Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 94 in total

  1. Das AK
    Indian J Med Ethics, 2020 5 13;V(2):151.
    PMID: 32393445 DOI: 10.20529/IJME.2020.043
    I would like to thank Dr Adriaan Van Es for his commentary (1) on my article (2). To start with, let me make one thing clear: I am not sure why he thinks that I am condoning the practice of penal amputation. As I clearly state in my conclusion, the arguments that may (or may not) justify penal amputation are abhorrent in liberal societies. We are on the same side here. But what of those who live in less secular societies where religious faith may be unquestioned? In my opinion, van Es has resorted to a typical example of a tortured form of ethical logic (3), which researchers from countries that have different value systems and different problems have deplored, albeit in a different context.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime*
  2. Fletcher W
    Lancet, 1908;172:254-5.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
  3. Butt UM, Letchmunan S, Hassan FH, Koh TW
    PLoS One, 2024;19(4):e0296486.
    PMID: 38630687 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0296486
    Crime remains a crucial concern regarding ensuring a safe and secure environment for the public. Numerous efforts have been made to predict crime, emphasizing the importance of employing deep learning approaches for precise predictions. However, sufficient crime data and resources for training state-of-the-art deep learning-based crime prediction systems pose a challenge. To address this issue, this study adopts the transfer learning paradigm. Moreover, this study fine-tunes state-of-the-art statistical and deep learning methods, including Simple Moving Averages (SMA), Weighted Moving Averages (WMA), Exponential Moving Averages (EMA), Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Bi-directional Long Short Term Memory (BiLSTMs), and Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short Term Memory (CNN-LSTM) for crime prediction. Primarily, this study proposed a BiLSTM based transfer learning architecture due to its high accuracy in predicting weekly and monthly crime trends. The transfer learning paradigm leverages the fine-tuned BiLSTM model to transfer crime knowledge from one neighbourhood to another. The proposed method is evaluated on Chicago, New York, and Lahore crime datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of transfer learning with BiLSTM, achieving low error values and reduced execution time. These prediction results can significantly enhance the efficiency of law enforcement agencies in controlling and preventing crime.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
  4. Syasyila K, Gin LL, Abdullah Mohd Nor H, Kamaluddin MR
    BMC Psychol, 2024 Dec 18;12(1):741.
    PMID: 39695845 DOI: 10.1186/s40359-024-02228-0
    The complex link between cognitive distortions (CDs) and criminal behavior is explored in this systematic literature review, with particular attention paid to typologies, contributions to criminal behavior, and correlations with different forms of crime. The review includes 25 studies that met rigorous inclusion criteria and were sourced from Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), ScienceDirect, PubMed, and PubMed Central (PMC). The selected research, which was published between 2019 and 2024, focuses on the link between CD and criminal conduct. This review reveals the relationship between CDs and criminal activity, emphasizing how these distortions have significant consequences on the actions of offenders. The findings suggest that CDs not only induce unlawful conduct but also have distinct impacts on various kinds of offenses. This review emphasizes the importance of understanding CDs in criminal conduct, providing insights into prevention strategies, rehabilitation programs, and therapy interventions. It offers an extensive overview of the significant role that CDs play in influencing criminal behavior at a time when efficient crime prevention and rehabilitation programs are essential. Through illuminating the complex relationships between CDs and criminal conduct, this research provides useful information for mental health practitioners and rehabilitation facilities. Beyond the realm of academia, the implications enable the creation of focused therapies that target certain CDs common to individuals convicted of crimes. Ultimately, this synthesis of research findings is a valuable resource for informing evidence-based methods to reduce recidivism and improve societal well-being.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime/psychology
  5. Wong LP
    Behav Med, 2012;38(2):54-63.
    PMID: 22676631 DOI: 10.1080/08964289.2012.661804
    The study aimed to identify the factors associated with street racing among the illegal motorcycle racers in Malaysia also known as the Mat Rempit, and their help-seeking intention. A total of 2,022 Mat Rempit were surveyed. The findings support the notion that experience-seeking, prestige-seeking, excitement-seeking, self-satisfaction, underestimate risk, and social influence were factors influencing illegal motorcycle street racing. The overall intention to seek help was extremely low. The majority (77.9%) reported that they would solve the problem themselves and 75.5% thought that illegal street racing is not big deal and would go away in time. Participants with neither (OR 0.41; 95% CI 0.27-0.62) or at least one parent who is strict (OR 0.52; 95% 0.37-0.73) were less likely to have high help-seeking intention than those with both parents who are strict. Study indicates a need for family-centered intervention to curb illegal street racing.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime/psychology*
  6. Kuppuswamy R
    Forensic Sci Int, 2006 Jun 2;159(2-3):210-7.
    PMID: 16219441
    A series of experiments was conducted by exposing negative film in brand new cameras of different make and model. The exposures were repeated at regular time intervals spread over a period of 2 years. The processed film negatives were studied under a stereomicroscope (10-40x) in transmitted illumination for the presence of the characterizing features on their four frame-edges. These features were then related to those present on the masking frame of the cameras by examining the latter in reflected light stereomicroscopy (10-40x). The purpose of the study was to determine the origin and permanence of the frame-edge-marks, and also the processes by which the marks may probably alter with time. The investigations have arrived at the following conclusions: (i) the edge-marks have originated principally from the imperfections received on the film mask from the manufacturing and also occasionally from the accumulated dirt, dust and fiber on the film mask over an extended time period. (ii) The edge profiles of the cameras have remained fixed over a considerable period of time so as to be of a valuable identification medium. (iii) The marks are found to be varying in nature even with those cameras manufactured at similar time. (iv) The influence of f/number and object distance has great effect in the recording of the frame-edge marks during exposure of the film. The above findings would serve as a useful addition to the technique of camera edge-mark comparisons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime*
  7. Owuamalam CK, Matos AS
    Arch Sex Behav, 2020 07;49(5):1693-1709.
    PMID: 31863317 DOI: 10.1007/s10508-019-01592-y
    Compassionate feelings for people who are victimized because of their perceived sexual deviance (e.g., gay men) may be incompatible with support for heterosexual norms among heterosexual men. But, indifference (or passivity) toward such victims could raise concern over heterosexual men's gay-tolerance attitude. Two classic social psychological theories offer competing explanations on when heterosexual men might be passive or compassionate toward gay victims of hate crime. The bystander model proposes passivity toward victims in an emergency situation if other bystanders are similarly passive, but compassionate reactions if bystanders are responsive to the victims. Conversely, the social loafing model proposes compassionate reactions toward victims when bystanders are passive, but passivity when other bystanders are already responsive toward the victims' predicament. We tested and found supportive evidence for both models across two experiments (Ntotal = 501) in which passivity and compassionate reactions to gay victims of a purported hate crime were recorded after heterosexual men's concern for social evaluation was either accentuated or relaxed. We found that the bystander explanation was visible only when the potential for social evaluation was strong, while the social loafing account occurred only when the potential for social evaluation was relaxed. Hence, we unite both models by showing that the bystander explanation prevails in situations where cues to social evaluation are strong, whereas the social loafing effect operates when concern over social judgement is somewhat muted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime; Crime Victims
  8. Chung KL, Sheridan L
    J Interpers Violence, 2022 Nov;37(21-22):NP19644-NP19663.
    PMID: 34490815 DOI: 10.1177/08862605211042601
    Research in stalking perceptions has shown certain relational biases, in which people tend to view ex-partner stalkers to be less dangerous than stranger or acquaintance stalkers. These findings are in direct contrast to those of real-life cases whereby ex-partner stalkers pose a greater threat. In addition, although stalking is recognized as a global social problem, most studies have been based on samples drawn from Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic countries. The current study examined whether the prior relationship between the stalking perpetrator and target influences people's perceptions of stalking and whether cross-national differences exist between participants based in Malaysia (where there is currently no law that criminalizes stalking) and England (where stalking has been outlawed since 1997). In a 3 × 2 between-subjects design, 294 Malaysian participants and 170 English participants were presented with a vignette describing a stalking scenario in which the perpetrator was depicted as a stranger, acquaintance, or ex-partner. Participants judged the extent to which the perpetrator's behavior constitutes stalking; necessitates police intervention; would cause the victim alarm or personal distress; would cause the victim to fear the use of violence; and can be attributed to encouragement on the part of the victim. Results showed that typical relational biases existed in both samples, but Malaysian participants were less likely than their English counterparts to label any harassing scenario as serious. Perceptions of victim responsibility were found to mediate the effect of prior relationship and nationality on participants' perceptions. The findings point to the urgency of better cross-cultural understanding of harassment behavior as well as legislations against stalking.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime Victims*
  9. Chew KS, Wong SSL, Siew KL, Kandasamy V
    Med J Malaysia, 2024 Mar;79(2):128-132.
    PMID: 38553915
    INTRODUCTION: Domestic violence (DV) is a pervasive social and public health issue affecting millions globally, regardless of age, gender or socioeconomic background. Understanding victim and perpetrators' characteristics as well as the DV injury patterns are essential for developing targeted interventions and prevention strategies. Although past DV studies have often focused on female victims, it is increasingly recognised that DV affects a significant proportion of male victims as well. This study aimed to comprehensively examine both male and female DV victims and perpetrators, as well as the anatomical regions affected in DV cases in Kuching, Sarawak, so that a deeper understanding of DV within this community can be enhanced.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This prospective, observational study was conducted from March 2021 to March 2023, involving adult DV victims aged 18 years and above admitted to the One Stop Crisis Center (OSCC) of Sarawak General Hospital. Data were collected from the OSCC clerking sheet, focusing on the victims, perpetrators and the violence characteristics.

    RESULTS: A total of 133 DV victims were analysed, with 25.6% being male victims. Although majority of the perpetrators in cases involving male victims were male perpetrators, there was a significantly higher number of female perpetrators in these male DV cases (i.e., 5 out of 34 cases,14.7%) compared to in female DV cases (4 out of 99 cases, 4.0%) (p = 0.05). The commonest type of relationship between the victims and perpetrators was spouses or ex-spouses (56.4%). Male victims had more cases involving weapons (67.6%) compared to female victims (26.3%), p < 0.001. The most affected anatomical region was the head and neck (63.9%) region although no significant differences were observed.

    CONCLUSION: The study reveals that DV affects individuals across all societal classes and income groups. Although weapons were used more frequently in male DV cases, other injury characteristics and affected anatomical regions were not significantly different between genders, suggesting female perpetrators can inflict similar injuries as male perpetrators. Subgroup analysis showed that the majority of male victims faced abuse from their children or grandchildren, hinting at hidden geriatric abuse, that should be unmasked and treated as a separate entity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Crime Victims*
  10. Sabramani V, Idris IB, Ismail H, Nadarajaw T, Zakaria E, Kamaluddin MR
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Jul 05;18(13).
    PMID: 34281145 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18137208
    Adolescents involved in bullying can be at risk of developing behavioural problems, physical health problems and suicidal ideation. In view of this, a quantitative research design using a cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of bullying and associated individual, peer, family and school factors. The study involved 4469 Malaysian public-school students who made up the response rate of 89.4%. The students were selected using a randomized multilevel sampling method. The study found that 79.1% of student respondents were involved in bullying as perpetrators (14.4%), victims (16.3%), or bully-victims (48.4%). In a multivariate analysis, the individual domain showed a significant association between students' bullying involvement and age (OR = 1.38; 95% CI 1.12-1.70), gender (OR = 1.73; 95% CI 1.47-0.91), ethnicity (OR = 0.66; 95% CI 0.47-0.91), duration of time spent on social media during the weekends (OR = 1.43; 95% CI 1.09-1.87) and psychological distress level (OR = 2.55; 95% CI 1.94-3.34). In the peer domain, the significantly associated factors were the number of peers (OR = 0.69; 95% CI 0.56-0.86) and frequency of quarrels or fights with peers (OR = 2.12; 95% CI 1.24-3.26). Among the items in the school domain, the significantly associated factors were students being mischievous in classrooms (OR = 1.52; 95% CI 1.06-2.06), student's affection towards their teachers (OR = 1.53; 95% CI 1.06-2.20), frequency of appraisal from teachers (OR = 1.49; 95% CI 1.16-1.94), frequency of friends being helpful in classrooms (OR = 1.92; 95% CI 1.09-3.38) and frequency of deliberately skipping class (OR = 2.91; 95% CI 2.90-1.72). As a conclusion, the study revealed high levels and widespread bullying involvement among students in Malaysia. As such, timely bullying preventions and interventions are essential, especially in terms of enhancing their mental health capacity, which substantially influences the reduction in the prevalence rates of bullying involvement among students in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime Victims*
  11. Ahmad Mahir Razali, Nurulkamal Masseran, Noriszura Ismail, Malina Zulkifli
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1363-1370.
    The aim of this paper was to identify the determinants that influence vehicle theft by applying a negative binomial regression model. The identification of these determinants is very important to policy-makers, car-makers and car owners, as they can be used to establish practical steps for preventing or at least limiting vehicle thefts. In addition, this paper also proposed a crime mapping application that allows us to identify the most risky areas for vehicle theft. The results from this study can be utilized by local authorities as well as management of internal resource planning of insurance companies in planning effective strategies to reduce vehicle theft. Indirectly, this paper has built ingenuity by combining information obtained from the database of Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia and insurance companies to pioneer the development of location map of vehicle theft in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
  12. Shaukat HR, Hashim F, Shaukat MA, Ali Alezabi K
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Apr 17;20(8).
    PMID: 32316487 DOI: 10.3390/s20082283
    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are often deployed in hostile environments, where an adversary can physically capture some of the sensor nodes. The adversary collects all the nodes' important credentials and subsequently replicate the nodes, which may expose the network to a number of other security attacks, and eventually compromise the entire network. This harmful attack where a single or more nodes illegitimately claims an identity as replicas is known as the node replication attack. The problem of node replication attack can be further aggravated due to the mobile nature in WSN. In this paper, we propose an extended version of multi-level replica detection technique built on Danger Theory (DT), which utilizes a hybrid approach (centralized and distributed) to shield the mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSNs) from clone attacks. The danger theory concept depends on a multi-level of detections; first stage (highlights the danger zone (DZ) by checking the abnormal behavior of mobile nodes), second stage (battery check and random number) and third stage (inform about replica to other networks). The DT method performance is highlighted through security parameters such as false negative, energy, detection time, communication overhead and delay in detection. The proposed approach also demonstrates that the hybrid DT method is capable and successful in detecting and mitigating any malicious activities initiated by the replica. Nowadays, crimes are vastly increasing and it is crucial to modify the systems accordingly. Indeed, it is understood that the communication needs to be secured by keen observation at each level of detection. The simulation results show that the proposed approach overcomes the weaknesses of the previous and existing centralized and distributed approaches and enhances the performance of MWSN in terms of communication and memory overhead.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
  13. Butt UM, Letchmunan S, Hassan FH, Koh TW
    PLoS One, 2022;17(9):e0274172.
    PMID: 36070317 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274172
    The continued urbanization poses several challenges for law enforcement agencies to ensure a safe and secure environment. Countries are spending a substantial amount of their budgets to control and prevent crime. However, limited efforts have been made in the crime prediction area due to the deficiency of spatiotemporal crime data. Several machine learning, deep learning, and time series analysis techniques are exploited, but accuracy issues prevail. Thus, this study proposed a Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) and Exponential Smoothing (ES) hybrid for crime forecasting. The proposed technique is evaluated using New York City crime data from 2010-2017. The proposed approach outperformed as compared to state-of-the-art Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Averages (SARIMA) with low Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) (0.3738, 0.3891, 0.3433,0.3964), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)(13.146, 13.669, 13.104, 13.77), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) (9.837, 10.896, 10.598, 10.721). Therefore, the proposed technique can help law enforcement agencies to prevent and control crime by forecasting crime patterns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
  14. Kamaluddin M, Shariff NS, Nurfarliza S, Othman A, Ismail KH, Mat Saat GA
    Malays J Pathol, 2014 Apr;36(1):41-50.
    PMID: 24763234 MyJurnal
    Murder is the most notorious crime that violates religious, social and cultural norms. Examining the types and number of different killing methods that used are pivotal in a murder case. However, the psychological traits underlying specific and multiple killing methods are still understudied. The present study attempts to fill this gap in knowledge by identifying the underlying psychological traits of different killing methods among Malaysian murderers. The study adapted an observational cross-sectional methodology using a guided self-administered questionnaire for data collection. The sampling frame consisted of 71 Malaysian male murderers from 11 Malaysian prisons who were selected using purposive sampling method. The participants were also asked to provide the types and number of different killing methods used to kill their respective victims. An independent sample t-test was performed to establish the mean score difference of psychological traits between the murderers who used single and multiple types of killing methods. Kruskal-Wallis tests were carried out to ascertain the psychological trait differences between specific types of killing methods. The results suggest that specific psychological traits underlie the type and number of different killing methods used during murder. The majority (88.7%) of murderers used a single method of killing. Multiple methods of killing was evident in 'premeditated' murder compared to 'passion' murder, and revenge was a common motive. Examples of multiple methods are combinations of stabbing and strangulation or slashing and physical force. An exception was premeditated murder committed with shooting, when it was usually a single method, attributed to the high lethality of firearms. Shooting was also notable when the motive was financial gain or related to drug dealing. Murderers who used multiple killing methods were more aggressive and sadistic than those who used a single killing method. Those who used multiple methods or slashing also displayed a higher level of minimisation traits. Despite its limitations, this study has provided some light on the underlying psychological traits of different killing methods which is useful in the field of criminology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime/psychology*
  15. Othman S, Goddard C, Piterman L
    J Interpers Violence, 2014 May;29(8):1497-513.
    PMID: 24323695 DOI: 10.1177/0886260513507136
    Victims of domestic violence frequently attend health care facilities. In many cases, their abusive experience is neither disclosed nor discussed during clinical consultations. This study examined the barriers faced by women when discussing abuse with health care providers, specifically in cases involving Malaysian women with a history of domestic violence. A qualitative study using in-depth interviews was conducted with 10 women with a history of domestic violence residing at a shelter. Purposive sampling was conducted until data saturation. Using the grounded theory approach of analysis, themes that emerged from these interviews were then further analyzed to examine the barriers faced by these women. Women who experienced domestic violence faced multiple barriers while discussing their accounts of abuse with others. Values placed on the privacy of domestic violence; upholding the traditional gender roles; preserving the family unity; minimizing the abuse, the feeling of shame, self-blame; and fearing their abuser generally create internal barriers when discussing their encounters of abuse with health care providers. The perceived unknown role of health care professionals when dealing with patients experiencing domestic violence as well as the previous negative experiences in clinical consultations acted as external barriers for discussing abuse with health care providers. Women with domestic violence experiences faced internal and external barriers to discussing their abuse during clinical consultations. Physicians and health care providers must consider domestic violence in consultations with female patients. A good doctor-patient relationship that encompasses empathy, confidence, trust, support, assurance, confidentiality, and guidance can help patients with abusive backgrounds overcome these barriers, leading to the disclosure and discussion of their abusive encounters. Proper education, guidelines, and support for health care providers are required to help them assist women with histories of domestic violence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime Victims/psychology*
  16. Ab Hamid S, Abd Rashid SN, Mohd Saini S
    Jpn J Radiol, 2012 Jun;30(5):386-92.
    PMID: 22415809 DOI: 10.1007/s11604-012-0069-4
    The drug-trafficking business has risen tremendously because of the current increased demand for illegal narcotics. The smugglers conceal the drugs in their bodies (body packers) in order to bypass the tight security at international borders. A suspected body packer will normally be sent to the hospital for imaging investigations to confirm the presence of drugs in the body. Radiologists, therefore, need to be familiar with and able to identify drug packets within the human body because they shoulder the legal responsibilities. This pictorial essay describes the characteristic imaging features of drug packets within the gastrointestinal tract.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime*
  17. Samsudin EZ, Isahak M, Rampal S, Rosnah I, Zakaria MI
    Int J Health Plann Manage, 2020 Sep;35(5):1065-1082.
    PMID: 32468617 DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2985
    Previous studies have indicated that junior doctors commonly experience workplace bullying and that it may adversely impact medical training and delivery of quality healthcare. Yet, evidence on the precursors of bullying among them remains elusive. Drawing on the individual-disposition hypothesis, the present paper examined the relationships of negative affect, personality and self-esteem with workplace bullying among junior doctors. Multilevel analysis of a universal sample (n = 1074) of junior doctors working in the central zone of Malaysia using mixed effects logistic regression was performed. The results indicate that participants with moderate (AOR 4.40, 95% CI 2.20-8.77) and high degree (AOR 13.69, 95% CI 6.46-29.02) of negative affect as well as high degree of neuroticism (AOR 2.99, 95% CI 1.71-5.21) have higher odds of being bullied compared to their counterparts. The findings present evidence that individual traits are associated with junior doctors' exposure to bullying. While victim blaming should be avoided, this suggest that antibullying measures with an interpersonal focus should be considered when developing antibullying initiatives targeted at junior doctors. This includes primary intervention such as cognitive training, secondary interventions such as resource enhancement building and conflict management skills training, and tertiary interventions such as counselling.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime Victims/psychology*
  18. Wahid Satar SNA, Norhayati MN, Sulaiman Z, Othman A, Yaacob LH, Nik Hazlina NH
    PMID: 34501964 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18179373
    Sexual abuse of children is increasing at an alarming rate. This study aims to describe the risk factors and the effects of sexual abuse on children. This unobtrusive qualitative study was conducted on children aged 10 to 18 years old who experienced sexual abuse and followed-up at a psychiatric clinic between the years 2019 and 2021. The information from case records was transcribed. Thematic analysis was performed. Thirty case records were reviewed. The mean age of the victims was 14.6 years; 94% of the victims had experienced vaginal penetration, and 23% of the cases involved incest. The results indicated that socio-psychological predisposing factors involving family structure and dynamic dysfunction, low intrapersonal strength, social influence, and low family socioeconomic status could lead to sexual victimization. This sexual victimization can then lead to emotional turmoil, negative effects on cognitive, academic and social function, negative parental reactions toward the incident, the creation of baby-mother relationships and love-hate relationships, and a lack of goals and hope for the future. Children who experienced sexual abuse may show rape or pregnancy symptoms but may also show entirely non-specific ones. A thorough examination of their history, including biopsychosocial aspects, is necessary to appropriately care for them.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime Victims*
  19. Gill, Jesjeet Singh, Ahmad Hatim Sulaiman, Mohd Hussain Habil
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2007;8(2):64-70.
    Objectives: To determine the best possible programme that suits our local setting, to determine the average dose required, and to determine possible problems that can arise from implementing such a programme locally and how best to address them. Methods: The inclusion criteria were those above 18, a positive urine test, the presence of a supportive carer and willing to engage in the programme. Methadone was initiated and observations relating to dose, adverse events, relationship with carers, work performance, crime and high risk behaviours were monitored for 18 weeks. Results: Two thirds of the 45 subjects completed the trial over the 18 week period. No significant adverse events occurred and improvement in relationship with carers and work performance were noted with reduction in crime and high risk behaviours. Conclusion: Methadone is a safe and effective drug that can be used in the local Malaysian setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
  20. Syerrina Zakaria, Nuzlinda Abdul Rahman
    The objective of this study was to explore the geographic distribution and temporal patterns of violent crime cases in Peninsular Malaysia by using the tools and techniques for spatial analysis. This study will also provide a general picture of violent crime patterns in Malaysia. The unit of analysis is district and the violent crime data from the year 2000 until 2009 were used in this study. In order to obtain the optimum number of components of crime in the space-time period, the space-time Normal Mixture Models were used. Based on the results of this model, the mapping of the crime occurrences was made. This map displays the spatial distribution of crime occurrence in 82 districts of Peninsular Malaysia. From this analysis, more violent crimes were shown to have occurred in developed states such as Selangor, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur and Johor. The findings of this study could be used by policy makers or responsible agencies to take any relevant actions in terms of crime prevention, human resource allocation and law enforcement so as to overcome this important issue in future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Crime
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