Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 337 in total

  1. Mulyadi IH, Fiedler P, Eichardt R, Haueisen J, Supriyanto E
    Med Biol Eng Comput, 2021 Feb;59(2):431-447.
    PMID: 33495984 DOI: 10.1007/s11517-021-02319-9
    Wearable electronics and sensors are increasingly popular for personal health monitoring, including smart shirts containing electrocardiography (ECG) electrodes. Optimal electrode performance requires careful selection of the electrode position. On top of the electrophysiological aspects, practical aspects must be considered due to the dynamic recording environment. We propose a new method to obtain optimal electrode placement by considering multiple dimensions. The electrophysiological aspects were represented by P-, R-, and T-peak of ECG waveform, while the shirt-skin gap, shirt movement, and regional sweat rate represented the practical aspects. This study employed a secondary data set and simulations for the electrophysiological and practical aspects, respectively. Typically, there is no ideal solution that maximizes satisfaction degrees of multiple electrophysiological and practical aspects simultaneously; a compromise is the most appropriate approach. Instead of combining both aspects-which are independent of each other-into a single-objective optimization, we used multi-objective optimization to obtain a Pareto set, which contains predominant solutions. These solutions may facilitate the decision-makers to decide the preferred electrode locations based on application-specific criteria. Our proposed approach may aid manufacturers in making decisions regarding the placement of electrodes within smart shirts.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement*
  2. Wey MC, Salah Fayed MM, Ringgingon LP, Sivarajan S
    Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2020 08;158(2):159-160.
    PMID: 32576428 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.010
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Movement*
  3. Kok, Lian Yee, Teh, Lah Hoong
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2013;2(1):15-30.
    This study examined the significance of movement pattern recognition ability in the judging performance of 30 rhythmic gymnastics judges who were classified correspondingly as expert, non-expert and novice. Results indicated that the expert and non-expert participants were superior to the novice participants in their movement pattern recognition ability and their judging performance but there were no differences between the expert and non-expert participants. When the participants were regrouped according to their movement pattern recognition ability; low, average and high, the results showed that there were very significant differences in the judging performances of the three groups classified according to their movement pattern recognition ability. This suggests that movement pattern recognition ability influences the judging performance of a rhythmic gymnastics judge.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  4. Rashidi, M. N., Begum, R. Ara, Mokhtar, M., Pereir, J. J.
    Research implementation methodology is an important element in any study. Good data
    are obtained from the study that is carefully planned based on an appropriate design, as well as the
    approach that is used in the process of obtaining the data. The main objective of the proposed study is
    to identify criteria for sustainable construction. Therefore, the right selection of study design and
    implementation methodology is very important to ensure that the objectives are successfully achieved.
    This manuscript writing presents the description of the design and implementation methodology used
    in this study, namely content analysis, to meet the objective. Justification for the selected method to
    achieve the objectives of the study is also discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  5. Saini S, Zakaria N, Rambli DR, Sulaiman S
    PLoS One, 2015;10(5):e0127833.
    PMID: 25978493 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127833
    The high-dimensional search space involved in markerless full-body articulated human motion tracking from multiple-views video sequences has led to a number of solutions based on metaheuristics, the most recent form of which is Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). However, the classical PSO suffers from premature convergence and it is trapped easily into local optima, significantly affecting the tracking accuracy. To overcome these drawbacks, we have developed a method for the problem based on Hierarchical Multi-Swarm Cooperative Particle Swarm Optimization (H-MCPSO). The tracking problem is formulated as a non-linear 34-dimensional function optimization problem where the fitness function quantifies the difference between the observed image and a projection of the model configuration. Both the silhouette and edge likelihoods are used in the fitness function. Experiments using Brown and HumanEva-II dataset demonstrated that H-MCPSO performance is better than two leading alternative approaches-Annealed Particle Filter (APF) and Hierarchical Particle Swarm Optimization (HPSO). Further, the proposed tracking method is capable of automatic initialization and self-recovery from temporary tracking failures. Comprehensive experimental results are presented to support the claims.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement/physiology*
  6. Mohamed NA, Zulkifley MA, Ibrahim AA, Aouache M
    Sensors (Basel), 2021 Sep 28;21(19).
    PMID: 34640803 DOI: 10.3390/s21196485
    In recent years, there has been an immense amount of research into fall event detection. Generally, a fall event is defined as a situation in which a person unintentionally drops down onto a lower surface. It is crucial to detect the occurrence of fall events as early as possible so that any severe fall consequences can be minimized. Nonetheless, a fall event is a sporadic incidence that occurs seldomly that is falsely detected due to a wide range of fall conditions and situations. Therefore, an automated fall frame detection system, which is referred to as the SmartConvFall is proposed to detect the exact fall frame in a video sequence. It is crucial to know the exact fall frame as it dictates the response time of the system to administer an early treatment to reduce the fall's negative consequences and related injuries. Henceforth, searching for the optimal training configurations is imperative to ensure the main goal of the SmartConvFall is achieved. The proposed SmartConvFall consists of two parts, which are object tracking and instantaneous fall frame detection modules that rely on deep learning representations. The first stage will track the object of interest using a fully convolutional neural network (CNN) tracker. Various training configurations such as optimizer, learning rate, mini-batch size, number of training samples, and region of interest are individually evaluated to determine the best configuration to produce the best tracker model. Meanwhile, the second module goal is to determine the exact instantaneous fall frame by modeling the continuous object trajectories using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. Similarly, the LSTM model will undergo various training configurations that cover different types of features selection and the number of stacked layers. The exact instantaneous fall frame is determined using an assumption that a large movement difference with respect to the ground level along the vertical axis can be observed if a fall incident happened. The proposed SmartConvFall is a novel technique as most of the existing methods still relying on detection rather than the tracking module. The SmartConvFall outperforms the state-of-the-art trackers, namely TCNN and MDNET-N trackers, with the highest expected average overlap, robustness, and reliability metrics of 0.1619, 0.6323, and 0.7958, respectively. The SmartConvFall also managed to produce the lowest number of tracking failures with only 43 occasions. Moreover, a three-stack LSTM delivers the lowest mean error with approximately one second delay time in locating the exact instantaneous fall frame. Therefore, the proposed SmartConvFall has demonstrated its potential and suitability to be implemented for a real-time application that could help to avoid any crucial fall consequences such as death and internal bleeding if the early treatment can be administered.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement*
  7. Yang C, Shi L, Lu Y, Wu H, Yu D
    J Sports Sci Med, 2024 Sep;23(1):611-618.
    PMID: 39228782 DOI: 10.52082/jssm.2024.611
    Drop jump (DJ) and squat jump (SJ) exercises are commonly used in rhythmic gymnastics training. However, the acute effects of DJ and SJ on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance have not been investigated. This study aimed to verify the post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) responses induced by DJ and SJ with optimal power load and evaluate the relationship between peak PAPE effects and strength levels. Twenty female rhythmic gymnasts completed the following exercises in a randomized order on three separate days: 6 repetitions of DJs; 6 repetitions of SJs with optimal power load; and no exercise (control condition). Jump height was assessed before (baseline) and at 30 seconds and 3, 6, and 9 minutes after each exercise. DJs significantly improved jump height by 0.8 cm (effect size (ES) = 0.25; P = 0.003) at 30 seconds post-exercise compared with baseline. Jump height significantly decreased by -0.14 cm (ES = -0.61; P = 0.021) at 9 minutes after the control condition. SJs significantly improved jump height by 1.02 cm (ES = 0.36; P = 0.005) at 9 minutes post-exercise compared to the control condition. Jump height and relative back squat one-repetition maximum were positively related after performing DJs (r = 0.63; P = 0.003) and SJs (r = 0.64; P = 0.002). DJ and SJ exercises effectively improved countermovement jump height. DJ improved jump height early, while SJ produced greater potentiation effects later. Athletes with a higher strength level benefited the most from these exercises.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement/physiology
  8. Jahani Fariman H, Ahmad SA, Hamiruce Marhaban M, Alijan Ghasab M, Chappell PH
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med, 2016 Mar;39(1):85-102.
    PMID: 26581764 DOI: 10.1007/s13246-015-0399-5
    This research proposes an exploratory study of a simple, accurate, and computationally efficient movement classification technique for prosthetic hand application. Surface myoelectric signals were acquired from the four muscles, namely, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi radialis, biceps brachii, and triceps brachii, of four normal-limb subjects. The signals were segmented, and the features were extracted with a new combined time-domain feature extraction method. Fuzzy C-means clustering method and scatter plot were used to evaluate the performance of the proposed multi-feature versus Hudgins' multi-feature. The movements were classified with a hybrid Adaptive Resonance Theory-based neural network. Comparative results indicate that the proposed hybrid classifier not only has good classification accuracy (89.09%) but also a significantly improved computation time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  9. Al-Mqdashi A, Sali A, Noordin NK, Hashim SJ, Nordin R
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Dec 10;18(12).
    PMID: 30544684 DOI: 10.3390/s18124360
    Channel rendezvous is an initial and important process for establishing communications between secondary users (SUs) in distributed cognitive radio networks. Due to the drawbacks of the common control channel (CCC) based rendezvous approach, channel hopping (CH) has attracted a lot of research interests for achieving blind rendezvous. To ensure rendezvous within a finite time, most of the existing CH-based rendezvous schemes generate their CH sequences based on the whole global channel set in the network. However, due to the spatial and temporal variations in channel availabilities as well as the limitation of SUs sensing capabilities, the local available channel set (ACS) for each SU is usually a small subset of the global set. Therefore, following these global-based generated CH sequences can result in extensively long time-to-rendezvous (TTR) especially when the number of unavailable channels is large. In this paper, we propose two matrix-based CH rendezvous schemes in which the CH sequences are generated based on the ACSs only. We prove the guaranteed and full diversity rendezvous of the proposed schemes by deriving the theoretical upper bounds of their maximum TTRs. Furthermore, extensive simulation comparisons with other existing works are conducted which illustrate the superior performance of our schemes in terms of the TTR metrics.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  10. Muhammad Fadhil Marsani, Ani Shabri
    MATEMATIKA, 2019;35(3):297-308.
    This journal renders the random walk behaviour of the Malaysian daily share return, through tests of efficient market hypothesis (EMH) based on three different financial periods, namely growth, financial crisis, and recovery period. This review also covers the behaviour of extreme return for weekly and monthly series generated from Block maxima-minima method. Autocorrelation Function test (ACF) and Ljung-Box test had been employed to measure average correlation between observations, while Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF), Phillips-Perron (PP), Kwiatkowski Phillips Schmidt Shin (KPSS) test had been used to scan the unit root and the stationarity. Multiple variance ratio tests had also been conducted to examine the random walk behaviour. Serial correlation test indicated that the movement of daily return during the financial crisis period was weak-form efficiency. The unit root and stationary tests suggested that each daily series was stationary, but trend stationary for extreme cases. Variance ratio tests indicated that the return during the recovery period was weak-form inefficiency due to the short lag autocorrelation in series.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  11. Muhamad Noor Mohamed, Azrul Hisham Azhar
    Movement Health & Exercise, 2012;1(1):49-60.
    Postural movements potentially affect aiming stability in archery, thus contributing to chances of inconsistent hits. According to the expertisenovice paradigm, the factor that sets winners apart from ordinary athletes is the former’s ability to control minute changes in their performance. The
    present study seeks to determine the relationship between postural sway and shooting performance amongst Malaysian skilled recurve archers. Twenty one skilled Malaysian archers participated in this study, where performance level was measured by rank tournaments International Archery Federation (FITA) score. Postural sway was assessed in terms of anterior deviation (positive value) and posterior deviation (negative value) using ZEPHYR Bio-Harness. Postural sway was analysed at the following three phases; (i) setup, (ii) aiming, and (iii) release. Participants shot 12 arrows to a 30-meter target. Data yielded a significant relationship between postural sway and shooting performance. The correlation coefficients between shooting performance and postural sway value for skilled archers ranged between (r = -0.021 to 0.248) with the highest correlation recorded at the release phase, with the lowest at the aiming phase. The setup phase showed the only anterior deviation throughout the test. During the setup and release phases, correlation between postural sway with shooting performance was significantly noted (p < 0.001). Multiple regression analysis showed that postural sway during the setup and release phases were the significant indicators for shooting performance, accounting approximately 17% and 24% of the variances respectively. In sum, the results indicate that reducing postural sway
    during the release phase can increase shooting performance of skilled archery athletes, thus establishing a significant relationship between the postural sway value with shooting performance of skilled archers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  12. Harris N P
    Malays Fam Physician, 2009;4(1):6-7.
    Note by TCL: The Rajakumar Movement is the Wonca Asia Pacific Region Working Party for Young and Future Family Doctors. It was named in honour of Dr M K Rajakumar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement
  13. Zainal Ariffin SH, Yamamoto Z, Zainol Abidin IZ, Megat Abdul Wahab R, Zainal Ariffin Z
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2011;11:1788-803.
    PMID: 22125437 DOI: 10.1100/2011/761768
    Tooth movement induced by orthodontic treatment can cause sequential reactions involving the periodontal tissue and alveolar bone, resulting in the release of numerous substances from the dental tissues and surrounding structures. To better understand the biological processes involved in orthodontic treatment, improve treatment, and reduce adverse side effects, several of these substances have been proposed as biomarkers. Potential biological markers can be collected from different tissue samples, and suitable sampling is important to accurately reflect biological processes. This paper covers the tissue changes that are involved during orthodontic tooth movement such as at compression region (involving osteoblasts), tension region (involving osteoclasts), dental root, and pulp tissues. Besides, the involvement of stem cells and their development towards osteoblasts and osteoclasts during orthodontic treatment have also been explained. Several possible biomarkers representing these biological changes during specific phenomenon, that is, bone remodelling (formation and resorption), inflammation, and root resorption have also been proposed. The knowledge of these biomarkers could be used in accelerating orthodontic treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Movement*
  14. Li H, Khoo S, Yap HJ
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Nov 02;20(21).
    PMID: 33147851 DOI: 10.3390/s20216258
    This study aimed to evaluate the motion accuracy of novice and senior students in Baduanjin (a traditional Chinese sport) using an inertial sensor measurement system (IMU). Study participants were nine novice students, 11 senior students, and a teacher. The motion data of all participants were measured three times with the IMU. Using the motions of the teacher as the standard motions, we used dynamic time warping to calculate the distances between the motion data of the students and the teacher to evaluate the motion accuracy of the students. The distances between the motion data of the novice students and the teacher were higher than that between senior students and the teacher (p < 0.05 or p < 0.01). These initial results showed that the IMU and the corresponding mathematical methods could effectively distinguish the differences in motion accuracy between novice and senior students of Baduanjin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement*
  15. Lee JJJ, Loh WP
    Comput Biol Med, 2019 05;108:213-222.
    PMID: 31005013 DOI: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2019.04.003
    Good badminton lunge skills have been quantitatively described using biomechanical attributes at both static and dynamic phases. The measurement of badminton lunge attributes has often been complicated by various experimental protocols used. No review article has considered or critically reviewed the attributes that align with badminton lunge performance. This paper, hence, presents a review of badminton lunge postures governed by various determinant attributes. This review was performed by involving a number of relevant search engines. A total of 21 articles that fulfilled the predefined inclusion criteria were analysed. The lunge determinant attributes, such as time, lunge distance, plantar, ground reaction force, joint, dynamic balance and muscle attributes, had been examined. Contradictory findings in the dynamic balance attributes, specifically the relative displacement between the centre of mass and the centre of pressure, are presented in this paper. The findings showed that time, lunge distance and ground reaction force determined lunge performance. On the other hand, plantar, joint, dynamic balance and muscle attributes appeared useful in minimising injuries to ensure efficient lunge performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement*
  16. Asif MK, Ibrahim N, Sivarajan S, Heng Khiang Teh N, Chek Wey M
    Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2020 Oct;158(4):579-586.e1.
    PMID: 32826123 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2019.09.022
    INTRODUCTION: The study aimed to investigate the effects of micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) on the mandibular bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) ratio changes and the rate of orthodontic tooth movement using cone-beam computed tomography images. Another objective was to evaluate the effects of MOP frequency intervals (4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks) on the BV/TV ratio and rate of tooth movement.

    METHODS: In 24 participants, 140-200 g of force was applied for mandibular canine retraction. Three MOPs were made according to the scheduled intervals of the 3 different groups: group 1 (MOP 4 weeks), group 2 (MOP 8 weeks), and group 3 (MOP 12 weeks) directly at the mandibular buccal cortical bone of extracted first premolars sites. Cone-beam computed tomography scans were obtained at the 12th week after MOP application. Computed tomography Analyzer software (version; Skyscan, Kontich, Belgium) was used to compute the trabecular alveolar BV/TV ratio.

    RESULTS: A significant difference was observed in the rate of canine movement between control and MOP. Paired t test analysis showed a significant difference (P = 0.001) in the mean BV/TV ratio between control and MOP sides in all the frequency intervals groups. However, the difference was significant only in group 1 (P = 0.014). A strong negative correlation (r = -0.86) was observed between the rate of canine tooth movement and the BV/TV ratio at the MOP side for group 1 and all frequency intervals together (r = -0.42).

    CONCLUSIONS: The rate of orthodontic tooth movement can be accelerated by the MOP technique with frequently repeated MOPs throughout the treatment.

    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Movement*
  17. Kalckert A, Ehrsson HH
    Front Psychol, 2017;8:344.
    PMID: 28344566 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00344
    The rubber hand illusion (RHI) is a perceptual illusion whereby a model hand is perceived as part of one's own body. This illusion has been extensively studied, but little is known about the temporal evolution of this perceptual phenomenon, i.e., how long it takes until participants start to experience ownership over the model hand. In the present study, we investigated a version of the rubber hand experiment based on finger movements and measured the average onset time in active and passive movement conditions. This comparison enabled us to further explore the possible role of intentions and motor control processes that are only present in the active movement condition. The results from a large group of healthy participants (n = 117) showed that the illusion of ownership took approximately 23 s to emerge (active: 22.8; passive: 23.2). The 90th percentile occurs in both conditions within approximately 50 s (active: 50; passive: 50.6); therefore, most participants experience the illusion within the first minute. We found indirect evidence of a facilitatory effect of active movements compared to passive movements, and we discuss these results in the context of our current understanding of the processes underlying the moving RHI.
    Matched MeSH terms: Movement; Movement Disorders
  18. Sivarajan S, Ringgingon LP, Fayed MMS, Wey MC
    Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop, 2020 Mar;157(3):290-304.
    PMID: 32115107 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2019.10.009
    INTRODUCTION: Minimally invasive micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) look promising for a routine acceleration of orthodontic tooth movement (OTM). The objective of this research was to systematically evaluate evidence regarding the effects of MOPs on the OTM rate, treatment duration, and associated complications.

    METHODS: Electronic database and hand search of English literature in PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Embase, Web of Science, and clinical trial.gov, with author clarification were performed. The selection criteria were randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing MOPs with conventional treatment involving both extraction and nonextraction. Cochrane's risk of bias tool and Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach were used for quality assessment. Studies were analyzed with chi-square-based Q statistic methods, I2 index, fixed-effects, and random-effects model. Quantitative analysis was done on homogenous studies using Review Manager.

    RESULTS: Eight RCTs were included for the qualitative analysis. Meta-analysis of 2 homogenous studies indicated insignificant effect with MOPs (0.01 mm less OTM; 95% CI, 0.13-0.11; P = 0.83). No difference (P >0.05) was found in anchorage loss, root resorption, gingival recession, and pain.

    CONCLUSIONS: Meta-analysis of 2 low-risk of bias studies showed no effect with single application MOPs over a short observation period; however, the overall evidence was low. The quality of evidence for MOP side effects ranged from high to low. Future studies are suggested to investigate repeated MOPs effect over the entire treatment duration for different models of OTM and its related biological changes.


    Matched MeSH terms: Tooth Movement*
  19. Farook TH, Rashid F, Alam MK, Dudley J
    Clin Oral Investig, 2023 Feb;27(2):489-504.
    PMID: 36577849 DOI: 10.1007/s00784-022-04835-w
    BACKGROUND: To explore the digitisation of jaw movement trajectories through devices and discuss the physiological factors and device-dependent variables with their subsequent effects on the jaw movement analyses.

    METHODS: Based on predefined eligibility criteria, the search was conducted following PRISMA-P 2015 guidelines on MEDLINE, EBSCO Host, Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science databases in 2022 by 2 reviewers. Articles then underwent Cochrane GRADE approach and JBI critical appraisal for certainty of evidence and bias evaluation.

    RESULTS: Thirty articles were included following eligibility screening. Both in vitro experiments (20%) and in vivo (80%) devices ranging from electronic axiography, electromyography, optoelectronic and ultrasonic, oral or extra-oral tracking, photogrammetry, sirognathography, digital pressure sensors, electrognathography, and computerised medical-image tracing were documented. 53.53% of the studies were rated below "moderate" certainty of evidence. Critical appraisal showed 80% case-control investigations failed to address confounding variables while 90% of the included non-randomised experimental studies failed to establish control reference.

    CONCLUSION: Mandibular and condylar growth, kinematic dysfunction of the neuromuscular system, shortened dental arches, previous orthodontic treatment, variations in habitual head posture, temporomandibular joint disorders, fricative phonetics, and to a limited extent parafunctional habits and unbalanced occlusal contact were identified confounding variables that shaped jaw movement trajectories but were not highly dependent on age, gender, or diet. Realistic variations in device accuracy were found between 50 and 330 µm across the digital systems with very low interrater reliability for motion tracing from photographs. Forensic and in vitro simulation devices could not accurately recreate variations in jaw motion and muscle contractions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Movement*
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