Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 41 in total

  1. Siraz MMM, Al Mahmud J, Alam MS, Rashid MB, Hossain Z, Osman H, et al.
    Environ Monit Assess, 2024 Jan 23;196(2):192.
    PMID: 38263472 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-024-12328-4
    Miners, factory workers, traders, end-users, and foodstuff consumers all run the risk of encountering health hazards derived from the presence of elevated levels of radiation in fertilizers, as these groups often come into direct or indirect contact with fertilizers as well as raw materials throughout various linked processes such as mineral extractions, fertilizer production, agricultural practices. A total of 30 samples of various kinds of fertilizer produced in different factories in Dhaka megacity were analyzed to quantify the concentrations of primordial radionuclides using HPGe detector. Among the analyzed samples, average (range) concentration of 40K was found to be 9920 ± 1091 (8700 ± 957-11,500 ± 1265), 9100 ± 1001 (8600 ± 946-9600 ± 1056), 2565 ± 282 (2540 ± 279-2590 ± 285), and 3560 ± 392 (2620 ± 288-4500 ± 495) Bq/kg in the samples of Muriate of Potash Fertilizer, Sulphate of Potash Fertilizer, Humic Acid Fertilizer, and NPKS Fertilizer, respectively. Elevated concentration of 226Ra was found in Triple Super Phosphate Fertilizer with a mean (range) of 335 ± 37 (290 ± 32-380 ± 42) Bq/kg. The higher activity of 40K can be linked to the greater levels of elemental potassium in phosphate fertilizer. Elevated concentrations of radionuclides may also result from variations in chemical processes as well as the local geology of the mining areas where the raw materials were extracted for fertilizer production. Numerous fertilizer brands surpass prescribed limits for various hazardous parameters, presenting significant health risks to factory workers, farmers, and consumers of agricultural products. This study provides baseline information on the radioactivity of fertilizers, which could be used to develop mitigation methods, establish national fertilizer usage limits, justify regulatory frameworks, and raise public awareness of fertilizer overuse. The findings of the study could potentially help to explore the impact of fertilizer on the food chain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity*
  2. Seow SQ, Mohan Viswanathan P, Dodge-Wan D
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Jun;31(30):43292-43308.
    PMID: 38902441 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-33906-6
    Labuan, Miri, Kundasang and Raub regions of Malaysia have very different geological formations and settings that could result in different levels of natural radioactivity. Hence, this study determines the influence of different geological formations on radioactivity in these locations using field measurements, petrology and geochemistry. A total of 141 gamma dose rates and 227 beta flux measurements were collected using Polimaster survey meters (PM1405) in these four regions. The gamma dose rate values range from 0.37 to 0.05 µSv/h with a mean value of 0.11 µSv/h. Beta flux values range from 3.46 to 0.12 CPS with a mean value of 0.57 CPS. Mineralogy and elemental composition of the different rock types were analysed using thin-section petrography, XRD, ICP and pXRF methods. Felsic igneous rocks such as syenite and granite have higher natural radioactivity and contain more radionuclide-bearing minerals such as apatite, zircon, allanite, K-feldspar, titanite, muscovite and biotite. Metamorphic rocks have the second highest natural radioactivity and contain fewer radioactive minerals. The natural radioactivity of sedimentary rocks mostly depends on their clay content. The gamma dose rate maps show that igneous and metamorphic regions around Raub have higher radioactivity compared to the sedimentary-dominated regions around Miri and Labuan. Annual effective dose (AED) and excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) were calculated to evaluate the potential health risk for inhabitants of these regions. Labuan and Miri are considered to be safe zones with respect to natural radioactivity as the results show little to no risk for the public, compared with the Raub region, which is medium to high risk.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity*
  3. Olatunji MA, Khandaker MU, Nwankwo VUJ, Idris AM
    Radiat Environ Biophys, 2022 Nov;61(4):597-608.
    PMID: 36175773 DOI: 10.1007/s00411-022-00993-3
    Proper documentation of baseline radiation data of different environments is an important step toward adequate environmental monitoring, and it provides quick means to quantitatively check and determine possible radionuclide contamination by anthropogenic sources. Besides, such documentation is useful for decision making processes, assessment of dose rates to the public, epidemiological studies, and environmental regulations. This review summarizes the results of studies conducted on radioactivity in Nigerian environments. For most soil samples, the levels of radioactivity are well within the world averages of 33, 45, and 420 Bq kg-1 for 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, respectively. Other soil samples from regions such as Abeokuta in the southwest, and Jos in the northcentral have been described as high background radiation areas with radioactivity values comparable with those obtained from known high background radiation areas such as the Odisha (formerly Orissa) coast in India (with values reported as 350, 2,825, and 180 Bq kg-1 for 238U/226Ra, 232Th, and 40K, respectively). In some parts of Nigeria, surface and underground water sources used for drinking and other purposes also present elevated levels of 226Ra above the world range of 0.01 to 0.1 Bq l-1 and the tolerable levels recommended by the World Health Organization and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Corresponding radiation doses due to measured radioactivities from different environments were estimated and compared with those reported in similar studies around the world. More so, the human and environmental health hazards that might be associated with the reported radioactivity in different environmental settings are discussed. The present report is expected to support authorities in developing appropriate regulations to protect the public from radiation exposure arising from environmental radioactivity. The report also examines other areas of consideration for future studies to ensure adequate radiation monitoring in Nigeria.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity*
  4. Khairuddin Mohamad Kontol, Ismail Sulaiman, Faizal Azrin Abdul Razalim
    Sludge and scales produced during oil and gas production contain enhanced naturally occurring
    radioactive material (NORM). Sludge and scales are under the jurisdiction of Department of
    Environment (DOE) and also Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB). AELB has issued a
    guideline regarding the disposal of sludge and scales as in its guideline (LEM/TEK/30 SEM.2,
    1996). In this guideline, Radiological Impact Assessment (RIA) should be carried out on all
    proposed disposals and has to demonstrate that no member of public will be exposed to more than
    1 mSv/y. This paper presented RIA analysis using RESRAD computer code for the disposal of
    treated sludge. RESRAD (RESidual RADioactive) developed by Argonne National Laboratory is to
    estimate radiation doses and risks from residual radioactive materials. The dose received by the
    member of public is found to be well below the stipulated limit.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  5. Asnor Azrin Sabuti, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Zaharudin Ahmad
    Various environmental samples (seawater, TSS, sediment, rainwater and fly ash) from eight different stations near Kapar coastal area were analyzed. The 210 Po activity concentrations in liquid samples (seawater and rainwater) varied between 0.34 ± 0.03 mBq L-1 to 22.44 ± 0.53 mBq L-1 . Whereas the concentrations in particulate samples (TSS, sediment and fly ash) varied between 43.79 ± 2.31 Bqkg-1 to 364.48 ± 5.43 Bqkg-1 . Results also showed the radioactivity in Kapar coastal is higher than most of Malaysian coast, reaching a factor of seven. This condition is mainly due to the operation of a coal-fired power plant nearby. This study also clarify the variability of 210 Po in environment was strongly influenced from rainfall events especially during wet seasons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  6. Yusof Abdullah, Mohd Reusmaazran Yusof, Azali Muhamad, Zaifol Samsu, Nurhaslinda Ee Abdullah
    Boron carbide (B4C) is a ceramic material which is effective to absorb thermal neutron due to wide neutron absorption cross section. In this work, B4C is added into concrete as fine aggregates to test the attenuation properties by getting the attenuation coefficient of the concrete/B4C. The samples of concrete/B4C were exposing to the thermal neutron radiation source (241-Americium-Berylium) at the dos rate of 29.08 mR/h. The result show that the attenuation coefficient of the sample with 20wt% B4C is 0.299cm -1 and the sample without B4C is 0.238cm -1 and hence, concrete/B4C is suitable as a shield for thermal neutron radiation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  7. Mohd Reusmaazran Yusof, Yusof Abdullah, Rusnah Mustaffa, Abdul Aziz Mohamed, Nurhaslinda Ee Abdullah, Fatin Nabilah Tajul Ariffin
    Cement and concrete has been widely used as shielding material in reactor nuclear in order to minimize exposure to individuals. In this paper we present boron based concrete as neutron shielding for nuclear reactor applications. Concrete specimens with dimension of 10x10x10 cm were used and irradiated with neutron radiation of 252-californium. Characterization of physical, mechanical and radiation attenuation properties of concrete were carried out. The results show that the shielding performance is better than ordinary concrete. From the result, we confirmed that the performance of the concrete/boron carbide is suitable for practical use.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  8. Zalina Rahmat, Ismail Bahari, Muhammad Samudi Yasir, Redzuwan Yahaya, Amran Ab. Majid
    Concentrations of Natural Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) and terrestrial gamma radiation have been shown to be associated with certain lithology and soil types. An attempt was made to statistically predict and validate environmental gamma radiation dose rates based on limited number of actual field measurements using sodium iodide (NaI(Tl)) detector. Statistical analysis including the correlations between the actual and predicted dose were made based on 32 different lithology and soil type combinations. Results of field measurements, have shown that more than 50% of the predicted data were not significantly different from the actual measured data. The interpolation method in GIS was used to produce an isodose map based on the prediction equation. A correlation of multiple regression on the predicted versus lithology and soils dose rates gave relationships of DP = 0.35 DL + 0.82 DS – 0.02, r2 = 0.736. A predicted isodose map was subsequently plotted base on 4 dose rates classes, ranging from 0.1 – 0.3 μSvhr-1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  9. Hassan HJ, Hashim S, Abu Hanifah NZH, Ghoshal SK, Sanusi MSM, Binti Suhailin FH, et al.
    PMID: 34769689 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182111170
    A particular category of jewelry is one involving bracelets and necklaces that are deliberately made to contain naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM)-purveyors making unsubstantiated claims for health benefits from the release of negative ions. Conversely, within the bounds of the linear no-threshold model, long-term use presents a radiological risk to wearers. Evaluation is conducted herein of the radiological risk arising from wearing these products and gamma-ray spectrometry is used to determine the radioactivity levels and annual effective dose of 15 commercially available bracelets (samples B1 to B15) and five necklaces (samples N16 to N20). Various use scenarios are considered; a Geant4 Monte Carlo (Geant4 MC) simulation is also performed to validate the experimental results. The dose conversion coefficient for external radiation and skin equivalent doses were also evaluated. Among the necklaces, sample N16 showed the greatest levels of radioactivity, at 246 ± 35, 1682 ± 118, and 221 ± 40 Bq, for 238U, 232Th, and 40K, respectively. For the bracelets, for 238U and 232Th, sample B15 displayed the greatest level of radioactivity, at 146 ± 21 and 980 ± 71 Bq, respectively. N16 offered the greatest percentage concentrations of U and Th, with means of 0.073 ± 0.0002% and 1.51 ± 0.0015%, respectively, giving rise to an estimated annual effective dose exposure of 1.22 mSv, substantially in excess of the ICRP recommended limit of 1 mSv/year.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity*
  10. Siraz MMM, Kamal MH, Khan ZH, Alam MS, Al Mahmud J, Rashid MB, et al.
    Environ Monit Assess, 2023 Aug 10;195(9):1028.
    PMID: 37558890 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-023-11636-5
    This study marks the first-ever assessment of radiological hazards linked to the sands and rocks of Patuartek Sea Beach, situated along one of the world's longest sea beaches in Cox' Bazar of Bangladesh. Through the utilization of an HPGe detector, a comprehensive analysis of the activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th, and 40 K was conducted, and their activity ranged from 7 to 23 Bq/kg, 9-58 Bq/kg, and 172-340 Bq/kg, respectively, in soils, and 19-24 Bq/kg, 27-39 Bq/kg, and 340-410 Bq/kg, respectively, in rocks. Some sand samples exhibited elevated levels of 232Th, while the rock samples displayed higher levels of 40 K compared to the global average. The radiological hazard parameters were assessed, and no values surpassed the recommended limits set by several international organizations. Hence, the sands and rocks of Patuartek sea beach pose no significant radiological risk to the residents or tourists. The findings of this study provide crucial insights for the development of a radiological baseline map in the country, which is important due to the commissioning of the country's first nuclear power plant Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant. The data may also stimulate interest in the rare-earth minerals present in the area, which is important for the electronics industry, thorium-based nuclear fuel cycles.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity*
  11. Siraz MMM, A M J, Alam MS, Rashid MB, Hossain Z, Khandaker MU, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(10):e0289113.
    PMID: 37856554 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0289113
    This work presents the first in-depth study of soil radioactivity in the mangrove forest of Bangladesh part of the Sundarbans. It used HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry to measure the amount of natural radioactivity in soil samples from Karamjal and Harbaria sites of the world's largest mangrove forest. The activity concentrations of most of the 226Ra (14±2 Bqkg-1 to 35±4 Bqkg-1) and 232Th (30±5 Bqkg-1 to 50±9 Bqkg-1) lie within the world average values, but the 40K concentration (370± 44 Bqkg-1 to 660±72 Bqkg-1) was found to have exceeded the world average value. The evaluation of radiological hazard parameters revealed that the outdoor absorbed dose rate (maximum 73.25 nGyh-1) and outdoor annual effective dose (maximum 0.09 mSvy-1) for most samples exceeded the corresponding world average values. The elevated concentration of 40K is mainly due to the salinity intrusion, usage of fertilizers and agricultural runoff, and migration of waste effluents along the riverbanks. Being the pioneering comprehensive research on the Bangladesh side of the Sundarbans, this study forms a baseline radioactivity for the Sundarbans before the commissioning of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant in Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity*
  12. Amin YM, Khandaker MU, Shyen AK, Mahat RH, Nor RM, Bradley DA
    Appl Radiat Isot, 2013 Oct;80:109-16.
    PMID: 23891979 DOI: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2013.06.014
    Current study concerns measurement of radioactivity levels in areas surrounding a 2420 MW thermal power plant fueled predominantly by bituminous coal. The concentrations of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K in onsite bottom-ash were found to be 139 Bq/kg, 108 Bq/kg and 291 Bq/kg, respectively, the levels for these radiolnuclides in soil decreasing with distance from the power plant. At the plant perimeter the respective radionuclide concentrations were 87 Bq/kg, 74 Bq/kg and 297 Bq/kg. In a nearby town, the corresponding concentrations were 104 Bq/kg, 52 Bq/kg and 358 Bq/kg, suggestive of use of TENORM affected soils. The mean radium equivalent activities (Raeq) in soil and ash sample in the town were 205 Bq/kg and 316 Bq/kg, respectively. The Kapar plant ash/slag appears to contain a higher level of TENORM than the world average. The degree of contamination is much higher inside the town where slag has been mixed with topsoil as landfill or as simple domestic waste. For the prevailing levels of exposure and a worst case senario, the predicted committed effective dose due to ingestion and inhalation for intake durations of 1- and 30 years would be 4.2 μSv and 220 μSv, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  13. Joel ES, Maxwell O, Adewoyin OO, Olawole OC, Arijaje TE, Embong Z, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2019 03 12;9(1):4219.
    PMID: 30862825 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-40884-0
    Natural radioactivity in coastaline area soil of Ado-Odo/Ota has been carried out to ascertain the presence of radionuclides using gamma-ray spectroscopy (HPGe detector). The result showed that U-238, Th-232 and K-40 ranged from 24 ± 7-49 ± 10; 67 ± 6-120 ± 9 and 88 ± 17-139 ± 20 Bqkg-1 respectively. The radium equivalent for the samples ranged from 132.51 to 230.91 Bqkg-1 with mean value of 185.89 Bqkg-1. The mean value for the gamma dose rate for the soil samples was estimated to be 81.32 nGyh-1. The estimated values of annual effective dose equivalent ranged from 0.61 to 1.07 mSv y-1. The estimation of alpha index representative (Iα) ranged from 0.12 to 0.24 with mean value of 0.21 while the gamma representative index ranged between 0.465 and 0.810. The activity utilization index of the soil samples ranged from 1.09 to 1.89 with mean value of 1.53. The radiological implication in the study area has shown that the soil samples with gamma dose rate value of 89.99 nGyh-1, 94.39 nGyh-1, 97.40 nGyh-1 and 101.04 nGyh-1 respectively are higher than the recommended value of 80 nGyh-1 and may pose health implication for long term exposure.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  14. Zal Uyun Wan Mahmood, Yii, Mei-Wo, Che Abd. Rahim Mohamed, Norfaizal Mohamed @ Mohamad, Abdul Kadir Ishak
    The most commonly used techniques of alpha and gamma spectrometry were performed to measure
    210Pb activity in marine sediment core as a comparison. Alpha analytical technique measured the
    activity of 210Pb from it’s in-grow grand-daughter 210Po after a chemical separation, assuming
    radioactive equilibrium between the two radionuclides. Meanwhile, gamma analysis technique
    allows direct measurement, non-destructive and no preliminary chemical separation. Through the
    comparison, it is found that both alpha and gamma analysis techniques were slightly difference.
    Overall, the results from alpha analytical technique were basically higher than those from the
    gamma analytical techniques. Some logical argument had been discussed to explain this situation.
    In routine analysis, the analytical technique used should be chosen carefully based on advantages
    and disadvantages of the each technique and analysis requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to
    determine exactly the needs and purpose of analysis and to know the sample history before decide
    the appropriate analytical technique
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  15. Muhamat Omar, Zalina Laili, Abd Khalik Wood, Julia Abdul Karim, Zarina Masood, Mohd Fazli Zakaria, et al.
    A systematic study to assess the concentration of radionuclides in primary coolant and associated water samples from the operation of a TRIGA Mark II reactor has been carried out. The samples were transferred into appropriate counting container and were counted by efficiency-calibrated gamma spectrometer systems for several hours to obtain statistically adequate data for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the radioactive materials presence. The primary coolant was found to contain various gamma emitting radionuclides including 24Na, 41Ar, 42K, 51Cr, , 54Mn, 56Mn, 60Co, 99mTc, 122Sb, 124Sb and 187W. Most of the detected radionuclides were inferred to be originated from activation products of (n,) nuclear reactions of elements of reactor components such as stainless steel and aluminium alloy used in the reactor system. The study confirms the integrity of the reactor system with no apparent release of any fission products radionuclide into the coolant water system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  16. Esther Phillip, Muhamat Omar, Muhamad Samudi Yasir, Mohd Zaidi Ibrahim, Zalina Laili
    Effect of AP+, Ca", Cu" and Fe" on the removal of radium-226 from radium-contaminated soil using humic acid extracted from a Malaysian peat soil was investigated using batch washing method. The concentration of Al,+ Ca", Cu" and Fe" ranged from 0 to 100 ppm. The radioactivity concentration of radium-226 was determined by gamma spectrometer. The removal of radium-226 was enhanced in the presence of AP' with concentration between 20 - 60 ppm. Meanwhile, higher concentration of 80 - 100 ppm did not lead to further increase in the removal of radium-226. The removal of radium-226 was decreased in the presence of Ca" and Cu". In the presence of Fe" with concentration between 20 - 60 ppm, decrease in the removal of radium-226 was also observed. Nevertheless, at concentration between 80 - 100 ppm, the presence of Fe" led to increase in the removal of radium-226.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  17. Masitah Alias, Zaini Hamzah, Ahmad Saat, Muhamat Omar, Zakaria Tajuddin, W. Mohamad W.A. Kadir, et al.
    The existence of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) such as K-40 was studied all over the world for their characteristics and effects on human and environment. K-40 exist in the earth crust with the concentration about 1.8 mg/kg or 481 Bq/g.. In this study, the level of K-40 in soil samples were measured using gamma spectrometer equipped with hyper pure germanium detector. The samples were collected from an oil palm cultivated area of Jengka 15, in Maran District, Pahang. The results show the level of K-40 activities at various locations. The activities of K-40 are in the range 52.9-150.5 Bq/kg and total potassium concentrations are 1.60-4.50%. There are no correlation between activities of K-40 with elevation i.e. R2= 0.0885.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  18. Yii, Mei Wo, Zaharuddin Ahmad
    The studies of ¹³⁷Cs content in the seawater surrounding Peninsular Malaysia had been carried out as part of the Malaysia Marine Radioactivity Database Project. The results of the measurement will serve as the baseline data and reference level to Malaysia. A numbers of sampling locations, including coastal and offshore at the East Coast (South China Sea) and West Coast (Straits of Malacca) of Peninsular Malaysia had been selected for the study. From each location at the coastal area, water samples were collected from the surface of the seawater. Meanwhile, for the offshore area, water samples have been collected at three different depths. Due to usual low concentration of ¹³⁷Cs in the marine environment, large volumes of seawater were collected and the co precipitation technique was employed to concentrate the ¹³⁷Cs. The activity of ¹³⁷Cs was determined by measuring the peak area under photo peak of the gamma spectrum at 661 keV, which is equivalent to the gamma intensity corrected to the HpGe detection efficiency and percentage of gamma ray abundance of the ¹³⁴Cs. At each study location, there were no significant differences for ¹³⁷Cs activities at 95% confidence interval. The activities of ¹³⁷Cs found to be quite uniformly distributed in the range of 2.33 to 5.00 Bq/m3and 1.76 to 4.76 Bq/m3for the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca, respectively.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  19. Omar, M.
    The interference of 235 U on 226 Ra concentration measured directly using the γ-ray energy of 186 keV and the interference of 228 Ac on the 40 K analysis by gamma-spectrometry system were highlighted and discussed. The interference of 235 U was demonstrated to be very significant, i.e. 45% of the 226 Ra concentration measured directly at 186 keV in natural samples containing uranium series in equilibrium. The interference of 228 Ac on 40 K concentration was particularly significant for samples containing high concentration of 228 Ac ( 228 Ra) such as radioactive minerals. Another important aspect discussed is the assignment of the right emission probability of the 583 keV and 2614 keV of the 208 Tl for the purpose of estimating the concentration of 232 Th or other radionuclides in the thorium series. Extra cautions are required in the interpretation of the measured 208 Tl concentration in samples of various natures. It is suggested that the emission probability used for 208 Tl be reported for comparison and verification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
  20. Khairuddin Mohamad Kontol, Ismail Sulaiman
    A study to determine whether Radiological Impact Assessment (RIA) is needed for landfill disposal of treated sludge (slag) from oil and gas industries has been carried out. Radioactivity level of slag and soil samples have been measured using gamma spectrometry system and its Total Activity Concentration (TAC) has been calculated. It was found that TAC (inclusive background) was within the control limit set by the AELB i.e. 3 Bq/g as stipulated in LEM/TEK 58 (AELB, 2009). Therefore, as a result from this study, RIA is not required and the allocated area can be used for the landfill disposal of treated sludge (slag).
    Matched MeSH terms: Radioactivity
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