Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 1087 in total

  1. Dewey RS, Hall DA, Plack CJ, Francis ST
    Magn Reson Med, 2021 11;86(5):2577-2588.
    PMID: 34196020 DOI: 10.1002/mrm.28902
    PURPOSE: Detecting sound-related activity using functional MRI requires the auditory stimulus to be more salient than the intense background scanner acoustic noise. Various strategies can reduce the impact of scanner acoustic noise, including "sparse" temporal sampling with single/clustered acquisitions providing intervals without any background scanner acoustic noise, or active noise cancelation (ANC) during "continuous" temporal sampling, which generates an acoustic signal that adds destructively to the scanner acoustic noise, substantially reducing the acoustic energy at the participant's eardrum. Furthermore, multiband functional MRI allows multiple slices to be collected simultaneously, thereby reducing scanner acoustic noise in a given sampling period.

    METHODS: Isotropic multiband functional MRI (1.5 mm) with sparse sampling (effective TR = 9000 ms, acquisition duration = 1962 ms) and continuous sampling (TR = 2000 ms) with ANC were compared in 15 normally hearing participants. A sustained broadband noise stimulus was presented to drive activation of both sustained and transient auditory responses within subcortical and cortical auditory regions.

    RESULTS: Robust broadband noise-related activity was detected throughout the auditory pathways. Continuous sampling with ANC was found to give a statistically significant advantage over sparse sampling for the detection of the transient (onset) stimulus responses, particularly in the auditory cortex (P < .001) and inferior colliculus (P < .001), whereas gains provided by sparse over continuous ANC for detecting offset and sustained responses were marginal (p ~ 0.05 in superior olivary complex, inferior colliculus, medial geniculate body, and auditory cortex).

    CONCLUSIONS: Sparse and continuous ANC multiband functional MRI protocols provide differing advantages for observing the transient (onset and offset) and sustained stimulus responses.

  2. Ang CYS, Chiew YS, Vu LH, Cove ME
    Comput Methods Programs Biomed, 2022 Mar;215:106601.
    PMID: 34973606 DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106601
    BACKGROUND: Spontaneous breathing (SB) effort during mechanical ventilation (MV) is an important metric of respiratory drive. However, SB effort varies due to a variety of factors, including evolving pathology and sedation levels. Therefore, assessment of SB efforts needs to be continuous and non-invasive. This is important to prevent both over- and under-assistance with MV. In this study, a machine learning model, Convolutional Autoencoder (CAE) is developed to quantify the magnitude of SB effort using only bedside MV airway pressure and flow waveform.

    METHOD: The CAE model was trained using 12,170,655 simulated SB flow and normal flow data (NB). The paired SB and NB flow data were simulated using a Gaussian Effort Model (GEM) with 5 basis functions. When the CAE model is given a SB flow input, it is capable of predicting a corresponding NB flow for the SB flow input. The magnitude of SB effort (SBEMag) is then quantified as the difference between the SB and NB flows. The CAE model was used to evaluate the SBEMag of 9 pressure control/ support datasets. Results were validated using a mean squared error (MSE) fitting between clinical and training SB flows.

    RESULTS: The CAE model was able to produce NB flows from the clinical SB flows with the median SBEMag of the 9 datasets being 25.39% [IQR: 21.87-25.57%]. The absolute error in SBEMag using MSE validation yields a median of 4.77% [IQR: 3.77-8.56%] amongst the cohort. This shows the ability of the GEM to capture the intrinsic details present in SB flow waveforms. Analysis also shows both intra-patient and inter-patient variability in SBEMag.

    CONCLUSION: A Convolutional Autoencoder model was developed with simulated SB and NB flow data and is capable of quantifying the magnitude of patient spontaneous breathing effort. This provides potential application for real-time monitoring of patient respiratory drive for better management of patient-ventilator interaction.

  3. Meng Boey CC, Goh KL, Sithasanan N, Goh DW
    Gastrointest Endosc, 2002 Apr;55(4):607-8.
    PMID: 11923788
  4. Fuah KW, Lim CTS, Pang DCL, Wong JS
    Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl, 2018 2 20;29(1):207-209.
    PMID: 29456232 DOI: 10.4103/1319-2442.225177
    Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic agent commonly used to achieve hemostasis. However, there have been a few case reports suggesting that high-dose intravenous TXA has epileptogenic property. In patients with renal impairment, even administering the usual recommended dose of TXA can induce seizure episodes. We present here a patient on hemodialysis who developed seizures after receiving two doses of TXA over 5 h period.
  5. Ng CJ, Teo CH, Ho CCK, Tan HM
    Nat Rev Urol, 2017 Oct;14(10):630-636.
    PMID: 28695921 DOI: 10.1038/nrurol.2017.93
    Men have shorter life expectancy and higher mortality than women; however, only a few countries have dedicated men's health policies. Men's health reports can support the development of men's health policies. The 2013 Asian Men's Health Report (AMHR) systematically documents and compares the status of men's health across countries in Asia. The AMHR can be used as an exemplar to guide future men's health reports. The main challenges during creation of the AMHR were the lack of comprehensive health databases and the variety of data quality between countries. The AMHR revealed variations in mortality and morbidity across diseases, regions, and income groups, prompting a Delphi survey among men's health stakeholders to determine whether any dedicated men's health policies in Asia existed and to reach a consensus on the recommendations of men's health policies. The AMHR helped to promote men's health in Asia and across the world, generated research questions and collaborations, provided evidence to support development of men's health policies, identified the need to improve existing health databases, and developed a framework for the creation of other men's health reports.
  6. Hassan MI, McSorley FR, Hotta K, Boddy CN
    J Vis Exp, 2017 06 27.
    PMID: 28715370 DOI: 10.3791/55187
    Co-expression of multiple proteins is increasingly essential for synthetic biology, studying protein-protein complexes, and characterizing and harnessing biosynthetic pathways. In this manuscript, the use of a highly effective system for the construction of multigene synthetic operons under the control of an inducible T7 RNA polymerase is described. This system allows many genes to be expressed simultaneously from one plasmid. Here, a set of four related vectors, pMGX-A, pMGX-hisA, pMGX-K, and pMGX-hisK, with either the ampicillin or kanamycin resistance selectable marker (A and K) and either possessing or lacking an N-terminal hexahistidine tag (his) are disclosed. Detailed protocols for the construction of synthetic operons using this vector system are provided along with the corresponding data, showing that a pMGX-based system containing five genes can be readily constructed and used to produce all five encoded proteins in Escherichia coli. This system and protocol enables researchers to routinely express complex multi-component modules and pathways in E. coli.
  7. Garcia C, Gibbins CN, Pardo I, Batalla RJ
    Sci Total Environ, 2017 Feb 15;580:1453-1459.
    PMID: 28027801 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.12.119
    Here we provide the first evidence of long term reductions in flow in temporary streams on the Mediterranean island of Mallorca and use a simple metric of the degree of water permanence (the number of days with water) to highlight the implications of flow change for aquatic invertebrate diversity. Analysis of a 33year data set for 13 streams on the island yielded evidence of consistent downward trends in water permanence, particularly in spring and summer. Data from 27 relatively undisturbed mountain streams indicate that the diversity of benthic invertebrates in temporary streams across the island is directly related to water permanence. Streams with lower values of water permanence support few species overall and have less abundant invertebrate assemblages; the abundance and species richness of sensitive mayfly, stonefly and caddisfly taxonomic groups is also reduced in streams with lower water permanence. Although developed using spatial data, these flow-invertebrate relationships suggest that future reductions in water permanence may lead to reduced diversity. We argue that the 'number of days with water' is a simple but ecologically-relevant metric of water permanence that can be used effectively to monitor change in threatened temporary streams worldwide.
  8. Jeevaratnam K, Salvage SC, Li M, Huang CL
    Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2018 Dec;1433(1):18-28.
    PMID: 29846007 DOI: 10.1111/nyas.13861
    Alterations in cellular levels of the second messenger 3',5'-cyclic adenosine monophosphate ([cAMP]i ) regulate a wide range of physiologically important cellular signaling processes in numerous cell types. Osteoclasts are terminally differentiated, multinucleated cells specialized for bone resorption. Their systemic regulator, calcitonin, triggers morphometrically and pharmacologically distinct retraction (R) and quiescence (Q) effects on cell-spread area and protrusion-retraction motility, respectively, paralleling its inhibition of bone resorption. Q effects were reproduced by cholera toxin-mediated Gs -protein activation known to increase [cAMP]i , unaccompanied by the [Ca2+ ]i changes contrastingly associated with R effects. We explore a hypothesis implicating cAMP signaling involving guanine nucleotide-exchange activation of the small GTPase Ras-proximate-1 (Rap1) by exchange proteins directly activated by cAMP (Epac). Rap1 activates integrin clustering, cell adhesion to bone matrix, associated cytoskeletal modifications and signaling processes, and transmembrane transduction functions. Epac activation enhanced, whereas Epac inhibition or shRNA-mediated knockdown compromised, the appearance of markers for osteoclast differentiation and motility following stimulation by receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand (RANKL). Deficiencies in talin and Rap1 compromised in vivo bone resorption, producing osteopetrotic phenotypes in genetically modified murine models. Translational implications of an Epac-Rap1 signaling hypothesis in relationship to N-bisphosphonate actions on prenylation and membrane localization of small GTPases are discussed.
  9. Bidin MZ, Shah AM, Stanslas J, Seong CLT
    Clin Chim Acta, 2019 Aug;495:239-250.
    PMID: 31009602 DOI: 10.1016/j.cca.2019.04.069
    INTRODUCTION: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent disease. Most CKD patients are unaware of their condition during the early stages of the disease which poses a challenge for healthcare professionals to institute treatment or start prevention. The trouble with the diagnosis of CKD is that in most parts of the world, it is still diagnosed based on measurements of serum creatinine and corresponding calculations of eGFR. There are controversies with the current staging system, especially in the methodology to diagnose and prognosticate CKD.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to examine studies that focused on the different types of samples which may serve as a good and promising biomarker for early diagnosis of CKD or to detect rapidly declining renal function among CKD patient.

    METHOD: The review of international literature was made on paper and electronic databases Nature, PubMed, Springer Link and Science Direct. The Scopus index was used to verify the scientific relevance of the papers. Publications were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

    RESULT: 63 publications were found to be compatible with the study objectives. Several biomarkers of interest with different sample types were taken for comparison.

    CONCLUSION: Biomarkers from urine samples yield more significant outcome as compare to biomarkers from blood samples. But, validation and confirmation with a different type of study designed on a larger population is needed. More comparison studies on different types of samples are needed to further illuminate which biomarker is the better tool for the diagnosis and prognosis of CKD.

  10. Meilianti S, John C, Duggan C, O'campo L, Bates I
    Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm, 2023 Mar;9:100231.
    PMID: 36817332 DOI: 10.1016/j.rcsop.2023.100231
    BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) is the leading cause of anaemia globally, most frequently found in children and pregnant women. With their increasing role in the healthcare system, pharmacists may contribute to the management of anaemia. Through the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Multinational Needs Assessment Programme, the FIP explored the contribution of pharmacists in anaemia, specifically IDA, focusing on five countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore.

    OBJECTIVE: To explore information on pharmacists' roles in a variety of settings related to 1) IDA management; 2) education and training needed to support the roles; and 3) barriers and enablers to expanding or developing the roles.

    METHODS: This study involved a literature review and a focus group discussion with twelve participants selected purposively and nominated by national professional leadership bodies across five countries. A literature search was conducted using PubMed Database. A focus group discussion explored pharmacists' roles, education and training needs, as well as barriers and enablers to support their roles in anaemia management, specifically in IDA. A codebook thematic analysis approach was conducted according to the study objectives.

    RESULTS: Sixteen articles were included in the analysis. The pharmacists' roles in anaemia identified from literature ranged from patient management and monitoring, collaboration with other healthcare professionals and involvement in guideline development, in which the roles vary according to the workplace. Twelve participants attended the focus group discussion. Participants highlighted pharmacists' roles in screening and detection, medication therapeutic management, patient counselling and patient monitoring. Participants emphasised a need for guidelines or toolkits with subsequent training or workshops to support their competency development in anaemia. Monitoring the success of pharmacist delivered anaemia programmes was recommended to support advocating for active pharmacist roles.

    CONCLUSION: Pharmacists have a growing opportunity to contribute to achieving the global targets on anaemia through their involvement in screening and managing anaemia and increasing anaemia awareness among the patients and community.

  11. Nazar GP, Lee JT, Arora M, Millett C
    Nicotine Tob Res, 2016 May;18(5):1230-9.
    PMID: 26610936 DOI: 10.1093/ntr/ntv261
    INTRODUCTION: In high-income countries, secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure is higher among disadvantaged groups. We examine socioeconomic inequalities in SHS exposure at home and at workplace in 15 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
    METHODS: Secondary analyses of cross-sectional data from 15 LMICs participating in Global Adult Tobacco Survey (participants ≥ 15 years; 2008-2011) were used. Country-specific analyses using regression-based methods were used to estimate the magnitude of socioeconomic inequalities in SHS exposure: (1) Relative Index of Inequality and (2) Slope Index of Inequality.
    RESULTS: SHS exposure at home ranged from 17.4% in Mexico to 73.1% in Vietnam; exposure at workplace ranged from 16.9% in Uruguay to 65.8% in Bangladesh. In India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Uruguay, Poland, Turkey, Ukraine, and Egypt, SHS exposure at home reduced with increasing wealth (Relative Index of Inequality range: 1.13 [95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-1.22] in Turkey to 3.31 [95% CI 2.91-3.77] in Thailand; Slope Index of Inequality range: 0.06 [95% CI 0.02-0.11] in Turkey to 0.43 [95% CI 0.38-0.48] in Philippines). In these 11 countries, and in China, SHS exposure at home reduced with increasing education. In India, Bangladesh, Thailand, and Philippines, SHS exposure at workplace reduced with increasing wealth. In India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Poland, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, and Egypt, SHS exposure at workplace reduced with increasing education.
    CONCLUSION: SHS exposure at homes is higher among the socioeconomically disadvantaged in the majority of LMICs studied; at workplaces, exposure is higher among the less educated. Pro-equity tobacco control interventions alongside targeted efforts in these groups are recommended to reduce inequalities in SHS exposure.
    IMPLICATIONS: SHS exposure is higher among the socioeconomically disadvantaged groups in high-income countries. Comprehensive smoke-free policies are pro-equity for certain health outcomes that are strongly influenced by SHS exposure. Using nationally representative Global Adult Tobacco Survey (2008-2011) data from 15 LMICs, we studied socioeconomic inequalities in SHS exposure at homes and at workplaces. The study showed that in most LMICs, SHS exposure at homes is higher among the poor and the less educated. At workplaces, SHS exposure is higher among the less educated groups. Accelerating implementation of pro-equity tobacco control interventions and strengthening of efforts targeted at the socioeconomically disadvantaged groups are needed to reduce inequalities in SHS exposure in LMICs.
    Study name: Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS-2011)
  12. Chen HL, Selvam SB, Ting KN, Gibbins CN
    Environ Monit Assess, 2023 Jan 18;195(2):307.
    PMID: 36652034 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-022-10856-5
    Recent increase in awareness of the extent of microplastic contamination in marine and freshwater systems has heightened concerns over the ecological and human health risks of this ubiquitous material. Assessing risks posed by microplastic in freshwater systems requires sampling to establish contamination levels, but standard sampling protocols have yet to be established. An important question is whether sampling and assessment should focus on microplastic concentrations in the water or the amount deposited on the bed. On three dates, five replicated water and bed sediment samples were collected from each of the eight sites along the upper reach of the Semenyih River, Malaysia. Microplastics were found in all 160 samples, with mean concentrations of 3.12 ± 2.49 particles/L in river water and 6027.39 ± 16,585.87 particles/m2 deposited on the surface of riverbed sediments. Fibres were the dominant type of microplastic in all samples, but fragments made up a greater proportion of the material on the bed than in the water. Within-site variability in microplastic abundance was high for both water and bed sediments, and very often greater than between-site variability. Patterns suggest that microplastic accumulation on the bed is spatially variable, and single samples are therefore inadequate for assessing bed contamination levels at a site. Sites with the highest mean concentrations in samples of water were not those with the highest concentrations on the bed, indicating that monitoring based only on water samples may not provide a good picture of either relative or absolute bed contamination levels, nor the risks posed to benthic organisms.
  13. Chen HL, Selvam SB, Ting KN, Gibbins CN
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Oct;28(39):54222-54237.
    PMID: 34386926 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15826-x
    Plastics are synthetic polymers known for their outstanding durability and versatility, and have replaced traditional materials in many applications. Unfortunately, their unique traits ensure that they pose a major threat to the environment. While literature on freshwater microplastic contamination has grown over the recent years, research undertaken in rapidly developing countries, where plastic production and use are increasing dramatically, has lagged behind that in other parts of the world. In the South East Asia (SEA) region, basic information on levels of contamination is very limited and, as a consequence, the risk to human and ecological health remains hard to assess. This review synthesises what is currently known about microplastic contamination of freshwater ecosystems in SEA, with a particular focus on Malaysia. The review 1) summarises published studies that have assessed levels of contamination in freshwater systems in SEA, 2) discusses key sources and transport pathways of microplastic in freshwaters, 3) outlines what is known of the impacts of microplastic on freshwater organisms, and 4) identifies key knowledge gaps related to our understanding of the transport, fate and effects of microplastic.
  14. Brown C, Boyd DS, Sjögersten S, Vane CH
    PLoS One, 2023;18(3):e0280187.
    PMID: 36989287 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280187
    Tropical peatlands are important carbon stores that are vulnerable to drainage and conversion to agriculture. Protection and restoration of peatlands are increasingly recognised as key nature based solutions that can be implemented as part of climate change mitigation. Identification of peatland areas that are important for protection and restauration with regards to the state of their carbon stocks, are therefore vital for policy makers. In this paper we combined organic geochemical analysis by Rock-Eval (6) pyrolysis of peat collected from sites with different land management history and optical remote sensing products to assess if remotely sensed data could be used to predict peat conditions and carbon storage. The study used the North Selangor Peat Swamp forest, Malaysia, as the model system. Across the sampling sites the carbon stocks in the below ground peat was ca 12 times higher than the forest (median carbon stock held in ground vegetation 114.70 Mg ha-1 and peat soil 1401.51 Mg ha-1). Peat core sub-samples and litter collected from Fire Affected, Disturbed Forest, and Managed Recovery locations (i.e. disturbed sites) had different decomposition profiles than Central Forest sites. The Rock-Eval pyrolysis of the upper peat profiles showed that surface peat layers at Fire Affected, Disturbed Forest, and Managed Recovery locations had lower immature organic matter index (I-index) values (average I-index range in upper section 0.15 to -0.06) and higher refractory organic matter index (R -index) (average R-index range in upper section 0.51 to 0.65) compared to Central Forest sites indicating enhanced decomposition of the surface peat. In the top 50 cm section of the peat profile, carbon stocks were negatively related to the normalised burns ratio (NBR) (a satellite derived parameter) (Spearman's rho = -0.664, S = 366, p-value = <0.05) while there was a positive relationship between the hydrogen index and the normalised burns ratio profile (Spearman's rho = 0.7, S = 66, p-value = <0.05) suggesting that this remotely sensed product is able to detect degradation of peat in the upper peat profile. We conclude that the NBR can be used to identify degraded peatland areas and to support identification of areas for conversation and restoration.
  15. Austin CM, Croft LJ, Grandjean F, Gan HM
    Front Genet, 2021;12:695763.
    PMID: 35126445 DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2021.695763
    Cherax destructor, the yabby, is an iconic Australian freshwater crayfish species, which, similar to other major invertebrate groups, is grossly under-represented in genomic databases. The yabby is also the principal commercial freshwater crustacean species in Australia subject to explotation via inland fisheries and aquaculture. To address the genomics knowledge gap for this species and explore cost effective and efficient methods for genome assembly, we generated 106.8 gb of Nanopore reads and performed a long-read only assembly of the Cherax destructor genome. On a mini-server configured with an ultra-fast swap space, the de novo assembly took 131 h (∼5.5 days). Genome polishing with 126.3 gb of PCR-Free Illumina reads generated an assembled genome size of 3.3 gb (74.6% BUSCO completeness) with a contig N50 of 80,900 bp, making it the most contiguous for freshwater crayfish genome assemblies. We found an unusually large number of cellulase genes within the yabby genome which is relevant to understanding the nutritional biology, commercial feed development, and ecological role of this species and crayfish more generally. These resources will be useful for genomic research on freshwater crayfish and our methods for rapid and super-efficient genome assembly will have wide application.
  16. Alhazmi A, Mahmud R, Idris N, Mohamed Abo ME, Eke C
    PeerJ Comput Sci, 2024;10:e1966.
    PMID: 38660217 DOI: 10.7717/peerj-cs.1966
    The automatic speech identification in Arabic tweets has generated substantial attention among academics in the fields of text mining and natural language processing (NLP). The quantity of studies done on this subject has experienced significant growth. This study aims to provide an overview of this field by conducting a systematic review of literature that focuses on automatic hate speech identification, particularly in the Arabic language. The goal is to examine the research trends in Arabic hate speech identification and offer guidance to researchers by highlighting the most significant studies published between 2018 and 2023. This systematic study addresses five specific research questions concerning the types of the Arabic language used, hate speech categories, classification techniques, feature engineering techniques, performance metrics, validation methods, existing challenges faced by researchers, and potential future research directions. Through a comprehensive search across nine academic databases, 24 studies that met the predefined inclusion criteria and quality assessment were identified. The review findings revealed the existence of many Arabic linguistic varieties used in hate speech on Twitter, with modern standard Arabic (MSA) being the most prominent. In identification techniques, machine learning categories are the most used technique for Arabic hate speech identification. The result also shows different feature engineering techniques used and indicates that N-gram and CBOW are the most used techniques. F1-score, precision, recall, and accuracy were also identified as the most used performance metric. The review also shows that the most used validation method is the train/test split method. Therefore, the findings of this study can serve as valuable guidance for researchers in enhancing the efficacy of their models in future investigations. Besides, algorithm development, policy rule regulation, community management, and legal and ethical consideration are other real-world applications that can be reaped from this research.
  17. Nabi A, Jesudason CG, Sabir JSM, Kamli MR
    Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 2023 Aug 22;16(9).
    PMID: 37764995 DOI: 10.3390/ph16091187
    This study was aimed at establishing the interactions prevailing in an anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate, and dopamine hydrochloride in an alcoholic (ethanol) media by using volumetric, conductometric, and tensiometric techniques. Various methods were utilized to estimate the critical micelle concentration (cmc) values at different temperatures. The entire methods yielded the same cmc values. The corresponding thermodynamic parameters viz. the standard free energy of micellization (Gmico), enthalpy of micellization (Hmico), and entropy of micellization (Smico) were predicted by applying the pseudo-phase separation model. The experimental density data at different temperatures (298.15 K, 303.15 K, 308.15 K, and 313.15 K) were utilized to estimate the apparent molar volumes (Vϕo) at an infinite dilution, apparent molar volumes (Vφcmc) at the critical micelle concentration, and apparent molar volumes (ΔVφm) upon micellization. Various micellar and interfacial parameters, for example, the surface excess concentration (Γmax), standard Gibbs free energy of adsorption at the interface (ΔGoad), and the minimum surface area per molecule (Amin), were appraised using the surface tension data. The results were used to interpret the intermolecular interactions prevailing in the mixed systems under the specified experimental conditions.
  18. Gan HM, Grandjean F, Jenkins TL, Austin CM
    BMC Genomics, 2019 May 03;20(1):335.
    PMID: 31053062 DOI: 10.1186/s12864-019-5704-3
    BACKGROUND: The recently published complete mitogenome of the European lobster (Homarus gammarus) that was generated using long-range PCR exhibits unusual gene composition (missing nad2) and gene rearrangements among decapod crustaceans with strong implications in crustacean phylogenetics. Such atypical mitochondrial features will benefit greatly from validation with emerging long read sequencing technologies such as Oxford Nanopore that can more accurately identify structural variation.

    RESULTS: We re-sequenced the H. gammarus mitogenome on an Oxford Nanopore Minion flowcell and performed a long-read only assembly, generating a complete mitogenome assembly for H. gammarus. In contrast to previous reporting, we found an intact mitochondrial nad2 gene in the H. gammarus mitogenome and showed that its gene organization is broadly similar to that of the American lobster (H. americanus) except for the presence of a large tandemly duplicated region with evidence of pseudogenization in one of each duplicated protein-coding genes.

    CONCLUSIONS: Using the European lobster as an example, we demonstrate the value of Oxford Nanopore long read technology in resolving problematic mitogenome assemblies. The increasing accessibility of Oxford Nanopore technology will make it an attractive and useful tool for evolutionary biologists to verify new and existing unusual mitochondrial gene rearrangements recovered using first and second generation sequencing technologies, particularly those used to make phylogenetic inferences of evolutionary scenarios.

  19. Simon C, Soga T, Okano HJ, Parhar I
    Cell Biosci, 2021 Nov 19;11(1):196.
    PMID: 34798911 DOI: 10.1186/s13578-021-00709-y
    Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is epitomized by the pathognomonic manifestation of α-synuclein-laden Lewy bodies within selectively vulnerable neurons in the brain. By virtue of prion-like inheritance, the α-synuclein protein inexorably undergoes extensive conformational metamorphoses and culminate in the form of fibrillar polymorphs, instigating calamitous damage to the brain's neuropsychological networks. This epiphenomenon is nebulous, however, by lingering uncertainty over the quasi "pathogenic" behavior of α-synuclein conformers in DLB pathobiology. Despite numerous attempts, a monolithic "α-synuclein" paradigm that is able to untangle the enigma enshrouding the clinicopathological spectrum of DLB has failed to emanate. In this article, we review conceptual frameworks of α-synuclein dependent cell-autonomous and non-autonomous mechanisms that are likely to facilitate the transneuronal spread of degeneration through the neuraxis. In particular, we describe how the progressive demise of susceptible neurons may evolve from cellular derangements perpetrated by α-synuclein misfolding and aggregation. Where pertinent, we show how these bona fide mechanisms may mutually accentuate α-synuclein-mediated neurodegeneration in the DLB brain.
  20. Kong CH, Ibrahim MF, Zainuddin ZM
    Ann Saudi Med, 2009;29(6):429-32.
    PMID: 19847078 DOI: 10.4103/0256-4947.57163
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: For treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), Plasma Kinetic loop Resection of the Prostate (PKRP) is an alternative to conventional monopolar transurethral resection of prostate (TURP). We compared outcomes with the two treatments in a randomized trial.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Over a one-year period, we randomly assigned patients with an indication for surgery for BPH and who met inclusion criteria to treatment with either PKRP or TURP. We measured prostate volume by transrectal ultrasound, relief of bladder outlet obstruction, operative time, decline in serum sodium and hemoglobin, weight of resected prostatic chips, duration of catheterization and hospital stay. Patients were evaluated one month after discharge for obstructive symptoms. Complications were also recorded.

    RESULTS: Of 102 patients enrolled, 51 underwent PKRP and 51 underwent TURP. Relief of obstructive symptoms and mean operative time showed no statistically significant difference. The PKRP group had a smaller decline in hemoglobin than the TURP group (0.6 g/dL vs 1.8 g/dL, P=.01), a lower reduction in serum sodium levels (1.03 mmol/L vs 5.01 mmol/L, P=.01), a shorter catheterization time (37.2 hours versus 57.7 hours, P=.03) and a shorter hospital stay (1.5 days versus 2.6 days, P=.02). One patient in the bipolar PKRP group needed recatheterization versus four patients in the TURP group.

    CONCLUSION: PKRP reduces morbidity with an outcome similar to conventional monopolar TURP in the treatment of BPH.

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