METHODOLOGY: Sixty-seven laboratory Salmonella enterica strains were tested. Six sets of primers targeting defined regions of the O antigen synthesis genes (rfb gene cluster) and Vi antigen gene (viaB) were selected and combined into a multiplex PCR for O-grouping. Four primers (H-for, Ha-rev, Hb-rev and Hd-rev) were used in the second step multiplex PCR for H-typing. The optimized mPCR assays were further evaluated with 58 blind-coded Salmonella strains.
RESULTS: The multiplex PCR results obtained showed 100% concordance to the conventionally typed serogroups. Validation with 58 blind coded Salmonella strains yield 100% accuracy and specificity.
CONCLUSION: Based on this study, PCR serogrouping proved to be a rapid, alternative method for further differentiation of Salmonella enterica.
METHODS: Sensitive and specific nested polymerase chain reaction was used to identify all Plasmodium species present in (1) blood samples obtained from 960 patients with malaria who were hospitalized in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, during 2001-2006; (2) 54 P. malariae archival blood films from 15 districts in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo (during 2003-2005), and 4 districts in Pahang, Peninsular Malaysia (during 2004-2005); and (3) 4 patients whose suspected cause of death was P. knowlesi malaria. For the 4 latter cases, available clinical and laboratory data were reviewed.
RESULTS: P. knowlesi DNA was detected in 266 (27.7%) of 960 of the samples from Sarawak hospitals, 41 (83.7%) of 49 from Sabah, and all 5 from Pahang. Only P. knowlesi DNA was detected in archival blood films from the 4 patients who died. All were hyperparasitemic and developed marked hepatorenal dysfunction.
CONCLUSIONS: Human infection with P. knowlesi, commonly misidentified as the more benign P. malariae, are widely distributed across Malaysian Borneo and extend to Peninsular Malaysia. Because P. knowlesi replicates every 24 h, rapid diagnosis and prompt effective treatment are essential. In the absence of a specific routine diagnostic test for P. knowlesi malaria, we recommend that patients who reside in or have traveled to Southeast Asia and who have received a "P. malariae" hyperparasitemia diagnosis by microscopy receive intensive management as appropriate for severe falciparum malaria.