Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 76 in total

  1. Abuduxike G, Aljunid SM
    Biotechnol Adv, 2012 Nov-Dec;30(6):1589-601.
    PMID: 22617902 DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2012.05.002
    Health biotechnology has rapidly become vital in helping healthcare systems meet the needs of the poor in developing countries. This key industry also generates revenue and creates employment opportunities in these countries. To successfully develop biotechnology industries in developing nations, it is critical to understand and improve the system of health innovation, as well as the role of each innovative sector and the linkages between the sectors. Countries' science and technology capacities can be strengthened only if there are non-linear linkages and strong interrelations among players throughout the innovation process; these relationships generate and transfer knowledge related to commercialization of the innovative health products. The private sector is one of the main actors in healthcare innovation, contributing significantly to the development of health biotechnology via knowledge, expertise, resources and relationships to translate basic research and development into new commercial products and innovative processes. The role of the private sector has been increasingly recognized and emphasized by governments, agencies and international organizations. Many partnerships between the public and private sector have been established to leverage the potential of the private sector to produce more affordable healthcare products. Several developing countries that have been actively involved in health biotechnology are becoming the main players in this industry. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of the private sector in health biotechnology development and to study its impact on health and economic growth through case studies in South Korea, India and Brazil. The paper also discussed the approaches by which the private sector can improve the health and economic status of the poor.
  2. Hasan H, Aljunid SM
    BMC Public Health, 2019 Feb 19;19(1):208.
    PMID: 30782152 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-019-6520-z
    BACKGROUND: Job satisfaction influences staff retention, motivation, and performance in providing services. A considerable amount of published studies has reported on the job satisfaction level of healthcare workers, but to date, very few studies focused on Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers. This study aimed to explore the job satisfaction level among Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) workers and associated factors related to their overall job satisfaction.

    METHODS: A one-year survey was conducted in three states of the east coast region of Peninsular Malaysia involving 204 CBR workers selected through universal sampling method where all CBR staff who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were selected as participants. Self-completed questionnaires consisted of 20 association factors on six-point Likert scale responses were distributed. Total mean satisfaction level and mean associated factors were reported in this study.

    RESULTS: The results showed that the majority of the participants were between 20 and 40 years old (72%), female (96%), Malay (99%) and had 1-5 years of working experience. The mean total satisfaction score was 79.8 ± SD = 7.85. The highest mean satisfaction level for the associated factor was 4.6 ± SD = 0.59 with about 95% of the participants were satisfied that "CBR programme is a challenging work", while the lowest satisfaction level for associated factor was on "salary of community-based rehabilitation staff is acceptable", with mean score of 2.3 ± SD = 0.97 with about 59% of the participants felt dissatisfied. The results of this study determined that the highest dissatisfied factors among CBR workers were on salary.

    CONCLUSION: These findings provided useful information for policymakers to evaluate this issue for a sustainable CBR programme in the future.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: This study has been registered for trial as 'retrospective registered' in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) (registration no.: ACTRN 12618001101279 ) on 5th October 2018.

  3. Barmania S, Aljunid SM
    BMC Int Health Hum Rights, 2017 10 18;17(1):30.
    PMID: 29047415 DOI: 10.1186/s12914-017-0138-y
    BACKGROUND: Globally, one of the key groups considered to be at high risk of acquiring HIV are transgender women, often a marginalised group. In the Malaysian context there has been a scarcity of published research relating to transgender women, a sensitive issue in a Muslim majority country, where Islam plays an influential role in society. Furthermore, there has been a paucity of research relating to how such issues relate to HIV prevention in transgender women in Malaysia. Thus, the aim of this study is to explore the attitudes of stakeholders involved in HIV prevention policy in Malaysia towards transgender women, given the Islamic context.

    METHODS: In-depth interviews were undertaken with stakeholders involved in HIV prevention, Ministry of Health, Religious Leaders and People Living with HIV, including transgender women. Thirty five participants were recruited using purposive sampling from June to December 2013 within Kuala Lumpur and surrounding vicinities. Interviews were in person, audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and used a framework analysis.

    RESULTS: Five central themes emerged from the qualitative data; Perceptions of Transgender women and their place in Society; Reaching out to Transgender Women; Islamic doctrine; 'Cure', 'Correction' and finally, Stigma and Discrimination.

    DISCUSSION: Islamic rulings about transgenderism were often the justification given by participants chastising transgender women, whilst there were also more progressive attitudes and room for debate. Pervasive negative attitudes and stigma and discrimination created a climate where transgender women often felt more comfortable with non-governmental organisations.

    CONCLUSION: The situation of transgender women in Malaysia and HIV prevention is a highly sensitive and challenging environment for all stakeholders, given the Muslim context and current legal system. Despite this apparent impasse, there are practically achievable areas that can be improved upon to optimise HIV prevention services and the environment for transgender women in Malaysia.

  4. Mahmud A, Aljunid SM
    PLoS One, 2018;13(2):e0191764.
    PMID: 29389972 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0191764
    Access to healthcare is essential in the pursuit of universal health coverage. Components of access are availability, accessibility (spatial and non-spatial), affordability and acceptability. Measuring spatial accessibility is common approach to evaluating access to health care. This study aimed to determine the availability and spatial accessibility of subsidised mammogram screening in Peninsular Malaysia. Availability was determined from the number and distribution of facilities. Spatial accessibility was determined using the travel impedance approach to represent the revealed access as opposed to potential access measured by other spatial measurement methods. The driving distance of return trips from the respondent's residence to the facilities was determined using a mapping application. The travel expenditure was estimated by multiplying the total travel distance by a standardised travel allowance rate, plus parking fees. Respondents in this study were 344 breast cancer patients who received treatment at 4 referral hospitals between 2015 and 2016. In terms of availability, there were at least 6 major entities which provided subsidised mammogram programs. Facilities with mammogram involved with these programs were located more densely in the central and west coast region of the Peninsula. The ratio of mammogram facility to the target population of women aged 40-74 years ranged between 1: 10,000 and 1:80,000. In terms of accessibility, of the 3.6% of the respondents had undergone mammogram screening, their mean travel distance was 53.4 km (SD = 34.5, range 8-112 km) and the mean travel expenditure was RM 38.97 (SD = 24.00, range RM7.60-78.40). Among those who did not go for mammogram screening, the estimated travel distance and expenditure had a skewed distribution with median travel distance of 22.0 km (IQR 12.0, 42.0, range 2.0-340.0) and the median travel cost of RM 17.40 (IQR 10.40, 30.00, range 3.40-240.00). Higher travel impedance was noted among those who lived in sub-urban and rural areas. In summary, availability of mammogram facilities was good in the central and west coast of the peninsula. The overall provider-to-population ratio was lower than recommended. Based on the travel impedance approach used, accessibility to subsidised mammogram screening among the respondents was good in urban areas but deprived in other areas. This study was a preliminary study with limitations. Nonetheless, the evidence suggests that actions have to be taken to improve the accessibility to opportunistic mammogram screening in Malaysia in pursuit of universal health coverage.
  5. Barmania S, Aljunid SM
    BMC Int Health Hum Rights, 2017 05 10;17(1):12.
    PMID: 28490382 DOI: 10.1186/s12914-017-0120-8
    BACKGROUND: HIV screening has existed in numerous methods as an important part of HIV prevention efforts over the years. Premarital HIV testing for couples who wish to marry has been implemented in a number of regions, which often operate in a mandatory rather than voluntary basis and is considered a contentious issue, with viewpoints held in favour and against. One such region is Malaysia which has a policy of mandatory premarital HIV testing of prospective Muslim married couples. The purpose of this study is to understand stakeholders' views on premarital HIV testing given the Malaysian Islamic context.

    METHODS: 35 in-depth face to face semi-structured interviews were undertaken with key stakeholder groups involved in HIV prevention policy in Malaysia, namely, officials from the Ministry of Health, religious leaders and people living with HIV. Participants were recruited from the Klang Valley area, from July to December 2013, using purposive sampling techniques. Inclusion criteria necessitated that participants were over the age of 18 and provided full consent. Interviews were audiotaped, followed a standardised topic guide, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a framework analysis.

    RESULTS: Participants identified pre-marital HIV testing as an effective HIV prevention policy implemented in Malaysia and was viewed, for the most part, as a positive initiative across all stakeholders. Religious leaders were supportive of testing as it provides a protective mechanism, in line with the teachings of the Shariah, while Ministry of Health officials considered it a normal part of their HIV prevention screening initiatives. However, there were concerns surrounding issues such as confidentiality, counselling and discrimination surrounding the test described by the PLHIV group.

    CONCLUSION: The findings of this study show that among the participants interviewed was strong support for mandatory premarital HIV testing, which could possibly expose the vulnerability to HIV, reluctance to test and other areas in the HIV response in Malaysia that need to be addressed. Furthermore, although international health organisations are vehemently against mandatory premarital HIV testing, the strong local support for such measures and the mismatch between these views is worth exploring in more detail, given the cultural, social and religious context.

  6. Almaslami F, Aljunid SM
    SAGE Open Med, 2020;8:2050312120931988.
    PMID: 32587695 DOI: 10.1177/2050312120931988
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness of in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination for the management of unexplained, mild male and mild female factor infertility in Saudi Arabia.

    METHODS: A cost-effectiveness analysis from a societal perspective was conducted for couples seeking assisted reproductive technology services between January and December 2016 in one of the largest private hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Activity-Based Costing and Step-Down Costing methodologies with expert interviews were used to compute the costs of in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination. A total of 710 assisted reproductive technology procedures were observed by the embryologist in charge. The costs calculated included direct and indirect costs. A cost-effectiveness analysis and a Monte Carlo simulation probabilistic sensitivity analysis were conducted.

    RESULTS: The average cost per in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination cycle was SR 27,360 (range: SR 19,541-29,618) and SR 10,143 (range: SR 7568-11,976), respectively, and the live birth rate per initiated in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination cycle was 20.7% and 7.9%, respectively, resulting in an average cost per live birth per in vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination treatment cycle of SR 132,174 (95% confidence interval: 120,802-143,546) and SR 128,392 (95% confidence interval: 124,468-132,316), respectively. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was SR 134,508 per extra live birth implicit in a decision to treat with in vitro fertilization. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis confirms the robustness of the cost-effectiveness results.

    CONCLUSION: This study found that from a societal perspective, one in vitro fertilization treatment cycle was more cost-effective than intrauterine insemination in Saudi Arabia.

  7. Barmania S, Aljunid SM
    BMC Public Health, 2016 07 07;16:524.
    PMID: 27387326 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-016-3247-y
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia is a multicultural society, predominantly composed of a Muslim majority population, where Islam is influential. Malaysia has a concentrated HIV epidemic amongst high risk groups, such as, Intravenous Drug Users (IVDU), sex workers, transgender women and Men who have sex with Men (MSM). The objective of this study is to understand how Islam shapes HIV prevention strategies in Malaysia by interviewing the three key stakeholder groups identified as being influential, namely the Ministry of Health, Religious leaders and People living with HIV.

    METHODS: Thirty-Five in depth semi structured interviews were undertaken with religious leaders, Ministry of Health and People living with HIV in the last half of 2013 using purposive sampling. Interviews adhered to a topic guide, were audiotaped, and transcribed verbatim and analyzed using a framework analysis.

    RESULTS: Themes including the importance of Islam to health, stakeholder relationships and opinions on HIV prevention emerged. Islam was seen to play a pivotal role in shaping strategies relating to HIV prevention in Malaysia both directly and indirectly. Stakeholders often held different approaches to HIV prevention, which had to be sensitively considered, with some favouring promotion of Islamic principles, whilst others steering towards a more public health centred approach.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests that Islam indeed plays an important role in shaping health policies and strategies related to HIV prevention in Malaysia. Certainly, stakeholders do hold differing viewpoints, such as stances of what constitutes the right approach to HIV prevention. However there are also areas of broad consensus, such as the importance in Islamic tradition to prevent harm and disease, which can be crafted into existing and future HIV prevention strategies in Malaysia, as well as the wider Muslim world.

  8. Azimatun Noor A, Saperi S, Aljunid SM
    Public Health, 2019 Oct;175:129-137.
    PMID: 31473369 DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2019.07.008
    OBJECTIVES: Currently, Malaysia faces great challenges in allocating adequate resources for healthcare services using a tax-based system. Therefore, Malaysia has no choice but to reform its healthcare financing system. The objective of this study is to assess Malaysian household willingness to pay and acceptance levels to the proposed National Health Financing Scheme.

    STUDY DESIGN: This is a cross-sectional study.

    METHODS: In total, 774 households from four states in Malaysia completed face-to-face interviews. A validated structured questionnaire was used, which was composed of a combination of open-ended questions, bidding games and contingent valuation methods regarding the participants' willingness to pay.

    RESULTS: The study found that the majority of households supported the establishment of the National Health Financing Scheme, and half proposed that a government body should manage the scheme. Most (87.5%) of the households were willing to contribute 0.5-1% of their salaries to the scheme through monthly deductions. Over three-quarters (76.6%) were willing to contribute to a higher level scheme (1-2%) to gain access to both public and private healthcare basic services. Willingness to pay for the National Health Financing Scheme was significantly higher among younger persons, females, those located in rural areas, those with a higher income and those with an illness.

    CONCLUSION: There is a high level of acceptance for the National Health Financing Scheme in the Malaysian community, and they are willing to pay for a scheme organised by a government body. However, acceptance and willingness to pay are strongly linked to household socio-economic status. Policymakers should initiate plans to establish the National Health Financing Scheme to provide the necessary financing for a sustainable health system.

  9. Aizuddin AN, Aljunid SM
    Ann Glob Health, 2017 11 21;83(3-4):654-660.
    PMID: 29221542 DOI: 10.1016/j.aogh.2017.10.002
    BACKGROUND: Malaysia is no exception to the challenging health care financing phenomenon of globalization.

    OBJECTIVES: The objective of the present study was to assess the ability to pay among Malaysian households as preparation for a future national health financing scheme.

    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving representative samples of 774 households in Peninsular Malaysia.

    FINDINGS: A majority of households were found to have the ability to pay for their health care. Household expenditure on health care per month was between MYR1 and MYR2000 with a mean (standard deviation [SD]) of 73.54 (142.66), or in a percentage of per-month income between 0.05% and 50% with mean (SD) 2.74 (5.20). The final analysis indicated that ability to pay was significantly higher among younger and higher-income households.

    CONCLUSIONS: Sociodemographic and socioeconomic statuses are important eligibility factors to be considered in planning the proposed national health care financing scheme to shield the needed group from catastrophic health expenditures.

  10. Aljunid SM, Zwi AB
    Med J Malaysia, 1996 Dec;51(4):426-36.
    PMID: 10968029
    A cross-sectional study, comparing the nature of services in 15 private clinics and 6 public health facilities, was undertaken in a rural district of Malaysia. Semi-structured interviews and observations using check-lists were employed. Public health facilities were run by younger doctors (mean age = 31.1 years), supported mostly by trained staff. The private clinics were run by older doctors (mean age = 41.2 years) who had served the district for much longer (8.9 years vs 1.5 years) but were supported by less well trained staff. The curative services were the main strength of the private clinics but their provision of preventive care was less comprehensive and of inferior quality. Private clinics were inclined to provide more expensive diagnostic services than the public facilities. 'Short hours' private clinics had very restricted opening hours and offered limited range of services.
    Comment in: Hee HW. Differences in public and private health services in a rural district of Malaysia. Med J Malaysia. 1997 Sep;52(3):296-8
  11. Izamin I, Aniza I, Rizal AM, Aljunid SM
    Med J Malaysia, 2009 Mar;64(1):12-21.
    PMID: 19852314
    Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) and ureteroscopy (URS) are two main methods of treating proximal ureteric stones. Success rates and cost-effectiveness of the two methods were compared. A total of 67 patients who underwent treatment between January 2007 and July 2007 at a state general hospital were included in the study. The success rate for ESWL group was 81.8% and for URS group was 84.6%. ESWL technique produced a significant higher overall cost per patient than URS (RM930.02 versus RM621.95 respectively). There was no significant difference in quality of patient's life. Cost-effectiveness ratio was lower for URS. The analysis suggested that URS was more cost-effective than ESWL.
  12. Hassan NH, Aljunid SM, Nur AM
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2020 Oct 14;20(1):945.
    PMID: 33054861 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-020-05776-4
    BACKGROUND: The current healthcare sector consists of diverse services to accommodate the high demands and expectations of the users. Nursing plays a major role in catering to these demands and expectations, but nursing costs and service weights are underestimated. Therefore, this study aimed to estimate the nursing costs and service weights as well as identify the factors that influence these costs.

    METHODS: A retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) using 85,042 hospital discharges from 2009 to 2012. A casemix costing method using the step-down approach was used to derive the nursing costs and service weights. The cost analysis was performed using the hospital data obtained from five departments of the UKMMC: Finance, Human Resource, Nursing Management, Maintenance and Medical Information. The costing data were trimmed using a low trim point and high trim point (L3H3) method.

    RESULTS: The highest nursing cost and service weights for medical cases were from F-4-13-II (bipolar disorders including mania - moderate, RM6,129; 4.9871). The highest nursing cost and service weights for surgical cases were from G-1-11-III (ventricular shunt - major, RM9,694; 7.8880). In obstetrics and gynaecology (O&G), the highest nursing cost and service weights were from O-6-10-III (caesarean section - major, RM2,515; 2.0467). Finally, the highest nursing cost and service weights for paediatric were from P-8-08-II (neonate birthweight > 2499 g with respiratory distress syndrome congenital pneumonia - moderate, RM1,300; 1.0582). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that nursing hours were significantly related to the following factors: length of stay (β = 7.6, p 

  13. Hasan H, Abdul Aziz AF, Aljunid SM
    Health Soc Care Community, 2021 01;29(1):215-226.
    PMID: 33189086 DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13084
    The Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) services under the Malaysian Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development have provided two types of services for disabled children: centre-based and home-based care since 1984. A cross-sectional study was conducted among parents and caregivers with children receiving treatment at CBRs on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia, to determine the level of satisfaction with the services provided. Respondents were recruited via multi-staged sampling, and simple randomisation at CBR level. Respondents self-administered the Physical Therapy Satisfaction Questionnaire (PTSQ) and provided sociodemographic data. A total of 297 respondents were recruited and all the questionnaires were returned complete, making the response rate 100%. Total satisfaction scores and factors influencing respondents' satisfaction for both groups were analysed. The mean total satisfaction score for centre-based and home-based were 84.69 (SD = 10.01) and 75.30 (SD = 12.23; t = 7.160, p ≤ .001) respectively. Ninety-eight per cent of centre-based and 89% of home-based respondents were satisfied with the current services. There were significantly mean differences in the satisfaction level of respondents of different states respectively (Kelantan mean 84.92 10.83, Terengganu mean 77.49 11.16 and Pahang mean 77.47 12.93, p ≤ .001). Factors associated with satisfaction were education (p = .002), occupation (p = <0.001), monthly income (p = .001) and source of income (p = .001). In conclusion, majority of parents and caregivers were satisfied with current services provided at CBR and satisfaction with services was dependent on CBR centre location and education and financial earning capacity.
  14. Wan Puteh SE, Selahuddeen AA, Aljunid SM, Zarihah Z
    Introduction: This study seeks to identify the socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of smokers (aged 18 and above), thus develop a predicting model for tobacco abstinence receiving cessation services for tobacco dependence at the Smoking Cessation Clinics (SCC) in government Primary Health Centers in Malaysia. These predictors would improve the effectiveness and efficiency of these clinics.
    Methods : Smokers who sought smoking cessation therapy at the SCCs from 1st January 2004 to 31st
    December 2004 were chosen randomly from clinic’s registries, and 254 smokers were recruited from 8 clinics chosen through stratified random sampling. Data analyses were performed with SPSS 12.0. 17.3% of smokers attending SCCs were able to quit smoking for at least six months.
    Results : Factors significantly contributing to quitting success were elderly smokers (above 40 years old), smoked for more than 15 years, smoked less than ten sticks per day, had a previous history of quitting attempt, self referral to the clinic, high confidence level, attended SCC at least four times, each counseling session lasted for at least 30 minutes and were satisfied with the clinic service. In logistic regression model, smokers aged 40 years and above were 6.7 times more successful to quit, high level of confidence were nine times more successful, smoked more than ten sticks per day were ten times less successful, self referred smokers were ten times more successful and attending for at least 30 minutes counseling session were 12 times more successful.
    Conclusion : This study concludes that more concerted effort is needed to approach various groups of target population and SCCs clinic services need to be improved.
  15. Almahbashi T, Aljunid SM, Ismail A
    East Mediterr Health J, 2017 Aug 20;23(6):415-421.
    PMID: 28836654
    It is important to link health professional education to the health service needs of the private and public labour market so as to meet the plans of the health sector. Thus, the main focus of this study was to identify the present labour market requirements for the outcomes of health training institutes. A qualitative study was carried out among mixed healthcare professionals and various stakeholders in Sana'a City, Yemen. Six focus group discussions were formed for 42 graduates and 20 in-depth interviews were undertaken with health development partners and public and private employers. Outcomes of the health training institutes were still below the expectations of the health labour market, and did not fill the existing gaps in English-language proficiency and clinical skills. The survival of health professional education depends on future development to meet labour market demands through collaboration between key stakeholders, regular updating of the curriculum, and constant professional development of the teaching staff.
  16. Aljunid SM, Ali Jadoo SA
    Inquiry, 2018 2 14;55:46958018755483.
    PMID: 29436248 DOI: 10.1177/0046958018755483
    The steady growth of pharmaceutical expenditures is a major concern for health policy makers and health care managers in Malaysia. Our study examined the factors affecting the total inpatient pharmacy cost (TINPC) at the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). In this retrospective study, we used 2011 administration electronic prescriptions records and casemix databases at UKMMC to examine the impact of sociodemographic, diagnostic, and drug variables on the TINPC. Bivariate and multivariate analyses of the factors associated with TINPC were conducted. The mean inpatient pharmacy cost per patient was USD 102.07 (SD = 24.76). In the multivariate analysis, length of stay (LOS; B = 0.349, P < .0005) and severity level III ( B = 0.253, P < .0005) were the primary factors affecting the TINPC. For each day increase in the LOS and each increase of a case of severity level III, there was an increase of approximately USD 11.97 and USD 171.53 in the TINPC per year, respectively. Moreover, the number of prescribed items of drugs and supplies was positively associated with the TINPC ( B = 0.081, P < .0005). Gender appears to have affected the TINPC; male patients seem to be associated with a higher TINPC than females (mean = 139.55, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 112.97-166.13, P < .001). Surgical procedures were associated with higher cost than medical cases (mean = 87.93, 95% CI: 61.00-114.85, P < .001). Malay (MYR 242.02, SD = 65.37) and Chinese (MYR 214.66, SD = 27.99) ethnicities contributed to a lower TINPC compared with Indian (MYR 613.93, SD = 98.41) and other ethnicities (MYR 578.47, SD = 144.51). A longer hospitalization period accompanied by major complications and comorbidities had the greatest influence on the TINPC.
  17. Almaslami F, Aljunid SM, Ghailan K
    J Int Med Res, 2018 Apr;46(4):1537-1544.
    PMID: 29350090 DOI: 10.1177/0300060517749329
    Objectives To assess the demographic characteristics and outcomes of couples undergoing in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment at a private hospital in Al Qassim district, Saudi Arabia. Methods For this retrospective study, information was extracted from the hospital electronic database and IVF unit medical records. Results 2259 couples underwent 2703 IVF/ICSI cycles during 2014 to 2016. The utilization rate was approximately 1000 cycle per million of inhabitants. Mean ages ± standard deviation (SD) for women and men were 32.9 ± 5.7 and 39.2 ± 7.4 years, respectively. More couples were diagnosed with secondary infertility (55.2%) than primary infertility (44.8%). Male factor was the commonest single indication for IVF (36.2%). Mean ± SD infertility duration was 4.70 ± 4.03 years. Overall, 949 couples had a successful pregnancy. Age-specific pregnancy rates (PR) were highest for women <35 years (39.8%) and lowest for women >40 years (11.6%). Male age and infertility duration had no effect on PR but sperm source (fresh vs. frozen) and female age had significant impacts. However, fresh sperm was used in 90.6% cycles whereas frozen sperm was used in 9.4% cycles. Conclusions IVF treatment outcomes in the Al Qassim district are within the boundaries of average international success rates. Infertile couples seeking IVF services should be counselled with regard to important prognostic factors.
  18. Al Bashir L, Ismail A, Aljunid SM
    Front Immunol, 2023;14:1052450.
    PMID: 37180162 DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1052450
    A newly developed fully liquid hexavalent vaccine that comprises six antigens for Diphtheria, Tetanus, acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Poliomyelitis, Haemophilus Influenza type b., and Hepatitis B, is proposed to be introduced in the Malaysian national immunization program, instead of the non-fully liquid pentavalent vaccine and monovalent Hepatitis B vaccine that is currently employed in the immunization schedule. Although the introduction of new vaccines is a necessary intervention, it still needs to be accepted by parents and healthcare professionals. Hence, this study aimed to develop three structured questionnaires and to investigate the participants' perception and acceptability toward the incorporation of the new fully liquid hexavalent vaccine. A cross-sectional study was conducted among a sample of 346 parents, 100 nurses, and 50 physicians attending twenty-two primary health care centers in the states of Selangor and the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya during 2019-2020. The study found that Cronbach's alpha coefficients for the study instruments ranged from 0.825 to 0.918. Principal components analysis produced a good fit with KMO>0.6. For the parents' perception questionnaire, the only extracted factor explained 73.9 % of the total variance; for the nurses' perception toward a non-fully and fully liquid combined vaccine, there was a sole extracted factor that explained 65.2 % and 79.2% of the total variance, respectively. Whereas for the physicians' perception, there was one factor extracted that explains 71.8 % of the total variance. The median score for all the questionnaire items ranged from 4 to 5 (Q1 and Q3 vary between 3-5). Parents' ethnicity was significantly associated (P-value ≤ 0.05) with the perception that the new hexavalent vaccine would reduce their transportation expenses. Moreover, a significant association (P-value ≤ 0.05) was found between physicians' age and the perception of the hexavalent vaccine's ability to decrease patient overcrowding in primary healthcare centers. The instruments used in this study were valid and reliable. Parents of Malay ethnicity were the most concerned about transportation expenses since they have the lowest income and are more concentrated in rural areas compared to other races. Younger physicians were concerned about reducing patient crowding and hence reducing their workload and burnout.
  19. Syafrawati S, Machmud R, Aljunid SM, Semiarty R
    Front Public Health, 2023;11:1147709.
    PMID: 37663851 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1147709
    OBJECTIVE: To identify the incidence of moral hazards among health care providers and its determinant factors in the implementation of national health insurance in Indonesia.

    METHODS: Data were derived from 360 inpatient medical records from six types C public and private hospitals in an Indonesian rural province. These data were accumulated from inpatient medical records from four major disciplines: medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and pediatrics. The dependent variable was provider moral hazards, which included indicators of up-coding, readmission, and unnecessary admission. The independent variables are Physicians' characteristics (age, gender, and specialization), coders' characteristics (age, gender, education level, number of training, and length of service), and patients' characteristics (age, birth weight, length of stay, the discharge status, and the severity of patient's illness). We use logistic regression to investigate the determinants of moral hazard.

    RESULTS: We found that the incidences of possible unnecessary admissions, up-coding, and readmissions were 17.8%, 11.9%, and 2.8%, respectively. Senior physicians, medical specialists, coders with shorter lengths of service, and patients with longer lengths of stay had a significant relationship with the incidence of moral hazard.

    CONCLUSION: Unnecessary admission is the most common form of a provider's moral hazard. The characteristics of physicians and coders significantly contribute to the incidence of moral hazard. Hospitals should implement reward and punishment systems for doctors and coders in order to control moral hazards among the providers.

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