Displaying publications 101 - 120 of 333 in total

  1. Yeoh OH
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Jun;34(4):349-57.
    PMID: 7219262
    This paper describes the characteristics of Malay psychiatric inpatients, their attitudes towards hospitalisation and their practice of consulting traditional healers (bomohs). The behaviour patterns which prompted hospitalisation were: acute disorganised behaviour directed at the community, behaviour of a less acute nature distressing the family and life-threatening crises. The social interaction life styles of urban and rural Malays are discussed in relation to the differences observed between urban and rural hospitalised patients. When the traditional healers were consulted there was a delay before hospitalisation, but there was an awareness of the need for hospitalisation shown by a small number of the traditional healers. Some patients who had consulted the traditional healers had the tendency to continue the consultations after leaving the hospital, but this practice became less frequent after each discharge from hospital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/psychology; Mental Disorders/therapy*
  2. Jenner JA
    J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1991 Oct;179(10):636-7.
    PMID: 1919550
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/psychology; Mental Disorders/therapy*
  3. Salleh MR
    Med J Malaysia, 1989 Mar;44(1):3-13.
    PMID: 2626110
    Sixty four percent (104 patients) of Malay patients attending the Psychiatric Clinic for the first time were interviewed. A similar number from the general Out-patients Department (O.P.D.) randomly chosen, served as the control group. Seventy six (73.1%) psychiatric patients had consulted a bomoh prior to their visit to the clinic as compared to 26 (25%) O.P.D. patients. The number of bomohs consulted was significantly higher among the psychiatric patients than the O.P.D. patients. The strength of social support, the availability of a bomoh and the belief of the patients, friends and/or relatives in the bomoh have been suggested as the main factors that influenced the Malay patients in seeking bomoh treatment. The belief that mental illness is due to supernatural causes is firmly held by bomohs who reinforce this notion in those who seek their advice. The importance of understanding the patient's cultural background in treating psychiatric patients is highlighted.
    Study site: Psychiatric clinic, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Kelantan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology; Mental Disorders/therapy*
  4. Chen PCY
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 1979;25(3):167-75.
    PMID: 500287 DOI: 10.1177/002076407902500302
    The permainan puteri (usually abbreviated to main puteri) is an indigenous Kelantanese healing ceremony in which the bomoh (traditional medicine-man), the sick individual and other participants become spirit-medium through whom puteri (spirits) are able to enact a permainan ('play'). It has been successfully used as a psychotherapy for depression. The bomoh assisted by his minduk (master of spirits) and a troupe of musicians, is able to provide a conceptual framework around which the sick individual can organize his vague, mysterious and chaotic symptoms so that they become comprehensible and orderly. At the same time the bomoh is able to draw the sick individual out of his state of morbid self-absorption and heighten his feelings of self-worth. The involvement of his family, relatives and friends tends to enhance group solidarity and reintegrate the sick individual into his immediate social group.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology; Mental Disorders/therapy
  5. Teoh JI
    Psychiatry, 1972 Nov;35(4):345-51.
    PMID: 5086382
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/history; Mental Disorders/epidemiology*
  6. Ford K, Jampaklay A, Chamratrithirong A
    Int J Public Health, 2019 Nov;64(8):1193-1201.
    PMID: 31489461 DOI: 10.1007/s00038-019-01297-y
    OBJECTIVES: A long-term civil conflict has been occurring in the southernmost provinces of Thailand, and migration to Malaysia has been accelerated by this conflict. The objective of this work was to examine the influence of perceived effects of the unrest, migration of a household member, and children left behind on the reporting of psychiatric symptoms of working age adults.

    METHODS: A first round of data collection was conducted in 2014 including interviews with a probability sample of 1102 households and individual interviews with 2058 males and females aged 18-59. In 2016, a second round of data collection was conducted. A fixed effects model was used in the analysis.

    RESULTS: The perceived effect of the unrest on the household was associated with an increased reporting of psychiatric symptoms. Furthermore, the migration of a household member for work and the presence of children left behind were related to an increased reporting of psychiatric symptoms among adults, especially among females.

    CONCLUSIONS: The unrest and its associated migration was related to an increased reporting of psychiatric symptoms among working age adults in the study population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology; Mental Disorders/epidemiology*
  7. Sekaran VC, Kamath VG, Ashok L, Kamath A, Hegde AP, Devaramane V
    Asian J Psychiatr, 2020 Apr;50:101941.
    PMID: 32070886 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajp.2020.101941
    INTRODUCTION: Adolescent behavioural problems are a growing public health concern. The authors in this study investigated paternal and maternal reports of parenting attitudes and dimensions as predictors of adolescent behavioural problems in the Indian context.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using stratified sampling at the community level, 640 parents including 419 mothers and 221 fathers participated in the study. Tools included a socio-demographic pro-forma; Parental attitude inventory (PAI) to assess parenting attitudes, Parent Global Report of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) to assess current parenting dimensions, and the parent version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) to assess behavioural problems among adolescents. We examined the prevalence and predictors of total difficulties, externalizing and internalizing behavioural problems among adolescents from paternal and maternal reports.

    RESULTS: Paternal and maternal reports of total difficulties (11.3 %, 13.6 %), externalizing (2.3 %, 1.9 %) and internalizing behaviours (8.6 %, 7.4 %) among adolescents are reported. Predictors of abnormal behaviours per paternal reports included lower social class and poor paternal control. Being a male adolescent increased the odds of total difficulties and externalizing problems. Favourable maternal attitude, good maternal warmth and control predicted the reduced likelihood of total difficulties and externalizing behaviours per maternal reports. Paternal control and maternal warmth and control were found to reduce the likelihood of internalizing behaviours among adolescents.

    CONCLUSION: Maternal attitude, paternal control and maternal warmth and control dimensions emerged as significant predictors of total difficulties, externalizing and internalizing behavioural problems among adolescents.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology; Mental Disorders/psychology*
  8. Psychopharmacol Bull, 1977 Oct;13(4):8-48.
    PMID: 905490
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/drug therapy*; Mental Disorders/epidemiology
  9. Hartog J
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 1973;19(1):49-59.
    PMID: 4789139
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/classification*; Mental Disorders/epidemiology
  10. Chiu TL, Tong JE, Schmidt KE
    Psychol Med, 1972 May;2(2):155-65.
    PMID: 5034110 DOI: 10.1017/S0033291700040629
    During a psychiatric survey in Sarawak, subjects demonstrating latah were examined separately, both clinically and with a questionnaire. Latah occurred only in females, mainly Malays, occasionally Ibans, and never Chinese. Fifty latah subjects were examined, seven were firmly diagnosed as being mentally ill, and another 13 demonstrated mild psychiatric disorders. Dream content indicated an overt sexual component
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/diagnosis; Mental Disorders/epidemiology
  11. Hastings J
    Aust N Z J Psychiatry, 1977 Dec;11(4):219-21.
    PMID: 272878
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/diagnosis*; Mental Disorders/psychology
  12. Ei Thu H, Hussain Z, Shuid AN
    Curr Drug Targets, 2018;19(8):865-876.
    PMID: 27894237 DOI: 10.2174/1389450117666161125174625
    Psychotic disorders are recognized as severe mental disorders that rigorously affect patient's personality, critical thinking, and perceptional ability. High prevalence, global dissemination and limitations of conventional pharmacological approaches compel a significant burden to the patient, medical professionals and the healthcare system. To date, numerous orally administered therapies are available for the management of depressive disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, bipolar disorders and autism spectrum problems. However, poor water solubility, erratic oral absorption, extensive first-pass metabolism, low oral bioavailability and short half-lives are the major factors which limit the pharmaceutical significance and therapeutic feasibility of these agents. In recent decades, nanotechnology-based delivery systems have gained remarkable attention of the researchers to mitigate the pharmaceutical issues related to the antipsychotic therapies and to optimize their oral drug delivery, therapeutic outcomes, and patient compliance. Therefore, the present review was aimed to summarize the available in vitro and in vivo evidences signifying the pharmaceutical importance of the advanced delivery systems in improving the aqueous solubility, transmembrane permeability, oral bioavailability and therapeutic outcome of the antipsychotic agents.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/drug therapy*; Mental Disorders/physiopathology
  13. Network and Pathway Analysis Subgroup of Psychiatric Genomics Consortium
    Nat Neurosci, 2015 Feb;18(2):199-209.
    PMID: 25599223 DOI: 10.1038/nn.3922
    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of psychiatric disorders have identified multiple genetic associations with such disorders, but better methods are needed to derive the underlying biological mechanisms that these signals indicate. We sought to identify biological pathways in GWAS data from over 60,000 participants from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. We developed an analysis framework to rank pathways that requires only summary statistics. We combined this score across disorders to find common pathways across three adult psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia, major depression and bipolar disorder. Histone methylation processes showed the strongest association, and we also found statistically significant evidence for associations with multiple immune and neuronal signaling pathways and with the postsynaptic density. Our study indicates that risk variants for psychiatric disorders aggregate in particular biological pathways and that these pathways are frequently shared between disorders. Our results confirm known mechanisms and suggest several novel insights into the etiology of psychiatric disorders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology; Mental Disorders/genetics*
  14. Ko SM, Tan SL, Leong B
    Singapore Med J, 1996 Apr;37(2):168-71.
    PMID: 8942256
    In a prospective study of fifty consecutive outpatients (30 men and 20 women) attending the Behaviour Therapy Clinic at a general hospital, the commonest conditions were obsessive compulsive disorders (n = 16), phobic disorders (n = 11) and generalised anxiety disorders (n = 9). Three-quarters of the referrals were from psychiatrists and family physicians. The patients received between 2 to 10 sessions of behaviour treatment; most had 4 to 6 sessions with a mean of 4.7, SD 1.82. The commonest behavioural techniques administered were exposure therapy with response prevention and relaxation therapy. Initially, treatment was therapist-aided, but subsequently self-help was encouraged with regular reviews of the patient's homework. After one month, 42 patients (84%) were assessed to have improved somewhat, with 20 (40%) showing moderate improvement. After three months, 41 (82%) continued to improve, with 33 (66%) showing moderate to great improvement. Nine patients were considered to have failed in therapy-six defaulted and three were non-responders. The reasons for defaulting treatment were unwillingness to bear with the discomfort involved in exposure therapy, lack of motivation or returning to own hometown in Malaysia. Sixteen patients (n = 32%) were treated solely with behavioural techniques while the rest had a combination of behaviour therapy and drugs, especially anxiolytics and antidepressants. However, at the end of treatment, the dosages of most medications were reduced or else discontinued completely.

    Study site: Behavior therapy clinic at a general hospital
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/diagnosis; Mental Disorders/therapy*
  15. Krishnaswamy S, Subramaniam K, Ramachandran P, Indran T, Abdul Aziz J
    Early Hum Dev, 2011 Mar;87(3):171-5.
    PMID: 21220193 DOI: 10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2010.12.004
    Delayed parenting and child bearing at a very young age impose various risks to development of the offspring.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/epidemiology; Mental Disorders/psychology*
  16. Kenny MG
    Cult Med Psychiatry, 1978 Sep;2(3):209-31.
    PMID: 710172
    This paper examines the symbolic properties and cultural relevance of latah, a behavioral state noted in Malay and Indonesia since the 19th Century. Most interpretations of latah have been psychological, latah being perceived as a 'mental disorder.' In the following, it is concluded that latah is intimately related to other aspects of Malayo-Indonesian culture and that it is a well-known cultural pattern and not a mental disorder as such, though it may occur among persons, largely women, in a socially and psychologically marginal situation. Latah is a symbolic representation of marginality, and it is as appropriate to certain mythological and religious figures to the socially marginal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology; Mental Disorders/psychology*
  17. Muthupalaniappen L, Omar J, Omar K, Iryani T, Hamid SN
    PMID: 23431837
    We carried out a cross sectional study to detect emotional and behavioral problems among adolescents who smoke and their help-seeking behavior. This study was conducted in Sarawak, East Malaysia, between July and September 2006. Emotional and behavioral problems were measured using the Youth Self-Report (YSR/11-18) questionnaire; help seeking behavior was assessed using a help-seeking questionnaire. Three hundred ninety-nine students participated in the study; the smoking prevalence was 32.8%. The mean scores for emotional and behavioral problems were higher among smokers than non-smokers in all domains (internalizing, p = 0.028; externalizing, p = 0.001; other behavior, p = 0.001). The majority of students who smoked (94.7%) did not seek help from a primary health care provider for their emotional or behavioral problems. Common barriers to help-seeking were: the perception their problems were trivial (60.3%) and the preference to solve problems on their own (45.8%). Our findings suggest adolescent smokers in Sarawak, East Malaysia were more likely to break rules, exhibit aggressive behavior and have somatic complaints than non-smoking adolescents. Adolescent smokers preferred to seek help for their problems from informal sources. Physicians treating adolescents should inquire about smoking habits, emotional and behavioral problems and offer counseling if required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/epidemiology*; Mental Disorders/psychology*
  18. Xu Y, Herrman H, Bentley R, Tsutsumi A, Fisher J
    Bull World Health Organ, 2014 May 01;92(5):348-55.
    PMID: 24839324 DOI: 10.2471/BLT.13.124677
    OBJECTIVE: To assess whether having a subsequent child had an effect on the mental health of Chinese mothers who lost a child during an earthquake.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of bereaved mothers was conducted 30 to 34 months after the 2008 Sichuan earthquake using individual structured interviews to assess sociodemographic characteristics, post-disaster experiences and mental health. The interviews incorporated standardized psychometric measures of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complicated grief (CG). Social support was also assessed. An adjusted model taking potential confounders into account was used to explore any association between psychological symptoms and the birth of a subsequent child.

    FINDINGS: The prevalence of psychological symptoms was higher in mothers who did not have a child after losing the first one. In an adjusted model, symptoms of anxiety (odds ratio, OR: 3.37; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.51-7.50), depression (OR: 9.47; 95% CI: 2.58-34.80), PTSD (OR: 5.11; 95% CI: 2.31-11.34) and CG (OR: 10.73; 95% CI: 1.88-61.39) were significantly higher among the 116 women without a subsequent child than among the 110 mothers who had another child after bereavement. More than two thirds of the mothers with new infants had clinically important psychological symptoms.

    CONCLUSION: Women who have lost an only child in a natural disaster are especially vulnerable to long-term psychological problems, especially if they have reached an age when conception is difficult. Research should focus on developing and evaluating interventions designed to provide women with psychosocial support and reproductive services.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/etiology*; Mental Disorders/epidemiology*
  19. Murphy JK, Khan A, Sun Q, Minas H, Hatcher S, Ng CH, et al.
    Int J Equity Health, 2021 07 12;20(1):161.
    PMID: 34253198 DOI: 10.1186/s12939-021-01484-5
    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have profound mental health impact, including in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) region. Some populations might be at higher risk of experiencing negative mental health impacts and may encounter increased barriers to accessing mental health care. The pandemic and related restrictions have led to changes in care delivery, including a rapid shift to the use of e-mental health and digital technologies. It is therefore essential to consider needs and opportunities for equitable mental health care delivery to the most at-risk populations. This rapid scoping review: 1) identifies populations in the APEC region that are at higher risk of the negative mental health impacts of COVID-19, 2) identifies needs and gaps in access to standard and e-mental health care among these populations, and 3) explores the potential of e-mental health to address these needs.

    METHODS: We conducted a rapid scoping review following the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). We searched Medline, Embase and PsychInfo databases and Google Scholar using a search strategy developed in consultation with a biomedical librarian. We included records related to mental health or psychosocial risk factors and COVID-19 among at-risk groups; that referred to one or more APEC member economies or had a global, thus generalizable, scope; English language papers, and papers with full text available.

    RESULTS: A total of 132 records published between December 2019 and August 2020 were included in the final analysis. Several priority at-risk populations, risk factors, challenges and recommendations for standard and e-mental health care were identified. Results demonstrate that e-mental health care can be a viable option for care delivery but that specific accessibility and acceptability considerations must be considered. Options for in-person, hybrid or "low-tech" care must also remain available.

    CONCLUSIONS: The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for equitable standard and e-mental health care. It has also highlighted the persistent social and structural inequities that contribute to poor mental health. The APEC region is vast and diverse; findings from the region can guide policy and practice in the delivery of equitable mental health care in the region and beyond.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/epidemiology; Mental Disorders/therapy*
  20. Munusamy S, Ramasamy S, Sukir NI
    BMC Public Health, 2024 Sep 27;24(1):2634.
    PMID: 39333967 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-024-19855-2
    BACKGROUND: Mental health is a vital aspect of health and wellbeing that supports our capacity as individuals and as a society to make choices, form bonds with one another, and influence the world we live in. This review aims to identify and synthesize research on mental health and its associated factors among educators in Malaysia. Given the rise in mental health issues among educators, it is crucial to understand the risk factors and develop supportive environments to promote mental well-being. By investigating the causes of poor mental health among educators, this review seeks to provide recommendations based on evidence for future research priorities, policy, and practice, particularly in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This systematic review was conducted following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria. A total of 488 studies were identified from five databases namely Scopus, PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, and PsycINFO with 30 articles meeting the inclusion criteria. Covidence tool is used for screening and data extraction.

    RESULTS: The findings highlighted six major themes as significant predictors of poor mental health among educators in Malaysia were work-family conflict and demands, pandemic impact, work environment, physical health, personality traits, and workload.

    CONCLUSIONS: The outcomes of this review support future policy research on academic well-being, aiming to improve work-life balance for educators. Stakeholders can work towards creating a more supportive, productive, and sustainable academic environment in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Disorders/epidemiology; Mental Disorders/psychology
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