Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 761 in total

  1. Muhammad FF, Yahya MY, Hameed SS, Aziz F, Sulaiman K, Rasheed MA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2017;12(8):e0182925.
    PMID: 28793325 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0182925
    In this research work, numerical simulations are performed to correlate the photovoltaic parameters with various internal and external factors influencing the performance of solar cells. Single-diode modeling approach is utilized for this purpose and theoretical investigations are compared with the reported experimental evidences for organic and inorganic solar cells at various electrical and thermal conditions. Electrical parameters include parasitic resistances (Rs and Rp) and ideality factor (n), while thermal parameters can be defined by the cells temperature (T). A comprehensive analysis concerning broad spectral variations in the short circuit current (Isc), open circuit voltage (Voc), fill factor (FF) and efficiency (η) is presented and discussed. It was generally concluded that there exists a good agreement between the simulated results and experimental findings. Nevertheless, the controversial consequence of temperature impact on the performance of organic solar cells necessitates the development of a complementary model which is capable of well simulating the temperature impact on these devices performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  2. Naderipour A, Nowdeh SA, Babanezhad M, Najmi ES, Kamyab H, Abdul-Malek Z
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jun;30(28):71754-71765.
    PMID: 34499303 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-16342-8
    In this paper, the technical-economic framework for designing of water pumping system based on photovoltaic clean energy with water tank storage is presented to supply drinking water of customers for remote areas. The objective function is to minimize the net present cost (NPC) (as economic index) including initial investment costs, maintenance, and replacement costs, and reliability constraint is defined as customer's water not supplied probability (CWNSP) as technical index. A meta-heuristic intelligent water drops algorithm (IWDA) is proposed to optimize the solar water pumping system considering NPC and CWNSP with high accuracy and speed of optimization in achieving the global solution. The simulation results show that the proposed method is capable of responding to customer's water demand by optimally sizing components and water storage tank based on IWDA which is inspired based on flowing the water drops in rivers by achieving the lowest cost with optimal reliability. The NPC of the system with CWNSP equal to 3.17 % is obtained 0.24 M$ for 6-m-high water extraction. The results showed that with increasing the water extraction height, the NPC increased, and the reliability also weakened. Moreover, the superiority of the IWDA is confirmed compared with particle swarm optimization (PSO) in designing a water pumping system with the lowest NPC.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  3. Liew KJ, Ramli A, Abd Majid A
    PLoS One, 2016;11(6):e0156724.
    PMID: 27315105 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156724
    This paper examines the application of a bootstrap test error estimation of radial basis functions, specifically thin-plate spline fitting, in surface smoothing. The presence of noisy data is a common issue of the point set model that is generated from 3D scanning devices, and hence, point set denoising is one of the main concerns in point set modelling. Bootstrap test error estimation, which is applied when searching for the smoothing parameters of radial basis functions, is revisited. The main contribution of this paper is a smoothing algorithm that relies on a bootstrap-based radial basis function. The proposed method incorporates a k-nearest neighbour search and then projects the point set to the approximated thin-plate spline surface. Therefore, the denoising process is achieved, and the features are well preserved. A comparison of the proposed method with other smoothing methods is also carried out in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  4. Kumar SN, Omar B, Joseph LH, Htwe O, Jagannathan K, Hamdan NM, et al.
    Glob J Health Sci, 2015;7(2):1-7.
    PMID: 25716372 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n2p1
    Quantitative measurement of limb loading is important in orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation. In current practice, mathematical models such as Symmetry index (SI), Symmetry ratio (SR), and Symmetry angle (SA) are used to quantify limb loading asymmetry. Literatures have identified certain limitations with the above mathematical models. Hence this study presents two new mathematical models Modified symmetry index (MSI) and Limb loading error (LLE) that would address these limitations. Furthermore, the current mathematical models were compared against the new model with the goal of achieving a better model. This study uses hypothetical data to simulate an algorithmic preliminary computational measure to perform with all numerical possibilities of even and uneven limb loading that can occur in human legs. Descriptive statistics are used to interpret the limb loading patterns: symmetry, asymmetry and maximum asymmetry. The five mathematical models were similar in analyzing symmetry between limbs. However, for asymmetry and maximum asymmetry data, the SA and SR values do not give any meaningful interpretation, and SI gives an inflated value. The MSI and LLE are direct, easy to interpret and identify the loading patterns with the side of asymmetry. The new models are notable as they quantify the amount and side of asymmetry under different loading patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  5. Sookhak M, Akhundzada A, Sookhak A, Eslaminejad M, Gani A, Khurram Khan M, et al.
    PLoS One, 2015;10(1):e0115324.
    PMID: 25602616 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0115324
    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are ubiquitous and pervasive, and therefore; highly susceptible to a number of security attacks. Denial of Service (DoS) attack is considered the most dominant and a major threat to WSNs. Moreover, the wormhole attack represents one of the potential forms of the Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Besides, crafting the wormhole attack is comparatively simple; though, its detection is nontrivial. On the contrary, the extant wormhole defense methods need both specialized hardware and strong assumptions to defend against static and dynamic wormhole attack. The ensuing paper introduces a novel scheme to detect wormhole attacks in a geographic routing protocol (DWGRP). The main contribution of this paper is to detect malicious nodes and select the best and the most reliable neighbors based on pairwise key pre-distribution technique and the beacon packet. Moreover, this novel technique is not subject to any specific assumption, requirement, or specialized hardware, such as a precise synchronized clock. The proposed detection method is validated by comparisons with several related techniques in the literature, such as Received Signal Strength (RSS), Authentication of Nodes Scheme (ANS), Wormhole Detection uses Hound Packet (WHOP), and Wormhole Detection with Neighborhood Information (WDI) using the NS-2 simulator. The analysis of the simulations shows promising results with low False Detection Rate (FDR) in the geographic routing protocols.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  6. Siswanto WA, Anggono AD, Omar B, Jusoff K
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:301271.
    PMID: 25165738 DOI: 10.1155/2014/301271
    The aim of this work is to improve the accuracy of cold stamping product by accommodating springback. This is a numerical approach to improve the accuracy of springback analysis and die compensation process combining the displacement adjustment (DA) method and the spring forward (SF) algorithm. This alternate hybrid method (HM) is conducted by firstly employing DA method followed by the SF method instead of either DA or SF method individually. The springback shape and the target part are used to optimize the die surfaces compensating springback. The hybrid method (HM) algorithm has been coded in Fortran and tested in two- and three-dimensional models. By implementing the HM, the springback error can be decreased and the dimensional deviation falls in the predefined tolerance range.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  7. Yew MC, Ramli Sulong NH, Yew MK, Amalina MA, Johan MR
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:805094.
    PMID: 25136687 DOI: 10.1155/2014/805094
    This paper aims to synthesize and characterize an effective intumescent fire protective coating that incorporates eggshell powder as a novel biofiller. The performances of thermal stability, char formation, fire propagation, water resistance, and adhesion strength of coatings have been evaluated. A few intumescent flame-retardant coatings based on these three ecofriendly fire retardant additives ammonium polyphosphate phase II, pentaerythritol and melamine mixed together with flame-retardant fillers, and acrylic binder have been prepared and designed for steel. The fire performance of the coatings has conducted employing BS 476: Part 6-Fire propagation test. The foam structures of the intumescent coatings have been observed using field emission scanning electron microscopy. On exposure, the coated specimens' B, C, and D had been certified to be Class 0 due to the fact that their fire propagation indexes were less than 12. Incorporation of ecofriendly eggshell, biofiller into formulation D led to excellent performance in fire stopping (index value, (I) = 4.3) and antioxidation of intumescent coating. The coating is also found to be quite effective in water repellency, uniform foam structure, and adhesion strength.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  8. Ab Aziz NA, Mubin M, Mohamad MS, Ab Aziz K
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:123019.
    PMID: 25121109 DOI: 10.1155/2014/123019
    In the original particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm, the particles' velocities and positions are updated after the whole swarm performance is evaluated. This algorithm is also known as synchronous PSO (S-PSO). The strength of this update method is in the exploitation of the information. Asynchronous update PSO (A-PSO) has been proposed as an alternative to S-PSO. A particle in A-PSO updates its velocity and position as soon as its own performance has been evaluated. Hence, particles are updated using partial information, leading to stronger exploration. In this paper, we attempt to improve PSO by merging both update methods to utilise the strengths of both methods. The proposed synchronous-asynchronous PSO (SA-PSO) algorithm divides the particles into smaller groups. The best member of a group and the swarm's best are chosen to lead the search. Members within a group are updated synchronously, while the groups themselves are asynchronously updated. Five well-known unimodal functions, four multimodal functions, and a real world optimisation problem are used to study the performance of SA-PSO, which is compared with the performances of S-PSO and A-PSO. The results are statistically analysed and show that the proposed SA-PSO has performed consistently well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  9. Yau KL, Poh GS, Chien SF, Al-Rawi HA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:209810.
    PMID: 24995352 DOI: 10.1155/2014/209810
    Cognitive radio (CR) enables unlicensed users to exploit the underutilized spectrum in licensed spectrum whilst minimizing interference to licensed users. Reinforcement learning (RL), which is an artificial intelligence approach, has been applied to enable each unlicensed user to observe and carry out optimal actions for performance enhancement in a wide range of schemes in CR, such as dynamic channel selection and channel sensing. This paper presents new discussions of RL in the context of CR networks. It provides an extensive review on how most schemes have been approached using the traditional and enhanced RL algorithms through state, action, and reward representations. Examples of the enhancements on RL, which do not appear in the traditional RL approach, are rules and cooperative learning. This paper also reviews performance enhancements brought about by the RL algorithms and open issues. This paper aims to establish a foundation in order to spark new research interests in this area. Our discussion has been presented in a tutorial manner so that it is comprehensive to readers outside the specialty of RL and CR.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  10. Kiong TS, Salem SB, Paw JK, Sankar KP, Darzi S
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:164053.
    PMID: 25003136 DOI: 10.1155/2014/164053
    In smart antenna applications, the adaptive beamforming technique is used to cancel interfering signals (placing nulls) and produce or steer a strong beam toward the target signal according to the calculated weight vectors. Minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamforming is capable of determining the weight vectors for beam steering; however, its nulling level on the interference sources remains unsatisfactory. Beamforming can be considered as an optimization problem, such that optimal weight vector should be obtained through computation. Hence, in this paper, a new dynamic mutated artificial immune system (DM-AIS) is proposed to enhance MVDR beamforming for controlling the null steering of interference and increase the signal to interference noise ratio (SINR) for wanted signals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  11. Tay BA
    PMID: 25215723
    We study a series of N oscillators, each coupled to its nearest neighbors, and linearly to a phonon field through the oscillator's number operator. We show that the Hamiltonian of a pair of adjacent oscillators, or a dimer, within the series of oscillators can be transformed into a form in which they are collectively coupled to the phonon field as a composite unit. In the weak coupling and rotating-wave approximation, the system behaves effectively as the trilinear boson model in the one excitation subspace of the dimer subsystem. The reduced dynamics of the one excitation subspace of the dimer subsystem coupled weakly to a phonon bath is similar to that of a two-level system, with a metastable state against the vacuum. The decay constant of the subsystem is proportional to the dephasing rate of the individual oscillator in a phonon bath, attenuated by a factor that depends on site asymmetry, intersite coupling, and the resonance frequency between the transformed oscillator modes, or excitons. As a result of the collective effect, the excitation relaxation lifetime is prolonged over the dephasing lifetime of an individual oscillator coupled to the same bath.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  12. Fun HK, Chantrapromma S, Ong LH
    Molecules, 2014 Jul 11;19(7):10137-49.
    PMID: 25019557 DOI: 10.3390/molecules190710137
    Crystals of 1,6-hexanedioic acid (I) undergo a temperature-dependent reversible phase transition from monoclinic P21/c at a temperature higher than the critical temperature (Tc) 130 K to another monoclinic P21/c at temperature lower than Tc. The phase transition is of first order, involving a discontinuity and a tripling of the b-axis at Tc whereas the other unit cell parameters vary continuously. The transition is described by the phenomenological Landau theory. The crystal structure analyses for data collected at 297(2) K and 120.0(1) K show that there is half of a molecule of (I) in the asymmetric unit at 297(2) K whereas there are one and a half molecules of (I) in the asymmetric unit at 120.0(1) K. At both temperatures, 297(2) and 120.0(1) K, intermolecular O-H···O hydrogen bonds link the molecules of I into infinite 1D chains along [101] direction. However there are significantly more O-H···O hydrogen bonds presented in the 120.0(1) K polymorph, thereby indicating this phase transition is negotiated via hydrogen bonds. The relationship of the conformational changes and hydrogen bonding for these two polymorphs are explained in detail.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  13. Ong P
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:943403.
    PMID: 25298971 DOI: 10.1155/2014/943403
    Modification of the intensification and diversification approaches in the recently developed cuckoo search algorithm (CSA) is performed. The alteration involves the implementation of adaptive step size adjustment strategy, and thus enabling faster convergence to the global optimal solutions. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is validated against benchmark optimization functions, where the obtained results demonstrate a marked improvement over the standard CSA, in all the cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  14. Adham MI, Shirazi SM, Othman F, Rahman S, Yusop Z, Ismail Z
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:379763.
    PMID: 25152911 DOI: 10.1155/2014/379763
    Runoff potentiality of a watershed was assessed based on identifying curve number (CN), soil conservation service (SCS), and functional data analysis (FDA) techniques. Daily discrete rainfall data were collected from weather stations in the study area and analyzed through lowess method for smoothing curve. As runoff data represents a periodic pattern in each watershed, Fourier series was introduced to fit the smooth curve of eight watersheds. Seven terms of Fourier series were introduced for the watersheds 5 and 8, while 8 terms of Fourier series were used for the rest of the watersheds for the best fit of data. Bootstrapping smooth curve analysis reveals that watersheds 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8 are with monthly mean runoffs of 29, 24, 22, 23, 26, and 27 mm, respectively, and these watersheds would likely contribute to surface runoff in the study area. The purpose of this study was to transform runoff data into a smooth curve for representing the surface runoff pattern and mean runoff of each watershed through statistical method. This study provides information of runoff potentiality of each watershed and also provides input data for hydrological modeling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  15. Samiulhaq, Ahmad S, Vieru D, Khan I, Shafie S
    PLoS One, 2014;9(5):e88766.
    PMID: 24785147 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088766
    Magnetic field influence on unsteady free convection flow of a second grade fluid near an infinite vertical flat plate with ramped wall temperature embedded in a porous medium is studied. It has been observed that magnitude of velocity as well as skin friction in case of ramped temperature is quite less than the isothermal temperature. Some special cases namely: (i) second grade fluid in the absence of magnetic field and porous medium and (ii) Newtonian fluid in the presence of magnetic field and porous medium, performing the same motion are obtained. Finally, the influence of various parameters is graphically shown.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  16. Shabri A, Samsudin R
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:854520.
    PMID: 24895666 DOI: 10.1155/2014/854520
    Crude oil prices do play significant role in the global economy and are a key input into option pricing formulas, portfolio allocation, and risk measurement. In this paper, a hybrid model integrating wavelet and multiple linear regressions (MLR) is proposed for crude oil price forecasting. In this model, Mallat wavelet transform is first selected to decompose an original time series into several subseries with different scale. Then, the principal component analysis (PCA) is used in processing subseries data in MLR for crude oil price forecasting. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to adopt the optimal parameters of the MLR model. To assess the effectiveness of this model, daily crude oil market, West Texas Intermediate (WTI), has been used as the case study. Time series prediction capability performance of the WMLR model is compared with the MLR, ARIMA, and GARCH models using various statistics measures. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the individual models in forecasting of the crude oil prices series.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  17. Hu Y, Loo CK
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:240983.
    PMID: 24778580 DOI: 10.1155/2014/240983
    A novel decision making for intelligent agent using quantum-inspired approach is proposed. A formal, generalized solution to the problem is given. Mathematically, the proposed model is capable of modeling higher dimensional decision problems than previous researches. Four experiments are conducted, and both empirical experiments results and proposed model's experiment results are given for each experiment. Experiments showed that the results of proposed model agree with empirical results perfectly. The proposed model provides a new direction for researcher to resolve cognitive basis in designing intelligent agent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  18. Mukhlisin M, Saputra A
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2013;2013:421762.
    PMID: 24282382 DOI: 10.1155/2013/421762
    In recent years many models have been proposed for measuring soil water content (θ) based on the permittivity (ε) value. Permittivity is one of the properties used to determine θ in measurements using the electromagnetic method. This method is widely used due to quite substantial differences in values of ε for air, soil, and water, as it allows the θ value to be measured accurately. The performance of six proposed models with one parameter (i.e., permittivity) and five proposed models with two or more parameters (i.e., permittivity, porosity, and dry bulk density of soil) is discussed and evaluated. Secondary data obtained from previous studies are used for comparison to calibrate and evaluate the models. The results show that the models with one parameter proposed by Roth et al. (1992) and Topp et al. (1980) have the greatest R² data errors, while for the model with two parameters, the model proposed by Malicki et al. (1996) agrees very well with the data compared with other models.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  19. Alwan FM, Baharum A, Hassan GS
    PLoS One, 2013;8(8):e69716.
    PMID: 23936346 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0069716
    The reliability of the electrical distribution system is a contemporary research field due to diverse applications of electricity in everyday life and diverse industries. However a few research papers exist in literature. This paper proposes a methodology for assessing the reliability of 33/11 Kilovolt high-power stations based on average time between failures. The objective of this paper is to find the optimal fit for the failure data via time between failures. We determine the parameter estimation for all components of the station. We also estimate the reliability value of each component and the reliability value of the system as a whole. The best fitting distribution for the time between failures is a three parameter Dagum distribution with a scale parameter [Formula: see text] and shape parameters [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]. Our analysis reveals that the reliability value decreased by 38.2% in each 30 days. We believe that the current paper is the first to address this issue and its analysis. Thus, the results obtained in this research reflect its originality. We also suggest the practicality of using these results for power systems for both the maintenance of power systems models and preventive maintenance models.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
  20. Mohtar MN, Hoettges KF, Hughes MP
    Electrophoresis, 2014 Feb;35(2-3):345-51.
    PMID: 24132700 DOI: 10.1002/elps.201300420
    Alternating-current electro-osmosis, a phenomenon of fluid transport due to the interaction between an electrical double layer and a tangential electric field, has been used both for inducing fluid movement and for the concentration of particles suspended in the fluid. This offers many advantages over other phenomena used to trap particles, such as placing particles at an electrode centre rather than an edge; benefits of scale, where electrodes hundreds of micrometers across can trap particles from the molecules to cells at the same rate; and a trapping volume limited by the vortex height, a phenomenon thus far unstudied. In this paper, the collection of particles due to alternating-current electro-osmosis driven collection is examined for a range of particle concentrations, inter-electrode gap widths, chamber heights and media viscosity and density. A model of collection behaviour is described where particle collection over time is governed by two processes, one driven by the vortices and the other by sedimentation, allowing the determination of the maximum height of vortex-driven collection, but also indicates how trapping is limited by high particle concentrations and fluid velocities. The results also indicate that viscosity, rather than density, is a significant governing factor in determining the trapping behaviour of particles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Models, Theoretical*
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