Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 28 in total

  1. Azra MN, Ikhwanuddin M
    Saudi J Biol Sci, 2016 Mar;23(2):257-67.
    PMID: 26981008 DOI: 10.1016/j.sjbs.2015.03.011
    Study of broodstock maturation diets is important in order to increase the quality of berried females, which indirectly improve the larval quantity in the hatchery production of cultured species. This paper reviewed the studies on the maturation diets for mud crab broodstock, genus Scylla and compared independently to identify their effect on reproductive performance and larval quality. The broodstock is usually caught from the wild and held in the spawning or maturation tank for further use of hatchery seed production. Mud crab broodstock was fed either natural diet, artificial diet or mixed diet. Trash fishes were commonly used as a natural feed for mud crab broodstock; meanwhile artificial diets are from formulated fish meal and various kinds of feed. The results indicated that mud crab broodstock has a high dietary requirement for lipids, fatty acids and protein which are to be used during the maturation and breeding processes. However, the natural diet produce better larval quality compared to the artificial diet. The mixed diet is the better diet which resulted in better reproductive performances such as growth, survival, fecundity and maturation processes. This review also discusses the problems in the previous studies for the potential future research to develop very high quality and cost-effective formulated diet for the enhancement of broodstock and seed production technology. Information from this review can be useful in developing a better quality of crustacean broodstock's diet for commercial hatchery production.
  2. Ahmed N, Azra MN
    Curr Environ Health Rep, 2022 Sep;9(3):423-435.
    PMID: 35713850 DOI: 10.1007/s40572-022-00364-6
    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The purpose of this review is to summarize the impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on aquaculture input supply, production, distribution, and consumption.

    RECENT FINDINGS: The COVID-19 pandemic-related lockdowns, social distancing, supply chain disruptions, and transport restrictions affect seafood production, distribution, marketing, and consumption. Recommendations are suggested to overcome these challenges. The COVID-19 has led to disruption of aquaculture practices worldwide. The pandemic has adversely affected the aquaculture input supply of fish stocking and feeding, which, in turn, has impacted aquaculture production. Moreover, the COVID-19 crisis has had adverse effects on value addition to aquaculture products, through the restrictions of seafood marketing and exporting. Aquatic food production is vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19 outbreak; hence, adaptation strategies must be developed to cope with the challenges. There is an urgent need for collaboration among key stakeholders to rebuild the supply chain of inputs and fish marketing for sustainable aquaculture practices. International agencies, donors, government and non-governmental organizations, researchers, and policymakers need to develop policies to support aquaculture production and supply chains.

  3. Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB, Azra MN
    Data Brief, 2019 Aug;25:104196.
    PMID: 31321277 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104196
    This data article includes raw and analyze data for molting duration and time of hardening of blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus instar at three different temperatures of 24 °C, 28 °C, and 32 °C. Two sets of experimental data are included: first, the recorded on time-lapse video of duration of successful molted crabs (from emergence of swimming legs to chelae); and second, the time interval of shell hardening up to before molting occurred. Shell hardening were calculated in 1 h interval with a unit of x hour molting crab-1, meanwhile the molting duration of the crabs were calculated in x second molting crab-1. Video files were then analyzed using the latest version of Solomon Coder software developed by A. Peter. Relationship between culture temperature and the time of molting and carapace hardening are also included in this article. The dataset is made publicly available to enable critical or extended analyzes.
  4. Azra MN, Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB
    Data Brief, 2019 Feb;22:998-1002.
    PMID: 30740484 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.01.026
    This article investigated how crabs responded to different culture temperatures especially dislocation before molting using a combination of large recording files and computer software. In this novel approach of video recording portunid crab behavioral data, crab culture was recorded at five different acclimation temperatures of 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 °C. Crabs were reared until the instar stage before being acclimatized for video recording. Large video files (MPEG-TS) were then analyzed using the latest version of Solomon Coder software developed by A. Peter and programmed with Embarcadero® Delphi® XE [1]. Recorded data was analyzed by calculating and marking movements of crabs using the time sequence tool. Additionally, a total movement was counted 30 min before crabs molted from instar stage 8 to instar stage 9. Part of the data is associated with the research article "Thermal tolerance and locomotor activity of blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus instar reared at different temperatures" (Azra et al., 2018) [2] and provided here as raw data of Supplementary materials.
  5. Azra MN, Chen JC, Ikhwanuddin M, Abol-Munafi AB
    J Therm Biol, 2018 May;74:234-240.
    PMID: 29801633 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2018.04.002
    Owing to its potential market value, the blue swimmer crab Portunus pelagicus is of great economic importance. The temperature of water significantly affects the physiological function and production efficiency of these crabs. The aim of the present study was therefore to examine the critical thermal minimum (CTMin), critical thermal maximum (CTMax), acclimation response ratio (ARR), escaping temperature (Tesc), and locomotor behavior of P. pelagicus instars at 20 °C, 24 °C, 28 °C, 32 °C, and 36 °C. The CTMax ranged from 39.05 °C to 44.38 °C, while the CTMin ranged from 13.05 °C to 19.30 °C, and both increased directly with temperature. The ARR ranged from 0.25 to 0.51. The movement of crabs (walking before molting) correlated positively with the acclimation temperature. These results indicate that the parameters evaluated varied with temperature. Furthermore, the high CTMax indicates the potential of this species to adapt to a wide range of temperatures. In addition, the implications of these findings for portunid crabs behavior and distribution in their natural habitat are also discussed.
  6. Ikhwanuddin M, Amin-Safwan A, Hasyima-Ismail N, Azra MN
    Data Brief, 2019 Oct;26:104477.
    PMID: 31667242 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2019.104477
    The present paper contains two datasets; i) the growth band count (GBC) of mud crab, Scylla olivacea collected from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu coastal water, East coast of Peninsular Malaysia and ii) the increment sizes of body weight (BW) and carapace width (CW) of immature S. olivace after molting. The datasets presented here were associated with the research articles entitled i) "Study on carapace width growth band counts relationship of orange mud crab, S. olivacea (Herbst, 1796) from Terengganu Coastal Waters, Malaysia" (Hasyima-Ismail et al. 2017) [1] and ii) "Relationship between the carapace width and body weight increments and the confirmation of Stage 1 ovary after the molting of immature orange mud crabs, S. olivacea (Herbst, 1796), in captivity" (Amin-Safwan et al. 2019-2020) [2], and provided here as raw data of Supplementary materials. Raw datasets for GBC in the wild were generated by examination of the thin cross sectioning process of the gastric mill of S. olivacea. The GBC were measured for each individual crab wherein band counts ranged from 1 to 3. The analysis provides evidence that the GBC of the crabs can be determined through both mesocardiac and zygocardiac ossicles. This data is of importance to researchers for estimation of stock assessment and improvement of fisheries management to further improve policy. For the BW-CW increment data, a total of 135 immature crabs were sampled from Setiu Wetlands, Terengganu, Malaysia, and were introduced to limb autotomy technique in order to induced molt. Crabs were reared until successful molting and immediately prior to hardened shell, before final measurement of body weight and carapace width determination. Recorded data was analyzed by calculating the increment sizes, along with correlation and regression analysis between body weight and carapace width of mud crabs.
  7. Segaran TC, Azra MN, Lananan F, Wang Y
    Mar Environ Res, 2023 Jul;189:106015.
    PMID: 37291004 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106015
    Microbes, or microorganisms, have been the foundation of the biosphere for over 3 billion years and have played an essential role in shaping our planet. The available knowledge on the topic of microbes associated with climate change has the potential to reshape upcoming research trends globally. As climate change impacts the ocean or marine ecosystem, the responses of these "unseen life" will heavily influence the achievement of a sustainable evolutionary environment. The present study aims to identify microbial-related research under changing climate within the marine environment through the mapping of visualized graphs of the available literature. We used scientometric methods to retrieve documents from the Web of Science platform in the Core Collection (WOSCC) database, analyzing a total of 2767 documents based on scientometric indicators. Our findings show that this research area is growing exponentially, with the most influential keywords being "microbial diversity," "bacteria," and "ocean acidification," and the most cited being "microorganism" and "diversity." The identification of influential clusters in the field of marine science provides insight into the hot spots and frontiers of research in this area. Prominent clusters include "coral microbiome," "hypoxic zone," "novel Thermoplasmatota clade," "marine dinoflagellate bloom," and "human health." Analyzing emerging trends and transformative changes in this field can inform the creation of special issues or research topics in selected journals, thus increasing visibility and engagement among the scientific community.
  8. Ikhwanuddin M, Azra MN, Siti-Aimuni H, Abol-Munafi AB
    Pak J Biol Sci, 2012 Aug 01;15(15):720-8.
    PMID: 24171257
    Blue swimming crab, Portunus pelagicus is widely study and research throughout the Indo-West Pacific, but little is known of its reproductive biology in Malaysia. The present study describes the fecundity, embryonic development and ovarian development stages of the P. pelagicus from Johor coastal water, Malaysia. Carapace width range of berried crabs sampled was from 9.64 to 13.32 cm, while the body weight range was from 75 to 235 g. The mean number of egg produced by females in different sizes ranged from 105443.333 +/- 35448.075 per eggs batch. Mean egg size during embryonic development at stage 1 was 0.307 +/- 0.037, while 0.386 +/- 0.039 and 0.396 +/- 0.033 for stage 2 and stage 3, respectively. Study showed that there was significant (p < 0.05) relationship between the number of eggs and carapace width/body weight. Mean diameter oocyte during ovarian development at stage 1 was 97.732 +/- 12.391 while for stage 2 was 149.516 +/- 23.287. Stage 3 showed increasingly of size with mean diameter was 158.506 +/- 27.616 and 181.013 +/- 24.339 for stage 4.
  9. Ma CH, Huang PY, Chang YC, Pan YJ, Azra MN, Chen LL, et al.
    Animals (Basel), 2021 Feb 02;11(2).
    PMID: 33540637 DOI: 10.3390/ani11020370
    Cannibalism is a major problem in lobster and crab aquaculture. Reducing the aggressive characteristics of lobsters and crabs can improve survival during the culturing process. In this study, juvenile scalloped spiny lobsters (Panulirus homarus) and crucifix crabs (Charybdis feriatus) were both cultured under different shelter and live prey conditions. Groups with shelter (seaweed and cotton filter) showed a better survival rate than the control group (no shelter; p < 0.05) for both Pa. homarus and Char. feriatus. Co-culturing with live prey (Litopenaeus vannamei) significantly benefited the juveniles of Pa. homarus and visibly increased the survival of juvenile Char. feriatus. Although providing shelter is currently the main method for reducing agonistic behavior, it must be continually altered as the lobsters and crabs grow. Live prey can grow and attract lobsters and crabs to hunt them, and live prey can be supplemented at any time. They can also be used as an additional source of income during the harvest season.
  10. Juneta-Nor AS, Noordin NM, Azra MN, Ma HY, Husin NM, Ikhwanuddin M
    J Zhejiang Univ Sci B, 2020 10 13;21(10):823-834.
    PMID: 33043647 DOI: 10.1631/jzus.B2000126
    Ecdysis is a common phenomenon that happens throughout the life phase of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. It is vital to better understand the correlation between cannibalism and biochemical compound that exists during the moulting process. The objective of the present study was to determine the amino acid profile released by M. rosenbergii during the ecdysis process that promotes cannibalism. To accomplish this, changes in amino acid levels (total amino acid (TAA) and free amino acid (FAA)) of tissue muscle, exoskeleton, and sample water of culture medium from the moulting (E-stage) and non-moulting (C-stage) prawns were analysed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Comparison study revealed that among the TAA compounds, proline and sarcosine of tissues from moulting prawn were found at the highest levels. The level of FAA from water that contains moulting prawns (E-stage) was dominated by tryptophan and proline. Significant values obtained in the present study suggested that these amino acid compounds act as a chemical cue to promote cannibalism in M. rosenbergii during ecdysis. The knowledge of compositions and compounds that were released during the moulting process should be helpful for better understanding of the mechanism and chemical cues that play roles on triggering cannibalism, and also for future dietary manipulation to improve feeding efficiencies and feeding management, which indirectly impacts productivity and profitability.
  11. Aaqillah-Amr MA, Hidir A, Azra MN, Ahmad-Ideris AR, Abualreesh MH, Noordiyana MN, et al.
    Animals (Basel), 2021 Jun 12;11(6).
    PMID: 34204676 DOI: 10.3390/ani11061761
    The increasing market demand for decapods has led to a considerable interest in cultivating decapod species at a larger scale. Following the development of hatchery technologies, most research has focused on the development of formulated feeds for commercially farmed decapods once they enter the juvenile stages. The use of formulated feed for decapods at a commercial scale is still in the early stages. This is probably because of the unique feeding behavior that decapods possess: being robust, slow feeders and bottom dwellers, their feeding preferences change during the transition from pelagic larvae to benthic juveniles as their digestive systems develop and become more complex. The current practice of decapod aquaculture involves the provision of juveniles with food such as natural diet, live feed, and formulated feed. Knowledge of nutrient requirements enables diets to be better formulated. By manipulating the levels of proteins and lipids, a formulated feed can be expected to lead to optimal growth in decapods. At the same time, the pellet's physical characteristics are important factors to be considered upon formulating commercially farmed decapod feeds, considering the unique feeding behavior of the decapod. However, most published studies on decapod nutrition lack data on the physical characteristics of the feed types. Thus, it is difficult to establish a standard feed formulation that focuses on the physical pellet properties. Moreover, careful consideration must be given to the feeding behavior of species, as decapods are known as bottom feeders and are robust in terms of handling feed. Information on the pellet forms, diet composition, and unique feeding behaviors in commercially farmed decapods is gathered to suggest potential better formulated diets that can optimize growth and reproduction. Thus, the purpose of this review is to summarize the information that has been published to date and to come up with suggestions on ways to improve the feed formulation in decapods that comply with their feeding behavior and nutrient requirements. Further research is needed to explore the potential of the pelleted feed at the adult stage so the decapod can take full advantage of the nutrients present in the pellets.
  12. Naseem T, Bibi F, Arif S, Waseem M, Haq S, Azra MN, et al.
    Molecules, 2022 Oct 22;27(21).
    PMID: 36363976 DOI: 10.3390/molecules27217152
    In this work, graphene oxide (GO) and its reduced graphene oxide-zinc oxide nanocomposite (rGO-ZnO) was used for the removal of Cr (VI) from aqueous medium. By employing a variety of characterization techniques, morphological and structural properties of the adsorbents were determined. The adsorption study was done by varying concentration, temperature, pH, time, and amount of adsorbent. The results obtained confirmed that rGO-ZnO is a more economical and promising adsorbent for removing Cr (VI) as compared to GO. Kinetic study was also performed, which suggested that sorption of Cr (VI) follows the pseudo-first-order model. For equilibrium study, non-linear Langmuir was found a better fitted model than its linearized form. The maximum adsorption capacity calculated for GO and rGO-ZnO nanocomposite were 19.49 mg/g and 25.45 mg/g, respectively. Endothermic and spontaneous nature of adsorption was detected with positive values of ΔS (change in entropy), which reflects the structural changes happening at the liquid/solid interface.
  13. Segaran TC, Azra MN, Handayani KS, Lananan F, Xu J
    Mar Environ Res, 2023 Nov;192:106216.
    PMID: 37891025 DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.106216
    Seaweed has garnered increasing interest due to its capacity to mitigate climate change by curbing carbon emissions from agriculture, as well as its potential to serve as a supplement or alternative for dietary, livestock feed, or fuel source production. Moreover, seaweed is regarded as one of the earliest plant forms to have evolved on Earth. Owing to the extensive body of literature available and the uncertainty surrounding the future trajectory of seaweed research under evolving climate conditions, this review scrutinizes the structure, dynamics, and progression of the literature pertaining to seaweed and climate change. This analysis is grounded in the Web of Science Core Collection database, augmented by CiteSpace software. Furthermore, we discuss the productivity and influence of individual researchers, research organizations, countries, and scientific journals. To date, there have been 8047 articles published globally (after a series of filters and exclusions), with a notable upswing in publication frequency since 2018. The USA, China, and Australia are among the leading countries contributing to this research area. Our findings reveal that current research on seaweed and climate change encompasses 13 distinct research clusters, including "marine heatwave", "temperate estuary", "ocean acidification", and "macroalgal bloom". The most frequently cited keywords are "climate change", "biomass", "community", and "photosynthesis". The seaweed species most commonly referenced in relation to climate change include Gracilaria sp., Sargassum sp., Ecklonia maxima, and Macrocystis pyrifera. These results provide valuable guidance for shaping the direction of specialized topics concerning marine biodiversity under shifting climate conditions. We propose that seaweed production may be compromised during prolonged episodes of reduced water availability, emphasizing the need to formulate strategies to guarantee its continued viability. This article offers fresh perspectives on the analysis of seaweed research in the context of impending climate change.
  14. Chris DI, Wokeh OK, Téllez-Isaías G, Kari ZA, Azra MN
    Sci Prog, 2024;107(1):368504241231663.
    PMID: 38490166 DOI: 10.1177/00368504241231663
    This study examined the histological aberrations in the gill and liver tissues and behavioural changes of Tilapia guineensis fingerlings exposed to lethal concentrations of used Oilfield-based emulsifiers for 96 h. Various concentrations of the surfactants were tested, ranging from 0.0 to 15.0 ml/L. The behaviour of the fish was observed throughout the experiment, and the results showed that increasing concentrations of the surfactants led to progressively abnormal behaviour, including hyperventilation and altered opercular beat frequency. These behavioural changes indicated respiratory distress and neurotoxic effects. Histological analysis revealed structural aberrations in the gill and liver tissues, with higher concentrations causing more severe damage, such as lesions, necrosis, inflammation, and cellular degeneration. This implies that surfactants released even at low concentrations are capable of inducing changes in the tissues of aquatic organisms. These findings highlight the toxic effects of the surfactants on fish health and provide biomarkers of toxicity. Future research should focus on understanding the specific mechanisms and long-term consequences of surfactant toxicity on fish genetic composition, populations, and ecosystems to implement effective conservation measures.
  15. Matin A, Chaudhry GE, Azra MN, Gazali M, Yeong YS, Tengku Muhammad TS
    Malays J Med Sci, 2024 Aug;31(4):14-34.
    PMID: 39247108 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2024.31.4.2
    Atherosclerosis is characterised by the accumulation of fatty deposits and plaque as a result of a continuously high level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in the blood. The primary objective of this research is to assess the current status of knowledge, research endeavours and developmental trajectories about proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) inhibitors in correlation with atherosclerosis treatment. Additionally, this study aims to compile bibliometric and scientometric investigations within this domain through rigorous scientometric analysis. Analysing the bibliometric landscape and global research trends associated with PCSK9 inhibitors can contribute valuable insights into comprehending atherosclerosis. This is exemplified by examining publications within the Web of Science Core Collection (WOSCC) database from 2008 to 2022. Citespace was used for frequency, co-occurrence, co-citation, grouping and burst analysis, and Microsoft Excel was used to manage descriptive datasets. Eight hundred eighty-five publications available from WOSCC database between the years 2008 and 2022 were extracted and examined. Over the period, 3,138 collaborating institutions from 87 countries, a staggering 7,750 writers involved and 325 distinct journals published about PCSK9 inhibitors studies. Among authors, Sabatine et al. and the journal The New England Journal of Medicine has had the most significant impact. Lipid-lowering therapy and bempedoic acid are the most prominent topical clusters associated with PCSK9 inhibitors, and the most often used keywords are efficacy, safety and PCSK9 inhibitors. We believe this is the first comprehensive analysis of PCSK9 inhibitors research and publications conducted using Scientometric. These results demonstrate the nascence of PCSK9 inhibitors research. They may encourage a wide range of stakeholders, particularly early career researchers from various disciplines, to work together in the future.
  16. Syafaat MN, Azra MN, Waiho K, Fazhan H, Abol-Munafi AB, Ishak SD, et al.
    Animals (Basel), 2021 Jul 08;11(7).
    PMID: 34359163 DOI: 10.3390/ani11072034
    The nursery stages of mud crab, genus Scylla, proceed from the megalopa stage to crablet instar stages. We review the definition and several of the key stages in mud crab nursery activities. The practice of the direct stocking of megalopa into ponds is not recommended due to their sensitivity. Instead, nursery rearing is needed to grow-out mud crabs of a larger size before pond stocking. Individual nursery rearing results in a higher survival rate at the expense of growth and a more complicated maintenance process compared with communal rearing. The nursery of mud crabs can be done both indoors or outdoors with adequate shelter and feed required to obtain a good survival percentage and growth performance. Artemia nauplii are still irreplaceable as nursery feed, particularly at the megalopa stage, while the survival rate may be improved if live feed is combined with artificial feed such as microbound diet formulations. Water quality parameters, identical to those proposed in tiger shrimp cultures, can be implemented in mud crab rearing. The transportation of crablets between different locations can be done with or without water. The provision of monosex seeds from mud crab hatcheries is expected to become commonplace, increasing seed price and thus improving the income of farmers. Numerous aspects of a mud crab nursery including nutrition; feeding strategies; understanding their behaviour, i.e., cannibalism; control of environmental factors and practical rearing techniques still need further improvement.
  17. Mohammadi G, Hafezieh M, Karimi AA, Azra MN, Van Doan H, Tapingkae W, et al.
    Fish Shellfish Immunol, 2022 Jan;120:304-313.
    PMID: 34838702 DOI: 10.1016/j.fsi.2021.11.028
    This study evaluated the growth performance, immune responses, and disease resistance of Nile tilapia upon pistachio hulls derived polysaccharide (PHDP) and Pediococcus acidilactici (PA) separately or as synbiotic. Fish received four types of diets: T1, control; T2, PHDP (0.1%); T3, PA (0.2%); T4, PHDP (0.1%) +PA (0.2%) for 56 days. The results showed that final weight and weight gain were markedly higher in fish fed T4 diet than that given T1 and T2 diets (P ≤ 0.05). In addition, a significantly greater specific growth rate was obtained by the T4 diet compared to the control. Fish survival was significantly improved in all supplemented diets compared to the control. On the other hand, the activities of lipase, protease, and amylase showed significant increases in the T4 group compared with other feeding groups. The total leucocytes and lymphocytes proportion significantly elevated in T3 and T4 than remaining groups (P ≤ 0.05). Further, fish fed T3 diet presented significantly higher serum total protein, total immunoglobulin, lysozyme activity (LYZ), alternative complement activity (ACH50), and alkaline phosphatase activity compared to fish fed T1 and T2 diets, while the mentioned indices were found significantly highest in T4 group than others. Fish received T3 and T4 diets had higher skin mucus LYZ and ACH50 than those fed T1 and T2 diets (P ≤ 0.05). The malondialdehyde levels were significantly declined in T3 and T4 when compared to the control. Fish fed T3 and T4 diets demonstrated significantly enhanced superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase activities compared to the control. The intestinal propionic acid significantly increased by T2 and T4 diets, while the highest levels of acetic acid detected in fish given T4 diet. The expression levels of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin 1β (IL-1β), and interleukin 10 (IL-10) were significantly affected by T3 and T4 supplements. The efficacy of T4 diet against Aeromonas hydrophila infection was documented by a significantly lower mortality rate. In conclusion, the combination of PHDP and PA presented promising results as a synbiotic feed additive for Nile tilapia.
  18. Segaran TC, Azra MN, Mohd Noor MI, Danish-Daniel M, Burlakovs J, Lananan F, et al.
    Heliyon, 2024 Apr 15;10(7):e28418.
    PMID: 38560172 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28418
    Seaweed research has gained substantial momentum in recent years, attracting the attention of researchers, academic institutions, industries, policymakers, and philanthropists to explore its potential applications and benefits. Despite the growing body of literature, there is a paucity of comprehensive scientometric analyses, highlighting the need for an in-depth investigation. In this study, we utilized CiteSpace to examine the global seaweed research landscape through the Web of Science Core Collection database, assessing publication trends, collaboration patterns, network structures, and co-citation analyses across 48,278 original works published since 1975. Our results demonstrate a diverse and active research community, with a multitude of authors and journals contributing to the advancement of seaweed science. Thematic co-citation cluster analysis identified three primary research areas: "Coral reef," "Solar radiation," and "Mycosporine-like amino acid," emphasizing the multidisciplinary nature of seaweed research. The increasing prominence of "Chemical composition" and "Antioxidant" keywords indicates a burgeoning interest in characterizing the nutritional value and health-promoting properties of seaweed. Timeline co-citation analysis unveils that recent research priorities have emerged around the themes of coral reefs, ocean acidification, and antioxidants, underlining the evolving focus and interdisciplinary approach of the field. Moreover, our analysis highlights the potential of seaweed as a functional food product, poised to contribute significantly to addressing global food security and sustainability challenges. This study underscores the importance of bibliometric analysis in elucidating the global seaweed research landscape and emphasizes the need for sustained knowledge exchange and collaboration to drive the field forward. By revealing key findings and emerging trends, our research offers valuable insights for academics and stakeholders, fostering a more profound understanding of seaweed's potential and informing future research endeavors in this promising domain.
  19. Liu X, Gao J, Zhang P, Shi T, Yan B, Azra MN, et al.
    Genomics, 2023 Nov;115(6):110746.
    PMID: 37977333 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2023.110746
    To study the mechanism of the biomolecular response in Exopalaemon carinicauda to starvation stress, we subjected muscle tissue RNA samples from four stress points, including 0 d(control group), 10 d, 20 d, and 30 d, to starvation stress on white ridgetail prawn with a body weight of 1.41 + 0.42 g, aquaculture water temperature of 23-25 °C, salinity of 26, dissolved oxygen ≥5 mg/L, and pH 8-8.5, Then performed de novo transcriptome assembly and gene expression analysis using BGISEQ-500 with a tag-based digital gene expression (DGE) system. By de novo assembling at the four times, we obtained 28,167, 21,115, 24,497, and 27,080 reads, respectively. The results showed that the stress at 10 d led to no significant difference in the expressed genes, while the stress at 20 d and 30 d showed a significant increase (or decrease) in the expression of 97 (276) and 143 (410) genes, respectively, which were involved in 8 different metabolic pathways. In addition, we detected 2647 unigene transcription factors. Eleven upregulated and sixteen downregulated genes from the different starvation stress groups were choose to verify the reliability of the transcriptome data, and the results showed that the expression trends of these genes were consistent with the results shown by the transcriptome. The analysis of the experimental data and our discussion of the response mechanism of white ridgetail prawn under starvation stress provides a foundation for further screening of the key genes of starvation stress and may help to elucidate their functions.
  20. Chandra Segaran T, Azra MN, Piah RM, Lananan F, Téllez-Isaías G, Gao H, et al.
    Heliyon, 2023 Sep;9(9):e20081.
    PMID: 37810135 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20081
    This study aims to elucidate the evolution of catfish research publications over recent decades, identify emerging research clusters, examine keyword patterns, determine major contributors (including authors, organizations, and funding agencies), and analyze their collaborative networks and citation bursts on a global scale. The USA, Brazil, China, and India collectively contribute approximately 67% of the total catfish research publications, with a marked increase in prevalence since 2016. The most frequently occurring and dominant keywords are "channel catfish" and "responses," respectively. Intriguingly, our findings reveal 28 distinct article clusters, with prominent clusters including "yellow catfish," "channel catfish", "pectoral girdle," "African catfish", "Rio Sao Francisco basin," "Edwardsiella ictaluri," and "temperature mediated". Concurrently, keyword clustering generates seven main clusters: "new species", "growth performance", "heavy metal", "gonadotropin-releasing", "essential oil", and "olfactory receptor". This study further anticipates future research directions, offering fresh perspectives on the catfish literature landscape. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article to conduct a comprehensive mapping review of catfish research publications worldwide.
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