METHODS: A cluster-randomized controlled trial was conducted with schools as clusters over a period of six-months with pre and post intervention evaluations. Participants were public secondary school students (14-19 years) from four schools in Brong Ahafo, Ghana. Students in the intervention group were trained by the researchers whereas those of the control group received no intervention. The intervention included health education and physical activity modules. Follow-up data using same questionnaire were collected within two weeks after the intervention was completed. Intention-to-treat analysis was performed after replacing missing values using the multiple imputation method. The generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) was used to assess the effects of the intervention study.
RESULTS: The GLMM analyses showed the intervention was effective in attaining 0.77(p<0.001), 0.72(p<0.001), 0.47(p<0.001), 0.56(p<0.001), and 0.39(p = 0.045) higher total physical activity, fruits, vegetables, seafood, and water scores respectively for the intervention group over the control group. The intervention was also significant in reducing -0.15(p<0.001),-0.23(p<0.001),-0.50(p<0.001),-0.32(p<0.001),-0.90(p<0.001),-0.87(p<0.001),-0.38(p<0.001), -0.63(p<0.001), -1.63(p<0.001), 0.61(p<0.001), and -1.53(p = 0.005) carbohydrates, fats and oils, fried eggs, fried chicken, carbonated drinks, sugar, sweet snacks, salted fish, weight, BMI, and diastolic BP. The odds of quitting alcohol use in the intervention group were 1.06 times more than the control group. There was no significant effect on reducing smoking and systolic BP.
CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need for the intervention program to be integrated into the existing curriculum structure of secondary school schools. Implementing the intervention will allow for longer and more consistent impact on the reduction of CVD risk factors among secondary school students.
METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: Eating behaviors namely Cognitive Restraint, Uncontrolled Eating and Emotional Eating scores were assessed by the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18. The preference/intake frequency/craving of 26 common high-fat Malaysian foods was assessed using a 7-point hedonic scale. Anthropometric measurements were taken and Taq1 gene polymorphisms were genotyped by PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism using DNA extracted from mouthwash samples.
RESULTS: The overall minor allele frequencies of Taq1A, Taq1B and Taq1D according to ethnicities (Chinese/Indian) were 0.37/0.29, 0.39/0.28, 0.06/0.30, respectively; genotype and allele distributions of Taq1B and Taq1D were significantly different between ethnicities. Eating behaviorscores were not significantly different between gender and ethnicities. Those with A1 or B1 allele had lower Cognitive Restraint score and higher Uncontrolled Eating score, while those with A1/A1 or B1/B1 genotype had higher fast food preference. D1 allele was associated with increased starchy food craving and mamak (Malaysian Indian-Muslim) food preference, but not eating behavior scores. All three gene variants were not associated with obesity and adiposity.
CONCLUSION: Taken together, we posit that three DRD2 Taq1 gene polymorphisms influence the eating behavior and preference/intake frequency/craving of certain high-fat foods in Malaysian adults, but their role in obesity and adiposity is still inconclusive and needs further investigation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This cross- sectional study was conducted among 286 non-smokers from two healthcare training centres and two nearby colleges in Malaysia from January 2015 to April 2015. A standardized questionnaire was administered via staff and student emails. The questionnaire collected information on sociodemographic characteristics, support for a tobacco-free policy and perceived respiratory and sensory symptoms due to tobacco exposure. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to estimate the independent effects of supporting a tobacco-free campus.
RESULTS: The percentage of individuals supporting completely tobacco-free facilities was 83.2% (N=238), as opposed to 16.7% (N=48) in support of partially tobacco-free facilities. Compared to the supporters of partially tobacco-free facilities, non-smokers who supported completely tobacco-free health facilities were more likely to be female, have higher education levels, to be very concerned about the effects of other people smoking on their health and to perceive a tobacco-free policy as very important. In addition, they perceived that tobacco smoke bothered them at work by causing headaches and coughs and, in the past 4 weeks, had experienced difficulty breathing. In the multivariate model, after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics and other factors, only experiencing coughs and headaches increased the odds of supporting a completely tobacco-free campus, up to 2.5- and 1.9-fold, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: Coughs and headaches due to other people smoking at work enhances support for a completely tobacco-free campus among non-smokers.