Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 98 in total

  1. Khairul, A.J., Anwar, A., Ramelah, M.
    Background: (13) C – urea breath test (UBT) is sensitive and specific for detection of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. Gastric biopsy culture for H. pylori confirms the diagnosis. Here, we analyzed data of all patients who were investigated for H. pylori infection using both tests throughout the year 2005. Materials and Methods : Retrospective data of 377 patients between the ages of 17 – 88 were identified through endoscopy records from January to December 2005. Upper endoscopy, UBT and gastric biopsy culture were performed on all patients simultaneously during each endoscopy session. Patients who had positive UBT and biopsy culture for H. pylori were treated with triple therapy of PPI, amoxicillin and clarithromycin for one week. A repeat of UBT was done at one-month post therapy. Results and Analysis: Twenty-eight patients on the list had no available data on UBT and were omitted from the analysis. Ethnic group Chinese comprised of 45.4% (n=163), followed by Malay, 37.3% (n=134), Indian, 10.6% (n=38) and others, 3.9% (n=14). UBT was positive in 23.7% (n=85)(figure1). H. pylori culture was positive in 19.2% (n=69)(figure1). Sixteen patients with UBT positive had H. pylori culture negative, 18.8% (n=16/85)(figure2). Five patients with H. pylori culture positive had UBT negative, 7.2% (n=5/69)(figure3). Ethnic group Indian had the highest incidence of UBT positive, 47.4% (n=18/38), followed by Others (Sikhs and foreigners) 42.8% (n=6/14), the Chinese 27.6% (n=45/163) and the Malays 11.6% (n= 16/138). UBT positive was the highest in the age group of 50 and above, 64.7% (n=55/85), followed by the age group between 30 to 49, 21.2% (n=18/85) and the age group of 29 and below, 14.5% (n=12/85). Out of the 85 UBT positive patients 91.8% (n=78/85)(figure4) of them responded to the conventional one week of triple therapy (PPI, amoxicillin, clarithromycin) with negative UBT at one-month post therapy compared to only 8.2% (n=7/85)(figure4) who failed with positive UBT at one-month post therapy.
  2. Abdelkader E. Ashour, Anwar A. Almuslim, Sheikh F. Ahmad, Sabry M. Attia, Rehan Ahmed, Ashok Kumar, et al.
    IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 2019;18(102):44-0.
    Colorectal cancer (CRC) constitutes one of the most aggressive malignancies worldwide and in Malaysia. Due to high recurrence rate and toxic side effects associated with radiation and chemotherapies, new agents are urgently needed. CARP-1 is a peri-nuclear phospho-protein which plays a dynamic role in regulating cell growth and apoptosis. CARP-1 functional mimetics (CFMs) are a class of compounds that stimulate CARP-1. CFM-4, a lead compound, was shown to suppress growth and metastasis of various cancers, other than CRC. We hypothesized that CFM-4 inhibits proliferation and metastasis in CRC. Materials and method: CFM-4 anti-cancer effects of on CRC cells were investigated using MTT assay, Annexin V/Propidium iodide (PI) apoptosis assay, cell cycle analysis, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western blotting. Antimetastatic activities were assessed by migration, colony formation and invasion assays. Results: CFM-4 inhibited CRC cell proliferation and was much more potent than the classical anti-CRC 5-fluorouracil. These effects were shown to be mediated at least in part by stimulating apoptosis, as indicated in our Annexin V/PI assay results. Cell cycle analysis showed that CFM-4 induced G2/M phase arrest. Molecularly, qRT-PCR results revealed that CFM-4 promoted intrinsic apoptosis by upregulating expression of caspase-8 and -9 , p53, PUMA and Noxa, and stimulated extrinsic apoptosis by enhancing expression of death receptors (DR4 and DR5). CFM-4 upregulated NF- k B signaling inhibitor A20-binding inhibitor protein and the PI3K negative regulator PTEN. Western blot analysis results revealed that CFM-4 enhanced expression of CARP1, caspase-8 and executioner caspase-3. Metastatic properties of the CRC cells were reduced by CFM-4 through blocking their capabilities to form colonies, migrate and invade through the matrix-coated membranes. Conclusion: The potent antitumor and anti-metastatic properties of CFM-4 against CRC are due to collective pro-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic activities. Together our data warrants further investigations of CFM-4 as potential anti-tumor agent for CRC malignancy and metastasis.
  3. Khan NA, Anwar A, Siddiqui R
    Curr Med Chem, 2018 May 10.
    PMID: 29745319 DOI: 10.2174/0929867325666180510125633
    BACKGROUND: First discovered in the early 1970s, Acanthamoeba keratitis has remained a major eye infection and presents a significant threat to the public health, especially in developing countries. The aim is to present a timely review of our current understanding of the advances made in this field in a comprehensible manner and includes novel concepts and provides clear directions for immediate research priorities.

    METHOD: We undertook a search of bibliographic databases for peer-reviewed research literature and also summarized our published results in this field.

    RESULTS: The present review focuses on novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in details which can provide access to management and treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis. This coupled with the recently available genome sequence information together with high throughput genomics technology and innovative approaches should stimulate interest in the rational design of preventative and therapeutic measures. Current treatment of Acanthamoeba keratitis is problematic and often leads to infection recurrence. Better understanding of diagnosis, pathogenesis, pathophysiology and therapeutic regimens, would lead to novel strategies in treatment and prophylaxis.

  4. Anwar A, Siddiqui R, Khan NA
    ACS Chem Neurosci, 2019 01 16;10(1):6-12.
    PMID: 30149693 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.8b00321
    Pathogenic free-living amoebae including Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, and Naegleria fowleri cause infections of the central nervous system (CNS), which almost always prove fatal. The mortality rate is high with the CNS infections caused by these microbes despite modern developments in healthcare and antimicrobial chemotherapy. The low awareness, delayed diagnosis, and lack of effective drugs are major hurdles to overcome these challenges. Nanomaterials have emerged as vital tools for concurrent diagnosis and therapy, which are commonly referred to as theranostics. Nanomaterials offer highly sensitive diagnostic systems and viable therapeutic effects as a single modality. There has been good progress to develop nanomaterials based efficient theranostic systems against numerous kinds of tumors, but this field is yet immature in the context of infectious diseases, particularly parasitic infections. Herein, we describe the potential value of theranostic applications of nanomaterials against brain infections due to pathogenic amoebae.
  5. Anwar A, Chan KMJ, Awang Y, Ping DC
    Med J Malaysia, 2019 Oct;74(5):436-438.
    PMID: 31649223
    Anomalous Aortic Origin of a Coronary Artery (AAOCA) is a rare anomaly of the coronary artery with a considerable risk of sudden cardiac death due to ischaemia of the heart. Symptoms may include chest pain on exertion, breathlessness or dizziness. We encountered a case of a 46- year-old female who complained of exertional chest pain with a positive-stress test and subsequently diagnosed with AAOCA through CT angiography (CTA). She successfully underwent a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery using a saphenous vein graft with uneventful recovery. Right internal mammary artery (RIMA) was not used as it was flimsy and the flow was very poor.
  6. Anwar A, Khan NA, Siddiqui R
    ACS Chem Neurosci, 2020 08 19;11(16):2378-2384.
    PMID: 32073257 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.9b00613
    Brain-eating amoebae including Acanthamoeba spp., Naegleria fowleri, and Balamuthia mandrillaris cause rare infections of the central nervous system that almost always result in death. The high mortality rate, lack of interest for drug development from pharmaceutical industries, and no available effective drugs present an alarming challenge. The current drugs employed in the management and therapy of these devastating diseases are amphotericin B, miltefosine, chlorhexidine, pentamidine, and voriconazole which are generally used in combination. However, clinical evidence shows that these drugs have limited efficacy and high host cell cytotoxicity. Repurposing of drugs is a practical approach to utilize commercially available, U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved drugs for one disease against rare diseases caused by brain-eating amoebae. In this Perspective, we highlight some of the success stories of drugs repositioned against neglected parasitic diseases and identify future potential for effective and sustainable drug development against brain-eating amoebae infections.
  7. Anwar A, Kee DMH, Ahmed A
    Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw, 2020 May;23(5):290-296.
    PMID: 32282237 DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2019.0407
    Workplace cyberbullying (WCB) is a new form of hostility in organizations in which information technology is used as a means to bully employees. The objective of this study is to determine the association between WCB and the interpersonal deviance (ID) of victims through parallel mediation through the ineffectual silence of employees and emotional exhaustion (EE). Conservation of resource (COR) theory and affective events theory were used as the study's guiding framework, and data were drawn from 351 white-collar employees who were employed in a variety of industries-such as banking, telecommunications sector, education, health care, insurance, and consultancy-in Lahore, Pakistan. The results show that ineffectual silence negatively mediated the relationship between cyberbullying and deviance, decreasing the level of deviance of employees who used silence as a coping mechanism. EE, however, positively mediated the relationship between cyberbullying and deviance. This means that when employees felt emotionally overwhelmed they retaliated by engaging in deviant behaviors and acting as a bully toward colleagues. Drawing on the COR theory and the affective events theory, the findings show that WCB has an impact on ID. From a practical standpoint, the study reveals that WCB can lead to ID and it also may associate with large financial costs and workplace disruptions. Thus, organizations should establish a culture that prevent employees from engaging in WCB and adopt practices of prevention and intervention because it is not only harmful to the employees but also to the organization.
  8. Khan NA, Anwar A, Siddiqui R
    ACS Chem Neurosci, 2017 11 15;8(11):2355.
    PMID: 28933530 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.7b00343
    Brain-eating amoebae (Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia mandrillaris, and Naegleria fowleri) can cause opportunistic infections involving the central nervous system. It is troubling that the mortality rate is more than 90% despite advances in antimicrobial chemotherapy over the last few decades. Here, we describe urgent key priorities for improving outcomes from infections due to brain-eating amoebae.
  9. Anwar A, Khan NA, Siddiqui R
    Parasit Vectors, 2018 01 09;11(1):26.
    PMID: 29316961 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-017-2572-z
    Acanthamoeba spp. are protist pathogens and causative agents of serious infections including keratitis and granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Its ability to convert into dormant and highly resistant cysts form limits effectiveness of available therapeutic agents and presents a pivotal challenge for drug development. During the cyst stage, Acanthamoeba is protected by the presence of hardy cyst walls, comprised primarily of carbohydrates and cyst-specific proteins, hence synthesis inhibition and/or degradation of cyst walls is of major interest. This review focuses on targeting of Acanthamoeba cysts by identifying viable therapeutic targets.
  10. Abdella M, Lahiri C, Abdullah I, Anwar A
    Med Chem, 2024;20(2):130-139.
    PMID: 37612861 DOI: 10.2174/1573406419666230823104300
    BACKGROUND: Infectious diseases are the second leading cause of deaths worldwide. Pathogenic bacteria have been developing tremendous resistance against antibiotics which has placed an additional burden on healthcare systems. Gallic acid belongs to a naturally occurring phenolic class of compounds and is known to possess a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activities.

    AIMS & OBJECTIVES: In this study, we synthesized thirteen derivatives of gallic acid and evaluated their antibacterial potential against seven multi-drug resistant bacteria, as well as cytotoxic effects against human embryonic kidney cell line in vitro. Methods: 13 compounds were successfully synthesized with moderate to good yield and evaluated. Synthesized derivatives were characterized by using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy. Antibacterial activity was determined using microdilution while cytotoxicyt was assessed using MTT assay.

    RESULTS: The results of antibacterial assay showed that seven out of thirteen compounds exhibited antibacterial effects with compound 6 and 13 being most potent against Staphylococcus aureus (MIC 56 μg/mL) and Salmonella enterica (MIC 475 μg/mL) respectively. On the other hand, most of these compounds showed lower cytotoxicity against human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293), with IC50 values ranging from over 700 μg/mL.

    CONCLUSION: Notably, compound 13 was found to be non-toxic at concentrations as high as 5000 μg/mL. These findings suggest that the present synthetic derivatives of gallic acid hold potential for further studies in the development of potent antibacterial agents.

  11. Anwar A, Azmi KN, Hamidon BB, Khalid BA
    Med J Malaysia, 2006 Mar;61(1):28-35.
    PMID: 16708731 MyJurnal
    This study was conducted to compare the treatment efficacy between a prandial glucose regulator, repaglinide and a new sulphonylurea, glimepiride in Muslim Type 2 diabetic patients who practice Ramadan fasting. Forty-one patients, previously treated with a sulphonylurea or metformin, were divided to receive either repaglinide (n=20, preprandially three-times daily) or glimepiride (n=21, preprandially once daily) 3 months before the month of Ramadan. During Ramadan, patients modified their eating pattern to two meals daily, and the triple doses of repaglinide were redistributed to two preprandial doses. Four point blood glucose monitoring were performed weekly during the month of Ramadan and the subsequent month. Measurements of the 4-point blood glucose were significantly lower in the glimepiride group compared to the repaglinide group both during and after Ramadan. The glycaemic excursion was better in the morning for the repaglinide group and better in the afternoon and evening for the glimepiride group during the Ramadan period. There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of hypoglycaemia between the two groups during and after Ramadan. There was no difference in the glycaemic excursion post-Ramadan. The longer duration of action of glimepiride may offer an advantage over repaglinide during the 13.5 hours of fast in Ramadan for diabetic patients.
  12. Anwar A, Numan A, Siddiqui R, Khalid M, Khan NA
    Parasit Vectors, 2019 Jun 03;12(1):280.
    PMID: 31159839 DOI: 10.1186/s13071-019-3528-2
    BACKGROUND: Species of Acanthamoeba are facultative pathogens which can cause sight threatening Acanthamoeba keratitis and a rare but deadly brain infection, granulomatous amoebic encephalitis. Due to conversion of Acanthamoeba trophozoites to resistant cyst stage, most drugs are found to be ineffective at preventing recurrence of infection. This study was designed to test the antiacanthamoebic effects of different cobalt nanoparticles (CoNPs) against trophozoites and cysts, as well as parasite-mediated host cell cytotoxicity.

    METHODS: Three different varieties of CoNPs were synthesized by utilizing hydrothermal and ultrasonication methods and were thoroughly characterized by X-ray diffraction and field emission scanning electron microscopy. Amoebicidal, encystation, excystation, and host cell cytopathogenicity assays were conducted to study the antiacanthamoebic effects of CoNPs.

    RESULTS: The results of the antimicrobial evaluation revealed that cobalt phosphate Co3(PO4)2 hexagonal microflakes, and 100 nm large cobalt hydroxide (Co(OH)2) nanoflakes showed potent amoebicidal activity at 100 and 10 µg/ml against Acanthamoeba castellanii as compared to granular cobalt oxide (Co3O4) of size 35-40 nm. Furthermore, encystation and excystation assays also showed consistent inhibition at 100 µg/ml. CoNPs also inhibited amoebae-mediated host cell cytotoxicity as determined by lactate dehydrogenase release without causing significant damage to human cells when treated alone.

    CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, these findings determined, for the first time, the effects of composition, size and morphology of CoNPs against A. castellanii. Co3(PO4)2 hexagonal microflakes showed the most promising antiamoebic effects as compared to Co(OH)2 nanoflakes and granular Co3O4. The results reported in the present study hold potential for the development of antiamoebic nanomedicine.

  13. Anwar A, Siddiqui R, Raza Shah M, Khan NA
    J Microbiol Biotechnol, 2019 May 28;29(5):713-720.
    PMID: 31030451 DOI: 10.4014/jmb/1903.03009
    Acanthamoeba castellanii belonging to the T4 genotype may cause a fatal brain infection known as granulomatous amoebic encephalitis, and the vision-threatening eye infection Acanthamoeba keratitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiamoebic effects of three clinically available antidiabetic drugs, Glimepiride, Vildagliptin and Repaglinide, against A. castellanii belonging to the T4 genotype. Furthermore, we attempted to conjugate these drugs with silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) to enhance their antiamoebic effects. Amoebicidal, encystation, excystation, and host cell cytotoxicity assays were performed to unravel any antiacanthamoebic effects. Vildagliptin conjugated silver nanoparticles (Vgt-AgNPs) characterized by spectroscopic techniques and atomic force microscopy were synthesized. All three drugs showed antiamoebic effects against A. castellanii and significantly blocked the encystation. These drugs also showed significant cysticidal effects and reduced host cell cytotoxicity caused by A. castellanii. Moreover, Vildagliptin-coated silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized and are shown to enhance its antiacanthamoebic potency at significantly reduced concentration. The repurposed application of the tested antidiabetic drugs and their nanoparticles against free-living amoeba such as Acanthamoeba castellanii described here is a novel outcome that holds tremendous potential for future applications against devastating infection.
  14. Sam CX, Anwar AZ, Ahmad AR, Solayar GN
    Malays Orthop J, 2021 Mar;15(1):119-123.
    PMID: 33880158 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2103.018
    Introduction: Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty provides a surgical alternative to standard total shoulder arthroplasty for the treatment of cuff tear arthropathy, arthritis and fracture sequelae. This study aimed to assess the short-term outcomes following reverse total shoulder arthroplasty for patients in a large public hospital in Malaysia.

    Materials and Methods: We identified and performed five primary reverse total shoulder arthroplasties between 1 May 2019 and 1 June 2020. All patients were contactable and available for analysis. Assessment of functional outcomes was performed using the Constant-Murley score, the patient satisfaction score (PSS), and imaging studies. The mean follow-up from operation to the time of reporting was 9.6 months (range, 3 to 14 months).

    Results: The median age for our patients was 58 years (±11.91). The most common indication for surgery was post-traumatic arthritis, followed by rotator cuff arthropathy and osteoarthritis. The mean Constant score improved from 9.0 pre-operatively to 52.3 post-operatively at a mean of 9.6 months. The majority of the patients were satisfied with the surgery as the post-operative range of motion, especially anterior elevation and abduction, improved in four of our patients and there were no short-term complications, for example, of infection or revisions, reported at the last follow-up.

    Conclusion: This study has shown that reverse total shoulder arthroplasty can yield good short-term outcomes for the treatment of complex shoulder problems in addition to cuff tear arthropathy. It should be considered a treatment for rotator cuff tears, severe arthritis and ≥ 3 parts proximal humeral fractures.

  15. Rajendran K, Anwar A, Khan NA, Shah MR, Siddiqui R
    ACS Chem Neurosci, 2019 06 19;10(6):2692-2696.
    PMID: 30970208 DOI: 10.1021/acschemneuro.9b00111
    Primary amoebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a deadly brain infection, is caused by brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri. The current first line of treatment against PAM is a mixture of amphotericin B, rifampin, and miltefosine. Since, no single effective drug has been developed so far, the mortality rate is above 95%. Moreover, severe adverse side effects are associated with these drugs. Nanotechnology has provided several advances in biomedical applications especially in drug delivery and diagnosis. Herein, for the first time we report antiamoebic properties of cinnamic acid (CA) and gold nanoparticles conjugated with CA (CA-AuNPs) against N. fowleri. CA-AuNPs were successfully synthesized by sodium borohydride reduction of tetrachloroauric acid. Size and morphology were determined by atomic force microscopy (AFM) while the surface plasmon resonance band was analyzed by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectrophotometry for the characterization of the nanoparticles. Amoebicidal and cytopathogenicity (host cell cytotoxicity) assays revealed that both CA and CA-AuNPs displayed significant anti- N. fowleri properties ( P < 0.05), whereas nanoparticles conjugation further enhanced the anti- N. fowleri effects of CA. This study established a potential drug lead, while CA-AuNPs appear to be promising candidate for drug discovery against PAM.
  16. Mungroo MR, Khan NA, Anwar A, Siddiqui R
    Int Microbiol, 2021 Aug 09.
    PMID: 34368912 DOI: 10.1007/s10123-021-00201-0
    Pathogenic free-living amoebae are known to cause fatal central nervous system infections with extremely high mortality rates. High selectivity of the blood-brain barrier hampers delivery of drugs and untargeted delivery of drugs can cause severe side effects. Nanovehicles can be used for targeted drug delivery across the blood-brain barrier. Inorganic nanoparticles have been explored as carriers for various biomedical applications and can be modified with various ligands for efficient targeting and cell selectivity while lipid-based nanoparticles have been extensively used in the development of both precision and colloidal nanovehicles. Nanomicelles and polymeric nanoparticles can also serve as nanocarriers and may be modified so that responsiveness of the nanoparticles and release of the loads are linked to specific stimuli. These nanoparticles are discussed here in the context of the treatment of central nervous system infections due to pathogenic amoebae. It is anticipated that these novel strategies can be utilized in tandem with novel drug leads currently in the pipeline and yield in the development of much needed treatments against these devastating parasites.
  17. Anwar A, Siddiqui R, Hameed A, Shah MR, Khan NA
    Med Chem, 2020;16(7):841-847.
    PMID: 31544702 DOI: 10.2174/1573406415666190722113412
    BACKGROUND: Acanthamoeba is an opportunistic pathogen widely spread in the environment. Acanthamoeba causes excruciating keratitis which can lead to blindness. The lack of effective drugs and its ability to form highly resistant cyst are one of the foremost limitations against successful prognosis. Current treatment involves mixture of drugs at high doses but still recurrence of infection can occur due to ineffectiveness of drugs against the cyst form. Pyridine and its natural and synthetic derivatives are potential chemotherapeutic agents due to their diverse biological activities.

    OBJECTIVE: To study the antiamoebic effects of four novel synthetic dihydropyridine (DHP) compounds against Acanthamoeba castellanii belonging to the T4 genotype. Furthermore, to evaluate their activity against amoeba-mediated host cells cytopathogenicity as well as their cytotoxicity against human cells.

    METHODS: Dihydropyridines were synthesized by cyclic dimerization of alkylidene malononitrile derivatives. Four analogues of functionally diverse DHPs were tested against Acanthamoeba castellanii by using amoebicidal, encystation and excystation assays. Moreover, Lactate dehydrogenase assays were carried out to study cytopathogenicity and cytotoxicity against human cells.

    RESULTS: These compounds showed significant amoebicidal and cysticidal effects at 50 μM concentration, whereas, two of the DHP derivatives also significantly reduced Acanthamoebamediated host cell cytotoxicity. Moreover, these DHPs were found to have low cytotoxicity against human cells suggesting a good safety profile.

    CONCLUSION: The results suggest that DHPs have potential against Acanthamoeba especially against the more resistant cyst stage and can be assessed further for drug development.

  18. Aqeel Y, Siddiqui R, Anwar A, Shah MR, Khan NA
    Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 2015;60(3):1283-8.
    PMID: 26666949 DOI: 10.1128/AAC.01123-15
    Acanthamoeba keratitis is a serious infection with blinding consequences and often associated with contact lens wear. Early diagnosis, followed by aggressive topical application of drugs, is a prerequisite in successful treatment, but even then prognosis remains poor. Several drugs have shown promise, including chlorhexidine gluconate; however, host cell toxicity at physiologically relevant concentrations remains a challenge. Nanoparticles, subcolloidal structures ranging in size from 10 to 100 nm, are effective drug carriers for enhancing drug potency. The overall aim of the present study was to determine whether conjugation with gold nanoparticles enhances the antiacanthamoebic potential of chlorhexidine. Gold-conjugated chlorhexidine nanoparticles were synthesized. Briefly, gold solution was mixed with chlorhexidine and reduced by adding sodium borohydride, resulting in an intense deep red color, indicative of colloidal gold-conjugated chlorhexidine nanoparticles. The synthesis was confirmed using UV-visible spectrophotometry that shows a plasmon resonance peak of 500 to 550 nm, indicative of gold nanoparticles. Further characterization using matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry showed a gold-conjugated chlorhexidine complex at m/z 699 ranging in size from 20 to 100 nm, as determined using atomic force microscopy. To determine the amoebicidal and amoebistatic effects, amoebae were incubated with gold-conjugated chlorhexidine nanoparticles. For controls, amoebae also were incubated with gold and silver nanoparticles alone, chlorhexidine alone, neomycin-conjugated nanoparticles, and neomycin alone. The findings showed that gold-conjugated chlorhexidine nanoparticles exhibited significant amoebicidal and amoebistatic effects at 5 μM. Amoebicidal effects were observed by parasite viability testing using a Trypan blue exclusion assay and flow-cytometric analysis using propidium iodide, while amoebistatic effects were observed using growth assays. In contrast, chlorhexidine alone, at a similar concentration, showed limited effects. Notably, neomycin alone or conjugated with nanoparticles did not show amoebicidal or amoebistatic effects. Pretreatment of A. castellanii with gold-conjugated chlorhexidine nanoparticles reduced amoeba-mediated host cell cytotoxicity from 90% to 40% at 5 μM. In contrast, chlorhexidine alone, at similar concentrations, had no protective effects for the host cells. Similarly, amoebae treated with neomycin alone or neomycin-conjugated nanoparticles showed no protective effects. Overall, these findings suggest that gold-conjugated chlorhexidine nanoparticles hold promise in the improved treatment of A. castellanii keratitis.
  19. Anwar A, Siddiqui R, Shah MR, Khan NA
    PMID: 29967024 DOI: 10.1128/AAC.00630-18
    trans-Cinnamic acid (CA) is a natural organic compound. Using amoebicidal assays, for the first time we showed that CA affected the viability of the protist pathogen Acanthamoeba castellanii Conjugation with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) enhanced the antiamoebic effects of CA. CA-coated AuNPs (CA-AuNPs) also exhibited significant excystation and encystation activity, compared to CA and AuNPs alone. Pretreatment of amoebae with CA-AuNPs inhibited A. castellanii-mediated host cell cytotoxicity. Moreover, CA-AuNPs exhibited potent effects against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and neuropathogenic Escherichia coli K1 and protected host cells against bacteria-mediated host cell death.
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