BACKGROUND: Early identification of delirium in intensive care units is crucial for patient care. Hence, nurses require adequate knowledge to enable appropriate evaluation of delirium using standardised practice and assessment tools.
DESIGN: This study, performed in Malaysia, used a single-group pretest-posttest study design to assess the effect of educational interventions and hands-on practices on nurses' knowledge of intensive care unit delirium and delirium assessment.
METHODS: Sixty-one nurses participated in educational intervention sessions, including classroom learning, demonstrations and hands-on practices on the Confusion Assessment Method-Intensive Care Unit. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires for the pre- and postintervention assessments. Analysis to determine the effect of the educational intervention consisted of the repeated-measures analysis of covariance.
RESULTS: There were significant differences in the knowledge scores pre- and postintervention, after controlling for demographic characteristics. The two most common perceived barriers to the adoption of the intensive care unit delirium assessment tool were "physicians did not use nurses' delirium assessment in decision-making" and "difficult to interpret delirium in intubated patients".
CONCLUSIONS: Educational intervention and hands-on practices increased nurses' knowledge of delirium assessment. Teaching and interprofessional involvements are essential for a successful implementation of intensive care unit delirium assessment practice.
RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: This study supports existing evidences, indicating that education and training could increase nurses' knowledge of delirium and delirium assessment. Improving nurses' knowledge could potentially lead to better delirium management practice and improve ICU patient care. Thus, continuous efforts to improve and sustain nurses' knowledge become relevant in ICU settings.
METHODS: Researchers developed 6 culturally relevant disease scenarios varying from low to high medical seriousness. Quota samples of approximately 290 middle-aged urban residents in Australia, China, Malaysia, India, South Korea, Thailand, and the USA completed an online survey that examined desired levels of FI and identified individual difference predictors in each country. All reliability coefficients were acceptable. Regression models met standard assumptions.
RESULTS: The strongest finding across all 7 countries was that those who desired higher self-involvement (SI) in medical decision making also wanted lower FI. On the other hand, respondents who valued relational-interdependence tended to want their families involved - a key finding in 5 of 7 countries. In addition, in 4 of 7 countries, respondents who valued social hierarchy desired higher FI. Other antecedents were less consistent.
CONCLUSION: These results suggest that it is important for health providers to avoid East-West cultural stereotypes. There are meaningful numbers of patients in all 7 countries who want to be individually involved and those individuals tend to prefer lower FI. On the other hand, more interdependent patients are likely to want families involved in many of the countries studied. Thus, individual differences within culture appear to be important in predicting whether a patient desires FI. For this reason, avoiding culture-based assumptions about desired FI during medical decision making is central to providing more effective patient centered care.
STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study.
METHODS: This study was completed alongside similar studies undertaken by the rest of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and led by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The study will allow further understanding of possible obstacles that may be encountered while implementing a nationwide prevention program. The 10-dimensional model of readiness had been developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with five countries (Brazil, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and South Africa) through a five-stage process. Stakeholders and decision makers were invited to participate. Scores for each dimension were compared with those for the rest of the GCC countries.
RESULTS: The overall score of Kuwait was 39.17 out of 100. This was below the mean average score for the GCC countries (47.83). Out of the 10 dimensions, key informants scored the highest on legislation, mandates and policies (6.61). The lowest score was reported on attitudes towards CM prevention (1.94). Informal social resources (5.72) ranked the highest as compared to the rest of the GCC countries.
CONCLUSIONS: The readiness of Kuwait is weak on several dimensions and needs to be strengthened. Despite that, the country is moderately ready to implement large-scale evidence-based CM prevention programs because it is strong in the infrastructure of knowledge, legislation, mandates, and policies and informal social resources.
METHODS: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among Malaysian youth aged 18-25 years who were recruited through social media.
RESULTS: Among 1530 respondents who completed the survey, 57.1% sought online STI information in the past 12 months mostly from general Internet websites, health websites, and Facebook. Respondents' overall STI knowledge was low. Young people who had higher STI knowledge (OR = 2.47, 95% CI = 1.87-3.25, P = 0.000), had intention-to-seek online STI information (OR = 2.02, 95% CI = 1.23-3.30, P = 0.000), identified as homosexual or bisexual (OR = 1.67, 95% CI = 1.08-2.57, P = 0.020), experienced STI symptoms (OR = 1.51, 95%CI = 1.02-2.22, P = 0.040), were in a relationship (OR = 1.42, 95% CI = 1.08-1.86, P = 0.012) and had high perceived quality of online STI information (OR = 1.41, 95%CI = 1.09-1.83, P = 0.009) were more likely to seek online STI information.
CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest the need to increase STI knowledge and perceived quality of online STI information among Malaysian youth. Young people with low STI knowledge, who are heterosexual, sexually active without STI symptoms and single would benefit from reliable sources of online STI information for STI prevention.
METHODS: Following a single day capacity building program on smokeless tobacco / areca nut control, two self-administered questionnaires were used to assess the improvement of knowledge and change of attitudes among 663 GDPs.
RESULTS: Majority had a good knowledge on harmful effects of SLT but not on areca nut. Knowledge of the current legislation on SLT control in Sri Lanka and carcinogenicity of areca nut was not satisfactory. Almost all agreed that proper counseling leads to patient quitting the habit, a formal training is necessary to conduct tobacco control activities and it should be a part of the regular treatment modalities. More than 80% of the participants support strict legislation. Most important factors leading to poor involvement in tobacco cessation activities were lack of expertise and inadequate educational material and not breach of patient privacy and lack of financial incentives. 20.1% dental surgeons had consumed smokeless tobacco / areca nut products in the past and only a few were current users of tobacco and/or areca nut.
CONCLUSIONS: Well planned workshops are efficient in improving knowledge, practices and attitudes of dental surgeons towards SLT/AN cessation.