Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 264 in total

  1. Lim KC, Then AY, Wee AKS, Sade A, Rumpet R, Loh KH
    Sci Rep, 2021 Jul 21;11(1):14874.
    PMID: 34290296 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-94257-7
    The demersal brown banded bamboo shark Chiloscyllium punctatum is a major component of sharks landed in Malaysia. However, little is known about their population structure and the effect of high fishing pressure on these weak swimming sharks. Both mitochondrial DNA control region (1072 bp) and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (1044 bp) were used to elucidate the genetic structure and connectivity of C. punctatum among five major areas within the Sundaland region. Our findings revealed (i) strong genetic structure with little present day mixing between the major areas, (ii) high intra-population genetic diversity with unique haplotypes, (iii) significant correlation between genetic differentiation and geographical distance coupled with detectable presence of fine scale geographical barriers (i.e. the South China Sea), (iv) historical directional gene flow from the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia towards the west coast and Borneo, and (v) no detectable genetic differentiation along the coastline of east Peninsular Malaysia. Genetic patterns inferred from the mitochondrial DNA loci were consistent with the strong coastal shelf association in this species, the presence of contemporary barriers shaped by benthic features, and limited current-driven egg dispersal. Fine scale population structure of C. punctatum highlights the need to improve genetic understanding for fishery management and conservation of other small-sized sharks.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  2. Iwagami M, Ho LY, Su K, Lai PF, Fukushima M, Nakano M, et al.
    J Helminthol, 2000 Dec;74(4):315-22.
    PMID: 11138020
    The lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani (Kerbert, 1878), is widely distributed in Asia, and exhibits much variation in its biological properties. Previous phylogenetic studies using DNA sequences have demonstrated that samples from north-east Asia form a tight group distinct from samples from south Asia (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia). Among countries from the latter region, considerable molecular diversity was observed. This was investigated further using additional DNA sequences (partial mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and the second internal transcribed spacer of the nuclear ribosomal gene repeat (ITS2)) from additional samples of P. westermani. Phylogenies inferred from these again found three or four groups within P. westermani, depending on the method of analysis. Populations of P. westermani from north-east Asia use snail hosts of the family Pleuroceridae and differ in other biological properties from populations in south Asia (that use snail hosts of the family Thiaridae). It is considered that the populations we sampled can be divided into two species, one in north-east Asia and the other in south Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  3. Lee PS, Sing KW, Wilson JJ
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0123871.
    PMID: 25898278 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123871
    Most tropical mammal species are threatened or data-deficient. Data collection is impeded by the traditional monitoring approaches which can be laborious, expensive and struggle to detect cryptic diversity. Monitoring approaches using mammal DNA derived from invertebrates are emerging as cost- and time-effective alternatives. As a step towards development of blowfly-derived DNA as an effective method for mammal monitoring in the biodiversity hotspot of Peninsular Malaysia, our objectives were (i) to determine the persistence period of amplifiable mammal mtDNA in blowfly guts through a laboratory feeding experiment (ii) to design and test primers that can selectively amplify mammal COI DNA mini-barcodes in the presence of high concentrations of blowfly DNA. The persistence period of amplifiable mammal mtDNA in blowfly guts was 24 h to 96 h post-feeding indicating the need for collecting flies within 24 h of capture to detect mammal mtDNA of sufficient quantity and quality. We designed a new primer combination for a COI DNA mini-barcode that did not amplify blowfly DNA and showed 89% amplification success for a dataset of mammals from Peninsular Malaysia. The short (205 bp) DNA mini-barcode could distinguish most mammal species (including separating dark taxa) and is of suitable length for high-throughput sequencing. Our new DNA mini-barcode target and a standardized trapping protocol with retrieval of blowflies every 24 h could point the way forward in the development of blowfly-derived DNA as an effective method for mammal monitoring.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics*
  4. Lim PE, Tan J, Eamsobhana P, Yong HS
    Sci Rep, 2013 Oct 17;3:2977.
    PMID: 24131999 DOI: 10.1038/srep02977
    The phylogenetic relationships of some taxa in the Platycnemidinae at the species and generic levels have been investigated. Phylogenetic trees were generated from both individual mitochondrial encoded COI, COII, 16S rDNA and nuclear encoded 28S rDNA and also combined sequences; these data indicate that the component taxa of the genus Copera belong to two distinct genetic clades - the marginipes group and the annulata group. There was no distinct genetic difference between the red-legged and yellow-legged morphs of C. vittata. Molecular data showed that the annulata group is considered a member of the genus Platycnemis, as originally proposed. The genus Coeliccia, a member of the subfamily Calicnemiinae (Platycnemididae), is not grouped with the Platycnemidinae. The Disparoneurinae of the 'Protoneuridae' showed a closer relationship to the Platycnemidinae than the Calicnemiinae. The dataset supports the placement of the Disparoneurinae as a subfamily of the Platycnemididae. This resolves the monophyly of Platycnemididae.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  5. Sharma R, Goossens B, Heller R, Rasteiro R, Othman N, Bruford MW, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2018 01 17;8(1):880.
    PMID: 29343863 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-17042-5
    The origin of the elephant on the island of Borneo remains elusive. Research has suggested two alternative hypotheses: the Bornean elephant stems either from a recent introduction in the 17th century or from an ancient colonization several hundreds of thousands years ago. Lack of elephant fossils has been interpreted as evidence for a very recent introduction, whereas mtDNA divergence from other Asian elephants has been argued to favor an ancient colonization. We investigated the demographic history of Bornean elephants using full-likelihood and approximate Bayesian computation analyses. Our results are at odds with both the recent and ancient colonization hypotheses, and favour a third intermediate scenario. We find that genetic data favour a scenario in which Bornean elephants experienced a bottleneck during the last glacial period, possibly as a consequence of the colonization of Borneo, and from which it has slowly recovered since. Altogether the data support a natural colonization of Bornean elephants at a time when large terrestrial mammals could colonise from the Sunda shelf when sea levels were much lower. Our results are important not only in understanding the unique history of the colonization of Borneo by elephants, but also for their long-term conservation.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  6. Tan J, Lim PE, Phang SM, Hong DD, Sunarpi H, Hurtado AQ
    PLoS One, 2012;7(12):e52905.
    PMID: 23285223 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052905
    DNA barcoding has been a major advancement in the field of taxonomy, seeing much effort put into the barcoding of wide taxa of organisms, macro and microalgae included. The mitochondrial-encoded cox1 and plastid-encoded rbcL has been proposed as potential DNA barcodes for rhodophytes, but are yet to be tested on the commercially important carrageenophytes Kappaphycus and Eucheuma. This study gauges the effectiveness of four markers, namely the mitochondrial cox1, cox2, cox2-3 spacer and the plastid rbcL in DNA barcoding on selected Kappaphycus and Eucheuma from Southeast Asia. Marker assessments were performed using established distance and tree-based identification criteria from earlier studies. Barcoding patterns on a larger scale were simulated by empirically testing on the commonly used cox2-3 spacer. The phylogeny of these rhodophytes was also briefly described. In this study, the cox2 marker which satisfies the prerequisites of DNA barcodes was found to exhibit moderately high interspecific divergences with no intraspecific variations, thus a promising marker for the DNA barcoding of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma. However, the already extensively used cox2-3 spacer was deemed to be in overall more appropriate as a DNA barcode for these two genera. On a wider scale, cox1 and rbcL were still better DNA barcodes across the rhodophyte taxa when practicality and cost-efficiency were taken into account. The phylogeny of Kappaphycus and Eucheuma were generally similar to those earlier reported. Still, the application of DNA barcoding has demonstrated our relatively poor taxonomic comprehension of these seaweeds, thus suggesting more in-depth efforts in taxonomic restructuring as well as establishment.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  7. Marquez JG, Bangs MJ, Krafsur ES
    Med Vet Entomol, 2003 Dec;17(4):429-35.
    PMID: 14651658
    Houseflies (Musca domestica L., Diptera: Muscidae) are cosmopolitan, colonizing, and eusynanthropic. Their distribution in the Malaysian archipelago provides an opportunity to study successive waves of colonization and extinction during the Pleistocene and Recent epochs. We scored single-strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCPs) at 16S2 and COII mitochondrial loci in 47 housefly samples from the Australian, Austro-Malayan, Indo-Malayan, Manchurian and Indo-Chinese subregions of Wallace's zoogeographical classification. We discuss the results in light of the Pleistocene vs. post-Pleistocene dispersal and faunal exchange in the Asia-Pacific area. Fourteen haplotypes were detected, of which 10 were confined to a single subregion. No haplotype was ubiquitous and only one was found in four subregions. Population diversity, HS, was greatest in the Indo-Malayan (0.36) and heterogeneous among subregions. The mean subregional diversity was 0.21 +/- 0.03, representing the probability that two randomly chosen flies, from any subregion, had different haplotypes. The hierarchical partition of diversity indicated restricted maternal gene flow among subregions (GRT = 0.60, Nm approximately 0.32). These results suggest long-standing genetic isolation of houseflies in the Malaysian archipelago and support the hypothesis that they dispersed widely during the Pleistocene. Haplotypes common among mainland populations but shared with island groups in low frequencies (<1%) indicate surprisingly little recent gene flow.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics*
  8. Lah EF, Ahamad M, Haron MS, Ming HT
    Asian Pac J Trop Biomed, 2012 Mar;2(3):223-7.
    PMID: 23569902 DOI: 10.1016/S2221-1691(12)60046-X
    OBJECTIVE: To establish a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique based on cytochrome b (cytb) gene of mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) for blood meal identification.

    METHODS: The PCR technique was established based on published information and validated using blood sample of laboratory animals of which their whole gene sequences are available in GenBank. PCR was next performed to compile gene sequences of different species of wild rodents. The primers used were complementary to the conserved region of the cytb gene of vertebrate's mtDNA. A total of 100 blood samples, both from laboratory animals and wild rodents were collected and analyzed. The obtained unknown sequences were compared with those in the GenBank database using BLAST program to identify the vertebrate animal species.

    RESULTS: Gene sequences of 11 species of wild animals caught in 9 localities of Peninsular Malaysia were compiled using the established PCR. The animals involved were Rattus (rattus) tanezumi, Rattus tiomanicus, Leopoldamys sabanus, Tupaia glis, Tupaia minor, Niviventor cremoriventor, Rhinosciurus laticaudatus, Callosciurus caniseps, Sundamys muelleri, Rattus rajah and Maxomys whiteheadi. The BLAST results confirmed the host with exact or nearly exact matches (>89% identity). Ten new gene sequences have been deposited in GenBank database since September 2010.

    CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that the PCR direct sequencing system using universal primer sets for vertebrate cytb gene is a promising technique for blood meal identification.

    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  9. Flot JF, Blanchot J, Charpy L, Cruaud C, Licuanan WY, Nakano Y, et al.
    BMC Ecol, 2011 Oct 04;11:22.
    PMID: 21970706 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6785-11-22
    BACKGROUND: Morphological data suggest that, unlike most other groups of marine organisms, scleractinian corals of the genus Stylophora are more diverse in the western Indian Ocean and in the Red Sea than in the central Indo-Pacific. However, the morphology of corals is often a poor predictor of their actual biodiversity: hence, we conducted a genetic survey of Stylophora corals collected in Madagascar, Okinawa, the Philippines and New Caledonia in an attempt to find out the true number of species in these various locations.

    RESULTS: A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the mitochondrial ORF and putative control region concurs with a haploweb analysis of nuclear ITS2 sequences in delimiting three species among our dataset: species A and B are found in Madagascar whereas species C occurs in Okinawa, the Philippines and New Caledonia. Comparison of ITS1 sequences from these three species with data available online suggests that species C is also found on the Great Barrier Reef, in Malaysia, in the South China Sea and in Taiwan, and that a distinct species D occurs in the Red Sea. Shallow-water morphs of species A correspond to the morphological description of Stylophora madagascarensis, species B presents the morphology of Stylophora mordax, whereas species C comprises various morphotypes including Stylophora pistillata and Stylophora mordax.

    CONCLUSIONS: Genetic analysis of the coral genus Stylophora reveals species boundaries that are not congruent with morphological traits. Of the four hypotheses that may explain such discrepancy (phenotypic plasticity, morphological stasis, morphological convergence, and interspecific hybridization), the first two appear likely to play a role but the fourth one is rejected since mitochondrial and nuclear markers yield congruent species delimitations. The position of the root in our molecular phylogenies suggests that the center of origin of Stylophora is located in the western Indian Ocean, which probably explains why this genus presents a higher biodiversity in the westernmost part of its area of distribution than in the "Coral Triangle".

    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/chemistry
  10. Reich D, Patterson N, Kircher M, Delfin F, Nandineni MR, Pugach I, et al.
    Am J Hum Genet, 2011 Oct 07;89(4):516-28.
    PMID: 21944045 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2011.09.005
    It has recently been shown that ancestors of New Guineans and Bougainville Islanders have inherited a proportion of their ancestry from Denisovans, an archaic hominin group from Siberia. However, only a sparse sampling of populations from Southeast Asia and Oceania were analyzed. Here, we quantify Denisova admixture in 33 additional populations from Asia and Oceania. Aboriginal Australians, Near Oceanians, Polynesians, Fijians, east Indonesians, and Mamanwa (a "Negrito" group from the Philippines) have all inherited genetic material from Denisovans, but mainland East Asians, western Indonesians, Jehai (a Negrito group from Malaysia), and Onge (a Negrito group from the Andaman Islands) have not. These results indicate that Denisova gene flow occurred into the common ancestors of New Guineans, Australians, and Mamanwa but not into the ancestors of the Jehai and Onge and suggest that relatives of present-day East Asians were not in Southeast Asia when the Denisova gene flow occurred. Our finding that descendants of the earliest inhabitants of Southeast Asia do not all harbor Denisova admixture is inconsistent with a history in which the Denisova interbreeding occurred in mainland Asia and then spread over Southeast Asia, leading to all its earliest modern human inhabitants. Instead, the data can be most parsimoniously explained if the Denisova gene flow occurred in Southeast Asia itself. Thus, archaic Denisovans must have lived over an extraordinarily broad geographic and ecological range, from Siberia to tropical Asia.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics
  11. Oota H, Kurosaki K, Pookajorn S, Ishida T, Ueda S
    Hum Biol, 2001 Apr;73(2):225-31.
    PMID: 11446426
    DNA samples were extracted from six prehistoric human remains, found on the Malay Peninsula, dating to the Paleolithic and the Neolithic periods. Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA were determined by the polymerase chain reaction-direct sequencing method. A phylogenetic tree between prehistoric and present humans was constructed based on the nucleotide sequence data. Mitochondrial DNA phylogenetic relationships and ethnoarchaeological evidence suggest that there is a continuity beetween the pre-Neolithic humans and the present Semang and that the Neolithic humans in this area might be an ancestral group of the Senoi.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/analysis*
  12. Wang M, Yan S, Brown CL, Shaharom-Harrison F, Shi SF, Yang TB
    Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal, 2016 11;27(6):3865-3875.
    PMID: 25319302
    To examine the phylogeographical pattern of Tetrancistrum nebulosi (Monogenea, Dactylogyridae) in the South China Sea, fragments of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 genes were obtained for 220 individuals collected from 8 localities along the southeast coast of China and 1 locality in Terengganu, Malaysia. Based on these two genes, two and three distinct clades with geographic signals were revealed on the phylogenetic trees respectively. The divergence between these clades was estimated to occur in the late Pleistocene. Analysis of molecular variance and pairwise FSTsuggested a high rate of gene flow among individuals sampled from the Chinese coast, but with obvious genetic differentiation from the Malaysian population. Mismatch distribution and neutrality tests indicated that the T. nebulosi population experienced expansion in Pleistocene low sea level periods. Vicariance was considered to account for the genetic divergence between Chinese and Malaysian populations, while sea level fluctuations and mainland-island connections during glacial cycles were associated with the slight genetic divergence between the populations along the mainland coast of China and those off Sanya. On the contrary, oceanographic circulations and host migration could lead to genetic homogeneity of populations distributed along the mainland coast of China.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics; DNA, Mitochondrial/chemistry
  13. Gharamah AA, Azizah MN, Rahman WA
    Vet Parasitol, 2012 Sep 10;188(3-4):268-76.
    PMID: 22538095 DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2012.04.003
    The large stomach worm, Haemonchus contortus, commonly known as "the barber's pole worm", is a blood-sucking nematode found in the abomasa of sheep and goats. This work is the first documentation on the ND4 sequences of H. contortus from sheep and goats in Malaysia and Yemen and the results provide a preliminary insight on the genetic differences of H. contortus found in the two countries. In general, this study showed a high degree of diversity and low population structure of this species within the same country in comparison with higher genetic structuring at a wider geographical scale. The results also showed that the majority of genetic variance was within H. contortus populations. The Malaysian sheep and goat populations investigated appeared to share the same isolate of H. contortus while different isolates may be found in Yemen which must be taken into account in the design of an effective control strategy. Analysis of the internal transcribed spacer-2 (ITS-2) confirmed that all samples investigated in this study belonged to H. contortus. However presence of other Haemonchus species parasitizing these two hosts can only be confirmed by further detailed studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics; DNA, Mitochondrial/chemistry
  14. Le TH, Humair PF, Blair D, Agatsuma T, Littlewood DT, McManus DP
    Mol Biochem Parasitol, 2001 Sep 28;117(1):61-71.
    PMID: 11551632
    Complete sequences were obtained for the coding portions of the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of Schistosoma mansoni (NMRI strain, Puerto Rico; 14 415 bp), S. japonicum (Anhui strain, China; 14 085 bp) and S. mekongi (Khong Island, Laos; 14 072 bp). Each comprises 36 genes: 12 protein-encoding genes (cox1-3, nad1-6, nad4L, atp6 and cob); two ribosomal RNAs, rrnL (large subunit rRNA or 16S) and rrnS (small subunit rRNA or 12S); as well as 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes. The atp8 gene is absent. A large segment (9.6 kb) of the coding region (comprising 14 tRNAs, eight complete and two incomplete protein-encoding genes) for S. malayensis (Baling, Malaysian Peninsula) was also obtained. Each genome also possesses a long non-coding region that is divided into two parts (a small and a large non-coding region, the latter not fully sequenced in any species) by one or more tRNAs. The protein-encoding genes are similar in size, composition and codon usage in all species except for cox1 in S. mansoni (609 aa) and cox2 in S. mekongi (219 aa), both of which are longer than homologues in other species. An unexpected finding in all the Schistosoma species was the presence of a leucine zipper motif in the nad4L gene. The gene order in S. mansoni is strikingly different from that seen in the S. japonicum group and other flatworms. There is a high level of identity (87-94% at both the nucleotide and amino acid levels) for all protein-encoding genes of S. mekongi and S. malayensis. The identity between genes of these two species and those of S. japonicum is less (56-83% for amino acids and 73-79% for nucleotides). The identity between the genes of S. mansoni and the Asian schistosomes is far less (33-66% for amino acids and 54-68% for nucleotides), an observation consistent with the known phylogenetic distance between S. mansoni and the other species.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial/genetics*; DNA, Mitochondrial/chemistry
  15. Haniza MZ, Adams S, Jones EP, MacNicoll A, Mallon EB, Smith RH, et al.
    PeerJ, 2015;3:e1458.
    PMID: 26664802 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1458
    The brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) is a relatively recent (<300 years) addition to the British fauna, but by association with negative impacts on public health, animal health and agriculture, it is regarded as one of the most important vertebrate pest species. Anticoagulant rodenticides were introduced for brown rat control in the 1950s and are widely used for rat control in the UK, but long-standing resistance has been linked to control failures in some regions. One thus far ignored aspect of resistance biology is the population structure of the brown rat. This paper investigates the role population structure has on the development of anticoagulant resistance. Using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA, we examined 186 individuals (from 15 counties in England and one location in Wales near the Wales-England border) to investigate the population structure of rural brown rat populations. We also examined individual rats for variations of the VKORC1 gene previously associated with resistance to anticoagulant rodenticides. We show that the populations were structured to some degree, but that this was only apparent in the microsatellite data and not the mtDNA data. We discuss various reasons why this is the case. We show that the population as a whole appears not to be at equilibrium. The relative lack of diversity in the mtDNA sequences examined can be explained by founder effects and a subsequent spatial expansion of a species introduced to the UK relatively recently. We found there was a geographical distribution of resistance mutations, and relatively low rate of gene flow between populations, which has implications for the development and management of anticoagulant resistance.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial
  16. Mohamed Yusoff AA
    J Cancer Res Ther, 2015 Jul-Sep;11(3):535-44.
    PMID: 26458578 DOI: 10.4103/0973-1482.161925
    Brain tumor is molecularly a heterogeneous group of diseases, and genetic factors seem to play a crucial role in its genesis. Even though multiple alterations in the nuclear-encoded genes such as tumor suppressor and oncogenes are believed to play a key role in brain tumorigenesis, the involvement of the mitochondrial genome to this event remains controversial to date. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been suspected to be associated with the carcinogenesis because of its high sensitivity to mutations and inefficient repair mechanisms in comparison to nuclear DNA. Thus, defects in mtDNA could also lead to the development of brain tumor. By virtue of their clonal nature and high copy number, mtDNA mutations may provide a new effective molecular biomarker for the cancer detection. It has been suggested that establishing mtDNA defective pattern might be useful in cancer diagnostics and detection, the prognosis of cancer outcome, and/or the response to certain treatments. This mini-review gives a brief overview on the several aspects of mtDNA, with a particular focus on its role in tumorigenesis and progression of brain tumor. Understanding the role of mitochondria and brain tumor development could potentially translate into therapeutic strategies for patients with these tumors.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial
  17. Aketarawong N, Isasawin S, Sojikul P, Thanaphum S
    Zookeys, 2015.
    PMID: 26798262 DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.540.10058
    The Carambola fruit fly, Bactrocera carambolae, is an invasive pest in Southeast Asia. It has been introduced into areas in South America such as Suriname and Brazil. Bactrocera carambolae belongs to the Bactrocera dorsalis species complex, and seems to be separated from Bactrocera dorsalis based on morphological and multilocus phylogenetic studies. Even though the Carambola fruit fly is an important quarantine species and has an impact on international trade, knowledge of the molecular ecology of Bactrocera carambolae, concerning species status and pest management aspects, is lacking. Seven populations sampled from the known geographical areas of Bactrocera carambolae including Southeast Asia (i.e., Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand) and South America (i.e., Suriname), were genotyped using eight microsatellite DNA markers. Genetic variation, genetic structure, and genetic network among populations illustrated that the Suriname samples were genetically differentiated from Southeast Asian populations. The genetic network revealed that samples from West Sumatra (Pekanbaru, PK) and Java (Jakarta, JK) were presumably the source populations of Bactrocera carambolae in Suriname, which was congruent with human migration records between the two continents. Additionally, three populations of Bactrocera dorsalis were included to better understand the species boundary. The genetic structure between the two species was significantly separated and approximately 11% of total individuals were detected as admixed (0.100 ≤ Q ≤ 0.900). The genetic network showed connections between Bactrocera carambolae and Bactrocera dorsalis groups throughout Depok (DP), JK, and Nakhon Sri Thammarat (NT) populations. These data supported the hypothesis that the reproductive isolation between the two species may be leaky. Although the morphology and monophyly of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences in previous studies showed discrete entities, the hypothesis of semipermeable boundaries may not be rejected. Alleles at microsatellite loci could be introgressed rather than other nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. Bactrocera carambolae may be an incipient rather than a distinct species of Bactrocera dorsalis. Regarding the pest management aspect, the genetic sexing Salaya5 strain (SY5) was included for comparison with wild populations. The SY5 strain was genetically assigned to the Bactrocera carambolae cluster. Likewise, the genetic network showed that the strain shared greatest genetic similarity to JK, suggesting that SY5 did not divert away from its original genetic makeup. Under laboratory conditions, at least 12 generations apart, selection did not strongly affect genetic compatibility between the strain and wild populations. This knowledge further confirms the potential utilization of the Salaya5 strain in regional programs of area-wide integrated pest management using SIT.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial
  18. Mohammad Saiful Mansor, Shukor Md. Nor, Rosli Ramli
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1045-1050.
    Dietary study provides understanding in predator-prey relationships, yet diet of tropical forest birds is poorly understood.
    In this study, a non-invasive method, next-generation sequencing (Illumina MiSeq platform) was used to identify prey in
    the faecal samples of the Rufous-winged Philentoma (Philentoma pyrhoptera). Dietary samples were collected in lowland
    tropical forest of central Peninsular Malaysia. A general invertebrate primer pair was used for the first time to assess
    diet of tropical birds. The USEARCH was used to cluster the COI mtDNA sequences into Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU).
    OTU sequences were aligned and queried through the GenBank or Biodiversity of Life Database (BOLD). We identified
    26 distinct arthropod taxa from 31 OTUs. Of all OTUs, there was three that could be identified up to species level, 20 to
    genus level, three to family level and five could not assigned to any taxa (the BLAST hits were poor). All sequences were
    identified to class Insecta belonging to 18 families from four orders, where Lepidoptera representing major insect order
    consumed by study bird species. This non-invasive molecular approach provides a practical and rapid technique to
    understand of how energy flows across ecosystems. This technique could be very useful to screen for possible particular
    pest insects consumed by insectivores (e.g. birds and bats) in crop plantation. A comprehensive arthropod studies and
    local reference sequences need to be added to the database to improve the proportion of sequences that can be identified.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial
  19. Md-Zain BM, Abdul-Aziz A, Aifat NR, Mohd-Yusof NS, Zulkifli NA, Japning JRR, et al.
    Data Brief, 2019 Jun;24:103532.
    PMID: 31193484 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.11.117
    This article contains data of the sequence variation in the mitochondrial DNA D-loop region of the Malayan gaur (Bos gaurus hubbacki), locally known as the seladang, from two captive centers. Thirty fecal samples of Malayan gaur were collected from Jenderak Selatan Wildlife Conservation Center (Pahang) and the Sungkai Wildlife Reserve (Perak) for DNA extraction and amplification with polymerase chain reactions. DNA sequences were then analyzed using neighbor joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) methods. Based on the 652 base pairs obtained, we found seven variable characters with a value of 1%. The genetic distance between the two captive centers was 0.001. Haplotype analyses detected only four haplotypes between these two captive centers. Both NJ and MP trees demonstrate that all individuals in the Jenderak and Sungkai captive centers are in the same clade. Genetic variation of the Malayan gaur in these centers is considered low, possibly because individuals share the same common parent. This sequence variation data are of paramount importance for designing a proper breeding and management program of the Malayan gaur in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial
  20. Zahidin MA, Jalil NA, Naharuddin NM, Abd Rahman MR, Gani M, Abdullah MT
    Data Brief, 2019 Aug;25:104133.
    PMID: 31321260 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104133
    Tarsier is an endangered nocturnal primate in the family Tarsiidae and is an endemic to Sundaic islands of Philippine (Carlito syrichta), Sulawesi (Tarsius tarsier-complex) and Borneo (Cephalopachus bancanus). Recent records indicated that most molecular studies were done on the Eastern Tarsier and little information for the other group of tarsiers. Here, we present a partial cytochrome b data set of C. bancanus in Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo. Standard mist nets were deployed at strategic locations in various habitat types. A total of 18 individuals were caught, measured and weighed. Approximately, 2 × 2 mm of tissue samples were taken and preserved in molecular grade alcohol. Out of 18, only 11 samples were screened with partial mtDNA (cytochrome b) and the DNA sequences were registered in the GenBank (accession numbers: KY794797-KY794807). Phylogenetic trees were constructed with 20 additional mtDNA sequences downloaded from GenBank. The data are valuable for the management authorities to regulate the type of management units for the metapopulation to sustain population genetics integrity of tarsiers in the range countries across the Sunda Shelf.
    Matched MeSH terms: DNA, Mitochondrial
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