Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 349 in total

  1. Thornber K, Huso D, Rahman MM, Biswas H, Rahman MH, Brum E, et al.
    Glob Health Action, 2019;12(sup1):1734735.
    PMID: 32153258 DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2020.1734735
    One of the key strategic objectives of the World Health Organisation's global antimicrobial resistance (AMR) action plan is to improve public awareness and understanding of this issue. Very few AMR awareness campaigns have targeted the animal production sector, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where rural communities can be geographically difficult to access via traditional face-to-face community engagement methods. Aquaculture is a major food production industry in Bangladesh and across Asia, an area which poses a significant risk to global AMR dissemination. In this pilot study, we sought to investigate the potential for digital communication materials to rapidly and effectively communicate AMR messages to rural aquaculture farmers in Bangladesh. Working with stakeholders from the Bangladesh aquaculture industry, we developed a 4-minute digital animation designed specifically for this audience and assessed its capacity to engage and communicate AMR messages to farmers. We then conducted a small-scale social media campaign, to determine the potential for rapidly disseminating AMR awareness materials to a large audience across Bangladesh, where there is an extensive 4 G internet network and an ever-increasing proportion of the population (57% as of December 2019) have mobile internet access. Thirty-six farmers were surveyed: all of them liked this method of communication and 97% said it would change the way they use antibiotics in the future. Through the social media campaign, the animation received 9,100 views in the first 2 weeks alone. Although preliminary, these results demonstrate the huge potential for digital communication methods for the rapid and widespread communication of AMR awareness materials to rural aquaculture communities in Bangladesh and across Asia. Our results support the need for more research into the most appropriate and effective content of AMR awareness campaigns for aquaculture communities and question the need for explaining the science underlying AMR in such communication materials.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  2. Rahman T, Khor BH, Sahathevan S, Kaur D, Latifi E, Afroz M, et al.
    Nutrients, 2022 Apr 01;14(7).
    PMID: 35406082 DOI: 10.3390/nu14071469
    Malnutrition is associated with high rates of mortality among patients with end stage kidney disease (ESKD). There is a paucity of data from Bangladesh, where around 35,000−40,000 people reach ESKD annually. We assessed protein-energy wasting (PEW) amongst 133 patients at a single hemodialysis setting in Dhaka. Patients were 49% male, age 50 ± 13 years, 62% were on twice-weekly hemodialysis. Anthropometric, biochemical, and laboratory evaluations revealed: BMI 24.1 ± 5.2 kg/m2, mid-arm muscle circumference (MAMC) 21.6 ± 3.6 cm, and serum albumin 3.7 ± 0.6 g/dL. Based on published criteria, 18% patients had PEW and for these patients, BMI (19.8 ± 2.4 vs. 25.2 ± 5.2 kg/m2), MAMC (19.4 ± 2.4 vs. 22.2 ± 3.8 cm), serum albumin (3.5 ± 0.7 vs. 3.8 ± 0.5 g/dL), and total cholesterol (135 ± 34 vs. 159 ± 40 mg/dL), were significantly lower as compared to non-PEW patients, while hand grip strength was similar (19.5 ± 7.6 vs. 19.7 ± 7.3 kg). Inflammatory C-reactive protein levels tended to be higher in the PEW group (20.0 ± 34.8 vs. 10.0 ± 13.9 p = 0.065). Lipoprotein analyses revealed PEW patients had significantly lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol (71 ± 29 vs. 88 ± 31 mg/dL, p < 0.05) and plasma triglyceride (132 ± 51 vs. 189 ± 103 mg/dL, p < 0.05), while high density lipoprotein cholesterol was similar. Nutritional assessments using a single 24 h recall were possible from 115 of the patients, but only 66 of these were acceptable reporters. Amongst these, while no major differences were noted between PEW and non-PEW patients, the majority of patients did not meet dietary recommendations for energy, protein, fiber, and several micronutrients (in some cases intakes were 60−90% below recommendations). Malnutrition Inflammation Scores were significantly higher in PEW patients (7.6 ± 3.1 vs. 5.3 ± 2.7 p < 0.004). No discernible differences were apparent in measured parameters between patients on twice- vs. thrice-weekly dialysis. Data from a larger cohort are needed prior to establishing patient-management guidelines for PEW in this population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  3. Abir T, Kalimullah NA, Osuagwu UL, Nur-A Yazdani DM, Husain T, Goson PC, et al.
    Ann Glob Health, 2021 04 26;87(1):43.
    PMID: 33981590 DOI: 10.5334/aogh.3269
    Background: Feelings of isolation, insecurity, and instability triggered by COVID-19 could have a long-term impact on the mental health status of individuals.

    Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, and stress) in Bangladesh and the factors associated with these symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Methods: From 1 to 30 April 2020, we used a validated self-administered questionnaire to conduct a cross-sectional study on 10,609 participants through an online survey platform. We assessed mental health status using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-21). The total depression, anxiety, and stress subscale scores were divided into normal, mild, moderate, severe, and multinomial logistic regression was used to examine associated factors.

    Findings: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was 15%, 34%, and 15% for mild, moderate, and severe depressive symptoms, respectively. The prevalence of anxiety symptoms was 59% for severe anxiety symptoms, 14% for moderate anxiety symptoms, and 14% for mild anxiety symptoms, while the prevalence for stress levels were 16% for severe stress level, 22% for moderate stress level, and 13% for mild stress level. Multivariate analyses revealed that the most consistent factors associated with mild, moderate, and severe of the three mental health subscales (depression, anxiety, and stress) were respondents who lived in Dhaka and Rangpur division, females, those who self-quarantined in the previous seven days before the survey, and those respondents who experienced chills, breathing difficulty, dizziness, and sore throat.

    Conclusion: Our results showed that about 64%, 87%, and 61% of the respondents in Bangladesh reported high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively. There is a need for mental health support targeting women and those who self-quarantined or lived in Dhaka and Rangpur during the pandemic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  4. Abir T, Ekwudu O, Kalimullah NA, Nur-A Yazdani DM, Al Mamun A, Basak P, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(3):e0249135.
    PMID: 33784366 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249135
    Dengue, the most important mosquito-borne viral disease of humans is a recurring global health problem. In Bangladesh, dengue outbreaks are on the increase despite the efforts of government and it is not clear what the understanding of the general Dhaka population towards dengue fever is. Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) studies are essential guides in public health interventions. Hence, using KAP, this study aims to assess patient-perspectives with regards to factors associated with dengue, as well as investigate the associated factors between the two corporations in Dhaka. A Hospital-based cross-sectional study of 242 fever patients from two city-corporations in Dhaka (Dhaka North City Corporations, DNCC (n = 91, 37.6%) and Dhaka South City Corporation, DSCC (n = 151, 62.4%) was conducted using pre-tested KAP items. Wilcoxon's Rank Sum was used to determine the KAP by DNCC, DSCC and both corporations and multivariate Poisson regression analyses. The two corporations were analysed separately due to the differences in income distribution, concentration of slums, hospitals and clinics. The study found that more than half of the study population were knowledgeable about dengue (mean percentage scores was 52%), possess an appropriate and acceptable attitude towards the disease (69.2%), and about two thirds of the respondents (71.4%) engaged in practices towards its prevention. After adjusting for the potential cofounders, the factors associated with KAP about dengue fever varied between DNCC and DSCC; with duration of residency and use of mosquito nets were associated with knowledge in the north while income class and age were associated with knowledge and attitude in the south. In the pooled analysis (combining both corporations), knowledge of dengue was associated with good practice towards dengue fever among the respondents. The duration of residence in Dhaka (10+ years), not using mosquito nets and length of time spent in the hospital (7+ days) due to dengue, and decreased knowledge (Adjusted coefficient (β) = -0.01, 95%CI: -0.02, -0.01) were associated with attitude towards dengue in DNCC. On the other hand, middle-high income class, age (40+ years) and increased knowledge were associated with practice towards dengue in DSCC (β = 0.02, 95%CI: 0.01, 0.03). Efforts to increase knowledge about dengue fever through education by the administrations of both corporations would benefit from targeting these high-risk groups for a more sustainable outcome.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  5. Mistry SK, Ali ARMM, Yadav UN, Ghimire S, Hossain MB, Das Shuvo S, et al.
    PLoS One, 2021;16(7):e0255534.
    PMID: 34324556 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255534
    BACKGROUND: Burgeoning burden of non-communicable disease among older adults is one of the emerging public health problems. In the COVID-19 pandemic, health services in low- and middle-income countries, including Bangladesh, have been disrupted. This may have posed challenges for older adults with non-communicable chronic conditions in accessing essential health care services in the current pandemic. The present study aimed at exploring the challenges experienced by older Bangladeshi adults with non-communicable chronic conditions in receiving regular health care services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study followed a cross-sectional design and was conducted among 1032 Bangladeshi older adults aged 60 years and above during October 2020 through telephone interviews. Self-reported information on nine non-communicable chronic conditions (osteoarthritis, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, chronic kidney disease, cancer) was collected. Participants were asked if they faced any difficulties in accessing medicine and receiving routine medical care for their medical conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. The association between non-communicable chronic conditions and accessing medication and health care was analysed using binary logic regression model.

    RESULTS: Most of the participants aged 60-69 years (77.8%), male (65.5%), married (81.4%), had no formal schooling (58.3%) and resided in rural areas (73.9%). Although more than half of the participants (58.9%) reported having a single condition, nearly one-quarter (22.9%) had multimorbidity. About a quarter of the participants reported difficulties accessing medicine (23%) and receiving routine medical care (27%) during the pandemic, and this was significantly higher among those suffering from multimorbidity. In the adjusted analyses, participants with at least one condition (AOR: 1.95, 95% CI: 1.33-2.85) and with multimorbidity (AOR: 4.75, 95% CI: 3.17-7.10) had a higher likelihood of experiencing difficulties accessing medicine. Similarly, participants with at least one condition (AOR: 3.08, 95% CI: 2.11-4.89) and with multimorbidity (AOR: 6.34, 95% CI: 4.03-9.05) were significantly more likely to face difficulties receiving routine medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    CONCLUSIONS: Our study found that a sizeable proportion of the older adults had difficulties in accessing medicine and receiving routine medical care during the pandemic. The study findings highlight the need to develop an appropriate health care delivery pathway and strategies to maintain essential health services during any emergencies and beyond. We also argue the need to prioritise the health of older adults with non-communicable chronic conditions in the centre of any emergency response plan and policies of Bangladesh.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  6. Kamal SM, Hassan CH, Alam GM
    J Health Popul Nutr, 2015 Mar;33(1):92-105.
    PMID: 25995726
    The discourse of dual burden caused through underweight and overweight is well-documented globally but this issue and its connection with women's health in Bangladesh is yet to be explored widely. To enrich the current debate, this study, in the context of Bangladesh, examines the patterns, prevalence, and socioeconomic factors influencing the ever-married women of being underweight and overweight over normal weight. Data used in this study have been extracted from the most recent 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. To achieve results connected with the research objectives, both bivariate and multivariate statistical analyses have been employed. In bivariate analysis, we used seven categories of BMI cutoff points for Asian countries as prescribed by World Health Organization (WHO). Multinomial logistic regression model was constructed to investigate the net effect of socioeconomic factors on underweight, pre-overweight, and overweight over normal weight. The results confirm the co-existence of underweight and overweight among women as we found the prevalence of underweight, normal weight, pre-overweight, overweight, and obesity to be 24.1%, 46.7%, 12.8%, 13.5%, and 2.9% respectively. Compared to the richest, the women from the poorest households were significantly (p<0.001) most likely to be underweight (OR=2.75, 95% CI 2.27-3.35) and least likely to be overweight (OR=0.15, 95% CI 0.12-0.19) over normal weight. The urban women, compared to their rural counterparts, were significantly (p<0.001) less likely to be underweight (OR=0.80, 95% CI 0.71-0.91) and more likely to be overweight (OR=1.33, 95% CI 1.18-1.51) than normal weight. The other socioeconomic grades that were most marked to be underweight and overweight are age, women's education, marital status, age at first childbirth, parity, number of children aged ≤ 5 years at the household, and food security. The findings confirm the dual burden of both under- and overweight. Systematic and regular monitoring and surveillance of the social trajectory of nutritional status of women and men in Bangladesh is crucial to develop opposite strategy that addresses the persistent and chronic problem of underweight and the emerging problem of overweight. The dual existence of both types of malnutrition among women in Bangladesh must be taken into consideration so that public health interventions may be adopted through appropriate policy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  7. Hossain M, Mani KK, Sidik SM, Hayati KS, Rahman AK
    BMC Pediatr, 2015;15:114.
    PMID: 26357879 DOI: 10.1186/s12887-015-0431-7
    Drowning contributes to incapacity and early death in many countries. In low- and middle-income countries, children are the most susceptible to fatalities. Over 50 % of the global drowning deaths occur among children aged under 15 years old with children aged between 1 and 4 years of age being most at risk. In Bangladesh, drowning rates are 10 to 20 times more than those in other developing countries. The object of this study is to determine the socio-demographic, environmental and caring hazard issues for child drowning in Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  8. Paul A, Nath TK, Mahanta J, Sultana NN, Kayes ASMI, Noon SJ, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2021 01;33(1):100-108.
    PMID: 33289393 DOI: 10.1177/1010539520977304
    The objective of this research is to understand the psychological and livelihood-related impacts of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on Bangladeshi lower income group people who depend on daily earnings for their living. Following the convenience sampling method, 576 respondents were interviewed for quantitative data and 30 in-depth interviews for qualitative information in several districts of Bangladesh. To 94.1% respondents, livelihood has been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak with an overall score of 3.20 ± 0.77 on a 4-point Likert-type scale. In comparison to unemployed respondents, daily workers have been hardly affected by the COVID-19 outbreak (odds ratio [OR] = 7.957; P < .01), and so they are going outside more frequently in search of jobs (OR = 9.984, P < .01). Due to fear of COVID-19 infection and lack of livelihood means, respondents (76.6%) have been stressed out (overall score 3.19 ± 0.81 on a 4-point Likert-type scale), and those working in industries (OR = 5.818, P < .01), farmers (OR = 3.029, P < .05), and day laborers (OR = 2.651, P < .05) have been highly stressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  9. Geldsetzer P, Tan MM, Dewi FS, Quyen BT, Juvekar S, Hanifi SM, et al.
    Bull World Health Organ, 2022 Oct 01;100(10):601-609.
    PMID: 36188011 DOI: 10.2471/BLT.22.287807
    Objective: To determine the proportion of adults with hypertension who reported: (i) having been previously diagnosed with hypertension; (ii) taking blood pressure-lowering medication; and (iii) having achieved hypertension control, in five health and demographic surveillance system sites across five countries in Asia.

    Methods: Data were collected during household surveys conducted between 2016 and 2020 in the five surveillance sites in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Viet Nam. We defined hypertension as systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg or taking blood pressure-lowering medication. We defined hypertension control as systolic blood pressure Bangladesh: 211; India: 487; Indonesia: 1641; Malaysia: 8164; and Viet Nam: 634). The mean age of participants with hypertension was 60 years (range: 19-101 years). Only in the Malaysian site were more than half of individuals with hypertension aware of their condition. Hypertension treatment ranged from 20.8% (341/1641; 95% CI: 18.8-22.8%) in the Indonesian site to 44.7% (3649/8164; 95% CI: 43.6-45.8%) in the Malaysian site. Less than one in four participants with hypertension had achieved hypertension control in any site. Hypertension awareness, treatment and control were generally higher among women and older adults.

    Conclusion: While hypertension awareness and treatment varied widely across surveillance sites, hypertension control was low in all sites.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  10. Kamal SM, Hassan CH
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2015 Mar;27(2):NP1492-506.
    PMID: 24097938 DOI: 10.1177/1010539513503868
    This study examines the prevalence of child marriage and its effect on reproductive outcomes among women in Bangladesh using the most recent 2011 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data. Both bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques used in the study yielded quantitatively important and reliable estimates of child marriage and its impact on adverse reproductive and health outcomes. Overall, 77% of the marriages among women aged 20 to 49 years old took place before the age of 18 years. Women's education is the most single significant determinant of child marriage. Findings revealed that after being adjusted for sociodemographic factors, child marriage significantly (P < .001) increases the likelihood of stillbirth/miscarriage (odds ratio [OR] = 1.80; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.45-2.24) and pregnancy termination (OR = 1.24; 95% CI = 1.12-1.38). Programs should aim to retain girls in school for longer periods not only to raise the age at first marriage but also for sound reproductive health and overall social development of Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh/epidemiology
  11. Islam MK, Saha S, Mahmud I, Mohamad K, Awang K, Jamal Uddin S, et al.
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2014 Feb 3;151(2):921-30.
    PMID: 24342778 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.11.056
    Madhupur forest area, Tangail is one of early human settlements in Bangladesh. Having abode in the vicinity of the forest, a strong ethnobotanical practice has prevailed in this area since ancient time. Due to the rapid deforestation during the last few decades, many plants have already disappeared or are facing extinction. Thus we attempted to document the medicinal plant use of Madhupur forest area with a view to preserve the ethnobotanical knowledge and in order to protect the biodiversity of this area.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  12. Bhuiyan MK, Siddique MA, Zafar M, Mustafa Kamal AH
    Isotopes Environ Health Stud, 2014;50(1):134-41.
    PMID: 24090093 DOI: 10.1080/10256016.2013.830613
    Concentrations of natural and fall-out radionuclides in the offshore seawater and sediment from some parts of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh, were determined using a coaxial germanium detector. The average activities of (238)U, (232)Th, (40)K and (137)Cs were recorded as 31.2±5.8, 51.9±9.4, 686.4±170.5 and 0.5±0.6 Bq kg(-1) dry weight, respectively, for sediment, and 4.8±1.2, 5.4±1.2 and 39.1±8.6 Bq L(-1) for (238)U, (232)Th and (40)K, respectively, in seawater. The concentration of (137)Cs in seawater was below the detection limit. The concentration of sediment (238)U was found to be positively correlated with (232)Th ([Formula: see text], p<0.05) and (40)K (r=0.96, p<0.01), while (232)Th was positively correlated with (40)K (r=0.91, p<0.05). In sediment, the concentration of (238)U was negatively correlated (r=-0.86, p<0.05) with sea depth. In the seawater sample, the only significant relationship found was between concentration of (232)Th and water depth (r=-0.86, p<0.05). One-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that the level of radioisotope concentrations of seawater and sediment was highly significant for (238)U (F=122, df=11, p=0.01), (232)Th (F=143, df=11, p=0.01) and (40)K (F=86, df=11, p=0.01). The results showed that the level of radioactivity decreased from coast to open sea. Imminent threat due to radioactivity was not observed in these parts of the Bay of Bengal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  13. Ahmed S, Hussain M, Akhter S, Islam T, Ahmed SU, Kabir ML
    Mymensingh Med J, 2012 Jul;21(3):497-502.
    PMID: 22828550
    Globally, rotaviruses are the single most important etiologic agents of severe childhood dehydrating diarrhea that accounts for more than 125 million of cases, 25-55% of all hospital admissions for diarrhea and ≈600,000 deaths every year. In Bangladesh, while overall diarrhea related deaths are declining, the proportion of diarrhea deaths due to rotavirus is increasing. This study was aimed at estimating the burden of rotavirus diarrhea and isolating the genotypes of rotavirus in a children hospital of Bangladesh; thereby endorsing a logical search for an appropriate rotavirus vaccine. This cross sectional study was carried out in the Institute of Child and Mother Health, Matuail, Dhaka, Bangladesh during 2006-2007. Children aged between one month and five years suffering form diarrhea were enrolled in the study. Stool samples were analyzed by ELISA for rotavirus antigen. The rotavirus-positive samples were further analyzed for genotype determination. Among 656 stool samples, 39.5% samples were positive for rotavirus antigen. The mean age of the children studied was 12±9.9 months; the peak being in the second half of infancy. G2 was identified as the most dominant genotype (45.5%) followed by G1 (24.8%), G12 (9.6%), G9 (8.5%) and G4 (2.1%) genotypes. Since G2 were found to be the predominant circulating rotavirus strain in this study and some other studies in Bangladesh, the recommended vaccine for prevention of rotavirus infection in Bangladesh should cover this strain to have maximum effectiveness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  14. Nahar L, Jaafar A, Ahamed E, Kaish AB
    Assist Technol, 2015;27(3):172-82.
    PMID: 26427745 DOI: 10.1080/10400435.2015.1011758
    Visually impaired students (VIS) are unable to get visual information, which has made their learning process complicated. This paper discusses the overall situation of VIS in Bangladesh and identifies major challenges that they are facing in getting education. The Braille system is followed to educate blind students in Bangladesh. However, lack of Braille based educational resources and technological solutions have made the learning process lengthy and complicated for VIS. As a developing country, Bangladesh cannot afford for the costly Braille related technological tools for VIS. Therefore, a mobile phone based Braille application, "mBRAILLE", for Android platform is designed to provide an easy Braille learning technology for VIS in Bangladesh. The proposed design is evaluated by experts in assistive technology for students with disabilities, and advanced learners of Braille. The application aims to provide a Bangla and English Braille learning platform for VIS. In this paper, we depict iterative (participatory) design of the application along with a preliminary evaluation with 5 blind subjects, and 1 sighted and 2 blind experts. The results show that the design scored an overall satisfaction level of 4.53 out of 5 by all respondents, indicating that our design is ready for the next step of development.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  15. Abubakar IB, Lim KH, Kam TS, Loh HS
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2016 May 26;184:107-18.
    PMID: 26947901 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2016.03.004
    The genus Tabernaemontana has widespread distribution throughout tropical and subtropical parts of the world, i.e. Africa, Asia and America which has long been used for treatments of different disease conditions including tumours, wounds, syphilis, stomach ache and headache. Some Tabernaemontana species are used for treatment of piles, spleen and abdominal tumours in India. In particular, the leaf of Tabernaemontana corymbosa is used for treatment of tumours in Bangladesh. Parts of the plant or whole plants are used as decoctions, steam bath, powder and ointments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  16. Kullander SO, Rahman MM, Norén M, Mollah AR
    Zootaxa, 2015 Jul 28;3990(4):575-83.
    PMID: 26250251 DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3990.4.6
    The native distribution of the small labyrinth fish species Pseudosphromenus cupanus includes southern India and Sri Lanka. According to literature it has a range including also Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Sumatra) but there are no voucher specimens or reliable observations from those areas. The distribution record of P. cupanus was inflated partly by including P. dayi as a synonym. Pseudosphronemus dayi is native to the Western Ghats in India, but the origin of the aquarium importation in 1907 was reported as both Cochin (=Kochi) and Malacca (=Malaysia), the latter locality obviously in error. The basis for the Sumatra record is an obviously mislabeled sample of P. dayi from Pulau Weh close to Sumatra. The basis for reporting the species from Pakistan, Myanmar or Bangladesh could not be located. Misidentified museum specimens from Myanmar and Pakistan identified as P. cupanus were never published on. Pseudosphromenus cupanus has been considered recently to be extinct in Bangladesh, but in fact it never occurred there.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  17. Rabiatul Adawiyah Umar, Nurul 'Adani Sanusi, Mohd Nizam Zahary, Mohd Adzim Khalili Rohin, Salwani Ismail
    Piper betel is a member of the family Piperaceae, commonly known as Sirih (Malaysia and
    Indonesia), Paan (India and Bangladesh), Betel (English) and Phlu (Thailand). It is widely found and
    grown in India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, other Southeast Asian and East African
    countries. Piper betel is widely used throughout the world even in modern days due to its known
    medicinal properties. Betel plant contains various biologically active compounds, which are
    responsible for its numerous pharmacological actions. The therapeutic profile reveals Piper betel to
    have a high potential for treating many diseases and conditions such as chronic renal disease,
    atherosclerosis, and diabetes mellitus. Further studies of betel plant are recommended to focus on
    the variety of metabolic activities in human, thus, improving its usage medically that will be beneficial
    to humanity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  18. Sinclair M, Phillips CJC
    Animals (Basel), 2019 Jun 05;9(6).
    PMID: 31195720 DOI: 10.3390/ani9060319
    The welfare of farm animals has been the focus of increasing international interest, however, the movement has had little engagement with livestock leaders who are, arguably, the stakeholders in the position most able to make decisions that impact on animal welfare at critical times. Previous studies have drawn attention to the need to engage in constructive collaborations with the livestock industry for the betterment of animal welfare, and to uncover mutual benefits for both stakeholders and proponents of animal welfare with which collaborations can be motivated. This study aimed to continue this need to understand leaders in livestock management, by consulting their opinions as to what constitutes the most critical animal welfare issues during farming and slaughter, and what they see as some of the solutions to begin addressing livestock welfare issues in their country. Seventeen focus group sessions were held with 139 leaders in livestock industries in six diverse countries in Asia, including China, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, and Bangladesh. Leaders included government representatives, key academics in agriculture, and business managers and leaders within the domestic animal agriculture industries, as relevant to each country. After conducting thematic analysis and applying basic statistical measures, the findings suggest that solutions within the themes of education, training, and awareness are most valued. However, how each of these could be best addressed varied by country. The need for local research and local solutions also contributed to the most frequent opportunities, as did the requirement for prescriptive and consistent standards and expectations. A ranking of animal welfare issues is presented, as is a selection of suggested animal welfare initiatives resulting from the findings of this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  19. Hossain MA, Hoque MZ
    Food Chem Toxicol, 2011 Jan;49(1):244-7.
    PMID: 21056073 DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2010.10.023
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) occur as contaminants in different types of food predominantly from environmental pollution, food packaging and food processing and the levels found depend on the source of the contamination. PAHs emissions from automobile traffic and industry activities were shown to influence the PAHs levels and profiles in vegetables and fruits grown nearby. The present study was carried out to determine the levels of PAHs in samples of tomato, cabbage and apple, collected from six different places of urban and rural areas of plantation in Dhaka city. Eight PAHs listed in the priority pollutant of US Environment Protection Agency and regarded as carcinogens were analyzed in this study. The analytical method involved saponification with methanolic KOH, liquid-liquid extraction with cyclohexane, clean-up on silica gel column and determination by Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The mean levels of total PAHs were 9.50 μg/kg in tomato, 8.86 μg/kg in cabbage and 4.05 μg/kg in apple. Of the carcinogenic PAHs, benzo(a)anthracene was the most representative, being found in 89% of all samples analysed. Chrysene was not detected in any sample.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
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