Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 31 in total

  1. Asim N, Badiei M, Sopian K
    Environ Technol Innov, 2021 Aug;23:101797.
    PMID: 34307792 DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2021.101797
    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected not only human health and economies but also the environment due to the large volume of waste in the form of discarded personal protective equipment. The remarkable increase in the global usage of face masks, which mainly contain polypropylene, and improper waste management have led to a serious environmental challenge called microplastic pollution. Potential practices for waste management related to waste valorization of discarded face masks as the major type of waste during the COVID-19 pandemic are explored in this study. Recommendations based on governmental practices, situation of state facilities, and societal awareness and engagement applicable to emergency (including COVID-19 pandemic) and postpandemic scenarios are offered while considering potential solutions and available waste management practices in different countries during emergency conditions. However, multicriteria decision making for a country must determine the optimal solution for waste management on the basis of all affecting factors. Awareness of scientific, governments, and communities worldwide will successfully eradicate this important environmental issue.
  2. Roslizar A, Alghoul MA, Bakhtyar B, Asim N, Sopian K
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:310539.
    PMID: 25485294 DOI: 10.1155/2014/310539
    Buildings are among the largest consumers of energy. Part of the energy is wasted due to the habits of users and equipment conditions. A solution to this problem is efficient energy usage. To this end, an energy audit can be conducted to assess the energy efficiency. This study aims to analyze the energy usage of a primary school and identify the potential energy reductions and cost savings. A preliminary audit was conducted, and several energy conservation measures were proposed. The energy conservation measures, with reference to the MS1525:2007 standard, were modelled to identify the potential energy reduction and cost savings. It was found that the school's usage of electricity exceeded its need, incurring an excess expenditure of RM 2947.42. From the lighting system alone, it was found that there is a potential energy reduction of 5489.06 kWh, which gives a cost saving of RM 2282.52 via the improvement of lighting system design and its operating hours. Overall, it was found that there is a potential energy reduction and cost saving of 20.7% when the energy conservation measures are earnestly implemented. The previous energy intensity of the school was found to be 50.6 kWh/m(2)/year, but can theoretically be reduced to 40.19 kWh/mm(2)/year.
  3. Gitan AA, Zulkifli R, Abdullah S, Sopian K
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:767614.
    PMID: 24672370 DOI: 10.1155/2014/767614
    Pulsating twin jets mechanism (PTJM) was developed in the present work to study the effect of pulsating twin jets mixing region on the enhancement of heat transfer. Controllable characteristics twin pulsed jets were the main objective of our design. The variable nozzle-nozzle distance was considered to study the effect of two jets interaction at the mixing region. Also, the phase change between the frequencies of twin jets was taken into account to develop PTJM. All of these factors in addition to the ability of producing high velocity pulsed jet led to more appropriate design for a comprehensive study of multijet impingement heat transfer problems. The performance of PTJM was verified by measuring the pulse profile at frequency of 20 Hz, where equal velocity peak of around 64 m/s for both jets was obtained. Moreover, the jet velocity profile at different pulsation frequencies was tested to verify system performance, so the results revealed reasonable velocity profile configuration. Furthermore, the effect of pulsation frequency on surface temperature of flat hot plate in the midpoint between twin jets was studied experimentally. Noticeable enhancement in heat transfer was obtained with the increasing of pulsation frequency.
  4. Balla HH, Abdullah S, Mohdfaizal W, Zulkifli R, Sopian K
    J Oleo Sci, 2013;62(7):533-9.
    PMID: 23823920
    A numerical simulation model for laminar flow of nanofluids in a pipe with constant heat flux on the wall was built to study the effect of the Reynolds number on convective heat transfer and pressure loss. The investigation was performed for hybrid nanofluids consisting of CuO-Cu nanoparticles and compared with CuO and Cu in which the nanoparticles have a spherical shape with size 50, 50, 50nm respectively. The nanofluids were prepared, following which the thermal conductivity and dynamic viscosity were measured for a range of temperatures (10 -60°C). The numerical results obtained were compared with the existing well-established correlation. The prediction of the Nusselt number for nanofluids agrees well with the Shah correlation. The comparison of heat transfer coefficients for CuO, Cu and CuO-Cu presented an increase in thermal conductivity of the nanofluid as the convective heat transfer coefficient increased. It was found that the pressure loss increases with an increase in the Reynolds number, nanoparticle density and particle volume fraction. However, the flow demonstrates enhancement in heat transfer which becomes greater with an increase in the Reynolds number for the nanofluid flow.
  5. Kouhnavard M, Ludin NA, Ghaffari BV, Sopian K, Ikeda S
    ChemSusChem, 2015 May 11;8(9):1510-33.
    PMID: 25925421 DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201500004
    Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) serve as low-costing alternatives to silicon solar cells because of their low material and fabrication costs. Usually, they utilize Pt as the counter electrode (CE) to catalyze the iodine redox couple and to complete the electric circuit. Given that Pt is a rare and expensive metal, various carbon materials have been intensively investigated because of their low costs, high surface areas, excellent electrochemical stabilities, reasonable electrochemical activities, and high corrosion resistances. In this feature article, we provide an overview of recent studies on the electrochemical properties and photovoltaic performances of carbon-based CEs (e.g., activated carbon, nanosized carbon, carbon black, graphene, graphite, carbon nanotubes, and composite carbon). We focus on scientific challenges associated with each material and highlight recent advances achieved in overcoming these obstacles. Finally, we discuss possible future directions for this field of research aimed at obtaining highly efficient DSSCs.
  6. Ashour ES, Sulaiman MY, Ruslan MH, Sopian K
    Nanoscale Res Lett, 2013 Nov 06;8(1):466.
    PMID: 24195734 DOI: 10.1186/1556-276X-8-466
    Vertically aligned silicon nanowires have been synthesized by the chemical etching of silicon wafers. The influence of a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) layer (shell) on top of a silicon nanowire (SiNW) solar cell has been investigated. The optical properties of a-Si:H/SiNWs and SiNWs are examined in terms of optical reflection and absorption properties. In the presence of the a-Si:H shell, 5.2% reflection ratio in the spectral range (250 to 1,000 nm) is achieved with a superior absorption property with an average over 87% of the incident light. In addition, the characteristics of the solar cell have been significantly improved, which exhibits higher open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and efficiency by more than 15%, 12%, and 37%, respectively, compared with planar SiNW solar cells. Based on the current-voltage measurements and morphology results, we show that the a-Si:H shell can passivate the defects generated by wet etching processes.
  7. Al-Waeli AHA, Sopian K, Kazem HA, Chaichan MT
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Jul;30(34):81474-81492.
    PMID: 36689112 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-023-25321-0
    The bi-fluid photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector was introduced to provide more heating options along with improved cooling capabilities for the PV module. Since its introduction, this type of PVT system has been investigated thoroughly in various original works. In this review paper, we intend to put the concept and applications of this technology into question and revise the main achievements and discoveries through research and development with a focus on climatic and operational parameters. The paper encompasses a critical review of the discussed research and future directions for PVT collectors. The main utilized operational modes are discussed in detail, which are (i) water used in both channels, (ii) water in one channel and air in the other, and (iii) air in both channels. The modes were found to lead to different enhancement and performance effects for the utilized photovoltaic modules. The impact of mass flow rate was also taken by keeping one working fluid constant while varying the other to obtain its impact on the energy and exergy efficiency of the collector. In some cases, the fluids were run simultaneously and, in other cases, independently.
  8. Ramli ZA, Asim N, Isahak WN, Emdadi Z, Ahmad-Ludin N, Yarmo MA, et al.
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:415136.
    PMID: 25013855 DOI: 10.1155/2014/415136
    This study involves the investigation of altering the photocatalytic activity of TiO2 using composite materials. Three different forms of modified TiO2, namely, TiO2/activated carbon (AC), TiO2/carbon (C), and TiO2/PANi, were compared. The TiO2/carbon composite was obtained by pyrolysis of TiO2/PANi prepared by in situ polymerization method, while the TiO2/activated carbon (TiO2/AC) was obtained after treating TiO2/carbon with 1.0 M KOH solution, followed by calcination at a temperature of 450°C. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA), Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET), and UV-Vis spectroscopy were used to characterize and evaluate the prepared samples. The specific surface area was determined to be in the following order: TiO2/AC > TiO2/C > TiO2/PANi > TiO2 (179 > 134 > 54 > 9 m(2) g(-1)). The evaluation of photocatalytic performance for the degradation of methylene blue under UV light irradiation was also of the same order, with 98 > 84.7 > 69% conversion rate, which is likely to be attributed to the porosity and synergistic effect in the prepared samples.
  9. Ba-Abbad MM, Kadhum AA, Mohamad AB, Takriff MS, Sopian K
    Chemosphere, 2013 Jun;91(11):1604-11.
    PMID: 23384541 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2012.12.055
    The optical properties of a ZnO photocatalyst were enhanced with various dopant concentrations of Fe(3+). Doped ZnO nanoparticles were synthesized via a sol-gel method without the use of capping agents or surfactants and was then characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy. The results showed that ZnO has a wurtzite, hexagonal structure and that the Fe(3+) ions were well incorporated into the ZnO crystal lattice. As the Fe(3+) concentration increased from 0.25 wt.% to 1 wt.%, the crystal size decreased in comparison with the undoped ZnO. The spectral absorption shifts of the visible light region (red shift) and the band gap decreases for each Fe-ZnO sample were investigated. The photocatalytic activities of the ZnO and Fe-ZnO samples were evaluated based on the degradation of 2-chlorophenol in aqueous solution under solar radiation. The samples with a small concentration of Fe(3+) ions showed enhanced photocatalytic activity with an optimal maximum performance at 0.5 wt.%. The results indicated that toxicity removal of 2-chlorophenol at same line of degradation efficiency. Small crystallite size and low band gap were attributed to high activities of Fe-ZnO samples under various concentrations of Fe(3+) ions compared to undoped ZnO.
  10. Akhtaruzzaman M, Shahiduzzaman M, Amin N, Muhammad G, Islam MA, Rafiq KSB, et al.
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2021 Jun 22;11(7).
    PMID: 34206518 DOI: 10.3390/nano11071635
    Tungsten disulfide (WS2) thin films were deposited on soda-lime glass (SLG) substrates using radio frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering at different Ar flow rates (3 to 7 sccm). The effect of Ar flow rates on the structural, morphology, and electrical properties of the WS2 thin films was investigated thoroughly. Structural analysis exhibited that all the as-grown films showed the highest peak at (101) plane corresponds to rhombohedral phase. The crystalline size of the film ranged from 11.2 to 35.6 nm, while dislocation density ranged from 7.8 × 1014 to 26.29 × 1015 lines/m2. All these findings indicate that as-grown WS2 films are induced with various degrees of defects, which were visible in the FESEM images. FESEM images also identified the distorted crystallographic structure for all the films except the film deposited at 5 sccm of Ar gas flow rate. EDX analysis found that all the films were having a sulfur deficit and suggested that WS2 thin film bears edge defects in its structure. Further, electrical analysis confirms that tailoring of structural defects in WS2 thin film can be possible by the varying Ar gas flow rates. All these findings articulate that Ar gas flow rate is one of the important process parameters in RF magnetron sputtering that could affect the morphology, electrical properties, and structural properties of WS2 thin film. Finally, the simulation study validates the experimental results and encourages the use of WS2 as a buffer layer of CdTe-based solar cells.
  11. Al-Alwani MAM, Ludin NA, Mohamad AB, Kadhum AAH, Sopian K
    PMID: 28213142 DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2017.02.026
    Current study employs mixture of chlorophyll-anthocyanin dye extracted from leaves of Cordyline fruticosa as new sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSCs), as well as betalains dye obtained from fruit of Hylocereus polyrhizus. Among ten pigments solvents, the ethanol and methanol extracts revealed higher absorption spectra of pigments extracted from C. fruticosa and H. polyrhizus respectively. A major effect of temperature increase was studied to increase the extraction yield. The results indicated that extraction temperature between 70 and 80°C exhibited a high dye concentration of each plant than other temperatures. The optimal temperature was around 80°C and there was a sharp decrease of dye concentration at temperatures higher than this temperature. According to experimental results, the conversion efficiency of DSSC fabricated by mixture of chlorophyll and anthocyanin dyes from C. fruticosa leaves is 0.5% with short-circuit current (Isc) of 1.3mA/cm-2, open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.62V and fill factor (FF) of 60.16%. The higher photoelectric conversion efficiency of the DSSC prepared from the extract of H. polyrhizus was 0.16%, with Voc of 0.5V, Isc of 0.4mA/cm-2 and FF of 79.16%. The DSSC based betalain dye extracted from fruit of H. polyrhizus shows higher maximum IPCE of 44% than that of the DSSCs sensitized with mixed chlorophyll-anthocyanin dye from C. fruticosa (42%).
  12. Jaaz AH, Hasan HA, Sopian K, Kadhum AAH, Gaaz TS, Al-Amiery AA
    Materials (Basel), 2017 Aug 01;10(8).
    PMID: 28763048 DOI: 10.3390/ma10080888
    This paper discusses the effect of jet impingement of water on a photovoltaic thermal (PVT) collector and compound parabolic concentrators (CPC) on electrical efficiency, thermal efficiency and power production of a PVT system. A prototype of a PVT solar water collector installed with a jet impingement and CPC has been designed, fabricated and experimentally investigated. The efficiency of the system can be improved by using jet impingement of water to decrease the temperature of the solar cells. The electrical efficiency and power output are directly correlated with the mass flow rate. The results show that electrical efficiency was improved by 7% when using CPC and jet impingement cooling in a PVT solar collector at 1:00 p.m. (solar irradiance of 1050 W/m² and an ambient temperature of 33.5 °C). It can also be seen that the power output improved by 36% when using jet impingement cooling with CPC, and 20% without CPC in the photovoltaic (PV) module at 1:30 p.m. The short-circuit current ISC of the PV module experienced an improvement of ~28% when using jet impingement cooling with CPC, and 11.7% without CPC. The output of the PV module was enhanced by 31% when using jet impingement cooling with CPC, and 16% without CPC.
  13. Rohaizar MH, Sepeai S, Surhada N, Ludin NA, Ibrahim MA, Sopian K, et al.
    Heliyon, 2019 Nov;5(11):e02790.
    PMID: 31768436 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02790
    Continuing trend in silicon wafer thickness directed at cost reduction approaches basic boundaries created by: (a) mismatch between Al paste and Si wafer thermal expansion and (b) incomplete optical absorption. With its symmetrical front and back electrical contacts, the bifacial solar cell setup reduces stress due to mismatch thermal expansion, decreases metal use and increases high temperature efficiency. Efficiency improvement is accomplished in bifacial solar cells by capturing light from the back surface. Partially transparent wafers provide an option to improve near-infrared radiation absorption within Si wafer. To fully absorb optical radiation, three-dimensional texture of these kinds of wafers is essential. Pulsed laser interactions, thermal oxidation, and wet chemical etching are included in this research. A feature of its energy and pattern setup is the interaction of pulsed laser with Si, running at 1.064 μm wavelength and micro-second length. Two experimental settings were explored: (a) post-laser chemical etching with potassium hydro-oxide etching with thermal oxide as etching mask and (b) post-laser heat Si surface oxidation. Due to fast melting and recrystallization, laser pulsed processing inherently produces its own texture. Some of these spherically-shaped, randomly focused characteristics improve inner scattering and boost near-infrared absorption within the wafer. These characteristics are separated during chemical etching with the thermally-grown oxide layer as an etch mask. Comparison of optical absorption in both surfaces shows almost a rise in the magnitude of absorption in non-etched surfaces. Detailed optical (optical microscope and IR absorption), morphological (field emission scanning electron microscope) and heat imaging (far IR camera) analyses were performed to comprehend physical processes that contribute to near-IR absorption improvement. Such kinds of partially-transparent, three-dimensional textured Si wafers are anticipated to discover applications for bifacial solar cells as substrates.
  14. Kazem HA, Yousif JH, Chaichan MT, Al-Waeli AHA, Sopian K
    Heliyon, 2022 Jan;8(1):e08803.
    PMID: 35128098 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08803
    This paper evaluated a 1.4 kW grid-connected photovoltaic system (GCPV) using two neural network models based on experimental data for one year. The novelty of this study is to propose and compare full recurrent neural network (FRNN), and principal component analysis (PCA) models based on entire year experimental data, considering limited research conducted to predict GCPV behaviour using the two methods. The system data was collected for 12 months secondly and hourly data with 50400 samples daily. The GCPV evaluates using specific yield, energy cost, capacity factor, payback period, current, voltage, power, and efficiency. The predicted GCPV current and power using FRNN and PCA were evaluated and compared with measured values to validate results. However, the results indicated that FRNN is better in simulating the experimental results curve compared with PCA. The measured and predicted data are compared and evaluated. It is found that the GCPV is suitable and promising for the study area in terms of technical and economic evaluation with a 3.24-4.82 kWh/kWp-day yield, 21.7% capacity factor, 0.045 USD/kWh cost of energy, and 11.17 years payback period.
  15. Hakemzadeh MH, Ibrahim A, Sopian K, Abd Hamid AS, Jarimi H
    Heliyon, 2023 Mar;9(3):e14661.
    PMID: 37020933 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14661
    Global solar radiation can theoretically be approximated in terms of tilt and azimuth of the surface regarding the impossibility of simultaneous measurement of solar radiation at various surface tilt and azimuth angles. Moreover, the random and anisotropic nature of diffuse radiation in a tropical climate makes it extremely difficult to estimate global solar radiation accurately as a function of surface tilt and azimuth angles. This study aims to develop a novel experimental and theoretical approach in the form of a computational network in order to determine a precise combined model integrated with global horizontal solar radiation to evaluate global tilted solar radiation in a tropical climate. Obtained results revealed that precisely estimation of the global tilted solar radiation was possible, by combining geometric factors for the tilted beam solar radiation, a combination of Gueymard and Louche models for the tilted diffuse solar radiation, and isotropic ground reflectance model for the ground reflected radiation, along with global horizontal solar radiation. It was observed that the accuracy of the model developed was higher for the partly sunny sky compared to the cloudy and rainy sky, estimates were more accurate on south-facing surfaces, and the model's accuracy declined with the increasing tilt angle of the surface. The statistical analysis exhibited excellent agreement between the measured data and simulation results, considering the value of normalized mean absolute error (nMAE %), normalized root mean squared error (nRMSE %), and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE %), which were in the ranges 0.22-0.94, 0.27-1.11, and 0.23-1.02, respectively for estimating global tilted solar radiation in various regions of Peninsular Malaysia, and they were respectively found in the range of 10.2-27.5%, 16.1-38.9%, and 6.0-17.8%, for evaluating the monthly optimum tilt angle towards the south, that leads to a loss of solar energy from 1.3 to 5.4 kWh/m2/year in Peninsular Malaysia. This search revealed that the experimental and theoretical approach employed in this study can be extended to more climatic regions.
  16. M Sultan S, Tso CP, Sopian K, K Ajeel R, Sobayel K, Ibrahim A, et al.
    Heliyon, 2023 Nov;9(11):e21294.
    PMID: 37885726 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e21294
    The photovoltaic module (PV) enhancer is a technology used for improving the PV performance. Recently, much research has been conducted to propose new concepts of PV enhancer such as coolers and reflectors. The PV enhancer performance is assessed by the common existing methods available in the literature, which solely depends on total exergy or energy, volume, area, weight and the manufacturing cost. These assessment methods are useful but cannot assess the PV enhancer's performance when considering the lifespan parameter. Hence, this study is intended to solve the current problem by linking the lifespan parameter into the existing methods by proposing three enhanced assessment methods: yield times lifespan per cost per area, yield times lifespan per cost per volume and yield times lifespan per cost per weight. The PV enhancer with the highest values of these factors will have the optimum performance. The influential parameters and limitations of the enhanced assessment methods are investigated. It is shown that the proposed methods can assess and classify the performance of the PV enhancer with different models when the lifespan is considered in the analysis. These assessment approaches can be applied by manufacturers and designers of PV enhancers.
  17. Selvanathan V, Yahya R, Ruslan MH, Sopian K, Amin N, Nour M, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Feb 27;12(3).
    PMID: 32120814 DOI: 10.3390/polym12030516
    This work is a pioneer attempt to fabricate quasi-solid dye-sensitized solar cell (QSDDSC) based on organosoluble starch derivative. Rheological characterizations of the PhSt-HEC blend based gels exhibited viscoelastic properties favorable for electrolyte fabrication. From amplitude sweep and tack test analyses, it was evident that the inclusion of LiI improved the rigidity and tack property of the gels. On the other hand, the opposite was true for TPAI based gels, which resulted in less rigid and tacky electrolytes. The crystallinity of the gels was found to decline with increasing amount of salt in both systems. The highest photoconversion efficiency of 3.94% was recorded upon addition of 12.5 wt % TPAI and this value is one of the highest DSSC performance recorded for starch based electrolytes. From electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), it is deduced that the steric hindrance imposed by bulky cations aids in hindering recombination between photoanode and electrolyte.
  18. Selvanathan V, Ruslan MH, Aminuzzaman M, Muhammad G, Amin N, Sopian K, et al.
    Polymers (Basel), 2020 Sep 22;12(9).
    PMID: 32972016 DOI: 10.3390/polym12092170
    A starch-resorcinol-formaldehyde (RF)-lithium triflate (LiTf) based biodegradable polymer electrolyte membrane was synthesized via the solution casting technique. The formation of RF crosslinks in the starch matrix was found to repress the starch's crystallinity as indicated by the XRD data. Incorporation of the RF plasticizer improved the conductivity greatly, with the highest room-temperature conductivity recorded being 4.29 × 10-4 S cm-1 achieved by the starch:LiTf:RF (20 wt.%:20 wt.%:60 wt.%) composition. The enhancement in ionic conductivity was an implication of the increase in the polymeric amorphous region concurrent with the suppression of the starch's crystallinity. Chemical complexation between the plasticizer, starch, and lithium salt components in the electrolyte was confirmed by FTIR spectra.
  19. Nawab F, Abd Hamid AS, Ibrahim A, Sopian K, Fazlizan A, Fauzan MF
    Heliyon, 2023 Jun;9(6):e17038.
    PMID: 37484325 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17038
    Solar irradiation data is essential for the feasibility of solar energy projects. Notably, the intermittent nature of solar irradiation influences solar energy use in all forms, whether energy or agriculture. Accurate solar irradiation prediction is the only solution to effectively use solar energy in different forms. The estimation of solar irradiation is the most critical factor for site selection and sizing of solar energy projects and for selecting a suitable crop selection for the area. But the physical measurement of solar irradiation, due to the cost and technology involved, is not possible for all locations across the globe. Numerous techniques have been implemented to predict solar irradiation for this purpose. The two types of approaches that are most frequently employed are empirical techniques and artificial intelligence (AI). Both approaches have demonstrated good accuracy in various places of the world. To find out the best method, a thorough review of research articles discussing solar irradiation prediction has been done to compare different methods for solar irradiation prediction. In this paper, articles predicting solar irradiation using AI and empirical published from 2017 to 2022 have been reviewed, and both methods have been compared. The review showed that AI methods are more accurate than empirical methods. In empirical models, modified sunshine-based models (MSSM) have the highest accuracy, followed by sunshine-based (SSM) and non-sunshine-based models (NSM). The NSM has a little lower accuracy than MSSM and SSM, but the NSM can give good results in sunshine data unavailability. Also, the literature review confirmed that simple empirical models could predict accurately, and increasing the empirical model's polynomial order cannot improve results. Artificial neural networks (ANN) and Hybrid models have the highest accuracy among AI methods, followed by support vector machine (SVM) and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The increase in efficiency by hybrid models is minimal, but the complexity of models requires very sophisticated programming knowledge. ANN's most important input factors are maximum and minimum temperatures, temperature differential, relative humidity, clearness index and precipitation.
  20. Selvanathan S, Meng Woi P, Selvanathan V, Karim MR, Sopian K, Akhtaruzzaman M
    Chem Rec, 2024 Jan;24(1):e202300228.
    PMID: 37857549 DOI: 10.1002/tcr.202300228
    Electrocatalytic water splitting is a promising alternative to produce high purity hydrogen gas as the green substitute for renewable energy. Thus, development of electrocatalysts for both hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) are vital to improve the efficiency of the water splitting process particularly based on transition metals which has been explored extensively to replace the highly active electrocatalytic activity of the iridium and ruthenium metals-based electrocatalysts. In situ growth of the material on a conductive substrate has also been proven to have the capability to lower down the overpotential value significantly. On top of that, the presence of substrate has given a massive impact on the morphology of the electrocatalyst. Among the conductive substrates that have been widely explored in the field of electrochemistry are the copper based substrates mainly copper foam, copper foil and copper mesh. Copper-based substrates possess unique properties such as low in cost, high tensile strength, excellent conductor of heat and electricity, ultraporous with well-integrated hierarchical structure and non-corrosive in nature. In this review, the recent advancements of HER and OER electrocatalysts grown on copper-based substrates has been critically discussed, focusing on their morphology, design, and preparation methods of the nanoarrays.
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