Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 29 in total

  1. Henry Tan Chor Lip, Tan Jih Huei, Simon Jerome Vendargon
    Iatrogenic diaphragmatic entry following thoracic surgery is rare with only two cases reported till date. This case reports on a 46-year-old male with persistent pleural sepsis due to right empyema thoracis despite best medical ef- forts. Following a right thoracotomy and decortication, the right diaphragm was inadvertently incised due to dense adhesions between the diaphragm and thickened cortex. To our knowledge, this is the third case reported of iatro- genic diaphragmatic entry following thoracic surgery for empyema thoracis. The pearls from this case report is that any evidence of empyema thoracis involving the lower lobe on imaging should warn the surgeons to be aware of inadvertent entry into the peritoneal cavity, as the diaphragm can be adherent to the cortex trapping the lower lobe.

  2. Tan Jih Huei, Henry Tan Chor Lip, Chan Chee Kong, Ariz Chong B. Abdullah@Chong Chee Yong, Noor Azman Bin A. Rahman
    The incidence of neurenteric cyst (NC) is rare amongst spine tumors. It is most often asymptomatic but may present
    with sensory and motor symptoms. When associated with thoracic vertebra fusion it is not reported before, this complicates the placement of pedicle screw during posterior instrumentation. Herein, we report a case of thoracic spinal
    neurenteric cyst in a 40-year-old man that presents with chronic back pain, left lower limb weakness and numbness.
    Elective excision of NC over T6-T7 with laminectomy and multilevel posterior instrumentation was successfully
    performed with significant improvement of the symptoms. Neurenteric cyst is a rare spinal cord lesion which may
    cause permanent neurological sequalae. Complete surgical excision with spine fixation in this case provides good
    long-term outcome.
  3. Ng ZQ, Tan HCL, Tan JH
    J Gastrointest Surg, 2023 Apr;27(4):836-837.
    PMID: 36658386 DOI: 10.1007/s11605-023-05597-w
  4. Tan JH, Tan HC, Loke SC, Arulanantham SA
    Nephrology (Carlton), 2017 Apr;22(4):308-315.
    PMID: 26952689 DOI: 10.1111/nep.12761
    AIM: Calcium infusion is used after parathyroid surgery for renal hyperparathyroidism to treat postoperative hypocalcaemia. We compared a new infusion regimen to one commonly used in Malaysia based on 2003 K/DOQI guidelines.

    METHODS: Retrospective data on serum calcium and infusion rates was collected from 2011-2015. The relationship between peak calcium efflux (PER) and time was determined using a scatterplot and linear regression. A comparison between regimens was made based on treatment efficacy (hypocalcaemia duration, total infusion amount and time) and calcium excursions (outside target range, peak and trough calcium) using bar charts and an unpaired t-test.

    RESULTS: Fifty-one and 34 patients on the original and new regimens respectively were included. Mean PER was lower (2.16 vs 2.56 mmol/h; P = 0.03) and occurred earlier (17.6 vs 23.2 h; P = 0.13) for the new regimen. Both scatterplot and regression showed a large correlation between PER and time (R-square 0.64, SE 1.53, P 

  5. Ng ZQ, Tan JH, Tan HCL, Theophilus M
    World J Gastrointest Endosc, 2021 Mar 16;13(3):82-89.
    PMID: 33763188 DOI: 10.4253/wjge.v13.i3.82
    BACKGROUND: Post-colonoscopy diverticulitis is increasingly recognized as a potential complication. However, the evidence is sparse in the literature.

    AIM: To systematically review all available evidence to describe the incidence, clinical course with management and propose a definition.

    METHODS: The databases PubMed, EMBASE and Cochrane databases were searched using with the keywords up to June 2020. Additional manual search was performed and cross-checked for additional references. Data collected included demographics, reason for colonoscopy, time to diagnosis, method of diagnosis (clinical vs imaging) and management outcomes.

    RESULTS: A total of nine studies were included in the final systematic review with a total of 339 cases. The time to diagnosis post-colonoscopy ranged from 2 h to 30 d. Clinical presentation for these patients were non-specific including abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting, per rectal bleeding and chills/fever. Majority of the cases were diagnosed based on computed tomography scan. The management for these patients were similar to the usual patients presenting with diverticulitis where most resolve with non-operative intervention (i.e., antibiotics and bowel rest).

    CONCLUSION: The entity of post-colonoscopy diverticulitis remains contentious where there is a wide duration post-procedure included. Regardless of whether this is a true complication post-colonoscopy or a de novo event, early diagnosis is vital to guide appropriate treatment. Further prospective studies especially registries should include this as a complication to try to capture the true incidence.

  6. Tan HCL, Tan JH, Nur Dzainuddin NA, Chan KK
    Ann Coloproctol, 2020 Apr;36(2):94-101.
    PMID: 32178501 DOI: 10.3393/ac.2019.05.10
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility and safety of laparoscopic-assisted anterior resection (LAAR) for colorectal cancer in a local Asian population.

    METHODS: This is a retrospective review of all patients with colorectal cancer operated from November 2017 to October 2018. Main variables of interest were demography, type and surgery, length of stay (LOS), and the involvement of proximal and distal doughnut. Postoperative complications were analysed using chi-square or Fisher exact and Mann-Whitney tests.

    RESULTS: There were 23 patients with a mean age of 62.5 ± 12.2 years. The mean time from diagnosis to surgery was 97.1 ± 154.84 days. There were 12 patients in the LAAR group and 11 in the open anterior resection (OAR) group. Duration of surgery was shorter in OAR (129.58 ± 51.38 minutes) compared to LAAR (147.91 ± 39.37 minutes). Mean LOS was shorter in the LAAR group with 5±1.5 days compared to the OAR group of 7.42 ± 4.25 days. However, there was no significant P-value for both duration of surgery (P = 0.322) or LOS (P = 0.87). A total of 3 complications were recorded after OAR and 2 after LAAR. Both groups had clear proximal and distal margins with 16 (12-18.5) harvested lymph nodes in LAAR and 18 (16-22) in OAR, which were equal (P = 0.155).

    CONCLUSION: This study reports a shorter LOS in the minimally invasive group of 2 days with similar oncologic resection outcomes. This shows that LAAR is feasible in Malaysia and has potential outcome benefits.

  7. Pang WS, Tan JH, Tan HCL, Tan JKG
    Malays Fam Physician, 2021 Jul 22;16(2):78-82.
    PMID: 34386169 DOI: 10.51866/cr1087
    Retained rectal foreign body, with its associated social stigma, is a medical condition that is infrequently reported in Malaysia. We report the surgical management of five cases of retained foreign objects in the rectum seen over a one-year period. There were three young and two elderly male patients. One of the elderly patients presented with altered bowel habits and an abdominal mass that mimicked a symptomatic colonic tumor. All patients had an abdominal radiograph which clinched the diagnosis of a retained foreign rectal body. Successfully retrieved objects included two bottles, one bidet device, and two sex toys. Open surgery for retrieval of the impacted rectal foreign body was required in one patient. All underwent successful retrievals without any adverse postoperative complications. In our case series, retained rectal foreign bodies were observed only in the male gender. The age presentation was bimodal, with age groups in the twenties and sixties. The treatment options used for the retrieval of these impacted foreign bodies included transanal extraction or explorative laparotomy. Proximal migration and delayed presentation are possible indications for the latter approach.
  8. Tan JH, Ng ZQ, Tan HCL, Vendargon S
    BMJ Case Rep, 2018 Jun 27;2018.
    PMID: 29950501 DOI: 10.1136/bcr-2018-224741
    A 72-year-old Chinese man presented with mild symptoms of heart failure. Transthoracic echocardiography showed signs of cardiac tamponade though clinically he was relatively well. The option of pericardiocentesis was not carried out due to a narrow window for aspiration with only a thin layer of effusion seen surrounding the apex and right ventricle on subcostal view.Pericardial window was done via a left anterolateral thoracotomy. Intraoperatively, 500 cm3 of purulent fluid was drained. Microbiology screens were all negative. We present the atypical clinical course of this elderly man presenting with a large pyopericardium.
  9. Tan Chor Lip H, Tan JH, Mohamad Y, Ariffin AC, Imran R, Azmah Tuan Mat TN
    Chin J Traumatol, 2019 Apr;22(2):69-74.
    PMID: 30583984 DOI: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2018.11.001
    PURPOSE: Amongst the ASEAN countries, Malaysia has the highest road fatality risk (>15 fatalities per 100 000 population) with 50% of these fatalities involving motorcyclist. This contributes greatly to ward admissions and poses a significant burden to the general surgery services. From mild rib fractures to severe intra-abdominal exsanguinations, the spectrum of cases managed by surgeons resulting from motorcycle accidents is extensive. The objective of this study is to report the clinical characteristics and identify predictors of death in motorcycle traumatic injuries from a Malaysian trauma surgery centre.

    METHODS: This is a prospective cross-sectional study of all injured motorcyclists and pillion riders that were admitted to Hospital Sultanah Aminah and treated by the trauma surgery team from May 2011 to February 2015. Only injured motorcyclists and pillion riders were included in this study. Patient demography and predictors leading to mortality were identified. Significant predictors on univariate analysis were further analysed with multivariate analysis.

    RESULTS: We included 1653 patients with a mean age of (35 ± 16.17) years that were treated for traumatic injuries due to motorcycle accidents. The mortality rate was 8.6% (142) with equal amount of motorcycle riders (788) and pillion riders (865) that were injured. Amongst the injured were male predominant (1 537) and majority of ethnic groups were the Malays (897) and Chinese (350). Severity of injury was reflected with a mean Revised Trauma Score (RTS) of 7.31 ± 1.29, New Injury Severity Score (NISS) of 19.84 ± 13.84 and Trauma and Injury Severity Score (TRISS) of 0.91 ± 0.15. Univariate and multivariate analysis revealed that age≥35, lower GCS, head injuries, chest injuries, liver injuries, and small bowel injuries were significant predictors of motorcycle trauma related deaths with p 

  10. Tan JH, Mohamad Y, Imran Alwi R, Henry Tan CL, Chairil Ariffin A, Jarmin R
    Injury, 2019 May;50(5):1125-1132.
    PMID: 30686543 DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2019.01.027
    BACKGROUND: Most trauma mortality prediction scores are complex in nature. GAP (Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, Systolic blood pressure) and mGAP (mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale, Age, Systolic blood pressure) scores are relatively simple scoring tools. However, these scores were not validated in low and middle income countries including Malaysia and its accuracies are influenced by the fluctuating physiologic parameters. This study aims to develop a relevant simplified anatomic trauma scoring system for the local trauma patients in Malaysia.

    METHOD: A total of 3825 trauma patients from 2011 to 2016 were extracted from the Hospital Sultanah Aminah Trauma Surgery Registry. Patients were split into a development sample (n = 2683) and a validation sample (n = 1142). Univariate analysis is applied to identify significant anatomic predictors. These predictors were further analyzed using multivariable logistic regression to develop the new score and compared to existing score systems. The quality of prediction was determined regarding discrimination using sensitivity, specificity and receiver operating characteristic [ROC] curve.

    RESULTS: Existing simplified score systems (GAP & mGAP) revealed areas under the ROC curve of 0.825 and 0.806. The newly developed HeCLLiP (Head, cervical spine, lung, liver, pelvic fracture) score combines only five anatomic components: injury involving head, cervical spine, lung, liver and pelvic bone. The probabilities of mortality can be estimated by charting the total score points onto a graph chart or using the cut-off value of (>2) with a sensitivity of 79.2 and specificity of 70.6% on the validation dataset. The HeCLLiP score achieved comparable values of 0.802 for the area under the ROC curve in validation samples.

    CONCLUSION: HeCLLiP Score is a simplified anatomic score suited to the local Malaysian population with a good predictive ability for trauma mortality.

  11. Tan Chor Lip H, Tan JH, Thomas M, Imran FH, Azmah Tuan Mat TN
    Burns Trauma, 2019;7:3.
    PMID: 30705904 DOI: 10.1186/s41038-018-0140-1
    Background: Prognostic measures to determine burn mortality are essential in evaluating the severity of individual burn victims. This is an important process of triaging patients with high risk of mortality that may be nursed in the acute care setting. Malaysian burn research is lacking with only one publication identified which describes the epidemiology of burn victims. Therefore, the objective of this study was to go one step further and identify the predictors of burn mortality from a Malaysian burns intensive care unit (BICU) which may be used to triage patients at higher risk of death.

    Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of all admissions to Hospital Sultan Ismail's BICU from January 2010 till October 2015. Admission criteria were in accordance with the American Burn Association guidelines, and risk factors of interest were recorded. Data was analyzed using simple logistic regression to determine significant predictors of mortality. Survival analysis with time to death event was performed using the Kaplan-Meier survival curve with log-rank test.

    Results: Through the 6-year period, 393 patients were admitted with a male preponderance of 73.8%. The mean age and length of stay were 35.6 (±15.72) years and 15.3 (±18.91) days. There were 48 mortalities with an overall mortality rate of 12.2%. Significant risk factors identified on simple logistic regression were total body surface area (TBSA) > 20% (p  20%, presence of SIRS, mechanical ventilation and inhalation injury which were associated with poorer survival (p  20%, early SIRS, mechanical ventilation and inhalation injury which were associated with poorer survival outcome. The immunological response differs from individual patients and influenced by the severity of burn injury. Early SIRS on admission is an important predictor of death and may represent the severity of burn injury. Patients who required mechanical ventilation were associated with mortality and it is likely related to the severity of pulmonary insults sustained by individual patients. This data is important for outcome prognostication and mortality risk counselling in severely burned patients.

  12. Chuah JS, Wong WL, Bakin S, Lim RZM, Lee EP, Tan JH
    Ann Med Surg (Lond), 2021 May;65:102294.
    PMID: 33948169 DOI: 10.1016/j.amsu.2021.102294
    Introduction and importance: A totally implantable venous access device (TIVAD), also referred to as 'chemoport', is frequently used for oncology patients. Chemoport insertion via the subclavian vein access may compress the catheter between the first rib and the clavicle, resulting in pinch-off syndrome (POS). The sequela includes catheter transection and subsequent embolization. It is a rare complication with incidence reported to be 1.1-5.0% and can lead to a devastating outcomes.

    Case presentation: 50-year-old male had his chemoport inserted for adjuvant chemotherapy 3 years ago. During the removal, remaining half of the distal catheter was not found. There was no difficulties during the removal. Chest xray revealed that the fractured catheter had embolized to the right ventricle. Further history taking, he did experienced occasional palpitation and chest discomfort for the past six months. Electrocardiogram and cardiac enzymes were normal. Urgent removal of the fractured catheter via the percutaneous endovascular approach, under fluoroscopic guidance by an experience interventional radiologist was done. The procedure was successful without any complication. Patient made an uneventful recovery. He was discharged the following day, and was well during his 3rd month follow up.

    Conclusion: Early detection and preventive measures can be done to prevent pinch-off syndrome. Unrecognized POS can result in fatal complications such as cardiac arrhythmia and septic embolization. Retrieval via the percutaneous endovascular approach provide excellent outcome in the case of embolized fractured catheter.

  13. Ng ZQ, Wijesuriya R, Misur P, Tan JH, Moe KS, Theophilus M
    ANZ J Surg, 2020 11;90(11):2298-2303.
    PMID: 32501646 DOI: 10.1111/ans.16063
    BACKGROUND: Recent evidence suggested that radiological measures of visceral adiposity are a better tool for risk assessment of colorectal adenomas. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of visceral adiposity with the development of colorectal adenomas.

    METHODS: A retrospective review of all cases of computed tomography-confirmed acute diverticulitis from November 2015 to April 2018 was performed. Data collated included basic demographics, computed tomography scan results (uncomplicated versus complicated diverticulitis), treatment modality (conservative versus intervention), outcomes and follow-up colonoscopy results within 12 months of presentation. The patients were divided into no adenoma (A) and adenoma (B) groups. Visceral fat area (VFA), subcutaneous fat area (SFA) and VFA/SFA ratio (V/S) were measured at L4/L5 level. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluation the association of VFA, SFA, V/S and different thresholds with the risk of adenoma formation.

    RESULTS: A total of 169 patients were included in this study (A:B = 123:46). The mean ± standard deviation for VFA was higher in group B (201 ± 87 cm2 versus 176 ± 79 cm2 ) with a trend towards statistical significance (P = 0.08). There was no difference in SFA and V/S in both groups. When the VFA >200 cm2 was analysed, it was associated with a threefold risk of adenoma formation (odds ratio 2.7, 95% confidence interval 1.35-5.50, P = 0.006). Subgroup analysis of gender with VFA, SFA and V/S found that males have a significantly higher VFA in group B (220.0 ± 95.2 cm2 versus 187.3 ± 69.2 cm2 ; P = 0.05).

    CONCLUSIONS: The radiological measurement of visceral adiposity is a useful tool for opportunistic assessment of risk of colorectal adenoma.

  14. Ng ZQ, Wijesuriya R, Misur P, Tan JH, Moe KS, Theophilus M
    Surg Endosc, 2021 02;35(2):636-643.
    PMID: 32072285 DOI: 10.1007/s00464-020-07427-5
    BACKGROUND: Diverticular disease has been linked to obesity. Recent studies have assessed the role of visceral adiposity with diverticulitis and its complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of quantitative radiological measures of visceral adiposity in patients with diverticulitis with vital signs, biochemistry results, uncomplicated versus complicated diverticulitis and its interventions.

    METHODS: A retrospective analysis of all patients with diverticulitis admitted from November 2015 to April 2018 at a single institution was performed. Data collected included demographics, vital signs, biochemistry results, CT scan findings and management outcomes. The patients were divided into uncomplicated (U) and complicated diverticulitis (C) groups. Visceral fat area (VFA), subcutaneous fat area (SFA) and VFA/SFA ratio (V/S) were measured at L4/L5 level by the radiologist. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the association of VFA, SFA, V/S with the parameters in both U and C groups.

    RESULTS: 352 patients were included in this study (U:C = 265:87). There was no significant difference in vital signs and biochemistry results in both groups. There was no significant difference in VFA, SFA, V/S ratios in both groups. In patients with V/S ratio > 0.4, they were 5.06 times more likely to undergo emergency intervention (95% CI 1.10-23.45) (p = 0.03). On multivariate analysis, a heart rate > 100 (OR 2.9, 95% CI 1.2-6.7), CRP > 50 (OR 3.4, 95% CI 1.9-6.0), WCC  12 (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.2-3.6) and V/S ratio > 0.4 (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.5-5.4) were predictive of complicated diverticulitis.

    CONCLUSION: The quantitative radiological measurement of visceral adiposity is useful in prognostication in patients presenting with diverticulitis.

  15. Tan JH, Mohamad Y, Tan CLH, Kassim M, Warkentin TE
    J Med Case Rep, 2018 May 19;12(1):131.
    PMID: 29776439 DOI: 10.1186/s13256-018-1684-1
    BACKGROUND: Symmetrical peripheral gangrene is characterized as acral (distal extremity) ischemic limb injury affecting two or more extremities, without large vessel obstruction, typically in a symmetrical fashion. Risk factors include hypotension, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and acute ischemic hepatitis ("shock liver"). In contrast, venous limb gangrene is characterized by acral ischemic injury occurring in a limb with deep vein thrombosis. Both symmetrical peripheral gangrene and venous limb gangrene present as acral limb ischemic necrosis despite presence of arterial pulses. The coexistence of symmetrical peripheral gangrene and venous limb gangrene is rare, with potential to provide pathophysiological insights.

    CASE PRESENTATION: A 42-year-old Chinese man presented with polytrauma (severe head injury, lung contusions, and right femur fracture). Emergency craniotomy and debridement of right thigh wound were performed on presentation. Intraoperative hypotension secondary to bleeding was complicated by transient need for vasopressors and acute liver enzyme elevation indicating shock liver. Beginning on postoperative day 5, he developed an acute platelet count fall (from 559 to 250 × 109/L over 3 days) associated with left iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis that evolved to bilateral lower limb ischemic necrosis; ultimately, the extent of limb ischemic injury was greater in the left (requiring below-knee amputation) versus the right (transmetatarsal amputation). As the presence of deep vein thrombosis is a key feature known to localize microthrombosis and hence ischemic injury in venous limb gangrene, the concurrence of unilateral lower limb deep vein thrombosis in a typical clinical setting of symmetrical peripheral gangrene (hypotension, proximate shock liver, platelet count fall consistent with disseminated intravascular coagulation) helps to explain asymmetric limb injury - manifesting as a greater degree of ischemic necrosis and extent of amputation in the limb affected by deep vein thrombosis - in a patient whose clinical picture otherwise resembled symmetrical peripheral gangrene.

    CONCLUSIONS: Concurrence of unilateral lower limb deep vein thrombosis in a typical clinical setting of symmetrical peripheral gangrene is a potential explanation for greater extent of acral ischemic injury in the limb affected by deep vein thrombosis.

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