CASE REPORT: The patient was a 55-year-old man who had a past medical history of diffuse multiple liver abscesses. During follow-up examination, a hypovascular nodule measuring 2.1 cm in diameter was incidentally found in segment 8 of the liver. Surgical resection was performed based on a suspected diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma. A gastrofiberscopy examination detected characteristic findings of portal hypertensive gastropathy. During the laparotomy, multiple tiny cystic lesions were observed in a diffuse pattern across the liver surface. The liver parenchyma was slightly fibrotic and haemorrhagic. A histopathological examination revealed intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma with vascular invasions in von Meyenburg's complex. Multiple biliary adenomas were also observed among the biliary microhamartomas adjacent to the main tumour, suggesting that the malignant transformation of the biliary adenomas might have been responsible for the development of the intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. The histopathologic examination also revealed sinusoidal dilation and abnormal spacing of the portal tracts and central veins as evidence of portal hypertension.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study included 50 cases of thyroid lesions (20 cases of colloid goitre, 15 of follicular adenoma, 5 of follicular carcinoma and 10 papillary carcinomas). Digital images of cytologic smears of these cases were captured using a dedicated photomicrography system and nuclear profiles traced manually. With self-designed image analysis software, nuclear morphometric measurements, including texture analysis, were performed. Discriminant analysis was performed including the morphometric parameters and percentage of correctly classified nuclei noted.
RESULTS: Nuclear morphometry parameters showed that papillary thyroid carcinoma had the highest perimeter, area, radius and elongation factor compared to other thyroid lesions. Discriminant analysis revealed that altogether 77.9% of cells could be correctly classified to their lesion category based on the nuclear morphometric and textural parameters. Of the neoplastic cases, 84.5% of cells of follicular neoplasms and 72.5% of papillary carcinoma were classified to the respective category.
CONCLUSION: Nuclear morphometry, including texture analysis, can assist in the cytologic diagnosis of thyroid lesions, considering the high degree of accuracy of classification. Further studies and methodological refinements can achieve higher accuracy.