METHOD: A quasi-randomized controlled trial was conducted recruiting students from two different higher learning institutions in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. Students are selected after fulfilling the criteria such as body mass index (BMI) of ≥23kg/m2, no chronic diseases that may influence by exercise, no significant changes in body weight within two months and not taking any medications or supplements. One institution was purposely chosen as a simulation-based group and another one control group. In the simulation-based group, participants were given a booklet and CD to do aerobic and resistance exercise for a minimum of 25min per day, three times a week for 10 weeks. No exercise was given to the control group. Participants were measured with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), BMI, waist circumference (WC), body fat percentage before and after 10 weeks of simulation-based exercise.
RESULTS: A total of 52 (control: 25, simulation-based: 27) participants involved in the study. There was no baseline characteristics difference between the two groups (p>0.005). All 27 participants in the simulation-based group reported performing the exercise based on the recommendation. The retention rate at three months was 100%. No adverse events were reported throughout the study. Better outcomes (p<0.001) were reported among participants in the simulation-based group for BMI, WC and body fat percentage.
CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this study indicate that the simulation-based exercise programme may be feasible for an overweight adult in higher learning institutes. As a feasibility study this is not powered to detect significant differences on the outcomes. However, participants reported positive views towards the recommended exercise with significant improvements in body mass index, body fat percentage and reduced the waist circumference.
METHODS: To determine Zika virus (ZIKV) seroprevalence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1085 serum samples from 2012, 2014-2015 and 2017 were screened for anti-ZIKV antibodies using a ZIKV NS1 blockade-of-binding assay. Reactive samples were confirmed using neutralization assays against ZIKV and the four dengue virus (DENV) serotypes. A sample was possible ZIKV seropositive with a ZIKV 50% neutralization (NT50) titre ≥20. A sample was probable ZIKV seropositive if, in addition, all DENV NT50 titres were <20 or the ZIKV NT50 titre was >4-fold greater than the highest DENV NT50 titre.
RESULTS: We found low rates of possible ZIKV seropositivity (3.3% [95% confidence interval {CI} 2.4 to 4.6]) and probable ZIKV seropositivity (0.6% [95% CI 0.3 to 1.4]). Possible ZIKV seropositivity was independently associated with increasing age (odds ratio [OR] 1.04 [95% CI 1.02 to 1.06], p<0.0001) and male gender (OR 3.5 [95% CI 1.5 to 8.6], p=0.005).
CONCLUSIONS: The low ZIKV seroprevalence rate, a proxy for population immunity, does not explain the low incidence of Zika in dengue-hyperendemic Kuala Lumpur. Other factors, such as the possible protective effects of pre-existing flavivirus antibodies or reduced transmission by local mosquito vectors, should be explored. Kuala Lumpur is at high risk of a large-scale Zika epidemic.
DESIGN: Excision of bladder endometriosis by first delineating the tumor via cystoscopy and simultaneously excising the nodule laparoscopically SETTING: Mahkota Medical Centre, Melaka, Malaysia.
INTERVENTION: Here we describe a simultaneous cystoscopic and laparoscopic excision of bladder endometriosis. The patient was first seen in 2005 at age 19 years with an endometrioma. She was single (virgo intacta) at that time. She underwent a laparoscopic cystectomy. Postoperatively, she received 3 doses of monthly gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analogue injection. She was last seen in 2006 and was well. She conceived spontaneously after that and delivered 2 babies spontaneously in 2007 and 2010 in another city. She consulted me again in April 2016 complaining of dysuria, dysmenorrhea, and inability to hold her urine. She had consulted a urologist 6 months earlier. Cystoscopy performed by the urologist showed bladder endometriosis. No further surgery was performed, and she was given GnRH analogues for 6 months. However, her symptoms persisted after completion of the GnRH analogue. Examination and ultrasound showed a large bladder nodule measuring 4.17 × 2.80 cm. Intravenous urogram showed stricture in the upper right ureter. She underwent a combined urology and gynecology surgery to excise the bladder nodule. Informed consent was obtained from the patient, and the local institutional board provided the approval. The surgery was performed with the patient in the dorsosacral position. A Verres needle was inserted into the abdomen at the umbilicus, and carbon dioxide insufflation was performed. A 10-mm trocar was inserted in the umbilicus, and a 3-dimensional laparoscope (Aesculup-BBraun Einstein Vision; BBraun, Melsungen AG, Germany) was inserted to view the pelvis. Three 5-mm trocars were inserted, 1 on the right side and 2 on the left side of the abdomen. A RUMI (CooperSurgical, Trumbull, CT) uterine manipulator was placed into the uterine cavity. Laparoscopy showed no adhesions in the upper and mid-abdomen. The appendix and the intestines looked normal. Both the ovaries and fallopian tubes were normal. Uterine insufflation with methylene blue showed that both tubes were patent. There was dense endometriosis between the bladder and fundus of the uterus. The omentum was also adherent to the site of the endometriosis. There were endometriotic nodules on the left uterosacral ligaments and the peritoneum in the wall in the pouch of Douglas. The omentum was released, and laparoscopic adhesiolysis was performed. Both the paravesical spaces lateral to the nodule were dissected out. The bladder was released from the uterus with some difficulty. The peritoneal endometriosis in the Pouch of Douglas and the nodules in the left uterosacral ligament were excised. Cystoscopy was performed and stents were first placed in both ureters. The nodule was found to be in the central position, and the margins were about 2 cm from both the ureteral orifices. The nodule was seen protruding into the bladder containing bluish lesions. Demarcation of the bladder endometriosis was done using a resectoscope. Using a needle electrode, a deep circular incision was made around the bladder nodule and into the detrusor muscle. Cystoscopic perforation of the bladder was done and was seen laparoscopically. The bladder endometriotic nodule was completely excised laparoscopically after the demarcation line created via the cystoscopy. Stay sutures were first placed at the superior and inferior edges of the defect. The bladder was repaired continuously in 1 layer using polyglactin 3-0 sutures. The nodule was placed in a bag cut into smaller pieces and removed through the umbilical incision. At the end of the surgery a cystoscopy was perform to check the integrity of the suture. The pelvis was then washed. A bladder catheter was placed. The trocars were then removed under vision, and the rectus sheath was closed using polyglactin 1 suture. The skin incisions were closed. The operation time was 2 hours. The patient received antibiotics for 10 days. She was discharged with a catheter in place on day 3. She underwent a cystogram on day 10 of the surgery, and the bladder was found to be intact. The catheter was then removed. She was seen 6 weeks after the surgery and was well without any symptoms. The ureteric catheters were removed. Histopathology confirmed bladder endometriosis. Five months later she conceived spontaneously and delivered her third child naturally in June 2017. She was seen after her delivery and was advised to take oral contraceptive pills continuously or an intrauterine contraceptive device to prevent recurrence of the endometriosis. She took the oral contraceptive pills for 3 months and then refused any further treatment. She was last seen in February 2019 and was well without any symptoms.
CONCLUSION: In bladder endometriosis a combined approach with the urologist can assist in safely excising deep bladder endometriosis without removal of normal bladder tissue. Stents placed in the ureter assist in avoiding injury to the ureters. Demarcating the endometriotic nodule by the urologist through the bladder and excising the bladder nodule laparoscopically is both safe and effective.
CASE PRESENTATION: A 23-year-old trauma patient with closed fracture of left femoral shaft and left humerus presented to our emergency department (ED). 11 h after admission to ED, patient became confused, hypoxic and hypotensive. He was then intubated for respiratory failure and mechanically ventilated. Transesophageal ultrasound revealed hyperdynamic heart, dilated right ventricle with no regional wall abnormalities and no major aorta injuries. Whole-body computed tomography was normal. During central venous cannulation of right internal jugular vein (IJV), we found free floating mobile hyperechoic spots, located at the anterior part of the vein. A diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome later was made based on the clinical presentation of long bone fractures and fat globulin in the blood. Despite aggressive fluid resuscitation, patient was a non-responder and needed vasopressor infusion for persistent shock. Blood aspirated during cannulation from the IJV revealed a fat globule. Patient underwent uneventful orthopedic procedures and was discharged well on day 5 of admission.
CONCLUSIONS: Point-of-care ultrasound findings of fat embolism in central vein can facilitate and increase the suspicion of fat embolism syndrome.
METHOD: This is a retrospective study of all the patients that had undergone endoscopic variceal surveillance at the Gastroenterology endoscopy unit, Serdang Hospital from 1st January 2015 to 31st March 2017. Patients' demography, aetiologies of liver cirrhosis, platelet level and international normalised ratio (INR) prior banding procedure, and the post EVL complications were recorded and further analysed with SPSS version 16.
RESULTS: In this study, 105 patients were screened for varices. Fifty-five of them had undergone EVL, with a quarter of the patients requiring repeated ligation. There was a male preponderance with 76.4%. 56.4% of patients were in age from 40-59 years. The majority of our patients were of the Malay ethnicity. The major aetiology for liver cirrhosis in our patients was viral hepatitis with Hepatitis C (31.0%), and Hepatitis B (20.0%). Most of our patients had platelet count >50,000 and INR <1.5 prior to EVL. There was no major complication in all of our subjects.
CONCLUSION: EVL is relatively safe and feasible treatment for prevention of oesophageal variceal bleeds with a low complication rate.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A study was conducted to analyze data on the utilization of T&CM services within public hospitals. Secondary data on 822 patients' satisfaction with services offered at 15 T&CM units was analyzed to examine the overall levels of satisfaction with T&CM services in public hospitals in Malaysia.
RESULTS: Overall, 99.4% of patients were satisfied with T&CM services and most patients (91.8%) felt that T&CM treatment positively impacted their health. Overall satisfaction was not affected by lower levels of satisfaction with subcategories of service, such as the number of treatment sessions received (90.7% satisfied), date to the next appointment (90.7% satisfied), and the absence of adverse effects of treatment received (87.1% satisfied). There were no significant associations between the socioeconomic status of the respondents and the level of satisfaction reported; however, respondents with a monthly salary of Ringgit Malaysia (RM) 1000 to RM 3000 were more than twice as likely to be strongly satisfied with services received (adjusted odds ratios [AOR]: 2.12, 95% CI: 1.19-3.78).
CONCLUSION: This study revealed a high level of satisfaction among patients who had received T&CM treatment at public hospitals in Malaysia. High satisfaction with T&CM treatment validates the integrative management approach adopted in patient care within the public hospitals in Malaysia.
Objectives: The study was conducted to assess whole-grain intake pattern and factors influencing intake among Malaysian medical students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study investigating whole-grain intake among 151 medical students in a private medical university in Malaysia was conducted from January to June 2018. A self-administered questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographic variables, the whole-grain intake pattern and the knowledge and attitudes toward whole-grain intake. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS software. Chi-square test and multivariable logistic regression were used.
Results: The prevalence of reported whole-grain intake in the past 3 months was 51%. Chinese ethnicity, readiness to adhere to Malaysian food pyramid, and self-preparation of food, and eating at home were significantly associated with whole-grain consumption. However, the primary determinants of food choice such as education, knowledge, and affordability did not seem to influence whole-grain consumption. Whole-grain consumption is relatively low among Malaysian medical students. Cultural background and self-belief influence this practice despite being from the medical fraternity.
Conclusions: Efforts are needed to bridge the knowledge-practice gap by assessing the barriers to whole-grain consumption to design effective initiatives to promote an increase in whole-grain consumption.
DESIGN: A comparative cross sectional study.
PARTICIPANTS: Patients were divided into Group 1 (allergic rhinitis without conjunctivitis), Group 2 (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis), and Group 3 (normal population).
METHODS: A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted. Patients were divided into; Group 1 (allergic rhinitis without conjunctivitis), Group 2 (allergic rhinoconjunctivitis), and Group 3 (normal controls). Tears were collected using Schirmer strips and cytokine analysis performed using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.
RESULTS: There were a total of 68 subjects. Median values of cytokines in the allergic rhinitis group were as follows; TNFa (45.34 pg/ml), IL-4 (61.91 pg/ml), IL-5 (8.92 pg/ml), IL-6 (538.37 pg/ml) and IL-8 (1438.72 pg/ml). Cytokine levels in the group with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis were approximately two-fold higher than in the group with allergic rhinitis only. The median cytokine level in the control group was lowest. A significant inter-group difference was observed for TNF-alpha, IL-4, IL-6 and IL-8 levels, with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis patients demonstrating significantly elevated cytokines compared to those with allergic rhinitis only (p<0.001). These four cytokines were also significantly higher in those with allergic rhinitis than in controls (p<0.005). Although the group with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis had the highest levels of IL-5, no statistically significant inter-group difference was noted (p=0.479).
CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated the presence of raised tear film inflammatory cytokines even in allergic rhinitis patients without ocular symptoms. These patients may be at increased risk of developing allergic conjunctivitis. These findings not only substantiate the immunological theory of the naso-ocular reflex, but have clinical and therapeutic implications for the holistic management of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data was collected using a self-administered pilot-tested questionnaire. Dentists awareness about link between oral and systemic link was assessed on five point likert scale. Data was entered and analysed using SPSS.
RESULTS: Of the 588 dentists, 500 completed the questionnaire (response rate 85.03%). About 93% of the participants (mean age 25.82 ± 4.21 years) agreed that oral health was associated with systemic health. Most dentists were aware of a connection between periodontal disease and diabetes (84.4%) and heart disease (70.2%). Similarly, 85.6% believed in the negative impact of oral disease on the quality of life of patients. More female than male dentists were aware of the relationship between periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis (P < 0.001). Most dentists (97%) believed that more patients would seek oral care if they were aware of the oral-systemic link. After adjustments, private dentists were 4.65 times more likely than public dentists to believe in improving access to oral care with increased patient awareness of the oral-systemic connection (P = 0.011).
CONCLUSIONS: Most dentists were aware of the oral-systemic link. They believed that patients' access to oral care would improve if they were aware of a connection between oral and systemic health. Therefore, patients should be informed of the oral-systemic link to improve their oral health.