Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 368 in total

  1. Abdul Halim AFN, Ahmad D, Miaw Yn JL, Masdor NA, Ramly N, Othman R, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Oct 10;19(19).
    PMID: 36232271 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191912971
    Mass drug administration (MDA) has been implemented as a tool to eliminate lymphatic filariasis. Acceptability among susceptible populations is crucial to achieving MDA effective coverage. This systematic review aims to present and systematically determine the factors associated with the acceptability of MDA. Articles related to factors associated with acceptability were collected electronically from three different databases (Scopus, Web of Science, and PubMed). Four pairs of independent reviewers screened the titles and abstracts of the collected data, stored in EndnoteX7, against the inclusion criteria. Afterwards, the included articles have been critically appraised to assess the quality of the studies using the Mixed Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Of the 68 articles identified, 11 were included in the final review. Knowledge, awareness, attitude and perceptions, communications, delivery and accessibility of MDA, gender, and age are the factors associated with MDA acceptability. Community acceptance remains a challenge in the implementation of MDA. To expand MDA coverage in all endemic countries, there is a strong need to address the factors influencing community acceptance of MDA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  2. Naeimi S, Ghafghazi H, Chow CO, Ishii H
    Sensors (Basel), 2012;12(6):7350-409.
    PMID: 22969350 DOI: 10.3390/s120607350
    The past few years have witnessed increased interest among researchers in cluster-based protocols for homogeneous networks because of their better scalability and higher energy efficiency than other routing protocols. Given the limited capabilities of sensor nodes in terms of energy resources, processing and communication range, the cluster-based protocols should be compatible with these constraints in either the setup state or steady data transmission state. With focus on these constraints, we classify routing protocols according to their objectives and methods towards addressing the shortcomings of clustering process on each stage of cluster head selection, cluster formation, data aggregation and data communication. We summarize the techniques and methods used in these categories, while the weakness and strength of each protocol is pointed out in details. Furthermore, taxonomy of the protocols in each phase is given to provide a deeper understanding of current clustering approaches. Ultimately based on the existing research, a summary of the issues and solutions of the attributes and characteristics of clustering approaches and some open research areas in cluster-based routing protocols that can be further pursued are provided.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  3. Talib MHN, Ibrahim Z, Abd Rahim N, Zulhani R, Nordin N, Farah N, et al.
    ISA Trans, 2020 Oct;105:230-239.
    PMID: 32475537 DOI: 10.1016/j.isatra.2020.05.040
    Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller (FLSC) has been widely used for motor drive due to its robustness and its non-reliance to real plant parameters. However, it is computationally expensive to be implemented in real-time and prone to the fuzzy rules' selection error which results in the failure of the drive's system. This paper proposes an improved simplified rules method for Fuzzy Logic Speed Controller (FLSC) based on the significant crisp output calculations to address these issues. A systematic procedure for the fuzzy rules reduction process is first described. Then, a comprehensive evaluation of the activated crisp output data is presented to determine the fuzzy dominant rules. Based on the proposed method, the number of rules was significantly reduced by 72%. The simplified FLSC rule is tested on the Induction Motor (IM) drives system in which the real-time implementation was carried out in the dSPACE DS1103 controller environment. The simulation and experimental results based on the proposed FLSC have proved the workability of the simplified rules without degrading the motor performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  4. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Mar 02;120(9):092301.
    PMID: 29547300 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.092301
    The azimuthal anisotropy Fourier coefficients (v_{n}) in 8.16 TeV p+Pb data are extracted via long-range two-particle correlations as a function of the event multiplicity and compared to corresponding results in pp and PbPb collisions. Using a four-particle cumulant technique, v_{n} correlations are measured for the first time in pp and p+Pb collisions. The v_{2} and v_{4} coefficients are found to be positively correlated in all collision systems. For high-multiplicity p+Pb collisions, an anticorrelation of v_{2} and v_{3} is observed, with a similar correlation strength as in PbPb data at the same multiplicity. The new correlation results strengthen the case for a common origin of the collectivity seen in p+Pb and PbPb collisions in the measured multiplicity range.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
    Med J Malaya, 1956 Mar;10(3):232-45.
    PMID: 13347454
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection*
  6. Hussein AA, Rahman TA, Leow CY
    Sensors (Basel), 2015;15(12):30545-70.
    PMID: 26690159 DOI: 10.3390/s151229817
    Localization is an apparent aspect of a wireless sensor network, which is the focus of much interesting research. One of the severe conditions that needs to be taken into consideration is localizing a mobile target through a dispersed sensor network in the presence of physical barrier attacks. These attacks confuse the localization process and cause location estimation errors. Range-based methods, like the received signal strength indication (RSSI), face the major influence of this kind of attack. This paper proposes a solution based on a combination of multi-frequency multi-power localization (C-MFMPL) and step function multi-frequency multi-power localization (SF-MFMPL), including the fingerprint matching technique and lateration, to provide a robust and accurate localization technique. In addition, this paper proposes a grid coloring algorithm to detect the signal hole map in the network, which refers to the attack-prone regions, in order to carry out corrective actions. The simulation results show the enhancement and robustness of RSS localization performance in the face of log normal shadow fading effects, besides the presence of physical barrier attacks, through detecting, filtering and eliminating the effect of these attacks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  7. Izadi D, Abawajy JH, Ghanavati S, Herawan T
    Sensors (Basel), 2015;15(2):2964-79.
    PMID: 25635417 DOI: 10.3390/s150202964
    The success of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) deployment strongly depends on the quality of service (QoS) it provides regarding issues such as data accuracy, data aggregation delays and network lifetime maximisation. This is especially challenging in data fusion mechanisms, where a small fraction of low quality data in the fusion input may negatively impact the overall fusion result. In this paper, we present a fuzzy-based data fusion approach for WSN with the aim of increasing the QoS whilst reducing the energy consumption of the sensor network. The proposed approach is able to distinguish and aggregate only true values of the collected data as such, thus reducing the burden of processing the entire data at the base station (BS). It is also able to eliminate redundant data and consequently reduce energy consumption thus increasing the network lifetime. We studied the effectiveness of the proposed data fusion approach experimentally and compared it with two baseline approaches in terms of data collection, number of transferred data packets and energy consumption. The results of the experiments show that the proposed approach achieves better results than the baseline approaches.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  8. Zaki R, Bulgiba A, Nordin N, Azina Ismail N
    Iran J Basic Med Sci, 2013 Jun;16(6):803-7.
    PMID: 23997908
    Reliability measures precision or the extent to which test results can be replicated. This is the first ever systematic review to identify statistical methods used to measure reliability of equipment measuring continuous variables. This studyalso aims to highlight the inappropriate statistical method used in the reliability analysis and its implication in the medical practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  9. Chong KK, Wong CW, Siaw FL, Yew TK, Ng SS, Liang MS, et al.
    Sensors (Basel), 2009;9(10):7849-65.
    PMID: 22408483 DOI: 10.3390/s91007849
    A novel on-axis general sun-tracking formula has been integrated in the algorithm of an open-loop sun-tracking system in order to track the sun accurately and cost effectively. Sun-tracking errors due to installation defects of the 25 m(2) prototype solar concentrator have been analyzed from recorded solar images with the use of a CCD camera. With the recorded data, misaligned angles from ideal azimuth-elevation axes have been determined and corrected by a straightforward changing of the parameters' values in the general formula of the tracking algorithm to improve the tracking accuracy to 2.99 mrad, which falls below the encoder resolution limit of 4.13 mrad.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  10. Qureshi MA, Noor RM, Shamim A, Shamshirband S, Raymond Choo KK
    PLoS One, 2016;11(3):e0152727.
    PMID: 27031989 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0152727
    Radio propagation models (RPMs) are generally employed in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) to predict path loss in multiple operating environments (e.g. modern road infrastructure such as flyovers, underpasses and road tunnels). For example, different RPMs have been developed to predict propagation behaviour in road tunnels. However, most existing RPMs for road tunnels are computationally complex and are based on field measurements in frequency band not suitable for VANET deployment. Furthermore, in tunnel applications, consequences of moving radio obstacles, such as large buses and delivery trucks, are generally not considered in existing RPMs. This paper proposes a computationally inexpensive RPM with minimal set of parameters to predict path loss in an acceptable range for road tunnels. The proposed RPM utilizes geometric properties of the tunnel, such as height and width along with the distance between sender and receiver, to predict the path loss. The proposed RPM also considers the additional attenuation caused by the moving radio obstacles in road tunnels, while requiring a negligible overhead in terms of computational complexity. To demonstrate the utility of our proposed RPM, we conduct a comparative summary and evaluate its performance. Specifically, an extensive data gathering campaign is carried out in order to evaluate the proposed RPM. The field measurements use the 5 GHz frequency band, which is suitable for vehicular communication. The results demonstrate that a close match exists between the predicted values and measured values of path loss. In particular, an average accuracy of 94% is found with R2 = 0.86.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  11. Soh EB, Ng KB
    Med J Malaysia, 1999 Mar;54(1):152-4.
    PMID: 10972022
    Comment on: Ravindran J, Kumaraguruparan M. A survey of hysterectomy patterns in Malaysia. Med J Malaysia. 1998 Sep;53(3):263-71
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  12. Adachi I, Adye T, Ahmed H, Ahn JK, Aihara H, Akar S, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2018 Dec 28;121(26):261801.
    PMID: 30636113 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.261801
    We present first evidence that the cosine of the CP-violating weak phase 2β is positive, and hence exclude trigonometric multifold solutions of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) Unitarity Triangle using a time-dependent Dalitz plot analysis of B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} with D→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}π^{-} decays, where h^{0}∈{π^{0},η,ω} denotes a light unflavored and neutral hadron. The measurement is performed combining the final data sets of the BABAR and Belle experiments collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance at the asymmetric-energy B factories PEP-II at SLAC and KEKB at KEK, respectively. The data samples contain (471±3)×10^{6}BB[over ¯] pairs recorded by the BABAR detector and (772±11)×10^{6}BB[over ¯] pairs recorded by the Belle detector. The results of the measurement are sin2β=0.80±0.14(stat)±0.06(syst)±0.03(model) and cos2β=0.91±0.22(stat)±0.09(syst)±0.07(model). The result for the direct measurement of the angle β of the CKM Unitarity Triangle is β=[22.5±4.4(stat)±1.2(syst)±0.6(model)]°. The measurement assumes no direct CP violation in B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} decays. The quoted model uncertainties are due to the composition of the D^{0}→K_{S}^{0}π^{+}π^{-} decay amplitude model, which is newly established by performing a Dalitz plot amplitude analysis using a high-statistics e^{+}e^{-}→cc[over ¯] data sample. CP violation is observed in B^{0}→D^{(*)}h^{0} decays at the level of 5.1 standard deviations. The significance for cos2β>0 is 3.7 standard deviations. The trigonometric multifold solution π/2-β=(68.1±0.7)° is excluded at the level of 7.3 standard deviations. The measurement resolves an ambiguity in the determination of the apex of the CKM Unitarity Triangle.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  13. Sirunyan AM, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Ambrogi F, Asilar E, Bergauer T, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Mar 29;122(12):121803.
    PMID: 30978057 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.121803
    This Letter describes a search for Higgs boson pair production using the combined results from four final states: bbγγ, bbττ, bbbb, and bbVV, where V represents a W or Z boson. The search is performed using data collected in 2016 by the CMS experiment from LHC proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13  TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9  fb^{-1}. Limits are set on the Higgs boson pair production cross section. A 95% confidence level observed (expected) upper limit on the nonresonant production cross section is set at 22.2 (12.8) times the standard model value. A search for narrow resonances decaying to Higgs boson pairs is also performed in the mass range 250-3000 GeV. No evidence for a signal is observed, and upper limits are set on the resonance production cross section.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  14. Li YB, Shen CP, Yuan CZ, Adachi I, Aihara H, Al Said S, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Mar 01;122(8):082001.
    PMID: 30932568 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.082001
    We present the first measurements of absolute branching fractions of Ξ_{c}^{0} decays into Ξ^{-}π^{+}, ΛK^{-}π^{+}, and pK^{-}K^{-}π^{+} final states. The measurements are made using a dataset comprising (772±11)×10^{6} BB[over ¯] pairs collected at the ϒ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB e^{+}e^{-} collider. We first measure the absolute branching fraction for B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0} using a missing-mass technique; the result is B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})=(9.51±2.10±0.88)×10^{-4}. We subsequently measure the product branching fractions B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+}), B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→ΛK^{-}π^{+}), and B(B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0})B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→pK^{-}K^{-}π^{+}) with improved precision. Dividing these product branching fractions by the result for B^{-}→Λ[over ¯]_{c}^{-}Ξ_{c}^{0} yields the following branching fractions: B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+})=(1.80±0.50±0.14)%, B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→ΛK^{-}π^{+})=(1.17±0.37±0.09)%, and B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→pK^{-}K^{-}π^{+})=(0.58±0.23±0.05)%. For the above branching fractions, the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. Our result for B(Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+}) can be combined with Ξ_{c}^{0} branching fractions measured relative to Ξ_{c}^{0}→Ξ^{-}π^{+} to yield other absolute Ξ_{c}^{0} branching fractions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  15. Seong IS, Vahsen SE, Adachi I, Aihara H, Al Said S, Asner DM, et al.
    Phys Rev Lett, 2019 Jan 11;122(1):011801.
    PMID: 31012694 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.122.011801
    We report on the first Belle search for a light CP-odd Higgs boson, A^{0}, that decays into low mass dark matter, χ, in final states with a single photon and missing energy. We search for events produced via the dipion transition ϒ(2S)→ϒ(1S)π^{+}π^{-}, followed by the on-shell process ϒ(1S)→γA^{0} with A^{0}→χχ, or by the off-shell process ϒ(1S)→γχχ. Utilizing a data sample of 157.3×10^{6} ϒ(2S) decays, we find no evidence for a signal. We set limits on the branching fractions of such processes in the mass ranges M_{A^{0}}<8.97  GeV/c^{2} and M_{χ}<4.44  GeV/c^{2}. We then use the limits on the off-shell process to set competitive limits on WIMP-nucleon scattering in the WIMP mass range below 5  GeV/c^{2}.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  16. Hannah Nadiah Abdul Razak, Mohd. Azdi Maasar, Nur Hafidzah Hafidzuddin, Ernie Syufina Chun Lee
    The aim of this research is to apply the variance and conditional value at risk (CVaR) as risk measures in portfolio selection problem. Consequently, we are motivated to compare the behavior of two different type of risk measures (variance and CVaR) when the expected returns of a portfolio vary from a low return to a higher return. To obtain an optimum portfolio of the assets, we minimize the risks using mean variance and mean CVaR models. Dataset with stocks for FBMKLCI is used to generate our scenario returns. Both models and dataset are coded and implemented in AMPL software. We compared the performance of both optimized portfolios constructed from the models in term of risk measure and realized returns. The optimal portfolios are evaluated across three different target returns that represent the low risk low returns, medium risk medium returns and high risk high returns portfolios. Numerical results show that the composition of portfolios for mean variance are generally more diversified compared to mean CVaR portfolios. The in sample results show that the seven optimal mean CVaR0:05 portfolios have lower CVaR0:05 values as compared to their optimal mean variance counterparts. Consequently, the standard deviation for mean variance optimal portfolios are lower than the standard deviation of its mean CVaR0:05 counterparts. For the out of sample analysis, we can conclude that mean variance portfolio only minimizes standard deviation at low target return. While, mean CVaR portfolios are favorable in minimizing risks at high target return.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  17. Saw SH
    Demography, 1967 Jun;4(2):859-75.
    PMID: 21318696 DOI: 10.2307/2060325
    The first section of this paper is devoted to an analysis of some theoretical aspects of the Chinese system of reckoning ages, and the second section offers a method of collecting the age statistics of a Chinese population: A discussion of the errors found in the age returns and the unsuccessful measures taken to eradicate these errors in the Malayan censuses conducted prior to1957 leads to an appraisal of the method of collecting Chinese age data in the 1957 census.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  18. Nor Rashidi, M., Mokhtar, M., Pereira, J. J., Begum, R. Ara
    Selection of a suitable and appropriate method is an important aspect in ensuring successful
    implementation of a research. The proposed study aims to obtain weights for sustainable construction
    criteria from the input and perception of industrial practitioner, and also to explore their opinion on
    the criteria. Therefore, the selection and use of study implementation method will determine the
    direction of the study whether the intended objectives can be achieved. This manuscript writing presents
    the description of the structured interview used to obtain and collect the required data. The suitability
    and implementation of the methods have been described in this study, in which the ultimate aim of its
    application is to ensure that the collected data is meaningful to the study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
  19. Aliteh NA, Misron N, Aris I, Mohd Sidek R, Tashiro K, Wakiwaka H
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Aug 01;18(8).
    PMID: 30071614 DOI: 10.3390/s18082496
    This paper aims to study a triple flat-type air coil inductive sensor that can identify two maturity stages of oil palm fruits, ripe and unripe, based on the resonance frequency and fruitlet capacitance changes. There are two types of triple structure that have been tested, namely Triple I and II. Triple I is a triple series coil with a fixed number of turns (n = 200) with different length, and Triple II is a coil with fixed length (l = 5 mm) and a different number of turns. The peak comparison between Triple I and II is using the coefficient of variation cv, which is defined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean to express the precision and repeatability of data. As the fruit ripens, the resonance frequency peaks from an inductance⁻frequency curve and shifts closer to the peak curve of the air, and the fruitlet capacitance decreases. The coefficient of the variation of the inductive oil palm fruit sensor shows that Triple I is smaller and more consistent in comparison with Triple II, for both resonance frequency and fruitlet capacitance. The development of this sensor proves the capability of an inductive element such as a coil, to be used as a sensor so as to determine the ripeness of the oil palm fresh fruit bunch sample.
    Matched MeSH terms: Data Collection
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