Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 267 in total

  1. Chang CT
    Rural Remote Health, 2007 Oct-Dec;7(4):864.
    PMID: 18076311
    INTRODUCTION: There is an increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity in Malaysia. Besides prevalence studies, not much is known about either overweight or obese individuals. The objective of this study was to determine the stages of change in losing weight and the self-efficacy in eating control of three indigenous groups of overweight and obese adults in Sarawak, Malaysia.
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in one rural region in Sarawak using a purposive sample. A structured questionnaire, which included two scales: (1) Weight: Stages of change (SOC) to assess readiness to change; and (2) Weight Efficacy Lifestyle Questionnaire (WEL) (both adopted from the transtheoretical model of change); and a set of pre-tested questionnaires on socio-demographic data, the presence of health problems and self-assessment of weight appropriateness, was used to interview respondents.
    RESULTS: The stage distribution for weight loss of these adults respondents (n = 271) showed that 60.5% (n = 164) were in the pre-contemplation stage, 20.7% (n = 56) were in the contemplation stage, 8.5% (n = 23) were in the preparation stage, and 8.9% (n = 24) were in the action stage, while only 1.5% (n = 4) were in the maintenance stage. Except for education, the stage differences were generally stable across age, sex, race, household income, presence or absence of health problem, self-perceived weight and presence of overweight or obesity. Respondents were least able to control their eating under social pressure and food availability, according to their WEL score.
    CONCLUSION: A large proportion of the overweight or obese adults was not intending to lose weight. The factor structure of the two WEL original subscales enabled partial differentiation between respondents who were able or unable to resist eating in situations where there were availability of food and experienced physical discomfort. The study results indicate the importance of assessing individuals' SOC score in order to implement stage-matched intervention strategies. More studies should be performed in order to validate the WEL questionnaire for use with a Malaysian sample.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/psychology*
  2. Donald JA, Hamid NKA, McLeod JL
    Gen Comp Endocrinol, 2017 04 01;244:201-208.
    PMID: 27102941 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygcen.2016.04.015
    Water deprivation of the Spinifex hopping mouse, Notomys alexis, induced a biphasic pattern of food intake with an initial hypophagia that was followed by an increased, and then sustained food intake. The mice lost approximately 20% of their body mass and there was a loss of white adipose tissue. Stomach ghrelin mRNA was significantly higher at day 2 of water deprivation but then returned to the same levels as water-replete (day 0) mice for the duration of the experiment. Plasma ghrelin was unaffected by water deprivation except at day 10 where it was significantly increased. Plasma leptin levels decreased at day 2 and day 5 of water deprivation, and then increased significantly by the end of the water deprivation period. Water deprivation caused a significant decrease in skeletal muscle leptin mRNA expression at days 2 and 5, but then it returned to day 0 levels by day 29. In the hypothalamus, water deprivation caused a significant up-regulation in both ghrelin and neuropeptide Y mRNA expression, respectively. In contrast, hypothalamic GHSR1a mRNA expression was significantly down-regulated. A significant increase in LepRb mRNA expression was observed at days 17 and 29 of water deprivation. This study demonstrated that the sustained food intake in N. alexis during water deprivation was uncoupled from peripheral appetite-regulating signals, and that the hypothalamus appears to play an important role in regulating food intake; this may contribute to the maintenance of fluid balance in the absence of free water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology
  3. Al-Afifi NA, Alabsi AM, Bakri MM, Ramanathan A
    BMC Complement Altern Med, 2018 Feb 05;18(1):50.
    PMID: 29402248 DOI: 10.1186/s12906-018-2110-3
    BACKGROUND: Dracaena cinnabari (DC) is a perennial tree that located on the Southern coast of Yemen native to the Socotra Island. This tree produces a deep red resin known as the Dragon's blood, the Twobrother's Blood or Damm Alakhwain. The current study performed to evaluate the safety of the DC resin methanol extract after a single or 28 consecutive daily oral administrations.

    METHODS: In assessing the safety of DC resin methanol extract, acute and sub-acute oral toxicity tests performed following OECD guidelines 423 and 407, respectively, with slight modifications. In acute oral toxicity test, DC resin methanol extract administered to female Sprague Dawley rats by oral gavage at a single dose of 300 and 2000 mg/kg body weight. Rats observed for toxic signs for 14 days. In sub-acute oral toxicity test, DC resin methanol extract administered to the rats by oral gavage at 500, 1000, and 1500 mg/kg body weight daily up to 28 days to male and female Spradgue Dawley rats. The control and high dose in satellite groups were also maintained and handled as the previous groups to determine the late onset toxicity of DC resin methanol extract. At the end of each test, hematological and biochemical analysis of the collected blood were performed as well as gross and microscopic pathology.

    RESULTS: In acute oral toxicity, no treatment-related death or toxic signs were observed. It revealed that the DC resin methanol extract could be well tolerated up to the dose 2000 mg/kg body weight and could be classified as Category 5. The sub-acute test observations indicated that there are no treatment-related changes up to the high dose level compared to the control. Food consumption, body weight, organ weight, hematological parameters, biochemical parameters and histopathological examination (liver, kidney, heart, spleen and lung) revealed no abnormalities. Water intake was significantly higher in the DC resin methanol extract treated groups compared to the control.

    CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates tolerability of DC resin methanol extract administered daily for 28 days up to 1500 mg/kg dose.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  4. Teo PS, van Langeveld AWB, Pol K, Siebelink E, de Graaf C, Yan SW, et al.
    Appetite, 2018 06 01;125:32-41.
    PMID: 29366933 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2018.01.020
    Three recent studies showed that taste intensity signals nutrient content. However, current data reflects only the food patterns in Western societies. No study has yet been performed in Asian culture. The Malaysian cuisine represents a mixture of Malay, Chinese and Indian foods. This study aimed to investigate the associations between taste intensity and nutrient content in commonly consumed Dutch (NL) and Malaysian (MY) foods. Perceived intensities of sweetness, sourness, bitterness, umami, saltiness and fat sensation were assessed for 469 Dutch and 423 Malaysian commonly consumed foods representing about 83% and 88% of an individual's average daily energy intake in each respective country. We used a trained Dutch (n = 15) and Malaysian panel (n = 20) with quantitative sensory Spectrum™ 100-point rating scales and reference solutions, R1 (13-point), R2 (33-point) and R3 (67-point). Dutch and Malaysian foods had relatively low mean sourness and bitterness (
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/psychology*
  5. Shukri M, Jones F, Conner M
    Appetite, 2018 04 01;123:225-232.
    PMID: 29294321 DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2017.12.027
    There is increasing evidence to suggest that work-family conflict is implicated in poor eating patterns. Yet, the underlying mechanism remains unexplored. The objectives of the present study were to demonstrate the interplay between work-family conflict, eating style, and unhealthy eating, and to test whether body mass index (BMI) and its interactions further explicate the relationships. In this study, 586 Malaysian adults (normal weight n = 437, overweight n = 149) completed a questionnaire, which included demographic variables, work-family scales, eating style measures, namely, restrained, emotional or external eating and reported food intake. As hypothesized, results showed that family-to-work conflict (FWC), emotional eating and external eating were positively related to unhealthy food consumption. In addition, emotional eating was found to moderate the impact of FCW on eating. These findings are consistent with research that has revealed emotional eating can indeed increase the positive association between stress such as conflict and unhealthy food choices. However, we found no clear support for the interactive effects of BMI. Our research builds on the findings of existing research as it demonstrates the role of eating style in explaining the association between work-family conflict and unhealthy eating. This conclusion has potential implications for appropriate interventions and calls for the enhancement of various policies to tackle obesity and other health problems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/psychology
  6. Khor GL, Zalilah MS, Phan YY, Ang M, Maznah B, Norimah AK
    Singapore Med J, 2009 Mar;50(3):303-11.
    PMID: 19352576
    Body image concerns are common among adolescents as they undergo rapid physical growth and body shape changes. Having a distorted body image is a risk factor for the development of disordered eating behaviours and eating disorders. This study was undertaken to investigate body image concerns among Malaysian male and female adolescents aged 11-15 years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Feeding and Eating Disorders/epidemiology*
  7. Kaur S, Teoh AN, Shukri NHM, Shafie SR, Bustami NA, Takahashi M, et al.
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2020 Feb 11;20(1):96.
    PMID: 32046676 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-020-2797-2
    BACKGROUND: Circadian rhythm plays an important role as our internal body's clock that synchronizes behavior and physiology according to the external 24-h light-dark cycle. Past studies have associated disrupted circadian rhythm with higher risk of miscarriages, preterm birth and low birth weights. This paper described the protocol of a prospective cohort study which aims to determine the circadian rhythm in pregnant women, identify its association with maternal factors during pregnancy, gestational weight gain, birth and infant outcomes.

    METHODS: Ten government maternal and child health clinics in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will be randomly selected. Sample size of 438 first-trimester pregnant women will be followed-up until the birth of their infant. Salivary melatonin and cortisol concentration among subsample will be determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Data on sleep quality, psychological distress and morningness/eveningness chronotype of pregnant women will be collected using validated questionnaires. Pedometer will be used to measure 5-day physical activity data. Total gestational weight gain will be determined at the end of pregnancy. Utilization of 3-day food record is to capture meal timing and nutrient intake. All measurements will be done in 2nd and 3rd trimester. Birth outcomes will be collected through clinic records and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Neonatal questionnaire. Infants will be followed-up at 6 and 12 months old to obtain anthropometric measurements.

    DISCUSSION: There is a growing recognition of the role of maternal circadian rhythm, which entrains fetal circadian rhythms that may subsequently have long-term health consequences. The present study will identify the effect of circadian rhythm on pregnancy outcomes and infant growth in the first year of life.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology
  8. Mahadzir MDA, Quek KF, Ramadas A
    Nutrients, 2020 Apr 15;12(4).
    PMID: 32326541 DOI: 10.3390/nu12041091
    BACKGROUND: While peer support interventions have shown to benefit adults with certain chronic conditions, there is limited evidence on its feasibility and effectiveness among people with metabolic syndrome (MetS). This paper describes the outcomes of a pre-post feasibility trial of "PEeR SUpport program for ADults with mEtabolic syndrome" (PERSUADE), an evidence-based and community-specific nutrition and lifestyle behavior peer support program for Malaysian adults with MetS.

    METHODS: We recruited 48 peers (median age: 46 (IQR = 11) years old) into four peer groups, who underwent 3 months of PERSUADE, followed by 3 months of follow-up period. Statistical analyses were conducted at post-intervention and post-follow-up to assess the changes in nutrition intake, anthropometry, and metabolic parameters.

    RESULTS: Although there were significant overall increases in total carbohydrate intake and glycemic load (both p < 0.001), we noted significant reductions in the intakes of total energy and fat (both p < 0.001). Physical activity (total METS/week) also showed a significant improvement (p < 0.001). Overall, significant but marginal improvements in anthropometric and vital metabolic parameters were also observed.

    CONCLUSIONS: The feasibility trial supported the adoption of PERSUADE, though there is a need to assess the long-term impact of the peer support program in local community settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating*
  9. Lek FY, Ong HH, Say YH
    Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 2018 5 9;27(3):707-717.
    PMID: 29737821 DOI: 10.6133/apjcn.092017.09
    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the association of DRD2 Taq1A, Taq1B and Taq1D gene polymorphisms with eating behavior, the preference/intake frequency/craving of high-fat foods and obesity in 394 Malaysian adults (161 males, 233 females; 308 Chinese, 86 Indians; 67 obese, 327 non-obese).

    METHODS AND STUDY DESIGN: Eating behaviors namely Cognitive Restraint, Uncontrolled Eating and Emotional Eating scores were assessed by the Three Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18. The preference/intake frequency/craving of 26 common high-fat Malaysian foods was assessed using a 7-point hedonic scale. Anthropometric measurements were taken and Taq1 gene polymorphisms were genotyped by PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism using DNA extracted from mouthwash samples.

    RESULTS: The overall minor allele frequencies of Taq1A, Taq1B and Taq1D according to ethnicities (Chinese/Indian) were 0.37/0.29, 0.39/0.28, 0.06/0.30, respectively; genotype and allele distributions of Taq1B and Taq1D were significantly different between ethnicities. Eating behaviorscores were not significantly different between gender and ethnicities. Those with A1 or B1 allele had lower Cognitive Restraint score and higher Uncontrolled Eating score, while those with A1/A1 or B1/B1 genotype had higher fast food preference. D1 allele was associated with increased starchy food craving and mamak (Malaysian Indian-Muslim) food preference, but not eating behavior scores. All three gene variants were not associated with obesity and adiposity.

    CONCLUSION: Taken together, we posit that three DRD2 Taq1 gene polymorphisms influence the eating behavior and preference/intake frequency/craving of certain high-fat foods in Malaysian adults, but their role in obesity and adiposity is still inconclusive and needs further investigation.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/psychology*
  10. Suhaimi FW, Yusoff NH, Dewa A, Yusof AP
    Acta Neurol Belg, 2010 Mar;110(1):57-64.
    PMID: 20514927
    Obesity is intimately associated with hypertension; increases in blood pressure are closely related to the magnitude of weight gain. The present study aims to determine whether the excitatory amino acid input to rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) contributes to elevated blood pressure in rats with diet-induced obesity. Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 280 to 300 grams were fed with a low-fat diet (10% kcal from fat) or moderately high-fat diet (32% kcal from fat) for 16 weeks. At week 16, rats on the moderate high-fat diet were segregated into obesity-prone and obesity-resistant rats based on body weight distribution. Baseline mean arterial pressure (MAP) was significantly higher in obesity-prone rats as compared to obesity-resistant and rats on a low-fat diet. Bilateral injection of kynurenic acid (KYN) (40 nM) into the RVLM of the obesity-prone rats reduced MAP to levels significantly different from those observed in rats on a low-fat diet and obesity-resistant rats (no change in MAP). At a lower concentration (4 nM), KYN injection did not produce any change in MAP in any group. The results obtained suggest that excitatory amino acid input to the RVLM does contribute to the development of hypertension in rats with diet-induced obesity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects; Eating/physiology
  11. Robert SA, Rohana AG, Shah SA, Chinna K, Wan Mohamud WN, Kamaruddin NA
    Obes Res Clin Pract, 2015 May-Jun;9(3):301-4.
    PMID: 25870084 DOI: 10.1016/j.orcp.2015.03.005
    We examined the effects of liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue on appetite and plasma ghrelin in non-diabetic obese participants with subclinical binge eating (BE). Forty-four obese BE participants (mean age: 34±9 years, BMI: 35.9±4.2kg/m(2)) were randomly assigned to intervention or control groups for 12 weeks. All participants received standard advice for diet and exercise. Binge eating score, ghrelin levels and other anthropometric variables were evaluated at baseline and at the end of the study. Participants who received liraglutide showed significant improvement in binge eating, accompanied by reduction in body weight, BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, fasting glucose and total cholesterol. Ghrelin levels were significantly increased which may potentially diminish the weight loss effects of liraglutide beyond the intervention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Binge-Eating Disorder/physiopathology; Binge-Eating Disorder/prevention & control*
  12. Alshagga MA, Mohamed Z, Seyedan A, Ebling FJP, Alshawsh MA
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2020 Nov 15;262:113187.
    PMID: 32730892 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113187
    ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Khat (Catha edulis (Vahl) Forssk.) is a herb from the Celastraceae family (also known as qat, gaad, or mirra) that is widely-consumed in East Africa and in the Arabian peninsula. The green leaves and small stems are consumed primarily at recreational and social gatherings, and medicinally for their antidiabetic and appetite-suppression effects.

    AIMS: The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of khat and its active alkaloid, cathinone, on food intake and body weight in mice maintained on a high-fat diet, and to investigate its mechanism of action in white adipose tissue and in the hypothalamus.

    MATERIALS & METHOD: Adult male mice (C57BL/6J) were fed a high fat diet (HFD) for 8 weeks (n = 30), then divided into 5 groups and treated daily for a further 8 weeks with HFD + vehicle [control (HFD)], HFD + 15 mg/kg orlistat (HFDO), HFD + 200 mg/kg khat extract (HFDK200), HFD + 400 mg/kg khat extract (HFDK400) and HFD + 3.2 mg/kg cathinone (HFDCAT). Treatments were carried out once daily by gastric gavage. Blood and tissue samples were collected for biochemical, hormonal and gene expression analyses.

    RESULTS: Khat extracts and orlistat treatment significantly reduced weight gain as compared to control mice on HFD, and cathinone administration completely prevented weight gain in mice fed on HFD. Khat treatment caused a marked reduction in body fat and in serum triglycerides. A dose-dependent effect of khat was observed in reducing serum leptin concentrations. Analysis of gene expression in adipose tissue revealed a significant upregulation of two lipolysis pathway genes:(adipose triglyceride lipase (PNPLA-2) and hormone-sensitive lipase (LIPE). In the hypothalamic there was a significant (P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects; Eating/genetics
  13. Shakirin FH, Azlan A, Ismail A, Amom Z, Yuon LC
    Oxid Med Cell Longev, 2012;2012:840973.
    PMID: 22685623 DOI: 10.1155/2012/840973
    The aim of this paper was to compare the effects of pulp and kernel oils of Canarium odontophyllum Miq. (CO) on lipid profile, lipid peroxidation, and oxidative stress of healthy rabbits. The oils are rich in SFAs and MUFAs (mainly palmitic and oleic acids). The pulp oil is rich in polyphenols. Male New Zealand white (NZW) rabbits were fed for 4 weeks on a normal diet containing pulp (NP) or kernel oil (NK) of CO while corn oil was used as control (NC). Total cholesterol (TC), HDL-C, LDL-c and triglycerides (TG) levels were measured in this paper. Antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidise), thiobarbiturate reactive substances (TBARSs), and plasma total antioxidant status (TAS) were also evaluated. Supplementation of CO pulp oil resulted in favorable changes in blood lipid and lipid peroxidation (increased HDL-C, reduced LDL-C, TG, TBARS levels) with enhancement of SOD, GPx, and plasma TAS levels. Meanwhile, supplementation of kernel oil caused lowering of plasma TC and LDL-C as well as enhancement of SOD and TAS levels. These changes showed that oils of CO could be beneficial in improving lipid profile and antioxidant status as when using part of normal diet. The oils can be used as alternative to present vegetable oil.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  14. Azman KF, Amom Z, Azlan A, Esa NM, Ali RM, Shah ZM, et al.
    J Nat Med, 2012 Apr;66(2):333-42.
    PMID: 21989999 DOI: 10.1007/s11418-011-0597-8
    Obesity and overweight are associated with atherosclerosis, fatty liver, hyperlipemia, diabetes mellitus, and various types of cancer. The global prevalence of overweight and obesity has reached epidemic proportions. Here, we investigated the effect of Tamarindus indica pulp aqueous extract (TIE) in diet-induced obese Sprague-Dawley rats. The animals were divided into five groups and labeled as follows: the normal control (NC) group received normal diet; the positive control (PC) group received high-fat diet; and the TIE 5, 25, and 50 groups, after the induction of obesity via a high-fat diet, received TIE at 5, 25, or 50 mg/kg orally for 10 weeks. It was observed that TIE decreased the levels of plasma total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and triglyceride, and increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL), with the concomitant reduction of body weight. Moreover, TIE decreased plasma leptin and reduced fatty acid synthase (FAS) activity and enhanced the efficiency of the antioxidant defense system. TIE exhibits antiobesity effects, as indicated by a significant reduction in adipose tissue weights, as well as lowering the degree of hepatic steatosis in the obesity-induced rats. The extract possesses hepatoprotective activity, as it reversed the plasma liver enzymes level elevation prior to the high-fat diet. In conclusion, TIE improved obesity-related parameters in blood, liver, and adipose tissue in a rat model and suppressed obesity induced by a high-fat diet, possibly by regulating lipid metabolism and lowering plasma leptin and FAS levels. A dose-dependant effect of TIE is detected, where TIE at 50 mg/kg showed the most prominent effect, followed by TIE at 25 mg/kg and, subsequently, 5 mg/kg.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  15. Adam SK, Das S, Jaarin K
    Int J Exp Pathol, 2009 Jun;90(3):321-7.
    PMID: 19563614 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2613.2009.00658.x
    Hypercholesterolaemia, increase in lipid peroxidation and hyperhomocysteinaemia may contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. This study was performed to examine the effects of repeatedly heated palm oil mixed with 2% cholesterol diet on atherosclerosis in oestrogen-deficient postmenopausal rats. Ovariectomy causes disruption of tunica intima layer of the rat aorta simulating a postmenopausal condition in females. Twenty-four ovariectomized female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups. The control group received 2% cholesterol diet without palm oil. A diet with 2% cholesterol content fortified with fresh, once-heated and five-times-heated palm oil was given to the other treatment groups. The rats were sacrificed at the end of 4 months of study and the aortic arch tissue was processed for histomorphometry and electron microscopy. On observation, there was disruption of the intimal layer of the ovariectomized rat aorta. There was no obvious ultrastructural change in the aorta of the rats fed with fresh palm oil. The ultrastructural changes were minimal with once-heated palm oil, in which there was a focal disruption of the endothelial layer. The focal disruption was more pronounced with five-times-heated palm oil. The results of this study show that the ingestion of fresh palm oil may have a protective effect on the aorta but such a protective action may be lost when the palm oil is repeatedly heated. The study may be clinically important for all postmenopausal women who are susceptible to atherosclerosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  16. Sabetghadam A, Ramanathan S, Sasidharan S, Mansor SM
    J Ethnopharmacol, 2013 Apr 19;146(3):815-23.
    PMID: 23422336 DOI: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.02.008
    ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Mitragyna speciosa is a popular medicinal plant in Southeast Asia which is commonly used for its morphine-like effects. Although the analgesic properties of Mitragyna speciosa and its ability to ameliorate withdrawal signs after abrupt cessation of opioid abuse are well known, information about the long-term safety of the plant's active compounds is lacking. In this work, we evaluated the effects of sub-chronic exposure to mitragynine, the principal alkaloid of Mitragyna speciosa leaves in rats.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats received three doses of mitragynine (1, 10, 100mg/kg, p.o) for 28 days respectively. Food intake and relative body weight were measured during the experiment. After completion of drug treatment biochemical, hematological, and histological analyses were performed.

    RESULTS: No mortality was observed in any of the treatment groups. The groups of rats treated with the lower and intermediate doses showed no toxic effects during the study. However, the relative body weight of the group of female rats treated with the 100mg/kg dose was decreased significantly. Food intake also tended to decrease in the same group. Only relative liver weight increased after treatment with the high dose of mitragynine (100mg/ kg) in both the male and female treatment groups of rats. Biochemical and hematological parameters were also altered especially in high dose treatment group which corresponds to the histopathological changes.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study demonstrated that mitragynine is relatively safe at lower sub-chronic doses (1-10mg/kg) but exhibited toxicity at a highest dose (sub-chronic 28 days: 100mg/kg). This was confirmed by liver, kidney, and brain histopathological changes, as well as hematological and biochemical changes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/drug effects
  17. Ho CY, Ibrahim Z, Abu Zaid Z, Mat Daud Z', Md Yusop NB
    Trials, 2020 Jun 16;21(1):533.
    PMID: 32546217 DOI: 10.1186/s13063-020-04462-4
    INTRODUCTION: There has been growing evidence on the favourable outcomes of fast-track-recovery (FTR) surgery; to expedite recovery, minimise complications, and reduce the length of hospital stay for surgical patients. However, there is lack of evidence on the effectiveness of FTR in surgical gynaecological cancer (GC) patients. Most of the previous studies did not focus on feeding composition in the FTR surgery protocol. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of FTR feeding with a whey-protein-infused carbohydrate-loading drink pre-operatively and early oral feeding post-operatively on post-operative outcomes among surgical GC patients.

    METHODS/DESIGN: This open-labelled, randomised controlled trial (RCT) will randomly allocate patients into intervention and control groups. Ambulated Malaysian aged over 18 years and scheduled for elective surgery for (suspected) GC, will be included in this study. The intervention group will be given whey-protein-infused carbohydrate-loading drinks on the evening before their operation and 3 h before their operation as well as started on early oral feeding 4 h post-operatively. The control group will be fasted overnight pre-operation and only allowed plain water, and return to a normal diet is allowed when bowel sounds return post-operatively. The primary outcomes of study are length of post-operative hospital stay, length of clear-fluid tolerance, solid-food tolerance and bowel function. Additional outcome measures are changes in nutritional status, biochemical profile and functional status. Data will be analysed on an intention-to-treat basis.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, ID: NCT03667755. Retrospectively registered on 12 September 2018; Protocol version: version 3 dated 27 September 2017.

    Matched MeSH terms: Eating*
  18. Koo HC, Poh BK, Talib RA
    Nutrients, 2020 Sep 29;12(10).
    PMID: 33003299 DOI: 10.3390/nu12102972
    Diet composition is a key determinant of childhood obesity. While whole grains and micronutrients are known to decrease the risk of obesity, there are no interventions originating from Southeast Asia that emphasize whole grain as a strategy to improve overall quality of diet in combating childhood obesity. The GReat-Child Trial aimed to improve whole grain intake and quality of diet among overweight and obese children. It is a quasi-experimental intervention based on Social Cognitive Theory. It has a 12-week intervention and 6-month follow-up, consisting of three components that address environmental, personal, and behavioral factors. The intervention consists of: (1) six 30 min lessons on nutrition, using the Malaysian Food Pyramid to emphasize healthy eating, (2) daily deliveries of wholegrain foods to schools so that children can experience and accept wholegrain foods, and (3) diet counseling to parents to increase availability of wholegrain foods at home. Two primary schools with similar demographics in Kuala Lumpur were assigned as control (CG) and intervention (IG) groups. Inclusion criteria were: (1) children aged 9 to 11 years who were overweight/obese; (2) who did not consume whole grain foods; and (3) who had no serious co-morbidity problems. The entire trial was completed by 63 children (31 IG; 32 CG). Study outcomes were measured at baseline and at two time points post intervention (at the 3rd [T1] and 9th [T2] months). IG demonstrated significantly higher intakes of whole grain (mean difference = 9.94, 95%CI: 7.13, 12.75, p < 0.001), fiber (mean difference = 3.07, 95% CI: 1.40, 4.73, p = 0.001), calcium (mean difference = 130.27, 95%CI: 74.15, 186.39, p < 0.001), thiamin (mean difference = 58.71, 95%CI: 26.15, 91.28, p = 0.001), riboflavin (mean difference = 0.84, 95%CI: 0.37, 1.32, p = 0.001), niacin (mean difference = 0.35, 95%CI: 1.91, 5.16, p < 0.001), and vitamin C (mean difference = 58.71, 95%CI: 26.15, 91.28, p = 0.001) compared to CG in T1, after adjusting for covariates. However, T1 results were not sustained in T2 when intervention had been discontinued. The findings indicate that intervention emphasizing whole grains improved overall short-term but not long-term dietary intake among schoolchildren. We hope the present trial will lead to adoption of policies to increase whole grain consumption among Malaysian schoolchildren.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/psychology
  19. Ahmad N, Shariff ZM, Mukhtar F, Lye MS
    Nutrients, 2020 Oct 08;12(10).
    PMID: 33049909 DOI: 10.3390/nu12103065
    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of a family-based intervention program (REDUCE) on children's eating behaviors and dietary intake. A two-arm randomized controlled field trial was conducted among parents and children of 7 to 10 years old who were either overweight or obese. The intervention was conducted via face-to-face sessions and social media. The child eating behaviors were assessed using the child eating behaviors questionnaire (CEBQ), while their dietary consumption of vegetables and unhealthy snacks was assessed using a parental report of three days unweighted food. The generalized linear mixed modelling adjusted for covariates was used to estimate the intervention effects with alpha of 0.05. A total of 122 parents (91% response rate) completed this study. At the six-month post-training, there were statistically significant mean differences in the enjoyment of food (F(6481) = 4.653, p < 0.001), fruit and vegetable intake (F(6480) = 4.165, p < 0.001) and unhealthy snack intake (F(6480) = 5.062, p < 0.001) between the intervention and wait-list groups; however, it was not clinically meaningful. This study added to the body of knowledge of family-based intervention that utilized social media and assessed the effect in children's eating behavior using the CEBQ and children's dietary intake.
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating/physiology*
  20. Suzana S, Azlinda A, Hin SL, Khor WH, Zahara Z, Sa'ida MJ, et al.
    Malays J Nutr, 2011 Aug;17(2):163-73.
    PMID: 22303571 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: In Malaysia, hypertension prevalence has increased from 13% in 1996 to 43% in 2006 based on the Third National Health and Morbidity Survey.
    METHODOLOGY: Recognising the importance of hypertension control to prevent cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, a cross-sectional study was carried out to assess factors influencing blood pressure among 74 hypertensive adults (22 men, 52 women, mean age 61.1 +/- 8.8 years old) attending an outpatient clinic of a government health clinic in Klang Valley. Subjects were interviewed to obtain information on social and health, physical activity level and food intake using Diet History Questionnaire (DHQ) and Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). Anthropometric measurements including weight, height, waist circumference and percentage of body fat were also conducted.
    RESULTS: The majority of the subjects (71.6%) had poor hypertension control as determined using blood pressure. Women aged 30-59 years old had a higher mean diastolic blood pressure (87.3 +/- 11.6 mmHg) than women aged 60 years old (78.5 +/- 9.5 mmHg) (p < 0.05). Most of the men (36.4%) achieved three out of six Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) for Hypertension Recommendations as outlined by the Malaysian Dietitians' Association. About one-third (30.8%) of the women achieved two out of six of the guidelines. High sodium intake (adjusted OR 3.501, 95% CI 1.116-10.985, p < 0.05), daily consumption of coffee (adjusted OR 0.302, 95% CI 0.093-0.983, p < 0.05) and less intake of milk (adjusted OR 3.328, 95% CI 1.055-10.493, p < 0.05) were associated with uncontrolled hypertension.
    CONCLUSION: Three quarters of the subjects had unsatisfactory hypertensive control and was related to food intake and eating habits including high salt diet, coffee consumption and inadequate milk intake were unsatisfactory. There is a need to implement a nutrition intervention programme based on MNT to achieve good hypertensive control among subjects.
    Study site: klinik kesihatan, Klang Valley, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Eating*
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