Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 412 in total

  1. Calvert K, Symonds I
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2023 Dec;63(6):735-736.
    PMID: 37877668 DOI: 10.1111/ajo.13763
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  2. Yap GK
    Med J Aust, 1972 May 13;1(20):1056.
    PMID: 5056308
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status*
  3. Omar Firdaus Mohd Said, Md Amin Md Taff, Ahmad Hashim, Jaffry Zakaria
    This study is fundamental in looking to validate the agreement of Self-Assesment Instrument of Outdoor Competency (OCL-oMR) among the Co-curriculum Center Coaches in Malaysia. The instrument are newly developed by the researcher . The Inventory Responses –oMR (IR-oMR) are purposely to evaluate and determine the goodness of self-assesement instrument of outdoor competency (OCL-oMR) among co-curriculum center coaches in Malaysia. By using the correlation & percentage, the analysis were used. N=10 of head coaches of co-curriculum Center were selected to be a sampels. These data is a secondary data that researcher used in the main research. But as a secondary data, its really important to researcher to identify and justify the newly instrument of self assesment of outdoor competency (OCL-oMR). Findings shown contents validity r=.82 were recorded and the language validity were shown r=.83. Meanwhile, anothers supporting data were used percentage of agreement of Inventory Responses –Omr (IR-oMR) toward the Self-Assesment Instrument of Outdoor Competency (OCL-oMR) among the Co-curriculum Center Coaches in Malaysia. Overall, from these findings, researcher found that’s the Inventory Responses – oMR (IR-oMR) shown that the Self-Assesment Instrument of Outdoor Competency (OCL-oMR) among the Co-curriculum Center Coaches in Malaysia are valid instrument to measure the competency level of outdoor education coaches in co-curriculum center in Malaysia and the Inventory Responses – oMR (IR-oMR) are significantly toward the outdoor competency (OCL-oMR).
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  4. Syarfadila Ezurida Shaari, Farihana A. Rahman, Che Susilawati Che Berahim
    This paper presents a simple Educational Kit based on the UNO Arduino platform. This prototype is intended for the Mechanical Engineering Department of Politeknik Mukah’s students. Its main aim is by using the developed prototype, the students’ basic knowledge on writing a simple Arduino program code will increase thus helping the students to fulfill their final year project theme. Along with the prototype, a ready written code will be provided, however, the students will be required to manipulate the said coding in setting the LED traffic light based on the given sequence. After using the suggested prototype, the percentage of students who were having difficulties in writing the Arduino program code student decreased by 65%.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
    This paper discusses methodological dilemma that arise in qualitative research, specifically in education field. It outlines the broad principles that underpin good qualitative research and the aspects of practice that qualitative researchers should consider when designing, conducting, and disseminating their research. Two primary methodological dilemma are (i) lack of objectivity, and (ii) issue of generalizability in qualitative research. The aim of this paper is to argue the dilemmas and encourage researchers to examine the relevance of qualitative issues to their own research. These dilemmas could be taken as important consideration for others who wish to conduct qualitative research in education.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  6. Ch'ng ES, Othman NH
    Malays J Pathol, 2021 Apr;43(1):19-23.
    PMID: 33903301
    International Academy of Pathology, Malaysian Division has initiated and run the external quality assurance program for general diagnostic histopathology since the year 2017. This article introduces the educational philosophy of this external quality assurance program and the technicalities in running such a national program. Challenges in ensuring the successful running of this program to gain wide acceptance by histopathology laboratories in Malaysia as well as experience in overcoming these challenges are detailed. This article charts the future direction of this external quality assurance program.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  7. Suhairullah Bin Omar Ramih, Ambrews Andau, Roslee Bin Talip, Muhamad Suhaimi Bin Taat
    This study looks at the impact on program management on social interaction in outdoor education programs at Sabah Co-Curriculum Center. This quantitative study uses questionnaire instruments. A total of 113 respondents were involved in the west coast of Sabah. The findings show that mean scores for program management and social interaction levels are high. While the correlation results showed a significant but modest positive relationship (r = 0.469 , k
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  8. Uthamaputhran L, Ahmad F, Hassan H, Jaganathan M
    Data Brief, 2021 Apr;35:106815.
    PMID: 33604431 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106815
    The study examined the relationship between environmental attitude, environmental subjective norm, environmental perceived behavioural control, and school headteachers' environmental responsive behaviour. The population of the study consists of primary school headteachers in the northern region of Malaysia who are attached to the Ministry of Education (MoE), Malaysia. An online survey was used to collect the data of the study from 167 sampled respondents. While Theory of planned behaviour underpinned the study, the researcher employed explanatory, descriptive, and hypothesis testing quantitative strategies to explain the relationship. Smart PLS 3.0 and SPSS 21 were equally used to analyse the data. The result of the data analysis revealed that environmental attitude, environmental subjective norm, and environmental perceived behavioural control significantly influence school headteachers' environmental responsive behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  9. Ishak SA, Din R, Hasran UA
    J Med Internet Res, 2021 02 19;23(2):e20537.
    PMID: 33605885 DOI: 10.2196/20537
    In the modern age, digital games are widely used as informal media for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education and medical therapy for game-based learning. Digital games provide learners with a graphical system of interaction that enhances scientific concepts within an enjoyable environment. The vastly increasing number of digital games produced in the market affects the quality of STEM digital games while requiring multidisciplinary expertise. This paper proposes a framework for STEM digital game-based learning encompassing input-process-output stages. Several studies from the early 2000s onward were reviewed to discuss and present a new perspective on a framework for the design and development of digital games, particularly for STEM. This proposed framework consists of digital game development as input, experience as a process, and constructs as output. This simple and precise framework will generate a universal product for various types of learners. It can thus be used as a guideline for game designers, developers, and experts to develop STEM digital games and achieve better learning outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  10. Radhakrishnan, Ammu Kutty, Lee, Nagarajah, Young, Mei-Ling
    Background: Medical schools have long been concerned with establishing a suitable process of
    admission. The criteria used to select students have traditionally focussed on high academic achievement. Method: The International Medical University (IMU) accepts students from a wide range of pre-university entry qualifications for admission into the medical programme. The criteria for the various pre-university entry qualifications used by the IMU were agreed and accepted by the IMU Academic Council (AC), which consist of deans of the IMU’s partner medical schools (PMS). In this study, the various entry qualifications were first grouped into five categories based on the educational pedagogy. Then, this was aligned with the entry qualification data of all students who had been admitted into the IMU medical programme for the period of December 1993 to March 2000. During this period 1,281 students were enrolled into the IMU medical programme. The relationship between the five groups of pre-university entry qualifications and the students’ academic achievement in three end-ofsemester (EOS) examinations namely EOS 1, EOS 3, and EOS 5 were analysed. Results: Students with better grades in their preuniversity examinations showed better performance in their EOS examinations, regardless of the subjects that they took at the pre-university level. Cluster analysis revealed that students who came in with certain preuniversity qualifications generally performed poorly than the more conventional qualifications. However,
    after their first year in medical school, there were no significant differences in the clustering of the students. Conclusion: Students with better grades in their preuniversity examinations showed better performance in their EOS examinations, regardless of the science subjects that they took at the pre-university level.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  11. Azizan CR, Roslan S, Abdullah MC, Asimiran S, Zaremohzzabieh Z, Ahrari S
    PMID: 34948990 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182413381
    (1) This study investigates the influence of a person-environment-fit on academic achievement and examines mediating effects of adjustment and satisfaction on this relationship; (2) Methods: Data were collected from a sample of 195 hearing-impaired students from five polytechnics in Malaysia that offered the Special Skills Certificate program; (3) Results: Results revealed that the two constructs of the person-environment approach: personality-major fit and needs-supplies fit were positively associated with academic achievement. The adjustment was found to mediate this relationship. Taken together, these results signal that the person-environment constructs contribute to the academic achievement of hearing-impaired students and that adjustment is instrumental in elucidating this relationship; (4) Conclusions: The finding adds to the data, indicating that the person-environment-fit is a possible model of inclusion for hearing-impaired students and also provides initial data about the functioning of hearing-impaired students in Malaysian polytechnics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  12. Cheah YK, Appannah G, Abdul Adzis A
    Nutr Cancer, 2023;75(2):498-509.
    PMID: 36111368 DOI: 10.1080/01635581.2022.2123534
    Background: The objective of the present study is to investigate the influences of sociodemographic and household factors on consumption expenditure on processed meat among households in Malaysia.Methods: Data were extracted from the Malaysian Household Expenditure Survey (HES) 2016. Lognormal hurdle models were utilized to assess the likelihood of consuming processed meat and the amount consumed. The independent variables consisted of household heads' age, educational level, gender, marital status, employment status, ethnicity, as well as household income, household region and household locality.Results: Bumiputera households with younger heads were more likely to consume processed meat and spent more than households with older heads. Chinese and Indian households in a higher income group had a higher likelihood of consuming and spending on processed meat than those in a lower income group. The probability of consuming processed meat and the amount consumed were positively associated with being from East Malaysia and urban areas.Conclusions: There are distinguished roles of sociodemographic and household factors across ethnic groups in consumption expenditure on processed meat. Policy makers should take account of age, income, education, household region and household locality factors when formulating intervention measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  13. Tackett S, Jenn Ng C, Sugarman J, Daniel EGS, Gopalan N, Tivyashinee, et al.
    Ethics Hum Res, 2023;45(3):29-39.
    PMID: 37167475 DOI: 10.1002/eahr.500166
    Educational programs are integral to building health research ethics (HRE) capacity, but no outcomes framework exists to guide them. We empirically developed a competency framework for health research ethics education-the Framework for Research Ethics Studies Competencies and Outcomes (FRESCO)-using mixed methods, including group concept mapping and a survey of international experts. FRESCO includes seven competency domains: (1) Foundational Knowledge; (2) Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, and Policies for Research Oversight; (3) Ethical-Issue Identification, Analysis, and Resolution; (4) Engagement, Communication, and Advocacy; (5) Lifelong Learning, Education, Research, and Scholarship; (6) Coordination, Stewardship, and Responsiveness in HRE Systems; and (7) Impartiality, Honesty, and Responsibility. These domains are detailed in 27 subdomains. Survey respondents rated FRESCO's relevance to HRE highly. FRESCO can be adapted and implemented in educational programs to refine recruitment and selection processes, educational and assessment methods, and performance measures to ensure that HRE educational programs have their intended effects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  14. Chew KS, Wong SS, Tarazi ISB, Koh JW, Ridzuan NA'B, Wan Allam SASB
    BMC Med Educ, 2023 Jun 12;23(1):432.
    PMID: 37308907 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-023-04356-4
    BACKGROUND: Although tabletop exercise is a commonly used method for disaster response training, it is labor-intensive, requires a tutor for facilitation and may not be ideal in a pandemic situation. Board game is a low-cost and portable alternative that can be utilized for this purpose. The purpose of this study was to compare the perception of interaction engagement and behavioral intention to use a newly developed board game with tabletop exercise for disaster training.

    METHODS: Using the Mechanics-Dynamics-Aesthetics' (MDA) framework, a new, tutorless educational board game known as the Simulated Disaster Management And Response Triage training ("SMARTriage") was first developed for disaster response training. Subsequently, the perceptions of 113 final year medical students on the "SMARTriage" board game was compared with that of tabletop exercise using a crossover design.

    RESULTS: Using Wilcoxon signed rank test, it was that found that tabletop exercise was generally rated significantly higher (with p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  15. Stockley RC, Walker MF, Alt Murphy M, Azah Abd Aziz N, Amooba P, Churliov L, et al.
    Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 2024 Feb;38(2):87-98.
    PMID: 38212946 DOI: 10.1177/15459683231222026
    BACKGROUND: The aim of the International Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Alliance is to create a world where worldwide collaboration brings major breakthroughs for the millions of people living with stroke. A key pillar of this work is to define globally relevant criteria for centers that aspire to deliver excellent clinical rehabilitation and generate exceptional outcomes for patients.

    OBJECTIVES: This paper presents consensus work conducted with an international group of expert stroke recovery and rehabilitation researchers, clinicians, and people living with stroke to identify and define criteria and measurable indicators for Centers of Clinical Excellence (CoCE) in stroke recovery and rehabilitation. These were intentionally developed to be ambitious and internationally relevant, regardless of a country's development or income status, to drive global improvement in stroke services.

    METHODS: Criteria and specific measurable indicators for CoCE were collaboratively developed by an international panel of stroke recovery and rehabilitation experts from 10 countries and consumer groups from 5 countries.

    RESULTS: The criteria and associated indicators, ranked in order of importance, focused upon (i) optimal outcome, (ii) research culture, (iii) working collaboratively with people living with stroke, (iv) knowledge exchange, (v) leadership, (vi) education, and (vii) advocacy. Work is currently underway to user-test the criteria and indicators in 14 rehabilitation centers in 10 different countries.

    CONCLUSIONS: We anticipate that use of the criteria and indicators could support individual organizations to further develop their services and, more widely, provide a mechanism by which clinical excellence can be articulated and shared to generate global improvements in stroke care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  16. Gopala Krishna Pillai S, Mohd Nordin NA, Mohamed Ibrahim N
    Medicine (Baltimore), 2023 Jul 14;102(28):e33966.
    PMID: 37443466 DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000033966
    BACKGROUND: Training caregivers and persons with Parkinson Disease (PwPD) is crucial to provide them with adequate knowledge and care skills in preparation for the Parkinson disease (PD) progression. This review will systematically evaluate the effect of structured training programs on the mobility and quality of life (QoL) of PwPD. In addition, the effect of such training programs on the QoL, burden of caregiving, and knowledge of PD among adult caregivers of PwPD will also be evaluated.

    METHODS: Systematic and comprehensive search of relevant studies will be conducted using electronic databases such as Cochrane Library, EBSCOhost, PubMed, SCOPUS, and Web of Science. The title, abstract, keywords, and full texts will be screened for eligibility. Studies to be selected are randomized controlled trials (RCT) from inception until April 2023. Studies based on structured PD training either in the form of training, education, program, multidisciplinary approach, or self-management targeted at both PwPD and their adult caregivers will be selected. Only full-text articles available in the English language will be included. Full-text articles will be inspected by 2 independent reviewers to produce the final set of articles that meet the eligibility criteria. A third reviewer will be engaged if no consensus is achieved between the first and second reviewers. Version 2 of the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) will be used to evaluate the quality of papers and inform the risk of bias.

    RESULTS: This review will provide an outlook on the effects of structured PD training programs on mobility and QoL of PwPD. In addition, it will provide insight into the effects of such training on the caregivers' burden, knowledge of PD, and QoL.

    CONCLUSION: This review findings may help clinicians and researchers to understand the effect of structured and comprehensive PD training programs for PwPD and their adult caregiver.

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  17. Reeves S, Poh BK, Chong YT, Lee JAC, Cheah WL, Hafizah YN, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2023 Aug 20;20(16).
    PMID: 37623197 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20166614
    Prevention and treatment of childhood obesity is a global concern, and in Malaysia, it is considered a national public health priority. Determinants of childhood obesity are multifactorial and include factors that directly and indirectly influence energy balance-related behaviours, including energy intake and energy expenditure. Interventions to address childhood obesity that have multiple components at different levels have been shown to be the most influential. The ToyBox-study is a childhood obesity intervention aimed at preschool-aged children and their families that had been shown to be effective in several European countries and so was chosen for adaption for the Malaysian setting. Materials were translated and adjusted for the Malaysian context and audience and implemented in kindergartens in Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, teaching transitioned to being online. This brought an opportunity to reach a wider audience and consider the long-term sustainability of the intervention, and thus eToybox was born. eToybox aims to bring support for healthy energy balance behaviours directly to the teachers, into kindergartens and homes, to encourage families to be active and eat healthily, and prevent or reduce obesity. Through online innovation, the Toybox Study Malaysia programme has been expanded to enhance its potential to impact the promotion of healthy lifestyles among preschoolers and their families, highlighting the importance of a holistic approach to preventing and treating childhood obesity in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  18. Masdor NA, Kandayah T, Amsah N, Othman R, Hassan MR, Rahim SSSA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(8):e0285533.
    PMID: 37590252 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285533
    BACKGROUND: Schistosomiasis is a parasitic infection that causes significant public health problems in tropical countries. Schistosoma haematobium species are blamable for causing urinary schistosomiasis. The infected person, specifically children, may be carrying the disease. This systematic review aimed to identify the current knowledge of urinary Schistosmiasis in children or USC on its epidemiology, risk factors, and challenges to spread the understanding of controlling the disease and reducing the complications.

    METHOD: In November 2021, a systematic computer-aided literature review was conducted using PubMed, SCOPUS and Web of Science, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) criteria. The results were updated in February 2022. We only used papers that have at least the abstract available in English. Relevant articles were screened, duplicates were deleted, eligibility criteria were applied, and studies that met the criteria were reviewed. The keywords Human Schistosoma infections, prevalence, risk factors and challenges were included. The protocol for the review was registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42022311609). Pooled prevalence rates were calculated using the programme R version 4.2.1. Heterogeneity was assessed using the I2 statistic and p-value. A narrative approach was used to describe risk factors and challenges. Studies were selected and finalised based on the review question to prioritise. The quality of the included studies was assessed using the Mixed-Method Appraisal Tool (MMAT).

    RESULTS: A total of 248 publications met the requirements for inclusion. Fifteen articles were included in this review, with the result showing high heterogeneity. The pooled prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis in children is 4% (95% confidence interval (CI)). Age, poor socioeconomic status, education, exposure to river water, and poor sanitation are the risk factors identified in this review. Challenges are faced due to limitations of clean water, lack of water resources, and poor hygiene.

    CONCLUSION: Modifiable risk factors such as poor knowledge and practices must be addressed immediately. Healthcare providers and schools could accomplish engaging in practical promotional activities. Communicating the intended messages to raise community awareness of urinary schistosomiasis is critical.

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
  19. Wong YJ, Ng KY, Lee SWH
    J Public Health (Oxf), 2023 Aug 28;45(3):e447-e466.
    PMID: 37147919 DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdad051
    BACKGROUND: To ensure the effective delivery of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) care, it is vital to overcome potential challenges in LTBI management. This systematic review aims to identify the barriers and interventions to improve LTBI management using the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Behaviour (COM-B) model and Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW).

    METHODS: A systematic literature search was performed on five electronic databases from database inception to 3 November 2021. A two-step technique was used in the data synthesis process: (i) the barriers of LTBI management were identified using the COM-B model, followed by (ii) mapping of intervention functions from BCW to address the identified barriers.

    RESULTS: Forty-seven eligible articles were included in this review. The findings highlighted the need for a multifaceted approach in tackling the barriers in LTBI management across the public, provider and system levels. The barriers were summarized into suboptimal knowledge and misperception of LTBI, as well as stigma and psychosocial burden, which could be overcome with a combination of intervention functions, targeting education, environment restructuring, persuasion, modelling, training, incentivization and enablement.

    CONCLUSIONS: The remedial strategies using BCW to facilitate policy reforms in LTBI management could serve as a value-added initiative in the global tuberculosis control and prevention program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Educational Status
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