METHODOLOGY: This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines. From the relevant articles, we extracted data and conducted a risk of bias assessment of individual studies.
RESULTS: The search yielded 22 and 13 publications on HAV seroprevalence and incidence, respectively. Overall, our findings point to a very low HAV endemicity profile in Thailand and Singapore and evidence of a shift towards low HAV endemicity in Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Only Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines have existing HAV disease surveillance and reported incidence rates below 1 per 100,000. Several outbreaks with varying magnitude documented in the region provide insights into the evolving epidemiology of HAV in the region. Risk of bias assessment of studies revealed that the individual studies were of low to medium risk.
CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The available HAV endemicity profiles in Southeast Asian countries, aside from Thailand, are limited and outdated, but suggest an endemicity shift in the region that is not fully documented yet. These findings highlight the need to update information on HAV epidemiology through strengthening of disease surveillance mechanisms to confirm the shift in HAV endemicity in the region.
METHODS: This collaborative project will synthesize data and perform meta-analyses of observational studies conducted in Asia. Studies will be identified through a systematic literature search including abstracts, proceedings of meetings, electronic databases such as MEDLINE and EMBASE. Personal enquiry among collaborators and experts in the region will identify additional studies, or other data sources such as registries. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal studies that describe the prevalence of CKD and its complications will be included, as will longitudinal studies that describe important clinical outcomes for people with CKD. Individual participant data will be sought, where possible, from each of the studies included in the collaboration for baseline parameters and subsequent outcomes, in order to maximize flexibility and consistency of data analyses.
CONCLUSIONS: This study is an initiative offering a unique opportunity to obtain information about the prevalence and manifestations of CKD in Asia, as well as its risk factors. The ARC will also provide insights into important outcomes including progression of CKD, CKD complications, cardiovascular disease and death. These findings will improve our understanding of kidney disease in Asia, and thus help inform service provision, preventive care and further research across the region.
METHODS: We adopted a cross-sectional study design through an online survey platform to enquire opinions of transition practices from expert representatives in 7 SEA countries.
RESULTS: Regionally, 3 out 7 countries reported having no practice of transition care. Among cited challenges were reluctant adaptation by patients and caregivers to unfamiliarized adult healthcare systems, inadequate ratio of adult immunologists to patients and lack of facilities for transfer.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Our study provides evidence to advocate policy makers on the importance of standardized integration of transition practice towards betterment of transiting PID patients into adulthood.
METHODS: A two-pronged strategy was used by evaluating data from peer-reviewed literature and official reports. A systematic search was conducted using a structured query in four databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Medline, and PubMed) to identify any reports of the occurrence of zoonotic TB. No language and time constraints were used during the search, but non-English language articles were later excluded. The official data were sourced from the World Organization for Animal Health's (WOAH) World Animal Health Information System (WAHIS) and WHO's global TB database.
RESULTS: The retrieved records from SEAR and WPR (n = 113) were screened for eligibility, and data about disease occurrence were extracted and tabulated. In SEAR, all of the five studies that conducted Mycobacterium speciation (5/6) in humans were from India, and the reported Mycobacterium species included M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. scrofulacium, M. kansasii, M. phlei, M. smegmatis and M. orygis. In WPR, Mycobacterium speciation investigations in humans were conducted in Australia (8), China (2), Japan (2), NewZealand (2) and Malaysia (1), and the reported Mycobacterium species included M. bovis, M. africanum and M. tuberculosis. Seven countries in WHO's SEAR have officially reported the occurrence of Mycobacterium bovis in their animals: Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand. In WPR, the WAHIS information system includes reports of the identification of M. bovis from 11 countries - China, Fiji, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, New Zealand, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Tonga and Viet Nam. In contrast, human zoonotic TB cases in the WHO database were only listed from Australia, Brunei Darussalam and Palau countries.
DISCUSSION: The available data suggests under-reporting of zoonotic TB in the regions. Efforts are required to strengthen zoonotic TB surveillance systems from both animal and human health sides to better understand the impact of zoonotic TB in order to take appropriate action to achieve the goal of ending the TB epidemic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: This scoping review was conducted using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI). A total of 10 studies were identified as eligible from the title and abstract review. The mixed method quality appraisal tool (MMAT) version 2018 was used to assess the quality of the included quantitative studies.
RESULTS: The results showed that poverty, unemployment, low education levels, migrant status, community support, male gender, substance abuse, and regional disparities significantly impact the occurrence of TB LTFU in Southeast Asia.
CONCLUSION: The findings have significant implications for public health in Southeast Asia. Addressing these socioeconomic barriers through community-based strategies, educational initiatives, and policy reforms is vital for improving treatment outcomes and overall public health.
METHODS: We systematically searched for publications in PubMed® and Scopus, manually searched the grey literature and consulted with national health and nutrition officials, with no restrictions on publication type or language. We included low- and middle-income countries in the World Health Organization South-East Asia Region, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and China. We analysed the included programmes by adapting the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's public health surveillance evaluation framework.
FINDINGS: We identified 82 surveillance programmes in 18 countries that repeatedly collect, analyse and disseminate data on nutrition and/or related indicators. Seventeen countries implemented a national periodic survey that exclusively collects nutrition-outcome indicators, often alongside internationally linked survey programmes. Coverage of different subpopulations and monitoring frequency vary substantially across countries. We found limited integration of food environment and wider food system indicators in these programmes, and no programmes specifically monitor nutrition-sensitive data across the food system. There is also limited nutrition-related surveillance of people living in urban deprived areas. Most surveillance programmes are digitized, use measures to ensure high data quality and report evidence of flexibility; however, many are inconsistently implemented and rely on external agencies' financial support.
CONCLUSION: Efforts to improve the time efficiency, scope and stability of national nutrition surveillance, and integration with other sectoral data, should be encouraged and supported to allow systemic monitoring and evaluation of malnutrition interventions in these countries.