Displaying publications 1441 - 1460 of 3017 in total

  1. Atif M, Sulaiman SA, Shafie AA, Ali I, Hassali MA, Saleem F
    Int J Clin Pharm, 2012 Aug;34(4):506-9.
    PMID: 22706597 DOI: 10.1007/s11096-012-9657-8
    Worldwide, the treatment of tuberculosis is based on evidence-based guidelines developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) for national tuberculosis programs. However, the importance of health related quality of life, the adequate management of side effects associated with antituberculosis drugs and the elaboration of tuberculosis treatment outcome categories are a few issues that need to be addressed in forthcoming WHO guidelines for the treatment of tuberculosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Quality of Life/psychology; Tuberculosis/psychology*
  2. Quar TK, Ching TY, Mukari SZ, Newall P
    Int J Audiol, 2012 Apr;51(4):326-33.
    PMID: 22176307 DOI: 10.3109/14992027.2011.637079
    The parents' evaluation of aural/oral performance of children (PEACH) scale was developed to assess the effectiveness of amplification for children, based on a systematic use of parents' observations of children's performance in real-world environments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hearing Disorders/psychology; Parents/psychology*
  3. Naser E, Mackey S, Arthur D, Klainin-Yobas P, Chen H, Creedy DK
    Midwifery, 2012 Dec;28(6):e865-71.
    PMID: 22079015 DOI: 10.1016/j.midw.2011.10.003
    to explore the traditional birthing practices of Singaporean women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Natural Childbirth/psychology*; Parturition/psychology
  4. Razali R, Ahmad F, Rahman FN, Midin M, Sidi H
    Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 2011 Oct;113(8):639-43.
    PMID: 21684679 DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2011.05.008
    Parkinson disease (PD) affects the lives of both the individuals and their family members. This study aims at investigating for clinical as well as socio-demographic factors associated with the perception of burden among the caregivers of individuals with PD in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Parkinson Disease/psychology*; Caregivers/psychology*
  5. Swami V, Kannan K, Furnham A
    Int J Soc Psychiatry, 2012 Nov;58(6):568-76.
    PMID: 21821633 DOI: 10.1177/0020764011415208
    Previous studies examining body image from a cross-cultural perspective have tended to neglect samples from different ethnic groups or along a rural-urban continuum. To overcome this limitation, the present study examined positive body image among rural and urban women from three major indigenous ethnic groups in Sabah, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Body Image/psychology*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology*
  6. Lua PL, Neni WS
    Epilepsy Behav, 2011 Jul;21(3):248-54.
    PMID: 21576038 DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2011.03.039
    The influence of awareness, knowledge, and attitudes (AKA) on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with epilepsy has not been widely established. The aims of this preliminary study were to (1) assess general AKA and HRQoL levels, (2) correlate AKA and HRQoL levels, and (3) compare the HRQoL of patients with epilepsy with different AKA levels. A cross-sectional sample of outpatients with epilepsy were recruited from the Neurology Clinic, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. Data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 15 employing descriptive and nonparametric statistics. On written consent, included patients completed the Malay AKA Epilepsy and the Malay Quality of Life in Epilepsy-30 (MQOLIE-30) instruments. Across all patients, both AKA levels (median: 80.0, range: 0-170) and overall HRQoL (median 51.5; range 15-97) were moderate. Awareness was significantly correlated only with Seizure Worry (r(s)=+0.29, p<0.05), whereas Knowledge was not significantly linked to any domain. However, Attitudes was significantly correlated with all domains (r(s)=+0.35 to +0.47, p<0.01) except Medication Effects and Seizure Worry. Patients with good AKA levels (Total Score ≥ median) experienced significantly better Overall Quality of Life and Cognitive Functioning (p<0.05). Findings showed that AKA may play an important role in influencing patients' HRQoL, suggesting that epilepsy treatment efforts should also focus on enhancing AKA through epilepsy awareness to improve health outcomes.

    Study site: Neurology Clinic, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah
    Matched MeSH terms: Epilepsy/psychology*; Quality of Life/psychology*
  7. Ong LC, Norshireen NA, Chandran V
    World J Pediatr, 2011 Feb;7(1):54-9.
    PMID: 21191777 DOI: 10.1007/s12519-011-0246-z
    this study aimed to compare mental health of mothers of children with spina bifida with mothers of able-bodied controls.
    Matched MeSH terms: Mothers/psychology*; Spinal Dysraphism/psychology*
  8. Kanaheswari Y, Razak NN, Chandran V, Ong LC
    Spinal Cord, 2011 Mar;49(3):376-80.
    PMID: 20838404 DOI: 10.1038/sc.2010.125
    Prospective cross-sectional multidimensional study using clinical assessment and standard measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Spinal Dysraphism/psychology*; Caregivers/psychology*
  9. Root R
    Health Care Women Int, 2009 Oct;30(10):903-18.
    PMID: 19742364 DOI: 10.1080/07399330903042807
    In the 1970s, Malaysia launched an export-oriented development strategy as a means of financing the nation's modernization. The success of the strategy hinged significantly on intensive recruitment of women for factory employment. I draw on descriptive qualitative research, including interviews (51), surveys (106), and ethnography in Malaysia to investigate factory women's experiences of work and work-related health risks. Discourse analysis surfaced a latent consciousness of bodily changes in relation to work. A grounded theory analysis showed a compromised access to occupational risk knowledge that may bear negatively on women's well-being and the role women's new labor identities played in mediating the meanings of work and risks. Given the predominance of women workers in low-end manufacturing globally, I aimed to contribute to theoretical and applied understandings of gender, globalization, and health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Employment/psychology*; Women/psychology*
  10. Anwar M, Sulaiman SA, Ahmadi K, Khan TM
    BMC Public Health, 2010;10:47.
    PMID: 20113511 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-10-47
    BACKGROUND: Sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) rank among the most important health issues for the people especially the young adults worldwide. Young people tend to engage in sexual activity at younger ages in the past decade than in the 1970s, and 1980s. Knowledge is an essential precursor of sexual risk reduction. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, to produce the baseline information about school students' awareness and perception about sexually transmitted Infections (STIs) and their sexual activity to help establish control and education programmes.
    METHODS: Students from form 4 (aged between 15 to 16 years), form 5 (aged between 16 to 17 years) and form 6 (aged between 18 to 20 years) in their class rooms were approached and asked to complete self administered and anonymous pre-validated questionnaires. SPSS for windows version 13 was used to analyze the results statistically and results were presented in tabular form.
    RESULTS: Data was collected from 1139 students aged between 15 to 20 years, 10.6% of which claimed that they never heard about STIs. Sexual experience related significantly with gender, race, and education level. Approximately 12.6% claimed to have sexual experience of which 75.7% had their sexual debut at 15-19 years and 38.2% were having more than 3 partners. Sexual experience was found to be significantly associated with gender (p = 0.003), ethnicity (p = 0.001) and education level (p = 0.030). However, multiple partner behaviour was significantly associated only with gender (p = 0.010). Mean knowledge score was 11.60 +/- 8.781 and knowledge level was significantly associated with religion (p = 0.005) education level (p = 0.000), course stream (p = 0.000), socioeconomic class (p = 0.000) and sexual experience (p = 0.022).
    CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that school students have moderate level of knowledge about STIs although they are sexually active. Interventions such as reinforcing the link between STIs and HIV/AIDS, assessing the current status of sexuality education in schools and arranging public talks and seminars focusing on STIs prevention education are needed to improve their awareness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Sexually Transmitted Diseases/psychology*; Students/psychology
  11. Zahari MM, Hwan Bae W, Zainal NZ, Habil H, Kamarulzaman A, Altice FL
    Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse, 2010 Jan;36(1):31-8.
    PMID: 20141394 DOI: 10.3109/00952990903544828
    To examine the association between HIV infection and psychiatric disorders among prisoners, where mental illness, substance abuse, and HIV are disproportionately represented.
    Matched MeSH terms: HIV Seropositivity/psychology*; Prisoners/psychology*
  12. Syed Alwi SA, Lee PY, Awi I, Mallik PS, Md Haizal MN
    Climacteric, 2009 Dec;12(6):548-56.
    PMID: 19905907 DOI: 10.3109/13697130902919519
    To document the common menopausal symptoms and quality of life in indigenous women of Sarawak in Malaysia.

    A face-to-face interview using the Menopause-specific Quality of Life questionnaire was conducted with 276 indigenous Sarawakian women aged 40-65 years to determine the mean age of menopause and common symptoms (divided into vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual domains) associated with menopause.

    The mean age at menopause of postmenopausal women was 50.78 +/- 2.47 years (range 47.3-58.2 years). The most common symptoms reported were aching in muscles and joints (82.6%), lack of energy (77.5%) and low backache (77.2%). The typical menopausal symptoms of hot flushes, night sweats, sweating and vaginal dryness were experienced by 42.4%, 34.8%, 29.7% and 49.3%, respectively of the women studied. Perimenopausal women (n = 114) experienced the most physical and psychosocial symptoms, while postmenopausal women (n = 102) experienced most sexual symptoms. Perimenopausal and postmenopausal women were reported to suffer more than premenopausal women (p < 0.001) within the four domains of symptoms (vasomotor, psychosocial, physical and sexual).

    The menopausal symptoms in this study correspond to those in other studies on Asian women but the prevalence of typical and classical menopausal symptoms was lower compared to studies on Caucasian women. The perimenopausal women had the most significant decrease in quality of life, followed by postmenopausal women and premenopausal women. Vasomotor symptoms had a predominant influence on the quality of life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Menopause/psychology; Postmenopause/psychology
  13. Palaniappan AK
    Percept Mot Skills, 2007 Dec;105(3 Pt 2):1052-4.
    PMID: 18380099
    Malaysian high school students, 142 boys and 154 girls (M age= 13.3 yr., SD = 0.3) were compared on a talent measure, the Khatena-Morse Multitalent Perception Inventory. Boys obtained significantly higher means on the overall score of Versatility and the talent areas of Artistry, Creative Imagination, Initiative, and Leadership. Further replications involving other age groups and nationalities are recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students/psychology*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology
  14. Shahmoradi N, Kandiah M, Peng LS
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2009;10(6):1003-09.
    PMID: 20192573
    BACKGROUND: Cancer patients frequently experience malnutrition and this is an important factor in impaired quality of life.

    OBJECTIVE: This cross-sectional study examined the association between global quality of life and its various subscales with nutritional status among 61 (33 females and 28 males) advanced cancer patients cared for by selected hospices in peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: The Patient Generated-Subjective Global Assessment (PG-SGA) and the Hospice Quality of Life Index (HQLI) were used to assess nutritional status and quality of life, respectively.

    RESULTS: Nine (14.7%) patients were well-nourished, 32 (52.5%) were moderately or suspected of being malnourished while 20 (32.8%) of them were severely malnourished. The total HQLI mean score for these patients was 189.9-/+51.7, with possible scores ranging from 0 to 280. The most problem areas in these patients were in the domain of functional well-being and the least problems were found in the social/spiritual domain. PG-SGA scores significantly correlated with total quality of life scores (r2= 0.38, p<0.05), psychophysiological well-being (r2= 0.37, p<0.05), functional well-being (r2= 0.42, p<0.05) and social/ spiritual well-being (r2= 0.07, p<0.05). Thus, patients with a higher PG-SGA score or poorer nutritional status exhibited a lower quality of life.

    CONCLUSION: Advanced cancer patients with poor nutritional status have a diminished quality of life. These findings suggest that there is a need for a comprehensive nutritional intervention for improving nutritional status and quality of life in terminally ill cancer patients under hospice care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Neoplasms/psychology; Nutrition Disorders/psychology
  15. Pau A, Rowland ML, Naidoo S, AbdulKadir R, Makrynika E, Moraru R, et al.
    J Dent Educ, 2007 Feb;71(2):197-204.
    PMID: 17314380
    This multinational survey investigated the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and perceived stress (PS) in seven countries. First-year dental undergraduates attending a dental school in England, Greece, Romania, South Africa, Australia, and the United States and three schools in Malaysia were invited to complete a set of questionnaires on age, gender, academic background, satisfaction with career choice, EI, and PS. Of 860 questionnaires distributed, 596 were fully completed--a response rate of 69.3 percent. Mean EI score was 123.8 (95 percent CI 122.7-124.9), and mean PS score was 19.1 (95 percent CI 18.6-19.7). Significant differences in EI and PS scores were detected between different countries. Females (p<0.05), younger students (p<0.001), those without a previous higher education qualification (p<0.001), and those not satisfied with their decision to study dentistry (p<0.001) were more likely to report PS when compared to their counterparts. A significant inverse relationship (coefficient=-0.29, p=0.001) between EI and PS was detected. Independent significant predictors of PS identified were gender (beta=0.22, t=5.71, p=0.001), previous higher education qualification (beta=-0.14, t=-2.42, p=0.010), satisfaction with decision to study dentistry (beta=-0.20, t=-5.11, p=0.001), and EI (beta=-0.24, t=-6.09, p=0.001), with the latter being relatively the most important predictor. In conclusion, the inverse relationship between EI and PS has been confirmed in this heterogeneous sample representing diverse sociocultural and academic contexts of dental undergraduates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Stress, Psychological/psychology*; Students, Dental/psychology*
  16. Misajon R, Manderson L, Pallant JF, Omar Z, Bennett E, Rahim RB
    PMID: 17156494
    Although non-communicable and chronic disease now accounts for 47% of the global burden of disease, little is known of the everyday experiences and social aspects of disability and disablement in middle and low income countries. This article aims to address this gap by exploring the subjective experience of mobility impairment in Malaysia. Specifically, it examines health-related quality of life and the impact and distress related to impaired mobility, and investigates any gender differences in relation to the experience of disability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Disabled Persons/psychology*; Quality of Life/psychology*
  17. Bharathi V, Lee FS
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Oct;61(4):490-2.
    PMID: 17243530
    Emotional incontinence is a disorder of emotional control following brain damage. It refers to the heightened tendency to cry or less commonly laugh, out of proportion to the underlying mood. Recognition of this phenomenon is often lacking as it is confused with other related sequelae of brain damage such as depression. This is a case report of an elderly female exhibiting poststroke emotional incontinence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crying/psychology*; Stroke/psychology*
  18. Han GS, Davies C
    Ethn Health, 2006 Nov;11(4):409-30.
    PMID: 17060035 DOI: 10.1080/13557850600824054
    This paper investigates the use and provision of biomedicine among Korean-Australian men on the basis of interview data from all of the eight Korean-speaking doctors practising in the Korean community in Sydney in 1995. From the viewpoint of these general practitioners, an analysis is made of the processes Korean men go through in adjusting to a new country, being involved in constant hard manual work and long working hours, and explores how they make use of all available resources to stay healthy. The Korean men have fully utilized the 'freely' available medical services under government-subsidized Medicare, bearing in mind that health is a capacity to work under the current environment, although illegal migrants restrained themselves from using it until they obtained legal status. Korean-speaking medical practitioners have been able to provide their fellow Koreans with 'culturally appropriate' health care, with the key factor being the absence of a language barrier. The level of patient satisfaction is high, possibly due to the excellent understanding the doctors have of the social aspects of illnesses, although the doctors do not go beyond curative medicine in their practice. However, the increasing number of Korean-speaking doctors in the small Korean community means that there is competition for patients. Consequently, the medical care is highly entrepreneurial. Referral by Korean doctors to practitioners of Korean herbal medicine is also a notable feature of the health care sector of the Korean community, especially as this offers Korean patients 'satisfactory' health relief for problems that are not easily relieved by doctors in the biomedical system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Physicians, Family/psychology*; Asian Continental Ancestry Group/psychology
  19. Nicolosi A, Moreira ED, Villa M, Glasser DB
    J Affect Disord, 2004 Oct 15;82(2):235-43.
    PMID: 15488252 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2003.12.008
    Depression and erectile dysfunction (ED) have a complex and bi-directional relationship. We examined the relationships between erectile dysfunction and depressive symptoms or diagnosed depression, sexual activity and sexual satisfaction.

    A population survey of men aged 40-70 years was carried out in Brazil, Italy, Japan and Malaysia in 1997-1998. A questionnaire was used to collect life style, sexual behaviors and medical data. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. ED was classified as moderate or complete if the men reported they were "sometimes" or "never" able to achieve and maintain an erection satisfactory for sexual intercourse. Only men with a sexual partner and not taking psychoactive drugs were considered.

    Diagnosed depression was reported by 2.0% of the men, depressive symptoms by 21.0%. The prevalence of moderate or complete ED was 17.8%. Sexual satisfaction related to the frequency of sexual intercourse and inversely related to depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms were positively associated with being single (odds ratio [OR] 1.7), widowed, separated or divorced (OR 2.2), moderate or complete ED (1.8), heart disease (1.6) and smoking (1.6), and negatively associated with age, physical activity and frequency of sexual intercourse.

    Cross-sectional studies cannot establish a temporal cause-effect relationship. However, the confirmation of known associations reassures about the validity of the original findings.

    The findings suggest that depressive symptoms are linked to ED by the mediation of decreased sexual activity and the dissatisfaction generated by the inability to have a healthy sexual life.
    Matched MeSH terms: Depressive Disorder/psychology; Erectile Dysfunction/psychology
  20. Tan MY
    Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 2004 Oct;66(1):71-7.
    PMID: 15364164 DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2004.02.021
    This study aimed to identify the relationship of health beliefs and complication prevention behaviors among Chinese individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Malaysia. A correlation study using the Health Belief Model (HBM) framework was undertaken with 128 Chinese subjects with Type 2 Diabetes of both gender, mean age 60.5 +/- 8.42 years from one urban hospital and four rural health centers. Research tool was a 60-item questionnaire with responses recorded on 5-point Likert scale. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Spearmen correlation and Mann-Whitney U-test. The majority of the subjects had less than 6 years of education. Seventy-two percent of them were aware of diabetes complications and its risk factors. However, few subjects practiced complication preventive measures because of lack of perceived seriousness of diabetes and lack of perceived susceptibility to diabetes complications. There were significant correlations between complication prevention behaviors and perceived severity (P < 0.05), perceived susceptibility (P < 0.05 ) and perceived barrier (P < 0.05 ); subjects' education level and perceived severity (P < 0.05), perceived susceptibility (P < 0.05) and complication prevention behavior (P < 0.05). There was no significant correlation between health beliefs and settings; genders; disease duration and treatment mode. In conclusion, poor complication preventive behavior among the subjects was associated with lack of perceived seriousness of diabetes and lack of perceived susceptibility to diabetes complications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/psychology*; Diabetes Complications/psychology
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