Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 267 in total

  1. Jani R, Byrne R, Love P, Agarwal C, Peng F, Yew YW, et al.
    PMID: 32121357 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17051573
    Caregivers' perceptions of children's pickiness are relatively scarce in relation to the five core food groups and their importance in providing a nutritionally balanced diet. Furthermore, there is no validated questionnaire that examines child-reported food preferences in an age-appropriate manner, and the use of terms such as a "picky eater" can be attributed to environmental and genetic factors. Despite potential links between children's food preferences and endophenotype bitter taste, associations between bitter taste sensitivity and picky eating is relatively unexplored. The proposed cross-sectional study aims to develop and validate a parent-reported core-food Picky Eating Questionnaire (PEQ) and child-reported Food Preference Questionnaire (C-FPQ) and simultaneously investigate environmental and phenotype determinants of picky eating. The study will be conducted in three stages: Phase 1, piloting PEQ and C-FPQ questionnaires (15-20 primary caregivers and their children aged 7-12 years); Phase 2 and 3, validating the revised questionnaires and evaluating the 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) bitter taste sensitivity to examine perception to bitter taste (369 primary caregivers and their children). Study findings will generate new validated tools (PEQ, C-FPQ) for use in evidence-based practice and research and explore picky eating as a behavioural issue via the potential genetic-phenotype basis of bitter taste sensitivity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  2. Johari HH, Khaw BL, Yusof Z, Mohamad I
    World J Clin Cases, 2016 Nov 16;4(11):375-379.
    PMID: 27900327
    Foreign body (FB) ingestion is very common in Malaysian population. The most commonly ingested FB is fish bone. Common presenting symptoms include FB sensation, odynophagia and or sharp pricking pain during swallowing. A careful history and physical examination is very important. Despite negative laryngoscopy and rigid esophagoscopy, persistent symptoms warrants further radiographic imaging studies. The FB can migrate extraluminally and involve other important adjacent structures of the neck and along the digestive tract. We report 3 cases of extraluminal migration of fish bone and their complications, which were successfully managed. One case with vascular complication which involve common carotid artery and the other two cases with neck abscess formation involving thyroid gland, retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  3. Koletzko B, Wieczorek S, Cheah FC, Domellöf M, van Goudoever JB, Poindexter BB, et al.
    World Rev Nutr Diet, 2021;122:191-197.
    PMID: 34352778 DOI: 10.1159/000514772
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  4. Jailani M, Elias SM, Rajikan R
    Nutrients, 2021 Sep 30;13(10).
    PMID: 34684475 DOI: 10.3390/nu13103474
    Healthy Eating Index (HEI) is a diet quality measure that assesses the population's compliance towards dietary guidelines. In Malaysia, diet quality measure, though existing, has some limitations in terms of application and relevance. This study aims to develop a new standardized Malaysian Healthy Eating Index (S-MHEI) that can measure the diet quality of all Malaysians regardless of their energy requirement level. The Malaysian Dietary Guidelines (MDG) 2010 and MDG for Children and Adolescents (MDGCA) 2013 were used as main references in developing the index components. In addition, the latest Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey (MANS) and Adolescent Nutrition Survey (ANS) were also referred to ensure the relevance of the components selected. For adequacy components, the least restrictive method was used in setting the standard for the scoring system. Meanwhile, the scoring system for moderation components was built based on the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) 2017. The new S-MHEI comprises of 11 components with a maximum total score of 100. The least restrictive method allowed the index to be used across energy requirement levels. However, the index will not be sensitive towards adhering to the specific recommended amount of intake-which in effect, made the index focus on measuring diet quality rather than diet quantity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  5. Foo YH, Ratnam S, Lim EV, Abdullah M, Molenaar VJ, Shau Hwai AT, et al.
    PeerJ, 2022;10:e13181.
    PMID: 35462757 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13181
    Over the past decade, concerns over microplastic pollution in the marine ecosystem has increasingly gained more attention, but research investigating the ingestion of microplastics by marine fish in Malaysia is still regrettably lacking. This study investigated the microplastic presence, abundance, and morphological types within the guts of four species of commercial marine fish (Atule mate, Crenimugil seheli, Sardinella fimbriata and Rastrelliger brachysoma) caught in seawater off the coast of Malaysia's Northwest Peninsular. A total of 72 individual commercial marine fish guts from four species (fish per species n = 18) were examined. Remarkably, this study found that 100% of the samples contained microplastics. A total number of 432 microplastics (size < 5 mm) from the four species were found in the excised marine fish guts. The most common type of microplastic discovered was fragment, which accounted for 49.5% of all microplastics present. The gut microplastic content differed between species. Sardinella fimbriata recorded the greatest amount of microplastic ingestion, with an average microplastic count of 6.5 (±4.3) items per individual fish. However, there were no statistically significant differences found when comparing study species and different locations. SEM-EDX analysis confirmed the presence of microplastic particles by identifying the chemical elements found in the samples. Since the four studied species of commercial marine fish are popular protein sources in Malaysians' daily diet, this study suggests potential microplastic exposure to humans via contaminated fish consumption in Malaysia, which was previously unknown. Based on previous scientific evidence, this study also demonstrates the high probability of microplastic ingestion in marine fish in the Malaysian seawater, which could have an adverse effect on fish health as well as marine biota.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  6. AlTamimi JZ, Alshwaiyat NM, Alkhalidy H, AlFaris NA, AlKehayez NM, Alsemari MA, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Nov 13;19(22).
    PMID: 36429650 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192214933
    Fast food is commonly consumed by young adults. Eating fast food is connected with the risk of obesity and other related diseases. The present study examines the prevalence of fast food intake in a diverse sample of young men. This cross-sectional study included 3600 young men (20-35 years) who resided in Riyadh, KSA. The frequency of fast food intake was assessed using a valid and reliable questionnaire. Weekly and daily intake of fast food were the two outcome variables adopted to assess the intake frequency. Weight and height were measured. Fast food was eaten by 88.8% and 50.1% of participants weekly and daily, respectively. Fast food intake was predicted by the nationality of participants. The highest prevalence of weekly fast food intake (99.7%) was observed among Saudi, Egyptian, and Indian participants, while the lowest rate was observed among Sudanese participants (48.6%). The highest and lowest rates of daily intake were seen among Filipino (83.4%) and Bangladeshi (6.3%) participants. Obesity was another predictor of fast food intake. Obese participants had a significantly higher odds ratio of weekly (OR = 2.89, p = 0.006) and daily (OR = 1.39, p = 0.021) fast food intake than non-overweight/non-obese participants. In conclusion, fast food is frequently consumed by young men in KSA. Our findings link the likelihood of fast food intake to sociodemographic determinants and obesity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  7. Wong KW, Yap CK, Yaacob A, Nulit R, Omar H, Aris AZ, et al.
    PMID: 33751349 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-13361-3
    Along with the growing utilization of zinc (Zn) and Zn-containing nanoparticles in various industries, Zn ecotoxicological evaluation on human food supply is necessary even though Zn is generally considered safe and rarely concentrated ecotoxicologically. This study aimed to investigate the bioaccumulation of Zn in 18 species of vegetables (seven leafy, nine fruity vegetables and one species each of tuber and legume) collected from two farming sites in the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. A human health risk assessment (HHRA) was also conducted. In addition to HHRA based on the general population, HHRA based on each major ethnic group of the Malaysian society was also determined considering that the food consumption pattern would definitely be varied across ethnicities and age groups (children and adults). The study results showed that Zn concentrations were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in leafy vegetables than in other types of vegetables. However, the target hazard quotient (THQ) values were all found to be < 1.0. Therefore, based on the Malaysian ethnicities and age groups with their respective vegetable consumption patterns, the results indicated insignificant noncarcinogenic human health risk of Zn via oral consumption of vegetables by the Malaysian population. As a metric of measurement of HHRA, a comparison of THQ values could yield previously unreported insights into HHRA differences among the compared populations. A comparison of THQ values among the consumer groups indicated higher HHR for Chinese Malaysians and children due to their higher vegetable consumption and lower body weight, respectively. A comparison the Zn intakes of all the consumer groups with the recommended nutrient intakes indicated that the oral consumption of the vegetable species collected in this study would not result in Zn-related hazards and would not be able to fulfil the Zn dietary need of the individual consumer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  8. Razis AFA, Shehzad MM, Usman S, Ali NB, Iqbal SZ, Naheed N, et al.
    PMID: 33276517 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17238964
    A total of 779 samples of edible nuts (melon seeds, watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds, and cantaloupe seeds) from Southern Punjab (Pakistan), were collected during the summer and the winter seasons. The natural occurrence of aflatoxins (AFs) and vitamin E (tocopherols) levels were investigated using HPLC. The results have shown that 180 (43.4%) of samples from the winter season and 122 (33.4%) samples from the summer season were found positive for AFs. Elevated average levels of total AFs (20.9 ± 3.10 μg/kg, dry weight) were observed in watermelon seeds without shell, and the lowest average amount (15.9 ± 3.60 μg/kg) were documented in melon seeds without shell samples from the winter season. An elevated average amount of total AFs 17.3 ± 1.50 μg/kg was found in pumpkin seeds available without a shell. The results have documented a significant difference in total AFs levels in edible seeds available with shells versus without shells (α = 0.05 & 0.01). The highest dietary intake of 6.30 μg/kg/day was found in female individuals from consuming pumpkin seeds (without shell) in the winter season. A value of 3.00 μg/kg/day was found in pumpkin seed without shell in the summer season in female individuals. The highest total tocopherol levels were 22.2 ± 7.70 ng/100 g in pumpkin seeds samples from the winter season and 14.5 ± 5.50 mg/100 g in melon seed samples from the summer season. The variation of total tocopherol levels in edible seeds among the winter and summer seasons showed a significant difference (p ≤ 0.0054), except watermelon seeds samples with non-significant differences (p ≥ 0.183).
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  9. Nawawi HM, Yazid TN, Ismail F, Khalid BA
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2000 Mar;9(1):41-5.
    PMID: 24394314
    Acarbose inhibits intestinal alpha-glucosidases resulting in diminished and delayed postprandial hyperglycaemia (PPH). Studies on effects of acarbose on postprandial lipaemia (PPL) have been inconclusive. Little is known about the effects of acarbose on PPH and PPL following intake of a polysaccharide diet. We studied 30 type 2 diabetic patients on dietary and/or oral hypoglycaemic agent(s). Thirty patients were recruited for food A (nasi lemak), 28 for food B (mee goreng) and 28 for food C (roti telur), which represent the typical diets of the three main races in Malaysia. Serial blood samples were taken at 15 min before and up to 240 min after each food intake, without acarbose. Subsequently, three doses of 50 mg acarbose were given orally and the same procedure was repeated the following day. There were significantly lower mean increments in plasma glucose levels after compared to before acarbose treatment 30, 45 and 60 min for food A and at 30, 45, 60, 120, 180 and 240 min for food C, but no significant difference was noted for food B. There was a significantly lower mean fasting glucose level after compared with before acarbose treatment following intake of food A and C but not food B. Short-term treatment with acarbose caused significant diminished and delayed PPH response with food A and C but not with food B. Acarbose was more effective in reducing PPH response in polysaccharide foods with a higher and earlier postprandial glucose peak than in those with a lower and lagged peak. There were no significant differences in the mean fasting or postprandial triglyceride levels before and after acarbose treatment, following intake of all three foods for up to 4 hours. Depending on the food absorption pattern, overnight low dose treatment with acarbose leads to diminished fasting and peak plasma glucose levels, and delayed PPH but insignificant reduction in postprandial lipaemia in poorly controlled type 2 diabetics following intake of racially different Malaysian food.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating
  10. Rahman MM, Abdullah RB, Wan Embong WK, Nakagawa T, Akashi R
    Trop Anim Health Prod, 2013 Mar;45(3):873-8.
    PMID: 23096766 DOI: 10.1007/s11250-012-0300-4
    The effects of palm kernel cake (PKC) as a protein source in a concentrate diet (comprising 35 % crushed maize, 30 % rice bran, 32 % PKC, 2 % vitamin mineral premix and 1 % salt) were examined on intake, live weight (LW) gain and digestibility in female goats (average LW of 12.4 ± 2.6 kg). Four goats were randomly allocated to each of the four treatment diets: (a) Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) offered ad libitum (T1), (b) T1 + concentrate at 0.5 % of LW (T2), (c) T1 + concentrate at 1.0 % of LW (T3) and (d) T1 + concentrate at 2.0 % of LW (T4). A 7-day digestibility trial and an 82-day growth experiment were conducted. No differences were observed among diets for intakes of roughage dry matter (DM), total DM, organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). The crude protein (CP) intake increased (P  0.05) among treatments. The digestibility of dietary NDF decreased (P  0.05) difference between T2 and T3 diets. Supplementing a basal diet of Napier grass with PKC-based concentrate improved CP intake and LW gain. The PKC-based concentrate diet can therefore be exploited for the use of local feed resources for goat production; however, further research is required to achieve the best growth response.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  11. Ramadas A, Kandiah M
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2009;10(5):925-32.
    PMID: 20104992
    It is well established that almost all colorectal cancers arise from benign, neoplastic adenomatous polyps. In previous studies, intake of fruits, vegetables and legumes were found to decrease the risk for colorectal adenomas (CRA) and colorectal cancer. This case-control study aimed to evaluate the roles of a variety of foods in contributing to the risk of CRA in Malaysian subjects. One hundred and eighteen subjects were recruited into case (n=59) and control (n=59) groups at Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL). A pre-tested quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to record the types of food items and frequency consumed. Logistic regression was used to determine the crude and adjusted odds ratios of the independent variables. Soy bean and soy products were associated with a reduced risk for CRA (OR = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.15-0.98), while tubers were associated with increase in risk four-fold (OR = 4.14, 95% CI = 1.60-10.70) and red meat intake was found to increase the risk two and a half-fold (OR = 2.51, 95% CI = 1.02-6.28). Higher servings of fruits and vegetables were found to significantly decrease the risk (OR fruits = 0.47, 95% CI = 0.30-0.74; OR vegetables = 0.49, 95% = 0.29-0.80). In conclusion, our data support protective roles for soy, fruits and vegetables in the aetiology of colorectal adenomas and increase in risk in those with high intakes of red meat and tubers. Food intake of an individual may have an influence on one's risk for developing CRA. This finding warrants further investigation before the protective effect of these food items is to be accepted. New studies should explore the possibility of these associations among individuals in the general population especially with regard to different ethnic or other groups in Malaysia with low fruit and vegetable consumption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating*
  12. Yap TW, Leow AH, Azmi AN, Francois F, Perez-Perez GI, Blaser MJ, et al.
    PLoS One, 2015;10(8):e0135771.
    PMID: 26291794 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135771
    More than half of the world's adults carry Helicobacter pylori. The eradication of H. pylori may affect the regulation of human metabolic hormones. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of H. pylori eradication on meal-associated changes in appetite-controlled insulinotropic and digestive hormones, and to assess post-eradication changes in body mass index as part of a currently on-going multicentre ESSAY (Eradication Study in Stable Adults/Youths) study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology
  13. Meimandipour A, Hair-Bejo M, Shuhaimi M, Azhar K, Soleimani AF, Rasti B, et al.
    Br Poult Sci, 2010 Feb;51(1):52-9.
    PMID: 20390569 DOI: 10.1080/00071660903394455
    1. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of supposedly unpleasant physical treatment on broiler performance, small intestinal development and ameliorating role of probiotics. 2. The following treatments were applied from day one: (1) chicks exposed to normal human contact fed basal diet (control); (2) chicks were exposed to unpleasant physical treatment and fed basal diet (UPT-BD); and (3) chicks were exposed to unpleasant physical treatment and fed basal diet supplemented with Lactobacillus (UPT-BDL). Chicks were exposed to UPT from days 1 to 21. Different segments of gastrointestinal tract were sampled at 14, 28, 35 and 42 d of age. 3. Broilers of UPT-BD had lower feed consumption compared with control group at 7 d of age. Overall, UPT-BDL birds showed higher body weight gain (BWG) and better feed conversion ratio (FCR) over the course of the experiment. 4. Birds of UPT-BD had lower concentrations of lactic, propionic and butyric acids in the caecum as compared with other groups at 14 d of age. Acetic acid concentration was profoundly decreased in both UPT groups compared to the control. 5. Duodenal villus height of UPT-BD broilers showed a slight reduction compared to the control and UPT-BDL birds at 14 d of age. Afterwards until day 42, UPT-BDL birds showed the highest villus height among treatments in different parts of the small intestine. 6. The results suggested that, even though UPT did not have significant inhibitory effects on the development of the small intestine and broiler performance, it negatively affected bacterial metabolic end products in the caecum, which could be ameliorated by the addition of Lactobacillus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology*
  14. Hung Ho S, Wang J, Sim KY, Ee GC, Imiyabir Z, Yap KF, et al.
    Phytochemistry, 2003 Apr;62(7):1121-4.
    PMID: 12591266
    We screened more than 60 Malaysian plants against two species of insects and found that Melicope subunifoliolata (Stapf) T.G. Hartley (Rutaceae) showed strong feeding deterrent activity against Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Curculionidae) and very good larvicidal activity against Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera). One anti-insect compound, meliternatin (3,5-dimethoxy-3',4',6,7-bismethylendioxyflavone) (6) and six other minor polyoxygenated flavones were isolated from M. subunifoliolata.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  15. Bhavadharini B, Mohan V, Dehghan M, Rangarajan S, Swaminathan S, Rosengren A, et al.
    Diabetes Care, 2020 11;43(11):2643-2650.
    PMID: 32873587 DOI: 10.2337/dc19-2335
    OBJECTIVE: Previous prospective studies on the association of white rice intake with incident diabetes have shown contradictory results but were conducted in single countries and predominantly in Asia. We report on the association of white rice with risk of diabetes in the multinational Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study.

    RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Data on 132,373 individuals aged 35-70 years from 21 countries were analyzed. White rice consumption (cooked) was categorized as <150, ≥150 to <300, ≥300 to <450, and ≥450 g/day, based on one cup of cooked rice = 150 g. The primary outcome was incident diabetes. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using a multivariable Cox frailty model.

    RESULTS: During a mean follow-up period of 9.5 years, 6,129 individuals without baseline diabetes developed incident diabetes. In the overall cohort, higher intake of white rice (≥450 g/day compared with <150 g/day) was associated with increased risk of diabetes (HR 1.20; 95% CI 1.02-1.40; P for trend = 0.003). However, the highest risk was seen in South Asia (HR 1.61; 95% CI 1.13-2.30; P for trend = 0.02), followed by other regions of the world (which included South East Asia, Middle East, South America, North America, Europe, and Africa) (HR 1.41; 95% CI 1.08-1.86; P for trend = 0.01), while in China there was no significant association (HR 1.04; 95% CI 0.77-1.40; P for trend = 0.38).

    CONCLUSIONS: Higher consumption of white rice is associated with an increased risk of incident diabetes with the strongest association being observed in South Asia, while in other regions, a modest, nonsignificant association was seen.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating*
  16. Suriawati AA, Majid HA, Al-Sadat N, Mohamed MN, Jalaludin MY
    Nutrients, 2016 Oct 24;8(10).
    PMID: 27783041
    BACKGROUND: Dietary calcium and vitamin D are essential for bone development. Apart from diet, physical activity may potentially improve and sustain bone health.

    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship between the dietary intake of calcium and vitamin D, physical activity, and bone mineral content (BMC) in 13-year-old Malaysian adolescents.

    DESIGN: Cross-sectional.

    SETTING: Selected public secondary schools from the central and northern regions of Peninsular Malaysia.

    PARTICIPANTS: The subjects were from the Malaysian Health and Adolescents Longitudinal Research Team Cohort study (MyHeARTs).

    METHODS: The data included seven-day diet histories, anthropometric measurements, and the BMC of calcaneal bone using a portable broadband ultrasound bone densitometer. Nutritionist Pro software was used to calculate the dietary calcium and vitamin D intakes from the diet histories, based on the Nutrient Composition of Malaysian Food Database guidance for the dietary calcium intake and the Singapore Energy and Nutrient Composition of Food Database for vitamin D intake.

    RESULTS: A total of 289 adolescents (65.7% females) were recruited. The average dietary intakes of calcium and vitamin D were 377 ± 12 mg/day and 2.51 ± 0.12 µg/day, respectively, with the majority of subjects failing to meet the Recommended Nutrient Intake (RNI) of Malaysia for dietary calcium and vitamin D. All the subjects had a normal Z-score for the BMC (-2.00 or higher) with a mean of 0.55 ± 0.01. From the statistical analysis of the factors contributing to BMC, it was found that for those subjects with a higher intake of vitamin D, a higher combination of the intake of vitamin D and calcium resulted in significantly higher BMC quartiles. The regression analysis showed that the BMC might have been influenced by the vitamin D intake.

    CONCLUSIONS: A combination of the intake of vitamin D and calcium is positively associated with the BMC.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology*
  17. Rahman KM
    Med J Malaysia, 1975 Jun;29(4):270-4.
    PMID: 1105100
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding and Eating Disorders/drug therapy*
  18. Tan ES, Simons RC
    Br J Psychiatry, 1973 Jan;122(566):57-63.
    PMID: 4509384
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding and Eating Disorders/etiology
  19. Lim YJ, Jamaluddin R, Er YT
    Nutrients, 2018 Jun 25;10(7).
    PMID: 29941848 DOI: 10.3390/nu10070819
    A microscale built environment was the focus in this cross-sectional study which aimed to investigate the associations between platescapes, foodscapes, and meal energy intake among subjects. A total of 133 subjects (54 male, 79 female) with mean age 36.8 ± 7.3 years completed a self-administered questionnaire on sociodemographic characteristics, platescapes, and foodscape preferences. For platescapes, a plate mapping method was used, where subjects were required to place various sizes of food models on two different sized plates (23 cm and 28 cm) based on their preferences. For foodscape preferences, subjects were given a 23-cm plate and various food models differentiated by shapes and colours. Then, 24-h daily recalls (for one weekday and one weekend day) were obtained using interviews. Significant differences were observed in meal energy intake (p < 0.05) between males (1741 ± 339 kcal) and females (1625 ± 247 kcal) and also between age groups (p < 0.05). There was a significant difference (p < 0.0001) in terms of subjects’ meal energy intake when comparing 23-cm plates (419 ± 124 kcal) and 28-cm plates (561 ± 143 kcal). The bigger plate (28 cm) (p < 0.01) was significantly associated with subjects’ meal energy intakes, but this was not so for the 23-cm plate. There were significant differences in subjects’ meal energy when comparing white rice and multicoloured rice (p < 0.0001), unicoloured and multicoloured proteins (p < 0.0001), and unicoloured and multicoloured vegetables (p < 0.0001). There was a significant difference found between round- and cube-shaped proteins (p < 0.05). The colours of rice (p < 0.01), protein (p < 0.05), and vegetables (p < 0.05) were significantly associated with subjects’ meal energy. Only the shape of carrots in vegetables (p = 0.01) was significantly associated with subjects’ meal energy. Subconsciously, platescapes and foodscapes affect an individual’s energy intake, and thus these elements should be considered in assessing one’s dietary consumption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating*
  20. Khor BH, Sahathevan S, Sualeheen A, Ali MSM, Narayanan SS, Chinna K, et al.
    Nutrition, 2019 01 15;63-64:14-21.
    PMID: 30927642 DOI: 10.1016/j.nut.2019.01.005
    OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were threefold: first, to assess the dietary fatty acid (FA) intake and blood FA status in Malaysian patients on hemodialysis (HD); second, to examine the association between dietary FA intakes and blood FA profiles in patients on HD; and third, to determine whether blood FAs could serve as a biomarker of dietary fat intake quality in these patients.

    METHODS: Using 3 d of dietary records, FA intakes of 333 recruited patients were calculated using a food database built from laboratory analyses of commonly consumed Malaysian foods. Plasma triacylglycerol (TG) and erythrocyte FAs were determined by gas chromatography.

    RESULTS: High dietary saturated fatty acid (SFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) consumption trends were observed. Patients on HD also reported low dietary ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) consumptions and low levels of TG and erythrocyte FAs. TG and dietary FAs were significantly associated respective to total PUFA, total ω-6 PUFA, 18:2 ω-6, total ω-3 PUFA, 18:3 ω-3, 22:6 ω-3, and trans 18:2 isomers (P < 0.05). Contrarily, only dietary total ω-3 PUFA and 22:6 ω-3 were significantly associated with erythrocyte FAs (P < 0.01). The highest tertile of fish and shellfish consumption reflected a significantly higher proportion of TG 22:6 ω-3. Dietary SFAs were directly associated with TG and erythrocyte MUFA, whereas dietary PUFAs were not.

    CONCLUSION: TG and erythrocyte FAs serve as biomarkers of dietary PUFA intake in patients on HD. Elevation of circulating MUFA may be attributed to inadequate intake of PUFAs.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology*
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