Few health studies exist on dampness and mould in schools in the tropics. We studied associations between fraction of exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO), respiratory symptoms and airway infections among students and dampness and fungal DNA in schools in Malaysia. A total of 368 randomly selected students from 32 classrooms in 8 secondary schools in Penang, Malaysia, participated (58% participation rate). Information on current respiratory symptoms and the home environment was collected by a standardised questionnaire. FeNO was measured by NIOX MINO (50ml/min). The classrooms were inspected and dust was collected by vacuuming on special filters and was analysed for five fungal DNA sequences by quantitative PCR. Linear mixed models and 3-level multiple logistic regression (school, classroom, student) were applied adjusting for demographic data and the home environment. Totally 10.3% reported doctor's diagnosed asthma, 15.1% current wheeze, 12.4% current asthma, 37.3% daytime breathlessness, 10.2% nocturnal breathlessness, 38.9% airway infections and 15.5% had pollen or furry pet allergy. The geometric mean of FeNO was 19.9ppb and 45% had elevated FeNO (>20ppb). Boys had higher levels of FeNO. Chinese had less daytime breathlessness than Malay (OR=0.30: p<0.001). Indoor carbon dioxide levels were low (380-720ppm). Dampness was observed in 18% of the classrooms and was associated with respiratory infections (OR=3.70; 95% CI 1.14-12.1) and FeNO (p=0.04). Aspergillus versicolor DNA was detected in 67% of the classrooms. Higher numbers of Aspergillus versicolor DNA in classroom dust were associated with wheeze (p=0.006), current asthma (p=0.002), respiratory infections (p=0.005) and elevated FeNO levels (p=0.02). In conclusion, respiratory symptoms were common among the students and the high FeNO levels indicate ongoing airway inflammation. Building dampness and the mould Aspergillus versicolor in schools in Malaysia can be risk factors for impaired respiratory health among the students.
Introduction: The academic life of medical students can be considered as psychological toxic. About half of United States medical students experience burnout and more than 25% experience depression. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of burnout among medical students in a Malaysian medical school and its associated factors.
Methods: This is a cross sectional study of 452 medical students from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). Copenhagen Burnout Inventory was distributed via Google Forms through Facebook Messenger. Ethical approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee USM. Data were collected via Google Sheets. Each respondent only submitted one Google Form as no resubmission link was provided once completed Google Form was submitted.
Result: The prevalence of burnout among USM medical students was 67.9%. Personal burnout was the highest (81.6%), followed by work-related burnout (73.7%) and client-related burnout (68.6%). The analysis showed that regardless of year of study, gender and ethnicity (all P > 0.05), USM medical students were vulnerable to burnout.
Conclusion: The prevalence of burnout among USM medical students was high and the most prevalent type of burnout was personal burnout. Therefore, burnout among medical students should be a concern and must be addressed to prevent subsequent unwanted consequences.
Behavioural self-analysis projects were introduced into the second year medical curriculum in behavioural sciences at the University of Malaya. Students performance and evaluation of the experience were compared with those of American medical students. It was concluded that receptivity of medical students to principles of behaviour therapy is relatively similar in the two societies.
Dental caries is a major health problem affecting an estimated 90% of school children worldwide. This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate oral health knowledge, attitude, and practices among secondary school students in Kuching, Sarawak. Data was collected using a pretested questionnaire on 209 randomly selected students from four schools. Results showed no significant differences between the gender and age groups in terms of knowledge level, but significant differences were observed between the schools. The students had positive attitude towards the dental services, but their dental visits were still low due to fear of dental needle and handpieces. Toothbrush and toothpaste were still the most commonly used oral hygiene aids. As compared to parents and friends, dentist was perceived to have more influence on oral hygiene practices among the students. Girls consumed more sweets, snacks and soft drinks than boys. However, girls spent longer time to brush their teeth and brush more frequently. Oral health education should be a life-long practice and incorporated into the school environment with the support of teachers and parents.
Many studies on adolescent smoking have been conducted in Malaysia, but very limited information is available on smoking amongst lower secondary school male students (Forms 1 and 2). We present data from a baseline study in Kota Tinggi District, Johor on the psychosocial factors, stages of smoking acquisition and susceptibility to smoking initiation and their relationship to adolescent smoking. The study is the first wave of a 3-year longitudinal study which was conducted from March 2007 to May 2009, aimed to describe the prevalence of smoking among students in the lower secondary classes. A three stage stratified sampling was performed to obtain a sample. The Bogus Pipeline Method was employed to confirm smoking status. Prevalence of smoking was 35.5%. Smoking prevalence among students of schools located in the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) settlement areas (42.9%) was two-fold higher than in the rural and town schools combined (20.29%). Using the Fagerstrom scale, 90% of current smokers had lower addiction to nicotine. Smoking was associated with peer smoking [OR, 4.19 (95% CI, 2.57-6.82)], having a brother smoking [2.17 (1.31-3.61)], parental smoking [1.73 (1.17-2.80)] and locality where respondents attend school [1.94(1.11-3.39)]. The study indicates that, the prevalence of smoking was high in all areas especially FELDA settlement areas. Measures such as teaching of skills to resist social pressure to smoke, establishment of peer support groups and involvement of parents in anti-smoking programs are recommended to curb the high prevalence of smoking among lower secondary school students in Kota Tinggi.
Pre-hypertension increased the risk of morbidity and mortality from non-communicable diseases. Whereas, psychological factors such as depression, anxiety and stress have been associated with increased in blood pressure. However, previous studies more focuses on psychological determinants of hypertension than prehypertension. Thus, this study aims to determine the association between these psychological factors with pre-hypertension. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2012 among first year students of a public Malaysian university. A random cluster sampling was used to select 5 out of 15 faculties and a total of 495 students participated in this study. The Malay version of DASS-21 was used to elicit their levels of depression, anxiety and stress. Blood pressures were measured twice using sphygmomanometer and the averages were taken. Data analyses used chi-square test and binary multiple logistic regression. The prevalence of pre-hypertension was 30.1%. The percentage of severe and extremely severe depression was 3.8% and 1.2%; both severe and extremely severe anxiety was 16.4%; and severe and extremely severe stress was 4.2% and 0.2% respectively. Severe/extremely severe depression had more than 3 times higher in getting pre-hypertension than no depression. In conclusions, almost one third of respondents had pre-hypertension and only severe/extremely depression was associated with pre-hypertension.
Introduction: Medical school expected to be a time of personal development, achievement, and well-being. However, research shows that there are many negative effects on students’ mental health due to the current educational process. Objective: This research aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of depression, anxiety, and stress among medical students of a private medical university in Malaysia. Method: Cross sectional study was conducted using self-administered questionnaires including socio-demographic factors, DASS-21 and MSSQ-40 questionnaires. Result: Prevalence of stress, anxiety, and depression were 46.9%, 76.2% and 60.2% respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that academic related stressors were only associated with stress [adjusted OR 1.78, 95% CI (1.23, 2.58), p=0.002]. Group activities related stressors were significantly associated with stress [adjusted OR=1.45, 95%CI (1.20, 1.75), p
Introduction: Task-based learning (TBL) has been accepted as an effective tool in teaching and learning activities in most medical schools. Many studies have looked at competencies and learning outcomes essential for undergraduates. Among the essential competencies are interpersonal skills and the ability to engage in a group discussion which this study has focused on. The evidence supporting higher interpersonal skills is however limited because many relevant competencies are hard to measure and require long observational periods.
Objective: To determine students’ self-perceived value of TBL in enhancing their interpersonal skills during the clinical phase.
Material and Methods: All students’ (semesters 6-10) in the clinical school of International Medical University (IMU) were invited to participate in this cross-sectional study done in December 2007 utilising a self-administered questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. It assessed the students’ perception on TBL sessions conducted during their clinical attachments in the various disciplines. Mean-scores, standard deviations, and confidence interval were used.
Results: Response rate was 62%. The results indicated that students were favorable in their opinion on TBL as a suitable forum for active communication and participation in group discussion. The results also show that both male and female students’ have similar perception. As for the comparison according to semesters, this showed that students’ maturity does not influence their perception as well.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the study has shown positive students’ perception on the effect of TBL on acquired skills such as interpersonal communication. Our findings are consistent with many earlier studies which show students’ perception of the method of learning as important factor in the enhancement of their interpersonal skills which is fundamental to clinical practice. Further research is necessary; long-term and larger scale observational studies would undoubtedly be optimal to minimise response bias.
Eating disorders are a group of mental health concerns characterized by disturbance in eating behaviour that include, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and other types of disordered eating. Adolescents are becoming increasingly vulnerable to eating disorders. The Eating Disorder Attitude Test (EAT-40) is a widely used screening instrument for detecting eating disorders. Several authors have translated the EAT-40 in various languages and validated the scale. The objective of the study included determining the factor structure of EAT-40 and to find the reliability. Method: 217 undergraduate university students in Malaysia were administered the EAT-40. In addition, they were also administered the Rosenberg’s Self Esteem scale to study the correlates of EAT-40. Results: The mean age of students was 22 years. The factor analysis of EAT-40 revealed a 34 item EAT model, with four subscales, ‘Dieting Behaviour’, ‘Oral Control’, ‘Food Preoccupation’ and ‘Body Image’. The short form is composed of 34 items and shows good internal consistency = 0.799.
Conclusion: It may be established that the EAT-34 shows an unidimensional structure with good internal consistency even though some items needs to be revised.
Aims : The review was to determine the prevalence of needlestick injury especially among health care personnel and to determine the score of knowledge and compliance to the Standard Universal Precaution.
Method : Twelve theses were reviewed from year 1996 to 2007 of Master in Community Health Science, Master in Community Health and Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health of Community Health Department Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center involving of 1645 respondents of health care personnel, support staff and student of nursing and medical. Eleven studies were cross sectional design and only one study was retrospective.
Results : Respondents were dominated by female (74.6%) and Malay ethnicity (65%), as young as 19 years old to 56 years old of age. Majority had received Hepatitis B vaccination (79.4%) but only 37.1% had completed the 3 doses regime. The incidence of episodes of needle stick injury among health care personnel was double (53.7%) compared to final year medical students (20.9%). Needle stick injuries did not occur at random as there were a few health care personnel injured repeatedly. Those who had higher mean or median score for compliance to Standard Universal Precaution were non case of needlestick injury. Work practices had been highlighted in few studies of being risk factors for needlestick injury such as blood withdrawing related activities. Other risk factors were job category, predictive factor for compliance to Standard Universal Precaution, risk perception and training.
Conclusion : Even though the review could not extrapolated to general population of healthcare personnel but it gave some illustrated pictures to what had happened in small clustered locations. Episodes of needle stick injury was 53.7% for past 12 years, it was double in comparison to final year medical students in year 2001. 13.2% were injured repeatedly. The score of knowledge was more the 50% of range but compliance to Standard Precaution made differences in being cases or non cases among respondents. The seroconversion status till date was unknown.
Various studies have reported that excess body weight may increase the risk to various diseases and death. A study reported that adolescents who were overweight were almost 18 times more likely than their leaner peers to be obese in early adulthood and were 8.5 times more likely to have hypertension as young adults. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the body composition and four dietary factors i.e., prudent diet habits, calorie control habits, dietary fat/ cholesterol and sodium/salt control which may affect blood pressure and the risk of heart disease among year 1 medical students in a public university in Selangor. Body composition was determined by measuring the body mass index (BMI) and body fat percentage. None of the female students showed excellent/good eating habits while majority were fair (37.7%) and poor/very poor (62.3%). Nearly half of the male students showed excellent/good eating habits (42.5%), but more than half (57.5%) were poor/very poor. Majority of the female (85.7%, 85.7% and 94.8% respectively) and male students (80.9%, 57.5% and 93.6% respectively) showed excellent/good eating habits in calorie, dietary fat and salt control. Majority of the students (64.9% female and 61.7% male) have normal BMI values while 24.7% of female and 10.6% of male students were underweight (BMI values less than 18.5). Only a small number of female students were overweight (5.2%) and obese (5.2%). However 14.9% of male students were overweight and another 12.8% were obese.
Students in tertiary level education are mostly young adults that are transiting from the teenage years to adulthood. Since there is less restriction as compared to their teenage years, university and college students might involve in risky behaviours that may affect their health, social and academic performance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the differences of health risk factors and health promoting behaviour that have been practiced by students in Malaysia. A cross sectional study was conducted using closed-ended questionnaires distributed to university and college students via emails. The results showed that 77.0% students claimed they have no health problem. However 49.0% of the non-medical students did not know whether they have normal BMI. Among the medical students, 62.0% rarely do physical exercise even though most are seriously concern about their fat consumption (95.0%). Only 30.0% of the total students have awareness of wearing seat belt. For health promoting behaviour, 33.0% of female students have never perform breast self examination (BSE), while 65.0% of male students have never perform testicular self examination (TSE). These findings confirmed that there are differences in health risk factors and health promoting behaviour that have been practiced by the students.
Introduction: HIV/AIDS is one of the leading health problems worldwide. There is an increasing rate among the ages between 13 to 49 years old. School based intervention is an important component of community-based interventions for HIV/AIDS and is the best stage to promote abstinence which is best maintained among those not sexually experienced. Objectives: This study was carried out to determine attitude towards sex among secondary school children in Selangor state. Methods: A cross-sectional study design was used. Four out of nine districts in Selangor state were selected at random. Students were divided according to gender, academic performance (good or poor) with no behavioural problems
and students with evidence of behaviour problems (at risk). Results: Out of 149 students, the majority (56.4%) were females. The majority of students did not think sex should be discussed in depth and do not speak to parents, teachers, religious teachers, counselors, relatives, doctors or nurses but speak to friends regarding sex. More than half watch pornography. A significantly higher percentage of male students in the weak and at-risk group admit to thinking of intimacy (hugging and kissing) with the opposite gender. A higher number of these students would try sex out of curiosity, for fun, because it was difficult to say ‘no’ to and that they would like it. A significantly higher percentage will try sex because they did not want to hurt their girlfriends’ feeling by saying ‘no’. While the majority of students think intimacy will end in sex, a significantly higher percentage of male at-risk students think just talking with the opposite gender will end in sex. The majority of male students responded feeling attracted to the picture of a girl in sexy clothing but a significantly higher percentage of at-risk students also felt attracted to the picture of a girl properly attired. A significantly higher percentage of male at-risk students say parents do not say sex before marriage is wrong and a significantly higher percentage of
male students of weak and at-risk groups say girlfriends say sex before marriage is okay. A significantly higher percentage of weak and at-risk students speak to doctors regarding sex and think sex should be discussed in depth. Conclusion: Weak and at-risk male students appeared to have a more vulnerable attitude towards sex. This may predispose them to risky sexual behaviours leading to HIV/AIDS. Poor academic performance and behaviour problems may not be different as potential sexual risk predictors. The information obtained will be useful in designing intervention programmes in the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
The present study is to determine the level of depression, anxiety and stress among Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) clinical year medical students and their help seeking behaviour in relation to their psychological aspect. A cross-sectional study was conducted in UKM Medical Centre for three months duration. The study population was the third, fourth and fifth year medical students via proportional sampling. They were given questionnaires consisting of socio-demographic items, Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale 21 – Bahasa Malaysia version BM-DASS21 and questions regarding help-seeking behaviors. Psychometric assessment (BMDASS21) estimated the level of depression, anxiety and stress among medical students. Help-seeking behavior questions assessed the use of medical facilities and other help-seeking sources. Regarding questions on the barriers towards seeking help from the primary health-care, three parts were evaluated: structural barriers, barriers towards perceptions on mental-health disorder and barriers towards use of primary health-care services. There were 380 medical students who were involved in this research. It was found that some students experienced depression (1.3%), anxiety (2.4%) and stress (2.4%). Majority of them preferred to seek help from friends (283; 74.5%) followed by parents (275; 72.4%). There was a significant association between students who were anxious and help seeking behaviour from formal sources: counselor (p=0.001) and religious personnel (p=0.03). Hence, it is essential to increase their awareness on psychological disorders and more efficient screening programme should be used to recognize medical students with possible emotional disorders.
This study aimed to assess the nutritional status (BMI), oral health behaviour, sugar consumption and the associated factors with dental caries among a group of 7 to 11 years old children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Three hundred and twelve students were recruited from February to July 2013. Information gathered were their socio-demographic characteristics, body mass index, sugar consumption, oral-health behaviour, oral hygiene index and decay-missing-filled teeth (dmft) index. Anthropometry measurements and sugar intake was measured using verified tools. Meanwhile, dmft was examined using the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. 53.7% of the children were of the normal body weight with mean sugar consumption of 31.81±4.24 g/day. Prevalence of dental caries was reported at 44.6% (95% CI: 42.2, 53.3) with a mean (SD) dmft of 1.27(1.84). No association was found between dental caries and weight status distribution. Most children tend to brush their teeth 2 times or more in a day (75%), however, they spent lesser time in tooth brushing (5.4%) and do not practice flossing (78%). Regression analysis showed that age (p
The 12- item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) has been translated into many languages and widely used in different settings and countries. Its reliability and psychometric properties were extensively studied in many population groups which suggested that it measures psychological distress in multidimensional construct. Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the reliability and factor structure of the Bahasa Malaysia version of the GHQ-12 among university students attending a health program at a Malaysian public university. Method: The cross sectional survey was conducted on 306 undergraduate students aged between 18 to 27 years old who visited the booth set up for mental health screening at a health program. The screening was conducted using a self-administered, validated Bahasa Malaysia version of GHQ-12 questionnaire. Results: Using exploratory factor analysis, the Bahasa Malaysia version of GHQ-12 was found to have a three factor structures namely depressive symptoms, self-esteem and perceived abilities which accounted for 58% of the item variance. The overall Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the scale was found to be high (0.84) with each factor having acceptable inter-item consistency ranging from 0.61 to 0.82. Conclusion: The findings of the study show that the Bahasa Malaysia version GHQ-12 is reliable and has good structural characteristics. It can assess a few domains of the psychological status of university students. It also helps in providing more information
on the domain which may become a focus target of intervention in the prevention of mental illness.
Obesity is a well-established risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The objective of
the study was to determine the prevalence of obesity and factors associated among secondary school students aged between 13 to 17 years at Slemani City Centre, Iraq. Methodology: A cross sectional study design was used. The calculated sample size was 1656. Probability proportional to size sampling technique was used to select the sample. A validated pretested questionnaire was used to collect the data. Weight and height were also taken. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21. Chi-square test was used to determine an association between two categorical variables. Independent t-test was used to compare two means. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine the predictors for obesity. Results: The response rate was 92.54% and the overall mean age of the 1588 respondents was 15.42 (95% CI = 15.35, 15.49) years. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 20.6% and 11.3% respectively. Variables significantly associated with overweight and obesity (age, monthly family income, education level of parents, body part satisfaction and body size perception) were entered into the logistic regression model. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the predictors for overweight and obesity were age, monthly family income, body part dissatisfaction and body size perception. Conclusion: The prevalence of overweight and obesity is high (20.6% and 11.3% respectively). The predictors of obesity among secondary school students aged between 13 to 17 years old at Slemani City Centre Kurdistan Region, Iraq were age, family income and body image dissatisfaction.
Introduction: Various studies had been done on medical students stress, but there is yet no comparative study done between universities in Asia and Europe. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiteit Maastricht (UM) share a lot in common in terms of medical education as both actively apply PBL-oriented education into their curriculum. It will be interesting to find out the effect of differing culture, one Eastern and another Western, on the prevalence of stress and stressors among medical students of both universities.
Method: A comparative study was conducted on medical students from USM and UM. Psychological distress was measured by the 12 item General Health Questionnaire and stressors were measured by the 40 item Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire. The calculated sample size was 215 per university. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.
Result: Results showed that the overall prevalence of psychological distress among medical students of USM and UM was 25.9% and no significant difference was found between the two universities. Binary logistic regression test showed that medical students in pre-clinical phase were 1.84 times more likely to develop psychological distress than medical students in clinical phases (B = 0.612, odd ratio (CI95%) = 1.84 (1.16, 2.93), p = 0.010). The major stressors were related to academic requirements, UM medical students perceived the stressors as causing less stress than USM medical students (t-stat (df) = 5.33 (380), p-value < 0.001).
Conclusion: Psychological health among medical students in the two universities was comparable. Academic requirements were the most stressful events as perceived by the students, but UM medical students had more positive perception toward the stressors than USM medical students. Pre-clinical students experienced higher psychological pressures than the clinical students. The medical schools should provide more attention to pre-clinical students because they might need psychological support from them.
Context: Community-based medical education (CBME) has become widely accepted as an important innovation in undergraduate medical education. In curriculum featuring CBME, students are acquainted with the community early in their studies however; the impact of this training can be judged best to see them practice the required aspects of CBME. Malaysia is a multiracial country with a very strong community dependant life style. Main national health problems have called for a change in health profession education from traditional hospital based health care to community-based delivery system. Three major university's medical schools that either practice community oriented or community based medical education in undergraduate medical curriculum are evaluated. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has a community based medical education (CBME) curriculum as Community and Family Case Study (CFCS) compared to a community oriented education curriculum (COE) adopted by Universiti Malaya (UM) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). However, UM at the time of undertaking this study back in 2005 was though practicing COE has also later opted CBME as CFCS.
Objective: To determine whether medical graduates from USM with a community-based medical education in its curriculum for more than 25 years are inspired to have stronger commitment towards community health as shown in their on-job practice of medicine compared to other graduates from UM and UKM, who have adopted community-oriented medical education program.
Method: A questionnaire-based pilot study with 12 items (variables) was designed to obtain supervisor's opinion on commitment of interns towards the health of community they serve. The questionnaire was administered to a randomized group of 85 specialists supervising the internship training program in five major disciplines including internal medicine, surgery, orthopaedic, gynaecology and obstetrics and paediatric medicine. The data received from 62 respondents from five major disciplines was analyzed utilizing SPSS version 12.0.1.
Result: The responses received from 62 supervisors on an inventory in which 9 out of 12 variables were directly related to community commitments of interns. It was shown that the USM graduates who were taught through a CBME curriculum have performed better than the graduates from UM and UKM who followed a COE curriculum. P-value (< 0.001) was highly significant and consistent with higher mean score in those variables.
Conclusion: The graduates taught through a CBME curriculum performed better in community commitments towards patients care compared to graduates from COE curriculum.