Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 27 in total

  1. Duncan JT
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1923;16:433-436.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons
    Med J Malaya, 1954 Sep;9(1):61-71.
    PMID: 13213454
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons*
  3. LIN RC
    Nature, 1952 Sep 06;170(4323):416.
    PMID: 12993184
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons*
  4. Bisset NG, Baser KH
    J Pharm Pharmacol, 1977 Dec;29 Suppl:17P.
    PMID: 22645
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons/analysis*
  5. Kopp B, Bauer WP, Bernkop-Schnürch A
    J Ethnopharmacol, 1992 Feb;36(1):57-62.
    PMID: 1501494
    An investigation of nine Malaysian dart poisons has confirmed that their main active components are cardenolides from Antiaris toxicaria (Pers.) Lesch. and alkaloids probably from different forms of Strychnos ignatii P. Bergius. It is not possible to determine the ethnic origin of the poisons from the results of the analyses on their own. Two new cardiac glycosides have been isolated and their structures determined as 12 beta-hydroxycannogenin 3 beta-O-beta-D-deoxygulopyranoside and 3 beta-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons/analysis*
  6. Kamaruzaman NA, Leong YH, Jaafar MH, Mohamed Khan HR, Abdul Rani NA, Razali MF, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2020 06 01;10(6):e036048.
    PMID: 32487578 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036048
    OBJECTIVE: Pesticide poisoning is a global health problem, and its progressive deterioration is a major cause of concern. The objective of this study is to assess epidemiological characteristics and identify risk factors of pesticide poisoning in Malaysia.

    SETTING: Pesticide poisoning database of Malaysia National Poison Centre (NPC) from 2006 to 2015.

    PARTICIPANTS: Telephone enquiries regarding pesticide poisoning were made by healthcare professionals. Information received by the NPC was entered into a retrievable database of standardised Poison Case Report Form, as adapted from the World Health Organization (WHO).

    OUTCOMES: The outcome of the study is to provide an overview of national epidemiological profile of pesticide poisoning. High-risk groups of people and their circumstances were also identified to ensure that appropriate measures are strategised.

    RESULTS: Within the study period, a total of 11 087 pesticide poisoning cases were recorded. Sixty per cent of these cases were intentional in nature and most were found among male individuals (57%) of the Indian race (36.4%) aged between 20 and 29 years (25.5%), which occurred at home (90%) through the route of ingestion (94%). The highest number of poisoning was due to herbicides (44%) followed by agricultural insecticides (34%), rodenticides (9.9%), household insecticides (9.5%) and fungicides (0.5%). In addition, 93.6% of intentional pesticide poisoning cases were caused by suicide attempts. The results of this study show that there was an increasing trend in pesticide poisoning incidents over the 10-year duration. This indicates that pesticide poisoning is a prevalent public health problem in Malaysia, resulting in an average incidence rate of 3.8 per 100 000 population.

    CONCLUSIONS: Deliberate pesticide ingestion as a method of suicide has become a disturbing trend among Malaysians. Therefore, regulation of highly hazardous pesticides must be enforced to ensure controlled and limited access to these chemicals by the public.

    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons*
  7. Fleming PR
    J Med Biogr, 1998 Nov;6(4):222-6.
    PMID: 11623507
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons/history*
  8. Bisset NG, Baser KH, Phillipson JD, Bohlin L, Sandberg F
    Lloydia, 1977 Nov-Dec;40(6):546-60.
    PMID: 600024
    Two supposedly Strychnos-based Semai Senoi dart poisons from Western Malaysia, ipoh akar and lampong, and their accompanying plant materials have been re-investigated botanically, chemically, and pharmacologically. The two poisons contained tertiary and quaternary alkaloids, including strychnine and bis-quaternary dimeric bases, and also cardiotonic glycosides. The dominant pharmacological activity of the highly toxic ipoh akar poison was convulsant. The weaker lampong poison had muscle-relaxant activity of the curarizing type. The alkaloids of the two poisons were almost certainly derived from Strychnosignatii Berg. (S. ovalifolia Wall. ex G. Don) and not from S. vanprukii Craib to which the accompanying plant materials probably belong, while the cardiotonic glycosides of the two poisons came from Antiaris toxicaria Lesch. The quaternary alkaloids of both S. ignatii and S. vanprukii have muscle relaxant activity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons/analysis*
  9. Muhammad Ilyas Ahmad Shuhairi, Hadzliana Zainal, Khoirulzariah Ismail
    This study aimed to review the availability of sugar-free medicine available in the market using the online Monthly Index of Medical Specialties (MIMS) Malaysia 2016. Data collection was obtained from product information (PI) for prescription medications contained in the MIMS Malaysia 2016. Concise information for each product was collected based on therapeutic class groupings. The therapeutic class obtained from PI was assigned to one of the 11 major therapeutic classes. PI that stated its use in paediatrics was further reviewed for the availability of sugar free ingredient. Each product was then allocated into the poison groups: Group B, Group C and Non-Scheduled Poison. A total of 282 PI items from 336 companies in MIMS Malaysia 2016 that satisfied our eligibility criteria were reviewed. Of the 282 PI items reviewed, most of the products, 169 (59.9%) were sugarbased product, while 87 (30.9%) of them belong to sugar free products. Our study found that most of the medicines reviewed in the MIMS Malaysia 2016 were under Group C (134 of total 282). There is still a high number of sugar-containing medicines despite the promotion of sugar-free medication. Therefore, consumers need to be educated on the use of sugar-free medicines in children to increase the demand and availability in the market.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons
  10. Muhamad Rusdi Ahmad Rusmil, Iekhsan Othman, Che Anuar Che Mohamad
    Venom is a mixture of biologically active toxins that affect normal physiological functions. With the advance in technology, the complexity and functions of venom and its toxins are slowly being revealed. It has become important source for therapeutic, diagnostic and cosmetic agents. However, there is concern among the Muslim community pertaining to halal and safety issues on the venom and venom-derived product usage. There are few studies that discuss the Islamic views in the usage of venom and venom-based product in medicine and cosmetic applications. There is a need for Muslim scientists and scholars to seriously identify the potential ethical and safety issues in the usage of venom and venom-derived products in view of the widespread application in medicine and cosmetic, which subsequently forming the basis for relevant and reliable shariah ruling. This is an attempt to review the relevant articles based on the following keywords: venom and Islamic ruling, venom-based product, venom and medicine, venom and cosmetic, antivenom, venom toxin, snake poison and venom diagnostics. It will also attempt to clarify and elaborate the implication of the “halal” status for venom-based product. Finaly the current available shariah rulings on the usage of venom and venom-based product both in medical and cosmetic area and the related principle of fiqh involved will be analyzed. The findings from this review, particularly the current available ruling will allow various parties to be well informed on the current ruling and related issues on the usage of this products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons
  11. Khoo TB, Yusniza MY, Chern PM
    Med J Malaysia, 2007 Mar;62(1):3-5.
    PMID: 17682560 MyJurnal
    A study was carried out to determine the clinical effectiveness of intramuscular botulinum toxin type A (BTX) in the treatment of spasticity or dystonia in 58 consecutive children with cerebral palsy (CP). The effectiveness of the treatment was determined by the reduction of spasticity and global parental perception scale. The mean age of treatment was six years and the most frequent aim of treatment (91.1%) was functional improvement. The median reduction of spasticity as measured by modified Ashworth scale was 1. The short term outcome was graded as excellent or good by 44.6% and satisfactory by 38.4% of parents. Patients with dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy had the best response. Adverse effects were minimal. BTX treatment is modestly effective in the majority of our patients with spastic and dyskinetic cerebral palsy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons/administration & dosage*; Poisons/therapeutic use
    Soft fleshed tomatoes are easily damaged due to mechanical injuries. Later, the wounded tissue will be exposed to fungal infection thus fasten the deterioration rate and reduce the quality of tomato. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential aqueous ginger extract to inhibit fungal pathogen that causes tomato wilt and its potential in delaying the weight loss of tomato fruits. For this purpose, in vitro antifungal assay using poison plate technique was used to observe the inhibition of fungal pathogen. Then, healthy tomato fruits were dipped in aqueous ginger extract before evaluated for the post-harvest quality such as weight loss and firmness. The results of this study show that 10% aqueous ginger extract can inhibit the fungal pathogen (Fusarium oxysporum) that causes tomato wilt with 13.57% inhibition. Through in vivo antifungal assay, tomato fruits dipped in this plant extract showed lower weight loss (14.44%) and higher firmness (1.7 N) as compared to untreated fruit, but the data were not significantly different. Therefore, manipulation of this extract was suggested to increase its antifungal properties or as eco-friendly coating to lengthen the shelf life of agricultural produces.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons
  13. Ab Ghani N
    Accidental poisoning in children is a preventable condition. It is a problem mainly in children aged 1 to 4 years. This is a descriptive study of accidental poisoning in children below 12 years old admitted to Hospital Seremban from October 15, 1994 to October 14, 1995. A major cause of household accidental poisoning was kerosene ingestion (25%) followed by ingestion of medications (22%), liniment methyl salicylate (12 %), mothballs (12%) and hypochlorinate solution (9%). There was a higher incidence of poisoning in males (50.8%), among Indians (41.2%) and in children from lower social classes (67%). A greater proportion of the accident occurred when the child was taken care by the parents (53 %) and in the house (80%). Most of the poison was ingested from its original package (81%). The immediate action taken was sending the child to the hospital (75%) without carrying out other actions such as washing the child’s mouth. The delay of sending the child to hospital was due to husband not at home (57%). Most of the cases (72.1 %) were discharged well within 1-2 days following admission.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons
  14. Tangiisuran B, Jiva M, Ariff AM, Abdul Rani NA, Misnan A, Rashid SM, et al.
    BMJ Open, 2018 12 31;8(12):e024162.
    PMID: 30598487 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024162
    OBJECTIVE: Accidental or intentional poisoning is a public health concern requiring intervention. The current study designs to evaluate the types of poisoning exposure calls received by the Malaysia National Poison Centre (NPC) over a 10-year period.

    SETTINGS AND DATA SOURCES: The poisoning enquiries database (2006-2015) from the Malaysia NPC was used for the analysis.

    PARTICIPANTS: The NPC records all telephone calls that it manages using a validated and standardised form. Demographics and types of the poisoning exposure calls were extracted and descriptive analysis was applied.

    PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOMES: The primary outcome of this study is to evaluate NPC data for trends in the poisoning exposure calls based on the types and modes of poisoning over a 10-year period. The secondary outcome is to evaluate the characteristics of human exposure cases based on the calls received by the NPC.

    RESULTS: There was a notable increase in the number of poisoning exposure calls noticed during the 10-year period but dropped significantly in 2012. The highest number of poisoning exposure calls came from Selangor (21.0%), Perak (18.0%) and Negeri Sembilan (9.8%). More than half of the exposure was intentional (53.8%) involving more women (50.3%) as compared with men (41.9%), and in the 20-29 years age group category (33.5%). Exposure mostly occurred at home (96%) through the ingestion route (94.1%). Pharmaceutical products (40.5%), pesticides (31.7%) and household products (20.1%) were the common agents implicated for intentional exposure.

    CONCLUSIONS: There is an increasing trend in enquiries on poisoning exposure calls made to the NPC. Most of the intentional poisoning exposures occurred among younger women and involved pharmaceuticals, pesticides or household products. Poisoning safety education and other interventions are needed to curb poisoning incidents.

    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons/classification
  15. Fuchs J, Bessire K, Weiler S
    Toxicon, 2019 Mar 20;163:44-47.
    PMID: 30902684 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.03.019
    This case report describes the effect of an envenomation by the Beautiful Pit Viper Trimeresurus venustus (or Cryptelytrops venustus), which is a green pit viper native to Thailand and Malaysia. A previously healthy 60-year-old snake breeder with no relevant medical history was bitten by his adult T. venustus in the third finger of his right hand while taking it out of the feeding box. The bite was painful and swelling progressed to include his whole hand within an hour after the bite. He was treated symptomatically with pre-emptive antibiotics and analgesics, never developed any hematological disorders such as coagulopathy and bleeding or disseminated intravascular coagulation and was discharged 26 hours after the bite. The clinical course in our patient matched two other well-documented cases reported to our Poisons Centre, and one further case presented as a conference-poster. All patients recovered with symptomatic therapy and never required antivenom. Therefore, bites by T. venustus seem to present with less severe symptoms compared to other Trimeresurus species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Poisons
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