Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 318 in total

  1. Ding J, Yu L
    J Environ Public Health, 2022;2022:5907900.
    PMID: 35655950 DOI: 10.1155/2022/5907900
    The development trend of tourism performance networking, although convenient for audience consumption, also makes the performance information present the development trend of big data. In the mass of information, how to accurately locate products and improve audience satisfaction is an urgent problem to be solved. In order to better explore the evaluation of tourism performance by the customer satisfaction evaluation model, analyze the development prospect of tourism in Jiangxi Province in the future, improve the customer satisfaction evaluation model with rough set, and propose a composite customer satisfaction evaluation model. By setting the adjustment value of the evaluation index, the model not only avoids the "false eigenvalue" of the satisfaction evaluation result but also simplifies the calculation process of the model and improves the accuracy, calculation efficiency, and single data processing capacity of the satisfaction evaluation. According to the MATLAB simulation results, the composite customer satisfaction evaluation model constructed in this study is better, the calculation accuracy is >97%, and the calculation time is 40 seconds, which are better than the original customer satisfaction evaluation model. Therefore, the composite customer satisfaction evaluation model can be applied to the evaluation of tourism performance products to provide data support for the evaluation price of audience satisfaction in Jiangxi Province.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  2. Rafiq M, Farrukh M, Attiq S, Shahzad F, Khan I
    Work, 2023;75(3):877-886.
    PMID: 36683474 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-211363
    BACKGROUND: The demand for innovation and satisfaction is increasing rapidly due to technological advancement and the fast-changing business environment.

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this article is to investigate how job crafting augments work outputs (i.e., innovation performance and career satisfaction) through work engagement.

    METHODS: Data were collected from 477 workers working in the Pakistan manufacturing sector. A structural equation modeling technique was used to investigate the mediation model.

    RESULTS: Job crafting has a direct and indirect association with innovation performance and career satisfaction - via employees' work engagement. Additionally, the mediating impact was stronger for innovation performance than for career satisfaction. The findings advocate that managers should pay attention to employees' job crafting to improve employees' work engagement in manufacturing organizations. To improve employees' innovation performance and career satisfaction via work engagement, it is important to improve organization-wide job crafting in traditional manufacturing organizations. Strategic and managerial actions related to job crafting might boost employees' engagement in the organization that environments provide incessantly better outcomes.

    CONCLUSION: By linking job crafting and work engagement to their attitude towards career satisfaction and innovation performance in Pakistani manufacturing firms, this study adds a new dimension to the study of Pakistani manufacturing employees and typically to the best practices in career debates. This knowledge is important and unique because it accentuates that in addition to work engagement, which focuses primarily on employee growth in the organization, job crafting should also be given equal importance to advance manufacturing employees' outcomes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  3. Cheng A, Leung Y, Brodaty H
    Aging Ment Health, 2022 Apr;26(4):651-666.
    PMID: 33645362 DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2021.1891197
    OBJECTIVE: Results from studies investigating life satisfaction, positive affect and happiness of near-centenarians (95+) and centenarians are inconsistent. This is the first systematic review to summarise the extant literature on the subjective well-being of this unique age group.

    METHOD: Seven electronic databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Web of Science and the Cochrane database for systematic reviews) were systematically searched. Subjective well-being was defined as life satisfaction, positive affect and happiness. A narrative synthesis of relevant articles was undertaken.

    RESULTS: Of 28 studies eligible for inclusion in this review, 20 predominantly examined life satisfaction, 11 positive affect and 4 happiness. Sex and other demographic variables were not significant predictors of subjective well-being. In contrast, greater perceived health was significantly associated with higher levels of life satisfaction and positive affect. Fatigue and visual impairment were significantly correlated with lower levels of life satisfaction and positive affect. However, there was considerable heterogeneity in the findings on physical, cognitive and social associations, mediators and moderators.

    CONCLUSION: The large discrepancy of results in the literature may be explained by methodological differences between studies. Centenarian research needs a clearer definition of life satisfaction, positive affect and happiness as their operationalisation is inconsistent. An international consortium of centenarian studies could facilitate cross-cultural comparisons on subjective well-being. Future research should be directed towards interventions that promote subjective well-being in the oldest-old.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  4. Peng C, Wu C, Gao L, Zhang J, Alvin Yau KL, Ji Y
    Sensors (Basel), 2020 Sep 07;20(18).
    PMID: 32906707 DOI: 10.3390/s20185079
    The vehicular Internet of Things (IoT) comprises enabling technologies for a large number of important applications including collaborative autonomous driving and advanced transportation systems. Due to the mobility of vehicles, strict application requirements, and limited communication resources, the conventional centralized control fails to provide sufficient quality of service for connected vehicles, so a decentralized approach is required in the vicinity to satisfy the requirements of delay-sensitive and mission-critical applications. A decentralized system is also more resistant to the single point of failure problem and malicious attacks. Blockchain technology has been attracting great interest due to its capability of achieving a decentralized, transparent, and tamper-resistant system. There are many studies focusing on the use of blockchain in managing data and transactions in vehicular environments. However, the application of blockchain in vehicular environments also faces some technical challenges. In this paper, we first explain the fundamentals of blockchain and vehicular IoT. Then, we conduct a literature review on the existing research efforts of the blockchain for vehicular IoT by discussing the research problems and technical issues. After that, we point out some future research issues considering the characteristics of both blockchain and vehicular IoT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  5. Hambali, A., Sapuan, S.M., Ismail, N., Nukman, Y., Abdul Karim, M.S.
    Nowadays, Concurrent Engineering (CE) is becoming more important as companies compete in the worldwide market. Reduced time in product development process, higher product quality, lower cost in manufacturing process and fulfilment of customers’ requirements are the key factors to determine the success of a company. To produce excellent products, the concept of Concurrent Engineering must be implemented. Concurrent Engineering is a systematic approach which can be achieved when all design activities are integrated and executed in a parallel manner. The CE approach has radically changed the method used in product development process in many companies. Thus, this paper reviews the basic principles and tools of Concurrent Engineering and discusses how to employ them. Similarly, to ensure a product development process in the CE environment to run smoothly and efficiently, some modifications of the existing product development processes are proposed; these should start from market investigation to detail design.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  6. Muzirah Musa, Kamarulzaman Ibrahim
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1367-1376.
    Long-memory is often observed in time series data. The existence of long-memory in a data set implies that the successive data points are strongly correlated i.e. they remain persistent for quite some time. A commonly used approach in modellingthe time series data such as the Box and Jenkins models are no longer appropriate since the assumption of stationary is not satisfied. Thus, the scaling analysis is particularly suitable to be used for identifying the existence of long-memory as well as the extent of persistent data. In this study, an analysis was carried out on the observed daily mean per hour of ozone concentration that were available at six monitoring stations located in the urban areas of Peninsular Malaysia from 1998 to 2006. In order to investigate the existence of long-memory, a preliminary analysis was done based on plots of autocorrelation function (ACF) of the observed data. Scaling analysis involving five methods which included rescaled range, rescaled variance, dispersional, linear and bridge detrending techniques of scaled windowed variance were applied to estimate the hurst coefficient (H) at each station. The results revealed that the ACF plots indicated a slow decay as the number lag increased. Based on the scaling analysis, the estimated H values lay within 0.7 and 0.9, indicating the existence of long-memory in the ozone time series data. In addition, it was also found that the data were persistent for the period of up to 150 days.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  7. Sarwar A
    Iran J Public Health, 2013 Aug;42(8):795-805.
    PMID: 26056632
    Tourism, combined with the phrase medical, seems to be a new form of tourism which has gained huge popularity in recent decades. Though, a number of literatures available with regard to the tourism industry and the competitiveness of the destination, however, the major aspects which determine the satisfaction of medical tourists are hardly focused specifically on Malaysia. There is a lack of empirical evidence in this area of study which needs to be bridged. Hence, this study aimed at investigating the various factors contributing towards the development of medical tourism in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  8. Al-Rahmi AM, Shamsuddin A, Wahab E, Al-Rahmi WM, Alyoussef IY, Crawford J
    Front Public Health, 2022;10:1003007.
    PMID: 36203665 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1003007
    Social media utilization at the student-level has become more prevalent contemporary higher education. Hence, this study is aimed at developing a specific model, along with the behavioral intention to use, to explore educational quality, actual social media use, and task-technology fit that affects student satisfaction and performance impact through examining the synergies of constructivism, user acceptance and usage of information technology, and technology acceptance. To test, a survey was administered to 430 students across five Malaysian universities. Through structural equation modeling, findings indicate that to improve student satisfaction and student performance through embedded social media, students need to have opportunities to collaborate on learning, have easy access to social media, perceive such use to be easy, and have aligned expectation on performance and effort. Interestingly, the actual social media use, was the only variable in the model that did not predict student satisfaction, despite its role in predicting student performance. The study highlights that constructivist learning, as well as task-technology fit over social media, enhances the students' learning experience and enables knowledge sharing and dissemination. The effect of using social media on student satisfaction and academic performance highlights that all students think that it is adequate for their instructors to improve their usage of social media tools. Therefore, we advocate learners and students employing social media for academic purposes with the help of lecturers at higher teaching organizations and institutions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  9. Seow CW, Hussain T
    Acta Psychol (Amst), 2024 Aug;248:104412.
    PMID: 39053053 DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2024.104412
    This research project expands on previous studies to analyze the institutional image from the perspective of higher education students in Singapore. The work builds on extensive prior research and examines the impact of the recent pandemic and lockdowns in Asia, which have increased Singapore's popularity as a study destination for Asian students, particularly from China. Known as the Garden City and one of Asia's wealthiest cities, Singapore has grown significantly due to foreign direct investment and its strategic location near Malaysia and Indonesia. This study aims to identify institutional and city image dimensions in higher education, focusing on three of Singapore's six publicly funded universities. The critical factors examined include Institutional Image, Economic Image, Social Image, Environmental Image, Perceived Educational Quality, and Satisfaction and Loyalty. These factors are crucial for Singapore's goal to become an innovation and talent powerhouse by 2030, aligning with national scientific and technological advancement plans. The research also explores how Singapore competes with traditional study destinations like the USA, Britain, and Australia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  10. Foong HF, Haron SA, Koris R, Hamid TA, Ibrahim R
    Psychogeriatrics, 2021 Jul;21(4):586-595.
    PMID: 33969594 DOI: 10.1111/psyg.12709
    BACKGROUND: Low financial well-being is a common predicament among older adults living in poverty. The existing literature suggests a correlation between financial well-being and mental health in old age. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the relationships among financial well-being, life satisfaction, and cognitive function among low-income older adults and to examine the moderating effect of sex on these relationships.

    METHODS: This study involved 2004 nationally representative community-dwelling older Malaysians from the bottom 40% household income group. Financial well-being was assessed by the four-item financial satisfaction scale, while life satisfaction was measured by the Satisfaction with Life Scale. Cognitive function was measured by using the Malay version of the Mini-Mental State Examination. Hierarchical multiple regression was used as the prime method for statistical analysis.

    RESULTS: Financial well-being was positively associated with life satisfaction and cognitive function. Sex moderated the relationship between financial well-being and life satisfaction but not between financial well-being and cognitive function.

    CONCLUSIONS: Financial well-being and life satisfaction were strongly correlated among older women, although no gender difference was found for the relationship between financial well-being and cognitive function. It appears financial well-being strongly predicts mental health. As such, poverty eradication initiatives targeting low-income older adults should be implemented to sustain life satisfaction and cognitive function.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  11. Swami V, Tran US, Barron D, Afhami R, Aimé A, Almenara CA, et al.
    Body Image, 2020 Mar;32:199-217.
    PMID: 32032822 DOI: 10.1016/j.bodyim.2020.01.006
    The Breast Size Satisfaction Survey (BSSS) was established to assess women's breast size dissatisfaction and breasted experiences from a cross-national perspective. A total of 18,541 women were recruited from 61 research sites across 40 nations and completed measures of current-ideal breast size discrepancy, as well as measures of theorised antecedents (personality, Western and local media exposure, and proxies of socioeconomic status) and outcomes (weight and appearance dissatisfaction, breast awareness, and psychological well-being). In the total dataset, 47.5 % of women wanted larger breasts than they currently had, 23.2 % wanted smaller breasts, and 29.3 % were satisfied with their current breast size. There were significant cross-national differences in mean ideal breast size and absolute breast size dissatisfaction, but effect sizes were small (η2 = .02-.03). The results of multilevel modelling showed that greater Neuroticism, lower Conscientiousness, lower Western media exposure, greater local media exposure, lower financial security, and younger age were associated with greater breast size dissatisfaction across nations. In addition, greater absolute breast size dissatisfaction was associated with greater weight and appearance dissatisfaction, poorer breast awareness, and poorer psychological well-being across nations. These results indicate that breast size dissatisfaction is a global public health concern linked to women's psychological and physical well-being.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  12. Alhajj MN, Omar R, Khader Y, Celebić A, El Tantawi M, Folayan MO, et al.
    Int Dent J, 2020 Oct;70(5):328-339.
    PMID: 32501563 DOI: 10.1111/idj.12579
    OBJECTIVES: The extent to which dentists are happy with their profession and their life has not been well studied. The present study aimed to explore the level of happiness, satisfaction with life and psychological well-being among a sample of dental professionals from 21 countries.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The sample comprised 2,200 dentists from 21 countries. Three scales - Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS), Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), and Affect Balance Scale (ABS) - were used to measure the subjective responses. Data related to demographic and social characteristics were recorded. Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used as appropriate. Scales were correlated, and multiple linear regression analyses were employed to identify the independent determinants of SHS, SWLS and ABS. Data were analysed using the SPSS software program; a value of P <0.05 was considered significant.

    RESULTS: The overall mean scores of SHS, SWLS and ABS were 18.53 ± 5.06, 23.06 ± 6.25 and 1.26 ± 2.40, respectively, with significant differences found across countries: dentists working in Croatia, Peru and Serbia recorded the highest scores, unlike dentists practicing in Yemen, Syria, and Iraq, who recorded the lowest scores. There were significant, moderately positive correlations between the various scales: SHS and SWLS: r = 0.535, P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  13. Frayon S, Swami V, Wattelez G, Todd J, Galy O
    Pediatr Obes, 2021 12;16(12):e12824.
    PMID: 34184838 DOI: 10.1111/ijpo.12824
    BACKGROUND: Self-esteem has consistently been observed to be relatively low in adolescents with obesity. In the Pacific region, the prevalence of obesity in adolescence is high, but few studies have considered issues of self-esteem in this population.

    OBJECTIVE: To examine associations between weight status, body dissatisfaction and self-esteem in a sample of New Caledonian adolescents and to test for moderation effects of ethnicity on predictors of self-esteem.

    METHODS: Objective anthropometric measures (height, weight, waist circumference and thickness of skinfolds) were obtained in a multi-ethnic sample of New Caledonian adolescents. Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-height ratio and the sum of four skinfolds thickness were used as proxies of weight status. Indices of ethnic identity, self-esteem, socio-demographic data (socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, urbanicity of residence) and body dissatisfaction were obtained using survey methods.

    RESULTS: Between-group analyses indicated that adolescents of European/white origin had significantly higher self-esteem than adolescents with Oceanian Non-European Non-Asian ancestry (ONENA). However, low self-esteem was significantly associated with weight status and body dissatisfactions in European/white adolescents but not ONENA adolescents. Ethnicity moderated the relationships of predictors (BMI z-score, body dissatisfaction, age, urbanicity and ethnic identity) on self-esteem, and the strongest predictors of self-esteem were ethnicity and ethnic identity.

    CONCLUSIONS: While self-esteem has important consequences for adolescent well-being and health outcomes, these results highlight the importance of applying different steps to develop and maintain healthy self-esteem in the Pacific region.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  14. Abu Dalal HJ, Ramoo V, Chong MC, Danaee M, Aljeesh YI
    J Nurs Manag, 2022 Jan;30(1):214-225.
    PMID: 34590378 DOI: 10.1111/jonm.13476
    AIM: To assess the impact of organisational communication satisfaction (OCS) on the work engagement of health care professionals (HCPs).

    BACKGROUND: Organisational communication can influence employees' work engagement, which is an essential component of an organisation's effectiveness. However, these concepts have not been broadly investigated in health care organisations.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was administered to 235 HCPs in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The SPSS statistical software (version 25) and partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) were used to analyse the collected data.

    RESULTS: The HCPs reported a moderate level of OCS (M = 4.96, SD = 0.94) and work engagement (M = 5.56, SD = 0.96). The impact of OCS on work engagement was found to be positive and statistically significant (β = .524, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  15. Lee BO, Yao CT, Ramoo V
    J Appl Gerontol, 2023 May;42(5):842-851.
    PMID: 36437798 DOI: 10.1177/07334648221141408
    This study examined the effects of life review therapy on the life satisfaction levels of older adults in day care centers in Taiwan. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. A total of 88 adults aged 65 and older were recruited from day care centers through convenience sampling and assigned to two groups based on their level of life satisfaction on Life Satisfaction Index A. The intervention groups participated in a life review therapy for eight weeks in addition to their daily activities. Data were collected at the baseline point and immediately after post-intervention. Generalized estimating equations were used to examine the effect of the intervention on the outcomes. At week eight, the intervention group showed a significantly higher level of life satisfaction than the comparison group. These findings suggest that life review programs may improve general life satisfaction among older adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  16. Bai X, Soh KG, Omar Dev RD, Talib O, Xiao W, Cai H
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:829367.
    PMID: 35174137 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.829367
    BACKGROUND: Although the elderly frequently engages in brisk walking as a form of exercise, little has been reported in the literature about the effect of brisk walking on health-related physical fitness, balance, and overall life satisfaction.

    OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this systematic review is to determine the effect of brisk walking on the elderly's health-related physical fitness, balance, and life satisfaction.

    DESIGN: We conducted a comprehensive search from the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and SPORTDiscus databases from January to September 2021. We selected studies through PICOS and conducted a systematic literature review according to the PRISMA guidelines.

    RESULTS: Thirteen studies met all criteria; 11 were classed as low risk of bias, while two were classified as high risk of bias. Generally, brisk walking has been shown to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and body composition. Limited evidence was presented on flexibility, muscular endurance and development and life satisfaction, and there was conflicting evidence on balance. Moreover, evidence of restriction proves that high-intensity (80-85%) brisk walking is more effective than moderate-intensity (60-75%) brisk walking on the aerobic capacity of the elderly. Furthermore, there was less research conducted on males.

    CONCLUSION: Brisk walking has been shown to improve cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and body composition. Other outcomes (balance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and life satisfaction) and the impact of the intensity of brisk walking on the elderly should be confirmed. Therefore, there remains insufficient research on brisk walking, while single brisk walking cannot meet requirements of elderly in terms of their health-related physical fitness, balance, and life satisfaction. Future research should aim to examine the effectiveness of combining several types of exercises to promote general health in the elderly, as the World Health Organization recommends. Unintelligible FITT (frequency, intensity, time, type) principles of brisk walking training should be trenched for the results of scientific and effective physical exercise.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  17. Murthy V, Sethuraman KR, Rajaram S, Choudhury S
    J Indian Prosthodont Soc, 2021 4 10;21(1):88-98.
    PMID: 33835073 DOI: 10.4103/jips.jips_373_20
    Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of dentist's communication skills and patient's psychological factors in predicting denture satisfaction and quality of life.

    Settings and Design: Cohort study.

    Materials and Methods: Patient-related variables were obtained using questionnaires in both pre- and post-intervention phases. In addition to this, in preintervention phase, lacunae in doctor-patient communication were obtained. Based on this, the postgraduates were trained in relevant communication skills required during complete denture treatment. In postintervention phase, the postgraduates were again followed up for continuation or decay of skills.

    Statistical Analysis: Mixed-mode approach - quantitative and qualitative analysis.

    Results: Both groups were similar in psychological parameters, personality domains, denture quality and quality of life at baseline. However, there was significant difference in denture satisfaction (P < 0.001) in both the groups. In the experimental group, denture satisfaction was more (80.4%) and quality of life had improved from baseline to 3 months (P = 0.000). Denture satisfaction was associated with self-efficacy (P = 0.002) and the communication skills of the dentist (P = 0.000). Quality of life was associated with the conscientiousness domain of personality (P = 0.049) and the communication skills of the dentist (P < 0.05).

    Conclusion: Satisfaction and quality of life with dentures were associated with self-efficacy, conscientiousness domain and the communication skills of the dentist. Denture satisfaction can be predicted by dentist communication skills. Therefore, training in communication skills for complete denture patient management and assessment of the psychological profile of the patient could contribute to the effective patient-centered practice to avoid patient dissatisfaction.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  18. Wang Y, Li H, Teo BS, Jaharadak AA
    Occup Ther Int, 2022;2022:8199824.
    PMID: 36032183 DOI: 10.1155/2022/8199824
    This paper presents an in-depth study and analysis of the correlation between satisfaction with rural residents' income and mental health well-being in the context of industrial structure upgrading. Most of the studies on residents' subjective well-being from the perspective of relative income or income inequality have started from the happiness of rural residents and the satisfaction of rural residents' life, and few scholars have focused on the psychological health of rural residents. Subjective well-being is significantly related to external and internal goals in desire. Life satisfaction is significantly and positively correlated with external and internal goals, as well as the six dimensions of desire, except for social identity; positive emotions are significantly and positively correlated with internal goals; negative emotions are only negatively correlated with self-acceptance, and there is a significant positive correlation between income level and desire. In vertical income, there is also a process of judging whether the expected income is achieved. If the expected income growth level is achieved, the income satisfaction will increase. Desire mediates the effect of income level on subjective well-being. Income level influences subjective well-being through internal goals; income level influences life satisfaction and positive emotions through external goals. The relationship between income inequality and mental health is influenced by the characteristics of the population, with women and middle-aged people being the most negatively affected. This relationship is also influenced by income level, with the effect of income inequality on mental health showing a negative effect in the lower and middle-income groups but a positive effect in the higher income groups. Income inequality affects residents' mental health through the mediating effects of a sense of social justice, life stress, and trust in government. Inequality in household wealth can exacerbate the negative effects of income inequality on mental health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  19. Goh PH, Loh HY, Chung KR, Ramadas A
    J Health Psychol, 2024 Feb;29(2):137-155.
    PMID: 37493189 DOI: 10.1177/13591053231189413
    Engagement in health-promoting behaviors has been argued to be dependent on psychological factors in addition to simply having knowledge or access to resources. We systematically reviewed the evidence for the association between body (dis)satisfaction and health screening behaviors using six electronic databases and supplementary manual searches in the current study. To be included in the review, studies had to be empirical, in any language, and examined the potential link between body (dis)satisfaction and health screening. Findings from the final 16 quantitative and 12 qualitative studies generally suggest that people who were more satisfied or less dissatisfied with their bodies were more likely to engage in health screening. This review also highlighted key gaps in the literature such as the limited studies that included men as participants and the lack of examination of the underlying mechanisms and contingencies of the relationship between body (dis)satisfaction and health screening behaviors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction*
  20. Aljumah K, Ahmad Hassali A, AlQhatani S
    Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat, 2014;10:1433-8.
    PMID: 25120364 DOI: 10.2147/NDT.S67008
    Adherence to antidepressant treatment is an essential step in the management of patients with major depressive disorder, and several factors can contribute to antidepressant nonadherence. Evidence supports the hypothesis that patient treatment satisfaction will result in improved adherence; therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between patient treatment satisfaction and adherence to antidepressants, and the role of patient beliefs toward medication in patient treatment satisfaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
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