METHODS: Bactericidal effect of GO against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, antioxidant activity, and hydroxyapatite-like bone layer formation, gene expression analysis and appropriate biodegradation of the microbe-mediated synthesis of graphene was studied.
RESULTS: Isolated extracellular contents Streptomyces achromogenes sub sp rubradiris reduced nano-GO to graphene (rGO), which was further examined by spectrometry and suggested an efficient conversion and significant reduction in the intensity of all oxygen-containing moieties and shifted crystalline peaks. Electron microscopic results also suggested the reduction of GO layer. In addition, absence of significant toxicity in MG-63 cell line, intentional free radical scavenging prowess, liver and kidney histopathology, and Wistar rat bone regeneration through modulation of OPG/RANKL/RUNX2/ALP pathways show the feasibility of the prepared nano GO.
CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrates the successful synthesis of biographene from actinobacterial extracellular metabolites, its potential biomedical applications, and its promising role in addressing health and environmental concerns.