding caliper), and indirect anthropometry (DSLR camera). When placing the DSLR camera at 2.0 meters from subjects with f/6.3 aperture, nine facial anthropometric parameters were obtained accurately (p> .05). The findings suggested that
    the accuracy of the DSLR camera as an indirect method for the acquisition of facial anthropometric parameters was established at the aperture setting of f/6.3 and the object distance at 2.0 meters. Therefore, it can be recommended as a facial anthropometry acquisition technique.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  12. Santhosh K, Manzoor S, Sushanth A, Seralathan S, Rajasekar V, Jacob A
    J Contemp Dent Pract, 2020 Nov 01;21(11):1258-1261.
    PMID: 33850072
    AIM AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the possible genotoxic effect of X-rays on buccal mucosa while exposing to dental panoramic radiography using micronucleus test.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group comprised of 30 healthy subjects, 15 males and 15 females, aged between 24 years and 65 years. Samples were obtained from the exfoliated oral mucosa cells of buccal mucosa before and 12 days after exposing the patients to panoramic radiography.

    RESULTS: The study reported that there was no significant increase in the number of micronuclei cells present before and after panoramic radiography. Positive correlation existed between age with pre- and postexposure micronuclei.

    CONCLUSION: Diagnostic dental panoramic radiograph does not induce micronuclei in the target buccal epithelium cells. A positive correlation between age and micronuclei frequency was established.

    CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Panoramic radiographs does not induce cytotoxicity but increase frequency may be vulnerable to genotoxic effects in buccal mucosal cells. Hence, dental radiographs should be prescribed only when necessary.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  13. ‘Afaf Ezzaty Abdul Rahim, Ahmad Aidil Arafat Dzulkarnain
    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different inter-stimulus intervals to the Cortical Auditory Evoked Potential (CAEP) findings in adult participants. Nineteen normal hearing individuals aged between 20 and 24 years old participated in this study. CAEP were measured by presenting 1000 Hz tone burst stimulus at 70dBnHL at three different inter-stimulus intervals (ISI)s of 2000, 909 and 555 ms in randomized order. Results revealed significant changes in the CAEP’s amplitude as a function of ISI with a reduction of P1-N1 amplitude of up to 50%. N2 peak was absent in some subjects using short ISI (555 ms). This study concluded that the use of very short ISI (e.g. 555 ms) may not be appropriate clinically because it can reduce the CAEP wave amplitude
    and can cause an absence of peak N2. In contrast, the use of short ISI may be useful for other clinical applications that may benefit from neural habituation and refractoriness, for example to predict the potential future outcome of speech and mental disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  14. Md Noh MSF
    Aorta (Stamford), 2020 Oct;8(5):159-160.
    PMID: 33368104 DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1715466
    A 22-year-old male with underlying end-stage renal failure was referred to our center for a malpositioned dialysis catheter. Imaging showed the tip of the catheter to be placed in the brachiocephalic trunk; the patient was, however, asymptomatic. Surgical removal of the malpositioned catheter followed, with no postoperative complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  15. Payus AO, Clarence C, Azman Ali R
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:861-864.
    PMID: 33116778 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S277394
    Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a rare cause of meningitis in adults that commonly affects patients with multiple underlying comorbidities. Although it is uncommon, it typically progresses very rapidly and has a high mortality rate as compared to other causes of bacterial meningitis. Here, we report a patient with GBS meningitis who had no underlying medical illness and presented with multiple episodes of seizure within hours of developing fever. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis results were consistent with bacterial meningitis, and blood cultures grew GBS. She was treated with intravenous ceftriaxone for 2 weeks and made a great recovery without any sequalae. In conclusion, although GBS meningitis is uncommon in adults, it is a serious medical disease and associated with a high mortality rate. To the best of our knowledge, this patient represents one of the few reported cases of GBS meningitis in a previously healthy young adult.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  16. Mohamad IS, Yaacob H
    Malays Fam Physician, 2018;13(3):47-48.
    PMID: 30800236 MyJurnal
    A 24-year-old man presented to the casualty department with a history of left-sided, colicky abdominal pain for one day. It was associated with an inability to pass flatus or motion within the same duration. There was no history of vomiting. On examination, the vital signs were within normal limits, and he was afebrile. His abdomen was soft, but a hard mass was palpable on the left side of his abdomen. There was no peritonitis. The bowel sounds were sluggish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  17. Eskin M, Baydar N, El-Nayal M, Asad N, Noor IM, Rezaeian M, et al.
    Soc Sci Med, 2020 11;265:113390.
    PMID: 33007656 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113390
    OBJECTIVE: The study investigated the associations of religiosity, religious coping and suicide acceptance to suicide ideation and attempts in 7427 young adults affiliating with Islam from 11 Muslim countries.

    METHOD: A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. We used F and χ2 tests and correlation analyses to report descriptive statistics. Multi-group path models with (i) a zero-inflated Poisson distribution and, (ii) a Binomial distribution were used to model the number of occurrences of suicidal ideation, and occurrence of a suicide attempt, respectively.

    RESULTS: Religiosity was negatively associated with acceptability of suicide, but it was positively related to punishment after death across the 11 countries. Religiosity was negatively associated with ever experiencing suicidal ideation, both directly and indirectly through its association with attitudes towards suicide, especially the belief in acceptability of suicide. Neither positive nor negative religious coping were related to suicidal ideation. However, religiosity was negatively related to suicide attempts among those who experienced suicidal ideation at least once. This association was mediated through the belief in acceptability of suicide and religious coping. Negative religious coping was positively associated with suicide attempts probably because it weakened the protective effects of religiosity.

    CONCLUSIONS: Findings from this study suggest that the effects of religiosity in the suicidal process operate through attitudes towards suicide. We therefore conclude that clinical assessment as well as research in suicidology may benefit from paying due attention to attitudes towards suicide.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  18. Mustafa N, Safii NS, Jaffar A, Sani NS, Mohamad MI, Abd Rahman AH, et al.
    JMIR Mhealth Uhealth, 2021 02 04;9(2):e24457.
    PMID: 33538704 DOI: 10.2196/24457
    BACKGROUND: Mobile health (mHealth) apps play an important role in delivering education, providing advice on treatment, and monitoring patients' health. Good usability of mHealth apps is essential to achieve the objectives of mHealth apps efficiently. To date, there are questionnaires available to assess the general system usability but not explicitly tailored to precisely assess the usability of mHealth apps. Hence, the mHealth App Usability Questionnaire (MAUQ) was developed with 4 versions according to the type of app (interactive or standalone) and according to the target user (patient or provider). Standalone MAUQ for patients comprises 3 subscales, which are ease of use, interface and satisfaction, and usefulness.

    OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to translate and validate the English version of MAUQ (standalone for patients) into a Malay version of MAUQ (M-MAUQ) for mHealth app research and usage in future in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Forward and backward translation and harmonization of M-MAUQ were conducted by Malay native speakers who also spoke English as their second language. The process began with a forward translation by 2 independent translators followed by harmonization to produce an initial translated version of M-MAUQ. Next, the forward translation was continued by another 2 translators who had never seen the original MAUQ. Lastly, harmonization was conducted among the committee members to resolve any ambiguity and inconsistency in the words and sentences of the items derived with the prefinal adapted questionnaire. Subsequently, content and face validations were performed with 10 experts and 10 target users, respectively. Modified kappa statistic was used to determine the interrater agreement among the raters. The reliability of the M-MAUQ was assessed by 51 healthy young adult mobile phone users. Participants needed to install the MyFitnessPal app and use it for 2 days for familiarization before completing the designated task and answer the M-MAUQ. The MyFitnessPal app was selected because it is one among the most popular installed mHealth apps globally available for iPhone and Android users and represents a standalone mHealth app.

    RESULTS: The content validity index for the relevancy and clarity of M-MAUQ were determined to be 0.983 and 0.944, respectively, which indicated good relevancy and clarity. The face validity index for understandability was 0.961, which indicated that users understood the M-MAUQ. The kappa statistic for every item in M-MAUQ indicated excellent agreement between the raters (κ ranging from 0.76 to 1.09). The Cronbach α for 18 items was .946, which also indicated good reliability in assessing the usability of the mHealth app.

    CONCLUSIONS: The M-MAUQ fulfilled the validation criteria as it revealed good reliability and validity similar to the original version. M-MAUQ can be used to assess the usability of mHealth apps in Malay in the future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
  19. Azlan Derwish, Nur Ikhwan Mohamad, Nor Fazila Abd Malek
    This research was undertaken to determine the physical characteristics among successful soldiers participating in the Basic Commando Course series 1/AK 2014 for 12 weeks, at Sungai Udang Camp, Malacca. A total of 37 male soldiers who had passed the commando practice test were selected to participate in this research, with special approval from the Malaysian Armed Forces Training Base. The anthropometric data of the body and fitness levels, were taken before, during and after the entire duration of the training. The successful commando candidates (commando trainees) aged 22.3±2.85 years, with a mean height of 1.71±0.03 m, mean weight of 60.76±5.18 kg, mean BMI of 22.02±1.38 kg/m2, and mean waist circumference of 68.92±2.48 cm. All physical fitness parameters showed a decrease in the level of physical fitness from the beginning to the end of the study period. In conclusion, the Malaysian commando selection training for twelve weeks produced a significant negative impact on the level of fitness of the military personnel involved. These study findings demonstrate the need for a specific recovery program after the commando’s training session, for the welfare of members and to ensure that the physical preparedness of the trainees has returned back to its pre-training maximum level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Young Adult
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