Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 450 in total

  1. Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1393-1400.
    Numerous studies have shown that parasites potentially become bio-accumulators for heavy metals. The heavy metals
    content in parasite-infected fish was reported to be lower compared to the parasite non-infected fish. Evaluation of heavy
    metal content in Nemipterus peronii and Paraphilometroides nemipteri was performed using ICP-OES. Our result has
    shown that arsenic was the most abundance heavy metal content in muscle N. peronii and P. nemipteri, suggesting that
    the parasite has the ability to accumulate heavy metals. Heavy metals were reported to induce oxidative stress where
    glutathione and p38 protein may be involved. Thus, expression of the p38 protein was determined using western blot
    technique and glutathione content was measured fluorometrically. The p38 expression in P. nemipteri of Pulau Kambing
    was higher compared to P. nemipteri of Besut has shown that the parasite may exposed to stress. Glutathione content
    showed no significant changes due to detoxification mechanism occurred in the parasite. In this study, we could conclude
    that P. nemipteri could be a bio-accumulator, whereas p38 protein and glutathione as indicator of stress level in the
    parasite that exposed to the heavy metals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy
  2. Ahmad Mahir R, Arfah A, Rozaimah Z, Siti Adyani S, Khairiah J, Ismail B
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2305-2313.
    The study was conducted to determine the best model suitable for the determination of ferrum uptake in Brassica chinensis (flowering white cabbage). A nonlinear regression model was selected to determine the amount of ferrum absorbed by each part of the Brassica chinensis plant namely the leaves, stems and roots. The Levenberg-Marquardt method was used to perform the nonlinear least square fit. This method employs information on the gradients and hence requires specification of the partial derivatives. A suitable model was obtained from the exponential regression model. The polynomial model was found to be appropriate for leaves, the mono-exponential model was suitable for stems and the simple exponential model for roots. The residual plots and the normal probability plots from each of the models indicated no substantial diagnostic problems, so it can be concluded that the polynomial and exponential regression models provide adequate fit to determine data on heavy metal uptake by the flowering white cabbage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy
  3. Mana SCA, Fatt NT, Ashraf MA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2017 Oct;24(29):22799-22807.
    PMID: 27987120 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8195-7
    The field of arsenic pollution research has grown rapidly in recent years. Arsenic constitutes a broad range of elements from the Earth's crust and is released into the environment from both anthropogenic and natural sources due to its relative mobility under different redox conditions. The toxicity of arsenic is described in its inorganic form, as inorganic arsenic compounds can leach into different environments. Sampling was carried out in the Bestari Jaya catchment while using a land use map to locate the site, and experiments were conducted via sequential extraction and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy to quantify proportions of arsenic in the sediment samples. The results show that metals in sediments of nonresidual fractions, which are more likely to be likely released into aquatic environments, are more plentiful than the residual sediment fractions. These findings support the mobility of heavy metals and especially arsenic through sediment layers, which can facilitate remediation in environments heavily polluted with heavy metals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy
  4. Mohammad Ali BN, Lin CY, Cleophas F, Abdullah MH, Musta B
    Environ Monit Assess, 2015 Jan;187(1):4190.
    PMID: 25471626 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-014-4190-y
    This paper describes the concentration of selected heavy metals (Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the Mamut river sediments and evaluate the degree of contamination of the river polluted by a disused copper mine. Based on the analytical results, copper showed the highest concentration in most of the river samples. A comparison with Interim Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines (ICSQG) and Germany Sediment Quality Guidelines (GSQG) indicated that the sediment samples in all the sampling stations, except Mamut river control site (M1), exceeded the limit established for Cu, Ni, and Pb. On the contrary, Zn concentrations were reported well below the guidelines limit (ICSQG and GSQG). Mineralogical analysis indicated that the Mamut river sediments were primarily composed of quartz and accessory minerals such as chalcopyrite, pyrite, edenite, kaolinite, mica, and muscovite, reflected by the geological character of the study area. Enrichment factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) were calculated to evaluate the heavy metal pollution in river sediments. Igeo values indicated that all the sites were strongly polluted with the studied metals in most sampling stations, specifically those located along the Mamut main stream. The enrichment factor with value greater than 1.5 suggested that the source of heavy metals was mainly derived from anthropogenic activity such as mining. The degree of metal changes (δfold) revealed that Cu concentration in the river sediments has increased as much as 20 to 38 folds since the preliminary investigation conducted in year 2004.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis*; Metals, Heavy/standards
  5. Ashraf MA, Maah MJ, Yusoff I
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2012;2012:125608.
    PMID: 22566758 DOI: 10.1100/2012/125608
    This study describes the chemical speciation of Pb, Zn, Cu, Cr, As, and Sn in soil of former tin mining catchment. Total five sites were selected for sampling and subsequent subsamples were collected from each site in order to create a composite sample for analysis. Samples were analysed by the sequential extraction procedure using optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES). Small amounts of Cu, Cr, and As retrieved from the exchangeable phase, the ready available for biogeochemical cycles in the ecosystem. Low quantities of Cu and As could be taken up by plants in these kind of acidic soils. Zn not detected in the bioavailable forms while Pb is only present in negligible amounts in very few samples. The absence of mobile forms of Pb eliminates the toxic risk both in the trophic chain and its migration downwards the soil profile. The results also indicate that most of the metals have high abundance in residual fraction indicating lithogenic origin and low bioavailability of the metals in the studied soil. The average potential mobility for the metals giving the following order: Sn > Cu > Zn > Pb > Cr > As.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis; Metals, Heavy/chemistry*
  6. Shuhaimi-Othman M, Yakub N, Ramle NA, Abas A
    Toxicol Ind Health, 2011 Jul;27(6):523-30.
    PMID: 21343224 DOI: 10.1177/0748233710391993
    Adult Macrobrachium lanchesteri were exposed for a 4-day period in laboratory conditions to a range of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn) and lead (Pb) concentrations. Mortality was assessed and median lethal times (LT₅₀) and concentrations (LC₅₀) were calculated. At the end of the 4-day period, live prawns were used to determine bioconcentration of the metals. LT₅₀ and LC₅₀ increased with the decrease in mean exposure concentrations and times, respectively, for all metals. LC₅₀s for 96 hours for Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb were 32.3, 7.0, 525.1 and 35.0 µg/L, respectively. Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb bioconcentration in M. lanchesteri increases with exposure to increasing concentrations and Cd was the most toxic to M. lanchesteri, followed by Pb, Cu and Zn. Comparison of LC₅₀ values for metals for this species with those for other freshwater crustacean organisms reveals that M. lanchesteri is equally or more sensitive to heavy metals than most other tested crustaceans.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/pharmacokinetics; Metals, Heavy/toxicity*
  7. Yap CK, Edward FB, Tan SG
    Environ Monit Assess, 2010 Jun;165(1-4):39-53.
    PMID: 19452255 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-009-0925-6
    Multivariate analysis including correlation, multiple stepwise linear regression, and cluster analyses were applied to investigate the heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the different parts of bivalves and gastropods. It was also aimed to distinguish statistically the differences between the marine bivalves and the gastropods with regards to the accumulation of heavy metals in the different tissues. The different parts of four species of bivalves and four species of gastropods were obtained and analyzed for heavy metals. The multivariate analyses were then applied on the data. From the multivariate analyses conducted, there were correlations found between the soft tissues of bivalves and gastropods, but none was found between the shells and the soft tissues of most of the molluscs (except for Cerithidea obtusa and Puglina cochlidium). The significant correlations (P < 0.05) found between the soft tissues were further complemented by the multiple stepwise linear regressions where heavy metals in the total soft tissues were influenced by the accumulation in the different types of soft tissues. The present study found that the distributions of heavy metals in the different parts of molluscs were related to their feeding habits and living habitats. The statistical approaches proposed in this study are recommended for use in biomonitoring studies, since multivariate analyses can reduce the cost and time involved in identifying an effective tissue to monitor the heavy metal(s) bioavailability and contamination in tropical coastal waters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis*; Metals, Heavy/pharmacokinetics
  8. Mohd Tahir N, Poh SC, Suratman S, Ariffin MM, Shazali NA, Yunus K
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2009 Aug;83(2):199-203.
    PMID: 19436928 DOI: 10.1007/s00128-009-9751-3
    Results from the present study in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia indicated a significant spatial variation but generally the total suspended particulate concentrations (mean = 17.2-148 microg/m(3)) recorded were below the recommended Malaysia guideline for total suspended particulate (mean of 24-h measurement = 260 microg/m(3)). Some of the elemental composition of particulate aerosol is clearly affected by non crustal sources, e.g. vehicular emission sources. Based on correlation and enrichment analyses, the elements could be grouped into two i.e. Pb, Cd and Zn group with sources from vehicular emission (r > 0.6; enrichment factor > 10) and Al, Fe, Mn and Cr group that appears to be of crustal origin (r > 0.6; enrichment factor < 10). It can also be concluded that the mean levels of Pb (1 ng/m(3)), Cd (0.02 ng/m(3)) and Zn (2 ng/m(3)) in the study area are generally lower than other urban areas in Malaysia (Pb < 181 ng/m(3); Cd < 6 ng/m(3); Zn < 192 ng/m(3)).
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis*; Metals, Heavy/chemistry
  9. Aroua MK, Leong SP, Teo LY, Yin CY, Daud WM
    Bioresour Technol, 2008 Sep;99(13):5786-92.
    PMID: 18023577
    In this study, the kinetics of adsorption of Pb(II) from aqueous solution onto palm shell-based activated carbon (PSAC) were investigated by employing ion selective electrode (ISE) for real-time Pb(II) and pH monitoring. Usage of ISE was very appropriate for real-time adsorption kinetics data collection as it facilitated recording of adsorption data at very specific and short time intervals as well as provided consistent kinetics data. Parameters studied were initial Pb(II) concentration and agitation speed. It was found that increases in initial Pb(II) concentration and agitation speed resulted in higher initial rate of adsorption. Pseudo first-order, pseudo second-order, Elovich, intraparticle diffusion and liquid film diffusion models were used to fit the adsorption kinetics data. It was suggested that chemisorption was the rate-controlling step for adsorption of Pb(II) onto PSAC since the adsorption kinetics data fitted both the pseudo second-order and Elovich models well.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis; Metals, Heavy/toxicity
  10. Azizi AB, Lim MP, Noor ZM, Abdullah N
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2013 Apr;90:13-20.
    PMID: 23294636 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2012.12.006
    Experiments were conducted to remove heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn) from urban sewage sludge (SS) amended with spent mushroom compost (SMC) using worms, Lumbricus rubellus, for 105 days, after 21 days of pre-composting. Five combinations of SS/SMC treatments were prepared in triplicate along with a control for each treatment in microcosms. Analysis of the earthworms' multiplication and growth and laboratory analysis were conducted during the tenth and fifteenth week of vermicomposting. Our result showed that the final biomass of earthworms (mg) and final number of earthworms showed significant differences between treatments i.e. F=554.70, P=0.00 and F=729.10, P=0.00 respectively. The heavy metals Cr, Cd and Pb contained in vermicompost were lower than initial concentrations, with 90-98.7 percent removal on week ten. However, concentrations of Cu and Zn, that are considered as micronutrients, were higher than initial concentrations, but they were 10-200-fold lower than the EU and USA biosolid compost limits and Malaysian Recommended Site Screening Levels for Contaminated Land (SSLs). An increment of heavy metals were recorded in vermicompost for all treatments on week fifteen compared to week ten, while concentration of heavy metals in earthworms' tissue were lower compared to vermicompost. Hence, it is suggested that earthworms begin to discharge heavy metals into their surroundings and it was evident that the earthworms' heavy metals excretion period was within the interval of ten to fifteen weeks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis; Metals, Heavy/metabolism*
  11. Rahman MS, Sathasivam KV
    Biomed Res Int, 2015;2015:126298.
    PMID: 26295032 DOI: 10.1155/2015/126298
    Biosorption process is a promising technology for the removal of heavy metals from industrial wastes and effluents using low-cost and effective biosorbents. In the present study, adsorption of Pb(2+), Cu(2+), Fe(2+), and Zn(2+) onto dried biomass of red seaweed Kappaphycus sp. was investigated as a function of pH, contact time, initial metal ion concentration, and temperature. The experimental data were evaluated by four isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich) and four kinetic models (pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich, and intraparticle diffusion models). The adsorption process was feasible, spontaneous, and endothermic in nature. Functional groups in the biomass involved in metal adsorption process were revealed as carboxylic and sulfonic acids and sulfonate by Fourier transform infrared analysis. A total of nine error functions were applied to validate the models. We strongly suggest the analysis of error functions for validating adsorption isotherm and kinetic models using linear methods. The present work shows that the red seaweed Kappaphycus sp. can be used as a potentially low-cost biosorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. Further study is warranted to evaluate its feasibility for the removal of heavy metals from the real environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/toxicity; Metals, Heavy/chemistry*
  12. Ab Razak NH, Praveena SM, Aris AZ, Hashim Z
    J Epidemiol Glob Health, 2015 Dec;5(4):297-310.
    PMID: 25944153 DOI: 10.1016/j.jegh.2015.04.003
    Malaysia has abundant sources of drinking water from river and groundwater. However, rapid developments have deteriorated quality of drinking water sources in Malaysia. Heavy metal studies in terms of drinking water, applications of health risk assessment and bio-monitoring in Malaysia were reviewed from 2003 to 2013. Studies on heavy metal in drinking water showed the levels are under the permissible limits as suggested by World Health Organization and Malaysian Ministry of Health. Future studies on the applications of health risk assessment are crucial in order to understand the risk of heavy metal exposure through drinking water to Malaysian population. Among the biomarkers that have been reviewed, toenail is the most useful tool to evaluate body burden of heavy metal. Toenails are easy to collect, store, transport and analysed. This review will give a clear guidance for future studies of Malaysian drinking water. In this way, it will help risk managers to minimize the exposure at optimum level as well as the government to formulate policies in safe guarding the population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/adverse effects*; Metals, Heavy/analysis*
  13. Zain SM, Basri H, Suja F, Jaafar O
    Water Sci Technol, 2002;46(9):303-8.
    PMID: 12448482
    Some of the major concerns when applying sewage sludge to land include the potential effect on pH and cation exchange capacity; the mobility and the accumulation of heavy metals in sludge treated soil; the potential of applying too much nutrients and the problems associated with odors and insects. The main objective of this study is to identify the effects of sewage sludge application on the physical and chemical properties of sludge treated soil. Sewage sludge was applied to soil at various rates ranging from 0 L/m2 to 341 L/m2. In order to simulate the natural environment, the study was carried out at a pilot treatment site (5.2 m x 6.7 m) in an open area, covered with transparent roofing material to allow natural sunlight to pass through. Simulated rain was applied by means of a sprinkler system. Data obtained from sludge treated soil showed that the pH values decreased when the application rates were increased and the application period prolonged. The effect of sewage sludge on cation exchange capacity was not so clear; the values obtained for every application rate of sewage sludge did not indicate any consistent behaviour. The mobility of heavy metals in soils treated with sludge were described by observing the changes in the concentration of the heavy metals. The study showed that Cd has the highest mobility in sludge treated soil followed by Cu, Cr, Zn, Ni and Pb.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis*; Metals, Heavy/chemistry
  14. Zulfadhly Z, Mashitah MD, Bhatia S
    Environ Pollut, 2001;112(3):463-70.
    PMID: 11291452
    The ability of Pycnoporus sanguineus to adsorb heavy metals from aqueous solution was investigated in fixed-bed column studies. The experiments were conducted to study the effect of important design parameters such as column bed height, flow rate and initial concentration of solution. The breakthrough profiles were obtained in these studies. A mathematical model based on external mass transfer and pore diffusion was used for the prediction of mass transfer coefficient and effective diffusivity of metals in macro-fungi bed. Experimental breakthrough profiles were compared with the simulated breakthrough profiles obtained from the mathematical model. Bed Depth Service Time (BDST) model was used to analyse the experimental data and evaluated the performance of biosorption column. The BDST model parameters needed for the design of biosorption columns were evaluated for lead, copper and cadmium removal in the column. The columns were regenerated by eluting the metal ions using 0.1 M hydrochloric acid solution after the adsorption studies. The columns were subjected to repeated cycles of adsorption of same metal ions and desorption to evaluate the removal efficiency after adsorption-desorption.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/pharmacokinetics*; Metals, Heavy/chemistry
  15. Ong SA, Lim PE, Seng CE
    Ann Chim, 2004 Jan-Feb;94(1-2):85-92.
    PMID: 15141467
    The sorption of Cu(II) and Cd(II) from synthetic solution by powdered activated carbon (PAC), biomass, rice husk (RH) and activated rice husk (ARH) were investigate under batch conditions. After activated by concentrated nitric acid for 15 hours at 60-65 degrees C, the adsorption capacity for RH was increased. The adsorbents arranged in the increasing order of adsorption capacities to the Langmuir Q degree parameter were biomass > PAC > ARH > RH. The addition of adsorbents in base mix solution had increased the specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) activated sludge microorganisms with and without the presence of metals. The increased of SOUR were due to the ability of PAC and RH in reducing the inhibitory effect of metals on microorganisms and provide a reaction site between activated sludge microorganisms and substrates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/isolation & purification*; Metals, Heavy/chemistry
  16. Lim PE, Mak KY, Mohamed N, Noor AM
    Water Sci Technol, 2003;48(5):307-13.
    PMID: 14621178
    This study was conducted to: (1) evaluate the performance of constructed wetlands in removing Zn, Pb and Cd, respectively, and Zn, Pb, Cd and Cu in combination and (2) investigate the speciation patterns of the dissolved metals differentiated according to their detectability by anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) and their lability towards Chelex resin along the treatment path of metal-containing wastewater in horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetlands. Four laboratory scale wetland units planted with cattails (Typha latifolia) were operated outdoors for six months. Three of the units were, respectively, fed with primary-treated domestic wastewater spiked with Zn(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) whilst the fourth was spiked with a combination of Zn(II), Pb(II), Cd(II) and Cu(II). The results demonstrate that a metal removal efficiency of over 99% was achievable for wetland units treating the metals singly or in combination provided the sorption capacity of the media was not exceeded. When treating the metals in combination, an antagonistic effect, more significantly for Pb and Cd, on the sorptive metal uptake by media was observed. Based on the metal speciation patterns, the wetland system seemed to be capable of maintaining the ASV-labile metal species at relatively low level (< 10%) before media exhaustion.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/isolation & purification*; Metals, Heavy/chemistry
  17. Razak MR, Aris AZ, Zakaria NAC, Wee SY, Ismail NAH
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2021 Mar 15;211:111905.
    PMID: 33453636 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.111905
    The constant increase of heavy metals into the aqueous environment has become a contemporary global issue of concern to government authorities and the public. The study assesses the concentration, distribution, and risk assessment of heavy metals in freshwater from the Linggi River, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Species sensitivity distribution (SSD) was utilised to calculate the cumulative probability distribution of toxicity from heavy metals. The aquatic organism's toxicity data obtained from the ECOTOXicology knowledgebase (ECOTOX) was used to estimate the predictive non-effects concentration (PNEC). The decreasing sequence of hazardous concentration (HC5) was manganese > aluminium > copper > lead > arsenic > cadmium > nickel > zinc > selenium, respectively. The highest heavy metal concentration was iron with a mean value of 45.77 μg L-1, followed by manganese (14.41 μg L-1) and aluminium (11.72 μg L-1). The mean heavy metal pollution index (HPI) value in this study is 11.52, implying low-level heavy metal pollutions in Linggi River. The risk quotient (RQ) approaches were applied to assess the potential risk of heavy metals. The RQ shows a medium risk of aluminium (RQm = 0.1125) and zinc (RQm = 0.1262); a low risk of arsenic (RQm = 0.0122) and manganese (RQm = 0.0687); and a negligible risk of cadmium (RQm = 0.0085), copper (RQm = 0.0054), nickel (RQm = 0.0054), lead (RQm = 0.0016) and selenium (RQm = 0.0012). The output of this study produces comprehensive pollution risk, thus provides insights for the legislators regarding exposure management and mitigation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis; Metals, Heavy/toxicity*
  18. Bristy MS, Sarker KK, Baki MA, Quraishi SB, Hossain MM, Islam A, et al.
    Environ Toxicol Pharmacol, 2021 Aug;86:103666.
    PMID: 33895355 DOI: 10.1016/j.etap.2021.103666
    Metal contaminations in commercial fish have become a great public health concern worldwide including Bangladesh. The current study was conducted to provide preliminary evidence of nine metals in three commercially significant fish namely Pampus argenteus, Sardinella longiceps and Tenualosa ilisha collected from four coastal stations- Kuakata, Pathorghata, Cox's Bazar, and Pirojpur, and eight stations of five rivers- Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Katcha, and Nobogonga in Bangladesh. High magnitudes of Pb (0.74-4.59 mg/kg ww), Cd (0.07-0.24 mg/kg ww), and Mn (0.45-2.03 mg/kg ww) were recorded in the sampling stations that exceeded the maximum permissible limits (MPL) proposed by different recognized organizations. Significant mean differences of metal concentrations were observed (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis*; Metals, Heavy/toxicity
  19. Saidur MR, Aziz AR, Basirun WJ
    Biosens Bioelectron, 2017 Apr 15;90:125-139.
    PMID: 27886599 DOI: 10.1016/j.bios.2016.11.039
    The presence of heavy metal in food chains due to the rapid industrialization poses a serious threat on the environment. Therefore, detection and monitoring of heavy metals contamination are gaining more attention nowadays. However, the current analytical methods (based on spectroscopy) for the detection of heavy metal contamination are often very expensive, tedious and can only be handled by trained personnel. DNA biosensors, which are based on electrochemical transduction, is a sensitive but inexpensive method of detection. The principles, sensitivity, selectivity and challenges of electrochemical biosensors are discussed in this review. This review also highlights the major advances of DNA-based electrochemical biosensors for the detection of heavy metal ions such as Hg(2+), Ag(+), Cu(2+) and Pb(2+).
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/isolation & purification*; Metals, Heavy/toxicity
  20. Erabee IK, Ahsan A, Jose B, Arunkumar T, Sathyamurthy R, Idrus S, et al.
    PMID: 28471297 DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2017.1303309
    This study investigated the effects of different parameters on the removal efficiencies of organic and inorganic pollutants in landfill leachate treatment by electrolysis. Different parameters were considered such as the electric potential (e.g., 24, 40 and 60 V), hydraulic retention time (HRT) (e.g., 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 min), sodium chloride (NaCl) concentration (e.g., 1, 3, 5 and 7%), pH (e.g., 3, 7 and 9), electrodes materials [e.g., aluminum (Al) and iron (Fe)] and distance between electrodes (e.g., 1, 2 and 3 cm). The best operational condition of electrolysis was then recommended. The electric potential of 60 V with HRT of 120 min at 5% of NaCl solution using Al as anode and Fe as cathode (kept at a distance of 3 cm) was the most efficient condition which increased the removal efficiencies of various parameters such as turbidity, salinity, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and heavy metals (e.g., Zn and Mn). The higher removal percentages of many parameters, especially COD (94%) and Mn (93%) indicated that the electrolysis is an efficient technique for multi-pollutants (e.g., organic, inorganic and heavy metals) removal from the landfill leachate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Metals, Heavy/analysis*; Metals, Heavy/chemistry
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