Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 194 in total

  1. Ho SH, Uedo N, Aso A, Shimizu S, Saito Y, Yao K, et al.
    J Clin Gastroenterol, 2018 04;52(4):295-306.
    PMID: 29210900 DOI: 10.1097/MCG.0000000000000960
    Endoscopy imaging of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract has evolved tremendously over the last few decades. Key milestones in the development of endoscopy imaging include the use of various dyes for chromoendoscopy, the application of optical magnification in endoscopy, the introduction of high-definition image capturing and display technology and the application of altered illuminating light to achieve vascular and surface enhancement. Aims of this review paper are to summarize the development and evolution of modern endoscopy imaging and in particular, imaged-enhanced endoscopy (IEE), to promote appropriate usage, and to guide future development of good endoscopy practice. A search of PubMed database was performed to identify articles related to IEE of the GI tract. Where appropriate, landmark trials and high-quality meta-analyses and systematic reviews were used in the discussion. In this review, the developments and evolutions in endoscopy imaging and in particular, IEE, were summarized into discernible eras and the literature evidence with regard to the strengths and weaknesses in term of their detection and characterization capability in each of these eras were discussed. It is in the authors' opinion that IEE is capable of fairly good detection and accurate characterization of various GI lesions but such benefits may not be readily reaped by those who are new in the field of luminal endoscopy. Exposure and training in making confident diagnoses using these endoscopy imaging technologies are required in tandem with these new developments in order to fully embrace and adopt the benefits.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  2. Cao L, Chen Y, Dong S, Hanson A, Huang B, Leadbitter D, et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2017 01 17;114(3):435-442.
    PMID: 28096504 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1616583114
    China's 13th Five-Year Plan, launched in March 2016, provides a sound policy platform for the protection of marine ecosystems and the restoration of capture fisheries within China's exclusive economic zone. What distinguishes China among many other countries striving for marine fisheries reform is its size-accounting for almost one-fifth of global catch volume-and the unique cultural context of its economic and resource management. In this paper, we trace the history of Chinese government priorities, policies, and outcomes related to marine fisheries since the 1978 Economic Reform, and examine how the current leadership's agenda for "ecological civilization" could successfully transform marine resource management in the coming years. We show how China, like many other countries, has experienced a decline in the average trophic level of its capture fisheries during the past few decades, and how its policy design, implementation, and enforcement have influenced the status of its wild fish stocks. To reverse the trend in declining fish stocks, the government is introducing a series of new programs for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, with greater traceability and accountability in marine resource management and area controls on coastal development. As impressive as these new plans are on paper, we conclude that serious institutional reforms will be needed to achieve a true paradigm shift in marine fisheries management in China. In particular, we recommend new institutions for science-based fisheries management, secure fishing access, policy consistency across provinces, educational programs for fisheries managers, and increasing public access to scientific data.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  3. Psychiatric GWAS Consortium Coordinating Committee, Cichon S, Craddock N, Daly M, Faraone SV, Gejman PV, et al.
    Am J Psychiatry, 2009 May;166(5):540-56.
    PMID: 19339359 DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2008.08091354
    OBJECTIVE: The authors conducted a review of the history and empirical basis of genomewide association studies (GWAS), the rationale for GWAS of psychiatric disorders, results to date, limitations, and plans for GWAS meta-analyses.

    METHOD: A literature review was carried out, power and other issues discussed, and planned studies assessed.

    RESULTS: Most of the genomic DNA sequence differences between any two people are common (frequency >5%) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Because of localized patterns of correlation (linkage disequilibrium), 500,000 to 1,000,000 of these SNPs can test the hypothesis that one or more common variants explain part of the genetic risk for a disease. GWAS technologies can also detect some of the copy number variants (deletions and duplications) in the genome. Systematic study of rare variants will require large-scale resequencing analyses. GWAS methods have detected a remarkable number of robust genetic associations for dozens of common diseases and traits, leading to new pathophysiological hypotheses, although only small proportions of genetic variance have been explained thus far and therapeutic applications will require substantial further effort. Study design issues, power, and limitations are discussed. For psychiatric disorders, there are initial significant findings for common SNPs and for rare copy number variants, and many other studies are in progress.

    CONCLUSIONS: GWAS of large samples have detected associations of common SNPs and of rare copy number variants with psychiatric disorders. More findings are likely, since larger GWAS samples detect larger numbers of common susceptibility variants, with smaller effects. The Psychiatric GWAS Consortium is conducting GWAS meta-analyses for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Based on results for other diseases, larger samples will be required. The contribution of GWAS will depend on the true genetic architecture of each disorder.

    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  4. Manderson L
    Am J Public Health, 1999 Jan;89(1):102-7.
    PMID: 9987478
    In both African and Asian colonies until the late 19th century, colonial medicine operated pragmatically to meet the medical needs first of colonial officers and troops, immigrant settlers, and laborers responsible for economic development, then of indigenous populations when their ill health threatened the well-being of the expatriate population. Since the turn of the century, however, the consequences of colonial expansion and development for indigenous people's health had become increasingly apparent, and disease control and public health programs were expanded in this light. These programs increased government surveillance of populations at both community and household levels. As a consequence, colonial states extended institutional oversight and induced dependency through public health measures. Drawing on my own work on colonial Malaya, I illustrate developments in public health and their links to the moral logic of colonialism and its complementarity to the political economy.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  5. McMinn PC
    FEMS Microbiol Rev, 2002 Mar;26(1):91-107.
    PMID: 12007645
    Since its discovery in 1969, enterovirus 71 (EV71) has been recognised as a frequent cause of epidemics of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) associated with severe neurological sequelae in a small proportion of cases. There has been a significant increase in EV71 epidemic activity throughout the Asia-Pacific region since 1997. Recent HFMD epidemics in this region have been associated with a severe form of brainstem encephalitis associated with pulmonary oedema and high case-fatality rates. The emergence of large-scale epidemic activity in the Asia-Pacific region has been associated with the circulation of three genetic lineages that appear to be undergoing rapid evolutionary change. Two of these lineages (B3 and B4) have not been described previously and appear to have arisen from an endemic focus in equatorial Asia, which has served as a source of virus for HFMD epidemics in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia. The third lineage (C2) has previously been identified [Brown, B.A. et al. (1999) J. Virol. 73, 9969-9975] and was primarily responsible for the large HFMD epidemic in Taiwan during 1998. As EV71 appears not to be susceptible to newly developed antiviral agents and a vaccine is not currently available, control of EV71 epidemics through high-level surveillance and public health intervention needs to be maintained and extended throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Future research should focus on (1) understanding the molecular genetics of EV71 virulence, (2) identification of the receptor(s) for EV71, (3) development of antiviral agents to ameliorate the severity of neurological disease and (4) vaccine development to control epidemics. Following the successful experience of the poliomyelitis control programme, it may be possible to control EV71 epidemics if an effective live-attenuated vaccine is developed.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  6. Lee HP
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2005 Jul;34(6):159C-162C.
    PMID: 16010400
    King Edward VII ("KE") had been synonymous with the medical school and its associated hall of residence at Sepoy Lines since the 1910s. After the school became the Medical Faculty, the illustrious name remained with the Hall, which was rebuilt in 1957. For almost 90 years, KE has kept alive the rich history and traditions of a bygone era that embodied the passion and pride of both Singapore and Malaysia. The heroism of some Keviians during the Second World War and other exploits have led to many legends of the Hall. In 1987, it moved to its present location at Kent Ridge, and opened its doors to students from all other faculties. We count many personalities among our alumni, including some of the most prominent physicians in our country. The exuberant hall life, cultural pursuits and achievements of the residents contribute to the strong spirit of endeavour. Keviians over the decades have lived, worked, played and served to uphold the motto that means so much to all of us: TO STRIVE, TO SEEK, TO SERVE.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  7. Lim KH
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2005 Jul;34(6):155C-158C.
    PMID: 16010399
    The rich corporate life of the medical student and the medical students' societies at our medical school (at the present National University of Singapore) is generally unappreciated by its graduates and regrettably, even more unknown to the medical student of today. The present generation of medical students of NUS do not know of their rich history. We have published documentation of student activities from the founding of the medical school in 1905 till the establishment of the then University of Malaya in 1950, reviewed herein. Materials presented after 1950 were gathered from personal communications from key players in the students' societies and from editors of the medical students' publications.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  8. Cheah JS, Ho TM, Ng BY
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2005 Jul;34(6):19C-24C.
    PMID: 16010376
    The Medical School in Singapore was founded on 3 July 1905 and named the Straits and Federated Malay States Government Medical School. There were 23 students in the first enrollment; 16 students attended the full course, while 7 attended a 2-year course for hospital assistants. The pioneer group of 7 that graduated in May 1910 (the Magnificent Seven) consisted of Drs Chen Su Lan, Edwin Williborod deCruz, and John Gnanapragasam from Singapore; Drs Willie Carnegie and Mark W Chill from Penang; Dr SR Krishnan from Seramban and Dr John Scott Lee from Ipoh. In December 1910, a further 6 students graduated. Of this first batch of 13 graduates in 1910, we describe the careers of 6; no records exist of the remaining 7.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  9. Satku K, Chacha PB, Low YP
    Ann Acad Med Singap, 2002 Sep;31(5):551-7.
    PMID: 12395635
    The Orthopaedic specialty service in Singapore began in 1952 with the appointment of J A P Cameron to the chair of Orthopaedics at the University of Malaya and the simultaneous establishment of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the General Hospital, Singapore. A second department--a government department of orthopaedic surgery was established in 1959, under the headship of Mr D W C Gawne also at the General Hospital, Singapore to cater to the increasing workload. Although orthopaedic services were already available at Alexandra Hospital, Tan Tock Seng Hospital and Toa Payoh Hospital from as early as 1974, the formal establishment of a Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in these hospitals took place only in 1977. The pioneering local orthopaedic surgeons--Mr W G S Fung, Mr K H Yeoh, and Mr V K Pillay--joined the orthopaedic service in 1961. In 1967, Prof Pillay and Mr Fung took the leadership role at the University Orthopaedic Department and Government Orthopaedic Department, General Hospital, Singapore, respectively. Subspecialty services in orthopaedic surgery began in the late 1970s, and currently, at least 7 subspecialties have developed to divisional status at one or more hospitals. In 2001, there were 92 registered Orthopaedic specialists and just over a third were in private practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  10. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2004;13(1):preceeding 1.
    PMID: 15108366
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  11. Lee L, Patrick W, Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2002;14(1):47-8.
    PMID: 12597519
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  12. Shetty P
    Lancet, 2013 Jun 15;381(9883):2073.
    PMID: 23769222 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(13)61231-3
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  13. Gay H
    Ambix, 2012 Jul;59(2):88-108.
    PMID: 23057183
    The use of chemical pesticides increased considerably after World War II, and ecological damage was noticeable by the late 1940s. This paper outlines some ecological problems experienced during the post-war period in the UK, and in parts of what is now Malaysia. Also discussed is the government's response. Although Rachel Carson's book, Silent Spring (1962), was important in bringing the problems to a wider public, she was not alone in sounding the alarm. Pressure from the public and from British scientists led, among other things, to the founding of the Natural Environment Research Council in 1965. By the 1970s, environmentalism was an important movement, and funding for ecological and environmental research was forthcoming even during the economic recession. Some of the recipients were ecologists working at Imperial College London. Moved by the political climate, and by the evidence of ecological damage, they carried out research on the biological control of insect pests.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  14. Thong MK
    Mol Genet Metab, 2012 Apr;105(4):551-2.
    PMID: 22284267 DOI: 10.1016/j.ymgme.2012.01.003
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  15. Ormond M
    Asia Pac Viewp, 2011;52(3):247-59.
    PMID: 22216474
    "Medical tourism" has frequently been held to unsettle naturalised relationships between the state and its citizenry. Yet in casting "medical tourism" as either an outside "innovation" or "invasion," scholars have often ignored the role that the neoliberal retrenchment of social welfare structures has played in shaping the domestic health-care systems of the "developing" countries recognised as international medical travel destinations. While there is little doubt that "medical tourism" impacts destinations' health-care systems, it remains essential to contextualise them. This paper offers a reading of the emergence of "medical tourism" from within the context of ongoing health-care privatisation reform in one of today's most prominent destinations: Malaysia. It argues that "medical tourism" to Malaysia has been mobilised politically both to advance domestic health-care reform and to cast off the country's "underdeveloped" image not only among foreign patient-consumers but also among its own nationals, who are themselves increasingly envisioned by the Malaysian state as prospective health-care consumers.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  16. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong), 2011 Apr;19(1):1-2.
    PMID: 21519066
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  17. Goh KL
    J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2011 Jan;26 Suppl 1:2-10.
    PMID: 21199509 DOI: 10.1111/j.1440-1746.2010.06534.x
    Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), previously uncommon in Asia, has now become an important disease in the region. Although much variability exists between studies, most endoscopy-based studies show a prevalence of erosive esophagitis of more than 10%. Symptom-based studies also show a prevalence of 6-10%. Two longitudinal follow-up studies on GERD symptoms have shown an increase with time, and several endoscopy-based time trend studies have also shown a significant increase in erosive reflux esophagitis. Studies on Barrett's esophagus have been confounded by the description of short (SSBE) and long segment (LSBE) Barrett's esophagus. Great variation in prevalence rates has been reported. SSBE vary from 0.1% to more than 20% while LSBE vary from 1-2%. Of the putative causative factors, obesity has been the most important. Many studies have linked GERD-esophagitis as well as occurrence of reflux symptoms with an increase in body mass index (BMI), obesity, especially visceral or central obesity, and metabolic syndrome. A decline in Helicobacter pylori infection with growing affluence in Asia has been broadly thought to result in healthier stomachs and a higher gastric acid output resulting in reflux disease. However, variable results have been obtained from association and H. pylori eradication studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
  18. Khiun LK
    PMID: 20836261
    Matched MeSH terms: History, 20th Century
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