OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of a COVID-19 symptom monitoring system (CoSMoS) by exploring its utility and usability with end-users.
METHODS: This was a qualitative study using in-depth interviews. Patients with suspected COVID-19 infection who used CoSMoS Telegram bot to monitor their COVID-19 symptoms and doctors who conducted the telemonitoring via CoSMoS dashboard were recruited. Universal sampling was used in this study. We stopped the recruitment when data saturation was reached. Patients and doctors shared their experiences using CoSMoS, its utility and usability for COVID-19 symptoms monitoring. Data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: A total of 11 patients and 4 doctors were recruited into this study. For utility, CoSMoS was useful in providing close monitoring and continuity of care, supporting patients' decision making, ensuring adherence to reporting, and reducing healthcare workers' burden during the pandemic. In terms of usability, patients expressed that CoSMoS was convenient and easy to use. The use of the existing social media application for symptom monitoring was acceptable for the patients. The content in the Telegram bot was easy to understand, although revision was needed to keep the content updated. Doctors preferred to integrate CoSMoS into the electronic medical record.
CONCLUSION: CoSMoS is feasible and useful to patients and doctors in providing remote monitoring and teleconsultation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The utility and usability evaluation enables the refinement of CoSMoS to be a patient-centred monitoring system.
METHODS: Adults with asthma were purposively recruited from an urban primary healthcare clinic for in-depth interviews. Audio-recordings were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically.
RESULTS: We interviewed 24 adults. Four themes emerged: (1) Participants believed in the 'hot and cold' concept of illness either as an inherent hot/cold body constitution or the ambient temperature. Hence, participants tried to 'neutralize' body constitution or to 'warm up' the cold temperature that was believed to trigger acute attacks. (2) Participants managed asthma based on past experiences and personal health beliefs as they lacked formal information about asthma and its treatment. (3) Poor communication and variable advice from healthcare practitioners on how to manage their asthma contributed to poor self-management skills. (4) Embarrassment about using inhalers in public and advice from family and friends resulted in a focus on nonpharmacological approaches to asthma self-management practice.
CONCLUSIONS: Asthma self-management practices were learnt experientially and were strongly influenced by sociocultural beliefs and advice from family and friends. Effective self-management needs to be tailored to cultural norms, personalized to the individuals' preferences and clinical needs, adapted to their level of health literacy and underpinned by patient-practitioner partnerships.
PATIENT AND PUBLIC CONTRIBUTIONS: Patients contributed to data. Members of the public were involved in the discussion of the results.
METHODS: This was a quasi-experimental controlled study conducted in 20 intervention and 20 control public primary care clinics in Malaysia from November 2016 to June 2019. Type 2 diabetes patients aged 30 years and above were selected via systematic random sampling. Outcomes include process of care and intermediate clinical outcomes. Difference-in-differences analyses was conducted.
RESULTS: We reviewed 12,017 medical records of patients with type 2 diabetes. Seven process of care measures improved: HbA1c tests (odds ratio (OR) 3.31, 95% CI 2.13, 5.13); lipid test (OR 4.59, 95% CI 2.64, 7.97), LDL (OR 4.33, 95% CI 2.16, 8.70), and urine albumin (OR 1.99, 95% CI 1.12, 3.55) tests; BMI measured (OR 15.80, 95% CI 4.78, 52.24); cardiovascular risk assessment (OR 174.65, 95% CI 16.84, 1810.80); and exercise counselling (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.04, 1.33). We found no statistically significant changes in intermediate clinical outcomes (i.e. HbA1c, LDL, HDL and BP control).
CONCLUSIONS: EnPHC interventions was successful in enhancing the quality of care, in terms of process of care, by changing healthcare providers behaviour.
METHODS: A parallel, open-label, 2-arm prospective, pilot randomised controlled trial was conducted at a long-term stroke service at a university based primary care clinic. All stroke caregivers aged ≥ 18 years, proficient in English or Malay and smartphone operation were invited. From 147 eligible caregivers, 76 participants were randomised to either SRA™ intervention or conventional care group (CCG) after receiving standard health counselling. The intervention group had additional SRA™ installed on their smartphones, which enabled self-monitoring of modifiable and non-modifiable stroke risk factors. The Stroke Riskometer app (SRATM) and Life's Simple 7 (LS7) questionnaires assessed stroke risk and lifestyle practices. Changes in clinical profile, lifestyle practices and calculated stroke risk were analysed at baseline and 3 months. The trial was registered in the Australia-New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry, ACTRN12618002050235.
RESULTS: The demographic and clinical characteristics of the intervention and control group study participants were comparable. Better improvement in LS7 scores were noted in the SRA™ arm compared to CCG at 3 months: Median difference (95% CI) = 0.88 (1.68-0.08), p = 0.03. However, both groups did not show significant changes in median stroke risk and relative risk scores at 5-, 10-years (Stroke risk 5-years: Median difference (95% CI) = 0.53 (0.15-1.21), p = 0.13, 10-years: Median difference (95% CI) = 0.81 (0.53-2.15), p = 0.23; Relative risk 5-years: Median difference (95% CI) = 0.84 (0.29-1.97), p = 0.14, Relative risk 10-years: Median difference (95% CI) = 0.58 (0.36-1.52), p = 0.23).
CONCLUSION: SRA™ is a useful tool for familial stroke caregivers to make lifestyle changes, although it did not reduce personal or relative stroke risk after 3 months usage.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: No: ACTRN12618002050235 (Registration Date: 21st December 2018).
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among patients with MetS attending a university primary care clinic in Selangor, Malaysia. The usability score was measured using a previously translated and validated EMPOWER-SUSTAIN Usability Questionnaire (E-SUQ) with a score of > 68 indicating good usability. Multiple logistic regressions determined the factors associated with its usability.
RESULTS: A total of 391 patients participated in this study. More than half (61.4%) had a good usability score of > 68, with a mean (± SD) usability score of 72.8 (± 16.1). Participants with high education levels [secondary education (AOR 2.46, 95% CI 1.04, 5.83) and tertiary education (AOR 2.49, 95% CI 1.04, 5.96)], those who used the booklet at home weekly (AOR 2.94, 95% CI 1.63, 5.33) or daily (AOR 2.73, 95% CI 1.09, 6.85), and those who had social support to use the booklet (AOR 1.64, 95% CI 1.02, 2.64) were significantly associated with good usability of the booklet.
CONCLUSIONS: The usability of the EMPOWER-SUSTAIN Global Cardiovascular Risks Self-Management Booklet© was good among patients with MetS in this primary care clinic, which supports its widespread use as a patient empowerment tool. The findings of this study also suggest that it is vital to encourage daily or weekly use of this booklet at home, with the support of family members. The focus should also be given to those with lower education to improve the usability of this booklet for this group of patients.
METHODS: A qualitative descriptive research study using in-depth semi-structured interviews was conducted with Year 3 medical students and patients to study their experiences at a primary care clinic, over two weeks. Data were transcribed verbatim and analysed using Braun and Clark's thematic analysis. Both students' and patients' views on communication skills were obtained.
RESULTS: Three themes were established based on student-patient communication in primary care settings: socio-cultural elements in student-patient communication; cognitive and emotional challenges for effective communication; and enablers for effective student-patient communication. The themes and sub-themes describe both students and patients valuing each other as individuals with socio-cultural beliefs and needs.
CONCLUSION: The findings can be used to structure new approaches to communication skills education that is patient-centred, culturally sensitive, and informed by patients. Communication skills training should encourage students to prioritise and reflect more on patient perspectives while educators should engage patients to inform and assess the outcomes.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This qualitative study involved five public healthcare clinics in the Kuching district with indepth interviews (IDI) conducted on 14 primary care doctors (PCDs). Semi-structured interviews and in-depth discussions were conducted via videoconferencing. One representative was selected from each clinic at initiation, followed by snowball method for subsequent subject selection until saturation of themes. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, and analysis based on framework analysis principles via NVivo software. Themes were analysed deductively according to study objectives and evidence from literature.
RESULTS: Three main themes emerged from the IDI: (1) The perception of depression in elderly patients, (2) The perceived barriers to screening, and (3) The screening processes. Majority of the PCDs perceived depression as part of ageing process. Time constraints, lack of privacy in consultation rooms, dominant caregivers and failure to recognise recurrent somatic symptoms as part of depression influenced PCDs decision to screen. Screening was technically challenging for PCDs to use the DASS-21, which was not socio-culturally validated for local native population. Only 21.4% of respondents (3/14) reported screening at least three out 10 elderly patients seen over 1- month period. During the covid pandemic, due to the same human resource support and practices, most participants thought their screening for depression in elderlies had not changed.
CONCLUSION: Awareness of depression among PCDs needs to be re-enforced via continuous medical education programs to use appropriate screening tools, address infrastructure related barriers to optimise screening practices. The use of appropriate locally validated and socio-culturally adapted tool is vital to correctly interpret the screening test for patients.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the effectiveness of healthcare interventions strategies to systematically improve identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care and other community settings compared to usual care (incidental approaches to identify familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care and other community settings).
SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Inborn Errors of Metabolism Trials Register. Date of last search: 13 September 2021. We also searched databases (Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Web of Science, and SCOPUS) as well as handsearching relevant conference proceedings, reference lists of included articles, and the grey literature. Date of last searches: 05 March 2020. SELECTION CRITERIA: As per the Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC) Group guidelines, we planned to include randomised controlled trials (RCTs), cluster-RCTs and non-randomised studies of interventions (NRSI). Eligible NRSI were non-randomised controlled trials, prospective cohort studies, controlled before-and-after studies, and interrupted-time-series studies. We planned to selected studies with healthcare interventions strategies that aimed to systematically identify people with possible or definite clinical familial hypercholesterolaemia, in primary care and other community settings. These strategies would be compared with usual care or no intervention. We considered participants of any age from the general population who access primary care and other community settings.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Two authors planned to independently select studies according to the inclusion criteria, to extract data and assess for risk of bias and the certainty of the evidence (according to the GRADE criteria). We contacted corresponding study authors in order to obtain further information for all the studies considered in the review.
MAIN RESULTS: No eligible RCTs or NRSIs were identified for inclusion, however, we excluded 28 studies.
AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Currently, there are no RCTs or controlled NRSI evidence to determine the most appropriate healthcare strategy to systematically identify possible or definite clinical familial hypercholesterolaemia in primary care or other community settings. Uncontrolled before-and-after studies were identified, but were not eligible for inclusion. Further studies assessing healthcare strategies of systematic identification of familial hypercholesterolaemia need to be conducted with diagnosis confirmed by genetic testing or validated through clinical phenotype (or both).
METHOD: In December 2022, a scoping review was conducted using PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, and a manual search, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria. We used articles that have been written in English, and relevant articles were then screened, duplicates were removed, eligibility criteria were applied, and studies that met the criteria were reviewed. The keywords challenges, management, sarcopenia, and primary care were included.
RESULT: The initial search generated 280 publications, and 11 articles were included after inclusion and exclusion criteria for this review. In this review, challenges in the management of sarcopenia in a primary care setting are reviewed based on the screening and diagnosis.
CONCLUSIONS: With an increasing aging population, it is important to understand the challenges in the management of sarcopenia in a primary care setting. Identification of elderly at risk of sarcopenia, followed by referring the affected elderly for confirmation of the diagnosis, is essential to preventing the adverse health effects. The initiation of treatment that comprises resistance exercise training and nutrition should not be delayed, as they are salient in the management of sarcopenia.
METHODS: A mixed methods study was conducted at 20 participating EnPHC clinics in Johor and Selangor, two months after the intervention was initiated. Data collected from self-reported forms and a structured observation checklist were descriptively analysed. In-depth interviews were also conducted with 20 participants across the clinics selected to clarify any information gaps observed in each clinic, and data were thematically analysed.
RESULTS: Evaluation showed that all components of EnPHC intervention had been successfully implemented except for the primary triage counter and visit checklist. The challenges were mainly discovered in terms of human resource and physical structure. Although human resource was a common implementation challenge across all interventions, clinic-specific issues could still be identified. Among the adaptive measures taken were task sharing among staff and workflow modification to match the clinic's capacity. Despite the challenges, early benefits of implementation were highlighted especially in terms of service outcomes.
CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation study disclosed issues of human resource and physical infrastructure when a supplementary intervention is implemented. To successfully achieve a scaled-up PHC service delivery model based on comprehensive management of NCDs patient-centred care, the adaptive measures in local clinic context highlight the importance of collaboration between good organisational process and good clinical practice and process.
BACKGROUND: Low research participation by primary care doctors, especially those working in the private sector, is a challenge to quality benchmarking.
METHODS: Primary care doctors were sampled through multi-stage sampling. The first stage-sampling unit was the primary care clinics, which were randomly sampled from five states in Malaysia to reflect their proportions in two strata - sector (public/private) and location (urban/rural). Strategies through endorsement, personalised invitation, face-to-face interview and non-monetary incentives were used to recruit public and private doctors. Data collection was carried out by fieldworkers through structured questionnaires.
FINDINGS: A total of 221 public and 239 private doctors participated in the study. Among the public doctors, 99.5% response rates were obtained. Among the private doctors, a 32.8% response rate was obtained. Totally, 30% of private clinics were uncontactable by telephone, and when these were excluded, the overall response rate is 46.8%. The response rate of the private clinics across the states ranges from 31.5% to 34.0%. A total of 167 answered the non-respondent questionnaire. Among the non-respondents, 77.4 % were male and 22.6% female (P = 0.011). There were 33.6% of doctors older than 65 years (P = 0.003) and 15.9% were from the state of Sarawak (P = 0.016) when compared to non-respondents. Reason for non-participation included being too busy (51.8%), not interested (32.9%), not having enough patients (9.1%) and did not find it beneficial (7.9%). Our study demonstrated the feasibility of obtaining favourable response rate in a survey involving doctors from public and private primary care settings.