METHOD: Case report.
RESULT: A 76-year-old woman with underlying hypertension presented left eye poor vision due to an underlying dense cataract. Her initial preoperative assessment was uneventful, and she underwent phacoemulsification. During epinucleus removal, there was sudden, unexpected anterior chamber shallowing, resulting in posterior capsule rupture. While the surgeon extended the wound to facilitate epinucleus removal, there was a further decrease of red reflex, followed by hardening of the globe, indicating a suprachoroidal hemorrhage. The corneal wound was opposed swiftly without an intraocular lens. Further evaluation after that revealed the patient had a chronic headache for several years, and ocular examination showed bilateral esophoria. A computed tomography demonstrated features suggestive of bilateral carotid-cavernous fistula, which was confirmed with computed tomography angiography later.
CONCLUSION: Patients with carotid-cavernous fistula have elevated episcleral venous pressure and vortex venous pressure. Sudden decompression of the globe in these patients predisposes them to higher suprachoroidal hemorrhage risk, although this condition is generally rare in phacoemulsification.
Methods: This is a community-based study conducted among adults between 2010 and 2011 among a rural population in Raub, Pahang, Malaysia. Blood pressure was measured after 5 min of rest. Measurement was done twice and the average was recorded. Cardiovascular risk perception score (CvRPS) was derived using the Modified Risk and Health Behavior Questionnaire. Higher CvRPS indicates the respondent perceives a poorer prognostic outlook.
Results: A total of 383 respondents who have hypertension participated in this study. The mean age of respondents was 62±10.6 years; men 63.1±9.6 years, women 61.2±11.1 years (p>0.05). Among hypertensives, those who were not on medication had significantly lower CvRPS compared with those who were on medications (115.9±22.1vs 120.9±23.5, p=0.036); those who were not aware of their hypertensive status had significantly lower CvRPS compared with respondents who were aware about their hypertension (116.7±22.5vs 121.7±21.3, p=0.029) and those with uncontrolled hypertension had significantly lower CvRPS compared with those whose blood pressure was controlled (118.2±22.2vs 128.8±25.8, p=0.009).
Conclusions: Our study shows that respondents who were not on medications, unaware of their hypertension status and those who had uncontrolled hypertension tended to underestimate (lower CvRPS) their risk for CVD. Improving their CvPRS through a concerted health education may lead to better therapeutic behaviour and outcomes.